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  • won't have time to do a full post until later this week.

    File : 1289222051.jpg-(41 KB, 640x480, voyneb2.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:14:11 No.11904365  
    I've realized something a little sad. I don't belong here.

    No, not because I'm not beta; it's because I'm too old for you guys. I'm 30. I first came to 4chan in late 2005 when I was 25 (and it wasn't too pathetic for me to be here--well, okay, less pathetic than it is now). We lol'd at longcat and did retarded threads about pokemans and which Final Fantasy was the best FF evar. We did NOT make threads about how to hold a girl's hand or stupid Facebook shit (jesus christ it's like there is at least one thread about Facebook on r9k every fucking day). This makes me realize I'm completely not well suited for r9k.

    Can anyone else out there relate? Any oldfags feel alienated by a lot of the topics of this board?

    Oh, and I'm still going to sleep in a fucking tent in my bedroom. And my wife will love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:17:37 No.11904395
    Yeh, you've got to keep hiding those shitty threads until a decent one comes along.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:22:12 No.11904441
    >only just realized he shouldn't be using 4chan, let alone /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:29:35 No.11904482
    Yep, many many boards changed for teh worse, mainly go to /co/ now.

    4chan is too popular man, every idiot is posting.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:32:14 No.11904494
    I do, mang.
    I remember the early days, when people would post odd pictures from obscure websites they found in the corner of the net. Those were the good old days. People would actually create OC and not be tremendous faggots. And there was shit like /z/, until Soviet Russia, lulz...
    Nowadays the most obscure site anyone goes to is facebook, and that's just anathema to OC.
    I wish this thing would turn on a dime, Macross Zero-style...
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:34:44 No.11904511
    hold yer horses, you sleep in a tent in your bedroom? about a month ago another guy made a thread about it and how it went well over with the womenfolk. Was that you or is there some sort of underground movement going on I missed?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:35:01 No.11904513
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    This is now a Voyager threead
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:35:08 No.11904515
    I'm 33. I joined 4chan when one of my friends became a mod here many many many many years ago (Seriously.) Please dont leave. We need more older people who can actually have a conversation.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:37:12 No.11904528
    Absolutely. Can we just make a pact to stop all the misogyny and beta threads? Yes I realize that you hate your life; I hate mine too. My cat died 5 years ago and I still think about him every day; but you don't see me making a thread about it every damn day.

    We just need to be more thoughtful about what we're posting. The bot stops the exact same wording but not the topics that have been rehashed a thousand times over.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:39:32 No.11904542
    Hi /r9k/! Long time listener first time caller!

    I personally thing that we need more older members here to chastise the 12-year-olds, and share life experiences that we can all learn from.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:45:03 No.11904579

    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:45:03 No.11904580
    Op here. I can give some advice. I'm reasonably successful...pretty wife, good job (I'm a professor of English literature). Go on, ask me something.
    Tip of the hat my fellow oldfags.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:45:45 No.11904588
    I don't care what most other guys say, Kate Mulgrew is fine.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:48:02 No.11904604
    Woman took charge, yummy.
    Borg would assimilate the dominion. Next!

    I think the harojin were great badasses
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:48:19 No.11904609
    36, love the robots since my preferre/d/ boar/d/ is not safe for wife.

    Maybe we robots should have topics for different days. Science Sunday? Music Monday? Since every thread here is a repost no one should notice.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)08:50:00 No.11904623
    Do you seriously think the beta fags would respect that?

    In other news, the job stories thread is good.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:14:52 No.11905649
    How did you become a professor? I'd like to be a professor of political science one day. What do?
    >> Suddenly, Tripcodes! !yRd8SXc/L. 11/08/10(Mon)11:23:07 No.11905717
    I don't remember the early early days, as I didn't get to 4chan until 2007, when I was 16. Of course I lived on /b/, and I miss the stupid Battletoads pranks and random stupid humor threads... it got annoying once the whole "Anon is Legion" thing started to pick up, and the whole project Chanology/Scientology Raids/Whatever the fuck they're called. Now I'm 19 and /b/ just makes me sad. Memes aren't really that funny to me anymore - maybe I'm the one who changed, but it's still a little disheartening.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:26:48 No.11905747
    I'm 27, OP, and I've been here since 2006.

    I'll admit /r9k/ seems somewhat juvenile in that it's constantly asking for advice on shit I dealt with years ago (dating, getting jobs, etc.), but I still enjoy frequenting some of the other boards here.

