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  • File : 1286937259.jpg-(152 KB, 605x542, the-best-feeling-in-the-world.jpg)
    152 KB It's that time again! Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:34:19 No.11521974  
    Alright, /r9k/.

    Give me just one reason this isn't happening to you right now.

    And it better be good.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:35:02 No.11521983
    Because we're both still awake. :)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:35:03 No.11521984
    there are no females in my life
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:35:23 No.11521985
    I plan to kill myself in a few months.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:35:48 No.11521991
    We just had this thread, you dumb fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:35:57 No.11521992
    I haven't seen her for a week and a half. Haven't gone out to dinner yet. Meeting her for tennis tomorrow though :)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:36:40 No.11522007
    because we are separated by distance and this weekend ill be doing that. ^.^
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)22:36:41 No.11522008
    Bitch stood me up tonight. She'll be around or another come along soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:37:05 No.11522017
    Vidya is honestly more interesting then being with a girl who only wants to do girl things.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:37:37 No.11522022
    Fuck you Op
    Fuck you.
    4 months ago this was still happening to me every night.

    I hate you so fucking much right now
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:38:35 No.11522036
    She acted like I was invisible most of the time.
    She said she wanted to stay with her.
    I loved her, but she wouldn't trust me.
    I broke up with her.
    The last words she said to me:
    >I knew you'd be like that. Glad I did keep my distance.

    I've become anti-social, so haven't gone out of my way to meet anyone else.
    >> regular guy !!xXokDaTyuFE 10/12/10(Tue)22:38:37 No.11522037
    this picture perfectly demonstrates how me and music hang out.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:39:02 No.11522041
    She has homework. fuuuuuuuu
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:39:12 No.11522043
    I need no reason. Social constructs of coupling behaviour can go fuck themselves
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:39:57 No.11522057
    theres no one ive made a move on, Im always thinking something will happen with the people i know so i dont meet new people, and the people i know (or girls anyway) are good with keeping my hopes up... but it never goes anywhere. Honestly I think I dont mind being alone though... no pressure, no commitments, other then no sex its not too bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:40:55 No.11522070
    I'm gay

    >charis his
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:10 No.11522072

    How the fuck are you missing the green Anonymous name?

    Fucking witchcraft.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:14 No.11522073
    she broke up with me 2 days ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:23 No.11522075
    everyone hates me once they get to know me.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:24 No.11522076
    she's working till 11.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:39 No.11522079
    cause i'm single?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:41:55 No.11522086
    Because the guy I want to do this with is over 3000 miles away.

    Otherwise I would be doing this right now.
    >> ­ 10/12/10(Tue)22:42:21 No.11522093
    lolol red name
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:42:25 No.11522097
    1. because the girl i was with moved away
    2. because im not at that stage yet with this girl im trying to get with
    3. im not a cartoon
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:43:06 No.11522105
    Because she is currently working on a huge essay that's due on Thursday, and we already messed around for a couple hours yesterday. My girlfriend is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:43:15 No.11522107
    He lives on the other side of the country :[
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:43:53 No.11522118
         File1286937833.jpg-(32 KB, 540x335, how old are you.jpg)
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    Because I'm afraid of women.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:44:24 No.11522127
    He's playing wow right now...:(
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:45:12 No.11522136
    both of these.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:45:17 No.11522137
    Because Ron Stoppable isn't real :(
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:45:33 No.11522143
    Because she's a couple of thousand miles southwest of me.
    Which is why I just got a job in her city so we can be together, and not have to deal with the whole long-distance relationship thing any more.
    I move there in three weeks.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:45:44 No.11522146
    I took a big shit in my pants.
    >> fletcher 10/12/10(Tue)22:45:49 No.11522150
    she's at school. around 1045 i will be pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:46:03 No.11522154
    I enjoy doing other things more than sex, don't want to deal with relationship idiocy, and I'm not an idiotic virgin who thinks sex>everything else.
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)22:46:31 No.11522162

    Heh. I forgot I did that.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:46:37 No.11522164
    she faerts 2 much
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:46:40 No.11522165
    Cause I'm busy hanging out on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:47:05 No.11522171
    Because I don't have a girlfriend.

