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  • File : 1295305283.png-(61 KB, 515x429, umad.png)
    61 KB How does this make you feel? Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:01:23 No.12962344  
    /r9k/ sucks and is a shadow of its former self.

    Moot just said that on /soc/
    >> Seriana !!ooPPuqnTfWS 01/17/11(Mon)18:03:39 No.12962380
    Just hide the bawww why doesn't she love me threads and /r9k/ has a few quality threads every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:03:41 No.12962381
    I don't care?

    /r9k/ sucks because he created /lit/, /new/, /sci/ and (some may say) /soc/ which got rid of all content on this board except the bitching about women.

    However, I love /lit/ so glad to have it
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:04:14 No.12962389
    this makes me wanaa cry :'(
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:05:18 No.12962408
         File1295305518.png-(4 KB, 707x115, (1) -soc- - Smokes_12953051809(...).png)
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    fuck you OP you beat me to it.

    here's mine
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:05:58 No.12962415
    >create more varied boards about topics previously discussed on other boards
    >be upset when those topics no longer appear on the older boards because people are discussing them on the new boards
    deal with it moot
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:07:51 No.12962441
    Anyone who posts on /soc/--that includes moot--does not deserve to be treated like a human being.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:08:31 No.12962453
    Nobody cares about what moot thinks apart from /b/, he just runs the site.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:09:27 No.12962469
    He's absolutely right. This board is shit. It could have been a more highbrow /b/. Taking all those posts that don't fit anywhere else, but without the gore and stupid crap as /b/, and not moving as quickly so a thread actually goes somewhere other than page 15 in half an hour. But no, the faggots had to ruin it. Fucking faggots.
    >> Hi!MynameisMoot! !!fcTI5A5wQLN 01/17/11(Mon)18:09:59 No.12962479
    Haha I am awesome man!

    >create /r9k/

    Oh this is a great success, how to improve it? I know!

    >create multiple boards to draw traffic away from /r9k/

    Oh wow it's not that great anymore. How can I restore /r9k/ to it's original form? AHA! I've got it!

    >change board title to beta as fuck

    Oh wow that created a huge influx of misogynists. How can I make them go away? Oooo this trasnformice game is cool. I know!

    >change board title to Alpha as fuck!

    Oh wow now everyones too manly here, lets change it back

    >board title: Forever alone

    Oh shit it's literally just a camwhore board now

    >create /soc/

    Haha this is awesome! What? /r9k/? Oh nah, that turned to shit. Nah, not my fault. At all.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:10:58 No.12962491
    I propose secession from 4chan. Somebody bait moot away from his house with a bag of cocks and steal the /r9k/ server while he sucks them in a dumpster.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:11:15 No.12962495
    Alpha as fuck came before Beta I think, but in any case you're right.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:11:44 No.12962504
    I sure as hell wouldn't have thought that moot will dwell in that RATE ME GUYS LOOK AT MEEEEE RAAAATE MEEEEEEEEE board. I don't really care about his opinion anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:13:04 No.12962516

    What does the faggot expect? Making boards, replacing post numbers with x's, anything but actual administrative work. Sweeping dirt under the fucking rug doesn't make the house clean.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:13:31 No.12962524
    You need more green text. Try this:
    >Be a message board
    >Complain about how nobody loves me, all day erry day (not every, erry)
    >Creator runs off with a new, younger board
    >He says I suck
    >mfw even my creator doesn't love me sadfrog.jpg

    don't actually post sadfrog, just say mfw with no face. Then fill the rest of the thread with complaints about how all the people you've ever met just shitposted and trolled on you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:14:00 No.12962529
    No it didn't, but clearly you arrived after the Alpha as fuck title. You've been here for like, 6 months tops bro. Beta as fuck actually came twice, both before and after alpha as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:16:16 No.12962561
    you forgot about "a gangbang of whining"

    "claim,figive rhiply"
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:17:12 No.12962572
    7chan just did a massive board merge and thats what Moot should be doing.

    Quality not quantity.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:18:23 No.12962589
    Yeah, I got here about 7-8 months ago so I may have been wrong. I remember it being 'a gangbang of whining' when I first got here.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:18:57 No.12962602
    Link to /soc/ thread, please?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:19:00 No.12962604
    Raid this shit.
    >> Leonidas !0uq2r5uCmk 01/17/11(Mon)18:19:46 No.12962617
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:20:48 No.12962633

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:20:48 No.12962634
    I did too, dunno how I forgot that gem.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:22:15 No.12962658
    >mfw noone catches him for not knowing it started as "I for one welcome our new robot overlord".
    >mfw everyone is newfag
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:22:39 No.12962665
    Everything is dying.
    I look around me, the mighty titan 4chan is lying in a pool of its own excrement and now faggots like ray william johnson terrorise the internet. They took our justice.
    The funny bright sparks of 4chan were also kind of paedophiles, the founder of this site betrayed his followers to the controlling government.
    They took our ringleaders
    Too many of us, the real problem, allowed a huge wave of new members in. They took my home. Every time I visit /r9k/ it hurts me. It actually hurts to see you or any of the other boards like /x/ or /b/ get like this. This will no doubt be my last post here, I don't argue with people who are wrong (in my view), I don't take sides in a debate, I remain anonymous, I take part in any raids that appear worthwhile. I don't know why I felt the need to write this, I doubt any of you give a damn, I just had to express my feelings and it is the last time I will do so.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:23:19 No.12962679
    > implying /r9k/'s former self was that great
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:23:30 No.12962688
    >it was the title at first
    >he said changing
    >you're a fucking moron
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:23:37 No.12962689
    What exactly was this former self?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:25:22 No.12962712
         File1295306722.jpg-(37 KB, 615x544, Mootle1.jpg)
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    > make /b/ annoying to browse for the retards that frequent it (embedding sound etc.)
    > all of the /b/tards flock to different boards (primarily /x/)
    > they notice "ROBOT9000" and check it out
    > most don't know how to get by mute filter and go back to /b/
    > though a good number stay and shitpost every day
    > do this multiple times until 95% of regulars here are normalfags from /b/
    > not take responsibility for any of it
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:25:23 No.12962713
    faggots he said that because he doesnt want the /soc/ cancer coming back to /r9k/. Dun worrie he stil wuvs
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:26:03 No.12962722
    r9k used to be a place I came to laugh, and then comfort the occassional ronery fag. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE MAN
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:27:29 No.12962740

    /fog/: Flash games/Online games
    /ww/: Wurrchcrurrft urrnd Wurrzurrdrurr
    /rec/: Recreation - Skydiving, rock climbing, all that alpha shizz
    /om/: Object Manipulation - Juggling, Poi, Women
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:29:00 No.12962760
    Why should I care what that scrawny attention whoring faggot thinks?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:30:17 No.12962780
    Lol, for him to say that on /soc/ of all places...

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:31:18 No.12962798


    I do agree about the science and literature, though. Although, the former was never anything more than atheism v. religion, and nobody ever talked about books anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:32:18 No.12962813
    Just because moot says something, it does not make it so.

    He is just as poor of a poster as the rest of us.

