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  • File : 1293884565.png-(72 KB, 355x266, 1262596283146.png)
    72 KB Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:22:45 No.12718736  
    Legitimate question here:
    Why do so many people look down on psychologists/ psychiatrists/ therapists?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:24:43 No.12718749
    Because people who are mentally retarded don't like being told that they're mentally retarded, that's why.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:25:04 No.12718753

    Oh, and Ritalin.
    >> Typical Inhabitant of Great Britain !EcRjYWX0sY 01/01/11(Sat)07:28:51 No.12718786
    Because it's not a real science but yet the people who are take it as a career are militant that it is.

    Same with the computer scientists who believe that programming is a type of engineering
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:30:27 No.12718797
    because other than frued your all just a bunch of crack pots, and therapists dont need licenses in some states
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:36:35 No.12718836
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    Because if your problem can be solved simply by talking to someone about them they clearly aren't all that important or hard - they are simply above your puny over emotional, antagonizing retarded personality.

    I have no qualms with people who truly need therapy because of chemical imbalance and real mental disease, that said, your super special teen depression, light OCD and deep "crazy" thoughts are the result of a retarded culture that glamorizes quirkiness in the form of slight mental instabilities. If you haven't seen some person's Facebook status where he seriously tries to come off as mentally unstable you do not have a Facebook account which is such a shame I would've added you, well probably not actually, depends on how you are as a person - I mean, generally speaking I get along with everybody and a Facebook buddy really means nothing so in theory I could just be adding fucking everyone but that would clog the thing up so in short I probably wouldn't be adding you, btw I got a new phone the Nokia E52, it's truly what I've been looking for - simple and slim candybar phone to make calls, messages and internet when the situation calls for it (checking train schedules, downlodan songs and messenger), plus it doesn't look that bad, battery lasts for a good while and there are actual fucking buttons. Yeah I don't like touchscreens, I'm sorry but beyond the gimmick it's simply not that comfortable, the keyboards are godawful and the large screen usually makes it so you have to carry a charger with you all day long and I like traveling light.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:42:20 No.12718871
    I'd say psychology is a branch of science or biology, it's studying behaviour and the brain.
    But yeah, I wouldn't call them scientists, there's no formulae or anything like that. Hopefully Psychologist in training here.

    Being a britfag I don't think it's really as common over here, but from what I've seen lots of americans turn to therapy for the slightest things, so i guess maybe being a psychologist/therapist is seen as being an easy money career. I dunno.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:47:00 No.12718897

    I like you.


    You're a moron on too many levels. Although you are right about the therapist bit, likening a therapist to a psychologist is akin to likening a psychiatrist to a psychologist.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:57:46 No.12718953
    Many women enter the field of psychology because 'lol i like people and talking'. With all these women eventually they bring the standards down, and with the low standards and so many stupid people entering the field we get a bad name. If I had a dollar every time I heard some bitch whining about psychology stuff and how it has nothing to do with what she thought psychology was about or changed majors because it was too much of theories and statistics I wouldn't have any student loan debt.

    Sometimes its ridiculous, it may be different at a real school but at my university I can half-ass everything and still get A's. I just play along when they start whining about how hard that last test or paper was.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)07:58:11 No.12718957
    > your super special teen depression, light OCD and deep "crazy" thoughts are the result of a retarded culture that glamorizes quirkiness

    >goes on to make a quirky post.

    Ok then.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:04:30 No.12719000
    Because they can do NOTHING to make me feel better.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:07:15 No.12719019
    Just to clear things up a little...

    Psychiatrist - Has completed all schooling required to become a medical doctor, then gone on to specialise in psychiatry (about 5 more years of schooling). Can prescribe medication, will charge a fortune for any form of regular counselling. Is registered as a medical doctor, and as a psychiatrist.

    Psychologist - Has a degree, plus honours, plus some form of postgrad (in many countries PhD minimum, where I live a masters will do). Is not a medical doctor, cannot prescribe medication. Treatment is reliant on counselling an non-drug methods. Doesn't cost as much as a psychiatrist. Has to be registered as a psychologist to use the title.

