>> |
11/08/10(Mon)13:02:17 No.11906655>>11904515
This. Don't go. I'm 31, and have been lurking /r9k/ and /b/ for quite a while. It's
always been terrible, afaict, the militant stupidity and pathetic
whining, the shitty copypasta, the barking of memes like it's going to
earn us all Boy Scout badges. Is it too much? No. I *like* the
cacophony. If there's any skill 4chan has honed for me, it's the ability
to find a signal amidst all the noise. There's a ton of brilliant
fucking people here, most of them indulging their need for anonymous
faggotry, but that's the very lifeblood of this place. All the
facebooky/rate me threads can piss up a rope (non-anonymous faggotry has
no place here, imho) but I'm hoping moot will hurry up with the /soc/
board so the bullshit will have a home. I mostly hang out on /sci/
these days, but rarely post on any board unless I have something useful
to contribute. (Or do I? Heh.) Oldfags are everywhere, I think we're
just better at holding our tongues. Most of the time. |