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  • File : 1327255293.png-(627 KB, 800x540, DBZ__Gohan_Unleashed_by_carapau22.png)
    627 KB Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:01:33 No.1176724  
    am i the only one here who just browses /r9k? No other websites, (youtube i guess but i only use it for music) or boards, just /r9k/? It feels odd, I am a shut in, but I don' have that many interests. I've noticed a lot of you browse 10 other boards. How is that possible? Do you just browse them on occasion or constantly? I just see no reason when /r9k/ seems to be the best place for discussion and lurking.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:03:34 No.1176741
    >best place for discussion and lurking

    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:04:26 No.1176746
    Why are you asking how is it possible? Are you stupid? How could it be impossible, which is what you're implying?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:05:09 No.1176753
    r9k owns but /adv is even better for pinnacle trollability and making-yourself-feel-better about not being one of those people-ism
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:05:19 No.1176758
    At least find some other websites to look at. Looking at /r9k/ 24/7 will break your soul.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:06:13 No.1176763
    I browse /r9k/ only on 4chan, with 0 to 2 looks over to /b/ daily, for... I don't know what. YLYL threads I guess.

    Apart from that, I visit three nearly dead forums I've technically been on for 8 years a couple of times a day, but I'm not logged on them, and I don't plan to post on them anymore, unless a really bad case of loneliness comes.

    Apart from that, it's all YouTube and conversing with Google, i.e. searching for phrases that express my current mental state and relating to people who also posted them.

    My life on the Internet is as empty as my RL.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:15:41 No.1176855

    how are your social skills, friends irl and online, and personality?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:55:55 No.1177202
    i only visit /v/ other than here really.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)13:58:14 No.1177220
    this is the first time i've been here. it's all b'awing and masochism.
    you guys are faggots.
    and betas
    i'm going back to /b/
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)14:02:18 No.1177265
    > not full of betas or faggots

    k lets see o wow a thread with gay anime porn o wow another one with my little pony porn

    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)14:03:11 No.1177272

    what are you a 14 year old girl?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)14:08:27 No.1177316
    Social skills and personality? I don't know. I don't want test them, lest I find out they are subpar.

    Friends offline? None. I tell myself that I don't want to "make" friends, but that I want my friendships to develop naturally instead, from respect and mutual silent appreciation.

    Friends online? None for some time now. I miss using my native language in chatting/IM sometimes, but I have come to the point where the only people I admire are those whose intelligence is too high for them to be satisfied by talking to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)14:39:08 No.1177592

    so you could easily get friends if you wanted?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)15:31:06 No.1178198
    bump for dbbbbbzz
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)17:18:31 No.1179328
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)17:54:24 No.1179676
    same here op, i use to go on other boards but i stopped caring.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)18:00:51 No.1179744
    I had to migrate to other boards after /r9k/ shut down. I took some comfort in /v/'s discussion of everything but videogames and /co/'s streams and occasional disney threads, but they never felt much like home.

    I still go check those and /sci/ , /wg/ and /d/ every now and then, but I only lurk on those, /r9k/ is the only one where I post.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)19:14:29 No.1180702
    meh, 4chan isn't as good as it use to be i guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)19:20:37 No.1180791
    4chan is 80% of my internet sessions.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)22:37:57 No.1182781
    yeah i know how you feel, it's mainly because of the way people are on other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)23:50:55 No.1183663
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)23:52:03 No.1183678
    I spend upwards of ten hours on 4chan every day, but I do visit several boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)23:56:31 No.1183724
    The only things I do on the Internet are /r9k/ and Grooveshark.
    >> Collector !.EmmalNYUo 01/23/12(Mon)00:11:00 No.1183842
    /r9k/ is a whinefest most of the time. How you could discuss anything besides the same old "foreveralone" threads is beyond me. It's fairly easy to browse several other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)00:57:42 No.1184361
    >visiting other boards

    i just stick with one
    >> Reaktion 01/23/12(Mon)00:59:13 No.1184381
    IMHO R9K is waaaayyy toooooo slooooowwww, and there are never really any convos.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)01:00:45 No.1184397
    Yes, 4chan pretty much rendered every other website on the planet completely obsolete.

