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  • File : 1287099561.png-(7 KB, 340x340, pedophile.png)
    7 KB Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:39:21 No.11549094  
    Sup arcanines. If you have questions, I'll answer them. Nothing else to do because I've hurt my leg and I'm in blinding pain.

    I have an excellent .pdf guide to having sex with children. It's apparently illegal in the US. Where's your freedom of speech now?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:41:35 No.11549111
    I hope you die in a very painful death
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:41:40 No.11549117
    What is your favorite anime?
    Can you explain the concept of imaginary numbers to me?
    The horse ran past the barn fell?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:42:39 No.11549136
    Can they take your cock?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:43:05 No.11549144
    I'm a human being, just like you. I personally don't have any person I'd wish death upon. What's with the hate?
    Rozen Maiden
    Yes, but I can't be bothered
    Oh I get it it's a garden path sentence
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:43:09 No.11549148
    Are you happy?
    Asking because I'm a pedo too and I fuck hate it.
    >> Skåningen !!wTLzgOZ0JW3 10/14/10(Thu)19:44:06 No.11549157
    Would you let me mutilate your limbs with a tigersaw?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:44:08 No.11549159
    Not in my country.
    Yes, I'm happy. If you're more specific I can tell you more about how.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:44:56 No.11549172
    >I have an excellent .pdf guide to having sex with children.

    Link where?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:45:01 No.11549173
    No, and furthermore I don't think mutilating them with a saw is a good way to deal with people who have differing preferences.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:45:25 No.11549180
    So if you can't force your cock into them how the heck do you have sex with them?
    >> Bilo !!ntknLgBwSka 10/14/10(Thu)19:45:47 No.11549190
    Do you have friends?
    How do they feel about the matter?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:45:49 No.11549192
    How did you come to realize you were attracted to the young ones?

    What was your first experience like?
    >> Skåningen !!wTLzgOZ0JW3 10/14/10(Thu)19:46:15 No.11549199
    >differing preferences
    That's not that I would call it.
    Now how about that tigersaw. Will Monday be good for you?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:46:36 No.11549207
    You got to do your research. Anyway, I was referring to the ol' How to Practice Child Love by the Mule. Just google it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:46:47 No.11549210
    How do you live with the fact that children you molest/may molest in the future will most likely be damaged for their entire lives just because you are too weak of an individual to control you demented sexual urges?

    You're fucking disgusting.
    >> General Guy !rPf4vdo6Xs 10/14/10(Thu)19:46:49 No.11549211
    I normally don't give a fuck about what people are attracted to.

    But if you actually plan to or have had sex with children, I hope you die in a horrible fire.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:46:58 No.11549213
    other peoples preferences don't involve raping children

    does that concept not make sense to you, I just think all pedophiles should me kept in a mental facility you aren't worth much to society.

    P.S i hope Benson and Stabler find you and fuck your shit up
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:47:34 No.11549225
    How does it feel to know your ruining a child's life for your sick pleasure?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:48:12 No.11549231
    This thread is boring as hell.

    There are hundreds of fucking pedophiles on this site, including me, and I've probably had more sex with kids than the OP.

    Quit posting in this thread and giving this idiot attention.

    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:48:17 No.11549237
    Could you mediafire the pdf guide? I'm interested.

    I get off looking at delicious lolis in parks with their parents and just want to grab one and shove her mouth onto my dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:49:23 No.11549258
    Well, I can't feel attracted to women and I can't have sex with minors. It's very depressing. I think about suicide somedays.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:49:56 No.11549269
    I don't, but oral sex would be fine.
    Yes, and I haven't told them. I've approached the subject in a roundabout way. Some are fine with CP, but I have yet to meet anyone who'd approve of pedophilia.
    I've always been turned on by little girls. I don't actually have experience having sex with them.

    I guess my first experience would be when my friend had his 5-year old sister strip for us when we were both 7. She would do anything for a liquorice square. I touched her pussy, but that's all.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:50:30 No.11549276
    Also those "guides" to having sex with children are either:

    a.) Made by retards
    b.) Made by the media so they can then report about them
    c.) Made by the government as a subversion tactic

    Anybody that believes that there's a "guide to having sex with children" that actually works are just as retarded as people that believe in PUA shit. Because, really, that's what it is. It's PUA for pedos, and PUA shit doesn't work on anybody.

    If you want real information on attraction to minors, visit: (perfectly legal site, no pictures of children)

    Now let this thread die.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:50:48 No.11549277

    makes sense pedo's are broken and can't be fixed, you might as well kill yourself, it's the honorable thing to do
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:50:54 No.11549278
    OP here, do share your experiences. Like I said, I'm only posting this because I'm in pain and there's nothing good on TV. Entertain me.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:52:04 No.11549300
    Sent a screenshot of this thread to Interpol. Enjoy jail.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:53:15 No.11549314
    Technically he hasn't done anything wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:53:22 No.11549317
    Hi OP.

    I was molested and eventually raped by my best friends dad over a period of 2 years when I was 10.

    You're a pathetic, weak sick individual who only cares about your own self gratification at the cost of others.
    It's people like you who've fucked my life period just so you can fufill your messed up little fantasy.

    I hope you a really, really painful and slow death. The world hates you and you should hate yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:53:40 No.11549325

    It doesn't even matter since we are on a website and thus anything we claim to have happened to us, even if true, might as well just be erotica on some shitty site.

    That is, if you want textual depictions of minor/adult sex, go to an erotica site.

    Other than that, being a pedophile is in zero ways interesting, especially in the modern world. You're a dime a dozen, so this thread is more attention whoring than "EVERYONE POST PICS EVERYONE RATE THEM" and 5 times more annoying.

    Seriously, if you find this thread interesting/worth of your time or think that being a pedophile is "exotic" or "scandalous", get the fuck off of this site.

