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  • File : 1291168466.jpg-(79 KB, 464x329, brbpuddipuddi.jpg)
    79 KB srs business. Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:54:26 No.12242205  

    I have been a "/b/tard" since December 2003. I do not brag about it, nor am I one to use tripcodes, for that matter. I am well aware that some anons find it amusing to troll, but I will not resort to using one unless it becomes necessary.

    I know for a fact that I am not the only /b/rother who has stuck around after so many years, through so many ups, downs, and exoduses. For myself, the allure of /b/ does not rest in it's potential strength (though only a fool would say the legions of /b/ cannot be powerful if they manage to work together) or it's novelty as an "underground" board.

    4chan, and /b/ in particular, has been a home through the best and worst of times. The community that has spawned from /b/--and one cannot deny that /b/ has from the beginning been the schizophrenic heart of 4chan, and of Anonymous--is both juvenile and disgusting. Indeed, many will applaud the current state of affairs, claiming (correctly) that /b/ has become diluted in recent years by an influx of "newfags" who neither relate with nor understand the internet subculture from which 4chan arose. But dilution and replacement are not one in the same. There are still many who come to join our community, not antagonize it. /b/ is also unparalleled and impressive. There is a reason 4chan attracts users from all over the world, why /b/ birthed the first true "super-conscience" of which we are all willingly or inadvertently members.Without /b/, there would be no Anonymous. Without /b/, the internet subculture is profoundly changed and, I feel, weakened. Without /b/, there is no other place of comparable depth, scope, and magnitude that would be able to handle the flood of Anons in search of a new home.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:56:58 No.12242250
    Time to go to Gaia.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:58:20 No.12242275
    time to go back to almightylol
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:58:37 No.12242283
    > I have been a "/b/tard" since December 2003
    Sure you've been.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:59:30 No.12242296
    Yes, similar events have happened in the past. I know this fully well. But I also know that moot--the beloved, reviled, ever absent founder of our dear 4chan--has grown increasingly jaded with the state of our site. I do not think he shall shut down /b/ or 4chan for good, as some doomsdayers fear, but nothing is certain. Regardless, I feel this is a good opportunity to have a candid discussion.

    My questions to you, "oldfags" of /b/, and our newer /b/rothers who also identify with the 4chan subculture, is this: what are your thoughts on this situation? Should it be prolonged? Has our beloved /b/ outlived its purpose? What is its purpose? Can Anonymous survive as the force it has become without /b/? Does this matter? Is /b/ necessary?

    Thank you.

    P.S. I direct my questions towards oldfags largely because I am conscious of the fact that many newer /b/tards are infatuated with the IDEA of /b/, whether that be as some cyber police force or a haven for perverted fetishes, without having much actual familiarity with /b/ itself. Newer /b/rethren, your opinions are more than welcome, of course.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:59:33 No.12242297
    YTMND spinoff boards are several orders of magnitude faggier than anything on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)20:59:54 No.12242305
    op's a 16yo that found /b/ two years ago
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:01:13 No.12242322
    I am not here to prove to you something I can't prove. I'm here to have a discussion. I figured /r9k/ would be the board to post this because you robots claim to be capable of more thoughtful discussions than the other boards.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:01:14 No.12242323
    >Without /b/, there would be no Anonymous.
    That is a good thing.

    Also, /b/ has never done anything besides send people nasty emails, perhaps deliver unwanted pizza or "hack" a facebook. I did worse shit in real life when I was a kid, and there were fucking consequences then. /b/ is just hordes of cowardly highschoolers and manchildren in a mob mentality. /b/ is not powerful by any stretch of the imagination. It's just a nuisance.

    What was your latest "victory?" taking down gene simmons website or something for a day? Yeah, you guys really put him in the fucking poor house with that move.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:02:33 No.12242337
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    anybody know how long the flood detection is set to on /b/ now? seems like it's been a good 5 minutes since my last post and still getting flood detection.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:03:31 No.12242348
    Oh hello there Glen.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:03:38 No.12242349
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    I'm surprised you even knew what that was
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:03:55 No.12242354
    dude. Scientology? Pirate Bay? Iran? Pedos? ACTA? Protecting your free speech?

    I know /b/ isn't some internet superhero, but you're an idiot if you think /b/ has not done anything.

    I think /b/ still has a purpose, OP. It will always be a cesspool, but it can and will do great things.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:05:24 No.12242377
    I don't think of myself as a "/b/tard." I have just been frequenting /b/ for years.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:05:41 No.12242384
    > I'm here to have a discussion.
    A discussion about what? /b/? Who the fuck cares about /b/? It's a board that has one use: to keep faggots like you away from the other boards.

    Fuck off and die. No one from 2003 is still on /b/. Not even anyone from fucking 2007 is still on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:06:20 No.12242393
    Ha, yeah. I used to post on ThePriceisLOL, so I'm familiar with the faggotry that went on at ALOL.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:06:39 No.12242396
    Yeah, usually around the one year mark newcomers to 4chan have become so unbelievably tired of /b/ that they move on and become contributing members of the other boards. 4channers are like flies. /b/ is like the larval phase. You're squirming with other grubs in a pile of shit, overlapping and tangling with one another in a disgusting, unorganized mess. Eventually you grow wings and fly away to something else, but you're still a fly so you still land on shit. Some grubs are bound to stay in the shit for their whole lives though.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:07:21 No.12242407
    I couldn't have said that any better myself. I'm so proud of you OP
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:07:21 No.12242408
    I for one thing OP is legit, because none of the other faggots posting here even recognize OP's picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:07:53 No.12242418
    2004fag here.

    /b/ isn't even recognizable from it's previous life ever since Project Chantology.

    I think many of the 'filter' sites that gain almost all of their content from /b/ or inspired by /b/ now hold a more focused audience and that gives them a lot of power that /b/ now lacks.

    And I think we need a chubby board now, get all the camwhores in the same place.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:08:09 No.12242422
    You are a fool if you think that.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:08:26 No.12242428
    >implying you all take this shit way to seriously and cant grasp the true essence of /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:08:52 No.12242434
    This. If OP were really an oldfag, he wouldn't be so freaked out about moot wordfiltering /b/ again. moot fucks with all of the boards occasionally.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:09:14 No.12242443
    Ditto this. clever OP is clever. the rest of you are faggots who are jealous that they only found /b/ last thursday.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:10:11 No.12242458
    OP, just one question: do you like anime?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:10:38 No.12242462
    I'm not freaking out. I just thought this was a good opportunity to talk about this. If you bothered to read my post (which you did not) then you would have seen where I explicitly stated that I KNOW this has happened before.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:10:42 No.12242465
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    2004fag here again, forgot to post picture. It's one of my older ones.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)21:11:27 No.12242482
    There's no denying /b/ has become an integral part of the entire worldwide web and has spawned the majority of pop culture for the last 2 years. Aside from that, /b/ gives a true representation of how today's adolescents think because of its unique ability to strip away the burden of identity and reputation, and give the illusion of complete freedom. No matter how bad it gets at times, /b/ is a masterpiece.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:12:03 No.12242487
    > slightly edit a picture from a three-year-old ED article
    > suddenly an oldfag who's been here since the beginning
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:13:08 No.12242502
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    you are now aware that /b/ didn't exist in 2003
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:13:12 No.12242504
    I came here for anime. and Hentai.

    I'd post an Evangelion gif that older anons would recognize, but I can't because it's not "original."
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:14:12 No.12242518
    Also keep in mind that a surprising number of /b/tards are in their 20's and 30's.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:15:12 No.12242538
    Yeah, you guys defeated Scientology all right! Oh, wait...
    >Pirate Bay?
    What about it? You guys didn't do anything, yet again.
    Haven't heard of anything /b/ did against Iran, but I see it was of absolutely no consequence.
    What about them?
    >Protecting your free speech?
    You haven't done shit.

