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  • File : 1328747419.jpg-(174 KB, 1024x768, asylum.jpg)
    174 KB Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:30:19 No.1368081  
    Ask a guy whose girlfriend was admitted to a mental institution anything. And for the record, not an asylum. She's not insane.

    Picture only mildly related.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:32:03 No.1368110
    Why did she admit herself?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:33:04 No.1368125
    Did she jump around like daffy duck yelling WOO HOO while hitting herself on the head with a small wooden hammer?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:33:11 No.1368127
    She didn't. We're seniors in high school. Her parents admitted her. She's bulimic, and self-harming.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:34:17 No.1368138
    Dohoho. I did smile, though Also, tripcode. Just in case.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:34:45 No.1368147
    there was a selfharmer admitted while i was in this psychiatric ward. there only one single room the rest are shared, and i had the single room. when they rolled her in on a gurney with straps around her arms and legs they made me get my stuff and move into the next room with a mexican guy.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:36:26 No.1368177
    That's a calming thought. She hasn't been doing it very badly, lately. Stopped with the cutting, but started with less harmful things. So, hopefully this won't be the case for her.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:40:44 No.1368248
    >She's bulimic, and self-harming.

    Rejoice, OP, because these afflictions can be overcome without leaving any traces. You'll probably laugh about it is a couple of years. Not guaranteed, by bulimia and acting out don't hold a candle to schizo-type stuff or clinical depression.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:41:23 No.1368257
    What a boring thing to get put in a loony bin for... Are there any interesting people in there? Or are they all just overly angsty teens?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:43:49 No.1368294
    >>1368147 here. there was self hamer chick there. then her boyfriend got admitted a few days later (probably as a precaution cause his gf tried to kill herself). he didnt like the ativan they gave him and complained that he shouldnt have to be there cause his gf is crazy.

    there was me (paranoid schizophrenic with depression), a crzy old lady that would sit by the radio and talk to herself, a single mom with bi polar disorder who was taking a break from real life, stan (big guy, depressed as well) who i played pool with. a quiet chubby brunette who watched me play pool one time, and a 30 year old guy who smoked and didnt talk to me.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:44:02 No.1368296
    Well, there's the clinical depression as well. She also has anger issues. Her shrink thinks she's bipolar. There are others, too, I believe.
    Hopefully she won't be in there for too long though. It's hard to rejoice either way. It's a shithole here. But, that's okay. If it's what's best for her, then I'm happy. Or I will be.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:45:57 No.1368319
    How are you coping with the ordeal?

    How did you feel about her admittance? Did you have any role in persuading the parents? Did you feel like they betrayed her?

    How did she feel about the ordeal? Does she feel betrayed at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:48:02 No.1368347
    So, are you upset that she went here at all or what? Can other people who have been to a mental institute tell me what it's like because my boyfriend said he'd leave me if I ever got admitted to one. What would make them so bad that my boyfriend would leave me over it? Although he sounds serious, I'm not sure how serious he is. It might just be a bluff.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:48:45 No.1368358
    Not well, so far. I'm a nervous wreck.
    I'm worried for her, but it's for the best in the end. Hopefully. No, not really. I haven't had too much contact with her parents. I feel that they didn't quite try as hard as they should have. If anything, they made it worse for her. The only reason they had her admitted was because they didn't want to deal with her.
    She was nervous. Thought that going wouldn't mean anything, and the people in the institution would just keep her there to sap money from her parents. She feels pretty betrayed, I think.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:51:21 No.1368394
    I'm not upset at her at all. Just worried for her. I promised her that I'd wait for her. My friend has been to one, once. It's probably different elsewhere, but it sounded pretty easy-going. They did art things. Talked about their problems. Say psychiatrists. Things like that.

    And yes, I am serious. This might not mean all that much to you, seeing as I'm a stranger on the internet, but you have my word.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:52:19 No.1368404
    Saw* psychiatrists.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:53:17 No.1368413
    Are they the, y'know, well-to-do type of parents who might read books on parental techniques but never really make that... human connection with their children?

    Does your girlfriend appreciate just how serious her problems are? Do you think she would have admitted herself, given enough time?

    Also do you reckon you would have eventually tried to get her admitted, if things continued as they were?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:53:21 No.1368414
    lol, I know that you're serious. I'm just wondering if my boyfriend was serious enough to actually break up with me if I ever got admitted to one.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:55:21 No.1368444
    i forgot the pokemon trainer. he used to talk about his geodude. one time he was like "i choose blastoise" and it reminded me of that "you just activated my trap card" meme.