    Years ago, mentioning that you're a pedophile on 4chan would just be tautology.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:54:06 No.11549330
    What's the youngest you've ever gone to?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:54:17 No.11549333
    So OP, why do you refuse to address my question? >>11549210

    Is it because you just try to be delusional and ignorant to the fact that your actions (if you actually abuse children) can have lifelong impacts on people? Or maybe you just don't give a fuck, which would make the most sense. So what is it? Do you not feel guilt or are you just a cunt with no regard for other human beings beyond how you can use them to get yourself off?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:54:29 No.11549337
    Blind hate has never lead to progress.
    Children aren't damaged forever by having sex. They may be damaged forever by a religious society telling them having sex is bad.
    Why is it so different? People are attracted to weird things. Why does having sex when young ruin a person?
    The idea turns me on, actually. I think it's the taboo. However, I love children probably more than you do and I wouldn't want to ruin their lives.
    Sex isn't all there is. You have to realize that. Fap to loli and get drunk a lot, maybe get a hobby. Kirsten's archives have some excellent stories.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:55:03 No.11549348

    >I get off looking at delicious lolis in parks with their parents and just want to grab one and shove her mouth onto my dick.

    i wish i hadn't read this
    thank you 4chan
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:55:39 No.11549358
    OP here. Seriously? It's time issues. I can't reply to this many posts this fast. You'll just have to wait. Actually, you don't, because I just replied, but the general idea.
    >> Cyber Police !!Dkc+vGHTHLz 10/14/10(Thu)19:55:42 No.11549360
    sup pedo
    you wanna read this closely?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:55:56 No.11549365

    If you idiots really, honestly think that pedophilia is scandalous or want to engage in dialogue with pedophiles, this site is a WIKI RUN BY PEDOPHILES.

    Seriously, go there, have your dumbass questions answered, and leave this shit thread to die.
    >> Cyber Police !!Dkc+vGHTHLz 10/14/10(Thu)19:57:21 No.11549386
         File1287100641.jpg-(570 KB, 1834x1402, xxxxxx.jpg)
    570 KB
    forgot the pic as i am backtracing you
    Partyvan in 3..2...

    4chan makes our job so easy.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:58:30 No.11549400
    This guy, >>11549314 is right. All my offenses were when I was a minor.
    I don't think anyone should hate themselves. That's sick.
    I prefer 9-year olds. Five?
    Why so butthurt?
    No it's not, killing yourself is fucking retarded. It serves no purpose whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:58:30 No.11549402

    i fell for it too, but this post really helped me to realize how silly i was for falling for your troll antics
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)19:59:48 No.11549416
    Just start going around, outting yourself. Telling people I'M A PEDOFILE AND I'M PROUD
    blacks did it
    gays do it
    atheists do it
    mexicans do it.

    What do you have to lose? It's the only way to start getting brainwashed people to accept pedophilia, you're only human too.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:00:02 No.11549424

    I'm not "butthurt"; you're just a mindless attention whore and I honestly feel bad for any of the newer retards on this board that actually feel like indulging you. I'm trying to do them a public service so they don't feed attention whores and look stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:00:50 No.11549436
    >children aren't damaged forever by having sex

    Uh huh. *I* was molested by an adult relative from the ages of 6 through to 12. It was painful, I was forced to do things that I would never do as a consenting adult and I've never been able to have successful relationship with anyone and, by all accounts, I still consider myself a virgin because I've never had consensual sex with anyone and I'm 24. What happened to me when I was a kid is something that I will never get over and I actually think about it every day, to the point where I even contemplate suicide. If you truly believe that it is just the churches indoctrination of sex being bad that results in people suffering as a result of sexual abuse than you are more fucked up than I initially thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:01:35 No.11549443
    I'm not trolling. If anyone wants honest information on pedophilia, they can ask now. If they just want to tell me I should die, I'll ignore them. I like being alive. Fucking predators and hatemongers, but meh, it's the nature of every carnivore.
    How about I have my life to lose? No.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:02:20 No.11549452

    You're fucking sick, you're weak and pathetic.
    You're completely useless to the human race, all you care about is getting off to small, defenseless children.

    You should hate yourself.

    What is it like knowing the majority of the world would kill you if they were to find out your shameful little secret. Do you feel ashamed at all?

    Goddamnit if I ever met you I would not fucking hesitate to slaughter there and then.

    And guess what, I'd get off for it to because of 3. little facts.

    1. I'm female
    2. I've been previously abused by men like you
    3. Everybody hates pedophiles

    I'd probably get a community service order and then a medal and you'd rot, unloved and forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:02:24 No.11549454
    So.. question. A person with the body of a child, but is otherwise an adult... would you tap that?

    I mean, mentally they're an adult. Let's say they're 21. But physically, still the age of your choosing.

    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:03:16 No.11549464

    Wiki run by pedos, better than OP
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:03:25 No.11549466
    Hey, if you don't have anything you'd like to tell me, maybe you should shut up. I'm here to answer questions people may have.
    I'm sorry if you were raped as a child, and sorry for everything you've had to go through. I don't think you should equate pedophilia with forcing children to have sex, because that's simply not true.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:04:06 No.11549474

    I am not religious, I have never been and I was aware of sex from a very young age.
    When I was raped at 11 it fucked me up permanently.
    You are completely blind, you believe what you want to believe so you can fufill your awful little fantasies.

    You're sick, you're fucking sick and I hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:04:42 No.11549478
    >she mad

    Deal with it slut
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:05:23 No.11549488

    Nah I'm gonna do everything in my power to kill off your thread before >141 posts, 23 images omitted

    Pedophiles are okay, as I am one, but attention whores like you deserve not to live.

    Seriously, you morons, this is a troll, and if it's not, it's not that shocking anyway. Quit feeding him you retards.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:05:48 No.11549493
    Why do you hate me because of my sexual preferences? For your information, I'm a valued member of the community. I volunteer, have a lot of hobbies and a lot of friends and a profession that's useful to society. Why would you like to rip my throat out because of what I feel attracted to? Is that even human?
    I'd tap that shit like islands in a blue mana burn deck.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:05:52 No.11549495
    >I don't think you should equate pedophilia with forcing children to have sex, because that's simply not true.
    Wow. Someone's HEAVILY in denial.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:06:06 No.11549500

    fucking hatemongers?
    You are right, the people here that are attacking you for liking to exploit children for your sexual preferences are just hatemongers. It's not fair that everyone else gets to have sex with consenting adults but you aren't allowed to rape innocent children. Fucking crazy discrimination in this world today. How do you deal with all that unfair discrimination that comes your way simply for your "preference"?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:06:26 No.11549505
    Well define what you consider pedophilia to be? Do you have sex (whether its penetrative or just things like oral) with children? Because if you do and you claim that it's not rape because the child likes it and is consenting than you're really deluding yourself to reconcile your natural inclination to admit that you're doing is WRONG.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:07:28 No.11549510
    Do you even know what equate means? Yes, forcing children to have sex is much of the time associated with pedophilia. No, most pedos aren't rapists. We're just different from you, like the fags. I bet you would have liked to burn them back in the day. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:07:43 No.11549513
    Do you go through a whole bunch of pages on motherless until you find something you like?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:08:04 No.11549517
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:08:07 No.11549518

    Are you telling me you've ever met a consenting 9 year old? A consenting 11 year old?

