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  • File : 1327801018.png-(102 KB, 434x441, 1327283633059.png)
    102 KB Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:36:58 No.1246937  
    what is /r9k/'s opinion on the other boards?

    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:37:40 No.1246945
    /b/ /v/ and all the japanese boards are shitholes, others are pretty cool guys
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:38:38 No.1246958
    /lit/ is a magical place where you can get amazing recommendations and everyone is very supportive of everyone else's tastes. genre fiction fans get along splendidly with literary fiction fans and people are accepting of both ebooks and physical books.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:38:43 No.1246960
    >> frownbox !VIOLETKwrM 01/28/12(Sat)20:39:09 No.1246968
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    I like /mu/ a lot

    But I don't think /mu/ likes me back
    >> Seriana !!ooPPuqnTfWS 01/28/12(Sat)20:39:33 No.1246972
    It's the best board there is.

    I get most of my porn from there and it's the best place on 4chan to go for discussion regarding gay sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:39:40 No.1246973
    I haven't even seen you there before today
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:41:00 No.1246990
    /o/ and /k/ are my favorites. they hold a very special place in my heart.
    /x/ was cool but became a shithole. actually, it was always a shithole. sadly, it too holds a place in my heart.

    all other boards are total garbage.
    >> frownbox !VIOLETKwrM 01/28/12(Sat)20:41:22 No.1246999
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    I'm a pretty frequent poster.
    I even show up on tripfag charts and whatnot.

    Maybe our timezones are just drastically different.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:41:48 No.1247007
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    Can be shitty but I have a soft spot for it because it was my first board.

    The most boring board because everything that isn't a comic is pigeonholed into a general. There's usually no variety in topics. But when fun threads do show up, they're really fun.

    It's the funniest board but the music discussion usually sucks. It's capable of having god tier sharethreads and off-topic threads, though

    Que lastima
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:42:15 No.1247016
    Could be considering it's about 3am right here
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:43:53 No.1247037
    >It's capable of having god tier sharethreads and off-topic threads, though
    Fuck yes. The only reasons I go there. It's probably my overall favorite board just for those two reasons right there.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:44:14 No.1247042
    >/a/ - full of weeaboo, moefags and shitpost. The board's quality have decreased exponentially with the years.
    >/co/ - Kind people, usually kind, not much shitpost and most of the threads are actually board related.
    >/g/ - vs threads the boards. They argue about anything. Only little bit part of them are willing and possess the knowledge to help you. Desktop threads all day, everyday.
    >/tv/ - celebrity discussion rather than television and movies themselves. I guess it's ok if you are into it. Shitloads of forced memes. You can't like anything /tv/ related or you'll be called hipster or retarded. Full of pedophiles
    >/v/ - shithole
    >/adv/ - almost always willing to help, about 40% of the board is shitpost.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:44:35 No.1247049
    I like /v/. /adv/ is fun to troll.
    >> frownbox !VIOLETKwrM 01/28/12(Sat)20:44:38 No.1247051
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    Yeah that makes sense.
    It's about 6 PM where I am, and I rarely post during the daytime.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:44:45 No.1247056
    /mu/ is filled with elitist hipster faggots who love indieshit
    /v/ is fun to go to argue about vidya on
    /b/ is a shithole, but alright for a lurk every now and then
    /pol/ is also fun to argue on, even though its filled with stormfronters and libertarian kiddies
    /tg/ is pretty cool, everybody there seems pretty chill and supportive of each other
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:45:39 No.1247072
    That fucking thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:46:16 No.1247076
    im pretty ignorant of the other boards
    I just found out that batman the brave and bold was really popular in /co/, makes me regret i wasn't aware of that when I was watching it air.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:47:10 No.1247093
    ITT: /mu/ is not complete shit.
    That explains the lack of reaction to
    Brofist to you, my erudite friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:48:24 No.1247114
    well it was the song I was listening so it was the first thing that popped into my mind to type and avoid the bot.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:48:54 No.1247120
    I go on /r9k/ and /x/, that's about it. Used to browse /b/ but it's not as interesting for me anymore. Same thing with /a/ and /toy/, although sometimes I still go there...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:49:34 No.1247126
    /v/'s off-topic threads are fucking unrivaled in how amazing they are. I hate video games though, so I have no idea about the rest of it.

    /co/'s a well-balanced but really boring place.

    /ck/'s never about cooking.

    /mu/'s a pretty bad place when you mainly like avant-garde/experimental music. They think absolutely anything is experimental over there.

    /x/ has always been shit.

