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    File : 1319778684.jpg-(819 KB, 1318x1932, TheUltimateChoice.jpg)
    819 KB Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:11:24 No.139667  
    The hardest decision ever: which choice do you make?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:14:20 No.139709
    Either stopping time, or starting over again at the age of 5. Leaning towards the starting over again.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:15:24 No.139728
    The one involving the least amount of text.
    >> lokiツ !!s0u/PCz1YUj 10/28/11(Fri)01:16:25 No.139745
    i'd take the stopping time;

    >stop time
    >run into bank
    >take all the money i want or need

    >stop time
    >move people around
    >fuck with themhard core

    but i hope it isn't controlled by a stop watch like in that twilight zone episode
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:18:50 No.139790
    Telepathy. Easy millionaire status, extremely useful, no harmful side effects. This is obvious brobots.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:21:10 No.139834
    >mfw so many good ones
    I want to float and have tigerbro and fuck myself as a female everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:21:35 No.139844
    live forever

    Wait for development of, or develop robotic legs. Not like I'll run out of time to do it.

    Off myself in a few thousand years when I get bored of life.
    >> Ash !!4hfH5t9Bs7j 10/28/11(Fri)01:22:11 No.139856
    >70% intelligence boost
    Hey, this sounds ni-

    >start over at age 5

    I would kill for this. Literally.
    >> Ash !!4hfH5t9Bs7j 10/28/11(Fri)01:23:31 No.139881



    not on the list
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:23:33 No.139882
    too long; did not read

    >captcha: fuck you robot, stop muting me
    >> Mercury. !!B8lCYIPSKuX 10/28/11(Fri)01:25:27 No.139910
    I'd pick the animal one. Sure, there would be a lot of difficulties, but I'd be around forever, and jump to different planets after this one dies. That is my ultimate fantasy, to know all of this world and even the worlds beyond it.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:28:39 No.139962
    Yes it is. With the 10 ton weight restriction.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:32:44 No.140029
    pet raven or all fighting styles

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:34:32 No.140059

    youre thinking telekinesis?

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:35:23 No.140075
    fighting style,all knowing voice, invisibilty, or float. the rest have too large of drawbacks
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:37:36 No.140104
    oh and telekinesis is the one i forgot
    >> Ash !!4hfH5t9Bs7j 10/28/11(Fri)01:41:00 No.140142

    telepathy is not on the list, read it again

    moving shit with your mind is telekinesis

    OPs pic says "you can move things telepathically"

    VERRRRYYYY different
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:41:31 No.140151
    >cant change or do anything

    well thats not fucking omnipotent now is it?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:42:08 No.140156
    I choose omnipotence.

    Then I use my omnipotence to remove the 'can't influence things' restriction.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:42:50 No.140162
    Telepathic control or ask 3 questions a day
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:44:05 No.140180
    seriously? no ones picking the poop to the face one

    fuck you guys that one is obviously the master race
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:44:08 No.140181
    the shit one
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:45:33 No.140199
    OP, the term you're looking for is OMNIPRESENT.
    Omnipotence is having unlimited power.
    Omnipresence is being everywhere at once.

    And I pick starting over at 5. I don't know if I'd keep my maturity and intelligence on the down-low to live a normal life or abuse it and skip like five grades and invent Twitter and Facebook a year before they would have been.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:46:53 No.140221

    Clearly he meant omniscient. However, this gives us a gigantic fucking loophole to exploit.

    I choose omnipotence, which will grant me the power to remove the restriction of not being able to change anything - and, subsequently, to remove the restriction of being able to choose only one from this list. Finally, I'll use my newfound power to achieve everything on this list, simultaneously.

    Clearly this is the best option.
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !5COcOPZCg2 10/28/11(Fri)01:47:09 No.140229
    Probably the soundtrack one.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:47:23 No.140233
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    I've narrowed it down to these. Probably going to spend the next hour or so meticulously going through each one and weighing the pros/cons. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:47:59 No.140241
    >No become Solid Snake

    Nevermind then.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:49:07 No.140258
    Yeah, I thought of that too.

    I also thought of how removing a restriction is technically changing/influencing something.

    To get around that:

    >Make a pill
    >That pill removes and restrictions on omnipotence in whoever swallows it
    >Technically, the pill is changing/influencing you and not yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:49:16 No.140263
    Omniscience is unlimited knowledge.

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:49:17 No.140264
    pick the shit one and live a great life
    >take a shit
    >watch shit hit world leader in face
    >watch shit hit celebrity in face in national television
    >watch shit some newsreporter

    the wonders of it man, think about it
    >no cons
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:50:06 No.140273
    >30$ appear in your pocket/bank account every day

    What kind of fucking retard would choose this, that's not even the equivalent of working a full time job at McDonalds, what the fuck
    >> HR !!mRsqrQXqbOw 10/28/11(Fri)01:50:17 No.140274
    The two I like are the "Raven" and the "Telepathically control someone".

    And I want to be a smart ass and just use the tele. one to live a simple life where I use whoever I control to send me money and I never have to do a thing again. But, I'll go with the Raven. :)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:51:00 No.140280

    Eventually everyone would catch on and it would be like Death Note, only with poop, and you would be like Kira (only with poop)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:51:06 No.140285
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    >choose 'any question answered by voice in head'
    >'how do i achieve biological immortality?'
    >do whatever i have to do to achieve biological immortality
    >live forever
    >keep legs
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:51:29 No.140290

    Dude, imagine being like 8 and wanting to play basically any computer game really badly and realizing that they won't come out until 10 years later.

    That one is a torture more than anything, although it offers tremendous trolling options.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:51:50 No.140296
    You could be like the Seer from that one comic.


    And if I started over from age five, I would have to relieve traumatic shit but I'd get all the pussy, glory, and "premonition" I wanted. 9/11? Told ya. MJ's death? Knew it. Florida's George Bush votes? This shit writes itself!

    I'm a boxing instructor for kids. If I didn't suck so much I could join a major circuit. God, that's my dream. Fuck being 5'5 though. Shit's rough on a kid.

    Going with indefatigability. If I'm never tired or exhausted... Hell yes!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:52:18 No.140300
    I kind of want to lean towards the bring back from the dead one.

    I would make it really public. I'd get press coverage the first time I did it (I'd have to figure out how to do that). I'd somehow have to prove and make it public.

    Eventually, I'd had companies and stuff bidding obscene amounts of money to bring back important people. Maybe. Steve Jobs, anyone? If I could pull this off, I'd pretty much be set for money.

    And I could always take a year off to bring back someone I cared about personally. Not like anyone I care enough about on a personal level has died yet, though.

    It wouldn't make me happy, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:52:28 No.140302
    'Sup Simon.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:52:54 No.140308
    OP, bump up the first one to $100 a day. $30 is jack shit and not even minimum wage. With $100, I'd at least be able to sustain a decent (not luxurious, but decent) living without having a real job.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:53:19 No.140316
    >You could be like the Seer from that one comic.
    ...Kid Radd?

    Please say it's Kid Radd.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:54:21 No.140328
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    If having a real death note was an option, I'd choose it in a fucking heartbeat.

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:54:25 No.140329
    I think of it more as being able to go back and impress all of my childhood friends with my gaming skills. Or to be able to go back and master those games that totally kicked my ass and was never able to beat. In terms of games anyway. So much other things that I would get to do over with that option.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:55:19 No.140341
    >ability to start over at 5
    >video games a priority
    Guys, think grander. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:55:19 No.140342
    If my IQ went up 70% I'd be in the running for a record - I'm already in genius territory. So I'd go for that one.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:55:45 No.140350
    Starting over sounds like the best one to me, I can skip so many grades, and not make all the retarded choices I made when I was younger... so much win...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:56:14 No.140355
    >read this while I was drinking coke
    >only with poop
    oh god my fucking nose hurts
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:57:05 No.140371
    I didn't know anyone would pick that up aside from me.

    *Edit: Muted. Someone said that before me? That's a creepy coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:58:00 No.140385
    >Considering clone option
    >I'm at college, in a dorm

    What do, OP/robots?