    Therapist - Anyone who chooses to call themselves a therapist. No registration required
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:08:54 No.12719028
    Psychiatrists and psychologists cannot prove the existence of most mental illnesses. You know of schizophrenia right? If you're too happy, you can be categorized as schizophrenic. If you're too sad, you can be categorized as schizophrenic. If you walk around not giving a fuck or at least looking like you don't give a fuck, you can be categorized as schizophrenic. Psychiatrists don't know how most of their drugs work, and their drugs act by making the person incapable of performing the undesirable action. Their job is to make everyone uniform. They weed out those who are slightly different, and make millions out of it. It's all about a bunch of dickfaces making money.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:12:19 No.12719051
    Have you ever met a psychology major? They're all vapid, aimless kids who are only taking the major because they don't know what else to do in college.

    Do you really think it's a good idea accepting life advice from this kind of person?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:13:00 No.12719060
    Yeah totally brah. They're so ripping people off even in countries with public health care where they get a doctor's salary and no extras like everybody else.

    What they should do instead of prescribing the best known, if poorly understood, treatment for mental illness that hurts a person's ability to survive, they should cast all the people who hear voices on the street. Yeah. Yeah, hey. Hey, why hasn't anybody thought of this yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:15:58 No.12719075
    Psychiatrists are nothing more than legal drug dealers who shill whatever the latest pill on the market is. They care more about scoring bribes and free trips from the pharmaceutical companies than they do about your health.

    Don't trust them.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:16:46 No.12719082
    The idea that someone else can know exactly what is going on in your mind, and call you sick because you don't fit their idea of what is right and wrong, or because you aren't like everyone else, or because you're fucking sad, is an absurd one. Did you know that homosexuality was once called a mental illness? On top of that, they give you drugs that make you incapable of performing whatever it is they don't like. These drugs go into the market, make billions of dollars, and then are probably removed because someone somewhere decides that too many people have died as a result of these drugs, and then the lawyers line up for entry to the PROFIT train.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:17:30 No.12719087
    Anybody else noticing all the butt hurt on this thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:19:12 No.12719103
    Diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia...

    >Two or more of the following
    >- Delusions
    >- Hallucinations
    >- Disorganized speech, which is a manifestation of formal thought disorder
    >- Grossly disorganized behavior (e.g. dressing inappropriately, inappropriate affect) or catatonic behavior
    >- Negative symptoms: Blunted affect (lack or decline in emotional response), alogia (lack or decline in speech), or avolition (lack or decline in motivation)

    >If the delusions are judged to be bizarre, or hallucinations consist of hearing one voice participating in a running commentary of the patient's actions or of hearing two or more voices conversing with each other, only that symptom is required above. The speech disorganization criterion is only met if it is severe enough to substantially impair communication.
    >Social/occupational dysfunction: For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, are markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset.
    >Duration: Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least six months. This six-month period must include at least one month of symptoms (or less, if symptoms remitted with treatment).

    Funny... I didn't see the word's 'happy' or 'sad' in there at all. Not only do you need to tick certain boxes to score a diagnosis of schizophrenia, you need to be ticking them for at least 6 months
    >> frappuccino guy ||||||| (proudly natty) 01/01/11(Sat)08:19:54 No.12719111
    Fear. People fears other people that can go into their minds, knowing exactly why they act like that and think like that.
    I'm a low-profile psychologist, I love to scan people in no time.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:22:15 No.12719129
    Probably troll, but anyway... the medicines don't work. They are not a treatment. They disable your brain function. When they examine the brains of twins, one of which has been given antipsychotics for a "mental illness" of theirs, they find that the one who has been taking antipsychotics has suffered brain damage of varying degrees, and refuse to see that their antipsychotics did this. What is wrong with hearing voices anyway? You are also forgetting about the stigma attached to having a mental illness. Once you have been diagnosed with a mental illness, your life is ruined. Ended. Nobody will hire you. People will always treat you as if they're better than you. Also : how do you know that your reality is the same as their reality? Who is to say that your blue is not another person's green, or your apple is not another person's banana? Why must they impose their idea of reality and morality on other people?
    tl;dr you're a nigger and you should an hero now
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:22:41 No.12719135
    >- Grossly disorganized behavior
    >- Negative symptoms
    brb psych ward
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:22:42 No.12719136

    >dressing inappropriately
    >lack or decline in emotional response
    >lack or decline in motivation
    >For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, are markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset.

