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  • File : 1295176519.jpg-(43 KB, 478x293, polar opposites.jpg)
    43 KB Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:15:19 No.12942771  
    /r9k/ what are your thoughts on these two guys?

    Do think the 4chan anonymous concept is an anti-thesis to the (no?) privacy situation from facebook?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:16:51 No.12942777
    Stop comparing this ugly guy to moot.

    Moot is attractive and doesn't have an asymmetrical face.

    They don't look anything a like.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:18:10 No.12942784
    hmm, if that's the kind of response.. then I might take this post to /new/
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:18:32 No.12942785
    I wonder, does moot get a lot of pussy because of his internet celebrity status?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:19:15 No.12942789
    zuckerberg reminds me of some animal but not sure what
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:20:52 No.12942800
    >I wonder, does moot get a lot of cock because of his internet celebrity status?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:21:02 No.12942802

    that doesn't answer op's question at all

    then again it doesn't matter because op is a fag

    nice trips btw.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:22:18 No.12942810
    A frog, or one of those little furry things from Madagascar?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:22:21 No.12942811
    Kind of. It's odd, but facebook seems to keep the masses complacent because if they do or say anything against the norm everyone will know, and they risk rejection.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:27:49 No.12942832
    The antithesis? That's a strange word to use, I'd say the solution to.
    In any case, facebook sucks.
    I don't use it and never will.
    I refuse to be friends with people who do.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:29:11 No.12942840
    >Do think the 4chan anonymous concept is an anti-thesis to the (no?) privacy situation from facebook?

    It is. Mark thinks the idea of anonymity on the internet is ridiculous.

    I think his Facebook is ridiculous. I think moot deserves at least a few million for this accomplishment. He's clearly made an influential, notorious board.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:31:34 No.12942854
    Zuckerberg's bread and butter is stupid assholes putting too much info' on his website. He probably believes in privacy even more than we do.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:40:37 No.12942911
    Which is why you're foreveralone.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:41:53 No.12942921
    The entire time I was watching The Social Network, I was comparing Mark to moot.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:42:31 No.12942923
    moot is a fucking handsome man.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:45:59 No.12942946
    He isn't handsome, but that face could convince anyone to have sex with him.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:46:34 No.12942950
    >Do think the 4chan anonymous concept is an anti-thesis to the (no?) privacy situation from facebook?

    That holds water.

    You also asked for our thoughts, so here's that. Both philosophies have demonstrated an ability to attract hordes of people. We see Facebook having people embrace their identities and similar non-anonymous sites create connection where they wouldn't otherwise exist. Then you look at a site like 4chan that has this culture of disliking --shunning -- anyone who displays one iota of uniqueness. Look at how we generally treat tripfags and camwhores. This culture seems to affect our users in such a way that it forms a hefty part of their identity, like those guys you see on youtube who can't seem to stop spouting memes.

    I guess what I'm getting at is, 4chan is fun, but the "anonymous concept," as you put it, can have a really huge negative affect. Whereas, aside from the odd facebook fite, social networking only tends to bring people together.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:48:22 No.12942969
    apples and oranges. one is an imageboard where people come to discuss common interests and be rude to one another, the other is a social networking tool that is used to stay in the loop with whats going on with all your friends and relatives, a friend organizer if you will. people who hate facebook just hate it because they don't have any friends to keep in touch with.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:48:59 No.12942975
    I can go out to some bar in New York and hang with moot. Zuckerberg is just a face for a corporation.

    4chan is a movement. It's a refreshing alternative to the trend on persistent online personalities. Facebook brings people to the internet.

    with the speed of the world being the way it is, 4chan offers freedom; facebook offers being able to keep pace.

    they are not opposing forces, but rather different trends in human relations. I will never accept the influx of normalfags onto the internet as progress. anonymity is privacy, and that is a diminishing concept in this world. long live 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:49:02 No.12942977
    Typically, the reason people hate on tripfags is that they only do it for attention and to build an image as someone "important". On a site like Facebook, where your profile directly connects to your personal life, then yes, being known is important. However, on a site like 4chan, there is (typically) no reason for one to need to be known.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:51:43 No.12942987
    I'd fuck moot so damn hard...
    Nice trips, also.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:53:08 No.12942995
    Does anyone else think Facebook will just become like Myspace (and Live Journal before that) in another 3-4 years after the novelty wears off?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:53:49 No.12942997

    and Xanga, anyone at all remember Xanga?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:56:05 No.12943008
    I remember when not having a myspace meant you weren't normal. It's the exact same thing with facebook now.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)06:59:04 No.12943020
    >a friend organizer

    God, this has to be one of the most stupid concepts ever. Why, society, why.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)07:08:19 No.12943068
    I don't like that 4chan has become a community. I don't like that this is becoming more and more like any other site on the internet.

    What made 4chan so great was the lack of a community. Nobody here wanted to be a part of anything (at least in the beginning), but rather wanted an anonymous outlet to vent and express themselves.

    Moot really had something special here for about 2 years but he let it slip through his fingers.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)07:13:07 No.12943105
    In Shin Megami Tensei terms, Mark = Law, moot = Chaos.
    Who is neutral?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)07:48:54 No.12943393
    I think that the two of them represent different needs and values, neither being significantly better or worse than the other. One might say that they represent a balance, something that is good in any application. On one hand, you have something that allows you to have an identity in a place that is very impersonal, and in the other you have something that gives you a completely anonymous outlet. Both have their own merits an disadvantages, and both attract a great deal of users.

    I think antithesis is the wrong word to use, rather they are two sides of the same coin.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)07:59:35 No.12943464
    Who gives a shit.
    I never had a myspace, I'll never have a facebook.
    Fuck conformity.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:02:26 No.12943486
         File1295182946.jpg-(60 KB, 500x666, fat_emo_goth_kid.jpg)
    60 KB

    Hey OP, I found your pic
    >u so edgy
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:03:08 No.12943494
    I'm not OP, and I'm not some fat goth loser.
    Go follow your peers.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:03:26 No.12943495
    Except that nothing is going to beat Facebook now.
    It went from 150,000,000 users to 500,000,000 users in a year, and now has a net worth of $50 billion.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:07:25 No.12943520
    There will always be something bigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:12:51 No.12943563
    Not for a very, very long time.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:26:23 No.12943657
    This is true, although I'm willing to bet that something with a less unusual name and a more 'real world'-esque system/dynamic (as compared to some of Facebook's odd, more net-centric features) will be the next big one.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)08:26:44 No.12943660
    In a totally heterosexual way, I have to say that moot is handsome.
    >> !LR.9w66O46 01/16/11(Sun)08:30:43 No.12943694
    If a new social website comes out that picks up users, I'd probably hop on the bandwagon. It's annoying when my parents and aunts and uncles comment on all my shit and tag me in pictures that I'm not even in.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)09:48:46 No.12944184
    Social networking is stupid.
    Have you ever considered socialising IN REAL LIFE, instead of spending half an hour talking to people in real life and then simulating social interaction over the internet for five hours?
    What is the point? Why don't you communicate in person, or use a phone?
    What possible use can it serve that can not already be accomplished in real life?
    It's fucking stupid. It's vacuous. It's a waste of time. You're giving away your privacy. It's an e-penis contest. It's alienating and dehumanising.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)09:52:54 No.12944210
    He hates social networking, he must have
    >> Anonymous 01/16/11(Sun)09:54:39 No.12944230
    >implying moot doesn't store all our IPs and hand them over to FBI like the little fag he is whenever shit goes down on 4chan.

    the privacy is an illusion...

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