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File : 1290332319.jpg-(22 KB, 400x400, Welcome.jpg)
22 KB Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:38:39 No.12102059 sticky closed  
Hello and welcome to /r9k/.
If this is your first time here on this board, you may have a few questions about what /r9k/ is and what it's for.
/r9k/ is a discussion board that was an offshoot of the /b/ random board. With its creation, moot implemented ROBOT9000. It was set in place as a content filter that would cut back on spam, forced memes and the endless reposts that make up /b/.

The Rules of the Robot are as follows:
1. If you post an image or comment that in unoriginal, you receive a temporary mute.
2. You mute time will double each time your post is unoriginal. (Mute counts decrease slowly)
3. You cannot post a picture without text.
4. Unicode/ Non-ASCII text is blocked.

Some general rules of conduct for posting in /r9k/:
1. Because we try to promote original content, please post well thought out replies and threads that contribute to the board.
2. Try to avoid "muteblocking" when possible.
3. Keep in mind that this is a discussion board and not Facebook or LiveJournal. Hookup threads, Rate Me threads and Relationship Advice threads are looked down upon and discouraged.
4. If you would post it in /b/, it probably doesn't belong on /r9k/.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:40:02 No.12102073
I think... this should be sticky'd.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:40:28 No.12102079
Dearest Mods,
If possibly, please sticky this thread.
Yours Truly,
>> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/21/10(Sun)04:42:05 No.12102091
>cancer threads are looked down upon and discouraged.

Yeah, that's why they all hit 150+ replies without fail.
I don't like them either, but you have to be a moron to think you're in the majority with this rule.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:42:16 No.12102094
hey guys you're not doing it right do it like this
come on guys
come on
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:42:46 No.12102096
agreed, this should be sticky'd pronto, m00t
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:44:36 No.12102109
All of this.

Let's get /r9k/ back to a general level of decency.

>but /r9k/ was never good!
Doesn't mean we can't fucking try.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:45:26 No.12102115
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:46:05 No.12102118
There was a time when /r9k/ wasn't like this, though. And really, these threads always have been looked down on my the majority of users. I'm not crying about it, but this board was set up for a reason. /r9k/ is getting close to /b/ levels and I'd hate to see that happen. I'd rater have newcomers see this and post more original threads than see what's usually on the front page and just mimic it.
>> Ash !!4hfH5t9Bs7j 11/21/10(Sun)04:46:16 No.12102122
>but /9rk/ was never good!

Only true newfaggots think this.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:46:49 No.12102130
Useful information for first time viewers? Sure

Does that make it right to fill up the first space with a sticky over original content? I think not.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:49:07 No.12102148
A lot of boards have an intro sticky that allow new users to see what the suggested "rules" of that board are. I honestly wouldn't mind dealing with a stick if it meant less "So what is /r9k/ anyway?" and /b/ threads.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:49:18 No.12102150
That they do.


And there's no chance in hell of a sticky. You all know that none of the mods give a shit about this place anymore.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:50:14 No.12102157
>"So what is /r9k/ anyway?" threads

That's troll shit, bro.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:51:30 No.12102165
It's worth a shot, at least. If anything it gets people talking about it and hopefully a couple of people read through
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)04:57:36 No.12102203
i wanted to get mad over this but i can't. was this place acrtually good once?
>> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/21/10(Sun)05:00:50 No.12102227
So all the camwhore and hookup threads leave. What then? Make even more Facebook threads where we bitch about trivial bullshit?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:00:51 No.12102228
2011 is right around the corner.
I think the whole of r9k should make a New Year's resolution with 1 goal: To make r9k good again.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:01:38 No.12102233
Eh, about as good as a board on 4chan can be. Admittedly, it didn't last very long and quickly declined to the state that it's in today. I kinda hold out hope that it won't completely devolve into /lolb2/. I don't rage over the crappy threads like some do, but I do miss being able to talk with other Anons with out having to dig through the first 10 threads of fluff.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:02:04 No.12102239
Posting in a potential stickied thread.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:02:53 No.12102248
no. just faggots fantasizing about a time when people won't call them faggots
>> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/21/10(Sun)05:02:55 No.12102249