    Sure sounds like /r9k/ here. Apparently we're a board of schizophrenics.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:26:01 No.12719155
    Sadly I agree. Most of the psych majors art the hipster kind that suck creatively and don't want a business major.

    I've got a love for psychology as a sconce just like other people have it on the "hard" sciences. Shit, when people find out my major they don't believe me.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:27:51 No.12719171
    I lol'd there are many different kinds of schizophrenia.
    "schizophrenia includes several widely divergent personality types. Included among them are paranoid schizophrenics, who have "delusions and/or hallucinations" that are either "persecutory" or "grandiose"; hebephrenic schizophrenics, in whom "well-developed delusions are usually absent"; catatonic schizophrenics who tend to be characterized by "posturing, rigidity, stupor, and often mutism" or, in other words, sitting around in a motionless, nonreactive state (in contrast to paranoid schizophrenics who tend to be suspicious and jumpy); and simple schizophrenics, who exhibit a "loss of interest and initiative" like the catatonic schizophrenics (though not as severe) and unlike the paranoid schizophrenics have an "absence of delusions or hallucinations" (p. 77). The 1968 edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-II, indicates a person who is very happy (experiences "pronounced elation") may be defined as schizophrenic for this reason ("Schizophrenia, schizo-affective type, excited") or very unhappy ("Schizophrenia, schizo-affective type, depressed")(p. 35), and the 1987 edition, DSM-III-R, indicates a person can be "diagnosed" as schizophrenic because he displays neither happiness nor sadness ("no signs of affective expression")(p. 189), which Dr. Torrey in his book calls simple schizophrenia ("blunting of emotions")(p. 77). According to psychiatry professor Jonas Robitscher, J.D., M.D., in his book The Powers of Psychiatry, people who cycle back and forth between happiness and sadness, the so-called manic-depressives or suffers of "bipolar mood disorder", may also be called schizophrenic"
    tl;dr, you're a wrong nigger, there are many different kinds of schizophrenia
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:28:24 No.12719174
    Med student.

    Mental illness is about as great a taboo as death. Furthermore, people tend to, thanks to popular magazines etc, take a psychiatrist's best estimate of which constellation of symptoms we know usually presents as an entity that is present (the diagnosis) as an attempt to tell them who they are, cast them into a mold or invade their privacy. There are also the paranoid and the antisocial who may be directly afraid of the psychiatrist - the perceived authority - for reasons that may be unresolved to themselves.

    What psychiatry is all about is: the most difficult subject matter in existence, crippling diseases of an organ we barely know in interactions we are hardly aware of, known syndromes that haven't been backtracked to organ subsystems yet, with treatment options that are stabs in the dark but CAN fortunately enough be verified to work better than placebo with RCTs and they are the best that science can offer.

    Having suffered through severe depression and having been hospitalized myself for it as an adolescent and young adult, I initially had a great drive towards psychiatry, wanting to help people with mood disorders. Wanted to specialize, started research.

    As soon as I realized how some very angry laypeople actually take to psychiatrists in general, however, like in this thread, I realized it's just too ungrateful and I can't handle it. Not in this life.

    You have to have balls of god damn steel to be a psychiatrist.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:28:30 No.12719175
    Because they think the fact that they have minds automatically makes them qualified to discredit any scientific research concerning them.