    I mean, it's not like she could live there. Guys and girls don't get put in rooms together, and I already have a roommate. I don't like my roommate, sure, but it's not like I could just... have him kicked out because a female me randomly appeared in it one day.

    Or what if she appeared in my parents' house? That'd be some crazy shit to explain on both her part and mine.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:58:06 No.140387
    Obviously the third to last one, fucking improve humanity beyond what any one man could ever hope to accomplish. Don't give a fuck if I don't get credit, the rewards for mankind are too great to ignore that choice.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:58:08 No.140388
    Starting over at five would be awesome.
    >be 14
    >impress the fuck out of 14 year-old girls with my 20 year-old charm (technically 29, I guess)
    >pop half the school's cherries

    Shit yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:58:16 No.140392
    Definitely the drug one.

    Has anyone here ever had a glowing experience with opiate-class painkillers? Imagine being able to feel that way or however you want, whenever, to whatever degree, with no negative consequences

    Better living through chemistry!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:58:43 No.140402
    The random animal one is quite interesting, and is also immortality.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)01:59:46 No.140414
    Dude, megaton brofist.

    Kid Radd was one of my first webcomics, and definitely one of my favorite. It, along with RPG World, is the reason I'm so into webcomics.

    That shit was art.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:00:12 No.140418
    That's true. It's pharmaceutical oversight. Steroids, painkillers- - all fair game because they are technically "drugs". Fascinating.
    >> Iceman 10/28/11(Fri)02:01:02 No.140432
    Second most attractive person ever.

    Trust me, when attractive people speak, people listen, and will give into their desires. They can then be used as tools to further your gain. There's always someone out there that goes weak in the knees at a pretty face and goddamn the exploitation perk is too sweet to pass up on.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:01:57 No.140449
    Random animal gives you a form of immortality so long as life still exists. along with giving you a new perspective on the universe.

    Also creating you're own species would be cool. seeing life in its purest form.

    that being said i'd go for 30$ a day. That's like 210$ a week!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:02:18 No.140456
    What if the second most attractive person ever has terrible fucking charisma?

    By becoming them, you take the good with the bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:02:36 No.140463
    Does reliving your life mean you also get to choose from the list again?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:02:51 No.140469

    Your life must be pretty shit (hurr) for you to think of degrading someone in that way.

    Time stop
    All knowing voice (herp how do I make spaceship capable of faster than light travel from scrap, derp how do I get a gf, money can go fuck itself)
    Brotiger (goddamnit I want this so much, but without the "everyone thinks it's normal" clause he will probably be taken from me as soon as we go outside)
    Telekinesis (you can telekinesis yourself right?)
    Fighting styles (I can then go on and be a crime fighting hero)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:03:51 No.140482
    Read through all of them and nothing really sounded that appealing. I suppose I would take the one where you save the worlds energy problems then (third from bottom). My life isn't horrible as-is, but I have severe depression and no power is going to change that. Merry Christmas, fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:04:11 No.140484

    >implying your brotiger would let anyone take him from you
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:05:00 No.140498
    Fighting knowledge and lean, tough body for me. Easy.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:05:41 No.140510
    Are you fucking retarded? Many of these are absolutely amazing. Just imagine what you would do with an extra 20 years of life and relearning of childhood stuff. Imagine being immortal. At very least you could be a fighting expert.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:05:54 No.140515
    The voice answering 3 questions a day.
    You guys are complete retards fornot picking that one, as it necessarily gives you the benefits of a lot of the other options and possibly the benefits of every worth while option in the list (by asking about the technology to achieve them).
    You get to ask any cosmological question imaginable, plus you can simply ask "what is the way to <insert what you want here>"
    fuck that idiot going for a higher iq (that's what the OP meant because a percentage of intelligence is nonsense), what a narcissistic douchebag. Like someone who gets to ask 3 questions to an omniscient voice in their head isnt going to end up being way smarter.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:06:29 No.140522
    i chose the pet tiger
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:07:48 No.140536

    Some things may not be technically possible. It's quite likely you'll ask "how can I make a FTL spaceship" and get "you can't."

    Also even if there is a way, no guarantee that you, personally, will be able to understand the instructions or gain access to the resources required to carry them out.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:08:49 No.140548
    This guy. Made me change to 3 answers a day.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:13:48 No.140631
    That can be solved by rephrasing. Besides, of course the voice could just tell you anything in a way you dont understand, I think that is besides the point of the option. It does mention that it "completely answers" them, I suppose that was in the spirit of anticipating smug shits like you. I do think there is likely to be a technological solution to most of the other options.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:14:32 No.140640

    3 questions a day, dude. Not 3 questions a lifetime. You can ask him all sorts of shit like "what's the password to moot's account", "what's <some rich dude> email account and password" (then read through his email and find his bank account information etc). Think of the possibility.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:17:13 No.140690
    Can someone please tell me why the fuck you wouldn't chose stopping time for 35 mins a day if you just wanted to live on earth?

    You could avoid being killed/murdered, steal as much money and clothes and food and shit, have sex with anyone you wanted.

    Why the fuck wouldn't you chose this?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:18:25 No.140704
    Either restart life at 5 with all my knowledge, or second most attractive person in the world.

    Probably second most attractive, actually, since I could use that attractiveness to become a famous actor or some shit
    >> Iceman 10/28/11(Fri)02:19:23 No.140724
    I read it as "you ARE the second most attractive person ever". When people from both sexes want you inside of them, talking is an after thought. Looks will get you far--no matter how wooden you appear. Hell, look at January Jones. Bitch makes millions in pictures and couldn't act her way through a grade-school play.

    If society didn't play so much on appearance and perceived sex-appeal then that option would be meaningless. Your actions could always stand to make you unappealing as a person but, trust me, being the second most attractive person in ANYONE's life EVER is too good to pass up.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:19:28 No.140725
    I just want to live honestly
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:21:09 No.140754
    Start off at age 5, no fucking question. Until I got to that I was going between a bunch of them but that would be insane.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:21:57 No.140765
    Random animal, you get to live forever and adquire infinite experiences and knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:22:13 No.140770
    Pet raven
    70% intelligence
    or fixing the world problems with intergalactic shit... you know why?

    I have always wanted to be a interplanetary settler... that feel man

    That fucking feel when you were born to late to explore the earth and born too late to explore the cosmos.

    Why couldn't Lord of the Flies happen to me?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:22:45 No.140781
    uhm, the OP actually put in a dumb restriction where you cant ask for info giving direct access to money... But I guess you can just ask for something that lets you do it anyway in just one more step... But why not ask for solutions to technological questions and patent those or something? Could be the cure for cancer or AIDS. Could be the source code for your gaming wet dream. Be productive!
    But yeah, 3 questions a day.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:23:03 No.140786

    Smalltime money and pranks. You will probably get bored of it after the first month.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:24:49 No.140811
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    fuck me i can't decide.

    the ones that i would choose from are
    >the tiger
    >female clone
    >70% knowledge increase
    >the fighting abilities and peak physical condition
    >starting over at age 5
    >never having to eat or drink and being permanently healthy
    >3 answers a day

    although i'm honestly leading towards the 3 answers a day thing, i mean you could do figure out how to do anything you wanted, and anything you couldn't get an answer to, you could realize that it was impossible and just drop it.

    god damn so many good ones...

    Nice thread though OP, kudos.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:25:13 No.140821
    Most animals don't have the brain capacity for a lot of experience, nor to retain it. But hey I guess if you just want to *life through* any experience whatsoever, it's your party... Enjoy being a tapeworm or an animal that dies from rabies a couple times.
    >> Ash !!4hfH5t9Bs7j 10/28/11(Fri)02:25:38 No.140825

    Pretty much sums up my thoughts.

