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    File: 1329796464.jpg-(54 KB, 457x305, Faith-in-humanity-resorted-once-again.jpg)
    54 KB Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:54:24 No.1498615  
    ITT: Times when your faith in humanity was restored

    >driving through the ghettos
    >car breaks down
    >some huge black guy starts coming towards my car
    >starts banging on the window
    >holy shit he's going to kill me
    >out of nowhere
    >a gang of about 7 black guys start running towards my car
    >think that I'm sure going to die
    >instead they wrestle the big black guy down
    >one of the black guys end up fixing my car

    It turned out that the big black guy was on some sort of drugs.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:14:22 No.1502750
    why is this thread on page 14?
    bump this shit!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:18:50 No.1502789
    ITT: None of us have ever had faith in humanity.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:20:55 No.1502802
    Fucking lol'd at OP's post. That's some hilarious shit right there
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:23:01 No.1502814
    was posted on /b/ some time ago
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:27:11 No.1502838
    This seems really weak in comparison but it's the best I have.

    >Work in a supermarket during high school
    >I tell them I can't be a cashier (being an aspie and all that
    >I end up spending all my time in the storage area, and on my breaks I read in the cold room. Yes I know I'm a loser.
    >One day a really pretty girl says hey anon, I hope you have a good day.

    I know it's weak, but I was thinking about that the entire day.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:28:37 No.1502846
    >watching Dr. Horrible sing along blog
    >his beutiful love dies
    >he joins the evil league of evil
    >hero becomes a big bitch
    >justice, but at what cost?

    I wanted to cry.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:30:32 No.1502859
    >mfw I loved the freezer where milk and shit is kept and kept finding excuses to go in it
    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:40:51 No.1502921

    I have a reverse one, reeaaally fucking ugly.

    >Be around 10
    >Have bro neighbor that really hates cats
    >His cat fucked his face up as an infant so now he was ugly as fuck
    >Outside with him and some other five children
    >Find a stray cat, he tells us he'll kill it in one punch
    >"Dude, okay, we believe you, just don-"
    >One punch. Broke it's neck.

    Another time...
    >Same situation, we were two years older
    >Find a stray cat, we struggle to keep it away from him
    >Wrestles all of us and takes it away
    >Bets us that he'll squeeze it until juice starts coming out of it
    >"Dude no- dude, stop squeezing the cat, dude!"
    >Fucking squeezes it whilst three guys are jumping on his back, trying to save the cat
    >Cat suddenly gags, starts leaking mucus and blood from mouth and nose

    And this last one takes the cake, luckily I wasn't there to see it.

    >He got drunk with some random guy at an open air grill party
    >Found another stray cat
    >Other guy hated cats too, they get a small survivalist axe they used for wood
    >Bro holds the cat's front paws, other dude hacks them off
    >Other dude holds back paws, bro hacks the back paws
    >They then released it, crawling away with only the upper parts of it's paws

    God damn man, his son hated cats as much as he did. His son was struggling to bury a cat alive, he lol'd because he never got that idea. Some other parent comes down to him and slaps his kid to let the cat go, bro gets up and sucker punches the dude in the face saying "If my kid wants to bury something alive- even if it's your kid, you don't interfere."

    He died a few years ago, ironically got a tumor growing on a cat hair that was inside his stomach. Probably my cat, as it was the only one he never touched due to broship.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:46:50 No.1502951
    >Be in a extremely shitty mood from fighting with my parents
    >Walk to Dunkin Donuts
    >"One small vanilla coollatta."
    >Employee probably could see I'm upset, idk how
    >"Here, it's free. Have a nice day."
    >Biggest smile ever as I say thanks so much
    >Employee had actually gave me a medium sized
    It's the little things.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:51:56 No.1502985
    Do all aspies love the cold or something? I used to work in a grocery store and loved going into the freezer too.Sometimes I wish I could live in one.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:53:49 No.1502995

    I understand he was your friend but I'm glad he died. You just don't fuck with cats. Cats don't attack you for no reason, he obviously fucked with the cat when he was a kid and had to live with a scarred face because of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:56:16 No.1503014

    Do you live inside the movie gummo? Glad that piece of shit is dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:58:44 No.1503027
    if true, that guy truly deserved to die.
    his son too. I truly hope that kid dies. no lie

    oh, and his death was really fitting, that made me feel better, him knowing it was a cat that killed him. I can imagine his rage at the moment he found that out and it is sweet, so sweet.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:00:30 No.1503041
    >Cats don't attack you for no reason

    do you even own a cat? you could be petting it calmly for 5 minutes then suddenly your arm is a scratching post to them

    fuck cats
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:05:51 No.1503067
    Mfw strangers were never that nice to me, most of the time strangers hate me for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:07:08 No.1503073
    >black people being decent
    >entire outlook on life changes

    I lol'd, OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:08:22 No.1503080
    >Got a tumor on a cat hair inside his stomach

    ...wait what.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:11:35 No.1503097
    That's because not all cats like being pet. They'll put up with it for some time, but if you keep fucking with them they'll lose their shit.

    Protip: when a cat wags it's tail that doesn't mean it's happy. That means it's annoyed to all hell and about to do something about it.

    Fucking non-cat people, man, blaming cats for the shit they do.

    As for my story:

    >In a hurry to catch my train
    >Park my bike, stuff keys in pocket and walk to the platform
    >Hear someone yelling behind me, turn around to see it's a guy in a classic pikey ( outfit running towards me
    >Have had several fights with these people, get physically ready to punch him in the mouth
    >He gives me my bike's keys and tells me I dropped them

    It's not the best story but I was so surprised that for once these guys weren't trying to mug me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:13:08 No.1503104
    > lose wallet
    > panic, because wallet missing
    >call Target
    > employee found it in the parking lot and it was still there, they turned it in.
    > all of my thankful

    > not feeling well
    > lose it again
    > panic
    > call bakery, the last place I went
    > it's there
    > pick it up and everything is still in. it.
    > tears of happy

    This happened to me within a two week time frame. Due to a condition, I just wasn't myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:14:29 No.1503110
    I dont care if he was my best friend it my brother I swear I would tie him up and send him to a ghetto Japanese neighborhood naked with fuck the yakuza so they can fucking give him the same royal punishment he gave to those poor cats that did noting to him. Who cares a cat ficked him up as a child... That's one catching his parents appearently failed to keep away from him.. If he needs to hate someone he shud hate his retarted careless parents..
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:17:33 No.1503131
    then why fucking sit still there for 5 goddamn minutes?

    they could you know, jump off like non-evil creatures, but the little demons just go claw berserk on you
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:21:47 No.1503162
    They're animals, you can't expect them to be rational about their bullshit. That's like expecting them to carefully explain to you why you should stop petting them.
    Personally I just stay away from cats. As long as they don't bother me, I don't bother them. The little cunts keep shitting in my yard, though. Still haven't figured out how to keep them out.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:25:33 No.1503181

    She wants my dick general?
    She wants my dick general.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:26:45 No.1503186
    christ come on r9k

    the cat-abuser must have had some sort of mental trauma from being scratched by a cat when he was young and you can't expect someone who was scarred like that to be the zen of reason and wisdom and forgive the cats.

    fucking hell r9k I'm disappoint
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:28:59 No.1503198
    I don't have any stories, but this is a great thread. Bump!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:29:35 No.1503204

    I came to this thread because I wanted to feel happy. Instead, I'm almost crying. Fuck you. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:38:41 No.1503242
    >this never happened though

    >this is from Harold and Kumar.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:41:37 No.1503259
    wasn't that a joke in one of the Harold and Kumar films or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:46:02 No.1503281
    It was actually.

    From the second one. OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:48:42 No.1503293

    I own a cat and have three friends with cats, none of which have ever done that to me...

    The guy was still an asshole, sure cats bite you playfully, but clearly he pissed it off enough for it to scratch his face enough to fuck it up for life.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:54:44 No.1503330
    not an aspie and I love cold rooms. Every time I go to a bottle shop I have to go into the cold room.

    >mfw I am not an aspie and can still relate to the aspies on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:16:27 No.1503478
    There was no black guy on drugs in the movie. They just wanted to help.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:26:11 No.1503528
         File: 1329841571.jpg-(8 KB, 191x234, 1329179084423.jpg)
    8 KB
    As much as I loathe when people use the phrase "Faith in humanity" here is one of mine

    >Coming home on the subway from then-gf's house one new years eve around 2 a.m
    >Pretty sure I was pissed off because then-gf was being a cunt again (hence the term "then-gf")
    >Sitting by the door listening to my music and thinking, not paying any attention to surroundings, pretty much the only person in train car
    >Train makes a stop
    >Feel tap on shoulder
    >Look up
    >Random girl I've never met getting off train
    >Mouths "Happy new year" and smiles
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:42:13 No.1503653
    >Made char in WoW
    >Get to 39, no money for mount, god damn it
    >Lvl 60 friend sends me 100g in mail
    >Holy fucking shit
    >He stopped playing like a month afterwards
    >I never felt like I thank him properly

    /salute Eveww

    >Later, in HS
    >Had a good amount of cash in my pocket, going to buy some vidya after school
    >Leaving school grounds (we were right next to a middle school) some kid taps me on the shoulder
    >Turns out it had all fallen out of my pocket (around 100ish) and some MS kid gave it back
    >Greatest kid ever

    I don't really believe in karma, but the world would be a better place if every one just acted like this.

    >In HS, had some cash on me, was going to buy some vidya after school
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:49:52 No.1503705
         File: 1329842992.jpg-(144 KB, 450x350, 1304955241625.jpg)
    144 KB
    A black kid used to bully me when I was a kid. He'd stab pencils into me for no apparent reason, leaving pencil graphite in my skin.

    Does this mean that I should kill every black person I see? No. We are humans, we are better than that. That guy sounded like a malicious piece of shit, glad he is fucking dead. Scum.

    You get cunt cats, you get cunt humans.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:51:06 No.1503714
         File: 1329843066.jpg-(15 KB, 750x461, i-said-what.jpg)
    15 KB
    >mfw i realise that the bro is an analogy for /r9k/ and the cats an analogy for women.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:53:20 No.1503733
    What the fuck.

    I like your cat for fucking him up. Pics of your cat please.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:58:01 No.1503770
    This is pretty small, but it stood out to me.

    >walking through the mall just before Christmas
    >ordering some food - realize my debit card is missing
    >The employee gives me my lunch for free
    >I grab the food and run to the Lost and Found
    >Some girl turned in my card without charging a single thing to it

    Christmas spirit, yo.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:00:21 No.1503786

    My life has held nothing but pain.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:00:44 No.1503790
    there's nothing wrong with you. work the register. it will be good practice. Being social takes practice.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:03:37 No.1503814
    This. If you work the register, you will stop being so socially awkward.

    Keep in mind that you'll never see 99% of those people again, so it doesn't matter if you embarrass yourself. They won't remember you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:05:51 No.1503828
    >walk up to car in the morning
    >big fucking scratches on the door
    >fuck this gay earth
    >look at the windshield
    >there is a note
    >Hello i accidentally bumped into your car. Call me so we can discuss further details.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:06:02 No.1503831
    How long does this take? I worked at a retail store for a while, but not as a cashier. They had me hop on register every now and then and I never noticed any improvement in my social skills.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:11:33 No.1503870
    About a year or two, depending on the person.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:13:40 No.1503890
    >be in highschool
    >hang with the buff dudes
    >they flirt with all kinds of chicks
    >stay quiet
    >feels bad man
    >friends flirts with one of my sister's friends
    >talking to my sister one day
    >"my friend says you're one of the hotter guys at school"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:14:10 No.1503896

    he probably went around eating cats alive. and that's how he got a cat hair in his stomach
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:14:49 No.1503904
    >"This is Dominoes. How may I take your order?"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:20:38 No.1503942
    What the fuck man? How the fuck did that pyscho even find a wife?

    If I found some kid and his dad burying my cat alive I would literally just see Red and probably beat them both to a pulp in white hot rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:24:44 No.1503961

    When I saw this. Only for a moment though, then I remembered that 70 years later nothing changed.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:32:35 No.1504013
    I got the same feeling the first time I saw it too. I can only hope people will eventually reach such a goal.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:04:19 No.1504249
    harold and kumar, 0/10
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:16:53 No.1504841

    Dude, do you still have grey/silver-coloured spots under your skin?
    A friend of mine once stabbed me with a pencil in my finger and there's still a spot there. I just don't know if it's the graphite or not.
    As for my story, I don't know.

    >during recess in business college equivalent of my country
    >year had started 3 weeks ago
    >standing around all alone
    >a girl from my class approaches me
    >"Hey, you wanna hang out with us?"
    >nod, go over to them

    From then on everything went better than ever expected. Became one of the most popular persons in the grade. And the girl is still one of my best friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:19:35 No.1504863
    I will have faith in humanity the day I lose my virginity

    until then..FUCK THE WORLD
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:23:10 No.1504902
    Yeah I have those. Fucking pain in the arse. Loads in my left thigh, some in my left hand. What a dick he was - but he's a nice guy nowadays I believe. People do stupid shit when they are kids.

