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  • New moderators and a new board added: /soc/
    As always, questions/comments/complaints:

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    File : 1294651817.jpg-(126 KB, 640x480, Picture 13.jpg)
    126 KB /soc/ Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)04:30:17 No.12861902  
    Have you guys been over there yet? Jesus Christ it's horrifying.

    Good news is that I don't see any contact threads on /r+k/ at the moment. Good job moot, I've been waiting for this day.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:31:04 No.12861906
    /r/ and /k/ never really had problems with contact threads.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)04:32:57 No.12861915
    hurr durr. You know what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:33:44 No.12861920
    no but we do have douchebags with didgeridoos
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:34:55 No.12861930
    Keep it in >>12861663

    It's kind of sad how shell shocked you all are acting from /soc/'s creation.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)04:35:07 No.12861932

    How the hell does one even make that mistake?
    >> ugly camwhore !p//FUCKMEA 01/10/11(Mon)04:36:10 No.12861937
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    >mfw /soc/
    >> ­ 01/10/11(Mon)04:37:42 No.12861947
    holy crap, you're still on here?
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)05:39:58 No.12862401
    The + key is right by the 9 key.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/10/11(Mon)05:41:41 No.12862412
    What makes you think /r9k/ posters are going to leave /r9k/?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)05:43:17 No.12862425

    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)05:45:39 No.12862450
    Because a large amount of them were faggots that only made contact threads.
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/10/11(Mon)05:47:41 No.12862472
    I'll admit, I underestimated how true this was, actually.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)05:52:02 No.12862509
    This board was just clogged with contact threads all day, more than one on the front page at once.

    It was definitely needed.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)05:53:45 No.12862523
    Its like camwhoring the board
    >> castiel !C.Z5K.oPig 01/10/11(Mon)05:54:10 No.12862527
    Then moot should make a goddamn /mlp/ board so I can enjoy my /co/ again without My Little Pony spammed everywhere.

    Seriously. Maybe I'm just more tolerant of a few cancer threads spread over the course of a day, but seeing goddamn ponies every other thread in my super awesome nerdy funhouse is goddamn frustrating.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)05:55:48 No.12862541
    it's great. i love it. it was needed months ago. i was tired of looking at Midwestern try-hard hipsters impressing each other.

    i hope it's all rate my cock threads on there. the trolls will have their way with these people.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)05:56:47 No.12862553
    It would have been better to just ban all cam and contact bullshit but this is still better than nothing.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:00:19 No.12862576
    I think we just need more moderators.

    It would be really fucking funny if in like 2 days moot just banned everyone in the board.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:09:53 No.12862634
         File1294657793.png-(321 KB, 632x333, lollipopgurrrrl.png)
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    I noticed the guy talking about /soc/ as a concentration camp deleted his post.


    >/soc/ gets made
    >Go to /r9k/
    >Me while browsing
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:14:21 No.12862665
    moot must have deleted it so no one will know his plan.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:15:51 No.12862675
         File1294658151.png-(15 KB, 518x259, 1294549743669.png)
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    You know what they say, you and me, and the other guy, and moot. Great minds think alike.

    I lurked there a bit, fresh nudes from camwhores, the best thing to come of that board.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:19:21 No.12862703
    Yeah, in my brief stink there, I saw about 4 pairs of tits.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:20:47 No.12862717
    it will make r9k and /b a better place, joy for everyone
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:22:49 No.12862735
    The image of Patrick taking something and pushing it somewhere else comes to mind.

    Cancer bottled in a board.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:28:38 No.12862783
    I got about a third of the way down the first page before I just closed it.

    The sticky at the top made me chuckle though.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:40:27 No.12862875
    So we'll just take the camwhores and PUSH them over there!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:42:24 No.12862884

    although, it shoud be called the cancer board
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:44:29 No.12862901
    you look like that weird kid i see that goes to roosevelt and goes outside and smokes a bowl before playing his giant loud didgeredoo
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:47:19 No.12862919
    I don't smoke but I do play that didgeridoo.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/11(Mon)06:50:35 No.12862936
    Are you an Abo?


    Then stop playing it.

    Hipster fuck.
    >> Father !pxSIMFgKoM 01/10/11(Mon)06:55:30 No.12862966
    Should I not play a guitar because I'm not Spanish?

    I play it because it's fun. It's the most simple wind instrument.

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