    Overall, 4chan really sucks and I spend most of my time on SA if I actually want to laugh.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:49:40 No.1247128
    I've only been to these:

    /b/ - for 12-14 year olds who think they're badass for cussing and cool for using memes that aren't funny

    /mu/ - for people who only listen to music that's terrible / know one's ever heard of

    /int/ - for racists, people who like languages and other countries, trolls, and Kimchi (only other board I like besides /r9k/)

    /soc/ - for people who live and strive for attention and the acceptance of others based on physical appearance, people who are desperate for the companionship of others, and horny, pathetic perverts
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:51:58 No.1247150
    /co/ is a useless board if you don't like Homestuck. It's not that they don't have other threads there, but Homestuck threads are the only interesting things on the entire damn board.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)20:56:54 No.1247224
    /b/ sometimes has good threads, but it's usually just doujins and memes.

    /v/ is good/bad; they have awesome off-topic threads, but a lot of the video game threads are them just bitching about shit, or reposting LoL threads over and over and over

    /cgl/ has some pretty neat threads, like the horror story threads, and the community itself is actually pretty tight-knit; you can easily meet up with others and usually have a blast. But the lolitas tend to be horrible bitches.

    /k/ can be partially helpful, partially unhelpful. They can be sort of like /v/ with guns.

    /soc/ is just useless camwhores

    /x/ used to be my favorite. There used to be OC every day, but now it's just a bunch of boring shit. However, when there is a good thread, they're fucking great. Usually the scary experiences threads are the best ones left.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:00:36 No.1247262
    /v/ is beautiful. You can have the best off topic threads and the best threads bashing video games. God forbid you actually have fun with one.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:10:41 No.1247365
    /ck/ god tier food porn that ill never be able to afford

    /n/ fixie fags errwhere

    /tv/ breaking bad, game of thrones, pedophilia, but a fair amount of genuine discussion if you can wade through it all


    /mu/ a lot of genuine discussion if you can stand the pretentious trips and widespread negativity

    /fit/ ironically the only board more beta than /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:16:26 No.1247437
    8/10, you were close.
    It's that much funnier, because I'm coming off a thread where a guy made his work on google docs public and open to editing and it got blanked fairly quickly. Within minutes.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:17:50 No.1247452
    Pros: can find some great new music
    Cons: hipsters or metalheads everywhere, attack your taste in music if it doesn't fit in to their tastes.

    pros: can find some cool wallpapers
    cons: no community, just pictures, very slow

    Pros: Can be funny at times, but its very rare to find something worthwhile.
    Cons: /b/tards.

    Pros: -
    Cons: Hipsters, hipsters everywhere

    Pros: can learn some things about bodybuilding, some surprisingly nice people
    cons: some unsurprisingly not nice people, typical jock/alpha vibe, only its 4chan so it seems phony as hell

    Pros: :)
    cons: -
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:19:06 No.1247466
    Back in the day when there were much fewer boards, /b/ was anywhere from 60% to 90% shit. Now it's 95% on a really good day.

    The off-topic threads are excellent, just as long as the mods aren't in no-fun-allowed mode and banning everything that isn't LoL/KS/SC2 generals or "last game you played blah blah blah how fucked are you" threads.

    I don't go there much because I don't give a shit about anime, but from the few threads I've seen, everyone seems to have a stick up their ass.

    I'm glad it exists. It's a shithole, but it serves as a containment field for all the camwhoring, meetup threads, and other normalfag garbage that plagued 4chan months before its creation.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:21:00 No.1247484

    true that, /soc/ is awesome for the fact that a lot of the shit is now stored there
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:27:24 No.1247563
    /b/ nowadays is probably the normalfaggiest board on 4chan, due to all the teenagers.

    /a/, /jp/ and all of the Japanese porn boards are pig disgusting and should be nuked.

    /v/ doesn't actually like video games. But neither do I.

    /co/, /fa/ and /fit/ are okay.

    /tg/, /ck/, /k/ and /o/ are all pretty cool guys.

    /sp/ is filled with bros.

    /soc/ is a necessary evil. To keep the fat chicks from spreading to other boards.