    >>   10/12/10(Tue)22:47:40 No.11522181
    Not sure how to get rid of it now.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:47:42 No.11522182
    Got no friends. What kind of girl wants to even associate with a guy with no friends, much less have sex with him? No girl that's who.
    >> Anonyomus 10/12/10(Tue)22:47:42 No.11522183
    It is, but with my cat ^_^

    (I love it when she puts her bra and boyshorts on!)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:48:25 No.11522197
    My personality wont allow me to be with anybody, at least not anybody I could possibly get.
    I don't have many friends either. Just my best friends who can endure over the shit times with me to enjoy the goods. Most people just can't handle me when I'm having a bad day, or don't like something.
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)22:48:32 No.11522201
    uhh ohhh
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:10 No.11522209
    Wow, the girl looks like my girlfriend and I look a bit similar to the dude. Shits good.
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)22:49:19 No.11522212
    delete cookies, change it back to blank, an hero.

    lots of ways.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:26 No.11522213

    Why do women always use emoticons? And have posts ending in 7?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:30 No.11522215

    Because women want nothing to do with me. That's probably as good a reason as one can get.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:31 No.11522217
         File1286938171.jpg-(13 KB, 221x215, brofist2.jpg)
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    Same here bro, along with the rest of us, and all of you
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:36 No.11522219
    Is it back? I don't want someone putting together a ton of little details and figuring out who I am.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:49:52 No.11522222
    It totally could be, but the connection's been fucked up by over zealous parents and legality issues and what not.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:50:39 No.11522237

    First thing I tried, and just deleted the name cookie.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:52:20 No.11522262
    Because I realized a long time ago that I am probably one of the most undesirable men on the planet, and I would just spend my life wallowing in self-loathing and depression unless I accepted that and stopped caring.

    Now I'm still alone, but I'm drawing concept art for a video game. And come on now, I'd much rather spend my night drawing horror monsters and building my city in Minecraft.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:52:31 No.11522266
    He is away. It happened last week, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:52:59 No.11522273
    Because I have Aspergers and cannot talk to girls.
    >> Kermit the Frog 10/12/10(Tue)22:53:23 No.11522281
    Because I'm a giant pussy with self confidence issues.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:53:27 No.11522282
    well I met a girl when I was about 15 years old, had a massive crush on her, it's 6 years down the line and I've been through multiple relationships but I'm never committed because I see myself with a future with said girl. Problem is she lives in another country, feelings are mutual but we cant do much about it and we're not the LDR kind of people.

    So now I dont date girls in the fear dumping them/comparing them to her and making them feel like shit. sometimes I have random hookups for sexual release, that's about it.

    So either princess charming is going to whoosh me away or I'm going to remain a self loathing faggot who worships a godess of a woman and neglects consideration in others

    good enough reason?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:53:48 No.11522287
    most women would rather be with someone that beats them than be with someone like me (shy, socially awkward)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:55:19 No.11522300
    Because I'm an idiot and ran away when I fell in love.
    I still love him... I can't get him off my mind. :[
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:55:45 No.11522305
    Because we only see each other once a week.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:55:56 No.11522309
    I met my boyfriend on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:56:35 No.11522317
    Adding my voice to the distance club.

    Would be so much better if he had his left arm over her and his left leg as well. Tangling limbs = <3
    >> Cycles of Self-Loathing !!mKA3gnxNcx8 10/12/10(Tue)22:56:45 No.11522320
    Because I'm a bitter, pretentious, and rather unlikable person deep down.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:57:28 No.11522332
    Asking her out in a few days, actually.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:57:51 No.11522340

    I lol'd.


    theferen ambattina
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:58:32 No.11522345
    Because I'm gay and he isn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:58:36 No.11522346
    Because everyone worth having is already taken.
    If she is not taken then its because she doesn't want to be... Or she is fucked in the head.

    Loners gonna lone.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)22:59:37 No.11522371

    Dear lord. How does love bloom on 4chan?
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)23:00:30 No.11522383
    well looks like it's working now, i see a green anon!
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:00:57 No.11522393
    Copout beta excuse.
    I have Asperger's and that didn't stop me from meeting someone incredible.
    All you have to do is get out there and try.
    From >>11522143
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:01:19 No.11522398

    Don't worry. I'm also in the same boat.
    Funny how it works that way.
    >>   10/12/10(Tue)23:01:54 No.11522408
    not the likeliest of scenarios.
    Incidentally I always try to meet people on here. I actually hooked up with a girl I met on /b/ once. BTW I'm not the guy you were responding to.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:01:57 No.11522409
    Because after 4 years, I was dumped...LAST FUCKING NIGHT.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:05:22 No.11522459
    one of my legs is paralyzed so I have to use crutches forever.