    Do you think it's natural to have sex with children?
    If that is so then why don't their bodies develop earlier?


    What is the purpose of a period? It releases an egg to be fertilised.
    What is the purpose of sex? To fetilise and egg and impregnate a 'woman'.
    When do periods occur? The natural average is from 13-16.

    Not 6, not, 6, not 9. Because they are neither physically or mentally ready.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:08:44 No.11549526
    Quit feeding the troll.
    >> Firthy2002 !!oEiNStFH6/H 10/14/10(Thu)20:08:56 No.11549527
    What's your preference age wise?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:09:07 No.11549530
    ITT: Raped women who's butthurt and a pedo.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:10:07 No.11549540
    I think people who tell me somebody should be awarded a medal for killing me because of what I like, not even because of what I did, are hatemongers. Do you disagree?
    No, I'm not guilty of anything. However, why can't children like sex? Explain pls. Keep in mind how the field of modern psychiatry reminds us that sexuality is developing since birth and is present in everything starting from the baby sucking on the mother's teat.
    No, I click on most viewed LOL
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:10:09 No.11549541
    I'll go for anything over 3, and sometimes lower.
    I am not a woman and was never raped.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:10:50 No.11549548
    you keep mentioning you are a pedophile like it's ok. Stop attacking OP when you are both terrible human beings, it seems like you might be an attention whore too considering you also keep talking about being a pedo. I don't give a fuck how many people are pedophiles, it's not normal, it's not ok, and it is a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:11:00 No.11549551
    do you use tor?
    >> sage sage 10/14/10(Thu)20:11:49 No.11549565
    Pedo or troll, either way, sage in all fields. We don't take kindly to your types round here.
    Father of two and I will personally beat to death any adult that attempts to use my kids for sex. Just as you are naturally attracted to children, I am naturally inclined to defend my family from predators with lethal force until they are able to defend themselves.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:12:08 No.11549568
    I think humans can like anything despite our "purpose" of reproduction. What purpose do homosexual serve? Yes, I've met kids who have wanted to kiss me, touch my dick and such. I haven't indulged them.
    Seven to nine. Eleven is fine too. Thirteen's too old.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:12:11 No.11549569

    Yes. I would rip your throat out because you people are all the same. You're all sick, weak fucks who get off on the idea of forcing a small, innocent creature to do things they shouldn't be doing at an age where they are both physically and mentally unprepared.

    Essentially, you raped me. You ruined my childhood and future.
    I hate you so much, yes I would kill you if I ever met, it would make me so happy that I could save a girl or boy from having to go through what I did.

    And you still think you're right don't you?
    You're even comparing yourself to homosexuals.

    That's right, "men", not boys you moron.

    How can you even compare, you make me feel physically sick.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:12:48 No.11549578
    I am a trained martial artist. You can't kill me.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:12:52 No.11549579

    looking at CP is just as bad as raping because some child somewhere was exploited to take those pictures, how you think you are immune to this offense because you didn't take them yourself astounds me
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:13:35 No.11549584

    So a person deserves to get brutally murdered just because he has an attraction to children that he can't control? The OP has admitted himself that he has never harmed a child and probably never will - he deserves to die? Pedophiles don't ask to be attracted to children, there are thousands of pedophiles in the country that would never dream of harming a child. You don't assume that every heterosexual is a rapist just because some do right?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:13:57 No.11549590
    lol, i asked the motherless question, and I'm pretty sure I know which video you go to hahah
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:14:04 No.11549592
    Some homosexuals like little boys.
    Looking at pictures doesn't promote rape.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:14:14 No.11549593

    A child sucks on it's mothers teat to extract milk you fucking idiot.
    It has nothing to do with you forcing your dick down their throats and expecting them to like it...

    No, children do not like sex. They don't, they are not physically or mentally prepared for it.
    Have you ever met a child that is? No, they don't exist and you keep lying to yourself.

    Children to not enjoy sex you sick fuck. Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:14:30 No.11549598

    looking at gore is just as bad as murder because some person somewhere was killed to take those pictures.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:14:55 No.11549605
    Children are born ready to have sex.
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:15:39 No.11549617
    >implying you aren't trolling
    Yeah, I understand your impulse. Muslim fathers kill their children if they have sex before they're married. Christian and so influenced fathers are somewhat more tolerant, but not completely liberated. But how can you think you are justified in wanting to kill another?
    I'm really, really sorry you were forced to do things. That's not what I want and I think you should realize that. Your argument of unnatural does not fly, however. It could be reworded to oppose the notion of homosexuality. How could you compare having sex with another man with having sex with a woman (or reverse genders as appropriate)?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:16:00 No.11549620
    Hey man, I was molested as a child and I liked it.

    wat do
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:16:22 No.11549625
    I'm not denying that children can enjoy sex, but using that physiological response to justify having sex with a minor who cannot offer informed consent is inexcusable, there is no way around it. Here's an example for you: some adult rape victims (both male and female) can orgasm during their assualt as a result of the physical stimulation, that does not mean that consent exists.

    A child who is being molested does NOT have the capacity to consent, period. At that age you do not understand what sex means, nor do you understand that you being used as a puppet for some sick fucks pleasure. I acknowledge that it must be difficult to have that so called 'preference' in a world that loathes you, but fuck, control your urges, please.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:17:01 No.11549634

    Yes and a homosexual that likes little boys is a PEDOPHILE! :D YOU IDIOT :D


    Haha, yes. Maybe he hasn't done it yet.
    The man who raped me hasn't done it yet. I was his first time, he breathed it to me while I was busy being violated.
    He may say he hasn't done anything yet, but he will. They all do, they can't control there sick urges. They're animals that need to be put down.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:02 No.11549647

    Whoever was murdered wasn't murdered for the purpose of taking that picture, the child who was forced to take that picture was forced so sick fucks like yourself can get off to them.