    I mean, yay video games. Fuck video games compared to what I would do. Literally child's play.
    Hell, I'd even give up video games entirely for it. Probably along with almost everything else i love.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:25:57 No.140830
    >choose attractiveness
    >ez mode enabled
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:27:24 No.140845
    yeah. also you couldnt avoid getting murdered probably, because successful murder almost entirely depends on surprise anyways. How are you going to know about whento stop time in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:28:12 No.140858
    i mean it said you can choose, and it said you can retain your consciousness. Being a tapework for a few years would be quite a journey in self reflection don't you think?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:30:36 No.140901
    The one about becoming an animal is possibly the worst one in the whole list. It's impossible to die, even if you want to.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:31:38 No.140911
    I would most definitely start over at 5.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:32:07 No.140916
    >implying a tiger can't just jump off a cliff.
    >implying that any animal can't die in numerous ways.
    >implying that as an ant you cant just jump into water
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:32:30 No.140921
    >read about %70 intelligence increase
    >stop reading

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:32:30 No.140922
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    > you could kill yourself on purpose to become a different animal
    > but you still feel pain
    > you still feel pain

    Well, about that...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:32:50 No.140926

    >guy comes up to you with a gun about to shoot you
    >stop time, run

    >mugger comes at you with a knife
    >stop time, run

    >driving your car, another car is about to crash into you in a split second
    >stop time, save lives
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:33:23 No.140934
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    >your poop teleports to hit someone's face every time you take a crap, and you get to watch it in slow-motion
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:34:40 No.140950
    Man this is tough. The three answers a day one is pretty fucking good though, even with the moneymaking restriction. I assume that restriction works in a basic sense, and I can still make money off of the knowledge, just not in a direct, cheap sense, like lottery numbers and so forth. Plus all the other things you can do. You could get awesome jobs by blowing away the interviewers, or get totally hot chicks. I think this one has way more potential than the 70% intelligence thing.

    Second most attractive person ever is also tempting. If a genie were to show up right now with this list I'd probably just pick that one. I'd spend my days fucking actresses and supermodels and using my vast wealth to fund philanthropic causes.

    Being the immortal animal guy would also be cool. I assume keeping your conscience would allow you to do things like write, provided the animal would be able to hold a pen or type or what have you.

    But I think overalllllll I'd pick the three right answers thing, it's just too good. I would revolutionize every field of study, become rich as fuck, and nail tons of superhot women because of my high status and ability to know what they're thinking. I'd also make myself superattractive through science or magic.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:34:42 No.140952
    oh you can? hm well that's different I guess.
    Actually it says "you keep your same conscience". Enjoy feeling guilty about every kill you make as a predator or parasite! :D
    But supposing the OP meant "consciousness" rather than "conscience", fuck yeah that would be a good thing.
    I'm the 3 questions guy btw...
    But I have to say this might trump 3 questions...
    The only catch is that you might really end up being mentally scarred before you attain the wisdom and the opportunity to attain near-godhood in one of your lifetimes. After all, I could imagine being ok with being a tapeworm *having the mind of a tapeworm*... But having the mind of a human being... I am not so sure man... Really that seems fucked to me...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:35:15 No.140960
    >this repeats forever
    What is reading comprehension
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:35:15 No.140961
    Can you imagine absolutely fucking torturing someone with the poop option?

    Every time you poop, you choose that person to be hit in the face.

    Their lives would be miserable
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:35:15 No.140962
    definitely move things telepathically, I can't think of anything over 10 tons that I would want to move anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:39:13 No.141016
    Dude, how many people that get murdered get to actually see what's going to happen, do you think? You might be seriously mistaken about that... Most people are too confused to even think straight when shit goes down anyways. Besides, what if it happens when you already stopped time that day?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:39:15 No.141017
    oh... i just assumed that OP meant consciousness when i read you get to keep you "c-". Damn, if OP meant conscience then that's fuckin dumb. I'm all for the three questions too but it would take my several months to decide which one and the three questions wouldn't be my ensured choice.

    your sentence fragment went over my head. Are you saying that continuously killing yourself last forever? Yes, it does. I was simply saying that you could kill yourself if you were something you didn't like. I'm fairly certain animal doesn't apply to insects so we're looking at you become any bird, mammal, lizard, or fish.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:41:08 No.141043
    >implying you could conceptualize suicide
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:41:17 No.141045
    3 questions a day, dude. not just 3 questions.
    3 of life's most urgent questions answered EVERY DAY!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:42:34 No.141056
    no yeah i got that, i'm just saying its still a hard choice.
    i limited it down to these.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:47:00 No.141113
    i have narrowed it down to
    >start over at 5
    >never need sleep

    the close ones were:
    dont have to eat but always fit
    >i would do things differently if i started over and if i didnt need sleep i could train easily.

    money in bank/60% off
    >i can earn more money by being a smarter kid or by working longer due to not needing sleep

    >3 questions/70% smarter
    >same again, both give me plenty of time to become smarter, especially starting over

    i think im leaning toward start over because im already 21 and even if i dont need sleep i still have to get good jobs and stuff. if i start over i know exactly what to work towards and the problems are that not only are tv, movies, games, music everything old, i have restrictions on what i can watch from my parents plus i have no money to buy stuff.

    it would be hard but the benefits would be amazing. im starting over again at 5.
    >tfw this really wasnt that hard
    >> CalAnon 10/28/11(Fri)02:48:19 No.141130
    Starting over at 5. I miss my dad, and I'd love to spend those last four years with him knowning that I have a chance to bond with him.
    Barring that, I'd take the $30. I have a very loyal femanon fiancee that I'd spoil with that.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:51:19 No.141169
    > Healthy Insomnia

    I gain 30% more time.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:52:06 No.141178
    I wasn't the one to start the greentext.

    Anyway, that's what I meant. With that choice it's impossible to die permanently, which would be horrible. Immortality would drive you insane, even if you do get to turn into a different animal every once in a while.

    Also, insects are animals.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:52:08 No.141180
    You couldnt get anywhere near the benefits of 3 questions a day by just getting 20 years longer to figure things out...
    What's the cure for cancer? What's the solution if any to any mathematical problem? What's the solution if any for cold fusion? What's the best way to clinical immortality?
    Maybe there's even some medical way to allow a person to be reborn into a new body? And hormones and neurological wiring etc... would actually make it feel the same, except you have memories of your past life? It really doesnt even seem that likely to me that this kind of thing would be absolutely not possible whatsoever...
    Use your imagination man...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:53:56 No.141205
    well then if insects count then fuck that shit. Hey man, it wasn't even one of my considered choices, i was just saiyan

    these are the ones that i would choose from
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:54:54 No.141219
    >in your own head
    >"hmm what time is it?"
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:55:38 No.141228
    I would choose to start over again at 5. I have a feeling that I've wasted a lot of my time. I would pick up a lot more talents and study harder, figure out something I want to do with my life instead of just rolling along with life the way I am now. I would pay a lot more attention to the world and would obviously be smarter than many other people my age if I get to keep my knowledge and experiences (and the thing said I could). Life would be a lot easier and I would be so successful in life.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:56:12 No.141235
    The fighting and healthy body. Nothing like that health and physical control. Become personal trainer with cash body, paid errday to hand weights to fat bitches.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:58:39 No.141262
    I think they meant you actually intend asking the voice and then it counts as a question. Hey, I dunno, I usually stay up til midnight, might meditate on questions from like half past 11 to midnite then ask... So that is just stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)02:59:55 No.141279
    just a little silly humour anon, relax.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:00:51 No.141292
    I might do the one where I could observe a society and become the animals in the society.
    I'd become one of the more feared animals and go around killing people till I died and repeat.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:00:52 No.141293
    because Bill Gates is a total party animal amirite?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:01:12 No.141301
    Assuming all of the things on this list are physically possible to achieve with enough knowledge, there is no reason not to pick the 3 questions per day. You could easily have the voice tell you how to build a time machine or whatever.