    He just runs this place. He is not Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:32:28 No.12962816
    >implying moot is capable of love

    >/om/: Object Manipulation - Juggling, Poi, Women
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:33:05 No.12962830
    Shit tons of /b/ faggots came here mid Decemeber, now it is all shitted up, you can't even give good advice to ronrey fags anymore.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:34:37 No.12962844
         File1295307277.jpg-(20 KB, 385x324, i really wish i werent here ri(...).jpg)
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    I just refreshed page 0 and saw:

    > >mfw greentext
    > foreveralone.jpg
    > Why am I forever alone...
    > trollface.jpg problem?
    > >MFW MEMES
    > So you left your house and this was your face when...
    > unoriginal thread reposted a million times

    God damn it. Fuck this board. I hope you all die gruesomely.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:34:55 No.12962848
    /r9k/ was always like this though.

    Moot doesn't know what he's talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:35:28 No.12962853

    Because he's right.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:36:36 No.12962871
    Yo don't know what you're talking about.

    The quality of posts has gone down due to the average age of posters going down.

    Self-absorbed arrogance everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:36:40 No.12962873
    I've been here since the day /r9k/ was created and all I can say is NOPE.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:37:08 No.12962876
    The "gentleman" vibe died out REAL fast. /r9k/ has been shit for most of it's existence.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:37:11 No.12962879
         File1295307431.jpg-(19 KB, 342x320, 2111111215454.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:38:38 No.12962892
    agree, /r9k/ is a lot of sexism, whining about beaches and shores, and crap. It's /b/ without the memes and moves a bit slower.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:41:00 No.12962922
    I've been contemplating leaving, recently, especially after last week when I fucking saw a mod camwhore on /r9k.

    What the fuck? A mod camwhoring, shit has gone too far then.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:41:07 No.12962924
    i always thought that it was supposed to be "/r9k/ - Storytime". the countless 300+ post threads have been stories about ____ threads. jobs, relationships, awesome things, sad things, i cant believe that happened, etc etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:41:30 No.12962928
    > mid December

    This sounds about right. Before Winter Break, this place was just mediocre.

    There should be another general board. The gimmick is that people who have clicked on /b/ in the last three years can't post.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:42:10 No.12962939

    Bullshit. r9k has been about girls since roughly April of 2008.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:42:26 No.12962943
    How much better would /r9k/ be if the words Beta, Alpha, Virgin, and Neckbeard were filtered.

    Simple fix. /r9k/ was actually interesting way back when, now it's just a festering shithole of people confessing how ronery they are.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:43:18 No.12962949
    The quality of r9k started going down as the number of people calling the people who post here "robots" started going up.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:46:05 No.12962979
         File1295307965.png-(9 KB, 332x236, mods4.png)
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    What's wrong with /r9k/ mods?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:46:21 No.12962983
    Lol'd so much, don't know why
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:46:23 No.12962984
    r9k were never anything else than what it is now.

    we were always bickering, the difference was that we bickered about a more varied range of subjects before.

    that and we called ourselves gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:47:41 No.12963009
    Makes me feel that moot doesn't know how to spell 'I'.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:50:14 No.12963031

    All you have to do is wordfilter "femanon" or "femanons" into a temp ban, and the quality would skyrocket.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:58:13 No.12963131
    not familiar with femanon being filtered to cumdumpster then?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:58:23 No.12963132

    >R9K mods

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)18:59:56 No.12963153
    Perhaps filter bitches/whores/sluts while we're at it too.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:00:04 No.12963157
    Filtering specific words won't do shit.
    People just need to realize complaining about anything won't fix it nor does it intrest anyone.
    Less QQ more pew pew.

    Oh, and permaban all tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:01:34 No.12963176

    Yeah, they did for a while here and on /b/, but they got rid of it for some reason. Still, it's not good enough. Filter it into a 3 day ban.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:03:03 No.12963196
    I think moot and other older members have rose-tinted glasses about how /r9k/ used to be. I don't remember it being -full- of great threads when it was new, just a few classy/'gentlemen' type threads but a lot of bullshit too.
    The only reason I still come to 4chan is because fuck, at least it's fast-moving.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:03:12 No.12963197
    > fags bitching about /soc/
    Jelly that others want to post their pics on the Internet?
    Also /soc/ is a goldmine of stalking material :3c

    > /ww/
    No, fuck you. Learn to handle it when others like the things you don't like.
    >> !KHn8YK/x0g 01/17/11(Mon)19:03:36 No.12963201


    There was always flaming faggots like Trashcan but at least there was some variety. I can't believe the shit that's posted now. Some chemo would be welcome but its probably too late. When a board gets this shit, where do all the good posters go?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:04:25 No.12963212
    Off the top of my head to be filtered:
    > forever alone
    > ronery
    > bitches
    > whores
    > femanons
    > ITT: stories
    > moments when
    > alpha
    > beta
    > omega
    > /b/
    > troll
    > lulz
    > epic
    > erry day

    No "mfw" because that would literally leave nothing else on the board.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:10:12 No.12963272
    Seriously. If moot doesn't understand why /r9k/ is the way it is today, he's an idiot. It's not because hurr durr proliferation of contact/camwhore threads made 4chan worse, because hell, 4chan has always been a terrible place, held to no standard of quality.

    He made /b/ worse by implementing /r9k/, which promised to be a more intelligent /b/. So, /b/ was watered down. Now he takes /r9k/, the intelligent general discussion board, and waters it down by adding new boards like pretentious /lit/ and stormfront /new/.
    Then he takes the fast-paced social element out of /r9k/ (which was his fault to begin with, after supporting this whole "alpha/beta" nonsense, which is the silliest shit since people actually started to care about checking out my dubs)

    Now we have moot lurking in /soc/ all day, and ignoring /r9k/ because the threads are too big for his head.

    Wahhh wahhh wahhh.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:10:42 No.12963276
    Same here man

    A few other chans and boards i visit are usualy too slow to spend alot of time on its like posting in a forum
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:12:12 No.12963288
    To be honest, I think r9k's best hope is the fact that it's getting slow. I've noticed lots of threads I had open the night before still existing the next day. That can support OC from other boards that are too fast to have durable threads, if it becomes a reliable trait.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:12:14 No.12963289
    You got almost all of it wrong, idiot.

    First he changed to "a gangbang of whining" when he got mad at all the complaining threads. He thought by doing this it would make people whine less since he was pointing it out, but really you have to be an idiot to change the header of a board to that and not expect people to come here just to whine.

    Some of us kept nagging him to change so eventually he did so on a whim and called it "ALPHA AS FUCK" as a joke and yeah because of the transformice bullshit.

    Got mad again and changed it to "beta as fuck" and then what it is now and so yeah.

    Also the "misogynists" have been since before all of that started so shut the fuck about that since you don't know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:13:47 No.12963293
         File1295309627.jpg-(143 KB, 800x600, 1295218134445[174715.jpg].jpg)
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    Hey Cas, wanna exchange pics?
    This girl for pics of you.
    >> The Red Barron 01/17/11(Mon)19:15:55 No.12963312
    >implying we give a fuck and m00t hasn't had it out for r9gay ever since he realized the general populace of it knew he was an idiot
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:16:34 No.12963316
    I was honestly completely surprised that so many people only came to /r9k/ to camwhore. Seeing a near total loss of tripfags, and lurking /soc/ to see them post there instead near-constantly, shocked me. I had more faith in my fellow poster, I thought they were just posting in camwhore threads to talk to robots, not to get the maximum amount of vague compliments. Sadfrog.