    No matter how bad it gets, its still better than anything else on the internet by several magnitudes.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)01:02:51 No.1184419
    i used to read somethingawful back in the day but its all liberal politically correct transexual feminists now you get banned for making a joke or trolling fuck dat
    4chan much better
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)01:08:30 No.1184476
    The other boards are right there? It's not hard to lurk and post in more then one board. Threads that are active get bumped to the top of the page so whatever active threads your in you need only jump to the front bag of the board to see whats going on and if you need to reply to something.

    Also, /r9k/ does not talk about TV MOvies Comics and does not have much TiTS, feet, or ass. No creepypasta, aliens, or other wierd shit either.

    /r9k/ is one of the best but it doesn't have it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)04:57:13 No.1186004
    bump for more that only go on here.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)05:21:34 No.1186146

    which is really sad once you start to think about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)05:27:52 No.1186177
    I just browse documenting reality.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)05:29:40 No.1186187
    r9k is probably my favorite board. But I usually frequent /g/ and /v/ as well. I'll pop into /b/ maybe once or twice a week... and I don't really know why. I guess I'm just trying to find some semblance of old /b/, the /b/ that existed before 2007. I actually miss it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)06:53:42 No.1186555
    that feel when you can't even make a female friend
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)07:06:41 No.1186596
    my average start to 4chan goes like pic related.

    black - my first clicks I know I want to see.
    red - my second choices I click when there's nothing new on any of the other boards and I want something to do.

    sometimes I'll go to /c/ when I want some ideas on what to draw and what have you. The artwork and critique sucks on 4chan. Artists these days don't know shit man.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)07:07:14 No.1186604
         File1327320434.png-(178 KB, 1024x768, yup.png)
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    and here's the pic I forgot to attach like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)07:21:59 No.1186654
    How's that natural tooth whitening going? Is it working out for ya?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)07:33:51 No.1186705
    >conversing with Google, i.e. searching for phrases that express my current mental state and relating to people who also posted them.

    I've never heard of a single other person who did that- besides me. Dang. I just didn't think people did that. It's sort of fun. I wish I saved my google searches sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)09:07:20 No.1187093
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)10:08:30 No.1187342
    same here, i see no reason in going to other boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)13:14:15 No.1188253
    i know that feel op, don't let it bring you down. i know it well.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)14:59:32 No.1189028
    bumping for more who're like this as i am interested.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)15:53:11 No.1189420
    /r9k/ is the only board on 4chan that I read. Never even really felt a need to go on the other boards.

    I did venture onto some other boards once, but it felt so strange and foreign and intimidating because I didn't know anyone on the other boards. I felt like an outsider, like I wasn't welcome on the other boards. /r9k/ is truly my home. I'm here 8 hours a day every day.

    When I think back to my pre-4chan days, it is so strange. To think that I used to actually visit other websites. My website diet used to be so broad and varied, but it was also like living in the dark ages.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)15:55:18 No.1189437

    no social networks either? Are you always alone other than living with your parents?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)16:16:40 No.1189584

    Social networks. FUCK NO!!

    Why on earth would I go on a social network? It's full of people from school and just seeing photos of their faces makes me feel all panic-y and anxious. No. I want to get away from them.

    Social networks = torture
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)16:21:35 No.1189627
    /r9k/ used to be interesting but now it's just 100% bitches & whores and that feel when no job no gf
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)16:27:09 No.1189687

    i don't know, maybe you have online friends that you talk to? You seem social to me.
    >> Grizzly !!H60L97zwSdr 01/23/12(Mon)16:37:09 No.1189777
    I don't browse most of the boards. I used to go on /b/ frequently, but now I barely even know what goes on there. /v/ and /r9k/ suits me just fine. On occasion I'll spend a good amount of time on /lit/ and /gif/, for their respective purposes. /pol/ is fun during current events.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)16:51:32 No.1189926

    want to talk via email about our sheltered life?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:09:05 No.1190084

    But what is there to say?

    If you really wanna talk to people then go to
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:10:27 No.1190101

    just wanted to talk to someone about the way they live. I am also a shut in and I wanted to know more about the way you lived and how you came to be.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:22:45 No.1190197
    There is nothing much to say about the shutin lifestyle. I don't really do anything. Just sit on the computer all day and watch reality TV.

    Do I get bored of it?
    No obviously not. Otherwise I would have turned into a normalfag by now.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:25:55 No.1190233

    nice, same with me. I drink as well and have a list of games i still need to beat, most of them on the ps2.