So what's your idea of a good thread to land on?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:06:03 No.12102263
I'm not even saying that they have to leave, just cut back on them. That's why I said that they're looked down on, not BANHAMMER'D. It'd be nice to see more genuine contribution. More conversation, more new content, hell, I'd be happy to even see silly things like pictionary threads. I just feel like we're slipping further and further towards becoming exactly what we slit off from.
>> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 11/21/10(Sun)05:08:11 No.12102278

I'm asking what we do once we've cut back on the shittiness. I honestly believe /adv/ did a damn good job of that.
You probably have a really weird idea of what a conversation is on 4chan. Image boards and forums aren't exactly a good place for that.
>> !fURFaGCuMs 11/21/10(Sun)05:09:03 No.12102286
posting with trip in potential sticky thread.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:10:00 No.12102291
Showing precisely how lonely you are and how much you belong here.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:10:59 No.12102302
So, it's like an uncancerous /b/?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:13:19 No.12102320
But traces of the disease remain.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:13:28 No.12102322
>hell, I'd be happy to even see silly things like pictionary threads.

Pictionary threads sounds quiet fun, actually.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:15:19 No.12102339
Honestly? I kinda see /r9k/ as a mix of topics from all over 4chan. Want to talk about chess strategies? How about the game last night? It may be fairly trivial topics, but they're threads like that go unnoticed or shot down in their "dedicated" boards. I'd rather see a thread about webcomics or the best snack recipes that correspond with your favorite video games than mfw threads or foreveralone. I don't have the answers on how to fix /r9k/, but I do know that there are steps that we can take to make this board better than what it currently is.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:18:38 No.12102359
This isn't the circle jerk?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:19:42 No.12102364
Camwhores and tripfags will hate this thread. Those who admire the true original content of /r9k/ will love it, and encourage it.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:20:34 No.12102370
I have to give op props for describing r9gay without using the words virgin neckbeard misogynist faggots
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:21:52 No.12102378

Really, if you want to improve /r9k/, then start posting threads about whatever you're into, take all the relationshit to /adv/. Bump them past all the cancer threads. And don't sagebomb the cancer threads either, because it doesn't push them down any further, and may actually do more harm than good.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:22:26 No.12102383
smells like mod samefagging.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:25:49 No.12102409
If I were a mod, I'd sticky my own thread. And no, not samefagging. Trust me, I'm kinda surprised, too. It's threads like these that I'd like to see more often.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:29:24 No.12102437
that was pretty much the plan yeah
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:30:22 No.12102449
Threads like these sometimes appear, but they're not as well-thought-out, it usually just degenerates into angry neckbeards with a clubhouse mentality and normalfags being the attention whores they all are.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:35:43 No.12102483
I'd like to see this stickied.

But then again, even if it were, there's still the matter of TOGETHER ALONE ;_; at the top there.

Kinda seals our fate now doesn't it?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:36:36 No.12102486
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>close to /b/ levels
/v/irgin here. You think this is bad? Have you ever been to /v/? For chrissake, even /b/ can have vidya related discussions better than /v/ without it 404'ing or being deleted by mods. Yes I fucking mad
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:36:53 No.12102492
Requesting Sticky.

Many other boards have shit like this, suck it up and put that lil thumbtack up top.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:37:17 No.12102494
How about we just make a conscious effort to post quality content then? Forget stickying or anything like that, just work together on our own to make the board a better place. Then maybe the board title will eventually return to good old "ROBOT9000".
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:38:31 No.12102502
>With its creation, moot implemented ROBOT9000

XKCD created ROBOT9000. I think that should be noted.

>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:38:38 No.12102503
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I'm fit as a fiddle and ready for love.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:41:38 No.12102527
I have nothing against the normal kids or tripfags and don't hold the mentality that this is some sort of secret club, so I guess that makes it easier to be level headed about it.
This seems to be the typical description of this board and I kinda resent that, even if it's true. It'd be nice to see the mods step back up or for users to actually put some thought and effort into the things that they say and do. Then again, this is 4chan. Maybe we're just not meant to have nice things.