    oh and there was an old lady who sat in my chair in the cafeteria i didnt like her
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:55:32 No.1368447
    don't be offended, but I've heard that bulimics smell like puke, because well... that's what they do a lot? how hardcore is she about it? have you tried to get her to stop? I feel like kissing a bulimic would be... different.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:56:47 No.1368464
    God, those places are awful. They make you want to kill yourself even more than before you got there. Pretty counter-productive. Not to mention all the drugs they dope you up on. I fucking hate anti-depressants.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:57:37 No.1368475
    I've been to one, myself. It's really no big deal, aside from the crushing boredom. The days feel so long when you have so little to occupy your time. She'll get the help she needs, and she'll have some fun stories to tell about the crazies in there.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:57:51 No.1368481
    So if she's in a mental institution and she's bulimic and self-harming, how is she also not insane? She sounds pretty fucking crazy to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:59:17 No.1368493
    we need more people in here who have been to mental institutions.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)19:59:31 No.1368497
    Nope. They're just assholes. She lives mainly with her step-father and mother. Her mother would taunt her about her problems.
    >"Oh, what? Are you sad now? Are you gonna go cut yourself?"

    Her mother also always sides with the stepfather about everything. She once got in trouble for yelling at her stepbrother for harassing her.

    Yeah, she does. We've been trying to work on them for a while. She would've wanted to wait to get out of school to admit herself, though. I would have, as well.

    Well, I don't know. But, you might want to rethink your relationship, if he is.

    Not really. Only if they get it on themselves/do it really often.

    Those are some pretty varied responses. I hope it's more like the second one, though.

    I meant that she's not off-her-rocker, point-of-no-return insane. To me, it just seems like she has a couple of problems.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:03:26 No.1368541
    is she overweight or something though? does she have decent looks? if she's already skinny, being bulimic is really bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:04:36 No.1368555
    You clearly haven't been exposed to people with schizophrenia, personality disorders, or moderate (or greater) depression or bipolar disorder.

    (Personality disorders in general might seem a bit, y'know, lightweight; but, gosh, the lengths that some people with Borderline or Bistrionic will go to simply for attention, recognition, praise etc. alarming...)
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)20:04:36 No.1368556
    No, she's pretty skinny. She wanted to be a stick, though. Weighed 92. She's kinda short, too. I can't remember the exact height right off the top of my mind, though. Either way, it wasn't healthy.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:05:04 No.1368562

    srsly needed.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:05:59 No.1368571
    My girlfriend was admitted for a couple of days when she kinda had a break down.

    She was out in like three days so that was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:06:30 No.1368575

    can you explain bipolar disorder more.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)20:06:43 No.1368578
    I think she might have BPD, as well. Not so sure about that one. I, myself have Depersonalization Disorder. I suppose that makes this a little easier.

    Good to hear, man. I think mine will be in there for a bit longer, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:07:10 No.1368587
    what did she say it was like there?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:08:20 No.1368599
    What is Depersonalization Disorder? And how did you and your girl meet?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:08:21 No.1368600
    I'm gonna say it and get it open. How is she in the sack op?
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)20:10:37 No.1368617
    It's a disorder that makes me feel like I don't exist. I don't have the willpower to explain it very well right now, so here's Wikipedia:

    She lives in the same town as I do. We just met at school. Been friends for about five years, and been together for over 1 and a half.

    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:12:33 No.1368639
    moar. I want to know what a mental institution is like.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:19:01 No.1368699
    That's the thing; it's all well reading about general symptoms and case studies etc., but it's when you actually meet someone with bipolar disorder that it *hits* you:
    >'whoa, this person really *is* batshit crazy...'

    So I whilst I can describe about this older lady I know, you'd really have to meet the & feel the atmosphere her moods can generate to appreciate the extent of her madness.
    >oscillates between treating her children like darlings, to physically lashing out at them for minros things, and even frivilously kicking them out
    >bizarre episodes of paranoia for no apparent reason
    >will throw stuff out, and cut ties with servies (e.g. phoneline) and people, on a whim
    >never apologises for things she does, just sort of never mentions them and acts like they didn't happen
    >almost *believes* they never happened
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:19:09 No.1368700
    I was involuntarily committed to a mental institution/hospital/asylum a few years ago myself. (Not sure of the difference.) It wasn't that bad, but it was boring as fuck and they even had the nerve to charge me for the pleasure even though I didn't want to be there to begin with. I only wanted proper medication (a prescription), which I was eventually given and after a while I was released. (I'm still on medication.)

    There was a TV (but only a couple of channels) and some of the loons proved entertaining on occasion too, for instance there was this one young "lady" who stripped bare naked from time to time and did other weird stuff. The screaming was annoying though. That was pretty much it. I feel sorry for the people who were forced to stay there for much longer than I did (some probably still remain).
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:21:22 No.1368728
    Why were you admitted? So, why would my boyfriend hate it if I went to one?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:24:27 No.1368756
    What's the food like at these places?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:24:35 No.1368758
    Also, people with anti-social personality disorder are really hard to see through because they are really good at pretending to be different people, and you can get fucked over if you're not careful. Especially if you get in the way of what they want.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:26:43 No.1368777
    trips or penis.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:26:44 No.1368779
    >Why were you admitted?
    Suicidal, basically... (I wasn't a threat to anyone else.) I just wanted medication prescribed to help me with my anxiety, depression, etc. But, no, they had to lock me up, they did.
    >So, why would my boyfriend hate it if I went to one?
    How am I supposed to know, you should ask him that? If I had to guess, it would probably because of the stigma? Insane people and all that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:27:03 No.1368785
    not bad.