    It won't be lead - pencils have graphite in them and have done for years.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:27:13 No.1504930
    >living with a friend and his family when i was 16
    >his family turned out to be realy crazy and dispicable
    >run away from there and live behind a dumpster for a few days
    >my girlfriend and her family took me in once they found out i was homeless
    >they were poor but took me in and treated me like family for 3 years untill i was able to finish highschool and get a job
    >they never asked for a penny from me
    till this day i am greatfull and i will never forget them or what theyve done for me
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:32:31 No.1504981
    >walking through the city with a nice new jacket i had been saving up for months for it
    >see an older woman sitting on the corner of a bench
    >decide to sit next to her and talk
    >find out shes homeless because her daughter died and she wasnt able to handle it well
    >i didnt know what to say, i took her out for diner and gave her my new coat
    felt good man
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:44:06 No.1505079
    one from my childhood:
    >me and my two younger bros live with my dad
    >my mom died a few years earlier
    >my dad lost his job and we were broke
    >food stamps and welfare ftw
    >finally my dad gets a new job in a new city
    >it was right around the holidays
    >on christmas eve we were going to go to my grandma's to celebrate & stay for a week and then go to my dad's new job
    >just as we get out of our old town, the car breaks down
    >we have no money, no phones, and my dad didn't belong to AAA or some other shit
    >finally a random tow truck driver stops and offers us a ride to a garage for free
    >we get to the garage and it's just closed
    >owner unlocks the shop and fixes our car by himself
    >all on christmas eve

    my dad got his new job and became an important dude in his company. he later sent the truck driver and the garage owner $5,000 apiece.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:24:15 No.1505441
    >starts liking a good looking girl with common interests. But she lives 2 hours away from me
    >going to visit her this weekend
    >she asks me how much I can drink in one night
    >I say "dunno 5 beers is enough I guess"
    >She responds: "ok great"
    >I ask: "why?"
    >"first night we are going to drink beer in the sauna and then share wine. Second night we will go out and I treat you for all the beer"
    >Omgomg this girl is so kind.
    >I'm broke as fuck atm.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:24:15 No.1505442
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:44:14 No.1505608
         File: 1329857054.gif-(1.97 MB, 320x240, pikachu.gif)
    1.97 MB
    Not gonna cry, not gonna cry,...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:56:35 No.1505704
    You cereal? Cats are fucking assholes.

    When I was 11 I was sitting in my backyard and my neighbors cat came over. It wanted some of my sandwich and I was like NO.jpg and it clawed me. So I kicked it over a fence.
    >> Amanda's Johnny 02/21/12(Tue)16:49:42 No.1506248
    >Fat-ass land-whale greedily eats sandwich in front of hungry cat without sharing.
    >Expects the cat to be a pushover like dogs are and not slap some sense into you.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:06:34 No.1506408
    >That feel when due to your permanent single status, and social isolation you are convinced you are unlovable.

    >Despite this people give you compliments, and like you still it seems, years later after coming out of your self imposed isolation.

    The world only acts mean it seems. They all want to love and be loved just the same.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:15:26 No.1506487
    >summer job requires me to sit outside, gets chilly in august/september
    >get habit of buying hot chocolates to warm my hands up in the shop next door
    >super nice fat girl makes the BEST hot chocolates every day for me
    >don't see her for two years
    >working outside on a super cold day, no money for hot chocolate
    >fat girl appears out of nowhere
    >"hey I saw you were working here again, I work at a coffee shop down the street and we've got no customers because it's so cold, so I brought you a hot chocolate. I remembered you like them. :)"
    >babble confused thanks
    >it even has marshmallows
    >makes my fucking day

    bro tier fat girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:18:45 No.1506519

    If I met you in real life, I would kick you so hard in the balls that you would cough up blood, you no good cock sucking son of a whore. Not a paid whore, either. She was a whore and didn't ask for money.

    What a fucking skank your mother was. I really hope that when I rape her I don't catch the AIDS she probably passed on to you.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:20:23 No.1506533
    >one time a cat scratched me
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:24:36 No.1506583

    Your neighbour was a prick and I'm glad he's dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:26:34 No.1506602
    she was hitting on you in the nicest way possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:27:52 No.1506610

    He wasn't attracted to her at all, even though she was insanely nice.

    My faith in humanity is gone again.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:29:35 No.1506619
    Thank god your fucking friend died.
    I'm just saying.

    People who hurt animals are the fucking scum of the earth and deserve to die in horrible pains.I can watch gore and people torture all day and don't feel a thing but when i see a dog getting kicked that fucking gets my blood boiling.I got mad just by reading that shit
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:30:45 No.1506637
    Alas, I am a chubby girl. Maybe we bonded over liking food.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:32:10 No.1506646

    I dont get why people hate cats. They are far more selfish, but of late ive been appreciating that about them. Dogs have an almost socipathic tendency to suck up to you, to ensure there food supply. Their instincts are evident, as soon as i bring out food, my dog drops any pretense of "loving me" and goes solely after the food. Cats just do one or two rubs against you, and sit in your lap and let you pat them. They seem to realize that its all about a fair trade, affections for food. I appreciate their candor.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:39:34 No.1506715
    This story made me really happy. I just wanted you to know that.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:41:23 No.1506731
    >end up getting arrested this past weekend
    >spend night in jail, pay $600 bond
    >get home and learn from friend that he told people I got locked up and some of them offered to get me out

    Cot dam, made me realize I have good friends especially since I'm often considered "the asshole" of the group.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:41:39 No.1506734
    >At airport getting ready for 12 hour flight to visit family for holidays
    >get phone call from sister (crazy fucked up druggie, family hadn't kicked her out yet) screaming she was going to kill herself and shit
    >yelling everywhere
    >hear scuffle
    >mom is now on phone telling me to talk sister down from ledge
    >talk to sister tell her I'm coming soon etc. etc. caring bullshit
    >eventually get her down from ledge, they call doctor who sedates her and stuff
    >hang up
    >a few minutes later burst into treats from the stress of what just happened
    >people sitting around me move their children and things away from where I was
    >awkward complete silence no one sitting around me for a few metres while I'm bawling
    >10 minutes later still crying
    >Turkish janitor lady comes up to me, hands me a packet of tissues and a brand new water bottle and says something in Turkish and gives me a quick hug
    >She just walks off after that
    >Too shocked to say or do anything

    Every time I'm at that airport I look for her to say thanks but I haven't run into her yet and when I ask the other janitors they are just like "Uh. We have a lot of Turkish ladies who are cleaners"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:59:57 No.1506916
    I've enjoyed this thread immensly. I have no faith in humanity, and stories like these do help restore some.

    But everytime I see "burst into treats" I imagine the person exploding into candy and can't take their story seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:04:14 No.1506952
    There's too much cat hate in this thread. Let me tell you guys about Kenny, the best mother fucking cat on the planet.

    My grandmother, little brother and I were killing time at a little pet store for whatever reason, I guess because normal kids fucking love animals. They have fish, hamsters, a few dogs, and the tinniest kitten I have ever seen. He was lumped in with the dogs, but didn't really seem to mind, much. He just seemed lonely. They let me hold him and damn if I didn't just fall in love with the little guy right there. My brother and grandmother must have had the same effect, because we took him home that night.

    Kenny grew up to be a very large cat. Almost the size of a medium dog. It was pretty clear he had some sort of wildcat in him, my grandmother always guessed he was part Bengal, as they get pretty big, and he had a similar spot pattern, he was just dark grey so it didn't really stand out. Personally I think he resembled more of a bobcat, but that isn't really important. He was the friendliest cat there ever was, and social almost like a dog. He'd go on walks with you, jump in the bath with you if you left the door open, he'd play fetch with you, all sorts of neat stuff. He was always with us. We'd watch TV, Kenny was there curled up on our laps, purring like a motorboat. Little brother and I were playing outside? Kenny was there playing with us.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:04:53 No.1506958
    continued from >>1506952

    One day I was playing barefoot near the edge of the property pretty far from the house, when a snake rears its head. It's pretty big, (or at least compared to a very small girl) and might have been a copperhead, but I'm not 100% on that. Its hissing up a storm and striking out at me, and being a stupid little kid, I'm frozen in fear so I just let it get closer. Just when I think this is it, Kenny comes running out of nowhere and tackles it. Chomps down right around its neck and it goes limp. He drags over the snake carcass and drops it at my feet, and mews happily at me. I give him a pat on the head, pick him up, and we make our way back to the house. Gave him his favorite snacks as a reward, banana and tomato slices.

    Now he's done a lot more than just that for us, but this is getting a little long. Kenny has chased off vicious dogs, alerted us of a fire in the garage, and even attacked someone trying to abduct me and my little brother.

    Kenny's up in heaven now, he lived a good long life, but I miss him like hell every day. My grandmother says she can never own another cat because no one will ever compare, and I agree. I fucking love you, little buddy. I will always love you, Kenny.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:10:07 No.1507009
    It's always me that does this shit, it never actually happens to me. A few hours ago I randomly paid for a stranger in a car behind me at Subway.

    aww yeah
    >that feel when you never actually see their faces but the thought makes it all worth it
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:20:12 No.1507120
    >few weeks ago
    >news say temperature will be bellow -30 celsius for next week
    >tl;dr everybody homeless is pretty much fucked
    >all shelters full up in few hours
    >hundreds still left with no shelter
    >common folk step in
    >welcome absolute strangers in their houses for the duration
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:27:07 No.1507182
    >Russian imageboard
    >every now and then, there's this thread
    >anons chip in to buy a certain black dude, who hands out leaflets in NYC, a pizza or a sandwich
    >observe him from a realtime internet cam
    >watch him receive the food, he waves into the cam

    Hell yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:27:50 No.1507191
    >eating disordered me (anorexic)
    >go with a fat friend to Dunkin Donuts
    >freaking out over food choices, friend insists on a caloric chocolate-drenched monster for us both
    >move up to counter and ask to buy
    >the lady gives extra donuts in the bag
    >"Today would be a fine day to keep your food down"

    Inspired me to stick with recovery
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:33:09 No.1507239
    reminds me of a scene from one of the harold and kumar movies
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:33:59 No.1507244
    >stupid ass trip to Rome for a week with school
    >not much in the mood
    >group of kids from other school joins us
    >most people from my class suddenly start acting differently, more alpha for some reason, probably to impress the other girls from the other school
    >keep it real, and act a bit quiet
    >seems like some girl fancies me over the others who kep talkn to her
    >had a nice few days in Rome, chillin with her a bit
    >last day starts acting like a moron and ignoring me..
    >lol confused
    >whatever got over it anyway
    >ignore her rest of the trip back home
    year later
    >go to open day of an uni
    >see some girl eyeing at me
    >comes to me
    >her:hey blabla remember me blabla
    >, yeah i dont want to see you
    felt so good...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:37:10 No.1507273
    >japanese tsunami last year
    >fukushima plant nuclear shitstorm
    >specialists are needed for suicide mission to prevent nuclear disaster
    >thousands volunteer
    >100+ humanity approval points
    but later:
    >go to internet
    >see the "revenge for pearl harbour" bullshit
    >-639 humanity approval points
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:38:00 No.1507280
         File: 1329867480.jpg-(6 KB, 122x87, 1304261160435.jpg)
    6 KB
    >stupid ass trip
    >to Rome
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:39:19 No.1507286
    it wasn't even with friends, with fuckin people from my class, big difference in between em yoo
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:41:41 No.1507310
    Manly tears for Kenny.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:43:42 No.1507336
    People like that need to have some recognition for what they do.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:44:41 No.1507345
    I'd probably just be more annoyed, thinking she was pitying me or someting
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:50:04 No.1507414
    >see an argument start on /r9k/
    >oh no
    >the two anons are respectful of each other
    >eventually find the root of the problem they have with each other
    >agree to disagree on that point
    >I nearly cried with joy
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:55:27 No.1507492

    Cutest shit ever.
    What a sweet cat.

    I've got a cat story for ya

    >My friends neighbours cat gave birth
    >Of course, being a shorty herself, she chose the smallest kitten.
    >She named him Azlan.
    >Years and years of loving attention, and this cat grew almost twice the size of an average house cat, despite being looking like an average gray tabby.
    >He obviously loved the shit out of the family, and they loved the shit out of him.
    >One night he goes missing.
    >They wait patiently for him to come back.
    >Next night, nothing.
    >They're getting worried.
    >Then, at about 1 am, they heard a horrible, screeching meow.
    >My friends mum ran outside, to see what it was
    >And there, dragging it's self up the drive way, was Azlan, leaving a trail of blood.
    >His leg was fucked up beyond belief. Half of it was missing, and the bone was sticking out from the shredding stump.
    >He continued trying to haul himself to them, until my friends mother attempted to wrap his leg up, put him on some blankets in the car, and rang every veterinary service around. (Luckily we have some who treat emergencies.)