    They think their precious magical minds are above science and knowledge, and they don't want to admit their own limitations.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:29:01 No.12719179
    >The idea that someone else can know exactly what is going on in your mind
    Nobody claims to know exactly what is going on in anyone's mind
    >and call you sick because you don't fit their idea of what is right and wrong
    Or... maybe they call you sick because your behavior is causing you and those around you significant distress.
    >or because you aren't like everyone else
    >or because you're fucking sad
    Because wanting to end your own life for no particular reason, even though you were happy with it last week, is perfectly okay... right?
    >Did you know that homosexuality was once called a mental illness?
    True. Did you know that Blood, Black Bile, Yellow Bile and Phlegm were believed to be the root cause of all human ailments? OMG! CANCEL MEDICINE!!! Fucking retard.
    >On top of that, they give you drugs that make you incapable of performing whatever it is they don't like.
    Doctors prescribe drugs. Psychologists and therapists do not.
    >These drugs go into the market, make billions of dollars, and then are probably removed because someone somewhere decides that too many people have died as a result of these drugs, and then the lawyers line up for entry to the PROFIT train.
    Take a minute to completely ignore the testing that must be performed, before a drug can even be tested on a human. Then go on to ignore the research that must be performed to before a drug can be marketed. Then ignore the fact that a drug must be proven to work, before it can be prescribed. I'm not saying drugs are the cure-all, or that they're not overprescribed. But if you want to treat a psychotic episode, there isn't anything on the market other than antipsychotics that will actually achieve that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:30:01 No.12719189
    Note that affect, in psychology, denotes response to stimuli. So, being extremely happy over something most people wouldn't care about could be classified as inappropriate affect. Not giving a shit about what a lot of people would react badly to could be inappropriate affect. And being glum about what most people wouldn't give a fuck about could be inappropriate affect. Remember: IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE PSYCHIATRIST'S DEFINITION OF NORMAL.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:30:08 No.12719190
    It's actually really hard to get a job as a psychologist. First because grad school is incredibly competitive, then because the job market's still competitive. As long as you don't live in bumfuck nowhere, your average psychologist is probably pretty fucking determined and learned way more than your sorry ass ever will to get where she is.
    Majored in neuroscience, and I do hate on psychology majors, because most of them are fucking retarded. But have to give some respect to the pysch kids who get Ph. Ds. There's actually work involved there.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:30:58 No.12719194
    > When they examine the brains of twins, one of which has been given antipsychotics for a "mental illness" of theirs, they find that the one who has been taking antipsychotics has suffered brain damage of varying degrees

    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:32:35 No.12719212
    I've had a terrible experience with one.
    She just assumed I was depressed and started giving me plenty of pills, without even asking me why.
    Then my manic or more normal phases kicked in (mostly because I left a school I really hated) and she started accusing me of lying.
    I had two kinds of pill to take, I stopped taking both two years later and felt incredibly better. Still a bit delusional but awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:34:31 No.12719223
    You'll need to get yourself a copy of the DSM and read up what they mean by those terms. Let's just say that beta-neckbeard doesn't cut it...

    Disorganised behaviour doesn't mean incapable of sorting your sockdrawer. It means your behaviour is entirely incongruent to the situation you are in, and it changes rapidly.
    Dressing inappropriately doesn't mean wearing shit neckbeard clothes. It means wearing a fucking flowerpot on your head.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:37:17 No.12719245
    1: Psychiatrists/psychologists do. Also, they hold the position that mental illness is biological. For example: someone's dog died, and they're sad. The psychiatrist thinks there is something wrong with their head, rather than them being sad about their fucking dog dying.
    2: The behaviour does not necessarily cause people around you significant distress.
    3: That is what it is about.
    4: Yes it is perfectly fine. Nobody on this speck of dust has the right to tell me whether or not I can kill myself, my life is mine to take.
    5: Homosexuality was removed from the books because a vote was taken. Mental illness and categorization of the mentally ill is dependent on the values of that particular society.
    6: Psychiatrists say you should take X drug, the doctors prescribe it to you, they all make money.
    7: The drug only has to be proven to be marginally more effective than placebo. As has been said earlier, they do not believe in outside causes of mental illness. They believe that because there is something wrong inside your body, you are having those feelings. This is complete and utter bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:38:55 No.12719258
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    Because they need to understand everything so badly, that if they can't find a real reason they just make things up

    ADD Bipolar anti-social so on so on.