    Homosexuals who are attracted to children are just pedophiles and therefore are just as bad as you.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:18 No.11549652
    Please explain why the fuck why. That conflicts everything in psychology, from the Oedipal/Electra complex to the repression of homosexuality in the second oedipal phase. Not that you would know, so let's put it in terms you'll understand. A girl who is nine expressed the desire to kiss my dickhead once. Out of her own volition. Am I to take that as evidence that she was insane?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:22 No.11549653

    >children are born ready to have sex

    So your dick would fit inside a premature baby and a 3 year old?
    Oh wait, it would seeing as it's 2 inches long.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:34 No.11549656
    >Yes and a homosexual that likes little boys is a PEDOPHILE! :D YOU IDIOT :D

    That's not the point. Homosexuals don't choose to be attracted to men, just like pedophiles don't choose to be attracted to children. That's the point.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:36 No.11549657
    No Problem.
    Oprah was molested as a child and liked it, it's aaaawright.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:18:42 No.11549659
    Hey dumbasses, skip your shitty debate and see what pedophiles have decided are the responses to your points via consensus: - This is what pedophiles think about all of your points. There is no reason to debate further. You get their response, and you can't change their mind anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:19:42 No.11549671
    You are dumb. I'm not wasting my time with you.
    My penis is 8 inches long.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:20:18 No.11549678
    >Children are born ready to have sex.
    Then what's the point of puberty, you fucking idiot. THE BODY HAS AN ENTIRE PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY THE MAKE THE INDIVIDUAL READY FOR SEX. Children have not gone through puberty, they are not physically ready and are DEFINITELY not mentally ready.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:20:38 No.11549683
    Children don't consent to brushing their teeth before bed. They don't consent to eating their green vegetables. They don't consent to going to the doctor. They don't consent to going to school. They don't consent to anything. Their parents force them to do these things because they feel it is right for them.

    The question is not whether or not a child can consent to sexual activity. The question is whether or not sexual activity is right for that child.

    And sometimes it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:21:03 No.11549686

    That doesn't make the viewer responsible for the creation of the CP.

    On that point, people shouldn't watch beheading videos because watching it is just as bad as murdering because the man was killed so that people would watch the video.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:21:10 No.11549690
    I'll control my urges alright. I've said it before and I guess I have to reiterate, pedophilia != pederasty. However, if a child I like desires to have sex with me, I'll not refuse her.

    Also, look, people. You're spamming this thread with blind hatred. What the fuck kind of human beings are you for not even trying to understand what you desire to kill? You make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:22:02 No.11549696
    Yeah, gays are never supposed to have sex because men can't produce offspring with men either. Makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:22:11 No.11549698
    yeah what part of what i said was dumb....cause i'm not sure?

    Go ahead and clear that up and then you can continue trying to convince yourself and everyone here your life isn't worthless and you don't deserve to die.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:22:13 No.11549699

    Not every pedophile thinks the same, just as how every other group of people is composed of different ideologies and viewpoints.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:22:57 No.11549704

    Oh my god, let me explain.

    She's a girl. She does not have a penis, you do thus she is curious.
    Maybe they've fondled it before, requested to grasp it, lick it, even kiss it.
    She was simply exploring.
    I walked in on my dad showering once when I was 5. I saw he had a strange dangly thing between his legs. I didn't know what it was, I thought it was a tail.

    I asked if I could touch it, he agreed but just a touch once because he said that you're not meant to at my age and that it wasn't very good to.
    I touched it, it was squishy, he finished washing up, went down and read a book in his armchair as usual
    I was little bit more enlightened and a little bit smarter.

    It did not mean I wanted to have sex with him.
    How can you confuse these...what the fuck.
    You're in so much denial it's unbelievable.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:23:57 No.11549720
    I find little girls insanely sexually attractive, and i have done for a very very long time,but i have self respect and self control and have never even come close to doing anything about it and i never would
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:24:01 No.11549722
    No, it never is. Children having sex is only good for the pedophile. Having a good diet/dental hygiene/education is inarguably good for you, and is always good for you. Not only that, but a LACK of those things is BAD for you. A lack of sex is not bad for you until you're old enough to understand it and want it. Children do not suffer if they aren't getting laid, but they almost always do if they are.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:24:06 No.11549724
    >I asked if I could touch it, he agreed but just a touch once because he said that you're not meant to at my age and that it wasn't very good to.
    I touched it, it was squishy, he finished washing up, went down and read a book in his armchair as usual
    I was little bit more enlightened and a little bit smarter.

    As a pedophile myself, that whole scenario felt wrong and uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:24:42 No.11549733
    Are you fucking serious? You're comparing forcing a child to go to school and forcing them to suck a disgusting mans cock? Seriously? I call troll because there is no way any pedo is that deluded. Actually, it's entirely possible.

    >if a child desires to have sex with me
    How's that going for you? Never happened? I can guarantee it never will. Unless of course you groom them, then it's possible. Good for you for not raping kids, I hope it stays that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:26:17 No.11549754
    Dude, no ones gonna click your fbi trap. Fuck off.

    OP, what do you use to view CP online securely??
    If you say tor then I am disappointed. I've got truecrypts running with a bit of cp..what can Iuse to stop my isp seeing what I look at and w/e
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:26:25 No.11549757
    >they can't control their sick urges
    Pedo here (not molester, rapist).
    I worked at daycare, I was left alone (oh the HORROR) with the kids for hours when I closed the place.
    Never once felt an urge.
    Good thing internet exists.
    But I agree those who can't seperate reality and fantasy are truly weak.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:27:03 No.11549763
    It's not about reproducing, dumbass. It's about growing a glibido and having your body parts change to accomodate a penis in it/to be able to ejaculate. It's about being sexually mature, and it has nothing to do with gender or being gay. 10 year old boys aren't ready for sex either.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:27:29 No.11549768
    >No, it never is

    It would only take one case of child/adult sexual activity that was good for the child to prove that wrong. (I was that child.)

    >You're comparing forcing a child to go to school and forcing them to suck a disgusting mans cock?

    Funny how I never said anything like that. Sounds like your building me a strawman.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:27:39 No.11549770

    >FBI trap
    >run by pedos

    You are dumb. Besides, just use Tor if you're that worried.

    Or just feed this dumbass troll.