    The only one that compares is the "omnipotent but unable to affect anything" if we ignore the OP's intent and instead remember that omnipotent means "able to do anything."
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:02:25 No.141318
    Lol, you gotta love how all the neckbears pick backto 5 years old, even though it's manifestly a shitty option compared to the others, just because "I mean hay r9k, like, hey guise, like, greentext and complaining about adult life, amiryte guise??"
    Ok we get it you're part of a really special club.
    Totally more exclusive than /b/.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:04:20 No.141339
    A chance to do everything over again and, in turn, live a better life, technically live longer, and better yourself, is a shitty option?
    There are some really shitty options on there, but I fail to see how that one is bad at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:04:56 No.141345
    thats true.

    it could be something like:
    "what is my supervisors biggest sercret?"
    "would he cave to blackmail?"
    "how far can i take it before he snaps?"
    bam. rinse and repeat.

    ok its between this and starting over again. fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:06:40 No.141359
    Come back when you know what you're talking about, kid.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:06:56 No.141364
    I think the answer to your question is easily answered by looking at your namefield.
    > I like to ignore everything that has been mentioned discussing the issue at hand, and rely on the short memories, stupidity and complicitness of my fellow human being to cushion my fall
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:08:55 No.141385
    telepathically controlling someone
    pet tiger
    sleeping and becoming random person, as long as they are sexy
    change gender
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:09:26 No.141390
    >Look at my name field
    >Captain Hook
    >Somehow this relates to my question of something completely unrelated to Captain Hook
    The post I linked had nothing to do with anything other than the post itself, as it had no quotes and was just flat out saying it was a shitty option. I asked how it was a shitty option and you've yet to refute it.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:10:53 No.141413
    that anon was making a statement saying living life over would have saved teh fictional character of Captain Hook from his name. God you're dumb. It was a symbolic statement.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:12:29 No.141437
    It's been mentioned in the thread why that is.
    Also, the point was you're a tripfag. You're pretty good at suppressing obvious conclusions aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:13:02 No.141448
    Like asking the omniscient voice in your head 3 questions a day, reliving life starting at five WHILE KEEPING YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND MATURITY (that's the important part) can be much more beneficial in the long run than most of the other options if you know what the fuck you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:13:07 No.141449
    >Become girl
    >Marry rich, sexy engineer friend
    >Happy end
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:13:22 No.141452
    so wait just a second. theres a super power that allows you to have shit dropped on any person of your choosing at any time for as many times as possible... Hello world politicians, bankers, jersey shore, killers, rapers, and people who piss me off. i hope you brought your umbrella, cause theres gonna be a shit storm.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:14:48 No.141470
    >It's been mentioned in the thread why that is.
    >I'm supposed to read the entire thread so I can find a certain post to refute my question to an anonymous poster who wasn't quoting anyone and just stating something.

    >Also, the point was you're a tripfag.
    That was obvious, but it has nothing to do with what I asked, as being a tripfag has nothing to do with my question.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:15:37 No.141485
    >hello jailtime for murder
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:16:09 No.141491
    Either changing my gender or getting the soundtrack to my life
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:18:17 No.141520
    >in addition your DNA becomes completely un-traceable
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:18:43 No.141522
    >get soundtrack to life
    >"Everyone else has had more sex than me" plays on loop no matter what
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:20:05 No.141533
    >be smartest kid in elementary school
    >skip three grades
    >nope, you're still smarter than everyone else
    >skip two more
    >graduate high school at 13
    >Ivy League colleges throw full-ride scholarships at you because they WANT the nation's child prodigy to go to their university
    >go to Harvard, wait and meet up with Mark Zuckerberg
    >make Facebook together
    >become multi-millionaire by the time you get your doctorates at 21.

    Not to mention if you're a fat neckbeard with no social life now, you can prevent that. Re-living life starting at five is potentially one of the best choices on the list. You just have to be patient.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:21:32 No.141555
    Yes it has. Come on, it's not that hard. The post you commented on was me pointing out how the hurr durr 5yo again bullshit is obviously the r9k neckbeards taking one of their sad, boring memes too seriously... I see someone expressing that wish in every other thread on this board. It's really just the kinda thing where people are just saying shit to feel like an initiate. Just like being a tripfag. Makes sense don't it? I mean I can sort of see you trying to disagree but you are actually acting like you didn't see the connection, that's just stupid.
    Maybe there should have been an option saying "you get to suppress awareness of every fact that doesnt suit you".

    Also, the reason it's stupid is a few of the other options are so godlike they will either make you feel like being 5 again is peanuts OR STOP BEING A SAD MOPING PSEUDO-ROMANTICIST NECKBEARD or simply allow you to have a very similar experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:24:10 No.141586
    If I do the age five thing how is tome when I hit my normal age do I go back to being 5
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:25:07 No.141601
    Depending on how smart he is, the Raven might be the best choice. Telepathic communication with a supergenius bro is almost the same as "ask any question and get it answered", but with unlimited uses. Sounds pretty baller to me.

    Plus, I got a rad bro pet that will live as long as I do.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:26:16 No.141612
    as opposed too.. being able to get infallible answers from your head?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:27:58 No.141629

    It's not surefire, but like I said, depending on his level of intellect, he could solve most simple problems and even many more complex ones, just maybe not instantaneously. I could work with my ravenbro on curing cancer, make millions of dollars, and also ask him what the best thing to say at any given time around a girl would be.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:28:13 No.141632
    I'd like to be 5yo again because of shit like
    I think it'd be amazing to do something like that, be seen and thought of as a prodigy.
    And no, I didn't see the connection, because I don't tripfag to feel like I'm part of something, and I fail to see how being a tripfag has anything to do with picking that choice.
    Hell, I didn't even pick that as my choice, but I'd consider it.
    >Also, the reason it's stupid is a few of the other options are so godlike they will either make you feel like being 5 again is peanuts OR STOP BEING A SAD MOPING PSEUDO-ROMANTICIST NECKBEARD or simply allow you to have a very similar experience.
    Except not the SAME experience, just because YOU wouldn't enjoy reliving when you were 5 till now doesn't make that option stupid. I'm actually quite happy with my life and wouldn't pick it out of being depressed or reasons such as that.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:29:30 No.141646
    The obvious option is going back to when you were 5 with all current knowledge. Then gamble and win millions past 18 lottery status, and also learn shit tons more stuff. I mean wow by the time you were 18 or something you would be in any school you want, could prevent 9/11 could win the lottery whenever. Could spend the entire time learning and take all the good ideas like amazon and what not. Boom rich, successful, get to save the worlds economic problems + lots of other stuff. This would be the way to strike it rich.

    Telekinesis would be the most fun

    You could save the world by solving the energy crisis, and get to explore space and what not. This could be a fun one, but would still be poor.

    What would be the point of being the best fighter in the world if you could just be rich and successful and learn these styles. You could literally change your life and learn learn learn yourself into a billionaire.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:32:45 No.141692
    The problem with preventing 9/11 or anything other terrorist act, is getting people to believe you. Especially if you're a kid.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:33:43 No.141705
    >Predict events happening before 9/11
    >People start to believe you
    etc etc
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:33:57 No.141708
    No of course you don't tripfag to feel a part of something. And you are also not being totally irrational by choosing an option over a shit ton of goodies, plus whatever is gained from said option. Hey, it's not like you're the kind of person who would just say stuff for how it makes you sound saying it, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:34:45 No.141715
    A few things.

    >The "live forever with no legs" option
    If you picked this, just stop being on this planet right now.
    >The "life soundtrack" option
    That seems really unnecessary. And remember what happened to Peter Griffin when he did that.
    >The "second most attractive person alive" option
    Why second? Which asshole is better-looking than me? He won't be for long.
    >The "start over at age nine" option
    That seems almost worth taking for the fact that, depending on your knowledge at present, you'd suddenly become a very employable five year-old. The dialog between you and others would be fucking priceless.
    "What color is an apple, Anon?"
    "Overpriced bullshit, you hipster faggot. Now get me my fucking binky, whore."
    >The "bring people back from the dead" option
    I'll wait nine years and cause mayhem with my army of presidents! They'll never suspect me if that blowhard Truman takes the fall! It's foolproof! After my rise to power, I'll revive Hitler and Stalin and I'll control the world!
    >The Jurassic Period option
    Well, that's phenomenally stupid. I'm just glad some major network didn't green-light a pilot about that very idea and make a ridiculously shitty, stupid AND expensive TV series out of it. That would be silly.
    >The "homing poo" option
    This. I pick this one. I may not live forever or have any kind of useful superpowers, but hot damn, watching people getting shit-slapped will be hilarious. It will be all over the news, and nobody will ever know. They'll call me The Stealthy Poo for years to come.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:35:11 No.141718
    I don't understand how people are not getting the drug one. If I was left in all white room with that power I could be entertained for a lifetime. Maybe it's because most people here don't do many drugs past weed and alcohol. But being able to have that feeling of not giving a fuck on benzos could make me happy for a lifetime.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:35:29 No.141724
    >And you are also not being totally irrational by choosing an option over a shit ton of goodies
    >Your opinion and preference is worse than mine and I can't believe you would choose something I don't like over things I prefer and like myself
    >> ShotaCat 10/28/11(Fri)03:35:56 No.141727
         File1319787356.png-(42 KB, 236x160, stare.png)
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    This is hard,