    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:30:06 No.1247594
    /hc/ and /e/
    Good for a fap
    /b/, /mu/ and /v/
    Utter Shit
    /k/ and /x/
    Utter shit but I love them anyway.
    /tg/, /co/ and /diy/
    Good communities, but I don't care about the things the board is about.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:37:43 No.1247665
    >too many immigrants

    like Canada in terms of immigrants. It's meh. Better than /b/ in terms of lulz

    My homeland

    Is our brother

    filled with bitches exterminate them pl0x

    are respectable
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:40:32 No.1247699
    hhow the hell is /a/ respectable they have a stick perpetually up their ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:41:28 No.1247712
    Rapidly shifting into /b/ tier. Rapidly. No middle ground opinions allowed here. Either hate everything Bioware has done or you are a biodrone. Games that do not change an arbitrary percentage of stuff are rehashes. Fun is both a horrible cop-out for faggots and the only positive thing you can say about a game. Rapidly pushing out the people who've been there since its inception because they were into self-critique and the new crowd thinks if you don't like that place totally, you are a redditor normalfag hipster buzzword buzzword buzzword. Good at night.

    The problem with /v/ is that it is always filled with the people from /b/ who see the patterns in posting. I think this started around chanology. By this theory, we're getting people from 2008 now, the same who thought chanology was good, and THOSE guys are fucking annoying.

    Cool place. Cool people. Don't fucking ruin it with that 'that feel' shit.

    Filled with people who haven't seen its hayday. I hate it now. The people who are there are also thin-skinned faggots who don't resemble the elegen/tg/entlemen who would discuss any topic freely. God. Hate hate hate.

    Normalfag central. The filter to a filter. Ok at night.

    Good. Don't shit it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:44:00 No.1247740
    >/mu/'s a pretty bad place when you mainly like avant-garde/experimental music. They think absolutely anything is experimental over there.

    Couldn't agree with you more. They seem to be more into pretty album covers than anything. Most of the music they vouch for is pretty uninteresting.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:45:51 No.1247761
    > /v/ with guns.

    Hahaha, this is true.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:47:45 No.1247778
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    To be fair, I LOVE album covers. There is such a thing as a good album with bad album art and vice versa, but it's a pretty important part of trying to sell your product.

    I've yet to see a more perfect cover than on Boris' Vein album. Seeing how awesome it is is just icing on the cake.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:48:14 No.1247783
    >/a/, /jp/ and all of the Japanese porn boards are pig disgusting and should be nuked.

    It helps to keeps the idiots, new/normal/whatever, away.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:56:27 No.1247863
    /a/ throws a bitch fit any time you mention you are female or have a girlfriend
    why does it matter so much to them?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)21:58:23 No.1247892
    They see /a/ as a secret club for male virgins only.

    Wait a second...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:01:47 No.1247939
    We're all lonely virgins.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:03:10 No.1247960
    >LOL nice try newfag check my dubz
    First brought me to 4chan, then I stopped laughing when good OC dropped off. Occasionally visit just to remind myself to stay away.

    Pretty cool guys because they help me when I'm stupid. Desktop camwhoring gets old though.

    Occasionally get a great thread, usually about cute animals.

    Like someone said before, /v/ with guns.


    Surveys and misogyny, erryday. Sometimes great threads. I mostly hang out here despite knowing better.

    Seems like they'd be helpful if I needed some advice. Not a fun place to hangout. Lots of hipster dumpster divers.

    >skinny white goth ninja or preppy looks are all counts as /fa/

    Absolutely worthless if you have discerning taste in music. Not as pretentious as rumored. Believes Radiohead is the greatest band of all time, even though it's not.

    Shitty fixies and trains are the only way to get around, apparently.


    >Hey guys, I'm wondering where is the best place to pick up prostitues?
    >Hey guys, what should I do in Japan?
    >Hey guys, should I quit my job and walk around the world until I shit myself and die?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:03:49 No.1247976
    if thats the case wouldn't you want MORE females posting rather than less?
    make sense dammit
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:04:34 No.1247989
    /b/ - It was never good, but at least there was a time when you could see a decent thread or have a laugh. Now it is useful to retain the retards from flooding other boards.

    /toy/ - Bro tier. People willing to share knowledge an even give away spare parts to fix broken toys. Not much spam besides de twice a day retard who posts a dildo and says "hurr thas a toy"

    /tg/ - Good board. You have to learn to quest to take full advantage. Having WH spill all the board gets boring, though.

    /r9k/ - Is like a seriously schizophrenic person: sometimes its the best board evah. Sometimes its even worse than /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:05:16 No.1247998
    Some people do not like sex with women. Or humans. Or beings.