    So far all you guys have done is take credit for things you had nothing to do with, or claim victory for things that were, will, and can be easily accomplished without you.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:15:33 No.12242544
    /b/ was around by late 2003 you fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:15:44 No.12242546
    Okay, credibility +1. But at the same time, I can't imagine one of the vaunted "oldfags" would make such a shitty thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:16:23 No.12242553
    You are such an idiot. You clearly don't go on 4chan very much.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:16:52 No.12242561
    >/b/ - Anime/Random
    >didn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:17:23 No.12242568
    I guess I was just curious about what other Anons thought. I expected that this was the quality of discussion I would get though.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:17:24 No.12242570
    no anon from 2003 would still browse /b/

    unless they were actually medically diagnosed as a tard
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:18:52 No.12242589
    Why not? /b/ is amusing, and interesting things happen from time to time.

    Also, it's not my exclusive lurking board.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)21:19:00 No.12242590
    In today's world a man's mental maturity is no different from an adolescents. Of course this doesn't apply to all men, but I'm pretty sure this could be said of those who still post on /b/ regularly. The creation of /r9k/ kind of proves this. Any recognizable name from the early days of /b/ could be spotted on /r9k/ during the first year of its existence, but were completely absent of /b/.

    Btw, sorry if my posts run on and make no sense at all; I haven't slept in a VERY long time.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:20:26 No.12242604
    4chan was created in late 2003.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:21:02 No.12242612
    Mid-2005 here.

    /b/'s definitely changed, and it has gotten shittier. But it was never gold, anyway. And epic things still happen. If nothing else, at least /b/ incubates the shit until it either rots or grows up.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:21:07 No.12242614
    The only reason moot haven't close down /b/ yet is the fear of retards migrating to other boards, which may result to pissing off regular users which may end up migrating to other sites.

    /b/ is good only for keeping you retards all in one place. Sure there may be occasional breakout, but we can manage it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:22:58 No.12242637
    Hey namefag, you do realize that /b/ spear-headed most of that stuff, right? If nothing else they got the ball rolling, and that counts for a lot. /b/ can single-handedly make something a meme or go viral.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:24:40 No.12242657
    lol... tripfag saying shit to anon... i'm way to tired to think my post through but you seem like a fucking smartass trying to prove yourself as the "cool cynical dude that knows shit"... well.. my comeback to that is again.. you're a tripfag... fuck you.. you... tripfag... you're the thing that's killing the stuff that most of us enjoy about 4chan... you're taking anon out of anonymous... You're laying yourself out there, so that if something you say, do or report on 4ch, gets archived somewhere (in a pic, on 4chanarchives or anyother faggotty place like that that you like to visit ever so often), you can get an extra gram to your ego...

    i hope you die tripfag...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:25:22 No.12242666
    Stop samefagging and trying to make yourself look better OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:25:25 No.12242667
    protip, OP: /r9k/ is full of fail, they just like to think they can hold quality discussions.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:25:28 No.12242668
    i am an emmisar from /b/... i dont know what the fucking deal is... OP, if you are such an oldfag you would realize this sort of things last a day or two but never lasts long... are you such a fucking pussy you cant live without /b/ for a few days?

    all you other retards sitting on your ivory towers: "uuhh im such an intelligent being, i post on a board that doesnt allow people to repeat themselves therefore we are all orginal and smort, repetition is stupid and i dont like /b/..."

    get a fucking brain you bunch of tools, i came to r9k twice and all i've seen are a bunch of retards asking why they are alone and if girls are more interested in penis size or personality... fucking original shit man... so interesting aswell...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:27:07 No.12242690
    I'm not samefagging, though I am surrpised only those two anons recognized the picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:28:37 No.12242700
    ...I've already said I'm not worried. I was just curious.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:29:57 No.12242707
    And why are you here? You've been here only twice, your opinion is rejected while most of us here has been lurking /b/ as least a year.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:30:01 No.12242709
    OP, I admire what you were trying to do, but you should know that 4chan is incapable of holding an honest discussion. You should just close this thread.
    >> Mr. Feeny !!IRo3wNcArhG 11/30/10(Tue)21:31:03 No.12242725

    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:32:50 No.12242745
    /b/ is popular because it's the "wild west" of the internet. Minimal moderation and rules; no login required. There's no other place like 4chan's /b/, except maybe 420chan's, but they're too high to troll anyways.
    Did anyone else see that thread about nicely spaced trucks?
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:34:30 No.12242759
    I'm not trying to create any persona, but if you want to assume one for me go right ahead.
    I take it my post hit way too close to home, you started to realize that /b/ really hasn't done jack shit and deep down you began to know why everyone else on the internet laughs AT, not WITH /b/.

    Also, I only trip on 4chan because I agree with free posting, but not anonymity.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:34:43 No.12242761

    lol... don't mind the fact that /b/ is by far the most visited board on this channel.. and therefore the most profitable to moot himself... I bet $$$ has nothing whatsoever to do with this...

    And all that spam protection and the lame jokes m00t experiments with... those are there just so the dwellers of /b/ don't infest your precious /r9k/, aren't they?

    Gosh i wonder sometimes.. Why aren't all the people in the world as original and smart as yourself? (altho you aren't either of the two... since you got the idea for your post from a pic posted on /b/ very often (don't play dumb now... you know.. the one where /b/ is the filter of 4chan?))

    Oh my bad.. the world IS actually filled with pseudo-original wannabe smart faggots like yourself...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:35:54 No.12242774
    I don't really care much to be honest OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:36:50 No.12242785
    This OP. 4chan cant hold discussions, essentially if you don't agree with someones post they will not look a your points and try to concur, they will read your response think fuck you nigger and reply with moar bullshit. Half of chan, no id say about 75% is or has been a /b/tard, infected by the cancer and spread it to the rest of the boards. Serious business is out the door once you have posted here.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:36:56 No.12242786
    I found 4chan in 2003 a month after it had launched via the long defunct ro-world site when 4chan used to be mistaken for an image hosting site. This was back when people were actually hotlinking image files from 4chan and getting away with it.

    I found it cause I was looking for Ragnarok Online porn.

    That said I stopped going to /b/ in like 2006, shit was so gay already by then.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:37:02 No.12242790
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    >>Yeah, you guys defeated Scientology all right! Oh, wait...

    You know, you idiots keep saying shit like that and it shows how little of a clue you really have. Chanology is still going, for one, populated by a core of people that actually care about fucking Scientology over. Some of them are also /b/tards, most of the /b/tards left but one thing you can't deny is that /b/ was integral in starting the Chanology machine up and running, providing a mass of bodies and energy to it. Many things have happened in the Scientology universe since those fateful days, but you wouldn't know because you haven't been paying attention. You can't just shut something down that big with cultish followers, but you can injure it and continue to do so... something that is being done to this day.

    tl;dr - you are and idiot and don't know what you are talking about
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:37:18 No.12242793
    My god, you really ARE a child aren't you?

    4chan loves to toss around the age insult with no regard to its meaning, but by your speech I can tell you are in fact an child.

    I hope moot fixes /b/ fast.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:38:06 No.12242802

    being /b/ closed and r9k having the fame of being "original" and with "interesting content" i thought i should give it another try...

    being here twice means i have browsed the board for an hour and a half... what? do i have to accumulate flight hours to find this shit ammusing or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:38:25 No.12242807
    Quit whining tripfag.

