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  • Are you a bad enough dude to help save the Web?

    File : 1327175492.jpg-(146 KB, 348x388, 1325967696108.jpg)
    146 KB Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:51:32 No.1165846  
    Ask a black male attending Arizona State University anything.

    Preliminary stuff
    >not an athlete, I came here because of a sizable academic scholarship I was offered
    >I left my ethnicity off of my application so no affirmative action
    >not interested in arguments so don't bother picking one, I won't respond
    >originally from Los Angeles, CA
    >inb4 jr college, u have aids, etc
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)14:53:57 No.1165880
    What makes you think you're unique enough to warrant an AMA thread?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:07:07 No.1166036
    they've been pretty successful in the past.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !9jPA5pCF9c 01/21/12(Sat)15:08:36 No.1166051
    get the fuck my /r9k/ nigger. And take your shitty niggerette's with you
    >> The Guru !!w0Q6ZbLrGak 01/21/12(Sat)15:09:02 No.1166057
    You sound like you might be my old boss.

    Are you him? what is your major?
    >> OP !!O6xJCVfq1cb 01/21/12(Sat)15:12:42 No.1166091
    Right now I'm majoring in International Tourism - basically the hospitality and travel industry, understanding tourist motivation, accommodating people, all that.

    yeah, no
    >> halcyon 01/21/12(Sat)15:14:13 No.1166101
    >Be black male, attending school in Phoenix that isn't ASU

    How do you feel that ASU shit is uuuuuuurwuurrr. People tend to treat it like it's the only school here. Family from back home keep asking me how dem Devils are. I don't care. Anyway, inb4 jelly. I just want a reduced bus pass ;;
    >> The Guru !!w0Q6ZbLrGak 01/21/12(Sat)15:14:20 No.1166103

    Was your major at any point in time sociology? cuz my thats the major by boss had before he transferred
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:14:58 No.1166107
    How do you deal with the word nigger being thrown around all the time on 4chan. Does it affect you? Or does it mean nothing like all the white racial insults.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16:06 No.1166122
    Why are there so many people from California at ASU?
    It baffles me.

    Also, are you intimidating looking? I know a lot of females who are scared of black men at night simply because it's Tempe (unless you go to another campus).
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:16:45 No.1166125
    Been to any cool orgies, OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:20:55 No.1166170
         File1327177255.jpg-(557 KB, 1280x857, tumblr_lkbqzo8FPS1qjyurs.jpg)
    557 KB
    How do I get a sensuous African girlfriend?
    >> OP !!O6xJCVfq1cb 01/21/12(Sat)15:23:26 No.1166202
    I think a lot of us come here because it's close enough to go back home when we want, but far enough to where we can get away from home too.
    It doesn't affect me anymore. Largely because for as much as I see the word thrown around online, no one says it to my face. What does that tell you?
    No, I've never taken any Sociology classes.
    I'll sell you mine.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:25:06 No.1166232

    I don't mean to rain on your parade, but hospitality management is one of the lower paid majors. It's only a few steps up from "fine arts".
    >> The Guru !!w0Q6ZbLrGak 01/21/12(Sat)15:26:34 No.1166246

    oh ok, so you arent him. well OP im from the LA area too, closer to long beach. if youre ever back in LA and wanna kick it... AIM= randoname15
    >> OP !!O6xJCVfq1cb 01/21/12(Sat)15:28:56 No.1166269
    Herbal tea/incense type of stores. Poetry readings. Or slam poetry, bohemian black chicks love that stuff.
    No orgies, but freshman year I watched a Asian girl get fucked by three guys at once.
    I missed the second part of your question.

    I don't think I'm particularly intimidating looking, although that doesn't stop girls from being scared of me at night. I'm pretty tall (6'2) but I've got something of a babyface so there's that. I'm also pretty fair-skinned (people think I'm mixed sometimes) so to some people that makes me a little less imposing.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:31:53 No.1166296
         File1327177913.jpg-(1.04 MB, 1280x857, tumblr_lkbosv6fpJ1qjyurs.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    >Herbal tea/incense type of stores. Poetry readings. Or slam poetry, bohemian black chicks love that stuff.

    This is what I've been told. I must try it some time...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:33:46 No.1166313
    >I left my ethnicity off of my application so no affirmative action

    You stupid, son.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:35:27 No.1166336
    I hate this bullshit with the password reset. I reset on Monday, when do you OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:36:37 No.1166353
    Not OP but I was able to right now.
    To be fair I missed two assignments that aren't going to be extended.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:38:11 No.1166365
    why didn't they extend it?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:39:49 No.1166382
    My professor was able to access blackboard so everyone else should have as well.

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