    >Now Azlan has gotten used to not having a leg, and is just as able as he was before.

    It's been practically concluded that he got his leg caught in an animal trap (which would've instantly crushed the bone), and pulled the flesh off his leg trying to escape
    They don't know how far he dragged himself.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:56:35 No.1507510
    >New's Year Eve this year
    >go into Boston with my girlfriend
    >waiting around for a train to take us to the harbor
    >outdoor station
    >we're both freezing
    >a group of malicious-looking teenage guys come over
    >oh dear
    >"hey, you ladies look a little cold?"
    >heh yeah
    >two of the guys lend us coats
    >we all take the train to the harbor together
    >they're wicked nice
    >we buy them coffees, they walk us back to the station when we have to leave
    >exchange info all around
    >still in touch
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:00:32 No.1507570
    Thanks, bro. I'm sure he would give you a nuzzle of gratitude if he could.
    Man, what a trooper. It never ceases to amaze me how much a cat who loves his family is willing to go through. They are unstoppable machines of love.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:04:07 No.1507614
    >get pulled over for speeding
    >get ticketed for reckless (true), not having my current address on my license (true), and not wearing a seatbelt (in a moment of retarded panic i took it off when i stopped the car)
    >ffwd two months
    >go to traffic court
    >wait 7 hours to get called on the docket
    >i'm not gonna let them ticket me for something i didn't fucking do. even though it's popo's word against mine, I MUST HAVE MY SAY
    >get called
    >judge: u were speedin
    >me: guilty
    >judge: ur license was wrong
    >me: guilty
    >judge: u dident wer ur seetbelt
    >me: not guilty.
    >judge: stunned
    >popo: stunned
    >judge: in light of your honesty and candor with the court we hereby dismiss the charge of not wearing a seatbelt... but you u gotta pay the others lol
    >me: lol k

    tbh it all fairly sucked but it restored my faith in humanity when the judge took my word over the popo's even though he had no proof that i was right
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:09:06 No.1507669
    >car shifter messes up, stuck in third
    >make it into a parking lot
    >go to a restaurant across the street and ask for a screwdriver to fix it
    >only has a drill, holds my watch as collateral
    >fix car
    >bring it back
    >he gives me a free soda

    Probably the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. Unfortunately it's only one drop of honey in a jug of vinegar so my faith didn't last long.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:11:20 No.1507705
    Would've done the same. when I was younger my parents had two cats, Fucking hated them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:12:34 No.1507714
    >Years ago.
    >With two buddies walking around town at night.
    >Hungry so we go to Wendys
    >We're all broke, and realise this once we get to the counter.
    >Leave and on the way out an employee brings us some fries.
    >Thank him and be on our way

    It was nice. Humanity is still fucked though.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:12:40 No.1507715
    this thread made me cry because no one has ever gone out of their way to help me
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:14:56 No.1507735
    Then go out of your way to help others.
    Be an example. God knows that we need more of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:18:48 No.1507781
    >try to be nice to the guy at the register at the movie theater
    >hes that awkward type thats always "cheerful and polite" but probably is freaking out on the inside
    >try to joke with him and stuff
    >ask if he wants something
    >thank him for helping me

    god damn its impossible for them to feel good.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:46:01 No.1508069
    >Sitting on bench on campus, reading
    >2 ghetto black guys sit down on the bench next to me, a Hispanic girl crouches in front, and a third black dude stands next to her
    >they start talking as if I'm not there
    >Oh shit they're gonna kill me
    >from my left, in perfect SWE "Niggers, man."
    >Start laughing
    >"Aye yo watchou readin' man... ONN THHEE ROOOOAAAAAADDD"
    >Latina: "izzat good?"
    >Respond awkwardly and affirmatively
    >From left "Aye you ev' read to Kill a Mockinbird?"
    >Yeah, not my favorite book but I like the ideas
    >"Dat atticus nigga he one crazy ass mofo num sain?"
    >Have fairly in-depth conversation about racial tensions without any actual racial tension
    >"Persian" guy walks up
    >"Aye gitcho fake-ass mexican shit outta here"
    >Laugh along with my new friends
    >they invite me to smoke with them
    >still thinking about it
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:57:32 No.1508233
    put chili powder on your lawn, they hate the smell so they will avoid it
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:06:00 No.1508328
    Very true.

    We had a little dog and she would act like a real sap to get food then do nothing except lay there when she got her food. Our cat always says hello regardless of how hungry it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:08:27 No.1508349
    Incoming cat story
    >Really shitty childhood
    >grow up miserable and suicidal
    >bordering psychopath
    >get a pet cat
    >beat the living hell out of-just kidding, the cat made my entire life so much better it's fucking ridiculous how much better I am now.
    Out of all the people I've met, a little cat helped me put my life back together and not become crazy.

    Fuck you guys who hate on cats. They don't slap your shit for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:13:32 No.1508417
    I usually don't post on R9K, It's usually sad stories about shit that makes me depressed, I usually come here for funny/tard strories, but this thread has put a smile on my face. So I'd figure I'd share my tale.

    > be 14
    > Mom has no job and we got evicted
    > We had to go live at a campground for a few weeks (Luckily for me a few days)
    > I went to Pennsylvania to stay with my dad for that summer, but I'll get back to that
    > Be driving to campground with bare essentials, the rest being in a storage locker.
    > Fucking care tire blows
    > No spare
    > have no money, Go to Geralds tire shop
    > Cool bro gives us High quality tire free of charge
    > Made my fucking summer
    > Now I'm living in a house and I still remember that guy, coolest fucker ever.

    Thanks for listening.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:15:20 No.1508439
    >"Aye gitcho fake-ass mexican shit outta here"

    oh god that nig is a hero and a scholar and a gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:27:17 No.1508562
    > school ID falls out of my pocket as I'm walking to my car
    > black girl chases me down to return it

    > guy on a bike and guy on a skateboard collide
    > people around start pointing and laughing even though they're hurt
    > me and another guy help them up
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:34:50 No.1508647
    >notice note on car
    >"Sorry, I accidentally scratched your car. Here is my number so we can discuss further details."
    >just a minor scratch that easily comes out
    >call up to discuss details
    >no answer
    >leave voice message
    >she never calls back
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:47:51 No.1508827
    Why the fuck do neckbeards care so damn much about cats?
    Cats suck. Dogs are ok. There are animals out there more worthy of respect.
    I bet you guys would rather folks in third world countries starve than eat the cats that are rightfully considered pests there.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:49:15 No.1508840
    Agreed, I have a huge respect for lions.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:00:48 No.1508931
    Maybe because some of us wouldn't be here today if it were not for a single cat that needed a home and we decided to take it in, giving us a reason to get out of bed every morning knowing that there was someone that needed us.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:03:00 No.1508945
    Times when my faith in humanity was restored:
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:04:10 No.1508954
    Because they're innocent and can't defend themselves.
    It's not about respect.
    People get worked up when someone tortures a cat because it's so vulnerable, and they're such loving creatures that have had positive influence on a lot of people.
    Also, despite being so small and delicate, they show such strength, independence, and bravery.

    People are the same with dogs, too, but I suppose the bigger the creature the less vulnerable it seems.
    Still, all animal cruelty disgusts me..

    I literally can not wrap my head around HOW someone could cause something to feel such pain...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:09:04 No.1508990
    Isn't attacking humans almost the same thing?
    I hate when people act all edgy by saying "I could watch gore all day long, but I lose my shit when an animal gets it!"
    A cat getting kicked is a grueling nightmare to imagine, yet a pack of niggers beating the shit out of a defenseless kid is all fun and games.
    Almost all violence is horrible to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:10:20 No.1509002
    not really
    most of the widespread gore are just drug gang retaliations, war crimes, etc, the sort of thing that animals are incapable of participating in
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:10:45 No.1509008
    I live in a city with a bridge that people often jump off to kill themselves. Things in my life were not working out at all and I decided to kill myself. I told myself that if one person said good morning to me on my way there, I would not kill myself.

    >walking to bridge
    >my heart rate gets faster as I approach the bridge and nobody has said anything
    >suddenly the bridge is in sight and there is a strange calm as I accept my fate
    >an elderly black lady smiles at me and says "good morning" as I start to reach the bridge
    >I break down and cry hysterically on the spot
    >we sit at a bench and I tell her how she saved my life
    >we still keep in contact once in a while

    So I guess the lesson is, always be friendly to everyone you meet. Who knows what shit's going on with their lives. Cliche but true.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:11:37 No.1509020
    Most of that drug/gang shit is their own fault, but I've noticed that innocent people getting hurt is usually perceived as hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:16:05 No.1509067
    Yeah? I never said that was any better.
    Any kind of cruelty disgusts me, really.

    I was just explaining why people get worked up over cats.
    Anyone, except the edgy faggots on here, will get worked up over any cruelty.

    But remember, it's normal for people to have special relationships to certain things. People who have had a cat or dog influence them greatly will get EXTREMELY defensive over that specific animal.
    And they'll have less empathy for animals who've negatively affected them (never an excuse to be cruel or indifferent, though).
    For example, I am less empathetic about snakes because they've killed my pets numerous times, but I would still be disgusted if someone was cruel to one..
    >> Siouxsie‮D:‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 02/21/12(Tue)21:28:22 No.1509205
    If you feed a cat in one place it won't make poopies there. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:30:58 No.1509236
    >Live in central MN
    >In city, theres this heavy-set aspergers guy that always stands at streetcorners dressed as superman
    >Its rather eye catching and hilarious, a bit of a joke
    >Police ask him to move to a different intersection because its too busy and he is a distraction
    >Super Aspergers Man is walking along a bridge
    >Ends up talking to and saving some dude that tried killing himself.

    You are a hero, SuperAspergersMan.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:33:54 No.1509270

    FFS can you please just say friend instead of girlfriend, it makes me think you're a guy and the story makes no sense. Fuck I have no clue wy girls insist on doing this.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:35:48 No.1509297
    Because maybe it really WAS her girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:44:55 No.1509395
    >Chilling with bro and his girlfriend
    >Joking say to his girlfriend "Do you have any single friends that are willing to fuck lol"
    >She says "All of my friends are stuck up bitches. You deserve someone much better."
    >Me and bro are in shock

    To this day hearing her say I deserved better than her own friends somehow makes me feel good about myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:49:19 No.1509440
    I hate to shatter your world but that is what all girls say when they don't want you going anywhere near their friends because you're ugly and or creepy.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:49:20 No.1509441
    >riding bus
    >see black kid get on the bus
    >he's reading...for pleasure (this in and of itself is wonderful to me, i live in cleveland. I've nearly never seen a black person (other than me and this is not reflexisive)read a book for pleasure on the bus)
    >old scruffy looking white guy sitting across from him
    >he's familiar with the book
    >starts talking to him about the book
    >they have a nice conversation
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:50:40 No.1509455
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:55:40 No.1509519
    >be high school
    >teacher is doing cancer fundraiser thing by having kids fill jar with monies
    >some kid donates like FUCKTON pennies
    >teacher has to start counting them all
    >start messing with him
    >say random numbers to make him mess up
    >literally says "Im seriously going to flip shit if you dont stop throwing me off"
    >I crack up
    >he laughs too
    >teacher is total bro
    felt good knowing that not all teachers were complete stuck ups, all the rest were; most of them were afraid to say "Oh my God" because it had the word God in it
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:55:45 No.1509522
    >Working behind a till
    >get nothing but sad faces and no recognition
    >I'm always smiling, it's my challenge to make someone's day
    >eventually after 7 weeks of working there, I get this girl who is about 22 come up to me with a small bag of groceries
    >She ends it by saying 'You know, it's really made my day to see someone as happy as you.'
    >'So why're you so happy?'
    >'I'm alive, and there's no reason for me to be upset.'
    >'Best reason I've ever heard.'
    >'Thank you, have a great day!'
    >'No, thank YOU.'
    >She winks at me and walks off

    My waifu.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:00:41 No.1509576
    Shit, forgot about the most obvious thing that happened to me, I think it was about 3 years ago

    >just started college
    >moved into Chicago not maybe 3 weeks ago
    >in some weird ass neighborhood as me and a bro stopped at 7/11
    >locked keys in car
    >oh shit
    >2 homeless men are nearby and see us freaking out
    >they try to help us find some coat hangers to bend, as the sun roof was open
    >not working
    >see some super ghetto black guy walk by listening to his mp3
    >he stops by us as hes going into 7/11
    >me and my bro both have wallets with money, surrounded by hobos and a gangster
    >he asks whats wrong
    >tell him our problem, and then he says
    >"Aw shit man, I just got out of jail 2 weeks ago for Grant Theft Auto"
    >he breaks into our car for us
    >get our keys
    >buy the homeless guys a pizza and the black guy some money for beer
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:03:45 No.1509627
    >Be black
    >Live in Brownsville
    >See some guy, car broke down
    >obviously not from around here, lol
    >I'm big and clumsy, so when I bang on his windows to get his attention it sounds like the dino footsteps from jurrasic park
    >out of nowhere
    >I get jumped by these motherfuckers my cousin owed money to
    >get mugged
    >one of those niggas fixes the guy's car and pretends he was an angel
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:16:56 No.1509756
    Honestly, my best male mate.