    You obviously weren't around when anonymous ruled the internets.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:40:14 No.12242823
    >Implying /b/-tards ever ruled the internet
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:41:04 No.12242831
    >itt: /b/tards try to make themselves feel important.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:41:40 No.12242839
    Ok I'm a total newfag in /b/ and have only been watching it for the past couple of months or so. To me 4chan was this legendary site I heard about since my early teens (20 now) and I finally decided to come here to see what its about. Turns out I like it, interesting convos, humerous things to see, and other things. I for the most part simply watch and observe. But do oldfags want newfags like me to leave /b/? I don't want to be guilty of helping to destroy /b/ or anything so I'd leave or just not comment if need be.

    tl;dr What do oldfags want from newfags?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:41:54 No.12242840

    lol no... i wasn't actually referring to that... I actually agree, /b/ hasn't done anything about anything...

    still, you're not the one to talk about it since you yourself are no better than most of the hordes of /b/tards... since you're a tripfag on /b/ v2.0 that doesn't even TRY to do anything to entertain or have an impact on the world of the internet sayin shit to someone that believes /b/ is great for showing what people are capable of doing to achieve lols...

    you're a dick and you know it
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:42:27 No.12242844
    blowjobs and linetrap porn
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:43:16 No.12242853

    >implying r9kfags havent been doing that since the first response.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:46:03 No.12242877

    I'm more of a robot myself but i agree with anon on this one... Fuck you Green! Know your place you tripfag! Amuse me, like /b/ used to and then you get to talk shit about what /b/ hasn't done!
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:48:01 No.12242903
    You wouldn't know anything that's happened to Scientology as a result of Anonymous either because nothing ever happened. "Chanology" protests, Scientology continues not giving a shit, people unassociated with both parties see them as silly. I'm not even going to return your insult, because you're obviously just naive, not malicious.

    Logical fallacy.
    Anonymous ruled 4chan. 4chan is not the internet. Anonymous never ruled the internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:50:29 No.12242929
    Just sayin, /b/ hardly has any involvement with the protest against ACTA. IFM/Anti-ACTA organized (most) everything and tried to get /b/'s attention. I don't know if they succeeded but I remember an influx of people in the IRC a few months back after members of IFM posted on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:51:17 No.12242942
    >You wouldn't know anything that's happened to Scientology as a result of Anonymous either because nothing ever happened. "Chanology" protests, Scientology continues not giving a shit, people unassociated with both parties see them as silly. I'm not even going to return your insult, because you're obviously just naive, not malicious.

    You are just trolling now, the above is demonstrably not true. Enjoy your intellectual laziness and troll thread, I guess
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)21:56:32 No.12243011
    I'm only a dick because I stick to my opinions and you don't agree with them.
    4chan shouldn't be about trying to change the "world of the internet" or entertaining one another. I come here for discussion, sometimes the discussion is silly, sometimes not, whether someone is entertained by my post is not something I'm worried about.

    >/b/ hasn't done anything about anything
    >/b/ is great for showing what people are capable of doing to achieve lols

    Pick one. Also, to touch on "lols" for a moment, funny things on the internet aren't spawned from pictures being spammed or captions being placed over images, they're from stories people tell. No picture on 4chan has made me laugh as much as the stories I've read over the internet since I started browsing it. /b/ is hamfisted humor. Some like it, some call those people that like it dumbasses.

    My place on 4chan is no different than yours. You can be angry at me for not embracing anonymity all you want, though. I'm also not here to amuse you any more than an anonymous poster is. I explained my stance on that earlier.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)21:59:01 No.12243042
    Green? The fact that you failed to respond to my post makes me believe you had no material for a reply...

    you cannot argument your.. bullshit shit talking... so either STFU or stop being a tripfag so i can go to sleep
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:00:54 No.12243068
    From the beginning of this thread I've question 4chans effectiveness in its protests and whatnot, and a lot of people have disagreed with me but none of them can support their claims.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:01:33 No.12243082
    Any human being who not only visits, but ENJOYS /b/ as it is now does not deserve any sort of reply.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:01:46 No.12243088
    Which one were you? There are so many looking to GET TOLD I can only respond to a few at a time.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:02:58 No.12243109
    I've been around for about five years.

    I wouldn't even mind if 4chan disappeared tomorrow. Sure, it's been fun, but I've no emotional attachment to the place. I've never thought we had a particularly valuable community anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:03:19 No.12243114
    OP, just wanna say, haters gonna hate, im ok with this post. proceed.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:03:26 No.12243115
    I did not mention anything about moot gaining revenue from us users. What I'm implying is what good is this site if it have no users but only retards?

    Wait, it COULD be use to contain more retards from OTHER sites. How did I not think of it earlier?

    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:04:32 No.12243130
    lol.. tripfag comes to an anonymous imageboard (note: image in imageboard stands for image...) for discussions :)

    ever been to say... forums?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:04:53 No.12243133

    There you go you ignorant cocksucker, go read the article and all of the citations and you'll get a glimpse of the effectiveness of something started on 4chan. game, set and match. also checkmate. furthermore, go to bed and quit trolling
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:08:41 No.12243193
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    /b/ Changed because 15-25 year olds have changed.

    In 2004-7, that nature of that generation was reflected in /b/

    The 2007-2010 generation is reflected in the current /b/

    I think anyone who knew both would say that the 2004-2007 was FAR more fun. Raids, trolling, fucking with people and such was more prevalent and encouraged and there were less limiting factors in doing these things.

    That generation of people went through the YTMND, newgrounds, somethingawful filter before they got to 4chan. This generation didn't and isn't as funny, dangerous or disgusting.

    I can't remember the last time I heard someone mention the goons.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:08:47 No.12243196
    I'll be honest, I'm only sticking around because sooner or later, some slightly dazed internet-savvy person will come through, accidentally namedrop some strange, new, unfamiliar but apparently curiosity-worthy site.

    I will see this post, probably already half-drowned in the inundation of daily shitposts, and follow it to the new internet equivalent of 4chan, the place where the outer fringes converge.

    Then I'll probably post cat macros and laugh about sticking it in poopers or something. But it'll still be quaint as a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:11:47 No.12243260
    Oh lawdy.
    Honestly. I only don't give a fuck about the Goons because they sort of got their heads rubbing up against their own asses over the years. Not to say they were always bad, not at all, just... Retreating into their own little internet sphere and the way they reign among themselves... Eh.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:12:46 No.12243276
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:13:07 No.12243282
    > tripfag posts something entirely correct that goes against typical retarded /b/ mythology
    Yep. /b/ is the only board that believe it's still good. Sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:13:27 No.12243289
    aren't they all on Reddit now?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:14:29 No.12243313
    I think the point he is trying to make is that the newer generation of /b/tards are internet illiterate.

    And I thinnkkk the point OP was trying to make is that even though this is true, it's worth it for the small number of /b/tards who actually do become 1337?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:14:29 No.12243314
    Speaking of goons, does anyone have that goon fortress picture? It's pretty fucking awesome.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:15:42 No.12243340
    I'm a member of 4 different forums.

    I really like the structure and free posting of 4chan, just not the anonymity aspect. As far as the imageboard comment is concerned, 4chan was also designed as an otaku board, but now weeaboos are hated on the majority of the boards.

    Lets see here.
    Lists of protests, lists of protests, lists of protests, Scientology's response, and no actual effects.

    What did I say earlier? Protests don't do jack? thank you for proving my point. Here, something you probably didn't know. Germany banned the Church of Scientology. No protests were held in Germany, however. The legality of a church is not up to protesters, it's up to the government. If you want to change something, tell your chanology friends to protest the government.