    God, when was this website overrun by 12 year old retards (AKA everybody in this thread besides me)?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:28:41 No.11549778

    Just playing devils advocate here, but what would have happened if your father hadn't told you that it was bad for a little girl to touch a penis at that age? What a father says has a great impact on what a child thinks you know.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:29:32 No.11549788
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    When I was ten years old, I was already masturbating and heavily interested in sex. If a close family friend offered to suck my cock at that age, there's a good chance I would have accepted. And I wouldn't have felt like a victim.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:29:47 No.11549791
    >You're comparing forcing a child to go to school and forcing them to suck a disgusting mans cock?
    I smell christfag. Cocks aren't disgusting. Children can like going to school and children can like sucking cocks. I don't think you have any grounds to disagree.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:30:26 No.11549802
    /electra complex

    Not to suggest at all that this concept ought to be taken seriously. /psyche grad
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:30:34 No.11549807
    I think everyone here is reasonable enough to understand that you didn't chose this. People don't choose to be gay or into tentacle rape or BDSM. The fact is, you are continually trying to justify your sick fetish. It is harmful, it is wrong, and you are in denial of this. You are potentially going to fuck up a kid- just because a kid THINKS it wants to have sex with you, doesn't mean it understands what it's getting into. You keep telling yourself kids know what they're doing, but they don't.

    Admit any sexual contact with kids is abominable, express your regret about wanting to fuck them, and then maybe people wont want to kill you. Damn right we don't try to understand you, we already do. You have sexual desires, and try your hardest to convince everyone that they are okay, when they aren't.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:31:21 No.11549813
    Read my post faggot.
    >you say tor then I am disappointed.
    Tor is under control of the fbi if you didn't know OP.
    If your not 12 then you're obviously fucking tapped in the head.
    >AKA everybody in this thread besides me
    You talk like a fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:31:23 No.11549814

    What's Tor?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:32:33 No.11549829
    Of course. She'd have likely thought it was no big deal, mildly interesting at the most. I sincerely doubt that she'd have developed any connection between that and sex, given the circumstances.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:33:26 No.11549842
    I'm not asking her to understand what sex means. Why should I be killed if I should let her explore my cock as she desires?
    I think you'll find plentiful examples in this thread already, and if you don't, then by google, about people masturbating before they turned ten. Where does that leave you?
    If I were to want to view CP I'd use DarkNet. However, I don't actually collect CP as that's illegal.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:33:35 No.11549843
    Getting your cock sucked is not equivalent to a young girl having a dick forced into her too-small, unlubricated vagina. It's physically damaging. I bet you wouldn't have wanted anal sex at that age.

    Anyway, who fucking cares. The fact that a few kids (almost all of them being male) would've enjoyed sex is irrelevant. The majority wouldn't, and that's more than enough reason not to risk it. You can't just go around fucking kids hoping that they're gonna be one of the rare ones who don't get fucked up from it. You can't see the future, you can't take them at their word, and the potential consequences are too bad to just hope for the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:33:39 No.11549846
    >if your [sic] not 12
    >Tor is under control of the fbi [sic]
    >You talk like a fucking idiot

    >doesn't know what Tor is

    Sorry, everybody. I try to come back to this board every few months to potentially disabuse a few of you of your retardation, but it seems that it's impossible and you are all entrenched morons. I'm done.
    >> sage sage 10/14/10(Thu)20:33:40 No.11549847
    No matter what you believe, the societal norm is that adults do not have sex with children. Children are something you protect and nurture until they are able to make thier own decisions and realize and accept the consequences of thier actions. You give them safety, stability, and allow them to mature mentally and emotionally.

    Eventually they rebel against your authority, they begin to test the limits of your rules and guidlines, they start questioning. This is a sign that they are ready to start learning via trial and error. It's around this time (usually the early to mid teens) that they begin exploring the idea of sex. That's fine. At this point it's thier decision. They are old enough to make this choice without being coaxed or manipulated into it.

    That's really my biggest problem with pedos. You manipulate children, possibly the easiest targets imaginable. They have no strongly defined sense of self yet, they crave the approval of the adults around them, and they have only the vaguest sense of right and wrong.

    Look at the child soldiers in places like Nigeria. It is wrong to kill, but they are told it is not only good, but right to kill. There is no fanatic greater than one who has never learned otherwise. It is a gross perversion of innocence, a theft greater and more terrible than anything else I can imagine. It is the warping of potential for the sake of selfish desires.

    Fuck whatever twisted logic you may use to defend yourself and your actions, to justify the terrible things you crave. You are not simply misunderstood, any more than a serial killer is. You have impulses that are destructive to the community around you, whatever else you may be is secondary to this. You are a threat to the well being of the most vulnerable among us and it is THIS FACT that makes you so hated and reviled.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:33:43 No.11549848
    >looking at CP is just as bad as raping
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:34:10 No.11549854

    No CP? Then what do you do as far as sexual release?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:36:10 No.11549877

    Don't group all pedophiles in with the ones that molest and hurt children please. That breeds misunderstanding and hate.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:36:13 No.11549879

    Then I would have touched it, squeezed it, looked at the hole I suppose and then walked away to contemplate this.

    I don't know, for some reason as a kid although I knew about sex I could always tell instinctively that it was wrong at my age.
    I don't know why, I just felt it.
    And I'd never been told that sex was wrong or bad except for that one time when my father explained it was innapropriate.

    You can just feel that it's not right for you at such a young which is why this dirty pedo is makinhg me angry because he's trying to convince me that at that age I was ready for my father to pin my down, forcibly rape me and enjoy it to boot because I asked to touch his member.

    I mean, wtf.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:36:15 No.11549880
    Original quote was, "... suck a disgusting man's cock."
    >A disgusting
    A pedophile molesting children
    >man's cock
    The penis of the aforementioned pedophile

    You went on to (A) assume that the poster was a Christian for some ridiculous reason and (B) say that cocks weren't disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:36:41 No.11549883
    Erotic stories, loli and CM. Plus, stop trying to implicate me.
    So this is your argument in short: You should be killed for having sex with children (even though it's completely non-harmful physically, unlike being a child soldier) because it didn't use to be that way. Am I wrong? If not, that's fucking retarded and you have some growing up to do.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:37:33 No.11549894
    If you think cocks are more disgusting than the rest of the human body, you probably have some issues to work out. They are not an argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:38:23 No.11549907
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    THEN: People hate homosexuals. There is nothing more vile on this earth than the homosexual. Gays are thought of as monsters from hell. Sodomy is a crime punishable by death.