    >He's autistic, but has managed to over come it so much in the last few years
    >He's now social and out going, but he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth with people who don't understand him
    >It's New Years
    >Go home at 2:00am, walking back with him, my girlfriend, and drunk mate who is pissed off and smashing peoples fences, I'm left to take care of him and restrain him
    >I know they wouldn't have been able to help out here
    >this continues for a whole fucking hour and a half, constantly restraining him and telling him to get up
    >the drunk friend leaves for home, we're now at my best mates house, it's fucking huge and cosy
    >He looks at me with this sympathetic look and places a hand on my back
    >'Look, it's been a tough night for you, why don't you spend the night here in the spare room?'
    >Me and my girlfriends faces light up
    >His mum is still up and about, makes us a cup of tea and makes the bed for us
    >Me and my girlfriends face when we lay down in this comfy as fuck double bed and drift off into a blissful sleep
    >wake up in the morning, play Video games, and end up having a huge lunch with his family

    I fucking love my best mate, despite being annoying sometimes, he always let's me see the better side of humanity
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:25:41 No.1509852
    >Due date of big assignment
    >Big assignment worth 30% of grade on my laptop, all finished (we could have worked in pairs or by ourselves, guess which one I chose)
    >laptop in my backpack
    >riding bus to uni because I'm poorfag
    >get off the bus without backpack
    >realize what I just did
    >try to run after bus but it's too late man
    >some kid from that same class saw what happened and offered to add my name onto the assignment that he did

    I swear I almost cried, and I had a reputation for being a hardass (slavic, quiet, my default face looks pissed off).
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:27:33 No.1509867
    >"Aw shit man, I just got out of jail 2 weeks ago for Grant Theft Auto"
    LMAO! I love this!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:43:48 No.1510074
    >Know a kid, name of Alexander James.
    >He is the nicest kid I know. He is the real nice guy.
    >Never expresses a negative opinion, never complains.
    >Nerdy, speaks some elvish, but very proper and religious so no mature fantasy.
    >Want to go on a double date, I ask him if he can back me up because we're bros.
    >He says sure, I ask my girl and she says yes.
    >His girl says no. He doesn't mind.
    >He asks another girl. She also says no.
    >He's okay with that, he's still as nice a motherfucker as any you ever met.
    >He asks another girl. She says no.
    >I'm thinking, holy shit man I'd be a fucking wreck.
    >He's fine. Asks another girl, this one SAYS YES.
    >Go on awesome double date with laser tag.
    >They still date sometimes, both mormon so they're not exlusive.

    You know those "nice guy" faggots who bitch about women and try empty chivalrous bullcrap? This guy is what they think they are. He is a gentleman to everyone, male or female, he never talks bad about anyone, and when he feels that he has an obligation to a friend, he fucking gets that shit done! Amazing bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:52:20 No.1510176
    >Be raffling a quad for senior project class
    >Ask an extremely trashy looking man if he'd like to buy a ticket
    >Smirks a little
    >Asks how much
    >Replies with $5 for one, or $20 for five
    >Man donates $100
    >Tells me to write my own name on the tickets
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:58:00 No.1510240
    >Not backing up your important shit online
    >Carrying a laptop
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:58:11 No.1510242
    >brother came home from Iraq
    >never been so happy

    cried like a bitch that day
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:22:24 No.1510450
    >This thread made my fucking week

    I apreciate your stories robots.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:09:42 No.1510806
    >Summer job
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:06:18 No.1511244
    >Elderly women in a manual wheelchair is struggling to push herself up a slope
    >This has been going on for about 20 seconds, but I didn't notice right away
    >I jump out of my car and push her up
    >She thanks me
    >I say it's no problem

    I am flabbergasted that nobody else helped her, but I guess this was one of those situations where everyone thinks somebody else would do something.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)01:29:24 No.1511416
    >Low self esteem, kissless virgin etc
    >Friend talking to me about some concert
    >"Steve and Rachel wouldn't stop talking about your attractiveness"
    >"Steve" is a total bro, fucking hilarious and unpredictable
    >"Let me guess, Steve was on the pro side. Or were they both against?"
    >"No they were fighting over you and how gorgeous you are"
    >Barely know "Rachel"
    >First time complemented by random person
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:00:49 No.1511665
    >cat was stuck in trap for 127 hours, has life changing experience trying to escape
    >mfw cuts own leg off with small knife
    >> Magical Girl Gamer 腐女子姫様 !LZhBlO8OUA 02/22/12(Wed)02:03:31 No.1511684
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    >Sign up for tribes ascend beta via facebook
    >My key doesn't work for X reason
    >Have no idea what to do, I really wanted to play tribes
    >Ask /v/ for help
    >Someone gives me a key
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:11:51 No.1511747
    It's easier to see the light when you learn that the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanking were in fact greatly exaggerated, and that serial killers and other such scum are so pschologically brain damaged that they can't legitimately be described as human.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:14:04 No.1511763
    Were you using your trip when you asked? That could've had everything to do with it.
    >> Magical Girl Gamer 腐女子姫様 !LZhBlO8OUA 02/22/12(Wed)02:16:57 No.1511777

    I never take of my trip, I feel it's deceptive to ask people to do things for me when they so clearly state how much they hate me.
    >> IX !!xmPqTAX5xAq 02/22/12(Wed)02:18:31 No.1511789
    >out in public
    >beggar at the transit center, looking sad
    >decide to give him $5
    >he thanks me, a lot
    >go on my way
    >three shady looking guys jump me out of nowhere
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:24:52 No.1511830
    One day when I was about 17 I walked past this little girl manning a fruit stall on the side of the road. No one was buying her shit and it looked like she was alone for the time being.

    This guy walks up out of nowhere, heading straight for the stall with this look of determination on his face, whips his wallet out, doesn't even ask for any apples or whatever, and hands the kid like $40. She looks confused as hell, looking around for her dad, the guy says 'keep it, just keep it' and walks off.

    I don't know what his reason for doing that was but I can still remember the little girl standing there after he left just staring at the $40 in her hand.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)02:53:41 No.1512040
    >Still haven't figured out how to keep them out.
    Get a dog.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:16:14 No.1512175
    This kind of thinking is sick.

    How do you rationalize not caring for humans but caring for animals? Do you really think that people getting tortured aren't helpless and can do anything more than an animal can?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:28:18 No.1512277
    >get sick of faggotry on /b/
    >peruse other boards
    >find /r9k/
    >threads are actually interesting
    >mfw some faith has been restored
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:31:15 No.1512305
    >not caring for humans but caring for animals
    But...humans are animals. Maybe it's just bigotry? Like, every other animal is fine, but humans? They suck. They're shittier than fucking monitor lizards and jellyfish.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:32:11 No.1512312
    We are more accustomed to seeing people being hurt than animals. In movies, TV, video games, etc violence is almost everywhere. Whether it's real nonfiction violence is irrelevant; we just aren't as affected by it. Obviously actual violent footage is more disturbing, but we are still numbed to the images. The shock factor is gone, it takes a lot more to really disturb us.

    Now, how often do you see anyone hurting animals? Never. This type of violence seems more disturbing to us because it's so rare, and usually it is associated with psychopaths and the worst type of people. Animals seem more vulnerable, while violence against other humans can sometimes be justified.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:32:12 No.1512313
    I have one more I remember, it wasn't much but gave me a good first impression of cops/truck drivers.

    >Be like 4 or something
    >My mom is driving to her parents, I'm along for the ride
    >lol woman drivers (in her defense she was entertaining me) we slide off the road
    >Stuck in a ditch
    >Literally no damage to the car
    >God damn it we're stuck on some small little highway (his was back in like 93, no cell phones)
    >Random trucker drives by, stops, called cops
    >Cops come to help us
    >Cop tries to pull us out, not enough power
    >18 wheeler tries to pull us out, almost gets just as stuck as us
    >Can't remember how exactly we got out, I think it was cop pulling us/us gunning it

    Since then I've always had a lot of respect for cops/truckers
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:35:08 No.1512333
    ugh, this shit makes me so angry
    any abuse to animals/babies makes my blood boil
    glad that nigger is dead
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:35:26 No.1512336
    Most people feel this way because torturing animals is an early sign of a psychopath. Subconsciously they realize this, and become hostile towards that person. Or they could just be an aspie like me who can't connect with people but connects with animals
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)03:58:13 No.1512464
    Protip: All girls hate the shit out of their friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:02:36 No.1512484
    Summer ends on September ~23rd
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:13:32 No.1512516
    >while violence against other humans can sometimes be justified.

    Except in millions of cases the humans are just as helpless.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:20:05 No.1512542
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    >I need to catch train to get to uni
    >machine eats my 20 bucks
    >tell person at station
    >lol fill out this form to claim
    >sit down waiting for train, completely frustrated and having anxiety attack
    >woman next to me saw what happened and saw how flustered i was
    >she insists I take her 20
    >she explains an elderly woman behind her grocery shopping paid for her stuff when she realised she didn't have her wallet
    >she wants to return the favour in a roundabout way
    >i'm almost in tears
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:23:33 No.1512556
    I do this kind of stuff a lot. I've had people do cool shit as well for me...just trying to keep that karma cycle going.

    >Live in New Orleans, went for a run.
    >After run I'm walking on a main street and notice older, black woman carrying groceries.
    >Shit looks heavy.
    >Offer to carry it for her to her house.
    >Must have walked a mile with all that shit, but got it done.
    >She invited me inside and made me lunch and we chatted.
    >Made her day, thus making mine.

    >Giant, black guy that seems a little "special" or autistic comes up to me at bar (I'm a door man).
    >Tells me this whole story of how he needs money to catch a bus because some homeless shelter has all his stuff and they can't hold it any longer or they'll throw it out.
    >Tell him to wait, I get off in an hour.
    >He comes back in an hour when I get off.
    >Me and him walk to my house, and I hook him up with a ten spot and some food.
    >He says, "This is amazing. Thank you so much my brother. Can I give you a hug?"
    >6" white me and this 7' black giant fucking bro-hug so hard in the middle of the street.
    >Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:24:19 No.1512559
    I've also been kind to a fault. But fuck it, I'll never stop...

    >Girlfriend ask me to go get some food at 9 in the morning.
    >I go and when I come back to the house, some black dude on a bike rides up to me and tells me this whole story about how he needs a ride to some place that towed his car, and he would pay me $100 to do it.
    >I tell him the money's not necessary and bring him.
    >He ends up hijacking the car and stealing $500 from me.
    >Police found the car, and he said I was trying to get some pussy via prostitution and some drugs from him.
    >Cops are all over me calling me a "little bitch, pervert drug addict".
    >I keep cool and stick with my story, which was true.
    >Every thing did not go better than expected.
    >Still don't give a fuck.
    >Still help bros out in my city.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:28:39 No.1512575
    Acts of Kindness General huh?
    >guy on /v/ wants to play TF2
    >ehh, ok
    >I bought you TF2 dude, have fun
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:34:18 No.1512595
    >lose iPod
    >some guy in a van pulls up to me and some friends and asks me if I'm anon
    >uhh, yeah, who wants to know
    >got your ipod bro
    >he had been driving around my school campus asking people my name to try and return my shit

    Holy goddamn fuck, what a bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:36:18 No.1512602
    Don't have time to point out all the stories I love, but just want to say this shit is fucking great. I'm eating it up. Thanks posters.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:36:58 No.1512605
    >It becomes f2p a day later
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:38:26 No.1512610
    Nah, more like 2 years later. I still occasionally play with Cryptic.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:38:29 No.1512611
    >coming home, a bit inebriated
    >catch the express train, miss my stop and end up in a shitty bogan neighborhood
    >get out, next train back is 1 hour away
    >see some bogan loudly swearing with his friend
    >sit a long way away from them
    >freeze my ass off for 15 minutes alone
    >drunk intimidating looking bogan comes up to me, hes now alone
    >get scared as fuck
    >he asks me to guard his 6pack while he goes for a piss
    >he comes back and shares two with me, I enjoy the next 45 minutes talking about stupid shit
    >I learned that bogans can actually be decent people
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:39:41 No.1512615

    Last I checked, stealing someone's car wasn't legitimised by, "he was trying to deal drugs with me and hire my girl." Was there no happy ending?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:46:12 No.1512633

    He was still being arrested and shit, but he was trying to bring me down with him and lessen his charge by saying he didn't steal it, but borrowed it. He ended up just getting a charge of "unauthorised use of vehicle" because I technically let him drive and take it. But that was only because I was in a confused and shocked sort of state. The guy was hostile and aggressive, and I had no clue if he would get violent with me. So I just went with it all knowing that it's better to have my life and what not.