    Also, protip, don't send someone a wikipedia page you obviously haven't read and pretend to understand the issue. It makes you look awful foolish. Especially when you talk trash like a child beforehand.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:15:56 No.12243346
    it's changed with internet culture in general. in 2003 smart phones were PDAs. Napster was only a few years dead, and KaZAa and LimeWire were still relatively new. /b/'s almost a decade old.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:16:08 No.12243349

    Completely missing the point. I'm trying to say that the internet has changed. It's tamer than it used to be.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:16:12 No.12243351
    Oh, I was just making a joke. Most people don't remember that moot was a goon.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:16:58 No.12243371
    I for one am glad OP made this thread, even if so many of you faggots can't follow common sense and just not fucking respond to a thread you have no opinion about.

    If you REALLY hate OP's opinion and want his thread to 404...well it probably would have happened already if you idiots didn't keep bumping it. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:16:58 No.12243372
    i hurr der cp on /b/ right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:20:32 No.12243432
    > look through article for "effects"
    > no churches closed
    > no religions banned
    > etc. etc.
    So how exactly is getting a large group of people to meet together proof of being effective?

    Holy shit! They left their houses! Legendary Internet heroes indeed.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:20:58 No.12243439
    >and anon stays unaffected by your faggotry... since he wasn't being a tripfag... and you just insulted a group of people one can easily detach from... or deny themselves as being a part of it..

    also, you are Green, just without name and trips
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:21:21 No.12243449
    this thread makes me sad. As an old-fag (since 2001) I feel that all these new-fags are fags and they should leave because they are why things are bad and without them things would be good.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:21:41 No.12243455
    Damnit, I had a really apt analogy to make on this and I've forgotten it.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:21:46 No.12243459
    Wishful thinking at its finest.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 11/30/10(Tue)22:21:50 No.12243464

    >old-fag (since 2001)

    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:22:42 No.12243476


    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:23:47 No.12243490
    Dude, did you have to do that? Now the thread will be spammed to death with "HURR MOD GOD" etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:24:35 No.12243498
    >> faxy !!yqSJlFjKosg 11/30/10(Tue)22:24:37 No.12243500
         File1291173877.jpg-(39 KB, 750x582, flanflan.jpg)
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    hai mod, what's going on with the whole flan thingy?
    pic related somewhat?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:25:00 No.12243503
    I'm certainly not. Mods won't be my gods until they publicly ban all the underage kids in hookup threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:25:09 No.12243506

    Captcha: Inducing SINGWRATH.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:25:32 No.12243510
    >You will never see someone banned for being underaged ever again.

    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)22:26:23 No.12243521
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:26:26 No.12243522
    Faggots like you made /v/ being shittier each day passed.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:27:55 No.12243549
    actually I usually hate Green but right now he is completely right and you're a fucking idiot that needs to get back to /b/.

    also... tell me something... and i really need to know... if... you are... william shatner?

    hey mod. can you post a screenshot of the report queue for /v/? that would be a hoot.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:28:10 No.12243557
    i am a newfag. came to /b/ in 08. at first, i was very much the cancer for which many of you fellow /b/rothers complain of. I did not really understand /b/, although i liked to think i did. Now i feel i have come to be, enlightened, i guess u could say.

    /b/ is not about the pizza raids, the hacks, thats just what pop culture has turned us into. and yes, us newfags greatly contributed to that. that is what are perception of /b/ was, so thats what we brought. wat i have come to find is, as ive always known, /b/ is a no holds bar place, a place where anything goes. but, it is also a place to see a great culture study. FInally we can see what people really think, people show their true selves on /b/ even if its troll. real emotions and thoughts are expressed if you look closely. this is a collection of all those ideas that are hidden from society, kept in the dark. /b/ brings light to those subjects in a very dark humorous way. its all very interesting really. as far as the neccesity of /b/ i think something like this is very important, a place where one can basically go to be free of it all.
    >> Protoman !8uhjct0RnY 11/30/10(Tue)22:28:58 No.12243572
         File1291174138.jpg-(92 KB, 800x800, Yes.jpg)
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    This. I went to /b/ for like, a month. Then I realized there were better boards with so much less faggotry. /v/irgin here. It may be /b/ lite, but I like it a hell of a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:29:33 No.12243586

    >tl;dr What do oldfags want from newfags?


    I can remember back in 2005, every thread I made, every post I made, I got at least 3 people replying, all saying, "lurk moar"

    That's all you need to fucking do to fix /b/, have everyone on a waiting list, you can't post until you have something like a week's lurking time. That isn't visiting b/ on Monday, and then the next Monday you can post, but actually having spent a weeks worth of time lurking.
    >> I stole this name 11/30/10(Tue)22:29:41 No.12243588
    Ban him. BAN HIM! Ban him for lying on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:30:12 No.12243598
    > eal emotions and thoughts are expressed if you look closely. this is a collection of all those ideas that are hidden from society, kept in the dark. /b/ brings light to those subjects in a very dark humorous way. its all very interesting really. as far as the neccesity of /b/ i think something like this is very important, a place where one can basically go to be free of it all.

    > EPIC WIN 7/10
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:30:17 No.12243599
    There's only one rule and one rule only for newfags, no matter which board you originate.

    Lurk the fuck moar.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)22:30:24 No.12243601
    What's up with the increased public posting from mods these last few months? Its like all of you guys just came out of nowhere. I'm not complaining, just wondering.
    >> (USER WAS BANANA BOAT FOR THIS POST)   11/30/10(Tue)22:30:53 No.12243615
    you aint a mod!!!
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:31:35 No.12243629
    I'm thinking of changing my name to Green the /b/tard Slayer
    >> Protoman !8uhjct0RnY 11/30/10(Tue)22:31:45 No.12243630
    I'd rather it be a month.
    Or 56 hours of lurking.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:31:59 No.12243633
    I remember back in my day, I spent a year lurking. Not one single post I tell you what, what a hum dinger of a time.

    This is my post for the week.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)22:32:26 No.12243643
    I don't think that's a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:32:37 No.12243647
    that would make you look just as lame as you do now.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:33:17 No.12243655
    O....P is a cock smokin fag got
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:33:33 No.12243664
         File1291174413.jpg-(7 KB, 321x258, boxxy.jpg)
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    I'm a newfag, and I believe we are now paying for our sins to the queen!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:33:35 No.12243665

    Why aren't you banning the faggots in the camwhore thread? I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:34:22 No.12243679
         File1291174462.jpg-(6 KB, 126x106, 1288659271526s.jpg)
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    someone wanted to be banned
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:35:18 No.12243688
    You're just gelatin I TOLD all of the fucking /b/tards in this thread before you could get at them.
    >> Douchebag 11/30/10(Tue)22:35:19 No.12243689
    /b/ aware.

    That's all I have to say about that.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:36:01 No.12243703
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    /b/ has the potential to do great things, when 12 year olds don't ruin it. Mr Mod, you've been here awhile, and most likely have seen at least one thing accomplished that your boss most likely showed you. I mean, it's not all bad all the time in fact in the great giant /b/ board all the mods have wooden legs and the bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the loli's are fapped to by a fag the OPs' threads are full of tits that sag, and the bumps are full of hai Oh I'm bound to go Where there ain't no snow, where the raids don't fail the fleets do sail
    In the Big Rock Candy Mountains.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:36:05 No.12243705
    no shit
    I came to /b/ straight from ED.
    and I still made a newfag douche of myself
    I just got over meme spouting a couple weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:36:08 No.12243707

    you know what you shout do!
    >lurk moar
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:37:33 No.12243729
    anyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:37:39 No.12243730

    you guys forgot to bump
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:38:43 No.12243741
    anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> sleepy faggot mad at green for being a tripfag 11/30/10(Tue)22:39:17 No.12243750
    oh dear lords pooper! I know what i "shout" do, tho... get some sleep...
    >> Protoman !8uhjct0RnY 11/30/10(Tue)22:40:13 No.12243767
    /b/ is for new guys. Its known, its cool, we all understand it. They aren't the collective of all of 4chan. I think that any other board is better. Yes, even /vp/
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:40:28 No.12243774
    anyone and everyone and all who continue to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> wandering /b/tard 11/30/10(Tue)22:41:58 No.12243800
    Obvious newfag is obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:42:52 No.12243811
    anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.

    > anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    >no exceptions whatsoever

    > I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.

    anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:43:23 No.12243822
    > well.. my comeback to that is again.. you're a tripfag... fuck you
    hurr durr hurf durf hurr
    >> noko 11/30/10(Tue)22:45:05 No.12243852

    If i wanted my come back, I'd wipe it off your chin.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:46:40 No.12243887
    anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.

    > anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    >no exceptions whatsoever

    > I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.

    anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    no exceptions whatsoever

    I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.

    > anyone and everyone who continues to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.

    >no exceptions whatsoever

    > I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> sleepy faggot mad at green for being a tripfag 11/30/10(Tue)22:47:22 No.12243910
         File1291175242.jpg-(376 KB, 1000x1000, magical_mystery_tour_ep.jpg)
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    but the fool on the hill...
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:47:27 No.12243911
    Dude, I'm not being funny, but /b/ is a fucking anon message board. Yeah sure people spend all day, every day here, but you're taking this whole situation over the top. We all know why 4chan was created, so in a way, it's already outlived it's "purpose". It's everyone who posts on here who make it good. Without us, it's a plain, orange message board. Jeez, go and get laid or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:47:31 No.12243913
    ITT: Green makes some good points, people bitch because it goes against an imagined core principle of their silly website.

    /b/'s time is over. Structures are in place that essentially ensure it cannot happen again. The internet only happened once.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:49:06 No.12243945
    >Mfw Chanology not only caused Scientology to be BANNED in Germany, but also caused it to close down/abandon a large number of its facilities
    Raids were about 10x as effective before 2008 as they are now. Back then, maybe 10-20 people may have had actual cracking abilities. It was downright dangerous to set foot in /i/ in 2005-2007 as back then, there actually WERE skilled crackers hanging around 4chan, god knows where they fucked off to now. Baiting and turning in pedophiles, establishing proxy servers for Iranian citizens to get their message out, as well as the most effective raid off all, the Hal Turner incident, the only time we actually managed to put massive damage on a target (according to Hal, the DDoS alone cost him 1 trillion USD in bandwidth, but this is obvious bullshit).

    4chan may never have done anything truely great, but you are a fool if you think they've never done ANYTHING. Reddit sees itself as the Lawful-Good counterpart to 4chan's Chaotic-Good. Reddit still believes we have power. We have demonstrated that while not a superpower, we can definately mobilize a ton of people. Chanology is not 4chan. But we started it. They're still running it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:50:32 No.12243970
    Wow. Thanks for ruining that entire EP for me.

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:53:55 No.12244020
    OH SHIT, Beatles reference.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:54:46 No.12244033
    and it had nothing to do with the post at all
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:55:08 No.12244036
    It's an album now, where else could you hear SFF, and Penny Lane?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:56:33 No.12244053

    >You are just a special kind of loser aren't you?

    Guess so but who are you to judge me for what I do though?
    I don't play video games for hours on end.
    Trolling omegle spamming with ignorance reminds me of the days of aol and punters.
    Its just the kind of game I like to play.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:56:56 No.12244064
    Doesn't matter. Beatles references are always welcome, the fucking Beatles are always relevant.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)22:58:07 No.12244075
    Good job taking credit for something you had no part in. Germany didn't ban Scientology because some retards stood outside a building with masks and signs. Also, Scientology isn't even banned in Germany, it's just not allowed religious status.

    Reddit is just at toothless as 4chan. Internet communities need to stop taking themselves so fucking seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)22:58:47 No.12244085

    >/b/ amusing
    >interesting thing happen

    confirmed for troll, no need to be here people you can all go home now
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:00:14 No.12244101
    > It's an album now
    It never WASN'T one...?
    > where else could you hear SFF, and Penny Lane?
    Um, as a single? Idiot.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 11/30/10(Tue)23:00:35 No.12244107
         File1291176035.png-(24 KB, 305x1133, reports_1291175932495.png)
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    We want to post too!

    Pic related

    Which thread?

    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:01:14 No.12244114
    I found /b/ in April, 2007
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:03:24 No.12244144
    > Doesn't matter.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:03:40 No.12244148
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:05:31 No.12244175

    That's not the point. The point of /b/, is to be. It's to be somebody. Life is about leaving behind a legend, a trace of your self, and /b/ is a good enough place as any to do that. Strangely enough.

    Being somebody is what everybody wants.
    >> Dr. Fluke Hawkins !NFbC/Kci56 11/30/10(Tue)23:06:28 No.12244191
    Even money says all of those are NOT VIDYA.

    Fucking nazis.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)23:07:37 No.12244209
    Thanks for replying.

    I guess this is obligatory, but how does one go about becoming a janitor? The entire idea of deleting spam, CP, and other shitty posts just seems so appealing to me. I feel like I owe it to you guys for keeping these boards so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:09:12 No.12244235
    that's a lot of reports for not vidya
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:09:18 No.12244238
    An EP isn't an album, and it was actually released as a double EP in 1967.

    Since none of the singles were included on any of the albums (Across The Universe being an exception), you wouldn't be able to hear SFF, PL, Hello, Goodbye, Baby, You're a Rich Man, or All You Need Is Love as all of these songs were originally released as singles and not part of the original double EP release (There was an LP released in the US as a soundtrack for the MMT film which eventually became the MMT album that we know today, however, this wouldn't take place until the release of The Beatles catalogue on CD in 1987). So, if we still had the double EP version of MMT we wouldn't be a way to listen to the songs I listed above, unless you bought the singles individually.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)23:09:43 No.12244247
    How many of those /v/ threads do you guys actually take care of? I remember a period a few months ago where threads were being deleted left and right... But now the doubles fags have taken over.
    >> sleepy faggot mad at green for being a tripfag 11/30/10(Tue)23:12:13 No.12244288
    ... or maybe you're a pedo that just wants to get a shortcut to his CP

    i mean seriusly... who do you think you're fooling?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:13:12 No.12244307
    I guess I'm an oldfag, but thats probably due to age (I'm 40) as much as time lurked.

    I heard about 4chan because of my involvement with anti scientology groups and started lurking /b/ around the time chanology kicked off.

    /b/ is a powerful tool, an anonymous individual with a good idea and the skill to articulate it can mobilize a personal army in a manner that has not been demonstrated elsewhere on the internet, chanology is undeniable proof of that.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:13:39 No.12244314
         File1291176819.jpg-(9 KB, 184x181, 1266805805700.jpg)
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    not an album?
    > According to the rules of the UK Charts, a recording counts as an "album" if either it has more than four tracks or lasts more than 25 minutes.[3] Sometimes shorter albums are referred to as "mini-albums" or EPs.

    > we wouldn't be a way to listen to the songs I listed above, unless you bought the singles individually.
    That's what I said...
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)23:14:02 No.12244320
    Myself, of course.

    But in all honesty, the idea of cleaning up the boards just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:14:14 No.12244323

    >which thread

    The "post ur eyes lol" thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:14:31 No.12244333
    >Implying they didn't fund the Rally to Restore Sanity singlehandedly by raising $800,000 in donations and don't play an active role in politics today
    Stop in some time. You might learn something.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:18:13 No.12244397
    Album = LP

    Until about a week ago (itunes), you couldn't buy Beatles singles as they don't release their singles in a physical format anymore.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)23:19:05 No.12244415
    Wasn't that Stephen Colberts thing? Well they threw their money at a rally that... Uh.... Hmmmm. Oh, they really didn't DO anything at it. Hell, did it have any impact at all?

