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  • File : 1287942210.jpg-(68 KB, 720x540, cutes20.jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:43:30 No.11684039  
    I'm fucked in the head (help me)

    Is it normal to be solitary - and like it?

    It's like a mad scientist took my brains, and turned down the volumn of my need to socialize to. Why is this?

    I don't get excited while going to bars, night clubs or concerts. Recently I've seen my favorite band live (been a fan for 6 years or so), and my baseline excitement for them is like waiting in line for the doctor.

    If you were to compare it 1 to 10, 1 being dead and 10 being fan girls at a Justin Bieber concert, my excitement would be a 3.

    I also find socializing boring - why is this? Whether it's a hot chick, or a bunch of guys, I like socializing for 15 minutes - after that, my mind starts to wonder and I want to do something else.

    (I'm in my early 20s and I've fucked 4 chicks if that means anything)

    Being self employed, I don't want my social skills to decay. So besides from hanging out with the bros once a week, I also go out 3 times a week to chit chat with women.

    Recently I got a chick's facebook after chatting to her for 5 minutes. I can chat with her, then ask her out on a casual date, but it seems so boring. So pointless. (besides the fucking in the end - but still, boring)


    (BTW, no social anxiety here. Anixety implies fear. I'm more indiffrent and apathetic. Nor and I anit-social)

    Picture related, she's the female copy of me in terms of personality.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:45:38 No.11684063
    moar of that gurl good sir :)
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:47:36 No.11684080
    Your problem is thinking there's something wrong, when there isn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:48:05 No.11684085

    just because

    some people don't like football, some people don't like cheese, you don't like socialising

    you are probably not the only one
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:48:53 No.11684093
    >that gurl
    Uh, I've got news for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:51:51 No.11684131
    Good news for me?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:52:50 No.11684141
    It's called being introverted. You're not "fucked in the head," stop being such a baby about it.

    Also, indeed, more of that girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:52:59 No.11684145
    i understand you, most people are incredibly fucking boring, unitelligent, not very smart, have a bad sense of humor (if any), not very educated and lack any understanding of irony or the postmodern condition of the 80s and 90s generations.

    people are sheep, when you find someone who isnt a sheep, then you might have some good socializing going.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:53:13 No.11684152
    oh sh-

    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:54:29 No.11684168
    Why do you need to feel that something's wrong with you?
    Do you want an excuse for not doing what you want?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:54:30 No.11684170
    OP said female.

    If not, even better.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:56:27 No.11684198
    Her name is Erika Hailey, she's a linux computer geek who has twitter pics and facebook (but she deleted it)

    I tried Googled her name and everything but I can't find it. I think she went deep underground. She posts on /g/


    Like a bullet that ripples my mind, I want to thank you. That's very zen like advice.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:56:47 No.11684204
    why,please WHY :(
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:56:59 No.11684207
    >If not, even better.

    son... >:(
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)13:58:43 No.11684225
    Congratulations, you, as opposed to most of the human race, are normal. You are able to realize that human contact is really not all that unless you're actually doing and accomplishing something. My advice? Aim for the sky and accomplish something big -- you'll find it easy since people can't hold you down.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:00:00 No.11684244
    >as opposed to most of the human race, are normal.
    ho ho ho
    nice perception of the world you've got there :D Try again, and read the definition of normal first.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:05:02 No.11684311
    Thanks, I'm aiming for something big. Big business. Big amount of chicks I'm going to fuck (Aim: more then 100). Big travel time.

    Feels good bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:05:47 No.11684321

    what if you achieve nothing?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:06:47 No.11684330
    >I'm aiming for something big. Big business.

    Bad time to set out on something so ambitious. What's your plan?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:09:19 No.11684354
    Not OP here but this I have the same problem.
    I support this, it gives me a feeling that there is something wrong with me.
    A lot of good friends but i keep isolating
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:09:27 No.11684358
    Already working on it. Doing global e-commerce. Doesn't matter if the most of the G20 nations economy is in the toilet, people will continue to buy basic needs - sex, gambling, dating etc.

    Revenue generating so far: 10k+
    Expense: 1k

    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:20:10 No.11684512
    she has a great taste of music
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:22:09 No.11684540
    OP, nothing is wrong.

    Enjoy being who you are. Find happiness wherever it is. Being socially reclusive is fine as long as it truly makes you content.

    I'm a shutin for the most part. Granted I've got friends who drag me outta the house every so often but I need to spend most of my time alone or I get really uncomfortable/bored to death. I'm so beyond pleased with my lifestyle it's hard to describe - being home alone, able to pursue my own interests at my leisure - it's perfect. Granted the internet is the only reason I'm able to do this, but my point still stands.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:46:11 No.11684883
    this thread should be like, reaching the limit
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:50:17 No.11684946
    So no one has any more pics of that girl?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:54:47 No.11685015
    if you were truly so apathetic about it OP you wouldn't start a whiney fucking thread about it. if you find it all so boring and pointless, why do you care about it enough to ask r9gay for help? in truth, you're just shit at socializing. you're probably ugly and dull.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:55:27 No.11685023
    is it ok taking the introversy/extroversy test high or will more accurate results come from taking it in normal condition?

    and what do you people have to say about weed and introversy? i've been a regular smoker for 10 years and i think it's increased this condition a lot
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:58:43 No.11685069

    weed turns the volume on your brain up

    so if youre introverted without weed you'll usually be more introverted while under the influence

    extroverts get more loud and outgoing under the influence

    but its likely not changing the result too much
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)14:59:44 No.11685080
         File1287946784.jpg-(35 KB, 453x604, eria.jpg)
    35 KB
    Her name is Erika, I'm trying hard to dig up her pics but can't find any. But here's one.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)15:01:27 No.11685108
    Warning! Warning. Friendless robot projecting to other people.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/10(Sun)15:03:32 No.11685140

    I'm a shut in for the most part, going out for work and school only, on the rare occasion I'll have a smoke session (normally smoke weed everyday, just alone) and while under the influence I'm able to be open and entertaining, and everyone values my thoughts and personality as a whole.

    Point being, everyone is different.

    Ya'll niggas need to stop needing to fit into a category and realize mother fuckers are diverse.

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