    The cops bought his story because I'm a young, white guy who was driving this dude around. So it looked like I picked him up to score some poon and drugs.

    It's all good though. Got the car back and he went off to jail with another charge on his record (cop told me he had 7 prior felonies).
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:46:59 No.1512637
    >returning from my holiday
    >managed to take my wallet all the way to italy and back and end up losing it on the last bus i ride
    >live in a rough area, so quickly accept that it's gone forever
    >sister reports the lost property to the bus company
    >annoyed because i'll have to replace a lot of expensive shit, driving license etc.
    >2 weeks later
    >letter arrives saying that someone found it
    >go to the police station
    >everything's still in there
    >i hadn't even replaced the expensive shit yet

    all of my gratitude. i sent the person who found it a thank you card.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)04:48:41 No.1512645

    Also, in the end the cops came around and saw I was being honest. They were just trying to "break me" and get me to admit that I was in the wrong, because I'm sure that's what usually happens. But I told them I will take my word to court any day and wrote a statement for them. That's when they knew I was for realz.

    I was a bit nervous for a while, because he did approach me at my house, and I was scared for my family and stuff that he would come by, or some of his boys, and fuck with them or the house. Never happened though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:02:16 No.1512697
    I remember when I would wrestle with one of my cats he would pound his tail on the floor, to the point where you could clearly hear it. I used to have scratches all up my arms from him. I didn't care though, it was fun.

    And he had to had gotten some enjoyment out of us wrestling, he'd always be on his back with his stomach exposed and I never held him down, and he never ran away.

    I miss that cat... he was cool... when I wrestle with my dog it actually hurts, and none of my other cats like to wrestle...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:02:39 No.1512698
    >It turned out that the big black guy was on some sort of drugs.

    jesus christ you are far too ridiculously white bread to be driving anywhere near any neighbourhood that could be hyperbolically termed a ghetto.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:02:46 No.1512699
    >live in terrible neighborhood
    >see good-natured homeless man with dog
    >is cold
    >give him a 50 ducket bill
    >3 hours later I'm walking home
    >2 dudes demand my wallet and 1 has a knife
    >are you fucking kidding me
    >give them the last ten dollars in my wallet
    >they at least don't steal my id and cards and shit
    At least that 50 didn't go to waste...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:07:46 No.1512713
    I used to sit outside every now and then eating a sandwich and one of my cats would come up wanting it.

    So I'd let her take bites of it. Sharing my sammich with my kitty.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:09:59 No.1512726
    >go to taco bell
    >Me and my two bros order a 5 buck box each
    >One friends comes, me and other bro left without food for 10 minutes
    >Cute manager comes over to apologize and hand deliver our food
    >Obviously not this womens day
    >Tell her its cool and not to worry about it, we've all been there
    >Brings me a bag of free food ranging from cinnatwists, carmel apple eppenada, tacos, and chips
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:11:30 No.1512729

    lol dude bread is fucking terrible for cats
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:14:40 No.1512736
    >used to work at a diner by a hospital
    >one night an older looking woman comes in and is crying while she's looking at the menu
    >says her husbands at the hospital and he might not come home
    >we all pay for her meal
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:19:33 No.1512747
    >Go to Amsterdam with 2 friends, in one friends car, (we're from Denmark)
    >We get there at 3 am. black dude offers to show us to a hotel, after walking 100 meters he says "buy 40 euro cocaine before I show you" eeeh... no
    >Big black dude has got weed, buy some.
    >smoke, it's really bad weed, friend gets angry walk up to him and tell him we want some better stuff
    >black dude gets extremely angry
    >we go our separate ways before things escalate

    Bad start.

    >1 week of smoking, talking to random people and doing shrooms
    >go home
    >shit my wallet
    >a week later I've got mail
    >It's my wallet, with all credit cards

    Some one was a kind person.

    >get off bus
    >put on my jacket
    >walk 500 meters and then a kid comes up to me on a bike and stops
    >"Is this your wallet?"
    >"wow yes, thank you so much!"
    >When I put on my jacket I dropped my wallet

    Pretty small-time but I was very happy.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:37:00 No.1512792
    Another cat story

    >be 6 years old
    >stray cat turns up at my house
    >would've kept him but we had two cats already, one with a litter of kittens on the way
    >give the cat to a family friend about a 29 minute drive away
    >only way to get to her house is by driving along the motorway which is right by the sea and then driving up a huge windy hill
    >she names him Monty
    >Monty goes missing
    >week later still know sign, we all assumed the worst
    >two days after that
    >middle of winter, pouring rain
    >hear mewling by front door
    >see Monty skinny and soaking wet outside
    >he managed to find his way back down some hills and walk all the way along the motorway/by the sea I the middle if winter
    >our cat ever since
    He died last year after a long 14 year life
    Still miss ya monts
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)05:46:57 No.1512825
    >Sitting next to an Irish guy on the bus.
    >he wants to get off, so he says "shove over mate" (in a none obtrusive way with his Irish accent).

    Yep, that was the most recent.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:38:50 No.1513100
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    >be total dick to this banal, overly-religious kid.
    >stay afterschool to practice for production.
    >guitar bag breaks.
    >dangerously close to dropping my guitar.
    >commuted to school, gotta commute again.
    >guitar keeps spilling out awkwardly.
    >kid offers to drive me home.
    >"Get the fuck away from me".
    >accept anyway.
    >my house is two hours away from his.
    >awkward silence for the whole ride.

    +1 to this piece of shit with a heart of gold.

    >continue being a dick to kid for the rest of the year.

    I fucking suck.

    captcha: FAprive reli
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:42:52 No.1513123

    Theist kid behaves normaly and give you help.


    That's why I can't stand punk ass kids like you, that claim they are Atheists just to feel better.

    Fuck you, and your whole family.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:45:02 No.1513139

    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:47:30 No.1513156

    not that, not even athiest at all.
    it's just that having him stuff values into everything he says that gets to your nerves. it feels like an early 90's family movie heavily focused on morals.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)06:56:24 No.1513199

    You're both complete idiots, move along.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:33:33 No.1513390


    die in a fire, you fuck-headed nigger.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:36:44 No.1513397
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    Good job,guys.
    Good job.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:37:22 No.1513400
    excluding jehovah's witnesses, i've never had a religious person shove their religion down my throat (only issue was when i cooked for my jewish friend and used pork. oops). but the second i tell most atheists i believe in a higher power (i guess agnostic) they start 'logically debunking' my faith. cool story, don't care.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:43:02 No.1513419
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:43:58 No.1513424

    My friend had a stage like that when we were in our teens. The thing is he had to actively try to find a religious person in our area, so it made him all the more annoying when he'd go all hgih and mighty when faced with a theist.

    He's calmed down a lot now that he's grown up.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:59:19 No.1513483
    >about 10 years ago
    >walking down a really posh area in london with my friend (we were both from poor families)
    >my friend tries to cross the road too quick and gets planted by a car
    >car drives off with even checking if he's okay
    >my friend is out cold in the middle of the road
    >not a single one of these posh cunts helped us
    >they all just stood there watching
    >out of nowhere some intimidating 6'3 black guy comes running to our help
    >phones an ambulance for us (we didn't have mobile phones at that time)
    >stayed with me and my friend until the ambulance came
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:27:50 No.1513610
    >in a bar with friends (back when I used to go out), its my round
    >chillin' in the queue waiting
    >notice a woman in front of me drop a 20 pound note on the floor
    >I bend down, pick it up and go to turn to her
    >she noticed it, thinks im stealing it
    >'Umm, I was picking it up for you'
    >She literally stares open mouthed at me
    >starts crying
    >oh god what why are you crying woman
    >'Oh my god I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that, oh god I am So, so sorry.'
    >wat da FUCK
    >Blankly hand her the money
    >she takes it back and gives me one of those awesome tight hugs
    >tears still in her eyes she smiles at me and says 'thank you so much' and just leaves without buying anything
    >wat wat wat

    Anyway, apart from mind fucking me for months, it made me regain some faith in humanity because it's nice to see people who can still admit when they are wrong and genuinely care for other peoples feelings.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:29:29 No.1513619
    At first I was happy reading this thread, but then I got all fucking negative and sad when I realized that for every good story like these, there's a hundred, or maybe even a thousand bad ones.

    Why must people suck so much?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)08:55:19 No.1513718
    Simply because cat stories have been posted, have these:

    >Cousin left her half-starved kitten at my house
    >Wouldn't take him back
    >As I grew up, my cat and I became bros
    >Couldn't figure out how to wink when my siblings showed me how to do it at age 3
    >Learned how to wink from my cat instead
    >Cat used to sleep against my chest and I'd often wake up to the sound of him purring
    >Cat died of old at age 14

    >Have vivid dream that my cat just waltzed into my room and jumped up onto my lap
    >Hug him and tell him that I've missed him
    >Can feel his warm fur and hear him purring
    >Wake up with a warm feeling in my heart

    >Last year
    >Then-girlfriend tells me that it's cute how I "can't wink properly"
    >Tell her that I wink like a cat
    >She doesn't believe me and says that I don't need to make excuses

    I still miss my cat.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:20:35 No.1513830
    Here's another cat story to keep with the bumping.
    >Have a dream where I walk out into the kitchen, and I see my cat sitting in the middle of the room
    >He looks up at me
    >I look down at him
    >He opens his mouth, and starts talking in a high-class British accent (even stranger because I'm Australian)
    >He says "Would you be a dear boy and fetch me a meal? I am ever so famished."
    >"Alright, cat..."
    >Give him his food
    >Halfway through eating he stops
    >He rubs against my leg, and looks up and says "Thank you lad, run along now."
    >He continues eating
    >I wake up

    >A week later, I get home from class
    >My cat is sitting in the middle of the kitchen
    >Whoa... dejavu...
    >He looks up at me, mews
    >I say "Alright, alright, I'm getting your food."
    >I give him his food
    >Halfway through eating, he stops
    >He rubs himself against my leg, looks up and mews at me again
    >He then continues to eat
    >Walk away having a surreal feeling of what just happened, but also a warm fuzzy feeling
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:43:29 No.1513951

    Humans are sapient, other animals are not.
    When animals harm each other- fine. But when a human harms an animal for fun, that is wrong.
    The animal doesn't understand.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)09:59:22 No.1514049
    Manly tears were shed. Kenny sounds boss as fuck, RIP.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:06:11 No.1514076

    I liked how one of their politicians, I think it was the prime minister, said he won't collect salary until he deals with the fukushima problem. talk about duty and honor
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:14:05 No.1514129
    >be a genuinely nice guy, always happy
    >no-one notices as I'm growing up
    >everyone notices in uni
    >get frequently complimented
    >bros start calling me alpha as fuck
    >all the feelgoodman.jpg in the world

    Must be because everyone has a lack of monies in uni or something.