    >mfw when a guy in another thread summed it up by saying girls want someone that can protect them and I am not it.
    >Reflective visor hides my sorrow
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:05:52 No.11522469
    Because I'm not that skinny and I want to date skinny chicks.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:07:35 No.11522500

    describe pls. give me hope i wont die alone
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:07:41 No.11522503

    It doesn't. These posts are created to justify the "hurr durr hookup" threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:19:10 No.11522700
    im thirteen no pussy for me lol O.o what is a 4can
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:19:34 No.11522710

    I sense you lack faith.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:21:39 No.11522736
    I'm on the East Coast, she's on the West Coast. Hoping that I can get transferred to an office on the West Coast in the next month or so.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:27:33 No.11522817
    I only attract illegally young girls. Also I'm on a military base, have you seen American military women
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:29:00 No.11522835
    It probably would be if she did not live in Utah.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:29:05 No.11522839
    he's home and i'm home, so this weekend :)
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:30:57 No.11522854
    because it'll be happening tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:31:09 No.11522857
    Because I haven't met a girl with whom I share a mutual attraction for.

    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:32:14 No.11522871
    my fiance's working an overnight and our fuck buddy isn't answering his phone.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:32:54 No.11522879
    I'm on vacation, 3000km away from the gf.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:33:59 No.11522892
    i dont like men
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:34:12 No.11522895
    Apparently mentioning stuff you saw on /h/ turns a chick off
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:34:30 No.11522901
    Because I'm an antisocial bitch who will probably die alone. Shit happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:36:06 No.11522917
    Because her asian family is extremely conservative and she can't sleep over at my house, nor can I sleep in her bed/room when I sleep over at her place.

    Dating for 3 years too. What the fuck man? At least she makes up for it in other ways.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:37:16 No.11522937
    No friends. No job. Unfit.


    Gotta start lurking /fit/...
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:39:16 No.11522976
    Something is very, very wrong with me that drives other people away from me. I just don't know what's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:39:27 No.11522980
    She's at work right now. Wait for like 2 hours.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:41:05 No.11523003
    I have no social outlet to meet females, or males for that matter.

    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:41:25 No.11523010
    Roommate won't let my boyfriend come over and I can't go to his house.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:41:47 No.11523022
    Cuz women are worthless i rather be alone, or pay for a hooker.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:42:38 No.11523037
    >woman are worthless
    >hire a hooker

    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:42:50 No.11523041
    Oddly I'm in the same situation, except the girl lives on the East Coast and such, I'm waiting til next year when she finally graduates out of college, and hopefully she moves over here to the West.
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 10/12/10(Tue)23:45:16 No.11523084

    I've got too much stuff going on in my life to get a girlfriend. Plus, one simply doesn't get a girlfriend when they decide to. Maybe in highschool.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:45:56 No.11523096
         File1286941556.jpg-(1.16 MB, 2269x1420, This Wants your soul.jpg)
    1.16 MB
    Well, the only girl I would be sleeping with not only has the flu, but also seems to have lost all sexual attraction to me.

    She was cheating on her boyfriend with me for about a month, but I guess she just put me right back in the friend zone.

    wtf is that

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:46:22 No.11523106
    He is over 2000 miles away, and I've never meet him. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:47:01 No.11523120
    Derp. I'm paying for sex, woman herself is still worthless.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:47:19 No.11523125
    1) She is 50 miles away.
    2) I'm not a fan of red wings.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:47:35 No.11523129
    I just too her home.
    >> Anonymous ­ 10/12/10(Tue)23:49:02 No.11523151
    because she is sitting next to me while we lurk r9gay together. u jelly anon?
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:51:24 No.11523188
    Haven't asked her out yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:55:11 No.11523246
    1) She's about 40 miles away
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:55:27 No.11523248
    Because I really don't give a fuck and put pussy on a pedestal like most guys do, if they aren't gay, and I'm not gay myself either.

    >Haters gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:56:39 No.11523265
    It's 5pm. I'm living at home in the country.
    I rarely bother going into town. My interests are vague and often pretentious. I have no interest in socialising or meeting people. I have very few friends. We will have nothing in common. I have no job and no car.