    You have my email, right?
    If you promise to always send me photos of her, oh my god, I will be yours. Still one of my biggest crushes.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:17:08 No.12963319
    >missed the point that it's Moot who caused the problem
    >instead decides to attack the poster because his intentionally sarcastic and flaming post wasn't 100% accurate
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:17:34 No.12963325
    >MFW nobody now on 4chan was even around when moot was more active on the site and actually took part in discussion
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:17:57 No.12963334
    k, gonna do that. :3
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/17/11(Mon)19:19:54 No.12963344

    Wait wait wait, how many tripfags are derping about on /soc/?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:21:10 No.12963360
    >missed the point that it's Moot who caused the problem
    What? Did you even read my post? I pointed that out in my description too. I attacked the other poster because he tried to act like he knows how things happened when he clearly doesn't.

    This is actually why I think this board sucks now, it's filled with a bunch of underage faggots, faggots that have shit reading comprehension, and people who get mad when you call them out as if they have a reputation to defend or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:21:20 No.12963362
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:21:42 No.12963368
    /r9k/ was awful before all the new boards and it's awful now. The only reason I go on this board is to tell you that you're all awful. All of you. I hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:22:18 No.12963375
    >No "mfw" because that would literally leave nothing else on the board.

    That would probably be for the better.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:22:29 No.12963377
    > mfw I saw Frak go full camwhore on /soc/
    And I'm fairly sure the one guy who posted occasionally here is not going to post on /soc/ ;__;
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:22:53 No.12963383
    what's the point of having /r9k/ anyways? moot should just get rid of it all together. baww threads and misogyny are already plentiful enough on /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:24:03 No.12963392
    I always knew that most of the people who posted in camwhore threads hardly ever partook in discussing any other topics. It was surprising at all to me when that was confirmed after /soc/ was put up.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:29:44 No.12963451
    So many of them, man. You ever look in "Whose your favorite poster<3?" bullshit threads here? All the "best" posters are over there now. It's hilarious.

    I mean, I'd post more pictures than most, but I refuse to post there.
    I've always sucked at green texting stories (which is basically all r9k has left anymore), and I loved talking to robots and keeping up with people, so I had little problem with the threads, though I thought they were excessive at times.
    It was fun in a social way, not in a Hot or Not way. Which is all it is now.
    I don't understand how it hasn't gotten old to them already.

    Honestly, I can't even look at /b/ anymore. I think the filter is the greatest thing to happen. Moot'll get rid of /r9k/ though, he thinks the place needs to go. That much is obvious.
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/17/11(Mon)19:30:26 No.12963455

    Hn, guess I shouldn't be surprised, or even disappointed.

    This feels less funny than it should be.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:33:38 No.12963481
    >everything he said actually happened, in that order
    >left out minor, unimportant details

    Leaving out details != not knowing them. Idiot. It's people like you who just assume and act that make this place shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:33:56 No.12963486
    moot sucks and is a shadow of his former self.

    see? it's easy to make something sound true
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:36:44 No.12963504
    Do you know why those boards were made? Because people on /r9k/ wanted them.

    The more you know.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)19:36:47 No.12963505
    no, it wasn't.


    you're all right re: new boards drawing traffic away. there isn't a reason this board needs to exist any more. it'll probably be removed soon. enjoy it while it lasts!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:38:14 No.12963517
    How many different ways can you spell butthurt?

    You must have come here in 2009, hell, even a 2009 person remembers what it used to be like - if only a little bit.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:38:16 No.12963518
    unleash the hatred
    mootblox lololol
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:38:31 No.12963521
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:38:52 No.12963525
    >there isn't a reason this board needs to exist any more. it'll probably be removed soon.

    Do it faggot!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:39:09 No.12963528
    I think the quality of this board (and possible lack thereof) has more to do with the user base than anything.

    it is what it is, I browse here and I'm amused enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:39:30 No.12963533
    Hey moot, I don't really give a shit about /r9k/.

    Can you give /sp/ some janitors?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:39:43 No.12963535
    If there was no reason for it to exist then why are there so many posts on it? Obviously people enjoy coming here.

    It's my most browsed board.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:10 No.12963541
    He didn't just leave out details, he got some of them wrong. I would have never said anything if he just left out some details.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:19 No.12963544
    Fuck you moot
    I used to think you were a pretty chill guy
    Now I just hate you
    Just let us have our place man, you say it has no point but it's one of the most popular boards and has a lot of archived threads, even from recent times.
    Stop being such a little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:27 No.12963546
    Wait, where are whiny sexist angsty teenager threads going to go?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:30 No.12963549
         File1295311230.jpg-(119 KB, 350x700, christian-christ.jpg)
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    >moot threatening to destroy /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:31 No.12963550
    i disagree. like /soc/, it keeps this bullshit in one place. if you delete the board, the virus will be unleashed once more upon the other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:37 No.12963552
    That's not going to change the userbase here, you've been given plenty of oppertunity not to become huge dickholes, but no, everything that's posted about her you hate, and then you whine when it's taken away.

    moot, I implore you, don't unleash these faggots on the rest of us!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:44 No.12963553
    permaban me until the end of time so take these broken wings and learn to fly mr. moot faggot pls bro
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:52 No.12963556
    You missed the day(s) /r9k/ was advertised across the site.

    That was a painful memory, why did you do that moot? You fucked us over from that day on, that's my opinion when our downfall was occuring.

    Frankly, i agree with him, but i think it was mostly self-inflicted, if not totally.

    Moot/administration ruined us, nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:40:53 No.12963558
    if you genuinely wanted /r9k/ to return to its former glory, you'd take some constructive action instead of being butthurt about it and threatening to close the board
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:41:21 No.12963563
    Screencapped history in the making.

    Good job all you assholes who ruined what was once an amazing board =(
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:01 No.12963570
    Have you ever thought that if you didn't call this board "Together alone ;_;" or "Beta as fuck" or anything else related to that faggotry, it might actually be good with intelligent conversation like we used to have? Just call it ROBOT9000 for fuck's sake.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:19 No.12963575
    I would never, ever go on a date to McDonalds with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:26 No.12963576
    I really don't understand why moot hates /r9k/ this much.

    Is it because this board full of angsty virgins reminds him of himself?

    He probably thought he would create a "good" /b/, without copypasta and shit, but surprise surprise, seems like 4channers aren't the alpha male hackers on steroids anyway!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:38 No.12963578
    Oh please, /r9k/ was a shithole and that's why he did it, to try and get people who weren't you dicks posting here.

    But no, you had to drive everyone away and retain more whiners.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:40 No.12963579
    this is my primary concern re: removal
    >> Me !!QhIF9R4YKCG 01/17/11(Mon)19:42:50 No.12963582

    Nigga, you're going to unclog the pipe that holds all the shit. Where will the shit go?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:43:01 No.12963585
    He did create a good version of /b/, then it got all fucked up a year or so later.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:43:16 No.12963587
    >who ruined what was once an amazing board =(

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:07 No.12963595
    Just keep /r9k/ for performing horrible social experiments on!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:09 No.12963597
    Also: sure, this board has a lot of bad sides with all the bawwwing and shit. But if you skip over some threads, there always are some good ones up too.

    They may say what they want, but a lot of greentext threads here are fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:09 No.12963598
         File1295311449.jpg-(37 KB, 438x400, ohreallybird.jpg)
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    >it'll probably be removed soon
    good one
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:20 No.12963600
    When he used to play with us? Even if he was just fucking with us he was kind of a fun guy. He was actually, honestly, a robot. He would talk and converse with us, and mess with us, but it was all in good fun.