    >xmas time
    >Steam sales
    >give away games to random people because of spirit of xmas
    >one guy gives me ~20 games even after I said I didn't want them
    >bros EVERYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:16:12 No.1514147

    That feel when your cats British...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:23:28 No.1514184
    >with a hooker for the first time, czech girl
    >tell her it's my first time and i don't really know rules etc
    >go through with it and it's all good
    >very drunk, leave the brothel
    >said hooker runs out to the street after me with my passport shouting "anon you forgot your passport!"
    >pretty chuffed
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:31:57 No.1514236
    This reminds me of a story my mum told me
    >be a Scandinavian woman in her 40s on a vacation trip in London
    >go out alone to a kiosk a few blocks away to get soda and chocolate for her kids in the hotel room
    >in line behind a huge, buff black gangster who's clearly on drugs
    >he drops something on the floor without noticing
    >mom picks it up to be polite, realizes it's a huge roll of 100 pound bills
    >scared but taps the man on the shoulder and hands it to him
    >he nods to her with his gold teeth smile and gets out of the kiosk
    >"phew" pay for the food and leave the kiosk as well
    >walk back to the hotel
    >suddenly, there's three men surrounding her
    >one has a knife
    >oh god I'm going to get robbed what a stupid, naive tourist I am
    >gangster from the store suddenly comes running back towards her
    >he screams at the dudes, they get scared and run off
    >gangster just smiles to mum and walks away
    >mum comes back to the hotel room with candy and soda for us

    She didn't even tell me this before many years had passed, I remember the trip but I had no idea this happened to my mum.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:36:35 No.1514254
    ITT: black people aren't so bad
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:40:26 No.1514271

    England sounds like it's full of criminals.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:42:59 No.1514292
    Well, compared to a tiny town in the north of Scandinavia, it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:46:23 No.1514312
    >be awkward friendless loner
    >meet this weeaboo-ish girl in freshman year
    >she's nice to me but I kind of brush it off
    >eventually end up asking to join her groups for projects a few times
    >she's kind and pays attention to me, has typical friends though that don't care for me
    >goes out of her way to try and include me in her group of friends- introduces us, hangs out with me whenever she can, etc. etc.
    >still shy and don't really reciprocate anything because I feel like the odd one out with her friends
    >senior year rolls around
    >I'm sitting there doing a final project in the Library
    >turns out she's across the desk from me on the adjacent side with computers
    >hands me a note, inviting me to her graduation party

    I was too shy and beta to go so I didn't (+ I had to do some things beforehand that day) :/ but I really did appreciate how nice she was to me and how much it was out of her way to do things like that... total bro if I would've ended up being friends with her.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:52:17 No.1514353
         File: 1329925937.jpg-(17 KB, 450x461, the_time_is_now.jpg)
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    >11 years old
    >decide to go rock climbing with friend
    >find an awesome cliff face about 50m high
    >start climbing
    >notice there's stairs on one side...weird
    >walk up the stairs
    >friend suddenly stops dead
    >young military guy with AK-47 comes out of the grass
    >pointing at both of us
    >scared shitless
    >"we're having a live fire excercise at the base today guys, it's dangerous, i have to ask you leave and please be careful :D "
    >mfw we accidentally a military base
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:53:46 No.1514360
    What country are you in?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:55:08 No.1514367
    I live in Canada, sorry I should have specified, I was born and grew up in Cuba.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:57:23 No.1514380
    Have you considered suicide as an option? It's quite...viable.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:11:21 No.1514472
    >Be brazilian
    >Massive earthslide on a group of mountain towns, nearly destroys one of them
    >massive blood donation and fund raising campaign to help them is an awesome success
    >All sorts of people help the best way they can to clean up and rescue stranded families
    >No looting

    It felt like I was on a different country or something but then

    >It's revealed that the government was using the money dedicated to help cities that suffer these tragedies build all sorts of things somewhere else
    >It happened on january of last year, most of the buildings were not rebuilt, lot's of people still leave on shelters

    Fuck the third world
    >> Headphones 02/22/12(Wed)11:16:38 No.1514508
    >be at gym today
    >skinny guy doing bench press next to me loads up 20kg plates on both sides, making it 60kg total
    >immediately think this is way too much for him so keep an eye on him as I squat
    >he starts to lift
    >manages one rep
    >can't get the bar off his chest
    >it starts to roll
    >it drops on his throat
    >i drop my weights and run over to him
    >right hand picks up the bar
    >left hand drags him off the bench at the same time
    >never seen someone so thankful before
    >also never seen someone literally on the verge of death, eyes bulging out his head, bloodshot as hell, that scream/gurgle

    We were the only ones in the gym at the time. Had I not been there, he'd been dead. And to top it off, it was the first time I did squats in a long time due to an injury. Had it been just yesterday I'd have been in a completely different area of the gym.

    I don't know why but saving him sort of made me have faith, ya know. It's odd.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:20:15 No.1514535
    bumping for more stories, these are good!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:22:45 No.1514555
    >meet a Neutral master race member
    >humanity points rapidly go up
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:27:20 No.1514577
    I got another one
    >be 10 at the beach with cousin
    >decide it was a good idea to swim as far out as we can
    >trying to reach the "black line" as we call it, AKA the clear boundary where clear blue becomes dark blue
    >keep swimming
    >look down under water
    >looks pretty deep
    >almost there
    >get there
    >suddenly look down to see what it looks like
    >on one side, clear blue with nothing but sand, about 10m deep
    >on other side, a sheer cliff into blackness
    >get scared shitless
    >start swimming back in a hurry
    >look down again
    >shark swimming near the bottom
    >"i'm fucking dead"
    >make it back to beach
    >hotdogs and ice cream waiting
    Fuck yea!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:29:16 No.1514588
    So a shark swimming by restored your faith in humanity?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:32:25 No.1514610
    The ice cream and hotdogs did.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)11:54:12 No.1514721
    my cat story
    >one day i was playing with my legos.
    >i think it was 2002.
    >it was very rainy day that windows making whoolllop sound.
    >then my big bro opened door with small cat on his hand.
    >my mother goes monkey shit that and keep bitching about keeping cat.
    >my father says it is ok if it doesnt make problems.
    >everyone is happy.
    >then my mother washes fucking cat with cold water.
    >cat goes shitting per minute.
    >we put thim in box.
    >after few days there was 2002 FIFA World Cup on tv.
    >take the cat.shit on couch while watching semi finals with my family.
    >something suddenly smells.
    >cat shitted in "in" couch.
    >mom goes monkey shit again and throw cat outside
    >2 year later my mother cheats my father while me and my bro sleeps in next room
    >dad and mom broke up
    >me and bro stayed with dad
    >mom got all alone
    >one year later he maried with mustache religon guy.
    >i hate her
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:40:38 No.1515026

    Does your name start with an M?

    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:44:43 No.1515048
    > "Aw shit man, I just got out of jail 2 weeks ago for Grand Theft Auto"
    This is fucking hilarious. Good to know people with useful skills, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:45:18 No.1516910
    >be in England with some friends
    >visit London
    >at beginning of trip, tell them that we should immediately look for a hotel
    >nobody listens to me
    >spend whole day having fun in London
    >starting to rain
    >ask around hotels for a free room
    >no vacancy
    >go to really fancy hotel
    >dude at the desk tells us about a street with a lot of hotels
    >can't find street
    >have to return to dude at fancy hotel 2 more times
    >finally find street
    >go through all hotels, no vacancy
    >second to last hotel
    >older man opens the door
    >"Well, a group came by before but they looked kind of dodgy but you guys seem alright! Come on in!"
    >forget about our plan of sleeping in a McDonalds

    I know, it's not much but this guy pretty much saved us. 3 nerdy looking dudes in a foreign country, near Hyde Park in London?

    >everything my friends and family do and have done for me
    I'm really grateful. I only wish I could show it more.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:04:14 No.1517112

    Oh and another one:
    >mother was a nurse
    >one day, she had to take me to the doctor because of my allergies
    >it was raining so bad that you could barely see anything
    >get to intersection
    >long line of cars, none moving even though the light's green
    >mother leaves vehicle and goes to see what's going on
    >comes running back, takes first aid kit out of the car's trunk
    >runs back to the crossing street
    >after 15 minutes or so she comes back and tells me what happened
    >Old lady got hit by a car as she was crossing the street (she had the green light)
    >everybody was just standing around her, nobody helped
    >old lady was incredibly grateful and sent thank-you cards later and called my mother

    I don't know, I think she even was a friend of the family before. I lived in a pretty small village back then so it's pretty possible that they knew each other.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:13:26 No.1517193
    >My brother had a bad epileptic fit while on his own
    >ended up 30ft down a VERY steep hill
    >Someone on my farm notices, god knows how long he was down there
    >Comes and wakes us up
    >Within 20 minutes the entirety of the available farm (about 15 people) and some paramedics form a human daisy chain to lift him back to the road
    >That feel when a family member could easily have died were it not for the assistance of a bunch of near-strangers risking their necks

    Also, I'm VERY weak, and when it came to my turn to pass the stretcher to the next guy I damn
    near dropped him, quite obviously too. Looked like I did it on purpose. Still feel guilty for accidentally endangering my brothers life. Nobody EVER mentioned it or gave me a funny look.

    15-odd people risking themselves to save one of my family? Fuck. Yes.

    Oh god /r9k/. He was half-awake and looking at me with a bloody, pale blue-ish face, mumbling "Hi anon" and trying to smile when I nearly dropped him. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

    But still. Mostly the strangers helping out part.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:22:42 No.1517268
         File: 1329949362.jpg-(118 KB, 500x333, mormonmissionaries.jpg)
    118 KB
    >picking my gf up from a night class
    >start of winter, black ice everywhere
    >slide off the road, luckily the snow stopped us from falling into 20 ft. ravine but still damn close
    >can't move car from its spot
    >push us back onto the road and disappear into the night
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:32:13 No.1517340
    i think you need to say black some more OP, what was the ethnicity of these gentlemen? your post does not make it clear enough
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:46:54 No.1517441
    I'm not the owner of a cat in a similar situation.
    >8 years ago
    >neighbors 2 houses down moves
    >leaves their cat
    >cat wanders street for a year
    >start feeding cat
    >eventually bring the cat inside when it gets cold
    >love Puddin (now our cat).

    She stays outside all day, we feed her, and let her in at night
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:09:51 No.1517620
    >be in college, driving back from home in small town, Louisiana to Dallas, TX after break
    >get flat tire in middle of nowhere
    >be a weak girl, can't get the bolts off the tire
    >random guy immediately stops, changes my tire
    >all of my gratitude, he doesn't care though, just finishes, says have a nice day and leaves.
    >oh shit, my spare tire hasn't been checked in months
    >fuck it's going to go flat soon too
    >drive a few miles to nearest gas station
    >try to air up tire, but have no quarters for machine
    >go inside, ask gas station manager for change
    >he comes out, realizes my car tires are the same as his
    >he has a FULL SIZE spare in his car
    >gives it to me, tells me next time I go home to Louisiana to bring it back
    >we change the donut with his full tire
    >I drive to school and make it back for my exams the next day
    >1 month later I go home again, bring him back his tire.
    >he's so nice and gives me free snacks from the station

    So, I could have ended up in the middle of nowhere with no help, but 2 random strangers help me. I'll never forget that, even though it was 8 years ago now!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:24:05 No.1517752
    >be female with pretty bad acne
    >no confidence, barely talk, no friends, depressed as fuck and just full on beta because I'm so self conscious and bullied over it
    >don't wear makeup for years(my mother always told me it'd make my skin worse)
    >finally decide to go buy some when I'm 16
    >get there, no idea what foundation is right
    >sit there struggling, ready to leave because I don't know anything about makeup
    >girl who works there comes up
    >offers to help me
    >she goes out of her way to get me an acne fighting kind that fits my skin type/tone/etc.~ helps me learn to apply it and everything. Really nice and understanding the whole time.
    >says she would help me out whenever I needed if I came back
    >the makeup she gave me completely controls my acne, never got anything terrible on my face after that

    ;_; I really do think she changed my life for the better with just that one thing. I'm sure I would've left and never came back if she hadn't come up to me right then.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:38:29 No.1517913
    >Come back from US to Yurop
    >At the airport
    >Drive back to the hosue
    >I realize I don't have my electronics bag (cameras, laptops, easy ~$1000 worth of shit)
    >Panic mode! Drive to the airport!
    >Find a airport guy. Tell him about it.
    >He called the cops, his supervisor and half of the airport was looking for my bag.
    >They take me to the CCTV rook and we look at the footage to trace my steps.
    >Couldn't locate the bag.
    >Go to police to make a report.
    >Call comes in.
    >Some old lady found the bag and returned it. Everything is in it.

    Happiest moment of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:42:54 No.1517959
    I don't normally believe in hell, but if anyone deserves to be held down and have their hands and feet chopped off by demons and forced to crawl away with his stumps from small creatures nipping off bits of his flesh, it's this guy. Amongst other things.

    You know the little faggot was probably torturing the first cat that scratched him. He should have killed his parents for being such neglectful pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:55:00 No.1518067
    This is gonna sound fucked up, but it changed my opinion of cops forever.
    >go to university with downtown campus
    >walk past homeless hangout every day
    >about 5 or 6 of the 8 people there annoy the shit out of everybody who walks by
    >one day, standing on adjacent corner smoking cigarette
    >all of a sudden
    >cops, cops everywhere
    >hobo roundup!
    >target the 5 or 6 trouble makers
    >quiet homelesses walk away quietly
    >trouble makers run
    >craziest, most racist and perverted piece of filth gets tackled right on a fire hydrant
    >by 3 cops
    >from that moment on a little part of me always wanted to be a cop
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:00:15 No.1518118

    Mormons, man. I was raised as one. Didn't stick to it, as organized religion's really not my bag, but from all of the people I grew to know, I can say that generally, Mormons are some of the nicest, most awesome people to be around.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:02:30 No.1518147
    >I'll be honest with you guys, I'm not the best looking guy
    >16, 6'2" 180lbs., in god awful shape (man boobs), used to wear crappy clothes, the only good things about me are my blue eyes, they seem to be the only thing girls like about me
    >Anyways, I recently got new shoes, clothes, contacts, etc.
    >Major confidence boost in my opinion
    >Been trying to start a relationship with a girl
    >She is absolutely gorgeous but has lots of problems getting over guys
    >Fell in love with her but she said she didn't like me the same way meaning that if she wouldn't fuck me then she doesn't want me
    >Her friend, even more beautiful than the first girl, is really cool with me
    >I was talking to her that night I found out that the girl didn't like me (Valentine's Day, go figure)
    >"What she did to you was wrong, even though she thought you just wanted to fuck her, ,just like the other guys, she was wrong about you, and I'm deeply sorry."
    >I decided not to drink myself to death that night because of what she said
    >I really love that girl even after what she's done to me, I can't get her out of my head, she changed me for the better and I'm happy yet sad about it
    >Her friend saved me that night from becoming a depressed alcoholic and I'll never forget it, at least someone cares about me
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:03:01 No.1518152
    Oh God! Where is the sauce on that pic?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:04:15 No.1518167
    I was just thinking about that the other day.
    Some of the coolest, nicest people I knew in high school were Mormon. Crazy fucking religion, but amazingly nice people, not to mention they take the mormon jokes very well.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:22:08 No.1518352
    Jesus Christ, learn how to spell.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:33:00 No.1518479
    This sounds very similar to a tale of a man who killed himself, and his note said that if one person smiled at him on the way to the bridge, he wouldn't do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)19:44:14 No.1518612
    Oh wow. Just wow. Thread goes on for nearly a day with next to no responses.