I hold out hope and try to at least lead by example without coming off as pretentious (hopefully).
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:41:42 No.12102530
We could really use the implementation of that /soc/ board idea that's been kicked around lately. I think the main problem here is that /r9k/ is sort of a default choice for those seeking some sort of social fulfillment on 4chan, and that's why no matter how many "good" threads we have we will never be able to change the fact that there is a demand for these "cancer" threads.

It would nice if we had the mod power to outright ban them, though. Shame that will never be a good choice financially, since pageviews are pageviews and all.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:44:26 No.12102543
We can be DECENT and still be bitter ronery misogynists.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:44:27 No.12102544
I meant with the creation of this board, moot implemented ROBOT9000. I was aware that it was created by XKCD, but it does make for a good footnote.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:45:46 No.12102555

lookin' for some love.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:48:52 No.12102570
You forgot your tripcode and facebook profile picture.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:49:22 No.12102574
desu, NARF!
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:50:27 No.12102581
fuck this shit
people learn best on their own
they'll start asking stupid questions, and people will put them in their place.
most people don't know their annoying,
>inb4, you're annoying
>> T.E.A !!SARYsMochLC 11/21/10(Sun)05:51:46 No.12102592
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Oh shit, you are completely right!

pic related, it's me in my prime.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:52:13 No.12102595
If only we didn't reply to every shit thread, fuck 200+ replies.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:54:11 No.12102603
>If you would post it in /b/, it probably doesn't belong on /r9k/.

so you didn't read the rules yourself?
I'm not even going to bother to quote the otherobvious mistakes you've made, but here's poignant one.

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:55:16 No.12102611
Most don't ask questions though, they just follow by example of what shows up on page 0. The concept of "lurk moar" is basically nonexistent anymore, or goes as far as looking it up on ED.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:55:57 No.12102615
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Hey Faggots,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:57:19 No.12102624
We need less hookup/relationshit threads and more philosophical stuff and informative threads. We should strive to become the gentlemen we once were, and then get better than that.

>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:58:52 No.12102634
I don't understand. That's the exact point I was trying to make. Keep those things to /b/ because they don't belong on /r9k/.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:59:08 No.12102635
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1.33 MB

Dear John,

Have you ever thought of writing a book regarding your exploits?

Sincerely yours,

A huge fan!

(pic related, it's me)
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)05:59:35 No.12102640
>We should strive to become the gentlemen we once were,
Newfags everywhere
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:00:31 No.12102643
I agree up to the point where everyone starts acting pretentious.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:01:18 No.12102650
Yeah you don't understand. You don't understand alot.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:04:48 No.12102665
Ah, I see. I which case, I apologize for my ignorance. And for being a "fagget".
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:12:02 No.12102699
wish I could nominate op for mod

I think op is a pretty cool guy. eh has a raesonabl view of what /r9k/ should be and doesnt afraid of anything
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:14:21 No.12102710
Seems a lot of self fellation.
>> STEVENT 11/21/10(Sun)06:14:25 No.12102711
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:17:58 No.12102727
I know, I was actually expecting more resistance than this. I mean, I'm pleased that it's a common sentiment, and it'd be kinda nice to see the original post stickied, but posts like >>12102699 are just silly.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:24:33 No.12102760
sticky this thread? sticky this thread.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)06:33:56 No.12102816
Do you think it'd be acceptable to repost this at a time when there's more traffic and people awake, or would that make an ironic mockery of the whole post?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)09:58:49 No.12104084
bumping a thread that should be sticky'd
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:00:05 No.12104098
How`s about I piss all over your face, faggot
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:00:48 No.12104103
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
you didnt use the original grey-ish robot picture, faggot
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:03:00 No.12104119
apparently the children are awake.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:03:57 No.12104126
Ill throw this a bump.