    Chhhhhrazy fuckers, I know.
    you idiot
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:07:17 No.1248030
    then why would they care in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:08:52 No.1248048

    Depends. Obviously, those sort of people are detested, but I've seen more subtle grab ire. I'm not with them 100$.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:11:08 No.1248078
    /co/ - bros, but some of the tripfags are legitmately stupid as hell


    /v/ - when on topic/specfic generals it's the best board. when not, it's worse than /b/

    /g/ - holy shit the elitism... if you ever go learn what you need to and get out.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:15:54 No.1248141
    /a/ - i don't like it. it's too much about recent anime.
    /b/ - i used to like it like in 2005. all i like about it these days is the porn
    /adv/ - i like it there. i don't know why, though. i don't visit it that much.
    /hc/ - meh. i don't like to masturbate to pictures and they don't have many threads about videos
    /lit/ - i think i'd enjoy it if i read books
    /mu/ - i used to visit this everyday before /r9k/ came back. they have good stuff from time to time, but in general i don't like its taste. i don't know why i go there, really.
    /sci/ - religion, idiots' philosophy of science and unable to talk about actual science most of the time
    /x/ - i like this board better than the rest. it seems like most of the time i find good stuff over there, and i don't even care about paranormal stuff. i don't visit it frequently.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:17:45 No.1248167
    I like /int/ and /pol/ but only when it's not near an election, there can be some intellectually stimulating threads. You have to search a little, but they're there. I also like /c/ for eye candy, and /y/ when I need a fap.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:20:55 No.1248198
    /a/ - REAL 4chan
    /b/ - shit
    /c/ - kind of fun, not really my thing
    /d/ - dicks everywhere
    /f/ - slowest board ever
    /g/ - neckbeards and lolis
    /gif/ - small, bad resolution porn clips
    /r/ - great concept, would be a better board the more traffic it got
    /v/ - meta /b/
    /w/ - fun stuff
    /wg/ - /w/ is better
    /adv/ - "dump them" and "man up" is the answer to like 90% of the issues
    /cgl/ - bitches
    /ck/ - REALLY FUCKING ANGRY, can be very useful
    /co/ - nice people, interesting discussion, weird fetishists
    /diy/ - okay, but never what I'm looking for
    /fa/ - trendy conceited faggots
    /fit/ - great sticky, meathead nerds, can be funny
    /hc/ - slower and emptier than I would have imagined
    /int/ - Polandball
    /jp/ - 2hou and a userbase that's strayed from society farther than the devil strayed from the light of God
    /lit/ - hipsters, /fa/ runoff
    /mu/ - hilarious, also tied to the ass of pitchfork as if it were a segment of the human centipede
    /po/ - the 4chan board you didn't know existed, lots of fun
    /sci/ - went there the day it was created, saw a 100+ reply thread to a retarded question, without the right answer. never went back
    /soc/ - fat camwhores and male wannabe camwhores
    /sp/ - constanza.jpg
    /vp/ - underage
    /x/ - paranoid as fuck
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:23:09 No.1248220
    I left out the boards I haven't spent enough time on to have an opinion of.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:27:51 No.1248267
    /a/ - /a/spies everywhere.. people cant even enjoy anime unless it has DEEEEEP plot
    /b/ - used to be really funny, now full of fags
    /r9k/ - gentleman's /b/ and also full of foreveralones
    /mu/ - looked at it once, obviously doesnt like the music i listen to.
    /w/ - where all my walls and vectors come from
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:28:31 No.1248277
    This is definitive as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:38:18 No.1248366
    >/b/abies first time on 4chan
    >/e/hhh, cloudflare issues, guess I'll go read some shitty hentai that's on the offline version
    >/h/oly shit cloudflare still acting up, guess I'll go fap to this as well
    >/s/hit is still down? You kidding me, I'm already running raw
    >/v/ery much /b/2.0 and no fun allowed
    >/adv/ice? Have you tried manning up and just feeling better instead of sad? If that doesn't work remember your 1st world problems are shitty and kids are starving in africa.
    >/an/imal should be renamed /aw/wwwwww
    >/co/uld you believe the Flash is the most powerful DC character and could best superman? go here and be a believer.
    >/int/elligent discusion? Not here, lets just make fun of America and Poland.
    >/soc/ialize with fat chicks

    Ignored boards I haven't/don't go to.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:38:32 No.1248369

    Clearly you haven't been here recently. Let me recap every thread today
    >Good thread filled with good content getting knocked off the front page and dying because of
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:41:07 No.1248400
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    >mfw /an/ and /ck/ are the best boards
    >> Anonymous 01/28/12(Sat)22:45:30 No.1248449
    it used to be gentleman like, before /b/tards started spilling over into here
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:28:54 No.1253019
    /ck/ doesn't even need to exist. everything is either in archived infothreads or on
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:30:51 No.1253027
    You are too goddamn right. I don't know why people participate in survey threads-no one reads or replies to what you say.