    >The Raven
    >Start over at 5
    >Bring back life
    but only if it works on animals aswell
    But, I think I'm gonna go with being 5 again
    I mean
    >be 5
    >Still have knowledge of my Facebook/Twitter
    > Know all academic stuff I know now.
    Sweet deal, and I can keep in touch with my friends I had.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:36:29 No.141736
    any other*
    To add: I'd personally not try to prevent anything unless I was 100% sure I could. Columbine massacre is something that could be easier to prevent. Call the principal, tell them about Dylan and Eric's plan, shit hits the fan. Same with any and all school shootings.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:37:14 No.141743

    > 3 questions a day.
    > "What is going to be the next technological breakthrough and the company that develope it?"
    > Invest everything into this company
    > Living the dream

    You go and enjoy living as a kid for 15 years to do something semi-worthwhile while I advance the human race everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:38:48 No.141766
    >implying any of the answers the voice gives you will automatically give grant you the know-how to do anything remotely significant
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:39:39 No.141773
    Yes, its called objectivity.
    it's like when you choose 5 dollars over 5 dollars and a motorboat.
    No, that actually, really is what it's like.
    But hey I guess nothing could ever top the intricate, inestimable joy of Being That Way.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:41:45 No.141794
    Then you specify in the question that you actually want to have the full know-how and make-do or whatever weneed to call it to make you grasp the point. What do you think the word "anything" means anyways?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:41:47 No.141795

    > Implying you can't break your questions into multiple steps and ask him about each step everyday.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:43:51 No.141810
    Why wouldn't I enjoy living as a kid again? Being an adult sucks.
    I miss having no responsibilities and my parents giving me whatever I wanted. I can fix any mistakes I've made, date any girl I missed the chance to date, and in general make life a thousand times better than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:44:16 No.141814
         File1319787856.jpg-(36 KB, 630x480, ash (100).jpg)
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    The 3 questions sounds like the one that would most improve my life in a way I'd find interesting. As a human, my main goal in life is knowledge, understanding. There is not a single day that goes by without me formulating at least 3 questions I want the answer to but will likely never know.

    It works for everything, big and small. I can ask deep philosophical things sometimes, and other times I can just ask for a question on an exam. Then there are the middle things, like knowing peoples' tripcodes just for the lulz of it.

    Not to mention that it will legitimately give you what appear to be 'psychic powers' to others. You can tell any stranger where they live, what color their favorite pillow is, etc. You can also tell the police that no, you were not there, but the name of the man who robbed that bank was John Harley, you know it for a fact.

    Knowledge always has the most amazing possibilities.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:44:32 No.141816
    >$5 option
    >Can spend it on anything you like

    >Boat option
    >Can't sell boat
    >If you sell the boat you half your life span
    >If you take the boat apart you die
    >If you pick the boat and the money you can't spend the money on anything other than something for your boat
    That's what a lot of the other options are. Some people like simplicity, if I hated boating and was living nowhere near water, why would I pick the boat?
    And who is to say this is a good boat? What if its a piece of shit wooden one?

    It isn't objecticity, because there is no other option on that list that says you can go back in time to when you were 5 and relive your life as you see fit.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:44:34 No.141817
    >implying you'll be able to understand all the answers you get

    Fixed that for you
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:44:45 No.141819
    > implying you can't simply break your question into multiple steps and assemble it into one question form sentence ;)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:45:07 No.141824
    Poop teleport.
    Everyone else is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:45:31 No.141829
    >implying you have all the materials necessary at your disposal to perform those steps, because if you don't, you're need money to obtain them, and the voice won't give you any answers related to money-making
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:47:34 No.141846
    I was sort of wondering...will going back to being five make me go back in time when I was five or will I be five in the present day?

    Only asking because I'd choose reliving my life but not starting from this point in time. Knowing the events of my past, I could fix things that become issues. If I started now, I'd have no knowledge of the future.

    Not that it would really change my choice, cause I'd still be able to shape my life better.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:47:56 No.141850
    not the guy you're arguing with
    >what is practical home invention has not been thought of yet?
    >ask every day for a week.
    >hold seven patents
    >make millions
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:48:38 No.141857
    This too.
    It's going to take years for the voice to teach you something significant enough to benefit mankind. Just as many, if not more years, then it'll take for me to get rich thanks to exploiting my five year-old genius.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:49:05 No.141860
    I would solve the Energy Crisis and the Limited Water problem... with Quantum Gate being available to the Public within 5 years....

    Although I find the whole Change into another Random Animal almost impossible to turn down. and if I knew some would select the above choice... it would be my choice... If not though,

    The above choice is likely the most pragmatic and practical for 1 measly morsel of meat like myself to provide for everyone else (and myself as I worry about our future often).
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:49:08 No.141861
    no,actually it really, really is more like 5$ vs 5$ and a motorboat.
    But anyways...

    so basically you're arguing that you're too stupid to ask the right questions so you'll never be able to further humanity's technology and your personal status to the point where wishing you were 5 years old again either becomes moot or attainable.
    Or too lazy.
    Oh yes, you're ever so chill and easy going.
    Enjoy "trolling me" (i.e. making yourself look like a complete idiot)
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:49:33 No.141864
    >Read through all the options.
    >Come across teleporting homing poo.

    Welp. My mind has been made up on the spot.

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:49:40 No.141865

    No freedom over my life, not interested in underaged girl, don't have much childhood regret. That's it. I lived through it once, I have no wish to do so again.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:50:49 No.141877
    Stop time for 35 minutes. Seriously how is there any question in this?
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)03:53:21 No.141896
    >Asking the right questions
    >Doesn't understand this and this
    I don't want to JUST be 5 again, the key point in that choice is you have all your knowledge and maturity. That means you'll be rich, so any option to get money is out of the question and just as pointless.
    This also means you can better yourself, make yourself more attractive if you have to.
    So any option to make yourself more attractive can be obtained this way.

    You're able to do limitless things with this option, just as other options allow you to do many things.
    I'm not trolling you, we're having a discussion, but I guess anything that doesn't agree with your opinion must be a troll.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:53:53 No.141899

    What's so hard to understand?
    Many solutions to scientific problems can actually be proven conceptually. This includes chemistry and that includes a lot of medical solutions. Or computer science. Or quantum physics. Or computer science... I think people will start to trust you with their investment in said materials.
    In fact a lot of scientific problems as they present themselves are of the nature their solution *is* nothing more than a formal proof. Got pen and paper handy?
    Oh, that's right! you're talking to me by means of a computer...
    I mean really, some people...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:54:06 No.141900
    Guys, Guys. Solving energy and food crises and system to travel through the universe on the cheap. That creates a post-scarity society right there. And when you have unlimited amount of energy you can create allmost any other thing on the list. Including the tigerbro.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:54:43 No.141906

    It's elementary my dear Watson,

    if this was your choice... You could choose ones that allow you to live 2 lifes, thereby doubling your waking and sleeping hours (+24 hours instead of +35 minutes) ... Or take the no sleeping...