    breakfast is kind of whatever. they have muffins and bagels and cereal and fruit and cheese and juice. cold breakfast.

    lunch was usually sandwiches (tuna salad, ham and cheese, et cetera) and soup

    dinner was something cooked, like pasta and red sauce, or meat loaf and gravy and potatoes.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:31:33 No.1368841
    My gosh yes. They can just be the fucking worst. I dislike being around them intensely.

    If you and they happen to be in unpleasant or generally unfavourable company, they often act like / to impress said company.

    They can even treat you like shit in such a situation. And yet, at some later occasion with you and more favourable company, they can act all chummy and like you're friends, and like they find you really interesting. Ruffles my fucking jimmies it does.

    Some are intentionally manipulative and seek specific things at nearly any cost, but some are more... vacuous, if you know what I mean? Like they don't even have their own personality, they just give in to their impulses and are easily infuence by just about anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:32:46 No.1368856
    Stigma? And he wont tell.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:32:54 No.1368859
    >What's the food like at these places?
    The cooked meals were not bad. Seemed nutritious and all. Not much flavour, but it didn't taste bad.

    Breakfast was boring, but pretty standard: sandwiches and soured milk and cereal (cornflakes), that was pretty much it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:35:10 No.1368878
    Ew. Soured. I wonder if a person was picky if they'd do something about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:38:24 No.1368923
    I don't like soured milk either, I much prefer yoghurt, but they didn't really care.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:38:43 No.1368929
    They act nice so that they can use you potentially. If you are of no use, they'll throw you away like trash. They also, like you mentioned, are hidden behind layers of false personalities. I'd just like to say though, that it's not their fault that they act like that. These people can genuinely not feel emotions like love and have a severe lack of capability to become emotionally attached to other people.

    I would know, I've been like this for years.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:41:07 No.1368947
    I feel like people just get bored sometimes and end up that way. But explaining it wouldn't be that simple.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)20:47:55 No.1369044
    Yes, the social stigma.
    >Social stigma is the severe disapproval of, or discontent with, a person on the grounds of characteristics that distinguish them from other members of a society.
    >The three forms of stigma recognised by Goffman include: The fact of mental illness (or the imposition of such a diagnosis)
    >Social stigma can result from the perception or attribution, rightly or wrongly, of Mental illness
    >Stigma comes in three forms:
    >2. Deviations in personal traits, including mental illness /.../ are stigmatized in this way.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:01:13 No.1369206
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    Why is psychology so fucking stupid?
    Seriously, it's like all they want to do is dope people up for the stupidest reasons. If you don't fit in this box, you're a freak. It's ridiculous.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:21:49 No.1369450
    Bump, in case there's more. Will probably bump again in a couple of hours, if not.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:27:27 No.1369518
    Any idea how long she'll be in there for?
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:28:17 No.1369528
    No clue. I wish I did.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:34:06 No.1369596
    how difficult/painful is it not knowing? I can't imagine being in that situation myself. Sucks bro.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:35:33 No.1369610
    Pretty difficult. I feel like it'd be a lot easier if I knew. It could be a couple days, or a couple of months. I just have to wait and see. My stomach's getting knotted, and I'm getting nervous. Shit sucks.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:39:11 No.1369641
    It really does man. I guess the only comfort can be found in the fact that she's probably in the best place for her, this could be the first step to her getting better. It's not under the best circumstances but maybe some good will come of it. Stay strong bro.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:41:07 No.1369661
    Yeah, hopefully. I just hope she wasn't right, and they're not just gonna keep her there to sap her money. That probably won't happen, though. You hear about stuff like that sometimes. Only rarely.

    And thanks, man. I really do hope *something* good comes out of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:44:26 No.1369693
    >just gonna keep her there to sap her money.
    Nah, that's pretty much what the whole field of psychology does. They diagnose mostly fake illnesses so they can dope you up and take your money.

    If your girlfriend was a severe self-harmer, you're not going to be seeing her for at least a month.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:46:06 No.1369709
    Well, damn. Doesn't sound too hopeful, then. Shit's gonna suck pretty bad. Might get a dog, in the meantime. I've been wanting to get one for a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:51:02 No.1369762
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    No, get a cat. Cats are fucking chill.
    >> OP !!6dxCS4oVCjS 02/08/12(Wed)21:53:18 No.1369782
    I'm looking for something more active. Something that wants to spend a lot of time with me. Don't get me wrong, cats are cool in all, but I'm just looking to get a dog for now. Plus, some of the people I live with currently are allergic.

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