We forget, it's nice to be reminded anon.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:09:13 No.12104169
unnecessary. this'll probably get bumped off and on all day.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:12:54 No.12104196
<mfw this thread
apparently I'm on 4chan at the wrong time. I'm gonna start coming on at night where decent conversation happens and posts like this exist.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:25:18 No.12104320
posting in a potential sticky material.
op makes great points.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:31:47 No.12104380
>mfw you can't greentext. everything else you said is invalid.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:34:47 No.12104404
Sticky this thread now!
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:36:26 No.12104421
>Relationship Advice threads are looked down upon and discouraged.

This is bullshit. Relationship threads can be completely legitimate discussions. Betas need to stop bitching.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:38:56 No.12104435
Relationship advice belongs in /adv/.

>but no one goes to /adv/!
Maybe because no one gives a shit.

+1 sticky vote
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:40:08 No.12104444
Re: Improving the overall quality of /r9k/
I wish that /r9k/ (all boards, really) had a search function that worked like the f3 search function, except that we could type in a word or phrase and it would search all 15 active pages for threads whose original post contained said words or phrases. I think this would cut back on redundant threads and make it easier for those who do want to take part in an active discussion instead of just starting a new thread.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:41:40 No.12104460

/adv/ is empty because it clearly has no reason to exist. /r9k/ has and will always double as an advice board.

advice/relationship threads are some of the most interesting and original content on this board hands down. Betas just mad cause they can't relate.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:45:29 No.12104498
You're right, they do have the potential to be legitimate conversations, but we have a board completely dedicated and populated to giving relationship advice. Now, if you have something that doesn't quite fit the criteria of /adv/, it makes sense to post it here, but you wouldn't go to /k/ and post /s/ material unless they were beautiful women with guns. If you're going to post a tread, at least try to make it relevant to the board.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:46:04 No.12104504
>lant sackho
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:47:15 No.12104512
we had a sticky for some time before the reboot

it was more or less useless.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:47:29 No.12104515
why not post advice/relationship threads in /b/?

/b/ has 20 times the posters of /r9k/ and you're sure to get better responses or more people with experience over there.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:48:37 No.12104530
except that r9k is a 'random' board with no particular topic of interest
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:48:42 No.12104531

How can you make a thread relevant to a RANDOM board? This place thrives on irrelevance.


ha. good one.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:48:56 No.12104534
>most interesting and original content on this board
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:49:27 No.12104540
But there's /sp/ for soccer. It's not because you're american that you should force a sport called the same way as your local version of rugby to move to a new board.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:51:19 No.12104545
I am completely serious. Try asking /b/ sometime.
>> Gentleman 11/21/10(Sun)10:51:47 No.12104550
I must say, this particular thread deserves a sticky.

This is all in my honest opinion, of course.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:52:27 No.12104553
nice troll fag, but I mean a social board for camwhore/facebook people

keep them locked up in their own little ghetto
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:53:05 No.12104560
Honestly, because you'd get almost nothing but troll responses. Relationship threads in general aren't that bad, but the waves and waves of ForeverAlone threads are just awful. A well thought out and discussion evoking topic on relationships is great, the "why am i so ronrey/no one loves me" and LJ stuff really should just go.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:56:17 No.12104577
>>12104421 here


I support this.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:56:31 No.12104579

you have a sticky on /fit/ to answer basic questions people might ask, but what purpose would this /r9k/ sticky have?

explaining the rules? the rules are in the rules and the only people asking what this board is about are trolls.

telling people 'don't post stupid stuff nobody cares about'? you know they will.

there's a reason why the original sticky got deleted, it's just unnecessary.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)10:59:05 No.12104600
>only knows about /fit/s sticky
try looking at the other boards sometime normalfag, they have stickies with rules in them
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:01:31 No.12104618