    And all the women hating gets old, and makes the poster seem really fucking pathetic. I don't mind forever alone threads, but when people blame others for their problems, it makes me rage.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:32:54 No.1253034
    >first day of reopening of r9k
    >survey thread
    this is just /adv/ with a filter
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)08:37:22 No.1253063
    /3/ never goes out to socialize with other boards. Other boards never come to /3/. everyone is happy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)09:03:28 No.1253177
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    My lifework in paint

    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)09:04:56 No.1253182
    /ck/ and /trv/ are god tier

    I also like /tv/ and /fit/

    I dislike /v/ and /mu/
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)09:27:00 No.1253263
    >/r9k/: neutral, can be really amusing but never be really shitty (exception for old /r9k/, right before /soc/ appeared to its deletion)
    >/mu/: it used to be good, i think, but now it's mostly off-topic threads, tripfag circlejerk or really shitty threads. obscure music =! good music, guys
    >/fa/: amusing and pretty good, although i can't relate to most of the threads because i'm a cheap asian girl living in a third-world country shithole
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)09:27:32 No.1253268
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    /a/ - Great when /b/ and /v/ children aren't coming in whinging about how little we talk about Elfen Lied or Cowboy Bebop. Even better when good stuff is airing.
    /b/ - Shittiest board on the website. Reddit/Facebook-tier, full of ROFL XD MEMES 14 year olds and needs to hurry up and be sold to the Cheezburger network.
    /r9k/ - 'Tis pretty cool. Changed a fucking LOT since it started, but I'm fine with what it's become.
    /jp/ - Enjoy the Comiket/2hu/VN generals a lot.
    /co/ - Definitely the friendliest board I frequent
    /mu/ - Great fun, but will drive you nuts if you take it seriously.
    /v/ - Too much /b/ runoff. It's a shame.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)09:58:40 No.1253416
    personally I love the misogyny
    not that i actually hate women
    but its just fun to attack them and make them my "enemy"
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:09:58 No.1253498
    >/fa/ - I wish I had the money to dress like these guys (well, not exactly like them... I don't want people thinking I'm gay...)

    >/s/, /hc/, /gif/ - fapfapfapfap

    >/r9k/ - Take careful note of what they say and be careful NOT to live like them. That said, this place can be good for cursing my own betaness and being with people who are also pretty unhappy. And some interesting discussions sometimes.

    >/b/ - Yeah, best avoided.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:15:48 No.1253538
    anybody who says /tg/ is good now is either trolling or ignorant

    i weep for what we lost

    i know it makes me like a fuckin' Atlantean or something but it isn't worth it

    the people who like it how it is i don't bear much malice, but jesus

    hey thanks for helping me start my day off depressed :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:23:26 No.1253597
    /a/ - A bunch of gaiafags who think they're SUPER ELITE OLDFAGS or whatever.
    /v/ - Faggots who don't understand game design beyond drooling out buzzwords.
    /b/ - Shit.
    /soc/ - Even shittier.
    /x/ - Used to be cool, until /b/ came along.
    /f/ - Best board on the site.
    /jp/ - Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you faggots.
    /mu/ - Pretty cool guys.
    /ck/ - A bunch of hipster foodies. Used to be good.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:25:25 No.1253604
    /a/ is okay, too much my opinion is better than yours and stop liking what i don't like
    /co/ is one of the friendliest
    /jp/ is generally depressing and i feel sorry for every single one of them
    /adv/ is usually helpful
    /fa/ is anorexia general
    why does /b/ even exist
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:26:30 No.1253611
    I haven't been to /tg/ in a while, what happened to it? It used to be real good
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:29:42 No.1253641
         File1327850982.jpg-(204 KB, 900x563, zetsubou maria on drugs.jpg)
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    Good only for porn/JB and the occasionally funny thread
    Elitist, but I can put up with it. Love the music I find there.
    Fucking love /lit/. Can get a bit pretentious, though. Too many books, too little time
    /b/2.0. Pretty bad besides the occasional KS general or SMT general
    Haven't been there in a while, but they seem more elitist than /mu/ and they complain too much
    My guilty pleasure. Furry threads suck, though.
    Pretty good most of the time, but soo much hipster v. anti-hipster too talk about a lot of movies.
    Love it just as much as /lit/. I also get very amused at just how seriously they take food. It's hilarious
    Pathetic. Okay sometimes, though, when the threads aren't about relationships
    men: Women suck
    women: men are assholes
    Sometimes there's a good thread
    Weirdly anti-japanese
    Interesting. Lotta arguments, though
    Cool, but too slow. Also, lots of infighting
    Usually very enjoyable, but everyone there can get very bitchy very quickly
    And that's all I visit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:32:42 No.1253665
    >too talk
    Meant to*
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:35:08 No.1253685
    /ck/ - great board, very useful for recommendations and recipes and such. sometimes gets too trolly especially with things like fast-food chat but it's all good.
    /lit/ - terrible board, everyone is arrogant and hates books, don't go there
    /mu/ - pretty cool board, has improved a lot. good for finding new music
    /tv/ - would be a lot better if not for the waifu stuff. still get good discussions occasionally though.