    NOW: Homosexuals, though still widely discriminated, are accepted by many people and sodomy is not a crime.

    THEN: Premarital sex is considered immoral under God. Stone to death any woman who isn't a virgin flower on her wedding day.

    NOW: Premarital sex is common practice among the majority. People against premarital sex are considered to be part of the fringe.

    NOW: Pedophilia is considered vile and evil. Pedophiles are the most hated group of people and are thought of as monsters from hell.

    THE FUTURE: dealwithit.jpg

    Hide your grandchildren. They're gonna be marrying middle-aged men and there's nothing you can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:38:46 No.11549914
    Tell us some stories please. About you sexing kiddies up.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:38:58 No.11549916
    And yet in ancient Greece where it was the cultural norm, it was common for adults to have sex with children of the opposite sex in the family, and they turned out alright. Strange world.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:40:21 No.11549938
    FBI can GTFO my thread. For some nice loli stories, search the Kirsten archives with ctrl+f for "ped,"

    You won't be disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:41:04 No.11549947
    Male anon and psychology grad here: I agree in full.

    Children have an almost innate understanding of the bigger social taboos, including getting naked with one another (there are some exceptions, of course, since bath time is an appropriate context to get naked and it doesn't matter to them at the time if someone else is there with them- that concept of embarrassment doesn't hit 'til later). At most, kids may want to see something forbidden, maybe poke it, but that's the most they will usually do, least of all have any desire to lick something or put it in their mouths (lol "That's what babies do!").
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:41:33 No.11549954
    Other people having gay or premarital sex doesn't harm you if you're not doing it yourself. It's completely consensual, there is no manipulation, and the parties involved actively choose to do it. Pedophelia harms your children, your sister and brother, or maybe you. People want to protect their children, and even if they think being gay is harmful, they don't want to protect them. For that reason, I think it will stay taboo for a long fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:43:55 No.11549985
    >Cultural "norm"
    >Isolated almost exclusively to the upper class of Athens, which was widely considered almost a separate world from the rest of ancient Greece
    >Implying that what one arbitrary culture did matters to the modern world if the modern world wholeheartedly disagrees with the concept (see "slavery")
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:44:39 No.11549992
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    >Implying social taboos are anything more than bullshit.

    I don't see this concept of embarrassment anywhere at these nudist camps.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:45:31 No.11550002
    refer to >>11549916; children being instinctively attuned to cultural norms is not an argument
    Furthermore, for the infant in the synesthesia phase of identity, sucking on the teat is associated with sexuality. Confirm/deny?
    Why does having sex with a child who consents (in the sense that a child can consent) harm them? Please somebody explain this to me now. They'll get buyers remorse later? Why is it worse than the other forms? 18-year olds don't always consider their future either, and some children are more mature than many adults.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:46:18 No.11550009
    OP: What's the square root of -1?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:46:54 No.11550016
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    someone shoop out gay and replace with pedo's
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:46:55 No.11550018
    >one arbitrary culture
    >ancient greece, ancient asia, ancient anywhere, the united states pre1950
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:47:00 No.11550019
    I wonder how many suicides out there are related to pedophilia in some way or another.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:47:07 No.11550023
    >Virtually no accounts of the outcomes of these children remain, if they were even recorded
    >Time period in which the concept of childhood, in and of itself, was almost non-existant (we don't see this concept emerge rightfully until the mid-1800s, and even then they're still expected to behave like adults from the age of five, which is why discipline was so strict when they didn't behave properly).
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:47:22 No.11550027
    I really don't think you're going to find many prepubescent children protesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:47:27 No.11550029
    Depends. Many people define it as i, and define the complex plane with some added axioms, but that's just a definition. In classical math, undefined.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:48:42 No.11550039
    >implying any full grown woman is capable of making an informed decision about anything, let alone sex.

    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:49:56 No.11550052
    "Childhood" is a Victorian concept very much related to Christianity. There was no such thing in earlier world history, yet great people of both sexes existed and great intellectual strides were made. I don't even get what you're trying to defend. Some kind of innocence? What the fuck is that? All humans are born sexual with nerves in the genitalia. It's a widely documented fact children over two years old can orgasm if their genitalia are stimulated, regardless of how developed they are.
    >> Tinytrip !2Ty9Kjlz6s 10/14/10(Thu)20:50:07 No.11550054
    i feel sorry for you OP. your deepest desires can never be satisfied without ruining the mind of an innocent and committing the only crime society never forgives.
    >> sage sage 10/14/10(Thu)20:50:43 No.11550058
    I'm not saying you should be killed, just that you shouldn't believe that what you are doing is right. It is selfish, it makes you feel good, and it is relatively easy to do given enough planning and preparation. That's it. What you have done is justify it to yourself. You are unable to seperate a parental instinct from a sexual desire and are confusing the two.

    The main traits that attract pedophiles are the innocence and the trusting nature of children. The openness and honesty. The trust that children have for all adults. Unfortunately it is these very traits that make children so vulnerable to manipulation and coercion. And pedophiles are very good at manipulation. They manage to convince even themselves that what they are doing is right, after all. There is no choice involved, only a child trusting that the adult knows best.

    A killer kills because it feels right, it feels good. It is justified in his own mind. A killer kills because it is a relatively easy thing to do with enough planning and preparation. Does that make it justified or right to his victims? What about if he genuinely sympathizes with them? What if he knows they really enjoyed it? Is it right?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:50:44 No.11550059
    They never protested for public schools either.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:51:27 No.11550068
    Are we talking about pederasty or slavery? If the latter, you missed my point: what one culture DID at one point doesn't matter squat if everyone wholeheartedly disagrees with it now, on principle alone. In other words, no matter how much we may revere ancient Greece as a whole, that some ancient Greeks had child sex slaves doesn't in the least sell the idea to us today. Also, as another anon pointed out, it's not as though we have records of these children enough for you to have any clue that they turned out alright, whether thanks to their rather unique relationships with men far older than they or for whichever other possible reasons.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:52:03 No.11550074
    >committing the only crime society never forgives.
    Used to be two crimes, being a fag and pedophilia. Well, actually pedophilia was somewhat accepted until the 1920's. My hopes are up, and I get by with adult women who look young. I have some looks so I can get my type. I like to have them say "daddy". Yes, I am just saying that to make you even more butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:54:33 No.11550096
    >The main traits that attract pedophiles are the innocence and the trusting nature of children.

