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  • File : 1290495026.png-(170 KB, 830x619, untitled.png)
    170 KB Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:50:26 No.12132259  
    what the balls is this shit, moot?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:51:03 No.12132263
    haha! This is me not donating to wikipedia
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:51:32 No.12132269
    It's because this dude keeps begging for money.
    And on /v/ earlier someone made a thread where he got 5 dubs in a row asking for money while posting a pic of him.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:53:03 No.12132286

    ookay. carry on, then.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:53:17 No.12132289
         File1290495197.png-(226 KB, 1236x406, Picture 11.png)
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    if you want to read long detailed accounts of things that don't matter you better send me your milkmoney
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:53:28 No.12132292
    and it links to

    I think moot was trying to do something funny, but he's too drunk
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:53:38 No.12132293
    the principle of both 4chan and wikipedia is similar. however moot is a notch higher than jimmy because mr.pole never asked for donation.

    allow me to thank you moot.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:54:29 No.12132305
         File1290495269.jpg-(67 KB, 366x488, wikiobjectivism.jpg)
    67 KB
    Jimbo's been making the rounds lately.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:54:42 No.12132307
    Why stop at 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:55:45 No.12132322
    Please read: A personal appeal from Mini Whales
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:56:00 No.12132327
    I tried clicking on it, but nothing happened. Am I being trolled by moot? Is this a meme that I'm not aware of?
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:57:03 No.12132345
    You gone on wikipedia lately? It's really fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)01:59:43 No.12132372

    I have, but apparently missed the giant banner because it's being blocked by NoScript.

    Thank you NoScript.

    And thank you for answering, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)02:00:11 No.12132384
         File1290495611.png-(240 KB, 1280x1024, wikipediarec.png)
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    Yes, Jimbo's obnoxious mug has been parading around Wikipedia for the past little while.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)02:02:32 No.12132408
    >mr.pole never asked for donation.
    You must be new here
    >> Anonyomus 11/23/10(Tue)02:05:30 No.12132442
    At first I thought the "Recession" article was in reference to his hairline and I lol'd hard
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)02:05:47 No.12132445
         File1290495947.jpg-(44 KB, 600x250, 002e1kqz.jpg)
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    I'm surprised these banners haven't been parodied yet a la "centipedes in my vagina" lady. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 11/23/10(Tue)02:05:55 No.12132448

    I hate that I know that is sasha gray holding up a book on existentialism.

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