    I really don't visit a lot of boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:35:31 No.1253689
    /tg/ used to be absolutely anarchic, like /v/. Then we got mods, and the neckbeards who couldn't post their favourite ooze-girl porn raged and bawwwed. It's still shit due to WH40Kids and Money: The Gathering, but it's a palpable flavour of shit now.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:40:24 No.1253719

    man i do not want to get into a fight with you but you are pretty clearly someone invested in the way things are now, and reducing it to the terms you did is kind of wrong

    i want anyone reading this to note that the guy who posted that used "bawwed" which is a /b/, and worse, ED idiom

    also he reduced everyone who disagreed with him to "neckbeards"

    point being, the Party Line ITT is that new /tg/ is "nice" but this guy who is defending it is anything but

    so there you have it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:40:54 No.1253723
    can you tell me specifically what happened to /tg/?
    all I hear is that evidently some new modding plolicy made it worse or something
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:40:55 No.1253724
    Snobby but always on topic

    Absolute shit

    Cool dudes who like discussing Kamen Rider mostly

    Bets board on 4chan

    Worse than /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:44:30 No.1253742

    Why do you think this is okay? If you went into /v/ and saw nothing but video game threads, that you didn't like, why didn't you just say "Meh, it's not for me." and fuck off? Why did you have to zerg-rush the board and start a zillion shitty offtopic threads? Why couldn't you just go back to /b/ or /r9k/?

    No, it's not just that people from /b/ are flooding into the board. /v/ become majorly shitty just after the /vp/ split. Without pokemon to scare off all the 13-year-old NeoGAFs faggots, they all decided to move into /v/ and turn it into their personal fiefdom of dumb opinions.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:44:46 No.1253744
    /trv/ - actual on topic discussion and some pretty cool stories

    /mu/ - pretty interesting board and very helpful if you want to get into certain genres and shit, only problem is the huge amount of hipster tripfags

    /lit/ - almost everyone on there's a bro, as long as you hate tao lin you're good

    /b/ - reddit

    /v/ - reddit
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:45:26 No.1253750
    Relax, man. "Bawww" has been used since always. Also, I'm not calling everyone who disagrees with me a neckbeard. What the hell, I am a neckbeard myself. But there's a time and place for everything, and /tg/ is not the place to let our fetishes run wild. I'm just angered at a vocal minority of /tg/'s userbase which seems to UNLEASH THEIR FURY everytime a mod deletes threads that clearly don't belong, and then shouts NO FUN ALLOWED NO FUN ALLOWED at any attempt of moderation.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:45:59 No.1253752

    as fun as ever, too populous and chaotic to really provide much of a foothold for normalfags


    the recent push toward making 4chan a Serious Respectable Site has failed here, which is not to say that it won't be renewed. /v/ is still lively and fun


    the heart of the site.


    the arrhythmic cardiac valve of the site


    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:46:00 No.1253753
    >/sci/ - trolls everywhere
    >/adv/ - idiots who can't figure out the obvious solutions for their stupid problems
    >/b/ - utter shit
    >/diy/ - quite interesting, but way too slow
    >/f/ - every day is a repost day (also, almost only oldfags here)
    >/ic/ - Loomis
    >/an/ - hey /an/ look at my cute pet, hey /an/ identify creature plz (also, dolphin porn)

    and those are all the boards other than this I somewhat regularly visit.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:50:00 No.1253772
    /b/ has turned to shit, well.... its always been shit, but I use to like the old shit

    /mu/ is retarded

    /x/ has become retarded, I use to be a popular, well known tripfag on /x/ but crappy/pasta and /b/ turned it to shit