    Guy tortures a cat and it blows the fuck up. THIS is the 4chan I know and love.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:31:41 No.1519084
    >outside of school at lunch time with friend
    >two kids in front of us who look generally trash
    >guy is outside of his house with a motorcycle, needing to load it onto a truck
    >calls the four of us over
    >we all work together to help him, we've never met one another before
    >yay teamwork
    >he thanks us and we go on our way
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)20:45:10 No.1519238
    Most, yeah. I live in Utah, man. We get a lot of the vocal minority Mormons who get offended at every little thing.

    But yeah, most Mormons are generally cool people, very helpful.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:25:26 No.1520133
    >That feel when gifting a stranger a game.

    It feels nice, man.

    Someone first introduced me to Steam, some random guy on /v/, buy gifting me HL2 and Portal. I proceeded to keep the circle going and gift people.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)02:27:47 No.1522463
    Also anyone know who fetrola is? Cus "fetrola celebrated" was my captcha.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:09:03 No.1522676
    >>have outside cat
    >>dont see him for a couple days
    >>get call from microchip people
    >>lady 3 houses down the street has him
    >>shes been feeding him chicken.

    fuck cats
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:11:26 No.1522685
    lol wait, what happened to the cat
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:11:32 No.1522686

    >cats are missing for 3 days
    >fuck sakes
    >never come back
    >fucking fishers
    >fucking canada
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)03:11:40 No.1522687
    Brought my bike to school
    waiting for bus, tons of people in a line (not I because I need to use the bike rack thing)
    bus comes, do my shit, start walking to the end of the line
    girl taps my shoulder and says "You were here before me"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:06:48 No.1522984

    dude a fisher ate your cat? thats fucking gnarly
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:09:54 No.1523008
    Not really that big of a deal, but I recall one time when I was in Boston.

    >Out walking to the nearest mall, a good twenty or so minutes from my apartment.
    >Notice that the sky is getting kind o-
    >Suddenly starts pouring rain like a motherfucker, I'm completely soaked through.
    >Most people would groan at that, but I actually like the rain and don't mind getting wet.
    >Suddenly find an umbrella over my head.
    >Woman saw me walking along without one and decided to come over.
    >We were both walking to the mall anyway.

    It was a nice moment, because usually the people I see walking around Boston are all so caught up in their own little worlds and try to block everyone else out. I suppose I'm also a little guilty of that sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:15:28 No.1523036
    >at a friend's party
    >douchebags start fighting
    >pull them apart
    >one is apologetic, other is still being a douchebag
    >end up knocking him out
    >friends take him outside
    >Party's over everyone get the fuck out
    >guy comes up after 10~ minutes
    >oh fuck I'm either going to get stabbed or shitkick this guy again
    >Sorry for acting like such a dick, I deserved to get knocked out
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)04:35:20 No.1523163
    >Just got off 3 day train ride from CA to NY
    >Sitting at station for ride, black guy walks up and asks for change, mom died 2 days prior, but I have nothing but a 20
    >Go into bathroom, pull out jar of weed and delegate a bowl pack
    >Return to black guy with his black friends, explain I honestly had no money, but something for his trouble
    >Hangout with the group for 15 mins talking about California til ride shows up
    >Get a dudes number for when he comes out to get some
    >> Totally-not-Tripfaggot !!MT+V1rAbGK1 02/23/12(Thu)07:51:15 No.1523961
    >A robot from New Orleans
    holy tits, we need to meet up sometime
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:53:09 No.1523970
    I don't see how giving handouts restores your faith in humanity
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)07:54:02 No.1523975
    >several years ago(i think about 5-6)
    >mom dropping me off to school
    >theres traffic at the road
    >we see that a man is struggling to push his car off the road
    >25-30 cars behind him, no one helps
    >we jump out of the car and we help the man push his car, he >thanks us later
    >people look at us as if we are retarded
    >> Umby !Hugs38K/ko 02/23/12(Thu)08:02:36 No.1523995
    Me too man. This is what happened the most recent time I left the house for anything but college.

    >Mates drag me to paintballing
    >Hey its actually quite fun
    >Hiding behind a tree
    >Guy shooting at me gets hit
    >Pop out
    >Paintball suddenly zips past my head from behind
    >Woman on my own team there
    >turn back round
    >She shoots me in the knuckles repeatedly
    >Acts like it didn't happen

    Why? It seems people hate me before we met, I hadn't even seen this woman the whole day of paintballing.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:02:48 No.1523996
    /r9k/ - faggots get butthurt about abusing shitty little hairball-producing menaces

    Someone post zippocat
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:14:47 No.1524046
    >hurr durr EDGY
    >about cats, 4chan's totem animal
    Hi, Anon, you must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:28:05 No.1524091
    > be 17
    > go to fair with sister and her mates (1 mate was mine)
    > in town
    > need toilet
    > go to kfc toilets
    > come downstairs
    > guy blocks my way
    > i say "very funny, 'scuse please"
    > he's an angry drunk
    > says i nicked his bag and orders me to go upstairs
    > guy jumps in to try and save me but drunk tells him to sit (faith, somewhat, but i don't like heroes)
    > he starts counting down from 10
    > he gets to 3, ok he's serious
    > i walk towards stairs but run around barrier and out
    > shout to mates "quick! there's a drunk guy chasing me"
    > they laugh
    > i rage
    > punch mate in arm
    >> P.O. 02/23/12(Thu)08:43:42 No.1524156
    I try my best, but people seem quite faggotish as of lately.

    >snow storm previous night
    >on my way to fix some electronics
    >snow, snow everywhere
    >old woman trying to clean the snow in front of her house
    >no-one seems to help
    >drop tool case
    >acquire shovel
    >clean all the snow
    >she asks about payment
    >refuse taking any money
    >continue on my way

    >leaving the opera
    >some idiot set fire to one of those huge metal bins
    >smoke everywhere
    >no-one does anything
    >screw you
    >go up to the bin
    >cough my lungs out
    >manage to close the lid
    >smoke stops
    >people look at me
    >only some old guy says "Thank you!"
    >go home and play Skyrim
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:46:20 No.1524159
    Semipro/D1 (USA) Pro/CPL (Europe) paintballer here who travels the world frequently competing in 5 different leagues.

    Man the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:49:50 No.1524169
    >2am on saturday, having just spent the entire night drinking.
    >I lived an hour by car away from the city and public transport doesn't go to where I live past 11pm or before 8am.
    >Plan was to take a train as close as I could then (with some stroke of luck) get a taxi the rest of the way, unlikely as fuck at that time or worst case walk the four or five hours home.
    >And to make matters better, completely shitfaced.
    >Start talking to a couple people at the station, what I think was a young couple.
    >Turns out they were just friends, guy was a total bro, girl was friendly enough.
    >Spent the hour before the train chatting with them, guy lives a few suburbs over from me, offered a lift back.
    >Get driven home, promise to send him a copy of L4D as thanks.
    >He wrote down his email address, sent him a few messages, never got a response, tried gifting him L4D via email, never got redeemed.
    >Still have the copy sitting in my gifts list for the day he contacts me, still have the game installed in case he wants to play it.

    This was a couple of years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:51:34 No.1524176
         File: 1330005094.jpg-(95 KB, 1027x651, 1311195124482.jpg)
    95 KB
    A true Dovahkiin.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)08:56:29 No.1524185
    Same guy here, another story, happened a few weeks ago.

    >Ordered food from this local place, amazing pizza, curries and a few other dishes.
    >Delivery guy rocks up, knows me as a repeat customer.
    >I go to pay him and realize I don't have the cash on me.
    >Apologize profusely, ask if he minds giving me a lift to a local ATM.
    >Doesn't even blink, happily agrees, take a quick five minute detour.
    >I pay him and chuck in a $20 tip as thanks.

    He was a real bro about it.
    >> P.O. 02/23/12(Thu)08:56:36 No.1524186
    Go ahead - deride me.
    Want to laugh even more? I want to join the Rescue Services once I finish university.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:12:44 No.1524239
    >Have mild heart condition
    >Causes me to have arrythmia.
    >Be walking down the street
    >Oh shit I'm fainting again
    >lose conciousness
    >Wake up drowzy as fuck
    >I realise someone is carrying me. I'm 6' 7' btw.
    >Another thing that my heart condition produces is that It contracts all my muscles so I can't even talk.
    >I'm semi concious.
    >That someone places me on a restaurant's floor.
    >I can hear people panicking.
    >Faint AGAIN
    >Wake up again very very confused. My tongue is still paralysed.
    >Anon, the ambulance is coming
    >I try to say something but I can only mumble : masdmasnmamnsdamnsd.
    >Next thing I know I'm on a hospital bed.

    Basically someone carried me for two blocks into a restaurant. That someone was pretty big because I'm big myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:33:10 No.1524300
    >girl has heavy case of paralysis
    >can't do jack by herself,always needs someone to be around
    >medical staff doesn't give a particular shit
    >her mother throws away social life,career and whatever plans she had for future
    >stays with her 24/7 for the rest of her life
    It's basically giving up your life to help someone else.You can draw the motherly love card on this,but it changes nothing.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:35:21 No.1524307
    I have a good story

    >back in late 2008
    >I was being a lulzfag and doing my chanology thing
    >trolling scilons was great fun
    >they so butthurt
    >hand out anti-Co$ fliers
    >a few months later a dude rolls up in his car to us
    >says that because of the fliers we have him he was able to get his sister out the Co$
    >no image macro can show how good hearing that felt
    >+9001 humanity faith points
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:38:30 No.1524321
    I remember reading about this.

    Hundreds of old japanese people also volunteered to take part in the clean up because
    >"I am 72 and on average I probably have 13 to 15 years left to live," he says. "Even if I were exposed to radiation, cancer could take 20 or 30 years or longer to develop. Therefore us older ones have less chance of getting cancer.""
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:42:38 No.1524337
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    That was jesus bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:46:52 No.1524355
    >be freshman
    >lose my phone at party in winter
    >walking home, feeling bad and very cold
    >a group of people walking behind me
    >they live less than a block away from the party and invite me in
    >we shoot the shit, drink coffee, and smoke weed

    I never saw them again, but it was nice.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:53:29 No.1524380
    Thank you for that, I'm tearing up. I love you anon, you can make this world a better place, just keep on keeping on.
    >> fishhead 02/23/12(Thu)10:11:08 No.1524453
    >Someone on 4chin tells a sad story about how they are broke.
    >for some reason believe them
    >send them the last 8 dollars in my bank account
    >1 month later recieve random payment from person for 8 dollars saying thank you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:22:25 No.1524499

    Well it was either Jesus or a world class body builder lol.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)10:28:29 No.1524528
    If you acted less defensive about the good deeds you've done, you would be an exponentially cooler person.

    Just some free advice for life.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:27:43 No.1524874
    > 20 kg plates
    > 60 kg
    > 3 plates
    > bar not balanced

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:33:01 No.1524917
    >8 years old
    >At supermarket with mom
    >Want candy
    >"Sorry honey, we don't have enough money"
    >Man comes out nowhere
    >He buys it for me
    >Mom is happy, I am happy, everyone is happy
    >The candy didn't even taste that great but I ate it anyway because a stranger bought it for me out of the goodness of his heart

    I don't know what I'm more happy about, spoiled-as-fuck 8 year old me not being a faggot for once, or that guy that bought it for me just because he could.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:42:45 No.1524990
    I used to work in a supermarket and there was this family.. a mother and 3 children. Her husband died 3 years ago, and they were very poor even before he died. But the mom handled it all so well.