    Now he just acts like a dick and tries to distance himself from us, like he's better than 4chan or something. Maybe he thinks of /r9k/ as a part of his life he wants to put behind him?

    Either way, he's become a massive tool at least to /r9k/. What happened moot, what happened.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:25 No.12963601
    The don't do it then you ugly gay cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:44:38 No.12963603


    Also make drugs board instead, most of the junkies, stoners etc go over to 420chan. If you want more traffic I highly suggest it moot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:02 No.12963607
    Please no.

    >fact bolany

    Which is close to fact balonga.
    The captcha has spoken.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:18 No.12963611
    /b/ is trash for children

    and all the other boards are too specific.

    /jp/ is filled with faggot hikki

    /soc/ with normals

    /adv/ with boring relationshit

    /sci/ with religious debaters

    /lit/ with pretentious readers
    >> Me !!QhIF9R4YKCG 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:28 No.12963613

    Also, it's all your fault anyway. You made /r9k/ become more famous in the 4chan spectrum. Maybe if you just left it alone. /r9k/ was a pimple, you don't give attention to it, if you do, you'll make it worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:40 No.12963615
    I think if this board was gone, some of us would go on to a more productive live.
    Nonethess, how long has moot been planning to remove this/when will he remove this I wonder.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:41 No.12963616

    Why are you so angry about us?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:48 No.12963618
    wait, so what was /r9k/ really like before all these relationshit threads
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:45:54 No.12963620
    It is time for us to migrate to /b/. Five times the bawww threads shouldn't cancer up the place too bad, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:46:09 No.12963625
    moot why do all your posts have little boxes around them?
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !yRd8SXc/L. 01/17/11(Mon)19:46:32 No.12963628
    Can someone turn that into a movie? Moot trying to overhaul his life but /r9k/ keeps catching up with him until he eventually realizes that if you're once a robot, you're always a robot?

    Starring Jesse Eisenberg.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:46:32 No.12963629
    It's not going to change the user base but it will give people some guidance of what to post, which moot even said is probably this board's biggest problem.

    When he leaves up headers like "forever alone" it will give people the impression that the ronery fags are supposed to congregate here if they don't know what this board is for. That's why he should change it back to ROBOT 9000.

    If he puts a sticky back up giving some guidance of what to post, people will know what's acceptable and what people like. People who want to post relationshit/advice threads should go to /adv/ while camwhoring and shit should go to /soc/ like it wasn't intended. I'm not mad that moot made /lit/ and /sci/.

    If you put a sticky telling people what this board should be about what you don't like posted here moot, then people will follow it and you won't have to indirectly whine about the quality of the board all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:46:36 No.12963631
    moot ruined this board by writing that shit, then linking to it from other boards while being a sarcastic cunt.
    moot, you're a shit admin
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:03 No.12963634

    Oh wow, bummer. So much existential agony goes on about here, it'll descend like a miasma anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:03 No.12963635
    How does it make me feel?

    Uh, not in any way in particular, really. I have had some really good conversations on here and some wacky ones but thems are the breaks.

    I don't know what it used to be as I've only been on here like a year and a half but I would say this to o'l Moot if he were listening.

    Things change, babe. Nothing stays the same not even /R9k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:09 No.12963636
    moot don't do it

    i love you bro btw
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:15 No.12963637
    Why erryone so angry at moot?

    Moot gave us /soc/. Be happy robots!

    Oh yeah and if you don't like the relationshit threads, dont post in them. Just a thought.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:17 No.12963638
    >Says there's no reason for /r9k/
    >Thinks /r9k/ is shit
    >Threatens to delete it
    >Keeps /b/

    Fuck you cunt
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:28 No.12963641
    He's added it recently, presumably to stop people pretending to be him.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:30 No.12963643
    >implying that anyone truly, deep down, cares what you or Moot says or thinks

    What did r9k used to be? What kind of threads USED to be in r9k? Tell me that and maybe I'll agree that it's not as good.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:47:47 No.12963644
    Not much can be done to help this board.

    Every other board sees us as the place to bitch about relationships about, and they also see us as purely pathetic.

    Recent banter by moot caused traffic to increase, lowering the general age of posters, thus adding shit to the shitpile.

    Thanks moot, just so you know - You're half to blame.

    I do thank you for this board/site though, it was nice while it lasted.

    Hope you make another non dedicated board.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:48:09 No.12963649
    Just do it right now with no hesitation.

    My body is ready.
    >> James 01/17/11(Mon)19:48:35 No.12963654
    /r9k/ used to be what /b/ used to be before that.
    Now it's all the same shit.

    If nothing else I think all the bullshit would migrate to either /adv/ or /soc/ if /r9k/ were removed, and nothing of value would be lost.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:48:38 No.12963655
    Moot, if you delete this board, make a new one for stories/greentext etc.
    That's the best part of /r9k/ anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:03 No.12963661
    Boxxy > Moot
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:07 No.12963662
    Dude what?

    This place used to just be full of discussion before that point. We'd have our psuedo-intellectual rape thread where we would talk to each other like human beings, our psuedo-intellectual incest is okay thread, our threads greentexting out day. It was like a big dorky support group where we would all smile and talk to each other, like the one nice place on 4chan full of complete sentences and happy constituents.

    Our threads where we would post and comment on each others battle stations/crap near us/other stuff.

    it was great, when we got flooded it took months to get it off, and the word 'fag' is used. That never happened before, we used to treat each other with respect, that's what made /r9k/ cool and different.

    People brought their own boards, and tried to bring their own dialects and rudeness and other habits picked up on that board, but in the volume that was influxed, we couldn't assimilate/explain the way the board worked with them. That's how the change, in my opinion, for the worse occurred.

    So, it pushed everyone that made intelligent, well thought out posts off the board due to the horrible mess it was for months.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:09 No.12963663
    Why don't you just delete it now?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:24 No.12963664
    history in the making
    if i get dubbz its true
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:32 No.12963667
    Why not officially change /r9k/ to /baw/?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:39 No.12963669
    >/r9k/ used to be what /b/ used to be before that.
    Now it's all the same shit.

    Lol nope, /r9k/ never even resembled /b/. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:40 No.12963670
    In the words of moot..
    (warning, actual green text used for actual quote)

    >/b/ is the heart of the site
    >1/3 of 4chans traffic goes to this board
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:45 No.12963672
    Arguing about anything being made "more famous" is immature, SECRET CLUB STAY OUT mentality. Get fucked.

    PUA bullshit/politics/science/media, with a leaning towards the social side of things. /r9k/ has always been a social board, simply because it was held to a standard for content.

    Oh my god, no. You really want a board full of 13 year olds who think weed is the best thing ever?
    Drug threads on /r9k/ are pretty fun, but 420chan has its niche.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:49:46 No.12963673
    I love how you all blame moot as if he had any way of really knowing the consequences of his actions.

    This board has alwayas been an experiment, and it seems the experiment has found it's own direction; Looking for someone to blame!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:51:16 No.12963681
    >moot posts this on /soc/
    >wants home decor board

    moot is a complete normalfag now and should be voted out of 4chan.
    anyone to second the motion?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:51:22 No.12963683
    It's to increase his attention whoring.