    Also, tell me how they're active in politics, because I don't believe you.

    Writing to a senator is not active in politics, and neither is protesting, so don't count that crap.
    >> piddles !!DHXr4YP5bGI 11/30/10(Tue)23:21:03 No.12244436
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:22:07 No.12244449
    Go fucking ask them, they are far better with sources than we are.

    It was originally the rally to restore truthiness, an entirely Reddit idea. They came up with it. They raised shittons of money. Colbert agreed to do it. It confused the FUCK out of the media. If you had payed any attention at all you would have seen the effect it had.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:22:16 No.12244453
    >>>Implying they didn't fund the Rally to Restore Sanity singlehandedly by raising $800,000 in donations and don't play an active role in politics today


    ha ha ha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:22:52 No.12244460
    > Album = LP
    Whatever you say.
    > Until about a week ago (itunes), you couldn't buy Beatles singles as they don't release their singles in a physical format anymore.
    You know once upon a time in the 1960s, you COULD buy them in a physical format?

    I don't get your point. If they had released the UK Magical Mystery Tour EP instead on the 1987 CDs, then they would've just put SFF, Penny Lane, etc. onto Past Masters.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:23:13 No.12244463
    Fucking moot all over again. Even the /b/uzzzzzzzzzzzzz was better than this shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:23:38 No.12244469
    What exactly upsets you so much about an eye thread?

    Seriously, that's the most harmless thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:24:22 No.12244475
    The Beatles released (the official release in Britain) MMT as a double 7", less than twenty minutes of music in total. Not an albums length of material, and the Beatles themselves refer to MMT as an EP or record (non-specific, refers to any recorded performance). I couldn't care less what some google search for the definition of an EP got you, if it goes against what the Beatles said, fuck 'em.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:24:48 No.12244483
    /b/ is dead now. I know many /b/rothers who have left and a few who refuse to give up. I love /b/ but the cancer is too much now. I don't even get any lulz anymore. It was a sad day when /b/ became boring. It's all the newfags who don't know what it's about. The cancer. Not much OC. When I started lurking /b/ was a genuinely scary place. I wouldn't post. Just observed until I felt I was ready to speak my first words. These newfags don't know that. /b/ had become a trend for teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:24:52 No.12244485
    >Implying they didn't
    It was their idea in the first place you convoluted twat.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:25:27 No.12244494
    /b/ wrote a letter to that old guy one time.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:26:37 No.12244510

    Did I ask for your opinion faggot?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:05 No.12244547
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    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:06 No.12244548
    Not to mention National Opt-Out Day, which was a screaming success as it caused the TSA to shut down ~90% of their scanners for a day just so that they could report that nearly nobody opted out when there were no scanners to actually opt out of.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:14 No.12244550
    Oh, so it was one of those "troll" things I've heard so much about.

    .....they spent $800,000 to "troll" the media?
    That is the stupidest fucking cause I've ever heard of.

    Is there anything else the rally did?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:37 No.12244558

    Go suck a dick newfag. Remember when mods werent such huge faggots?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:43 No.12244562

    same here - i just watched and learned for the longest time
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:29:56 No.12244565
    If /b/ didn't exist game chats wouldn't be full of people knowing about it and referencing about it constantly and failing to be funny. I even preffered chuck norris to this, fuck you 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:30:26 No.12244573
    Sup Mod, if you're still here, what's the URL for the mod board(had it but forgot it)? I'm well aware I can't access the actual posts, I just want the URL.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:32:58 No.12244598
    I loved /b/ cuz it was funny as fuck, i started in high school about 4 years ago, i was just lurking and stuff, YTMND brought me there, but /b/ just isnt as funny anymore, its getting really boring looking for stuff that will actually make me laugh, well you can only laugh at the same thing so many times, so to me, /b/ is clearly not what it used to be. i just want a good laugh, no ANON IS LEGUN LOL stuff,

    just a good laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:33:34 No.12244604
    i'm going to bed... sorry for referring to beatles earlier and troll you fags into flaming eachother with your intense music production knowledge...

    well.. good night... i hope that when i wake up tomorrow, i find the filter still on... cause THAT my m00t... would be A STATEMENT
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:34:36 No.12244615
    God dammit, I hate these threads. And this mod is evidently new. Go compare your e-penises somewhere else.

    Yeah, I mad.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:36:06 No.12244637

    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:36:52 No.12244650
    Serious cat is seriously unimpressed with newfaggs lack of skills
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:37:05 No.12244655
    You're missing the point entirely. They wanted to make the media know that there was a strong, vocal segment of americans who are tired of their bullshit. They fucking did it. They delivered. They made Glen Fucking Beck stop and take a minute to shift his attention. Is one rally going to do fucking anything? No. If you think any rally would, you are an idiot. It is part of a movement.

    4chan used to be the big kid on the block. If something went down it didn't like, it would throw its entire weight behind it and get shit done. Now it's Reddit's turn. They have more real world power than we ever did. 4chan's time is over. We're done. Now, Reddit has stepped up to fill the power vaccum.

    And you would realize all of this, if you weren't retarded.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 11/30/10(Tue)23:38:46 No.12244673

    /b/ is still pretty funny.. you guys should probably check it more often instead of hanging out here bitching
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:38:58 No.12244679
    I"m pretty sure you're the faggot.
    There's a different board.
    One that actually has the 4chan layout, and no prompt for pass and name before entering.
    I would show you my Screenshot, but my computer got fucked and I lost my pics.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:41:15 No.12244713


    I'm the one who's actually addicted. I check /b/ every 20 minutes or so. It has the occasional worthwhile thread, I'll give you that, but by and large it's reposts of reposts of reposts.

    Seriously, have you not been here since before '08? Thread quality has significantly declined.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:41:36 No.12244720
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    > /b/ is still pretty funny
    Oh man moot must've been high as balls when he accepted you as a mod. Now it's all clear to me why /v/ is such shit and no underage posters get banned.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:41:58 No.12244724
    This... actually seems like a much more effective report system than what I have to use. Lucky.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:42:28 No.12244732

    >/b/ is still pretty funny.

    ....I don't even know what to say.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:42:46 No.12244737
    >/b/ is still pretty funny

    Something new is posted about once a year. The rest of the time it is reposts from like 2007.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:43:04 No.12244745

    Uh, no.

    >I'd post Ralph but it would be unoriginal
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:43:55 No.12244758
    Oh man what the fuck did you just oh what the fuck jesus fuck
    stop now
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:44:06 No.12244761
    We need to get these newfags to watch and learn before posting their bullshit on our /b/. Just like we did.
    >> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/30/10(Tue)23:44:28 No.12244765
    What's your nick on IRC?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:46:51 No.12244791
    >OP IS A FAG
    >Dumping tits.
    >Post tits.
    >Sauce on these tits?
    >Sauce on these tits?
    >Dumping tits folder.
    >YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE *unfunny picture*
    >nigger nigger nigger nigger
    >Sauce on these tits?
    >Sauce on these tits?

    Please tell me you're joking.
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 11/30/10(Tue)23:46:55 No.12244792
    I don't have a problem with the message, I have a problem with the delivery. Okay, so the media covered a group of people with a popular opinion among young people and idealists, and Glenn Beck shifted his attention to it as well. I don't have a problem with that.

    It was probably about as effective as a hippie festival. Sure the media will take a look, but after it's over everyone goes back to not giving a shit.

    One thing that the Chanology bullshit (no matter how much I hate it) has over that rally is longevity. That rally may have burned bright, but it also burned right the fuck out.

    What a waste of money.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:48:01 No.12244808
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    Capped for many years to come
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:48:46 No.12244813
    /b/ should have the ability to post text removed, as the only threads that are funny anymore are image threads.