    >She gives the children 30 cents each to buy something
    >They always put their money together to buy a bag of candy
    >They sit on the floor next to my cash register
    >Passing the bag around, all taking one candy
    >And offering a piece to everyone that passes

    Man, those kids. My boss wasn't around much so i gave them the candy for free whenever i had the chance. I hope they stay the same growing up.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:02:39 No.1525101

    the bar itself weights 20kilos, smartass
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:26:26 No.1525244
    This was yesterday.
    >be coming home from nyc with 2 other bros
    >bought off peak round trip tickets
    >conductor comes, tells us that we are going to have to pay 3 dollars extra each, because it's a peak train
    >conductor says "i'll be back"
    >empty out our pockets, have a bunch of nickels, and a quarter. it was a pretty long day, and we spent all of our money.
    >shit, we're about to get kicked off of the train in the middle of the night with no money.
    >random lady standing next to us hands us 6 dollars worth of quarters
    >all of my greatfullness
    >she asks how much more we need, we tell her that we need 3 dollars more.
    >random dude out of nowhere hands us 3 dollar bills

    The conductor dosen't even end up coming back, and we gave them their money back. May not be as crazy as some of these other stories, but whatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:29:18 No.1525263
    >Senior year in high school
    >counselor had called me in to her office during class
    >she received a tip that i was suicidal
    >not really but i was depressed
    >I had no friends and spoke to no one
    >someone cared enough about me to notice something was off and go talk to a counselor about me

    Its not much but finding out someone cares a bit about you is always uplifting
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:24:29 No.1525657
    this thread makes me want to be a better person. Some GGG shit in here y'all. brofist for all my robots out here in the struggle. Pay it forward yo.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:28:34 No.1525684
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)13:28:53 No.1525688
    The question is who
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)14:38:14 No.1526091
    Holy winged fuck on a stick, epic thread still alive after 4 days... might as well 'bute:

    >go to a party at the other side of the city
    >get drunk as fuck
    >get lost in a part of town I know nothing about
    >no idea where I am
    >some 2 dudes walking the street
    >me (articulating very difficultly, becouse drunk): "evenin' gentlemen, wdya plees tell me werda nerest bus stashun?"
    >dudes laugh and reveal they're obviously a little drunk too
    >dude1: "Enjoying the friday night I see... well, where do you need to get?"
    >they lead me to the station
    >no buses 'til in 2 hours
    >they wait with me, talking about all kinds of stuff
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:00:54 No.1526537
    Hi newfriend. GGG stands for Good Guy Greg, a meme that depicts a gentleman who does good things
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:07:44 No.1526556
    I would have killed him. Planned it. Clinically. Killed him.

    Small harmless animals are not there to torture and those who torture them for entertainment are not wanted in the gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:09:10 No.1526565

    >using shitty reddit memes

    I hope you and your family die of cancer.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:41:28 No.1526797
    >reddit meme

    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:50:45 No.1526868
    >Doing drama in school
    >Majority of people in the class are lazy at the start of the year
    >One of two guys out of 18 girls, other guy is typical alpha nigger, poor attendance
    >We have to do a monolouge, he picks Macbeth
    >We get into groups of two, I'm with alpha nigga
    >My prejudgement tells me he isn't going to participate and we're just going to sit in awkwardness
    >"Yo anon, can you help me with my piece please, i haven't been in for a while as you know"
    >I start helping him recite his play for a while
    >he's actually pretty fucking good at it
    >conversation comes up about his thoughts on the school system and why he's not bothered attending because school is pretty shitty and he'd rather do it at home
    >starts talking about how he's disspointed with everyone else in our class because they're so lazy and don't take the teacher seriously and how the school system should toughen up

    I know it's cliche, but I've learnt not to judge a book by it's cover ever since we had that conversation.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)16:57:04 No.1526910
    I've told this story before, but I think it bears mentioning here.
    >Girlfriend broke up with me
    >Spend then ext week or two completely depressed, having lost the girl I loved for two years and was sure I was going to marry
    >Walking around the woods near my house, thinking about writing a note and just ending myself
    >Suddenly, girl in a tree is telling me to come over to her
    >Girl with long black hair is chilling in an awesome climbing tree, visibly pretty high
    >I walk over to her; her first words to me are "Why so glum, chum?"
    >We hang out and talk about nothing
    >End up being best friends; always there for each other and almost always together
    >One day we're in the woods again; she climbs a tree, then wants to throw her favorite necklace down to me so i won't get snagged and break
    >She sucks at throwing on a massive scale, and threw it into the tree next to hers
    >She is horribly distraught, so I climb the tree
    >Branches are super thin; end up getting the necklace, and the instant I do the branch breaks and I fall about 10 or 12 feet
    >Break my arm; she's out of her tree in an instant and freaking out why I risked that
    >Told her because I knew it was important to her, and she was the most important person to me
    >Starts kissing me
    >Still together now; been 4 years
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:05:25 No.1526974
    I genuinely smiled
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:31:35 No.1527189
    Read this. All of it. Goddamn, it's one of the few things that's actually made me tear up out of nowhere. It actually helped renew my faith in humanity after my girlfriend ditched me.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:17:45 No.1527517
    How the hell do I get to what I'm supposed to read?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:23:41 No.1527562
    >visit my pals outside of dc
    >my friends and i enjoy getting wasted and doing karaoke
    >go to this bar
    >barely understood how to get there when sober
    >involves a metro ride, cutting through a mall and more than a couple blocks
    >proceed to get hammered
    >midnight 2 of the group leaves
    >1 am the other 2 are ready to leave
    > commmmeonmanistillwannasing
    > convinced them itd be a good idea for me to stay
    >black out
    >regain control and realize im walking along some street
    >phone almost dead its 4am with 10+ missed calls
    >see a couple of cops in a cvs bee line to them
    >like every other time ive genuinely needed a cop they leave with no acknowledgement
    > walk around for another hour
    >drunkenly steal tire from mechanics shop
    >wondered if they chained their tires up, they didnt
    >another hour of walking rolling a tire
    >give up gonna curl up in some bushes sleep this off and figure it out in the morning
    >shirtless creepy looking dude over 50 stops in a pick up
    >you need a ride?
    > all of my concentration....yesh i dobe...
    >you can throw your tire in the back(didnt even question why i had it)
    >"I dont need it anymore"
    >throw tire down the walk
    >where do you need to go?
    > no idea "the address is in my phone its dead..."
    >has about 10 different phone chargers one fits get address and plugs into gps
    >were 30 mins away
    >get home
    >not made into human suit
    >thank him so much
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:30:13 No.1527601
    Click the links. It's categorized.
    How can you get that wrong? HOW?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:32:30 No.1527612

    rock n roll

    Where in the city you about? I'm Uptown.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34:19 No.1527629
    Because I was expected to see a wall of text when scrolling down and didnt check where the links would take me
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:40:17 No.1527679
    This is kinda late, but to the guy looking for a way to keep cats out of his yard, you should use wolf urine.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:53:10 No.1527796

    What town in Louisiana?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:07:42 No.1527917
    >In highschool
    >See a random nice looking girl
    >She bends down
    >Picks up a 50
    >"Excuse me who dropped 50 dollars!"
    >Think what a nice girl
    >She walks up to some black kid in grade 9 i just kow is going to abuse her kindness
    >"Hey, did you drop this 50?" she says to him
    >"Oh shit, no sorry. Here ask people around here all run ahead and ask people up there"
    >Holy shit
    >I love living in Canada
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:10:29 No.1527940
    I was at the bottom of a hill which takes about 30 minutes to walk carrying a heavy bag home and I caught the eye contact of a gorgous girl about my age who was looking out the window of a passing car, she gave me a huge smile and it really touched me for some reason because i'd just walked past hundreds of people who don't even acknowledge each others presence, needless to say that was the easiest walk home I've ever done
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14:25 No.1527972

    Haha, that's awesome. If that was in a movie I would have thought it was all that actually happening is pretty fucking stupendous.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:14:46 No.1527976
    >Some other parent comes down to him and slaps his kid to let the cat go, bro gets up and sucker punches the dude in the face saying "If my kid wants to bury something alive- even if it's your kid, you don't interfere."

    Alpha as fuck.

    also, the dude had a good reason for his hatred of cats.

    I don't mind the whole killing of stray cats, as they are better off dead then running around suffering in starvation and increasing the cat population.

    I really don't think him punching and suffocating them is a big deal, good method of death.

    the hatchet thing was pretty fucked up though, but he was drunk, so all good.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:20:43 No.1528018

    same person here, Although I'm an advocate of killing stray cats in humane means (1 punching, suffocating)

    This story absolutely broke my heart

    some teenagers broke into a house while a family was on vacation and destroyed all their shit, then microwaved the pet cat.

    >The words "Nice cat, look in the microwave" were scrawled in felt pen on the kitchen window and on the glass of the kitchen cabinets.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:25:12 No.1528062
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    You don't get a condition that causes you to have arrythmia, you're born with it toots.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:27:55 No.1528080
    I'm not going to lie: I lucked the fuck out. I have the best tree-climbing/smoking girlfriend ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:33:21 No.1528121
    Fuck that miserable cunt. You should desecrate his corpse.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:43:25 No.1528195
    >In Madrid
    >Leave bag o' important shit in a McDonalds
    >Realise half an hour later
    >Sprint back
    >Guy at counter speaks really bad english and mainly just sticks to speaking spanish
    >I can't understand a fucking word and neither can he
    >This conversation is going nowhere
    >Middle aged man behind me
    >Translates for us both
    >Get my bag back
    >What a bro
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:45:12 No.1528210

    Wauw. I don't know from what part of the world you are, but someone in The Netherlands is happy that you found a girl like that. Fuzzyfeel.jpg
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:48:24 No.1528227
    This Anon is in Austin, Texas. We seem to have a fairly high ratio of awesome girls, if I can say so myself.
    I've always wanted to go to the Netherlands, though. Texas if great, but a lot of it is hot and flat.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:51:02 No.1528239

    The Netherlands is all levelled bro, flat as a pancake... And crappier weather too.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)19:53:33 No.1528253
    Well damn; shows how great I am at Geography. Do you guys at least get snow? I think the closest thing we got to it here in Austin was about ten minutes of sleet this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:43:48 No.1528653
    >Don't know if it was mentioned, but during the 1847 Great Potato Famine in Ireland, a group of Native Americans, the Choctaws, collected $710 and sent it to help starving Irish. It's a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming not only because Choctaws were on the other side of the world, but they had to face the Trail of Tears, a forced relocation by the USA governement in 1831. They were obliged to leave their fertile lands and goods behind, many of them died during the travel, and the community relocated in Oklahoma was very poor, so that money was really something.

    >that single tear for the Choctaws
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)20:54:50 No.1528743
    That fucking page, man. It always leaves me feeling like a whole new person for the rest of the day.
    Other awesome pages: Crowning Moment of Awesome, and Crowning Moment of Funny. The real life examples on all of them are fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)22:39:36 No.1529614
    where are the louisiana/neworleans robots from?
    I'm from Mandeville.
    We should meet up
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:39:43 No.1530634

    glad the fucker is dead

    felines remember everything
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)00:52:07 No.1530738
    >My birthday
    >My brother has no money to buy me a present (On the dole, rent/bills to pay, you know the drill)
    >Gives me a "+3 healing card" in the game Rappelz.

    Doesn't sound like much, but it was the single most valuable item I had ever owned in the game, and I spent like 50-70hrs a week on it for like 6 months.
    >> firefly !!Dl/fNVWiYAz 02/24/12(Fri)01:19:55 No.1530949
    So many tears.
    i miss my nancy. Most beautiful and devoted cat.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)08:44:13 No.1532708

    I'm 23 yeard old male from Uptown in the city.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)08:56:50 No.1532750
    >just got off working the night shift
    >Had a really shitty day
    >It's my birthday
    >nobody knows my birthday or cares
    >passing through the gate onto base (military here)
    >girl working the gate checks my ID
    >hands me my card back
    >"happy birthday"

    That was the only "happy birthday" I was wished all day. I was really caught off guard. I never expected cops to look at my birth date on my ID. It really cheered me up and I couldn't stop smiling the rest of the drive home.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)09:04:59 No.1532774
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    >stood at the rails of a bridge
    >contemplating jumping off
    >tears in my eyes
    >guy walking past says "It's never that bad kid, you'll be OK." into my ear
    >mfw that guy saved my life
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)09:08:33 No.1532785
    that guy is an asshole who wanted you to suffer even longer. don't you see that that is what life is all about? that's why we tell children flat out fucking lies about magical beasts and things.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)09:12:32 No.1532795
    I think it's deeper than that. While magical things like santa and shit don't exist, a lot of the world is very magic, and certain people you meet in your life will just brighten shit up. So while you are lied to, you learn to find your own magic in the world around you.

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