    It's useful though, since I use an extension that makes everyone look anonymous.
    >> James 01/17/11(Mon)19:51:30 No.12963684
    I'm referring to the /b/ that existed before you got here, as in a place of OC and generally great discussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:52:48 No.12963703

    This. This. This. This. Times. A. Thousand. This.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:53:02 No.12963704
    With the creation of /lit/ /adv/ /sci/ and /soc/, there's really nothing left to post about here. All we have is a reputation for being BETA AS FUCK. And honestly, /b/ has gotten tolerable again, for me at least, since the creation of /soc/. It'll never be what it used to be, but it's closer then the early days of /r9k/. The robot was a great idea in theory, but no one actually produces original content. All we do is blox. A failed experiment is all we are.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:53:19 No.12963706
    Why would he need to do that? Look at all you whining sycophants.

    moot cares about home decor.
    moot has also been laid.
    You don't care about home decor...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:54:21 No.12963716
    >Moot gave us /soc/. Be happy robots!

    It removed a minority of shitposters here. Most people couldn't care less about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:54:28 No.12963719
    This whole site was an experiment, not only /r9k/.

    It's mostly sheer luck 4chan became this big; moot isn't some genius entrepreneur, he just got lucky.

    Now, he's just fucking things up in hopes of making money out of it.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:54:34 No.12963722
    Look at /soc/ or /b/

    Do you really want to go back to seeing five word posts everywhere? I don't have the attention span of a thirteen year old anymore, which was about the only time I enjoyed /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:55:03 No.12963729
    I've always enjoyed reading everyone's stories. I don't want to lose that either.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:55:41 No.12963740
    /r9k/ used to be
    >Everyone was respectful (I came at the end of the 'gentlemen phase')
    >Complete sentences, complete sentences everywhere
    >Structured arguments, structured arguments everywhere
    >Cameras were used to take pictures of stuff/projects/etc, not ourselves
    >Everyone was supportive of each other and genuine
    >Shittons of nostalgia too

    Again, it was just a fun place. A big happy neckbeard/ette community. It was just a cool place to hang and smile and have fun and debate with each other about stuff. Hell we used to have arguments over the most pointless stuff just for the sake of it. You could go and yell at each other over abitrary things (we had fights over what was the best style of bed) without ad hominem and red herrings, or just go and post in the local "Your _____" Thread

    Or we would have some thread asking a guy whos done something cool thread (traveled somewhere, does something for a living, etc)

    It wasn't a "Random" Board, it was a board that was whatever you made it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:55:43 No.12963741
    4chan started to suck the moment /l/ went away.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:55:51 No.12963744
    I want the 13 year olds out my board and in another, yes.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:56:42 No.12963749
    /r9k/ hasn't been good since the muteblock algorithm has been surpassed by making larger posts (ie ESSAYS ABOUT HOW MY LIFE SUCKS)

    It needs a more aggressive algorithm, which would force more creative posts, but isn't really practical, since posts are larger than before (before it was usually like 8 words a post, which is much easier to filter through).

    The only way the board will get better is to find an algorithm that checks against bunches of highly used words (besides those that are whitelisted; like "the, a, an, as, like" and all those words that make it english) instead of the entire post.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:57:17 No.12963754
    I just think that there are much less true beta's on this board than it makes it out to be.

    Most of us are just lazy people.

    captcha: Processes Laytte
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:57:46 No.12963759
    Hey moot?

    Protip dude!

    Lurk moar. Especially on this board. You seem to have forgotten what this website actually is.
    >> James 01/17/11(Mon)19:58:05 No.12963761
    I miss that phase..

    We used to be proper gentlemen dammit! What happened? Have you all lost your pride? Your dignity? For shame!
    >> The Red Barron 01/17/11(Mon)19:58:31 No.12963768
    You remember Buki-Buki used to get in all loads of shit in /c/? I have no idea why he caved in and removed /l/ instead of just saying IT'S A FUCKING DRAWING to people. BASTARD, NOT4CHAN SUCKS COCKS AND IS SLOWER THAN A RETARDED SNAIL
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)19:58:57 No.12963774
    Just have to accept that there will always be some threads you won't agree with, part of being """mature""". As it is, /r9k/ has a drug thread, what, twice a week at most?

    I find the My Little Pony threads invading /co/ far more annoying, but even those are easy to hide.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:58:58 No.12963775
    No, /r9k/ was never about OC (even though that was moot's intent).

    /r9k/ was a civilized offtopic board that was good. The posters respected eachotehr.

    It became more and more popular and people brought their own board culture and shit this place up. You cna't do anything about it even since they outnumber us. we just hat to do with the flow.
    Here's a shocker, see all the threads about relationships and most about being alone? They're posters form other boards, they come here thinking that's what we are for without even considering /adv/.

    Popularity killed this place.

    The only thing that /r9k/ and /b/ ever had in common was not being a dedicated board.

    /b/ was and always will be the cancerous heart of this board - the retard bin.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:59:09 No.12963777
    If r9k dies, will it be replaced by a new approach at making a general discussion board? Are you planning to use the "make a new board to siphon off fags" /soc/ approach to try to revive /b/, come up with a new concept for a different kind of general board, or give up and focus on boards with specific topics?

    There seems to be a ton of demand for posting depressing greentext and crying, so I'd lean towards making /baww/ to quarantine the malcontents and giving r9k the original header plus sticky explaining purpose.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:59:47 No.12963783

    For what purpose? What the fuck is there to talk about that is so important?

    I like coming here because half the posts are about typical day to day shit of (often) like minded people.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)19:59:52 No.12963785
    >implying that moot did any of the programming for the original r9k algorithm.
    go take a class in r9k101 and learn some history of the board, bro. was originally created by using an algorithm designed by the dude who draws xkcd.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:00:35 No.12963797
    >ITT: moot gets his ass handed to him
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:01:00 No.12963802
    I can't say "this" enough times.
    Make alpha and beta bannable words and make the banner "intelligent conversation"
    Actions to this effect WILL work.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:01:10 No.12963804
    because we don't pander to pedophiles, you fuck
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:02:01 No.12963817
    and popcorn mariachi wrote the plugin for us to use it. protip: this was all in the announcement sticky.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:02:08 No.12963819
    All this Alpha and Beta shit is annoying, All the misogyny threads are far too rampant. Its all thats left.

    I remember people used to have actual discussions, tell hilarious stories (like that one about the band, fucking pop-robots9000 or some shit), and help support our fellow robots to succeed in life.

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:02:49 No.12963827
    protip: you're a faggot, suck my dick.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:02:58 No.12963828
    pretty much!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:03:47 No.12963837
    Can we have a story board instead when you delete r9k?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:03:49 No.12963839
    yo moot make a big pun tribute board. only posting about the first latin rapper to go platinum. thans
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:05 No.12963843
         File1295312645.jpg-(159 KB, 590x250, 12_Movie_Characters_You_Regret(...).jpg)
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    He's right. Occasionally I'll visit only to reaffirm r9k sucks.

    pic related.
    >> SethBullock !!b2MBtRSeJ8i 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:06 No.12963844

    As a denizen of /tv/ I do believe that the pedo shit is the worst over there. Seriously moot, we need a fucking mod...
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:28 No.12963846
    Can someone post the CAIN FUCK YEAH DONUTS story?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:38 No.12963849
    And in all other threads would just get a "OMFG MOOT" generalised response.
    We are the intellectuals. The ones that can see the perfect board. We are also the oldfags and the ones who hang on to 4chan the most passionately (I believe). To rid of us would be the worse thing to possibly happen to 4chan. We're the culture, the heritage.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:50 No.12963850
    Moot, are you going to delete /new/? Its become Stormfront: 4chan edition and its really embarrassing
    >> The Red Barron 01/17/11(Mon)20:04:57 No.12963852
    How the fuck is that pandering to pedophiles? Sure it's naked little girls but it isn't REAL naked little girls, FFS just call it art and people will fucking believe you. Not to mention pedophiles >>> average /b/tard 13yo
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:18 No.12963854
    This thread makes me has a sad. I enjoy /r9k/ and don't understand why erryone screaming at moot.