    Just turn on puddi forever
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:49:10 No.12244820

    I'm sure you're thinking about /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:49:20 No.12244822

    I feel ya brother.

    Problem is, these people are so stuck up their own ass that they think they are better then everyone else. "Oh look at me, I browse /r9k/, the most intellectual board on 4chan, everyone else is so immature and unfunny!"

    If you go to /b/ looking for shit, you're gonna find shit. But if you keep your eyes open, you just may find gold.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:49:55 No.12244827
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    8/10. Believable in terms of the words you used.

    I refuse to believe you're seriously that idiotic, therefore you are trolling.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:50:57 No.12244842
    Until otherwise proven
    This is samefaggotry
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:51:20 No.12244847
    You seem to be under the impression that 4chan ever wanted to
    >have more real world power

    Seriously, we spent years trying to obscure ourselves from real world attention; things like Chanology are looked down upon with disdain by any sane "older" member, for the effect they had on this site.

    Stop trying to make 4chan sound better than it ever was. We hate that. We don't believe we're a tool for social progress. Why would we ever want to be.
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 11/30/10(Tue)23:51:22 No.12244848

    >I browse /r9k/, the most intellectual board on 4chan

    /lit/ and /sci/ would like to have a word with you!
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:52:13 No.12244866
    Mod buddy.

    Have you ever been to /lit/?

    Anyone with a real opinion on literature ignores the place.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:52:17 No.12244868
    Refreshing for two hours and sifting through a desert of porn, trolls, and reposts isn't really worth it.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:53:05 No.12244878
    >People with no taste+trolls+trolls+religion+trolls+wanting free books

    Just stop now
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:53:36 No.12244890
    You are now realizing that you have been trolled. I seriously doubt he was actually serious.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:53:49 No.12244893
    The original concept was of a counter-rally, to be hosted on 10/10/10 in response to Glen Back's rally. By the time Colbert accepted this date was impossible so it was moved to the 30th. It may not have done much, but it's what they wanted. They wanted to go toe-to-toe with the very worst of the media icons, and they fucking did it.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:56:47 No.12244929

    Regardless, my opinion still stands. /r9k/ (aka facebook 2.0) of all boards should'nt have such a big ego.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 11/30/10(Tue)23:57:51 No.12244943
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    >calling r9k facebook 2.0
    >not calling /b/ facebook 2.0
    >> Anonymous 11/30/10(Tue)23:59:17 No.12244959
    >/b/tard since 2003
    >4Chan started in 2004

    Ho hum...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:00:10 No.12244972
    If you've ever been on this board for more than 5 minutes you'd know that people here just tell amusing greentext stories of inferiority and childhoods as well as a rare actual discussion. I can't blame robots for an unwanted air of intellectual superiority when the only other board with free reign is full of impressionable kids that don't know when to stop posting driveling shit and stale memes because it's the thing to do.
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 12/01/10(Wed)00:00:49 No.12244978
    >lurk moar
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:00:58 No.12244980
    > I can't blame robots for an unwanted air of intellectual superiority
    Why do people think this is exclusive to /r9k/? This goes for EVERY board that isn't /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:01:16 No.12244986
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:01:38 No.12244995
    Well of course. Any power we had back in the day was power we had as a coincidence. Often times this simply manifested itself in the form of an ion cannon barrage. When shit really hit the fan, we could bring a lot of force to bear, more than any one internet group ever had before. I mean, this past year, we became the first internet group ever to decare war on a sovereign nation. That is pretty impressive by itself. Of course, the best we could do at that point was muster a meager number of script kiddies with old LOIC clients. One or two people exploited XSS vulnerabilities. But we still managed to take on a nation.

    Not saying that it was our intention to be powerful, but it was fun to be the baddest bunch of motherfuckers on the block for the short three years that power lasted.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:02:34 No.12245006
    Needs more PUDDI!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:04:09 No.12245035

    Clogging up the place with nostalgia trips, real or imagined is a pointless pain in the ass:

    Here's a typical example of /b/ullshit senseless posturing for the sake of what, I'm not sure:

    "Dude I've been a /b/ro since '04 back before all these fags turned up and ruined the place with their cancer."

    Yeah whatever and so what? Even if you're telling the truth you're automatically Lord Worthy? An instant creator of guaranteed genius?

    Far more likely some prick who thinks years of flinging pictures and inane shit up onto a board counts for something and that 'being here before' is even worthy of mentioning while posting anonymously (or otherwise, if you're a tripfag, Newsflash: it doesn't mean shit either).

    It doesn't and has never mattered.

    I first came here in August of 2009 and that doesn't matter, I'm 28, that's irrelevant. I've been on the internet for an appalling number of hours in my life (to make up for the first 12 years of not having it I think) it's also not really that important,

    Provided you're not an utter faggot who spams unfunny, useless, boring shit, (much like an internet starved 12 year old) then post. Waxing lyrical about halcyon days when /b/ was 'less shit' does no-one any good.

    The faggots who like the place stay and bitching about it doesn't somehow make you indispensable.

    Inb4: Newfag, butthurt, faggot, noob, umad, etc..

    I also realise the irony of complaining about what cunts some people are makes me a complaining cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:04:50 No.12245051
    I'm going to report this mod just to see what happens...
    >> -Duffle&Slack- !/i4xDUFFLE 12/01/10(Wed)00:06:10 No.12245077
    You know that will make 4chan catch fire
    Don't fucking do it
    I fucking warn you
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:06:38 No.12245090
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    While /b/ has funny threads, you have maybe a 25% chance that the frontpage will actually have one of those at any given time, with the rest being:
    -Chubby Girls Post Pics
    -Check my dubs (300 replies)
    -John copypasta
    -John copypasta again

    With exams coming up I've been refreshing /b/ a lot more often than usual, but the sifting is tiresome.

    On the other hand though, there was a thread by a math professor last week, and that was actually awesome. In the few cases where the board is any less than completely unwilling to converse (ie gtfo newfag, tits or gtfo, etc etc), it can be okay, but the general trend of bitter unwillingness to trust or communicate which has become law amongst newer boardmembers is what kills the majority of collaboration that could be.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:08:21 No.12245107
    So you came here in 2009, when /b/ was already flooded with shit 20 hours out of the day, and you claim you know /b/? Fuck off, faggot. You probably saw a few gore threads, your momma got scared, and said you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air...because you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:09:54 No.12245131
    For example, recently, /b/ introduced the Hitler (abbrev. H) as a SI unit of measure.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:12:32 No.12245170
    Exactly. He didn't have to deal with truckloads of combos, mudkip spam, BARREL ROLL XD, that fucking cat, et cetera.

    At least we had daxflame, zimmer, and Player 1.
    >> s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 12/01/10(Wed)00:14:51 No.12245197
    i love how this thread has two faggot retards from /b/ at most who are samefagging all over the place and agreeing with themselves

    > anyone and everyone and all who continue to care about /b/: it's state, status, quality or lack thereof, past, or future, is a stupid moronic fucking moron.
    > no exceptions whatsoever
    > I only say "continues to" to leave room for people who are very very very new to /b/ and/or 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:17:52 No.12245243
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    an nothing of value was lost...
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:23:52 No.12245319
    Oh wise and knowledgeable master do enlighten me!

    No actually don't.

    I do actually like /b/ yes it's full of shit and the fail rate is high and the number of threads about cocks and underage boys is depressing, but other than that it's not so terrible, at least there's occasionally some funny fuckers on there.

    You go hunting for the diamonds in the rough, you can't expect them to fall in your lap, either that or you make them yourself.

    'Knowing /b/' is not possible, every day it is a variation on a theme. Today that theme is Puddi.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:24:29 No.12245329

    I could say the same thing about /r9k/. 80 percent of the threads are just people complaining about their lives.