    Wow, thanks for filling those pedos in on what it is that they are attracted to!

    >A killer kills because it feels right, it feels good. It is justified in his own mind.

    Keep comparing murder to sex. Just because you can't enjoy sex, doesn't mean everyone else can't.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:55:33 No.11550104
    I fill a little sorry for you guys.
    I have violent fantasys every day. watch violent media and play violent games. I enjoy violence and have violent impulses but I do not act on those impulses and kill people.
    I do not get flack for something I could do but my actions. I only become a monster if I act. You become a monster as soon as someone finds out what you like in your head.

    As long as you do not do it, you are cool with me.
    As for CP. Stick with storys, fiction, drawings, and super soft core. the real stuff hurts real people. You don't want to hurt real children, Right?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:55:57 No.11550109
    got any cp?
    >> Tinytrip !2Ty9Kjlz6s 10/14/10(Thu)20:55:58 No.11550110

    lul. i'm butthurt? i'm not a predatory monster despised by the whole of humanity. enjoy your pathetic fetish being too beta to deal with people old enough to understand what sex is and why you're bad at it
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:56:28 No.11550118
    >As for CP. Stick with [...] super soft core
    That's still illegal.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:56:45 No.11550120
    you should be killed, fucker!!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:57:05 No.11550124
    Erections in boys aren't unheard of within weeks of birth (the penis is naturally erect, incidentally, and softens only because of an impulse from the brain while we are awake). That's not at ALL to say that these children ARE sexual. Few if any children have a remotely sexual thought (in context) until the age of nine or so, at the advent of puberty and the hormones associated with sex drive, and even then it's a relatively weak (and therefore a tad confusing) impulse in many children until puberty progresses a tad more. I'm speaking, of course, about affection being separate, though related to, the sex drive, so that kids CAN still have crushes and so forth without wanting to plow one another.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:57:20 No.11550128
    Many great men of the ancient cultures, like Alexander, had (implicitly, from textual sources) sex as children. It apparently did not hurt them as much as it does children these days.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:57:29 No.11550129
    You know that in islamic countries marriage at the age of 8-9 is pretty common guys and sex and birth at 12-13 is accepted...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:58:07 No.11550134

    Why so many butthurt newfags in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:58:44 No.11550139
    I like how the pedos can only hinge their arguments around weak fallacies and their massive, ironic victimhood complex.

    History has shown that trying to extrapolate out social trends to potential future extremes never really pans out. For a while everyone thought that eugenics would be the next best new awesome thing that would dominate society, science and religion throughout the 20th century; there are plenty of other examples.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)20:59:03 No.11550143
    Psychfag here.
    >implying neonatal synesthesia is anywhere near proven
    >implying the sexuality bullshit is even close to an accepted theory anywhere
    >implying you aren't pulling footnotes out of sketchy studies out of context to justify child abuse
    Go eat a bag of dicks.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:00:02 No.11550155
    For the record folks- OP included- pedophilia is quite different from ephebophilia, which is an attraction to kids 13+ (pubescent and post-pubescent minors).
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:00:35 No.11550158
    It's not right because it hurts another human being, unlike fucking. Fucking has no dangerous physical sequelae.

    I'd also like to hear more theory on your assumption that I'm confusing parenting with a desire to fuck kids. Sounds interesting if you didn't just make it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:01:12 No.11550164
    Are we talking pedophile like girls pre puberty age or girls that are like 11-16 era?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:01:50 No.11550171
    So you're criticizing my widely accepted theory by calling it less than widely accepted without providing an alternative one of your own. No anon, you eat the bag of dicks.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:02:11 No.11550173
    You're retarded. There's a ton of dead children especially young girls who die to due internal injuries from a cock. It tears them up, literally.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:02:21 No.11550174
    No one's saying it's worse, "newfag." Acting out on these desires is right up there with murder though. One could argue that, because the damage to the victim lasts so long (a lifetime), it IS worse, but that's debatable.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:02:45 No.11550177
    i've never wished this upon a person but i hope you die and burn eternally in hell you dirty piece of filth..
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:03:19 No.11550184
    I don't think that's fact. But even if it were, is there anything you can seriously argue to be wrong about letting kids who want to explore explore?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:04:35 No.11550197
    >"widely accepted theory"
    >Other than pedophiles looking to back themselves up, a handful of Victorian-era child theorists (at a stretch)
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:04:38 No.11550198

    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:04:41 No.11550199
    yes, tell them no!
    i hope to God you aren't a parent..
    if so i hope your children get taken from you and told that daddy was a very very bad person and you'll never have to see him again..
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:05:21 No.11550206
    I know it tears them up inside! They just can't live without my juicy man-stick and they get cravings until I pull up in my van again to quench their thirst!

    And to think I'm just fucking around am not actually a pedo in the least.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:06:31 No.11550223
    ITT: Psychfags gang up on OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:06:48 No.11550225
    I did some psych courses at uni. My professor seemed to be fond of the theory. It's also in the textbooks; sexuality is integrated in the primordial synaesthesia. Now back your shit up.
    That's not an argument and doesn't demonstrate anything other than how terrible a person you are. I'm sorry you exist, but I don't want to kill you. Why would you like me to burn eternally?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:07:08 No.11550229
    >implying vaginal intercourse is the only form of sex.
    >> sage sage 10/14/10(Thu)21:07:55 No.11550238
    I compare the two because they are both forms of theft that take something that cannot be returned. I compare them because in my mind they rate on the same scale of severity according to my own moral sensabilities. I admit this freely. I am not impartial here, I am simply stating my view on the subject.

    Children develop a sense of sexuality as they grow, but until around the teen years that concept is vague, unfinished, incomplete. You are implying that children emerge from the womb complete individuals. This simply isn't the case, emotional and physical sexual maturity takes time to develop and it is a gradual process. Intervening or manipulating the process in it's early stages instead of letting it develop naturally stunts the emotional growth of the individual. You are plucking a green apple instead of letting it ripen and mature.