    Oh and moot, the /diy/ board sounds fun. Like a whole board of what used to be "lifehack" threads.
    >> Leonidas 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:21 No.12963855

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:28 No.12963857
    People continue to bitch because you give people the impression that it's what this board is for. Seriously, every time I tell someone that their bitching threads aren't wanted here, they just say something stupid like HURR EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT.

    Just put up a sticky that says NO BITCHING and ORIGINAL CONTENT PLZ while changing the header back.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:32 No.12963858
    Don't delete r9k, don't delete soc
    increase moderation or janitorial services
    Not like it matters.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:40 No.12963859
    /new/ is the funniest board on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:45 No.12963860
    I fucking hate you moot

    I thought we were bros then you went out and talked shit about us to bunch of /soc/ faggots like the faggot you are

    I hope you choke to death to the next cock you wrap your mouth on.

    Fuck you
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:05:55 No.12963864
         File1295312755.jpg-(174 KB, 2000x568, fuckyear.jpg)
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    >implying I was implying moot programmed it
    It was a joke. That's why it was in caps and juxtaposed with a lot of "JESUS" and "FUCK".

    I was around when /r9k/ was created. Image related, I composited it. I remember when the sticky was first made explaining the board. Before mutebans slowly expired. Don't be so aggressive, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:06:05 No.12963867
    I'm not going to use this site anymore if r9k is gone. :l

    You have to be absolutely fucking stupid to delete r9k. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:06:22 No.12963869
    didn't read this immense thread, but why don't you just make /gen/ board (but also using the same code as /r9k/), and turn this shithole into /baw/ for all the bitter virgins?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:06:23 No.12963870
    You know what? I agree.

    Even moot cannot save thia board.

    He tried making it more peopular. It just borught hipsters and camwhores from /b/.

    He tried mocking us, to show what we have become; We just laughed it off and became more beta.

    I loved this board, but it failed. it needs to be deleted.

    All I can even suggest is making another off topic board with a mod warning people who make threads that belong on >>>/adv/ or >>>/soc/

    (also diable greentext, add word filters.)
    >> RoboMendel !!BJTz0OTwQdf 01/17/11(Mon)20:06:44 No.12963873

    Hey moot, does /sci/ have an mods that frequent it?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:12 No.12963875
    brotip: /r9k/ is for faggots
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:21 No.12963878
    Where else will I go to be a mysgonist and vent my frustration about how women are all useless piles?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:21 No.12963879
    moot, give the whiney cunts a chance, change their title for a bit, and perhaps a sticky.

    Myself, I'd love to see the original sticky back, robot and all.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:42 No.12963884
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:45 No.12963885

    /new/ needs to burn. It's fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:07:46 No.12963888
    Brotip: m00t is a faggot
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:08:10 No.12963893
    be my guest. you're free to leave at any time!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:08:35 No.12963901
    make /story/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:08:41 No.12963904
    it's the best. i love /new/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:09:06 No.12963909
    >moot making faggy 4chan meet-ups
    >shutting down /r9k/

    You can't even begin to comprehend how much I hate you, moot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:09:05 No.12963910
    Yes, i hate to digress, but can you just ban kaiji's tripcode like you did wafflemeisters?

    I know you did because he's a personal buddy of mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:09:23 No.12963912
    A /diy/ board would be a terrible idea, moot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:09:42 No.12963918
    It's his own damn fault. He could easily just start banning all of the forever alone faggots that post here.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:09:49 No.12963921
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:00 No.12963923
    don't delete this board, the other boards of 4chan don't need to be fagged up by these queers
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:12 No.12963927

    Yeah suck a chode, you're ruining 4chan.

    Too many fucking luls on this board. I think I'm going to an hero.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:25 No.12963930
    Please don't delete /r9k/. As someone who frequents a bunch of other boards, this board is kind of like my home board. It's gotten shitty lately, but that's no reason to delete the board entirely.

    Also, if you delete a board of whiners, they'll all whine ten times more about the board's deletion on other boards.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:25 No.12963931
    >first one in seven years, everyone had a great time
    >immediately improved the quality of /b/
    >failed board that should have been removed years ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:31 No.12963932

    you can fucking die. herp derp imarobot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:32 No.12963933
    How's going?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:35 No.12963934
    Moot are you a chubby chaser?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:34 No.12963935
    If moot deletes us we should all fuck off to another board, only that single board and continue as usual. I suggest /trv/. That would fuck shit up.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:10:59 No.12963941

    True, it's like suddenly moot is trying to become alpha or something, while he actually still is a whiny angsty faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:11:04 No.12963943
    Hey, does anyone remember a tripfag named Qes?
    Things went to shit when he left.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:11:17 No.12963945
    /r9k/ is shit. Let it die.
    >> James 01/17/11(Mon)20:11:19 No.12963946
    /diy/ would be filled with, by my guess, 50% legitimate awesome content and 50% things that kill you by tricking you into making chlorine gas.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:11:34 No.12963950
    >It's his own damn fault. He could easily just start banning all of the forever alone faggots that post here.
    you mean everyone on this board? nobody would be left.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:10 No.12963955
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    >he cares about /b/s quality
    >> @@@yo moot.@@@ 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:11 No.12963956
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    make a big punisher tribute board. we can post about big punisher and the terror squad. no fat joe because hes a traitor bitch,. also other latin rappers.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:17 No.12963957
    well, all i have to ask is that you PLEASE keep a general random board (like /b/ but much smaller) that caters to people who aren't 13.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:26 No.12963959

    >even more retarded than I thought he was.
    >> Me !!QhIF9R4YKCG 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:30 No.12963960
    Just get new mods or some shit like that.

    Have stricter guidelines on banning.

    No need to destroy the aspie haven. All the aspies would probably go to /adv/, /lit/, and the desperate to /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:12:44 No.12963963
    I don't love /r9k/ but moot you are coming off as a real asshole right now. From your appearances and just general vibe you look like a pretty nice guy, but your E persona is just asinine.

    I don't even have a problem with what you're saying, it's mostly valid, but honestly the tone is pretty nasty.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:05 No.12963969
    i was just thinking to myself how awesome a /diy/ board would be, then i could post in sink threads without shame
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:13 No.12963972


    Seriously, why all the butthurt and hatred?
    >> Leonidas 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:35 No.12963977

    You again!
    /r9k/ would be better if everyone just stopped bitching so much. Be gentlemen!

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:35 No.12963978
    I... Agree. Removing this board would force those of us who moved to "new /b/" back to regular /b/ and green text stories and those things we like about this board would improve /b/. Seems like a good plan to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:43 No.12963980
    This, I really like having a board that's small (though /r9k/ has grown) without a topic. It makes for a good "home board".
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:44 No.12963982
    In all fairness, this is like a better version of /b/. Why not delete /b/?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:46 No.12963983
    ITT: People who have never experienced the wrath of mootykins before.