this is backwards land where camwhore threads aren't cancer.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:03:06 No.12104625
The original sticky got deleted because the mods gave up and let this board fall to the state that it's currently in. Just because the mods gave up doesn't mean that the users have to. I know that integrity is hard to find on the internet, but we can control what we make of this board. I'd like to see this thread sticky'd because we do get wanders from other boards that don't know what /r9k/ is and I rather have them see this and hopefully contribute something worth while than just go off of /b/s standards of posting. This is 4chan, /r9k/ will never be great, but we can at least take these small steps to making it better than it is now. Defeatist attitudes and inaction are what got us in this position in the first place.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:06:14 No.12104648
backwards land, where the neckbeards are few and far between, and the normalfags and cumdumpsters rule
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:07:06 No.12104655
I hate to be the one to inform you of this but camwhore threads, on almost all boards (save /cgl/, maybe) really are a bane to most users. I'm not saying that they're the cancer that's killing our board, but it would be nice to see less than 3 cam threads a day. Some of you people ARE attractive, but if I see your face constantly, you lose your luster really quickly and for many that easily becomes resentment.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:08:41 No.12104673
i'm not gonna lie, this just got me a little fired up. i wanna make /r9k/ better.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:09:38 No.12104685
the /adv/ board was a pointless gesture
without actually banning relationhit threads here, absolutely nothing was going to change.
its like trying to run a prison on the honor system
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:11:50 No.12104707
Not all of the spin off boards take off, but /adv/ did help some (at least at first). /sci/ did leaps and bounds for the constant Theology vs Atheism threads (if you check, that's pretty much all that board is)
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:16:18 No.12104740
we need a /cutvsuncut/ board. or just rename /b/
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:17:58 No.12104756
it didn't do squat
the few times that I come by here all the front page is relationshit threads.
todays it the first time in a long time that I didn't leave in disgust upon seeing the front page,
and its really only because of this thread.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:18:54 No.12104767
once moot stops being a lazy motherfuck and makes /soc/ I'm sure all these camwhore/facebook/relationshit threads will migrate to the appropriate boards

and if he does make a /soc/ board it needs to stay the blotter for a month or more, get it as much exposure as possible cause we all know the average normalfag doesnt know shit about 4chan and the internet in general, they need a giant red arrow telling them where to go
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:22:20 No.12104790
to accomplish
you can make all the boards you want till your face turns blue,
unless there is an actual incentive for those people to move they are going to stay right here.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:23:04 No.12104800
That's why I said it was more helpful at first. Now less and less gets filtered over to /adv/. When these threads pop up, I tend to remind them that we have a board tailored to relationship advice, and try to direct them towards it. Getting the word out can be pretty helpful. A lot of people are unaware of the presence of other boards.
Tip: if you're going to post in relationship threads about /adv/, try not to sage bomb or be a huge dick, this is very counter productive.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:25:46 No.12104817
I don't know, if you could get a few of the key tripfags to migrate over, many would follow. Giving them free reign over there own corner of 4chan would be a pretty big incentive for the attention depraved. I think it stands a chance of being fairly successful
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:28:34 No.12104842
I just wish moot would post about the state of 4chan for once, what his thoughts are, what are his plans for the future, and what not.

He only posts in /b/ and even then it's just trolling.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:29:31 No.12104854
So, what do we have to do to get this sticky'd or get OP promoted to mod?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:32:31 No.12104876
4chan is what it is because its popular
that's all there is too it.
popular=shit is not just something edgy teenagers spout out,
its an actual reoccurring trend.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:32:42 No.12104879
write moot an email

spoiler: it won't work
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:35:06 No.12104902
>implying that moot has even once checked his 4chan email.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:36:24 No.12104913
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Bumping so that this can be stickied.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:39:44 No.12104949
posting in a to-be-stickied thread
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:40:16 No.12104954
The fact that people are even pushing for this to get sticky'd gives me some semblance of hope.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:42:41 No.12104972
Right when I thought /r9k/ wanted to kick the bucket.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:44:32 No.12104996
My mute time has always been 2 seconds.

I think it's borken.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:45:14 No.12104999
We've been on a self-destructive downward spiral for a while. This is a nice breath of fresh air.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:45:25 No.12105002
Depends on how often you are muted. It goes down every few days.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:45:59 No.12105007
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Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels.

Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them breaks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round.

I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world.

Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment.
When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 07840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3x5 card reading, "Please use this M&M for breeding purposes."

This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this "grant money." I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion.