    /tg/ are my homeboys, best board on the site

    jap boards are all shit

    /soc/ is all dicks and fatties

    that is all
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:50:31 No.1253777

    i think that some "disconcerting" shit is a price that a guy might have to nut up and _pay_ for a fun, living board.

    plus i disagree with your estimation of the dissenters as a vocal minority

    /tg/ is far worse now than it has ever been, and the mod does not understand/respect the board culture

    i have archived many of his stickies (which he deleted) but the latest insult is calling out someone who saved one of his posts as a "spergling" which is pretty shitty

    he is a bad person, i object to him having control over the board
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:51:20 No.1253787
    /mu/ is hit or miss. It really depends on who's reading the board at the time. It's easy to get upset if people don't want to talk about what you want to talk about or give you recommendations.
    Off-topic posts are occasionally funny, memes and personalities are good but sometimes tripfag shitposting can run rampant. also threads and soundcloud threads kind of clutter up the place.

    I like /a/ because they're really the only board left who tells its new members to lurk more. Good if you like current anime but they're pretty tired of recommending classics to people trying to get into it.

    /co/ used to be my favorite board before it got totally overrun with homestuck and ponies and railing on webcomics and their artists. Used to be one of the most creative and funny boards on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:52:06 No.1253792
    So I take it everyone ITT who says /v/ is great for offtopic threads is the sole reason why /v/ is so fucking offtopic and shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:55:52 No.1253816

    yeah there's also the rumors that the guy who seized control of the board is a goon and is trying to turn it into an enclave for them, making it more formal and generally running it like that other place as opposed to like 4chan. knowing what i do of how that works, i wouldn't be surprised if many of the people itt speaking its praises are the same person.

    what happened to /tg/, no matter how much you disagree with what it was like before, is unacceptable. people who disagree with this ought to write moot. it worked to get that one mod /a/ didn't like to go away, after all
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:57:57 No.1253833
    Oh boy I can't wait for /tg/ to be a safe space for mentally ill trannys and women who can't even leave their house, god I fucking hate something awful
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)10:58:27 No.1253840
    I go to /tg/ to talk about D&D and random encounter threads, other then that I dont give a shit what the mod deletes.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:03:12 No.1253876

    don't worry, he beecock-banned someone for admitting they were transgendered a while ago

    so yeah that but without even what little it has to recommend it, basically the worst of all possible worlds

    i would cast my shit from SAN and HP at the same time if i could make /tg/ like it used to be. they were cool then, too. they were lots nicer and more chill. they had drawfags and people who made things. i was gonna do a Deadlands mod for Red Dead Redemption but now that /tg/ is gone theres no point
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:04:37 No.1253889
    Everyone needs to send an email to moot and tell him to get rid of the /tg/ mod.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:06:23 No.1253898

    The place everyone started then moved on as they grew up




    Secret place to go to fap to celebs


    reading TORtanic threads always makes me laugh at how desperate biodrones are

    >/r9k/ /adv/

    same betaness level, usually high density of laughworty threads


    general helpful board, as long you read the sticky


    One of the better boards, excluding the >white trolls


    hot 14 year old pics


    Former best board, too bad the cancer has spread there
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:08:22 No.1253913

    Well, they still have some cool stuff. Remember that guy who made those huge papercraft templates for 40K miniatures so you wouldn't have to drop a grand on shit?

    oh right no you don't because i didn't post it because /tg/ is fucking dead
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:19:21 No.1253969
    who cares, 40k sucks ass
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:22:49 No.1253991

    Because you ruin everything
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:24:41 No.1254001

    not the necrons! necrons are cool!

    also what about 'hams fantasy? and cultist-chan! be reasonable or i'll have no choice but to allow you to have your opinion
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:26:12 No.1254017
    all of 40k sucks
    cultist chan sucks
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:27:12 No.1254025
         File1327854432.jpg-(324 KB, 1360x1024, t231866_k a magical place.jpg)
    324 KB
    Pic related

    Also like /soc/ to troll and laugh.