    He was just more subtle about it in the past.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:48 No.12963985

    Oh and a /diy/ board. Make it happen :D
    >> @@@yo moot.@@@ 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:48 No.12963986
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    i think this is a good idea and i support the big pun board. this is a subject that needs its own board but has yet to receive. would consider.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:13:55 No.12963988
    >first one in seven years, everyone had a great time

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you get mad at all the LEGION faggots who tried to use your frisbee meet up as a place to protest Scientology?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:04 No.12963990
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    > totally not moot samefagging
    >> The Red Barron 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:41 No.12963996
    I'm in. I'll personally spam bullshit/troll until banned.

    Honestly m00t there's no good reason to delete /r9k/. It's been the best board on 4gay for a while as long as you ignore the right threads, and what board DON'T you have to do that on? I like the diversity, honestly I even enjoyed when all the /soc/ faggots were here because they are easy as shit targets to argue with.

    Don't delete my favorite board m00t, come on. I mean, come. On.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:44 No.12963997
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    Who will help me when r9k is gone?
    /adv/ has more trolls then /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:45 No.12963998
    /trv/ is actually a nice board...

    >Disable greentext
    >Add word filters
    >Stop bawww threads

    You missed the original states of this board.
    That rabbit going 'bawww' was the one depressing, sad, pity me thread on the entire board on a given day. It was honestly the needed venting a bad day thread.

    >Greentext was saying that this is a story

    Word filters stop growth and commenting on certain ideas or events. Not good. I know why the 'T' word is put on worldfilter, but that's a different story.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:50 No.12964001
    When did moot start to hate us? I always thought he viewed us with at least a sentimental attitude.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:14:57 No.12964002
    This all started because of that thread moot posted about sitting next to a girl on an airplane, didnt it?

    Anyone got a link to the archived thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:06 No.12964003
    ITT: People getting trolled by m00t. He wont delete his favourite board. Mark my fucking words.

    7/10 for you moot your trolling is decent
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:07 No.12964004
    also moot, could you arrange a "SEE A THREAD ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE? FUCKING DEAL WITH IT." post sticked on /co/? thanks a bunch mootles
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:12 No.12964007
    why do people think that bad boards are a bad thing?
    it keeps loads of bad posters in one place.
    look at /b/. imagine if it would close. the rest of the boards would be flooded with retards posting nothing but "raff ruse" and post ending threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:14 No.12964009

    check your emails moot. i need to know what you think of my solution.
    as far as i'm concerned, putting up boards and removing them are temporary and short-term solutions. you are yet to come up with something to stand the test of time
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:16 No.12964011
    yeah, but you can't keep up with /b/ because it moves so fast. threads are deleted within minutes of no replies.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:26 No.12964013
    moot, any plans on making another non topic board?

    Or simply changing this to /baww/ and making a new board that includes a moderator?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:29 No.12964014
    So what exactly are the non-fail boards on 4chan?
    >> @@@yo moot.@@@ 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:33 No.12964015
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    This is a great idea. I wish there was a place to discuss Big Pun, the first latin rapper to go platinum, on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:48 No.12964016
    Where do you think the /b/tards will run off to?
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 01/17/11(Mon)20:15:54 No.12964018

    That site wide memo bringing a whole bunch of new blood in wasn't really that subtle.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:16:11 No.12964022
    From what I recall, moot was on decent terms with old /r9k/, which was essentially a bunch of semi-spirited discussion. A lot of silly terminology for no reason - they called themselves "gentlemen", which is about as abstracted as you can get from the self-pitying manchildren of /r9k/ today.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:16:19 No.12964024
    When we stopped being gentlemen and started being beta.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:16:23 No.12964026
    The same thing can be said about /b/


    I've been here since before the first day /r9k/ went up ^___^
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:16:36 No.12964029
    >moot makes /soc/
    >realizes how shitty 4chan's users have become across the site, especially here
    Whatevs dawg
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:10 No.12964032
    you could make posting more difficult for them
    Filter MFW, Forever Alone, Beta, Alpha, Femanon.
    You can either filter it into another word, or use that "part of your post is not allowed" stuff up.

    Granted people will work around it, then you'll know who to ban, the people that avoid it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:17 No.12964034
    First month of r9k was all meta, then it got to good discussions about random things, and about 6 months after creation relationshit started infiltrating and becoming a real annoyance. Despite all of moots efforts to remove/move it, it still somehow thrives here.
    >> @@@yo moot.@@@ 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:20 No.12964035
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    as a 4chan veteran since 1997, i would have to suport this. big pun board is the best. also r9k could be converted to Big Pun Discussion
    >> Iceman 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:28 No.12964036
    /r9k/ has been a shell since the turn of last year.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:44 No.12964039

    Hey moot, are there any moderators in /sci/? I mean, 80% of the topics there are all about "religion vs. everything else", particularly those made by 14 year old high schooler who disliked their biology teacher attitude.

    What gives?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 01/17/11(Mon)20:17:59 No.12964042
    thanks for reminding me of the good old days
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/17/11(Mon)20:18:14 No.12964046
    No one thought he would actually make a /soc/ either.

    Concessions, man. They're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:18:21 No.12964047
    And that's why we had that shift. Moot changed, and none of us know why, he's become rude and hostile rather than what he used to be. Calmed, well thought out, and relaxed. He just wanted to talk with all of /r9k/ and smile and have a good time too.

    But yes, he's become very rude lately. He's no fun to be around, constantly belittles and acts rude with us.

    Maybe it's the power, i don't know, but he is no longer a friend of mine for this absolutely deplorable behavior and actions taken twoard this board. Even if you can plead ignorant social experiment, he didn not infringe just one (alpha as fuck, THEN beta as fuck, THEN forever alone)

    It makes me sad to see myself wanting to distance myself from him, but judging by what he's done and what he says i have to dislike him now.
    >> @@@yo moot.@@@ 01/17/11(Mon)20:18:25 No.12964048
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    lets do it, r9k is the big pun discussion board. good idea
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:18:45 No.12964049
    hey moot you should merge /b/ and /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:19:09 No.12964058
    Yeah what the hell moot have you just had a bad day and decided to fuck around. 4chan is in the news only for the "hacking" and the stuff we do outside of here. If you want more fame, you leave the board with the people who are basement dwellers and actually have the know how on doing these sorts of things. Christ this evening really showed me the real you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:19:34 No.12964060
    Hey moot your a faggot. Delete this board RIGHT NOW if you dare. That's right you wont. Enjoy being brobots bitch forever muahahah we bawww and whine about women how much we want faggot
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:20:18 No.12964062

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:00 No.12964070
    I think moot is addicted to fucking cam whores or something. That or Mark Zucherburg envy.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:05 No.12964072
    Hey guys I just ate some microwaved mac n cheese and now my stomach is growling every 3 seconds. What do?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:06 No.12964073
    moot, I feel that removing this board would drive me and a lot of others to suicide.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:06 No.12964074
    moot how long will it take to delete /r9k/?