There can be only one.

>repealed Jactes
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:46:43 No.12105013
Please sticky this. I sense a golden age in r9k.
>> Kitty 11/21/10(Sun)11:46:50 No.12105015
Come on, sticky :>
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:48:15 No.12105029
If you turned around and repeated the mistake, it would double your time. It wasn't too long ago that it wasn't uncommon for new users to get muted for 8+ hours because your mute count didn't reset.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:48:36 No.12105033
May I please marry you?
I am fertile, have good genetics, and am willing to fight other women to the death to win your hand.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:49:30 No.12105041
Why do we not have this already? This would be helpful as fuck
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:50:00 No.12105048
Someone go link from a board that gets the most mods, maybe they'll give a shit.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:50:20 No.12105052
Do you really not recognize ancient copypasta?
>> Mr. Bradeli !tRiPfAGSxc!!gOZ5rqq+i0U 11/21/10(Sun)11:51:33 No.12105058
That would slow down the rest of the boards like crazy. Searching takes up a lot of server resources.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:51:48 No.12105061
I don't think mods have cross board privileges, do they? Spamming another board with this seems to go against OPs point, anyway
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:52:25 No.12105066
Aren't all mods global, it's just the janitors that are defined to boards?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:53:11 No.12105075
Damn. I really wish that wasn't the case. A search feature would be fantastic.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:53:46 No.12105082
>implying she's not a cancerous newfag
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:53:50 No.12105083
Yes, they are, I wish moot would clarify so people would stop asking so much.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:54:39 No.12105097
In which case where would we go and how would we approach it? I don't want to muck up another board just for a sticky.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:55:13 No.12105100
I wish moot would let people know what sage does. He made fun of people who try to troll others by saying sage doesn't do anything.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)11:56:47 No.12105112
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Well let's try linking from /tg/ or /co/, they're definitely some of the more favorite boards by moot, and maybe his mods.

I mean it's not like /v/ or /tv/ get attention by mods.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:00:57 No.12105158
Link to the /tg/ thread so we can plead for assistance
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:03:19 No.12105184

There you go.
>> tumb/r9k 11/21/10(Sun)12:06:37 No.12105216
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fembot here

3. Keep in mind that this is a discussion board and not Facebook or LiveJournal. Hookup threads, Rate Me threads and Relationship Advice threads are looked down upon and discouraged.

(._. )
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:07:27 No.12105225
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:09:09 No.12105242
>fembot here
In what way is that relevant?

Go back to Facebook, you fucking cunt.
>> SmugAsFuck !YgQRHAJqRA 11/21/10(Sun)12:09:55 No.12105248
This. Keep in mind a lot of your traffic is from these "cancer" threads, and those users will eventually spill over into your philisophical discussions. This is what /r9k/ has become, and no amount of chemo or stickies is going to change that. Sadly, much a like /b/, no direction means you're subject to the whims of the masses. only the original content filter stops this place from being a meme-spouting shithole.

I ain't mad, you guys are just fighting a battle you've lost before it begun
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:10:06 No.12105252
This is just a hunch, but i think u mad
I also think u gettin trolled.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:10:16 No.12105254
That there is some tasty copypasta. I lold'
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:12:09 No.12105275
/tg/ doesn't seem to be capable of helping us, what about /co/?
They're certainly a lot friendlier of a board, I know they like to play phone call with /v/ and stuff.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:13:15 No.12105290
moot should just make /so/, a "social" board.

all the hookups, rate mes, life advice and relationship threads would go there and leave everywhere else clean. a lot of people are gonna say the creation of this board is cancer in its purest form, but this cancer is here to stay and will appear on /b/ and /r9k/ even if you actively enforce their absence. at least this will put it all into one area where it won't bother everyone else.

and you know what? i like the social threads, because not everyone on 4chan is a closed-off hermit. inb4 yes they are.