    Also, are you sure? I also like keeping up with current events even if they're mundane like "Oh I did this, that and this, nothing special".
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:35:16 No.1190321

    how are your social skills as a whole if you don't mind me asking on and offline?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:42:36 No.1190399
    >I drink as well and have a list of games i still need to beat

    You still have ambitions. You still have hope for the future. I stopped doing Playstation in 2006. Thats '6 years of being a non-gamer now.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:46:45 No.1190447
    Offline = mostly just grunting and 1 syllable words at my mother.
    Online = You're seeing the maximum extent of my onlien righ tnow.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:49:32 No.1190474
    I check out /k/, /o/ and /x/
    This is just my "home" bored.
    I also read a lot of random shit while browsing the web.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:51:45 No.1190494
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    >posts dragon ball z picture
    >only browses /r9k/

    OP confirmed for autist.
    Pic related; OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:52:05 No.1190498
    >mfw this spells out /k/o/x/
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)17:53:39 No.1190517

    what are my ambitions? I have no important ones, no goals, no nothing. what about you?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:00:13 No.1190576

    Not really any ambitions or goals.
    Girls used to be my goal, but I have given up on that now because I'm too old.

    So I have nothing to aim for in life now. Just sitting around waiting to die, I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:14:19 No.1190761

    send me an email bro, I'm doing the same now, just waiting until i'm dead it seems.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:36:48 No.1190979

    thanks buddy, i really don't care how you think of me.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)19:05:10 No.1191307

    you still here guy that doesn't talk much? ds
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)19:53:38 No.1191785

    did you leave man?
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)20:18:49 No.1192046
    >girls as a goal

    i can see why you're waiting for death.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)22:26:58 No.1193518
    mfw all the people i talked to in this thread were probably trolling me ;_:
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)03:40:36 No.1196318
    use to browse all the other boards when i was younger.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:10:13 No.1196484

    maybe they just don't feel like writing emails, honestly, we're better off alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)04:38:15 No.1196641
    /v/ is really my main board but i don't like it as much.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)05:06:41 No.1196805
    I actually have interests and I don't suffer from sort of depression.

    You can develop these too if you look around a board with a topic of even slight interest.

    Here's how it works.
    -Normally- people start at /b/. When it starts to become stale and boring (which SHOULD happen at some point, you decide to check out other boards out of curiosity. Then you head down 3 paths:

    Usually a detour for the depressed. After depression you usually go onto one of the next two. Not a recommend home board unless you like sitting around anger and depression with a few good threads here and there.
    For the faggots that can't leave the "/b/ state". Usually a back and forth between /soc/, /b/, and whatever cancerous site you can think of.
    >the other boards
    You finally find your place on 4chan. One of these boards usually becomes a home board for you (which you can tell by how your number of visits of course).

    Such is the lifespan of an anon. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to abandon /r9k/ forever once you get into a community. And of course not everyone has to go by these steps and do go by these steps. What is important is that the "/b/ mentality" is not present in your system while browsing any board that isn't /b/ or /soc/. And god forbid you get a "/soc/ mentality".

    My suggestion is to try another board, OP. Develop an interest. You could end up much happier overall. Split your time between here and the other boards so you can have your interest discussions and, uh, "slice-of-discussions". Hell, find the right board and you won't even need this one as often for SoL discussions.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)07:28:19 No.1197401
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)08:42:17 No.1197698

    No you aren't, even though this board is slow, it has a number of lurkers.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)09:44:27 No.1197927
    I wish /v/ wasn't full of /b/tards...
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:05:10 No.1197989
    In it's current state,I find this board to be unbelievably shitty. There are so many "Look at me, I'm more beta than you!"-threads that I'm being led to believe that every single poster on this board is now an underage anxiety ridden, angsty teenager.

    I hate this place, yet I keep coming back for more.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)10:10:17 No.1197999
    This is my secondary board. I'm mainly from over at /ck/.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)13:06:58 No.1198964
    pretty much in the same boat, not caring as usual.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)13:16:12 No.1199017
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    I visit /a/, /v/ and /w/ if I need a wall. /r9k/ is probably my main. Also, how is it impossible to go on more than one board?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)13:54:10 No.1199229

    I can understand 1 or 2 other boards but there are people who go on 10 or even all of them, i just don't see how you could dedicate that much of 4chan into your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)16:06:07 No.1200266
    i know that feel, r9k all day every day man.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:38:53 No.1201294
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)17:40:01 No.1201302
    Youtube for music

    What the fuck it's 2011 learn how to listen to music
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:03:17 No.1201543

    Maybe once you learn how to green text and write coherently, than I'll take your advice seriously.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:06:35 No.1201574
    I like talking about cartoons with my /co/mrades.