    If it's literally just with the click of a mouse do it now please.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:15 No.12964077
    /b/ is too fast paced and centered around 16 year olds. /r9k/s full of people who are at least two or three years older. It being deleted would fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:17 No.12964078
    >yfw moot is trying to make you less beta by threatening to take away your bawwing place

    son, i am proud
    >> ---===~[Post Content Grader]~===--- [Has Graded 42,029+ Posts] Last Board Graded:/v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:38 No.12964081
    i thought you'd be opposed to all the rampant "sup gaiz rate ma looks olol waddya think o ma dik hookup thread!" and that /soc/ was a troll board where you'd ban anybody who had ever posted in it

    dreams ever so dashed.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:39 No.12964082

    >"stricter guidelines on banning"

    Are you fucking kidding me? I was banned for using a legitimate phrase. Newfags loss I guess. Then I was banned for sagebombing, which I didn't actually do. And the people who love to troll would just reset their IP. So only newfags (myself included) would get b& and stay b&.

    I think that filtering Beta, Alpha, ronery, neckbeard, camwhore, virgin, to some extremely offensive wall of text would work wonders.

    On the other hand, I would also be FOR the deletion of /r9k/ provided another board be put in it's place. Maybe even putting /r9k/ into a state of p-u-d-d-i for a few weeks would filter out all the 12 year olds, at least temporarily.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:44 No.12964083
    I still enjoy /r9k/. What would be achieved by deleting it, moot?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:21:46 No.12964085
    moot whatever you do i have faith that you have thought your decisions through and feel that they are in the best interests of 4chan

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:01 No.12964088
    I've been coming to /r9k/ nearly every single day since it's inception and I can honestly say I wouldn't really mind if it were to be deleted. It would also really free up time for me irl, I believe. I waste hours on here and /b/ is just too fucking fast for my old ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:08 No.12964092
    What about his a faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:10 No.12964095
    >walked into coffee shop
    >faggot hipster on computer
    >see he's on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:34 No.12964099
    Moot, i wanted to say, that in your own form as many would like to say. They were good old days. This place was a blast.

    Why did you do what you did to us? I know you don't need to tell us, but i would like to you to. it's a question that's plagued me for years and honestly i've spent thousands of hours on this place.

    But, please, tell us why you did what you did. That's all i could ever want to know is a step by step explanation of what you did to the board during each change you made. I could never ask another thing of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:44 No.12964102
    He would also like to say, "moot, I'm breaking up with you."
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:22:48 No.12964104
    i'm not buying into anything moot says until he removes /r9k/ for good. he has his troll hat on, masturbating to your cries
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:23:27 No.12964110
    Oh hey WC, what's up?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:23:37 No.12964112
    Hey moot!

    Just a quick question, can we have a little moderation at all in /d/, maybe? Had a thread of photos of real girls earlier and I'm pretty sure it would be nice to, y'know, be able to clean up furry spam threads and things?

    Just a little request from a /d/eviant.

    Oh also, I wish this board could be nice to people ; ;
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:24:02 No.12964116
    What did moot do?

    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:24:42 No.12964123
    >mfw all your pathetic whining and utterly toxic mindsets has finally resulted in the endgame of this waste of fucking bandwidth you misogynists call a board.

    Oh the tears, the delicious, delicious tears.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:24:52 No.12964124
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    Why not wordfilter words such as 'beta' or 'foreveralone'? Or auto-ban anyone who uses those words? (Like when Boxxy became popular on /b/)

    /r9k/ has potential, moot. It just takes work to improve it.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:25:04 No.12964126
    >>moot thread
    >> in b4 over 9000 posts

    dopoli 302,
    >> ---===~[Post Content Grader]~===--- [Has Graded 42,029+ Posts] Last Board Graded:/v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 01/17/11(Mon)20:25:14 No.12964128
    at first i wanted to hate you to death, then i realised this was a jab at the abhorrent post quality on /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:25:50 No.12964131
    Yfw you just got trolledhard.jpg
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:25:57 No.12964133
    People, People!
    Moot just want's to get rid of /r9k/ because we have grown to sophisticated for the likes of 4chan, which has led us to be the keepers of the knowledge of moot's sexual orientation!

    Moot can't have people running around, posting how he is a fagot because it's absolutely true!

    Go ahead, moot. Ban me. That would just validate my statement!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:25:58 No.12964134
    /r9k/ was a lot better when it started

    but don't remove it

    just fuck with it until it changes
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:26:53 No.12964145
    >Beta, Alpha, ronery, neckbeard, camwhore, virgin

    filter these words to "gentleman". problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:01 No.12964147
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    >moots face when this thread and neckbeards tears
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:04 No.12964148
    This post reeks of 15 year old.
    . .
    Just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:10 No.12964150
    It's pathetic how meta threads are all the rage when you're quoting moot, but otherwise they get saged to hell and back.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:11 No.12964151
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    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.

    Just delete /r9k/ already. Even /v/ is more useful for general discussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:14 No.12964152
    This is correct.
    moot, I will kill my cat and then myself if you delete /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:36 No.12964154
    Those days are gone, i feel that /r9k/ has lived its live and is all grown up now, there's not a matter of 'saving' or 'fixing'.

    Like all internet communities, theres the rise, the wonderful peak, then the shameful fall.

    It's lived those stages, and it was a good life, no, a GREAT life. But it's...done. The potential was had, and was lived out, but its gone.

    I still love you /r9k/. If you remember what the original header of this board was (I, for one,....) you know what i'm talking about.

    I love you original robots, i really do.
    >> ---===~[Post Content Grader]~===--- [Has Graded 42,029+ Posts] Last Board Graded:/v/ !sGg4wWUHlU 01/17/11(Mon)20:27:44 No.12964157
    are you kidding? /new/ is one of the funniest boards to read because it's just so absolutely silly you can't help but laugh
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:29:07 No.12964177
    >>Beta, Alpha, ronery, neckbeard, camwhore, virgin
    >filter these words to "gentleman". problem solved.

    Would be nice!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:30:02 No.12964186
    moot's like that because this board is full of people who give him good reason to be. If I were him, there'd be bans everywhere. r9k has too many malcontents who cause their own problems, and as long as those people are trying to represent the board community, we're not going to get much constructive discussion.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:30:26 No.12964193
    >implying you neckbeards have any relevance on moots decisions and you won't just relocate to /soc/ if deleted, then /adv/, then /new/, then /sci/, then /lit/ thus taking us right back to square one each time
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:30:37 No.12964194
    then why the fuck are you on here then dickhead?
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:31:12 No.12964201
    Moot do this. Come back in 1 week. Delete it if nothing has changed. Don't if it has. Simple.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:31:53 No.12964208
    are you retarded? nothing would change in a week.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:32:02 No.12964212
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    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:32:46 No.12964223
    Well, the problem i have with moderation (at least most of it in general) is that it's subjective, especially considering a topic such as that.

    I do agree if there's major rule breakage (CP or precursors to that such as pedophilia). But doing that on the opinions or actions of a certain person is absolutely destestable of an action to do.

    It's silencing speech merely because you don't like it. I see it happen on many servers/forums/etc and i feel that it just plain isn't right. People are entitled to their opinions and speech, and allowed to express those how they please (within the law of course)
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:32:48 No.12964224
    Yo I was just planning what boards I'd migrate to and you have the order down perfect. I was thinking /soc/, then /new/, then /lit/, and probably some sporadic /adv/ trolling every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:33:27 No.12964230
    /Soc/ has had more posts than most of the smaller hobby boards after a week, goddamm there is something seriously wrong with our generation
    >> Anonymous 01/17/11(Mon)20:33:32 No.12964231
    >Filter ^fag*$ to ^ gentleman$ (arbitrary regexp because I fucking suck at it without looking it up)

    >You are a newfag
    changes to
    >You are a new gentleman.

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