of course, that would mean the complete abandonment of /r9k/, since that's the only reason anyone ever comes here.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:14:07 No.12105307
Copy the /tg/ thread and try it over at /co/?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:15:07 No.12105320
>Hookup threads
>Relationship Advice
>looked down upon and discouraged.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:16:30 No.12105337
>hurr u dont liek camwhore/rate me threads? ur a neckbeard aspie

flawless logic anon
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:19:35 No.12105371

if that were the case, they shouldn't bother you more than forced meme threads. that just sounds like a pet peeve to me.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:19:35 No.12105372
Your reading comprehension is top notch
>> faxy !daxmmOpV1Q 11/21/10(Sun)12:19:37 No.12105373
just look at the taglines for /r9k/ over the past year

I for one, welcome our new Robot Overlords.
A GANGBANG OF WHINING (my favourite)
Alpha as Fuck mfw
beta as fuck :(
Together Alone Forever. ;_;

i mean seriously, is there any way back?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:22:15 No.12105402
We could at least try. This thread is a decent start.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:22:40 No.12105408
STICKY! NOW!! You hear me mods DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME!!!!
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:23:28 No.12105415
you can't force memes on /r9k/ though
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:24:39 No.12105434
>implying this was my face when we already have.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:24:39 No.12105435
Mods should start every post that contains "lol femanon here" or "to all femanons" and relationshit threads in general.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:24:47 No.12105437
>4. If you would post it in /b/, it probably doesn't belong on /r9k/.

but everything gets posted on /b/, therefore this board is redundant?

there's no logic in this.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:25:33 No.12105444
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dat downward spiral
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:25:40 No.12105449
/b/ is trolling, porn and camwhores.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:26:23 No.12105457
It was more focused on the typical /b/ meme spouting, name calling, pointless trolling and other wasted posts.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:28:19 No.12105474


people always find ways to circumvent this stuff. really, you can't guarantee that something won't be brought up twice. i'm sure in the past week alone we've seen at least 5 reposts, albeit reworded.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:30:34 No.12105503
>1. If you post an image or comment that in unoriginal, you receive a temporary mute.

This has to be the most pointless rule.

Everybody just edits their pictures and rewrites posts or use 'blox' to get passed that glorified toaster of a robot.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:32:05 No.12105522
the robot9000 looks like
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:33:15 No.12105544
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Woe, we are truly alone. Together... alone.
/tg/ cannot help us, and /co/ does not have a mod to help us.

If we really want /r9k/ to be good, we should start posting more threads of what we'd like to see on /r9k/, as opposed to camwhore threads.

Don't sage the camwhore threads, just ignore them and support good content.
>> david kazan !DAVIDKz.F. 11/21/10(Sun)12:36:25 No.12105578
>Implying people will ever observe those rules

>Implying they had any merit in the first place

>Implying /r9k/ isn't now, and always will be just an aspie version of /adv/
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:39:10 No.12105613
its only really got bad over the last few months of the summer.

i came here during may (i think) and its was fucken awesome

also sticky up in dis thread yo
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:39:45 No.12105625
i just wanted to say that this wins
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:44:35 No.12105676
>3. Keep in mind that this is a discussion board and not Facebook or LiveJournal. Hookup threads, Rate Me threads and Relationship Advice threads are looked down upon and discouraged.

[citation needed]

The 300+ replies posted in all daily social networking threads all say otherwise. Get the fuck our you wishful-thinking faggot
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:47:53 No.12105709
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:51:05 No.12105751
I agree, sticky this helpfull thread
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)12:52:32 No.12105767
Rate me threads and contact threads get the most participation on this board.

Just saying.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:02:15 No.12105883
fuck you, before you facebook fags took over we never had camwhore or rate me threads, that is a /r9k/ I want back
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:03:18 No.12105898
then maybe we need a separate board for camwhoring, hook up and rate me threads

call it /soc/ or social
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:05:54 No.12105939
I participate in contact threads and I don't even have Facebook (deleted mine some months ago)

I actually met interesting people with these threads, while Facebook would just destroy whatever social life I had

Don't remove one of the actually good features of this board
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:06:43 No.12105953
I think the biggest problem with /r9k/ is that underageB&s seem to get away with breaking the rules.

