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  • File : 1287021754.jpg-(34 KB, 316x237, 1287020002911.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:02:34 No.11536931  
    >BOY, 8, shouted "Oh no alligator, let it go" as he watched the pet he'd just donated get eaten alive

    >A FLORIDA boy remained distraught after watching an alligator feast on his pet turtle when he donated it to a local aquarium park, the Pensacola News Journal reported overnight.

    >Crunches from the turtle's shell were heard by Brenda Guthrie and her eight-year-old son Colton as the alligator devoured the family's pet last Thursday.

    >A distraught Colton begged the alligator to release the turtle, called Tomalina, with no success.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:03:48 No.11536950
    Oh god I am laughing so hard right now

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:04:58 No.11536967
    >Oh no alligator, let it go
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:06:28 No.11536995
    That's fucked up.

    Herpderporiginalpost 456
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:07:56 No.11537012
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    cooI articIe bro
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:12:39 No.11537081
    That is one of the greatest things I have ever heard, I hope someone has a recording of the kid saying it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:15:05 No.11537113
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    >mfw "Oh no alligator, let it go"

    >also dubs
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:20:32 No.11537175
    fucking alligator. eatin ma turtle
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:21:38 No.11537187
    My mouth is literally a swiggle because I can't decide whether to laugh at the kid's choice of words, or frown at the whole situation.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:22:46 No.11537199
    Ha, reminds me of something from my childhood. I was playing catch with a football in a field behind my house one day. I made a diving catch and while on the ground, looked over and saw a duck just sitting there. Turns out, he was guarding a nest. I knew that the owners of the field mowed it every other week or so, so I put up some colored stakes around the nest and told the owners about it. I then build a little lean to around the next to give the ducks some shade. Every couple days I went up there to check on the ducks. Gave them bread and such. Finally, the ducks had hatched. The mother started leading them to the nearest source of water which was about a half mile away. She led them across a street and of course, bam, a fucking truck took out the whole little parade. There were no survivors. Apparently, the driver was looking down at his radio and didn't see them until it was too late.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:24:53 No.11537219
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    >Officials at the water park said it was uncommon for the gators there to be interested in turtles.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:26:25 No.11537237
    >playing with ferret outside
    >running around, chasing and being chased
    >vulture swoops down and flies away
    >oh no alligator, let it go
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:28:52 No.11537272
    >"Oh no alligator, let it go"

    I know it's the fault of the newspaper but damn that made me laugh. I can't help but imagine an emotionless robot of an 8-year old monotonously reading off of a script.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:29:04 No.11537273
    >Oh no, truck driver. Let them go
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:44:59 No.11537445
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    Like zoinks scoob. I must be trippin balls because I'm seeing like fours all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:47:54 No.11537472
    Poor kid.

    You're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)22:57:11 No.11537577
    Am I the only one that feels really bad for this kid that will be traumatized for life? :(

    Go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)23:03:00 No.11537655
    How is that line not hilarious to you, sure I feel bad for the kid, but when you say something like, 'Oh Noe alligator, let it go" I just have to laugh.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)23:09:15 No.11537744
    Guess you're right.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)23:12:09 No.11537786
    dude who works with alligators here and i laughed, alligators love to eat turtles :) especially when they associate anything a human releasing anything near them as food....nom nom nom
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)23:14:28 No.11537825
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    >They reportedly chose the Gulfarium so that Colton could come back to visit Tomalina whenever he wanted.

    >Officials at the water park said it was uncommon for the gators there to be interested in turtles.

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