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  • File : 1291205145.jpg-(181 KB, 1200x1000, blue688.jpg)
    181 KB Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:05:45 No.12249323  
    I think you've got this all wrong, /r9k/. The fact that some /b/tards are seeking refuge here could indeed be a good thing.

    At the very least, their numbers would/should/could help to further dilute the amount of beta vs alpha posts, relationshit posts and the like.

    I welcome our new /b/r9k/ethren. Read the sticky and don't act like a bunch of whiny cunts and we'll get on swimingly. If you're only here to wait out the shitstorm over at /b/ then kindly fuck off. This could, and probably will, last days. It's most likely a method to remove cancer like yourself.
    >> The Red Barron 12/01/10(Wed)07:09:39 No.12249349
    >implying /b/tards will improve quality

    Are you fucking serious? That's like saying putting retards in your school will help raise your test scores
    It doesn't work that way
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:16:10 No.12249398
    No no. It's more like saying that putting lions in a cage without an out of control population of mice will result in less mice.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:17:26 No.12249407

    /b/r9k/rethren is too unwieldy

    barcanines is better
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:19:26 No.12249419

    No. It's like saying setting fire to your house will fix your plumbing problems.

    This thread is now about colorful analogies.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:19:31 No.12249420
    I like your style, nigger.
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)07:20:29 No.12249428
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    Actually, studies show that retards are willing to lose THE GAME so the staff can be phone.
    And who shots web then, eh?
    /b/tard reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:20:45 No.12249431
    No no. It's nothing like that.

    Hijacking a thread is like saying you're a faggot and should die in that house fire.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:22:27 No.12249439
    I actually laughed. It's sad that I remember those memes given I haven't been over your way in at least a year.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:23:50 No.12249449

    It was an awful suggestion.

    Introducing a new problem to solve an existing one is a bad solution.

    are the kind of people you're suggesting will help improve the board.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:27:18 No.12249467
    Well he brought a smile to my face. That's a lot more than most of /r9k/ would do. I've become increasingly frustrated with what it's become. An I bet you're contributing to that, aren't you, you little faggot.
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)07:27:35 No.12249474
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    Why thank you, kind anon.
    Good to know you aren't butt hurt over something small like a few more anons browsing another board on 4chan.
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)07:30:09 No.12249495
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    You sir, are a flaming faggot.
    Because you will forever retain the status of a flaming faggot, I dare not argue.
    I'm simply informing you of your status of being a huge, flaming, queer faggot.
    Are you preservatives?
    Would you like some peanut butter with that mad?
    >> I stole this name 12/01/10(Wed)07:32:25 No.12249509
    /b/r9k/ethren? I LOVE IT. If you are from /b/ and have arrived here, you MUST adopt this.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:33:56 No.12249521

    It's a little hypocritical of you to be whining about board quality.

    I can tell because of your penchance for decontextualized use of memes and your liberal use of the word 'faggot'.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:36:14 No.12249537
    This attitude makes me wonder. Are robots like you using /r9k/ to hide? This place really has become a treehouse inhabited by aspies. The fact that you would so staunchly stand against an influx of fresh blood is testament to how much you must fail IRL.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:37:51 No.12249548
    >use the word Faggot once
    >liberal use
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:40:37 No.12249571

    It's not the introduction of people that /r9k/ disagrees with. It would be nice to have a board that moves at a faster rate with more varied opinions.

    It's where these people come from. /b/ is a hangout for immature meme spouting narcissists who's contribution will do nothing but hasten the decline of quality.

    /r9k/ is bad, but introducing children will do nothing but make is worse.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:42:48 No.12249595
    This butthurt compulsive need to bicker is exactly why I wish /b/tards would stay on /b/. Don't spread your cancer to here.

    I'd much prefer the self-pitying ranting of lonely losers that is typical of /r9k/ to the infighting between the 12 yo boys with internet tough guy complex from /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:44:44 No.12249609
    True. I'm relying on what I think is a pretty safe assumption that the less cerebral of the /b/tards won't stick around. The /b/ros are welcome though.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:45:08 No.12249611

    I was operating under the pretense that you were the guy I was replying to. The offensive terseness of both posts seems to affirm my suspicions.

    Even if you weren't him, you seem like the type of poster that uses 'faggot' as a fallback term.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:46:16 No.12249627
    >implying /r9k/ isn't already full of underage b& and infighting.

    What fucking board have you been browsing? It can't have been this one.
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)07:46:29 No.12249630
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    Not all /b/tards have self esteem issues.
    Not all /b/tards bitch and moan about their shitty relationships.
    Not all /b/tards post pics seeking rating.
    I am the /b/tard who breaks up rate me threads.
    (Had fun too)
    I'm a /b/tard who loves discussions! (Sadly, they don't occur often on /b/ but I chose to wait for them.
    But I shall frequent /r9k/ a bit more often.
    Seems like fun. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:50:58 No.12249647
    You seem like the kind of guy that makes baseless assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:52:34 No.12249656

    I made assumptions based on the evidence in your post.

    It's only baseless if it has no basis.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:53:08 No.12249662
    I hope to rape a rate me thread with you one day.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:56:09 No.12249677
    So the use of a single word, on one occasion, is enough basis for you to assume he uses it all the fucking time? No. Just no.

    However we all, whom have read your posts, can safely say we have a reason to believe, not assume, that you make assumptions.

    Have a nice day . . . Faggot.
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)07:57:20 No.12249683
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    You bet your ass we will.
    To further piss off the camwhoring, daddy issue, slutbagging, 4chan hook-up bastards: I use secure trips & namefag so they can fear me upon my post. :D
    But be funny. Post as many hilarious images as you can, robro.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:58:34 No.12249689

    Your counterargument has disproved the validity of my assumption. Great work.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:58:45 No.12249690
    define /b/tard
    how many people go on /b/
    and how many of them are /b/tards
    think of one grain of gold/human in a swimming pool of shit / /b/
    those grains of gold will go on other boards and so will the shit but the shit will be washed away over time
    >> PUDDIPUDDIPUDDIPUDDIPUDDI PUDDIPUDDI !hCORA/S8mA 12/01/10(Wed)07:58:51 No.12249691
    I sense a distinct lack of PUDDI in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)07:58:59 No.12249693
    That's hard to pronounce.

    I like /b/arcanine, >>12249407
    or how about /b/robot9k
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:00:05 No.12249698
    I suppose it's more of a difference in prevalence rather than a dichotomy, but I don't want to argue with you for fear of disproving my point in the process.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:01:26 No.12249704
    > how many people go on /b/ and how many of them are /b/tards
    All of them, by definition. Seriously, how long have you been here, that you think there is a difference?
    >> The X-Writer !!IYJcr0Iii6F 12/01/10(Wed)08:03:38 No.12249718
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    I like both suggestions, but to be honest: I admire /b/arkanine more.
    It's catchy and powerful.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:04:25 No.12249723
    do you visit other boards or just stay on one board
    if you dont have an open mind to other boards your no better than the /b/tards
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:08:07 No.12249748

    I say brahcanine.

    Brah suggesting "brother" and /b/ in one fell swoop while the canine is the robots.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:10:51 No.12249762
    I like this, let's go with this. =D
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:13:03 No.12249770
    Odd to ask someone on /r9k/ if he visits other boards than /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)08:14:10 No.12249776
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    /r9k/ and /b/
    together alone
    easy to tell who the robot is
    >> the game 12/01/10(Wed)08:16:14 No.12249785

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