    Swing by /tg/ on occasion as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:28:17 No.1254033

    Think of it like a treehouse club with a bunch of young boys
    They all grow up together and do stupid shit together
    Then one of them gets a girlfriend and brings her into the club
    Eventually the club activities take a turn to suit different interests
    And sooner or later drama starts happening between them fighting for her attention. the boyfriends, the white knights, and those who just want things to go back to normal start fighting
    Eventually the club disbands and they don't see each other anymore, the treehouse now rotting, old and forgotten
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:28:46 No.1254037
    >/tg/ and /k/

    man that goon occupation theory is looking more real all the time

    goddamn i hate imperialists, why can't they leave
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:34:47 No.1254105
    >I like /a/ because they're really the only board left who tells its new members to lurk more.

    definitely, I left for about a year but recently went back and was surprised at how resilient they are in spite of everything

    Nothing compares to /jp/'s impregnable wall of steel though
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:43:17 No.1254177
    Why, what's up with /jp/?
    I was there, like, twice - when there was the earthquake last year, and when Touhou 13 was released, so I don't know what it's normally like there.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:49:25 No.1254231
    /jp/ hates you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:50:27 No.1254240
    ask a question on /jp/

    go ahead i'll wait
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:50:28 No.1254241
    Aww. Why?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:52:03 No.1254258
    because you are not /jp/ related.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:53:06 No.1254267

    but i am a literal japanese person
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:53:47 No.1254275

    japan isn't /jp/ related
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:54:09 No.1254281
    And what, exactly, is /jp/ related? What's this "impregnable barrier".
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:54:25 No.1254283
    /g/ is my favorite board, despite desktop and amd vs intel threads all day every day
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:55:53 No.1254298
    now gtfo my /jp/
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)11:56:59 No.1254305
    Iurk moar, or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)12:08:35 No.1254402
    /a/ - represents a lot of what I consider to be good 4chan virtues, as mixed a bag as that is. Good balance of traffic with content (ontopic and offtopic), and has some good manual and automatic self-defense measures against newfags and normalfags (both personal resistance and it being a hobby for nerds, they have to ward off the gaiafags though). Following a good current show with them is one of the funnest things I've done. The personality of the board is I feel right where it should be, although can be quite unstable at times.

    /v/ - despite all the shit it gets, I still think it's quite good. It's far more interesting than /b/, that's for sure. It just has way too much traffic for it's own good, and videogames are more mainstream then ever before, so that doesn't help with the kind of new blood that gets in. It's on-topic threads can be lively and fruitful (following Tribes Ascend from startup to now was very satisfying), and it's off-topic threads are far better and more authentic than /r9k/'s (in my experience /r9k/'s users are either too middle-of-the-road dull, or afraid to be honest). If it slowed down a bit more and got more on-topic, it would be /a/'s big brother in terms of the community's personality. Although I already view them as joined at the hip.

    /mu/ - I spend way too much time there, considering I don't listen to absolutely anything they listen to. The sense of community is far too loose in my opinion, and it's too disconnected from the rest of the site. Way too much tripfags as well, they really have their own culture, but that's expected since the board has nearly none of it themselves. I assume this is because of the simply far too varied nature of music, compared with hobbies like vidya and anime and movies. Sure, there's the big Pitchfork blockbusters that some crowd around, but there's also millions of other albums that people never get a chance to talk about, which usually isn't the case with film/anime/etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)12:09:28 No.1254409

    /mu/ cont'd: The real heart of the board are sharethreads/soundcloud/lastfm/mumuplayer, which inevitably makes most of the socializing and communal spirit take place off-board, leaving the actual /mu/ mostly hollow with only one or two mostly stolen memes to throw around at each other, like a beach ball at a bad opening act's show. It guess it can be relaxing though, it's one of the better smaller boards. As for people saying indie vs metal, metal has all since died there, it's all either indie or electronic nowadays. If you don't like either, you're shit out of luck buddy.

    /tv/ - I've seen this board improve quite a bit ever since Avatar and most of the disney pedo threads fade away. In a way it reminds me of /mu/, but more lively and more interesting, and definitely has a community and a personality to it. Also has the value of having some shows to follow along with like /a/, which is always a good thing for a hobby board to have as a source of steady new content (although I think /a/'s are more interesting, because their shows only last for one season) /v/'s big new releases become a whole phenomenon on their own, but ultimately get repetitive because it's just one game as opposed to multiple episodes, so there's very little new content for the board to feed off of. Still I don't consider /tv/ or /mu/ very 4chan-core boards like /a/ and /v/ are, if you get my meaning. They're peripheral.

    /d/ - Good for a fap and some very honest in-depth discussion, but it's sad when you realize just how few images your fetish has after the first dozen or so threads. Still, a good tight community, and I think another example of 4chan virtues. And the futa has stopped being so suffocating, which is good. It would be interesting to see the board with more traffic, however.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)12:11:01 No.1254420
    no one mentions the textjews
    >> Anonymous 01/29/12(Sun)12:12:52 No.1254429

    That reminds me, I would've done a writeup of /new/pol/, but that would take a whole essay.

    tldr; It's a real force of nature

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