    Fuck the status quo. I'll keep coming to 4Chan for as long as it continues to exist. It's better than the rest of the internet.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 11/08/10(Mon)11:36:49 No.11905826
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    b-b-b-but op, if you goes away then it'll be even moar poo

    we needs you to tell us newfags wat do!

    also; FFVIII FTW!!
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:38:29 No.11905842
    Dude, I"m 32. I don't feel too old, I just feel too alpha. But I still enjoy hanging around and contributan. at 30, you'd do better giving advice in /adv. I do that sometimes, but it gets boring after a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:39:11 No.11905855

    28 here.

    I'm getting there man. I'm still in Uni though, so I'm more used to dealing with dumb kids than most.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:43:42 No.11905905
    I'm 26 now. Been coming here since 2007.

    4chan sucks now. It's hip to be on here. Millions of shit threads. The cancer is in full effect. It will never go into remission.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:47:13 No.11905931
    4chan went down the pan before you even knew about it. After all the raids in 2006 it got infested with school kids and never recovered.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:50:38 No.11905958
    I'm 25 and I started going here when I was 21.
    Back then we all lol'd at images with captions coming fresh out of the oven. Now, almost five years later, it is the same pictures getting reposted every day.

    When /r9k/ was implemented it was a breath of fresh air. The whole gentleman-thing was amazing - it was a break from the CAPS LOCK CRUISE CONTROL IDIOT WAVE of /b/. But it, like everything else, died and was replaced by misogynism and teenage angst.

    This wasn't a site about teenage angst when I started coming here. It was a site where I could spent 6-7 hours in a row just reading fun threads and looking at original content. Now I can barely stand 30 minutes of it. It's just teenagers whining about their lives when they really don't have anything to complain about.

    As I see it, it all started with the trolling. 5 years ago, there was hardly any trolling. It was just all for fun and good times. Now every other poster is accused of trolling and it's impossible to stay on track in a thread anymore.

    I miss train choo-esday and caturday. I miss copy pasta ending in bel-air. I miss ZA WARUDO and teh_rei. I miss the good days. Memes aren't created anymore. When is the last time a meme was created on 4chan? Boxxy? That was just some dumb whore on youtube. That wasn't original content. That was just mindless spamming. 4chan moves so fast now that actual entertaining and quality content gets lost in the masses of mindless bullshit.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:53:04 No.11905974
    Also; that was my first post since the captcha was implemented.

    I used to start at least 2-3 threads a day and comment all the time... And nothing of value was lost.

    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:54:27 No.11905989

    >As I see it, it all started with the trolling. 5 years ago, there was hardly any trolling. It was just all for fun and good times. Now every other poster is accused of trolling and it's impossible to stay on track in a thread anymore.

    Fucking this. It was when people started rating trolls 10/10 and so forth, when for the most part it's just some idiot posting his stupid opinion which would have been ignored in the past, but now derails the thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:55:08 No.11905994
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    >fixitt wharf
    lol what are the odds
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:55:33 No.11905997
    >last time a meme was created on 4chan?
    Jessi Slaughter
    >That was just some dumb whore on youtube. That wasn't original content. That was just mindless spamming.
    some things never change
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)11:57:22 No.11906018
    Nostalgia faggot detected. Those memes suck just as bad as the new ones, of which there are plenty, as you'd know if you browsed boards other than /b/ and /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:04:27 No.11906099
    lulz I herd you liek over 9000 mudkipz
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:04:47 No.11906101
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    I think the same thing. I'm just too old now and I'm only 25. I can't begin to relate to the flood of teenage banter. I Thought I could ride out the hormone raging threads about "What does pussy taste like? How do I hack her facebook? Rate my face!" but they just don't stop asking the *same* damned stuff.

    More importantly, where do we go now..?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:09:45 No.11906160
    Jessi Slaughter is just another mindless whore turned into a forced meme. It's not funny and it never was. It's just another example of trolling gone bad.

    Other boards are derailing as well. /v/ is just /b/ 2.0, /mu/ has turned into a trolling haven, same as /fa/, /fit/, /r/ and /co/. I don't really care about the Japanese themed boards and /b/ and /r9k/ are just terrible.

    I don't think you get my point. I can't think of anything funny coming out of 4chan in a long fucking time. It's all about the legion and the attitude of being a chantard that rules the boards now. It has nothing to do with creativity and breaking norms in a humorous way. The cancer is angry. It hates the world and trolls wherever it can.