    I don't really go to any other boards on 4chan, but I do get on Reddit daily, I'm subbed to lots of channels on YouTube and generally keep up with updates, I've got Pandora constantly up in another tab, I use StumbleUpon, and read a good smattering of webcomics.

    Oh, and I also waste at least 2 hours a week on Omegle.

    I'm a pretty average internet user.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:11:14 No.1201623

    cool but we don't want you either

    go to another chan, like 7chan or 711chan or something

    i know you fuckers have been getting banned and coming here and it's horseshit.

    also sa was never good
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)18:51:55 No.1202078
    >something awful

    oh my, is it 2004?
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)20:05:47 No.1202797
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)01:26:04 No.1206058
    bumpan for more people who only browse here.v
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)02:33:45 No.1206658
    i go on youtube and google for music as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)05:23:57 No.1207592
    i prefer to go on other boards for lurking purposes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)05:30:21 No.1207629
    /a/ is my main board, sometimes I check /v/ and /g/... I used to go to /tv/ for Breaking Bad threads. I just come to /r9k/ for metathread type threads unfortunately it often turns to shit but there is sometimes there are some good topics.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)08:29:06 No.1208466

    thi but i mainly lurk on thoe boards, havve't in ears though.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)10:51:00 No.1209056
    bumpan to see if i'm not the only one out of a million
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)13:02:56 No.1209762
    i know nothing of those feels mr op.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)14:27:41 No.1210289

    >go on /v/
    >realize it's shit
    >come back here
    >more at home
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)16:14:05 No.1211315
    bump for young gohan.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)17:25:23 No.1212038
    /a/a /v/ /r9k/ as my main board of choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)21:34:45 No.1214734
    not sure if it coutns but i go on 420chan for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:05:23 No.1216391
    does browsing facebook out of stalking count?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:32:40 No.1216741
    I hate all of the other boards. So much elitism over who knows the most about whatever the board's theme is. Especially on /a/, /co/ , /lit/ and /tv/

    It's just people wanting to be snide assholes with their fellow asshole hobbyists.

    I used to just go on /a/ for years but eventually I realized there was little discussion and mostly fighting. Which is true for a lot of boards but mainly on the afformentioned boards.

    I think /r9k/ has the potential to be a bit of everything. Kind of swing and miss but there are a few diamonds in the rough which is more than I can say for most boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)00:36:14 No.1216783
    I browse /v/, /co/, /g/, /tv/, /sp/, /sci/, /hr/, /fit/, and /x/ besides /r9k/. Every time I go a while without browsing and /r9k/ I just find it incredibly depressing, so I actually shy away from it now (no pun intended).
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)02:53:59 No.1218015
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:21:06 No.1218196

    >only good boards
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:22:27 No.1218204
    oops forgot /sp/, but its more 'power rankings and yurop vs amerikkka general' than 'sports'
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)03:38:58 No.1218325
    I mainly browse /v/, /fit/ and /co/. When I get bored I stop by at /r9k/ and /mu/
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:20:35 No.1219317
    bumpan for more shitz.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)07:50:10 No.1219423
    i know that feel op, the thing /r9k/ is just especial but its horrible when someone corrupts the hikkis peace with religious/political and gay posts...

    i used to visit:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)09:12:10 No.1219730

    want to give me an exampe?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)09:16:34 No.1219742
    and political ones are frecuent at nites..
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)09:19:34 No.1219753

    op here, i use to frequent /v/ and /adv/ but after /r9k/ came back, i don't know, i just don't care about any of the other boards. I don't care about a lot of things honestly. you?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:02:04 No.1220209
    bumpan for my own wits.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:04:29 No.1220224
    >/fit/ (homeboard
    >/mu/ (formerly my homeboard)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:09:38 No.1220250
    I browse (not counting porn boards) /p/, /r9k/, /fa/, /lit/, /mu/, /n/, /pol/ very rarely, and /f/, as well as the text boards.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:21:57 No.1220315
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    hey op. how ya feelin champ
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:23:03 No.1220329
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    can i join /b/ plz
    >> Anonymous 01/26/12(Thu)11:27:32 No.1220360

    >Implying that ever happens in real life

    Your oc is skewed.

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