    Although I think you have made you choice based upon general safety (pause, run away, unpause) meaning you could always live another persons day whilst you sleep safe and sound... the end
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:55:14 No.141908

    He only said no questions that "directly lead to you getting money". Which is easy as fuck to get around. Once you have enough money then materials won't be a problem. Or if you can't be assed to do all the works then you can sell/patent those ideas and let others do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:57:52 No.141934
    i'd do the energy and water and travel thing
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:58:08 No.141936
    The only problem with starting over at 5 would be that my life right now depends on me doing thing I never want to live through again, but did end up benefiting me in the long run. Like spending a year in the hospital, dieting, and coming out of the closet... and smaller, circumstantial things, too. For example, I would not join RuneScape this time around in my life because it's a stupid kids game, but that would cause me to never meet some of my good friends I still have today.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)03:59:50 No.141952
    And you will not get any of these things because you're you.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:00:55 No.141965
    Ok so in 20 years you'll be a genius and a superscientist? It's just 20 years time man. Ok your mind is fresher at that age and it's easier to learn skills but many parents actually do try to train their kids like that. It's not like that does wonders or something. Regardless of that I fail to see how this trumps a supernatural ability to find answers to any question. Do pay attention to the fact that you could also specifically ask for a thorough explanation of everything you want to know. or even ask for something you do not understand but happens to work anyway (i.e. chemical formulae, algorythms, things to say, ...)

    so you could just achieve the technology to be reborn again while retaining your memory and personality structure.

    So you see it actually works the other way. 3questions leads to 5again, not the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:00:58 No.141966
    Hey, guys.

    The people who choose the omniscient voice in their said want to make the present and future life better.

    The people who choose to relive life starting at five want to fix their past as WELL as improve their future.

    The former takes less time, but the latter has greater potential to make the user happy, especially if the user has past problems that can not possibly be fixed today, even by an omniscient voice (for example, someone they love dying).
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:01:24 No.141971
    Pick homing poo as a superpower, then create a religion around it

    on the seventh day the poop shall cometh and smite thine enemies

    Poop shall be heralded as the new god
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:02:29 No.141977
    Fuck yes, you just made me see the light. Homingpoo is now the best power.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:03:41 No.141984
    OP needs to nerf the omniscient voice. It's just... too easy. All you do is ask it questions and everything is given to you? A limit of three a day isn't that restricting at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:05:51 No.142002
    Pretty lame in comparison to everything else
    >Person control
    This one is interesting but the time limit makes it suck. Also not nearly as interesting as some others.
    Even though its only for 35 mins this one is awesome and potentially very useful/fun.
    >long life with no legs
    This is dumb.
    >Fur fantasy
    This one is pretty interesting.
    Seems like it would be useful.
    >My Own Clone
    This one is just pointless.
    >All knowing voice
    The limits make this useless.
    >Breath invisible
    Not being able to breath during invisibility kinda ruins it. Although Paul seemed to do alright.
    >Life Soundtrack
    This seems pretty awesome at first. Then I realize my life is boring as fuck, so it would just be elevator music all the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:06:07 No.142004
    do you really think being 5 again will let you achieve even a fraction of what the 3 questions thing has to offer?
    asides from that feel when you're 5 again?
    Really really???

    Captchaphrase: Glasscock, tineea
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:07:35 No.142014
    Pretty neat but would not pick when comparing everything else.
    >Runner up
    Could see the uses of this one tbh, but its just not very interesting.
    WTF NO
    >lucky with shit health
    >Takeover 2 electric boogaloo
    Seriously this is too much like the person controlling one.
    >Life Do over
    I see the appeal of this one. Has the potential to be the most useful for yourself.
    >Dead Rising
    This one could actually be pretty cool. Bring back a bunch of people who didn't get to finish their work and see what they could do or help us out with.
    >Insomnia for life
    At first this sounds cool, but the reality is that the human brain/body needs downtime. I'd probably just replace sleep with meditation or something.
    This is only appealing if you are a woman.
    >Terra Nova
    Eh, i don't think so.
    >Not having to ear or drink
    I'm not really inconvenienced by eating or drinking so this one seems dumb to me.
    >High Life
    This one seems like one of the most fun on the list.
    > telekinesis up to 10 tons
    Not very impressive
    >Time travel 151+ years to the past
    This one doesn't say if you can go back to your own time again. It sucks either way though
    >100 years into the future
    This is arguably one of the best ones on the list.
    >Bird bro
    ravens are cool as fuck. In comparison to the others this one is pretty weak.
    >Good at fighting
    This one would be amazing. Just travel around beating all of the grandmasters of different styles. Or go the pro circuit and win championships and stuff. I'd inevitably open a dojo and start teaching people.
    >crate of unlimited awesome, but no sharing
    This one could have been awesome but the minute off thing makes it shit.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)04:07:41 No.142015
    >Ok so in 20 years you'll be a genius and a superscientist?
    Sure, if I wanted to be. But not everyone would want to take that path.

    >so you could just achieve the technology to be reborn again while retaining your memory and personality structure.
    But who says you'll have access to the things you need? You might need some super computer, or some giant lab, or multiple people to help you, or some material not on this earth.
    Your path takes much longer, maybe in the long run it's better, but I want simplicity.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:07:59 No.142018
    Did you miss the part where you keep all your knowledge and maturity? You can easily exploit the shit out of that if you want to. See >>141533
    And it's not like you're going to STAY five. You re-live life starting at five.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:08:26 No.142023
    30 bucks a day.

    I hope it's inflation/devaluation adjusted.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:08:31 No.142024
    >move things
    more like telepathetically, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:09:05 No.142028
    But the past made you who you are - 'fixing' it is just gonna screw you up. All your current relationships (outside of blood) are likely incredibly circumstantial, so they'll be almost impossible to re-obtain. Heck, everything about life is circumstantial. You'd have to accept that the life you were originally living past 5 is gone forever. And then, you'd just end up watching all the worst things happen again. There's not much you can really do in this situation other than be a freaky genius baby who is completely unrelatable.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:10:12 No.142035
    >Telekinetic powers.
    You'd be like motherfucking Magneto, only better. Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:10:28 No.142037

    >omnipotence with no point
    Pretty shit
    >Be Bros with Bill Gates
    in comparison to other things on the list this is crap.
    >I see naked people
    >Spore IRL
    This one is worded oddly, but it doesn't seem to great anyway.
    >Save the world
    This is probably the one I'd choose. Of course there's other things on this list that could achieve the same result where I'd get the credit. This option seems to have immediate and extremely beneficial results though. I just really like the idea of this one, even if no one ever got to know I did it.
    >Ghost blowjob
    This one is just too mean ;_;
    This wont end well.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:11:09 No.142042
    clone, definitely

    1. because i'm alone
    2. we'll alternate going to work
    3. he can keep his filthy paws off my wife though.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:11:49 No.142046
    The 3 answers one sounds fucking terrifying. Sure you may start asking questions whose answers would help you improve your life.

    But sooner or later you would reach the point where too much knowledge drives you insane. Imagine wondering for a second when you're going to die, the voice interprets this as if you asked a question, and then your death is described to you right into your head.

    Time-stopping and teleporting shit are the best ones IMO.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:12:11 No.142054
    I would like the turn invisible every time I hold my breath one.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:12:39 No.142057
    >But the past made you who you are - 'fixing' it is just gonna screw you up.
    1. I'm sorry, but that's a pretty cliche, cop-out response.
    2. It's not gonna mess you up. You keep all your current knowledge. Meaning even if you fix something, you still remember the opposite happening, and whatever you learned from the opposite happening still stays with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:14:27 No.142071
    >hfw he screws up his reality even worse the second time because he's still a dumbass x years later and wishes he hadn't made such a dumb choice
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:16:20 No.142083
    You'll remember it, but it never happened and probably never will.
    For example, the only way you're going to find your current wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend is by waiting a couple decades without them and then tracking them down and trying to act exactly the same way you did the first time you met, for example. Which sounds like the plot to a bad romcom.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:16:38 No.142086
    Ok so in 20 years you will be a genius and a superscientist if you'd only work for it. Right... no.
    Also, you dont want the motorboat with the 5 dollars because you want simplicity. Uhuh...
    Sorry but its becoming increasingly hard to take you seriously. It's like you are really trying too hard to prove to r9k how much of a romantic you are with all this emo crap.
    Get real.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:17:28 No.142092
    For example, I accidentally just said for example twice, for example.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:18:55 No.142103
    Telepathy, Omniscient Voice or Time Stop
    They all lead to situations of wealth, power or what ever the fuck you want. You wouldn't get bored as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:19:13 No.142107
    The voice has potential to be as scary as it is useful. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, including knowledge. The voice may tell you something you really wish you didn't hear. It's all-knowing, after all. The voice could throw you into paranoia as easily as it could make you a billionaire.