    Maybe the old memes were bad. But they were original content.

    The only board I actually used regularly over the past year was /fit/. I lost 80 pounds, so yeah, thanks /fit/. But apart from that, the quality of 4chan is rapidly declining.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:21:54 No.11906264
    Oh god another jaded faggot who says every new meme is forced. There is really no point in arguing with you since your mind is already closed so let me just tell that 4chan is constantly changing for better or for worse.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:27:28 No.11906314
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    I laughed at your tent line. I'm 26 years old, and have been coming here since I was 21 so I'm so much a loser as you are now, but... ok I was never bad as you. I actually use facebook to find girls and talk to the 5 real friends I have. I have a great job, and I get laid often.

    I still feel ok here, but I still enjoyed it back then. You're a loser. Being an oldfag isn't like that /b/ picture says it was. 75% was always people PRETENDING to be a faggot on /b/. You're the other 25%, and within that is where you should gtfo. You were always not belonging, it was just entertaining to the rest of us before.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)12:49:52 No.11906521
    Sup newfag

    >helibros which
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:02:17 No.11906655

    This. Don't go.
    I'm 31, and have been lurking /r9k/ and /b/ for quite a while.
    It's always been terrible, afaict, the militant stupidity and pathetic whining, the shitty copypasta, the barking of memes like it's going to earn us all Boy Scout badges.
    Is it too much? No. I *like* the cacophony. If there's any skill 4chan has honed for me, it's the ability to find a signal amidst all the noise.
    There's a ton of brilliant fucking people here, most of them indulging their need for anonymous faggotry, but that's the very lifeblood of this place. All the facebooky/rate me threads can piss up a rope (non-anonymous faggotry has no place here, imho) but I'm hoping moot will hurry up with the /soc/ board so the bullshit will have a home.
    I mostly hang out on /sci/ these days, but rarely post on any board unless I have something useful to contribute. (Or do I? Heh.) Oldfags are everywhere, I think we're just better at holding our tongues. Most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:10:17 No.11906744
    wow confirmed for butthurt /b/tard
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:20:27 No.11906855
    For fuck's sake, take off your rose colored glasses. The memes are just as bad as they've always been. You're just not a kid anymore. Get some perspective.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:27:23 No.11906922
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:27:54 No.11906930
    28fag here, im still going to 4chan. i basically live for the story threads. or random trolling on /b/. yeh it was better in the past, but everything changes, make the best. longcat is long.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:29:42 No.11906951
    What memes?

    Seriously, there aren't any.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:32:16 No.11906980
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    maybe if you went to more boards then /b/ you would know
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:40:39 No.11907059

    Argh, sorry, can't find the screencap, but moot held convo in a sticky thread on /b/ last week and this came up. Anon(s) have proposed a /soc/ board for rate-my-whatever/ASL/hookup threads (to help cure the cancer in other boards), and moot responded with something like "Yeah, we probably are going to do this." Hope springs eternal.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:42:19 No.11907076
    We all thought /adv/ would get rid of this shit but it didn't work.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:44:47 No.11907098
    Fuck I'm 19 and I know I don't belong with most of these people on here. But once in a while you find a thread worth interest. 4chan is more of a thing that keeps me procrastinating rather than something that I enjoy. I only go here when I have something to complete to be honest. Kinda sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:50:03 No.11907155
    I'm 22 and I feel too old for parts of 4chan now. I think that /b/ is just a gaggle of spewing tards, but I think it was better 3-4 years ago. Maybe that is just nostalgia goggles.

    You just know that this website is probably rampant with 15 year olds now. I found out this fat kid in 6th grade comes here, fucking 6th grade. I'll still stick around though, this website has been my flagship for years, I don't really know what other websites are out there to waste time like here.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)13:50:35 No.11907163
    been here for about 3-4 years. only 23 but load more successful than most anons apperently.

    this site has a modding problem. it's called not enough mods and shitty moderation.

    1. ban all underage people when they mention their age equaling the number of years to reach 18.
    2. more mods

    i only come here because this place is like a 50000 strong chat room. it quells my boredom.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/10(Mon)15:16:57 No.11908198
    retards come in all ages
    my 15 year old brother makes better threads then most people and gives out a lot of good advice on /fit/
    >> bonermancer !!fypFGIK7nVA 11/08/10(Mon)15:32:04 No.11908365

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