We need a mod to publicly ban a "16/M/whatever" in a hookup thread and sticky the thread so we can all yell variations of "MODS = GODS".
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:07:38 No.12105964
The point is that I want to socialize with people from /r9k/ (we are pretty much the same people going there every day), not other people from a whole new or different board
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:08:59 No.12105988
It would be all of the same people, only they'd have an entire board to themselves.

Also, bring back forced anonymous
>> Bash !!DOdQvuDmq+L 11/21/10(Sun)13:09:04 No.12105990
The general rules of conduct although meant with good faith, are totally laughable.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:18:10 No.12106124
actually we did
it was just a small part of it
back then I did warn you people that it was not something you wanted tolerated.
I was told to ignore the threads and stick to the ones I liked
its not like they are going to replace the board they said
oh how wrong they were.
at the very least /r9k/ stands as an example of what happens when a board lets unsavory characters run rampant.
other boards can now learn from our example
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:26:29 No.12106233
bumping for sticky goodness
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:39:55 No.12106441
does that mean you need a rate me/hook up/camwhore thread everyday?

I'm sure you've met everyone who has already posted in those threads, try out /b/ they have even more people to camwhore with
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:41:48 No.12106468
There's three contact threads on the front page. At first I was kinda against OP, but now I'm starting to come around...
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:50:07 No.12106599
ok now take what you are feeling now
and imagine that every single thread in the front page is a contact thread
how does it feel?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:51:12 No.12106616
feels like /b/ man
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)13:57:17 No.12106691
well then that's how I feel about relationshit threads,
and now you have a taste of what I felt when they took over the board.
its funny when I think about it actually
when some unsavory crowd muscles in a board I can take solace in the fact that someday in the future some other crowd will muscle themselves in and ruin it for them.
its like karma
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:04:34 No.12106779
and thus you prove my point
that a new board alone won't accomplish anything
you actually need to outright ban the activity to get people to stop.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:28:50 No.12107109
I agree.

We need mods using public bans on these faggots to make an example of them.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:37:01 No.12107210
look, for everyone that wants to out right ban people or censor others because they cause a raucous or something, YOU'RE MISSING THE WHOLE POINT OF 4CHAN. Some of the best ideas come from the extreme of points of view. By demanding people be "civil" or "considerate," you out right nerf everything to high hell. "I don't like that view point," "that person didn't proclaim their idea politely," all that bullshit is you riding your high horse of superiority.

4chan is a culture in constant flex. People have different ways of expressing themselves. Some things are popular now, other things get forgotten altogether.

Why are there so many threads you DON'T like? Because people ACTUALLY LIKE THEM. Don't like it? Sage it. Fuck off. Ignore it. Go to a different thead. MAKE YOUR OWN THREAD.

You just want to turn this into Facebook 2.0. Plain and simple. Just go back. You're ruining it for everyone.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)14:45:15 No.12107329
its incredibly obvious
that this is copy pasta
you retard can't even be arsed to put any effort to anything
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)17:10:52 No.12109337
b-b-b-b-bumping for sticky
>> HOW TO BE A CAT BURGLAR pt. 1 Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)17:25:27 No.12109549
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1. Obtain a cup of water

2. Place said water in freezer

3. With low temperatures, the water should freeze in minutes

4. Take the frozen water to the point of burglary

5. Throw in the window

6. Window breaks, steal everything, water melts

7. No evidence detected

You are now a cat burglar.
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)17:37:08 No.12109739
>> hook up threads and contact facebook relationship shit is good. if you don't like it you must a neckbeard lol

you guys are fucking retarded.
>> Anonyomus 11/21/10(Sun)17:40:10 No.12109787
So has anyone emailed moot yet asking this to be stickied?

Because he does check his email. I'VE SEEN HIM
>> Anonyomus 11/21/10(Sun)17:57:38 No.12110085
bump; email him guys
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)18:52:53 No.12110964
email moot you faggots. why isnt this sticky'd yet?
>> Anonymous 11/21/10(Sun)23:37:18 No.12115393
If only... if only...

Bumping regardless.

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