    Then treat it like an illness.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:39:20 No.12719261
    Inappropriate affect doesn't mean being happy or sad for no reason.

    It means that during the course of a conversation, the person behaves for no reason, in a manner incongruent with what they are saying or how they are acting. It's not a single behaviour... it switches constantly. eg. The person is telling you about how their mother died, and smiling manically... then telling you about how they found $100, and bursting into tears.

    You're right, it does come down to the definition of terms. The terms are defined clearly. The fact you don't know what they are, doesn't make the definition wrong. It just means you don't know what you're talking about. Reading a wiki and a couple of websites, doesn't make you more qualified than someone who's spend a decade studying the topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:40:30 No.12719276
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:44:25 No.12719316
    I want to clarify something before you waste your effort making another post. When I say "it comes down to the psychiatrists definition of normal", I mean that it comes down to their definition of how people should behave in response to certain events. For instance, some weeks ago I heard that my mom got into a car crash and she wasn't hurt at all. I smiled at that news, and wasn't the least bit worried about her. While one psychiatrist may consider this "sick", another may find it perfectly acceptable. There is no science behind it. It all comes down to their personal values and feelings.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:48:58 No.12719346
    I can't say much about psychologists, I think it is an immensely interesting topic, a scientific one at that - but most psychologists have no scientific and medical education. after all, in the end it's mostly about neuro-chemical processes - but they are only able to do empirical science.

    therapists, well - let me tell you: a person that is very empathic and is also intelligent (i.e. fluid intelligence) can help you more than 80% of psychiatrists or psychologists. but those are very rare.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:49:33 No.12719350
    So you're sick in the head if you don't dress normally? Psychiatry is dicks.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:49:40 No.12719351


    psychiatrists are a different thing. i think it is also a very interesting field and they are actually the ones that HAVE the education necessary to both understand the underlying cause and the effect of their therapy (especially from a pharmaceutical pov). that a lot of them don't bother do actually put their knowledge to good use is a different thing. i agree that psychology and psychiatry are still populated with a great deal of pseudo-science and many things simply can't yet be explained. i agree that most of them are not able to differentiate between an actor and someone actually really sick. but there are brilliant psychiatrists, some that have both the necessary empathy and the scientific knowledge to actually push things further, to not only treat the visible symptoms - poorly most times - and be done with it, but to actually help people, maybe not cure them, but alas, that is much rare in medicine than most people think.
    having worked in a closed psych-ward i can indeed tell you, most of them are idiots, albeit friendly idiots. but the therapy people get is mostly meds, very little actual behavioral therapy (it differs with private held institutions, but the good ones cost a huge amount of money). the problem here though lies within the system, there's simply no time to properly deal with your patients (large and advanced european country here).
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:49:56 No.12719353
    If that is what it all boils down to, and this is a different person speaking: Yes, you're right. There is no scientific baseline and general model of what any person should be feeling at any given moment. That is why psychiatric disorders are usually diagnosed only when the person is in need of medical assistance - either wants help, or is in direct danger because of his psychiatric condition.

    All the psychiatrist can do is cultivate a vast knowledge of the human condition and see patients day to day, and establish some sort of gut feeling for themselves so as to when a person's affect is seemingly pathological.

    You seem to think of psychiatrists as people who would somehow like to invade your head and tell you who you are. This is hardly the case. They're just doctors. Doctors working with less tools than many others, because the subject matter is more complex, but still doctors, there to help those who genuinely need help, ideally, but also human and capable of error and moral shortcomings. No more.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:50:46 No.12719363


    you have so much fucking paperwork to do, then rounds, paperwork, then you'll do interviews/therapy for 20-30 minutes with a patients, then paperwork, than you'll have to check that alcoholic that's here the 20th time but hey - THIS time he's gonna change, oh look there's that alzheimer patient which has to have his medication redone, ah and he's got his familiy with him, wonder what to tell them this time when they ask when he'll get better. ah mr. "i'm gonna kill myself if you don't take me in" comes to visit us once again, still relies on us to fix all his "problems". oh look, there's that depressed young girl with severe ocd that i MIGHT actually be able to help, if I hadn't have to work through the case reports with the chief know and then do 20kg worth of paper stacks. Well - sucks for her - but hey, at least I got to help those that couldn't be helped...