    I think I might choose the clone if I knew she'd be attractive, though. It sounds egotistical as fuck, but I'd date myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:19:23 No.142109
    >implying he has a current wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:19:50 No.142113
    Decisions, decisions. hmm.

    Well, I'd like to go back to being 5 so I can ultimately get jailbait before I can get in trouble.

    I'd also love having a female me. The most awesome "masturbation"ever would commence.

    Living forever at the cost of my legs might work. 1. Live long enough for them to make Deus Ex-style augmentations
    2. ????
    3. Profit

    Though I'd think I'd pick the "possessing" one. It would be awesome. You'd could become: world leaders long enough to discover secrets, jailbait long enough to touch yourself and whatnot, and your enemies long enough to fuck them up.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:20:19 No.142121
    > hfw he actually remembers what it's like to be 5 again because, well, he's five again.
    > Proceeds to feel psychedelic amounts of rage and frustration over his mom not buying him a GI Joe doll.
    > Tries to use knowledge from past life but everyone either makes fun of him or ignores him.
    > Feels existential anxt at an unnaturally early age and is scarred for second life
    > pisses himself
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:20:25 No.142123
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:21:47 No.142132
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    Teleporting obviously?!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:22:16 No.142139
    I'd love to be able to teleport
    but the half life span part makes that among the shittiest options on the list
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:22:29 No.142140
    Granted, that wait would be quite excruciating. But nothing's stopping one from being with other people before they reach that point. You just have to be at that location at that time to meet them. Anytime prior is fair game.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:22:41 No.142143

    If you consider it. Most options on the list can go horribly wrong. Best just take it at face value and assume the voice will not speak without you asking him directly.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:22:41 No.142144
    It was just an example, and applies to every other friend you've ever made, too. Like your absolute best bro. Some relationships may be easier to rekindle than others, but... as I said. Your old life would be dead and buried.
    You could move forward from that, of course, and eventually have something better, but you'd always miss it.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)04:24:28 No.142158
    How am I being emo or romantic? I just think it's a cool option, it wasn't even MY option. I picked something totally unrelated to begin with, but to dismiss it as a stupid option is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:25:22 No.142167
    >yfw "knowledge from past life" includes things taught in school

    it'd be easy as fuck to be a "child genius" and graduate high school at 12, like that post up there somewhere said.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:26:07 No.142175
    Question: If the female you is exactly like you, wouldn't that make her a lesbian who wishes she were a guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:27:13 No.142186
    start over at 5. didn't even read the rest.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:27:35 No.142189
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:28:19 No.142196

    Not if you're a transsexual
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:29:14 No.142203
    Or bisexual.

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:29:50 No.142212
    Yeah, but it's all-knowing. Imagine how tempting it'd be to ask when your loved ones will die, or when YOU will die. Or something general like "will anything physically or emotionally harmful happen to me this week?"

    But if one's strong-willed enough to avoid those questions, then I guess it's alright.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:31:38 No.142225
    Yeah, I know. I'm gay and would chose a flat out clone of myself, if I were to pick this option, so I wouldn't run into that problem either.
    But, you know, most people are straight with a straightforward gender identity.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:32:37 No.142232
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    start over at age five
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:33:07 No.142235

    > "When will I/my loved one die?"
    > next one "What can I do to prolong/avoid this?"

    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:33:09 No.142237
    I guess one could get arond this by reasoning: I'm straight, opposite sex clone also straight.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:33:27 No.142241
    It might actually turn out to be a rather bad experience. You didn't even consider that did you? Maybe having the physiology and the status of a 5 year old might be very frustrating? Maybe having the neurology of a 5yr old might be unsettling? Who knows?
    > the voice does. It knows everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:33:51 No.142246
    Good question. I'm assuming she'll be straight since I'm straight.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)04:34:05 No.142251
    Having the voice could cause problems as well, you dolt.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:34:26 No.142253
    >postponing the inevitable
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:36:08 No.142269
    Something tells me you'd gradually lose control, on that front. You'd start small with things like whether or not you will be experiencing anything traumatic soon, but with 3 questions a day for years, you'd eventually be at the point where you know the death dates of everyone you know, and can practically picture the exact circumstances of your own, you've asked so many times.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:36:29 No.142272
    >Not choosing to solve energy problems and get ftl in 5 years.

    Seriously people. Take one for humanity.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:36:41 No.142277
    I'm tempted to say teleportation. Motherfucking teleportation, fucking awesome. Then I realized the only way to profit off it is to steal shit or prove to people that you can do it, which would be a huge can of worms.

    So it's close between teleportation and time stopping.

    Also I would say never aging but in reality there's not really any point because once you die the length of your life doesn't mean anything. Forever 21 is a cool perk though.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:41:05 No.142311
    Exactly. You might end up running around frantically trying to stop the deaths of people you care about as well as your own. Three questions a day for the rest of your life is a LOT of questions. There's only so many things to ask before you get to the questions you're not really sure you want answered. And who knows what that answer will be?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:41:13 No.142315
    The teleportation comes with halving your life, which is the absolute worst combination there could be.
    >Anon, you can now see the world, go anywhere!
    >You see that the world is infinitely amazing and wonderful.
    >Death at 40.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:41:50 No.142325
    No bro, the world ends when I die.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:42:15 No.142327
    Stopping time would has to be the best option, you can steal anything you want, get revenge on anyone rather easily, escape from danger easily, get girls in a matter of ways (my favorite being to stop time and insert a small vibrator every time she sees you, and remove it if she goes to check).

    If you are in a situation and you need something, you can retrieve it easily, making you everyone's go to guy. On top of all of this you can actually do magic and freak people out/profit.

    Go to a casino, play poker/blackjack. Look at upcoming cards/other players hands. Become luckiest card player ever.

    You can use your 35 minutes to confuse the world. Something along the lines of going to a high school and removing every girl's shirt.

    Mess with someones life. Spy on them from outside a window. Stop time and stand behind them, start time back up and whisper a quick subliminal message in their ear, stop time again and hide, repeat, watch them go crazy (or better yet, get them to do your bidding)

    Easily kill/assassinate anyone with no evidence of you ever being there.

    Never pay for admission to anything ever again.

    Take a power nap.

    Make anyone look like a fool. Make them trip and fall. Insert large amounts of poop into their pants. etc.

    There's so many options its crazy. Others choices have a downside. The only downside to this one is that it would definitely make me a bad person.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:42:19 No.142328
    Asking that is a very stupid idea.
    The answer to the second question would always be "nothing".
    Suppose you get a definite moment in time as answer to your first. Then this will actually be the necessary moment your loved one dies, since the answers the voice gives are always right. This would mean that there would be nothing you could do to change that, since that would make the answer to the first question wrong, which is impossible for the voice to do. So the only alternative is that your loved one would somehow become immortal. Then that would be the answer you would get to question 1. That would also imply that this would become definate truth. Which means you'd get "nothing" as answer to the second question.

    I think it's wiser to positively ask what the way is to make your loved one live for as long as you explicitly decide...
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:43:08 No.142335
    Ah, that's an interesting one, which I submit to you guys:
    You cannot die of old age, but your death automatically ends the universe. Do you take this?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:43:55 No.142344

    The only way I can die, with the voice telling me how to avoid/cure it, is through old age. I don't really have a problem with this. You can tell all your loved ones/families/friends to avoid theirs as well if you wish, but it will be a hassle/too much responsibility because then the whole world will come to you asking about their troubles and you will be their new god/prophet.

