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File 13206250498.jpg - (26.76KB , 355x425 , 1320613532114.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
120904 No. 120904

/r9k/ on Chris Chan:

"Let me get this straight...There's a wiki chronicling this one autistic dude's life and people actually care and pay attention to this ONE AUTISTIC DUDE'S LIFE? This is really REALLY sad. That's coming from a guy with nothing better to do than post on 4chan."

"I feel like writing some emails to Chris and maybe pretending to be a sweatheart. What personality archetypes havent been done yet?

I was thinking of pretending to be a sodeep hipster girl who feels sorry for him after his trolling ordeal. has it already been done? I doubt he'd fall for the same trick twice."
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>> No. 120907
People still use 4chan.

>> No. 120916
I used to love browsing /r9k/ and found out tonight it had been re-opened again so decided to check it out. One of the first threads I seen were on Chris. That has to be a good sign in my mind at least.
>> No. 120920
>I used to love browsing /r9k/

This explains so much.
>> No. 120923

A wretched hive of scum and villainy.

By that, I mean worthless retarded fucks.
>> No. 120925
I would have been like 15 at the time or something, doesn't mean I can't have changed since then.

Anyway I just thought it was pretty interesting and that I would share.
>> No. 120927

>I would have been like 15 at the time or something, doesn't mean I can't have changed since then.

Yet you went back.
>> No. 120929

What? the fucking shy love board of 4chan is back again?

Oh crap...
>> No. 120931
There's many a potential lolcow on there. People whining about being forever alone, autistic, or about how much they hate women. It's not too different from browsing here really...
>> No. 120938

You sound in denial about how you post there since you are forever alone and loathe everyone, yourself the most.
>> No. 120939
>I would have been like 15 at the time
that explains even more
Is there anything worse than an underage namefag?
>> No. 120941

Protip : Most folks at 789chan are teenagers.
>> No. 120942
File 13206277775.png - (914.21KB , 632x857 , 1319911556929.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>"so why is he in court?
I have no idea how I missed this, I've been on 4chan pretty much without any breaks for the last 3 years..."
>> No. 120944
So did they all get mad and call each other betas like they usually do?
>> No. 120945
Wow, reading through those retard posts somehow made me feel better about this community.

That's fucking sad.
>> No. 120947
Did you tell him not to send the e-mail since Tito will ILLEGALLY log into the AOL account, delete it and then proceed to harass him because only the mighty PVCC have the privilege of talking to a retard.
>> No. 120948
I thought average age here skewed 20something.
>> No. 120950
You might be from the CWCki forum, then. The average age there seems to be higher than the average age here.

>> No. 120956
The sad thing is Chris is probably less of a foreveralone compared to some of them since he is fine with talking to women.
>> No. 120958
As pathetic as Chris is, remember he did get social interaction, if primarily by trolls in the last few years, and gets enough free money to be able to like, go out to buy shit. And his stupidity keeps him chugging along.

Some of the average chan-style board users worry the hell out of me more than Chris does, actually.
>> No. 120960
Are the people on that board that bad? I read through it for a couple of minutes and it didn't seem that way to me.
>> No. 120967
/r9k/ has a variety of topics ranging from "How can I get this girl to like me?" all the way to "How can I get this girl to fuck me??"
>> No. 120970
It was worse before the advent of /soc/ and /adv/
>> No. 120981
It also has responses like all women are whores why won't they talk to a nice guy me.
>> No. 120989
File 132063153061.jpg - (261.88KB , 1110x1120 , 1319369236176.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 121015
I think they're self-parody at this point. You know, like JULEY!
>> No. 121017
Wait, when was r9k brought back from the dead?
Is it still as worthless as it was during its last days?
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