    There is no consent without understanding of the consequences. There is no consent without knowledge aforehand. There is a reason children cannot sign for themselves on legal documents. It is because until a certain point it is the responsibility of the parents to take into account the consequences that could befall thier children.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:08:43 No.11550245
    Sorry about that. I meant when you do it with children who are mature enough. I didn't even consider somebody ripping somebody's vagina apart. That's disgusting and such people should be convicted.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:08:56 No.11550247
    Good job on putting "sage" in every field it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:10:18 No.11550262
    An honest question from a curious individual:

    If a woman stimulates the clitoris of her newly born daughter with her tongue to the point of orgasm, and the child never remembers and the event is never spoken of again, and no one ever sees it, what's the harm?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:10:24 No.11550263
    Theft of what? Virginity? lololol
    Consequences? What consequences? You hating them because they're whores and simultaneously hating pedos for making them whores? Let me lol even harder

    You, anon, are pathetic. You are what is wrong with humanity.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:11:01 No.11550271
    For lack of a better source so far.

    Anyway, I'm fine with a little "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours" between two children. I'm even alright with a parent or relative explaining what a "penis" is to a girl in the family, etc. Parents showering with their younger children is perfectly acceptable. The problem arises when a situation is clearly sexual.

    Context. Context. Context.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:12:01 No.11550284
    The cat is both alive and dead until observation collapses the waveform.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:12:01 No.11550285
    >You are what is wrong with humanity.
    Yes, because the worst thing out there is someone whom objects to pedophiles acting out.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:12:58 No.11550293
    Thanks for that totally impartial source that didn't cite any studies. I don't think you even tried to formulate an opinion, more like googled what you thought was already true.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:14:12 No.11550300
    I'd say "that the scenario even took place" but what should be common sense doesn't hold any water nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:14:28 No.11550303
    this thread disturbs me greatly
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:14:56 No.11550307
    No, I was referring to how you consider having sex with someone a form of theft. That's retarded and harmful. It's a slightly diluted version of what leads Muslims to honor killings.

    Seriously. If nobody is physically hurt, and nobody condemns people for not being virgins, what the fuck is the harm? Answer me this.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:15:35 No.11550313
    >source is "it's in a textbook"
    >gets mad when other guy doesn't cite sources
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:16:23 No.11550319
    Christ, I'll look it up in more detail then. I was just keeping the discussion going. It's a moot point anyway- my actual point was that it's about context, that there's a very real difference between a parent explaining the differences between boys and girls and a scenario like this: >>11550262
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:18:36 No.11550335
    Yeah, seriously. Since I've read it in all three developmental psychology textbooks I had at uni, either you're familiar with the topic or don't know psychology. If the first, you don't need a source. If the latter, you should pursue another line of argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:21:32 No.11550356
    You are taking or using something without the consent of it's owner. You are using the child's body for sexual gratification and, since the child doesn't have a clear or complete idea of what sex entails and you are taking advantage of that confusion, there can be no real consent. You are manipulating trust for selfish purposes. How is this not theft?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:21:42 No.11550358
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    .>If a woman stimulates the clitoris of her newly born daughter with her tongue to the point of orgasm, and the child never remembers and the event is never spoken of again, and no one ever sees it, what's the harm?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:23:44 No.11550373
    You didn't answer my question. I'm not taking anyTHING. The child will physically enjoy it too; the psychological aspects are debated ITT, but the fact that children can have orgasms is not. What, exactly, am I stealing? Try to not answer with Victorian or Christian concepts, it'll make you look ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:25:12 No.11550393
    Samefag: Wasn't easy without having access to professional databases, but I at least found this much:

    Haverson, 1940
    Langfelt, 1990

    I'm sure the 1940 study may be available at JSTOR, though it'd be a finding that'd be a part of a general neonatal study I imagine.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:29:03 No.11550435
    Non-sexual stimuli can produce erection? Stop the presses!

    Hey, I got a study for you too.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:29:21 No.11550438
    In "super soft core" they still have there clothes on. The underwear section of a clothes catolog is "super soft core"
    Not illegal.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:31:07 No.11550462
    Oh, your definition of softcore and mine are different.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:31:37 No.11550472
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    >have a fetish you didn't want nor choose
    >people despise you unconditionally for it

    Wow, sure is scumbags in here, you think OP WANTS to be a kiddie fiddler? It's not his fault, just as it's not a gay persons fault they're gay, and just like it's not a black persons fault they're black.
    As long as OP never acts on his desires he's no different from you or I, fuck you people piss me off more than actual pedos.

    You know people had the exact same attitude towards gays in the 50s when sodomy was still illegal? Yeah, to me that's how stupid and ignorant you look.
    Pedophilia is unlike homosexuality in that it can never be legalised, nor should it, because it hurts children, other than that it's practically the same fucking thing.

    Dont worry OP, there are those who actually have a sentient mind and wont hate you instantly for no good reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:34:55 No.11550501
    Thanks for this post, man.

    Yeah, I didn't choose to be attracted to prepubescent kids. Yeah, it feels fucking awful, seriously, to hear people say they would like to rip my throat off. I don't want to rape anybody.

    I'd like to have a prepubescent lover, or an older lover who looks like a kid, because that's what I'm attracted to. That's all. Furthermore I see no harm in sex in itself. I don't see why mothers shouldn't touch their kid's private parts and such. It's just... touching. It's not like a divine being will be angry at you for it or people should condemn you for it.

    I honestly think the people who would like to gut me without even trying to understand are scum. I love kids more and know more about kids than the average person, and I've never raped anybody. Why am I the bad guy?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:34:57 No.11550503
    A child can orgasm. That's your argument? If you kidnap and rape an 18 year old girl and make her orgasm, it's still rape. It doesn't magically become right just because her body responded to physical stimulus. If consent isn't given, it's rape, no matter how you justify it.

    What is really shitty is that you will either abduct or groom a kid into having sex and THEN tell them not to tell anybody else about it. You will either threaten them into keeping quiet or try to convince them there was nothing wrong with it. But even a kid knows there is something not right when somebody tells you "you can't tell anybody else". So either you scare them or you fuck with thier heads. They know something isn't right. They wonder if THEY'LL get in trouble for this. Even if you didn't scare them into it they'll be scared, worried. They will feel shame for the things they've done with you, and at that age, shame can really fuck you up.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:35:55 No.11550516
    That's not what I want at all. Stop demonizing me. That's awful and ape-like.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:37:39 No.11550536
    Until "what a sick fuck he was" dawns on the child as they grow older, and aside from the aforementioned psychological damage potential (though kids bounce back from crap better than many adults), no, there's no non-Victorian concept of morality, virtue, innocence, or common sense that'd be a factor.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/10(Thu)21:37:47 No.11550541

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