    psychiatry tl;dr: immensely interesting field populated by too many quacks and too few capable people.

    also, excuse my bad english - it's the first january, as you might imagine, I'm not in the best shape today.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:51:54 No.12719370
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:53:22 No.12719379
    For all my friends who had typical college angst "depression," psychologists did nothing but justify their shit personalities with tons of pills and platitudes.
    When I went to one because I was having hallucinations (from being raped) that were fucking up my work, the psychologist was just a turd mongeler. She was either showering me with useless compliments, or pushing me way beyond my limits and saying very triggering things in an attempt to get me to open up to her. Crazy bitch.
    Most people who become psychologists are fucked up themselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:53:56 No.12719389
    You do realize that a lot of "mental patients" are forced to take therapy/counseling/psychiatric drugs, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:54:14 No.12719392
    >1: Psychiatrists/psychologists do.
    No, they don't. They have an idea what 'may' be happening. They don't claim to know exactly.
    >Also, they hold the position that mental illness is biological.
    That would explain why every mental illness is explained by biological, psychological, and social causes (bio-psycho-social model).
    >2: The behaviour does not necessarily cause people around you significant distress.
    That's the main thing, but not the only one. Also... is statistically rare, is maladaptive, is dangerous.
    3: That is what it is about.
    >Yes, people who hear voices, cut themselves, live in constant fear of nothing, want to hurt other people, etc. ARE different to other people.
    >4: Nobody on this speck of dust has the right to tell me whether or not I can kill myself, my life is mine to take.
    But if you don't like being sad, should you be denied treatment because some neckbeard doesn't like (or understand) psychology? Nobody forces you to see a shrink unless you break the law.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:54:57 No.12719396
    No, I think you're genuinely mistaken there. Let's calm down, shall we? For example, being sad after your dog dies does not qualify as depression. It's a natural reaction and no ethical psychiatrist would treat it. This is something you learn as early as in med school.

    Psychiatrists, again, are not there to tell you who you are. They are, ideally, there to help you if you need help, with the best current medical knowledge, which is far from perfect. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:55:24 No.12719399
    >5: Homosexuality was removed from the books because a vote was taken. Mental illness and categorization of the mentally ill is dependent on the values of that particular society.
    This is true. What would be considered dependant personality disorder in western cultures, would be considered a 'good wife' in many other cultures. Homosexuality was removed because it didn't cause distress, was not maladaptive, and is common.
    >6: Psychiatrists say you should take X drug, the doctors prescribe it to you, they all make money.
    Learn the difference between a PSYCHOLOGIST and a psychiatrist.
    >7: The drug only has to be proven to be marginally more effective than placebo.
    In other words, drug must be better than not doing anything?
    >As has been said earlier, they do not believe in outside causes of mental illness. They believe that because there is something wrong inside your body, you are having those feelings. This is complete and utter bullshit.
    As I said earlier... psychology is based on a biological (brain), psychological (thought), and social (environmental) cause for mental illness. Best you actually learn something about a subject, before you fail at trying to rubbish it
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:55:37 No.12719401
    So you call taking thought debilitating and brain damaging pills treatment?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:56:46 No.12719412
    If they believed that events in your life have anything to do with it, then why would they make you take pills? Answer that fucking question.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:57:44 No.12719420
    Why are you so afraid of the pills? They do have unpleasant side-effects. So do many other drugs. They are supported by the same kind of medical science that supports cardiological and postoperative drugs. There have been mistakes in the development of psych drugs, too, and they're imperfect - the same is true of all branches of pharmacology.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:57:51 No.12719422
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    I'm David Miscavige and I approve of this thread!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)08:58:28 No.12719427
    Yay! Allcaps means you're right!