    The other 20 percent are the exceptions. But you can get the same level of conversation on almost any other board.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:26:33 No.12245349
    I was on /b/ for 10 hours a day erryday end 2005-2007 and it was undoubdtedly the best time ever in my life. As someone born in the 70s i would never have imagined such a concentration of conscious and inconscious collective having fun online, doing stupid stuff and playing games on itself.
    Since the eternal newfag summer, i'd say 2008, the signal to noise ratio is just impossible to cope with. I'm not bionic and i can't parse through thousands of posts an hour to find the hidden gems.
    Also i'm twenty years past my teens so i can't really relate to contemporary teens' minds, and /b/ is really teenagey now. I hope they're having a lot of fun and that the content is up to snuff.

    But seriously, for example Cho Seung Hui Vtec and happybirthdaytoyou party hat shop, the creative output was out of control. This was staggering and my exgf who's a contemporary artist and quite respected btw was amazed.

    I'm incredibly proud and happy to have witnessed such things, it's the next best thing after instant telepathic communication. I'd never have believed it possible, and now that it's time for the internet to die or go stale, those memories will be cherished.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:27:32 No.12245365
    read alot but overall tl;dr..
    I appreciate this thread for what it could have been and honestly if OP is not a troll I'm amazed that this thread even exists...
    But the robots are a closed minded group of horny teenagers who must talk to others like them and post pictures and hopefully meet someone to feel less insecure, like the majority of newfags are on /b/.
    Thats why I barely visit 4chan anymore. Good try OP, good try.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:30:39 No.12245419
    That may be, good sir, but when you're around long enough you recognize a general pattern.

    Also, for everyone who says /b/ is mostly shit: it is. 90% of /b/ is complete junk. But that still leaves 10% that is gold, and the fact that /b/ has such an incredible turnover rate allows it to produce said gems much more rapidly than any other board or, indeed, most sites.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:31:06 No.12245425


    as of right now there has been an enormous amount of camwhore tits posted with "puddi" written on them.

    I hate tits though. SMH


    Not samefag. I reported for illegal content and got banned/warned.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:33:57 No.12245460
    Thank you. I've been lurking around this thread rather than commenting for a while now. Like /b/, most of what people are saying is worthless, but it's the rest of it that matters anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:35:38 No.12245494
    I would hope that I might have something better to do than to recognise this pattern you mention whatever it might consist of.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:37:01 No.12245519
    And that is fine. Just don't lie like a faggot and act all pretentious.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:38:12 No.12245539
    OP, the problem is is that people take the internet too seriously now.

    Think about it. When 4chan started nobody really gave a fuck about the internet.

    We've lost sight of the original theme -- doing shit for the lulz. That in itself was once a cancerous phrase, but it rings true?

    Think about it. All these threads on these boards are serious. GUISE HELP ME WITH MY RELATIONSHIT. HACK THIS FACEBOOK. BAWWWW. UNFUNNY IMAGE MACRO WE'VE SEEN SINCE 2007.

    Coming from someone who's been on here since '05, this is the problem. There's no going back. There's no reason to want to. We should all be grown up and not care -- I was 13 when I came on here but I realized an important lesson for life -- don't take anything too seriously and dick around and have fun while you're here.

    Remember Habbo? That shit was done for the fun of fucking with people. That was the turning point. After that, everyone started taking shit seriously. Forum hacking? Originally, we just wanted tears and something to laugh at to distract us from the futility of life.

    Now? its for revenge or psudeo-serious purposes.

    Anon is legion, do not forgive or forget was meant that we will fuck with you if we feel like it because it amuses us. Now? People want e-fame and to take credit for 'raids' to make themselves feel important, which instantly detracts from the original goal -- the lulz.

    Lulz is nonexistant now. Nobody wants it. They just want their 'credit' for 'raiding' or creating content.

    The original spirit was to be a faceless part of a giant collective contributing things selflessly. Who made that macro? Not you, certainly. Anonymous did.

    Anonymous is dead. They should force tripcodes already and be done with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:40:14 No.12245573
    >Just don't lie like a faggot

    Where did I lie?

    Apologies if I came off like a twat perhaps I was expecting more bile than I got.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:42:07 No.12245603
    >mfw I have 5 tabs all playing puddi puddi
    fuck yo shit op, i didn't even read it.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:44:00 No.12245633
    Actually, I did make the image I posted, since /r9k/ requires you post original content.

    If you're referring to the original I simply layered my edits on, then you are correct.

    I do agree with your sentiment. I also think there is nothing that can be done about it. Most of what would be lost if /b/ and 4chan went away would be completely worthless. But there would still be that small percent that matters. And small is relative. 4chan is enormous, /b/ in particular, hence why 4chan churns out such a profound if largely still underground cultural impact.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:45:15 No.12245651
    As a newfag wwho has been here since September (laugh it up) and reading about how fun/ny things used to makes everything so depressing,wish it were possible to live threw something like that. I'm pretty tired so this might not be very coherent but maybe it's time for anew website
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:45:40 No.12245658
    I meant in general, not your specific image.

    Like who came up with cockmongler? Pedobear? AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR? An hero?

    Anonymous did.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:46:19 No.12245674
    You talked as i you knew /b/ at first, but in the end admitted you just don't bother to take the time with it because you don't find it worth your time. That's fine. I you hate the violin and don't want to take the time to learn it, to each his own. But don't say you picked up a violin once, sucked at it, and then conclude the violin sucks as an instrument--even if most of the people who pick on up make it sound like old prostitutes scratching their nails on blackboards.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:48:40 No.12245705
    probably a troll but I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:51:01 No.12245740
    Not a troll but your welcome
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:51:52 No.12245749
    You nerds need to get of the internet and fuck some bitches. lol. arguing about /b/

    Well, when you herp, you derp
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:52:22 No.12245756
    >Not a troll but your welcome
    >your welcome

    U so funny, newfag troll!
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:52:46 No.12245762
    I was laughing at you fag lawl
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:53:09 No.12245767
    >Implying you're not on 4chan right now, taking the time to respond to this thread instead of fucking said bitches.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:55:15 No.12245804
    >Missing the point
    The point was, stop arguing about /b/. People are losing their shit because they can't post on it for a day. like its worth even posting on haha.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:56:37 No.12245817
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)00:57:48 No.12245836
    > any person who says "disregard internet, fuck bitches" should live what they preach by maintaining sexual intercourse 60 minutes an houe, 24 hours a day
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)01:04:43 No.12245919
    I do spend a disturbing amount of time on these boards, they can be very useful places, /b/ included. I don't claim to see patterns in the behaviour of /b/ beyond the forced memes and the odd cause that really gets under the skin of some people or when phenomena break out and swallow huge chunks of pages with their madness.

    More opinion I'd say though than 'lie', all over you see astonishing number of anons spit the same spiel of being here since 04 and how the place is dead to them and yet there they are posting.

    If they're lying when about when they first came here, why bother ?

    If they're telling the truth, what good, beyond annoying newfags, is there in banging on about it?
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)01:10:29 No.12245986
    OP here.

    I come back to /b/ because it's a good time waster, mainly, and because sometimes interesting things happen and it's nice to participate. I don't post very often because most threads are not worth responding to.

    I agree with your sentiment: if you complain about it so much, then leave. Complaining is not only annoying, it's really juvenile, and nothing is forcing you to stay on /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/01/10(Wed)04:38:25 No.12248054
    Shieeeeeeet.... This thread still alive?

    oh lawdy.. /b/ still wordfilters :3 oh m00t... yoku so crazy ;D... this is great btw... since when i got up today and checked on the wounded soldier... the vaccine was actually working! And you can see OC in every 20th... if not 15th post! (err... that's a great improvement IMHO)

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