    > mfw people choose being a 5 year old over this.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)04:44:13 No.142347
    Sure, why not. We're all going to die eventually anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:45:49 No.142363
    stopping time

    >stealing shit all day
    >pop into bank,take a 10 thousand dollars and you're good for a month
    >> TheGoldenGibbon !uM8y4KOHY. 10/28/11(Fri)04:46:06 No.142365
    Seems obvious for me.
    I'll take starting over again at the age of 5.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:47:23 No.142375
    You COULD just not ask the voice that, but then you don't know if anyone close to you will die relatively soon. If they do, you could prevent it and drastically prolong their life. But the only way to know is to ask. It's a vicious circle. Don't pretend that the omniscient voice doesn't have any drawbacks. It does, just as restarting life at five does.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:47:56 No.142381
    Stop time. Impregnate 7 bitches a day. Use your clone army to conquer the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:47:57 No.142382

    > hurr the future is set in stone
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:50:31 No.142414
    Was tempted to restart at 5 years old, but I think I value my experience. Instead I will restart with the power to telepathically lift up to 10 tons and become a super hero to atone for my past failures.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:51:26 No.142423
    >asking the Voice about death
    >people think this requires us going into debates on whether time is fixed or in flux
    The voice would probably just respond "The way things are now, you will die by x. However, when you ask me how to stop it, this will change."
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:52:52 No.142440
    See this:
    You are now aware that it's stupid to ask this in the first place because it disallows you from changing anything about it later. You could always keep asking for a better way to keep people in whatever state you desire, including alive. Once an answer is given that becomes truth and therefore necessity. That is all we know. For all we know, this might actually fix the universe into its course, actually disallowing us from striving for their longevity. This might sound paradoxical, but the truth values work out ok, and there being an omniscient voice in your head is paradoxical to begin with. So since we dont understand it's ontology anyways this "answers pinning you to a fate" scenario might very well be the case. You just dont fuck with it. Then there's no problem.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:55:06 No.142455
    Restart at 5.
    I'm having a conversation with my fiance about this now. We're telling each other what screen names/email addresses we first used and details about our childhood/secret things so that we can contact each other as early as possible and convince each other that we're in love and best friends in an alternate reality.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:55:36 No.142462
    > HURR soup Voice when is going to take place what I'm going to try and prevent oh ohohoho oops I did a booboo DURR
    because of this: >>142440
    that means you might screw yourself over big time.
    While you can still achieve any practical benefit by specifically asking for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:56:12 No.142468

    > "I will raise one of my hand in the next 2 minutes, guess which one?"
    > Proceed to be an asshole
    > You just blow the all knowing voice's mind.
    >> Captain Hook !!IuTXoKZpCDk 10/28/11(Fri)04:56:21 No.142473
    That's really cute and would probably work.
    or they'd think the other person is crazy
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:57:02 No.142479
    All fighting styles. I would love that, along with the strong body, to just be able to kick anyone's ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)04:58:12 No.142491
    >voice replies "the opposite hand of whatever hand I choose"
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:00:33 No.142518

    That's not all knowing now is it. I can also raise both of my hands (and probably lose by a technicality because I raise my left hand faster by 0.1 seconds or something) or neither. Yeah I lied, so what?
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:02:13 No.142532
    That's the point, you couldnt...
    If it's an omniscient voice, it's an omniscient voice... You couldn't prove it wrong.
    If the case would be that the voice giving an answer is actually making the universe take a course this might have serious complications. Like, if this were the case, you still dont know *how* it decides things to happen in this way. Maybe it will take the most probable quantum history. I don't know, what would that be? Maybe stopping your hand from moving would be so unlikely that it takes a quantum anomaly that triggers an antimatter explosion destroying your hand or something.
    It seems really stupid to mess with that.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:02:39 No.142540
    Definitely the poopakinesis. My DNA is permanently untracable so not only do I get to fling shit, but it sounds like I have a pretty great career as a serial rapist ahead of me.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:03:55 No.142555
    Actually, why dont we JUST ASK THE VOICE??? lol
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:07:49 No.142594

    > The voice would probably just respond "The way things are now, you will die by x. However, when you ask me how to stop it, this will change."

    Agreed. I might add:

    "The way things are now, you will die by x. However, when you ask me how to stop it, this will change. If you ask me this once every while and follow my suggestions, you may prolong this as far as y, when you will die of old age."

    I don't mind dying of old age much, simply because I would be too far gone by then to contemplate such things.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:09:33 No.142612

    >get as much money as you want by convincing bank managers to transfer money (more dangerous) or random people to withdraw money and give it to you
    >get any work oppurtunities you want
    >set up dates with women and sex them as either yourself or them
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:11:16 No.142625
    life-soundtrack, without a doubt. i laugh at all the faggots in this thread that pick any that involves money.

    runner up: infinite drugs with no side efffects, fuck yeah hook me up to constant ibogaine drip and the occasionally intravenious shot of meth when i wanna become superhuman
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:12:06 No.142632

    Do you retain control of your own body though? Else it will be the most awkward sex ever. Also enjoy your lawsuit.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:16:52 No.142681
    >pick what are without a single doubt the two most useless powers
    >call everyone else idiots
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:17:27 No.142690
    You don't get it. You just can't know that.
    For all you know, the voice might give a definate answer and you'll be stuck with that. For all you know, you might have actually caused it to be fixed on that whereas otherwise you could have changed it by simply asking for practical solutions first.
    Solution: ask the voice about the ontology of this paradox first. Then you know wether an answer will actually, non-trivially fix an event as necessary, and you will know what to shut up about.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:39:21 No.142923
    I'd choose to be 5 again WITHOUT full knowledge and maturity. More like something of a subconscious memory; enough to provide foresight like "don't run under that bush you'll fuck up your leg" or "don't move in with this bitch i swear to christ" or "hey you should probably buy stocks from Apple not Sony". Maybe skills remain without direct awareness. It might be lame but it allows for a much better life while still having a normal life.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:40:40 No.142946
    The extra 15 dollar would equate to 5000 extra a year for this Britfag.

    And I wouldn't have to have anything stupid like lose my friends, life, career, identity, looks etc and remain a normal human being.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)05:48:00 No.143026

    I bet you're the life of the party.

    >> Poist 10/28/11(Fri)05:58:08 No.143145
    Since I think I get bored of living forever I think I'd go with number 2 - the control other people and become them for 25 minutes at a time. So many uses and fun possiblilities
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:10:10 No.143261
    If you dont chose to save the worlds energy problem and achieving FTL in 5 years then you are a complete idiot.
    you literally will advance humanity with hundreds of years in tech and opens the possibility of creating endless colonies where humanity can expand to become the dominate species in the galaxy
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:20:51 No.143364
    >was also wondering why no one else chose this one, should be obvious>>143261
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:27:33 No.143444
    >You get to start over at age 5, but you keep all the knowledge and maturity you have now.
    Man, I would do a lot of things
    Enjoy my childhood a lot more
    Talk to girls a lot more
    Study a lot more
    Just be a better person, and line me up for a better future than the present i have now
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:32:06 No.143482
    Energy / FTL travel. No questions asked. There is no ultimate decision.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:40:06 No.143556
    You could buy a bunch of junk food everyday!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:40:55 No.143561
    I choose the Raven! Murakami-mode enabled!
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:41:03 No.143562
    fixing energy problem and limited water issues.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:42:51 No.143576
    Actually I will take the 30 dollars one. It's be cool to constantly have some spending cash to do things. The money I make from my job could go towards important things for once.

    >hey let's go to that movie
    >ok I got 30 for doing nothing at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:44:59 No.143597
    Fix the water/energy problem. Fuck the credit, I don't need it.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:45:51 No.143605
    the shit one

    I'd shit on important political figures when they're on television

    my life would be glorious
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:51:09 No.143651
    Omnipotent being or the drug one.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:57:15 No.143702
    I just realized that I can listen to this track whole of my life and not get bored by it

    But I would probably go with the 3 question one. Money, bitches, science. And with it I could get anything I want? Pet tiger? Sure, I'll just ask my genie how to make a tiger domestic and improve his lifespan. Aliens? I'd just ask the genie how to communicate with them. 30$ a day? No problem, I'll just ask what is the best way to commit fraud without being caught.

    Face it guys, its the best option.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:57:40 No.143705
    never get tired or have to sleep. Get extra left span when do sleep.

    Keep up normal sleep patterns, never die >:D
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:58:17 No.143709
    The one that gives me the attention span to get through all of that.

    Or the first one, since that's as far as I got.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)06:58:50 No.143713
    10 ton telekinesis.
    Fuck everything else.

    except maybe fix energy and the FTL travel.. fuck if I got no credit.. though maybe humanity isn't ready. We don't need to fuck up the entire galaxy.
    >> Anonymous 10/28/11(Fri)07:02:26 No.143736

    Fantastic track choice, good sir.

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