    This wouldn't be considered inappropriate affect. If you'd heard that news, then hid under the table, then found the refrigerator hilarious, then cried at the cat, that would be inappropriate.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:00:21 No.12719436
    Psychiatrists are generally not capable of forcing you to take any medication, unless there is reason to believe you are under the influence of a serious mental illness AND a danger to yourself and others. At least in my country, every case like this is automatically reviewed by a court of law so as to guarantee this is not abused.

    Some people may offer you drugs when you do not need them. It's a human shortcoming, and possibly more particular to America where the pharma industry has a larger role in specialist training than elsewhere. Psychiatry, the international discipline, does seriously not advocate treating states of emotion.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:02:00 No.12719449
    So you call honeslty believing that aliens are reading your thoughts and the only way to stop it is to eat your dog and cut yourself 'normal behaviour'?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess you've never actually had to deal with someone having a serious psychotic episode. There's a reason why they account for being many police shooting victims
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:06:34 No.12719481
    Retard - DOCTORS (including psychiatrists) make you take pills. Psychologists don't. CBT does not involve pills (it deals with your thoughts and behaviours related to the world around you). Interpersonal therapy does not involve pills (it assumes that your relationship with those around you is causing your distress). Mindfulness therapy doesn't involve pills (it teaches you to be comfortable with uncomfortable events and thoughts).
    Also many many others. If it's all 'pills will fix it', why do both psychologists (who cannot prescribe medication) AND psychiatrists (who can prescribe medication) both employ the methods I've mentioned in this post?

    Answer that question, cunteyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:13:12 No.12719529

    no - well at least not where I live. might be different in 'murrica. but this are things I actually experienced in a psychiatric ward of a teaching hospital.

    also there's a lot of misinformation here. I agree, being sad after your dog dies is natural - no shrink here would EVER think of admitting you because of that.
    being so sad, two months after your dog died, that you don't get out of bed, completely abandoned taking care of yourself, etc. - than he would consider treating you.

    in europe it's not as easy as you think to force someone to take pills. there has to be the danger of either either hurting yourself or others, while not being fully in control of your own actions (this isn't the official definition, but it should give you an idea).

    you'd be surprised how many patients actually come by themselves (even to a closed wards).

    also protip: stop using the scientologists guide to argue against psychaitry
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:15:21 No.12719541
    First of all, I think you should be more clear with what treatment you're referring to, because different illnesses obviously have different treatments. For example, counseling is ineffective for psychosis, while psychiatric drugs aren't.

    If you're talking depression - because research has found that a combination of therapy and pills is better than either by themselves. This is assumed to have to do with how SSRIs have been found to increase, in the simplest term's, the brain's ability to reorganize itself in response to changing external stimuli (e.g. therapy, improvements in life), which has so far been documented in rats and is thought to extend to other mammals too. The theory is still sketchy, the finding that they work better together is solid.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:16:42 No.12719558

    this guy is right. psychologists are not allowed to prescribe anything and no sane psychiatrist would try to treat you only with meds. they go both hands in hands - and if someone doesn't do both, then either is the patient an idiot who won't accept that things simply can't be fixed with a pill - or the m.d. is lazy/overworked/an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:28:56 No.12719655
    Finally... someone who gets it.
    My comment was general, because it was in response to someone who thinks that psychology and psychiatry are the same thing, and that both fields are dependent entirely on biological causes and medicinal solutions. I'm aware that there is no benefit in counselling psychotics, and that combination treatment is best for depression.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/11(Sat)09:37:50 No.12719717
    To quote Rocco's speech in Boondock Saints 2.

    "Real men hide their feelings! Why?! Because it's none of your fucking business! Men do not cry, men do not pout, men jack you in the fuckin jaw and say, "thanks for comin out!""

    Spilling your guts to someone else is a sign of weakness, so being the doctor for weak people who aren't physically broken is prolly why its looked down on.

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