    Tell me, why would a woman want anything to do with me.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:57:03 No.11523269
    1]he lives about 50 miles away
    2] i love red wings
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:57:49 No.11523279
         File1286942269.jpg-(171 KB, 1025x768, Jelly.jpg)
    171 KB

    I'm about as jelly as this pic.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:58:04 No.11523283
    Because retardation

    pstrol docile
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:58:09 No.11523285
    >I see what you did there...

    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:59:23 No.11523307
    Because she's doing a problem set.
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:59:40 No.11523310
    it's ok darlin
    >> Anonymous 10/12/10(Tue)23:59:40 No.11523311
    Because we both have work tomorrow.

    > see what I did there is make everyone who feels guilty about not having a job feel like those who are guilty about not having a boyfriend/girlfriend
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:00:59 No.11523335
    If you are trying to make me think you are her, she would never use the word darlin
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:01:54 No.11523356
    This. This is why.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:02:29 No.11523365
    Because I'm too paranoid to let anyone get that close to me physically or emotionally.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:04:11 No.11523398
    no, i meant, it's ok darlin. i use the word darlin.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:04:55 No.11523408
    She's in another State right now. Soon, Anonymous. Soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:06:20 No.11523429
    My boyfriend flew back to Michigan on Monday.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:11:58 No.11523511
    He would've been safer going into Afghanistan, I wish your boyfriend the best of luck.
    >> AWESOMENONYMOUS 10/13/10(Wed)00:16:51 No.11523584
         File1286943411.gif-(258 KB, 170x350, 1277850925268.gif)
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    At first I was like : . . .

    But then I : ! ! !
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:18:08 No.11523603
    Because I guess I don't even have any friends and I haven't been able to get close to anyone for the past year and a half when there were guys interested because of my own idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:26:01 No.11523713
    I'm too busy focusing on my education and career.
    Used to fuck party, and do drugs errnight... and then I did acid and realized what i was wasting... I don't want to be normal. I want to be exceptional... so all of my energy goes towards school, work, and networking.

    One day bitches will flock to me and I will callously turn them aside while I assess my next move.

    I plan to own 1/10th of Texas's Wind energy by the time I die, and damned if I don't try.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:30:35 No.11523797
    My boyfriend went off to a school that was best for his major. It's 9+ by train, which would be fine if I didn't have such a heavy studyload/family life/etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:33:29 No.11523844
    how about being completely fucking unattractive to everyone

    does that count?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:35:35 No.11523874
    it's only 5.30. and i dont want to eat a hotdog in bed. seriously though, i just dont approach women. that's all.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:36:59 No.11523903
    Because having a relationship with a woman is a complete waste of time, money, and energy. What about sex? Masturbation, quick and easy release, then back to whatever the hell I was doing before.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:49:03 No.11524099
    Because I don't try.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)00:50:48 No.11524125
    Because I'm bored.

    Having had several really good relationships end + many MANY sexual encounters, I just want to play vidya for now.

    Once November rolls around that picture will be me again.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:45:39 No.11524877
    Because the only thing worse than being alone is being with the wrong person.

    I've dated plenty of women. Deep down, I knew they weren't right.

    I'm waiting for my desert rose. She will be the missing piece of my life, and I won't want to live without her.

    That's why.
    >> pirs !dccxZtenso 10/13/10(Wed)01:47:27 No.11524901

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:48:23 No.11524915
    I'm uploading my animu release.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:48:30 No.11524917
    Because about 8 months into my two and a half year relationship I more or less cheated on my girlfriend. We're still together, but we're in a healing process. Nothing sexual until she feels she can really trust me again. It's going to be a long and painful road to recovery but I feel like there's enough love for us to make it out of this.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:50:02 No.11524937
    It's ten to ten in the morning, so she's at uni.

    For another good one, I have a cold and can't stand having people touching me when I'm sick.
    >> tippers lolzzzz !!6Hn8MsOXC4r 10/13/10(Wed)01:50:24 No.11524947
    He lives in alabama
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:51:06 No.11524960
    Because I have to work at 7:00 tomorrow morning and she has morning classes.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:52:14 No.11524976
    1. is 2 AM and she's at her dorm
    2. i'm sick as fuck
    3. my roommate's in the room and that's awkward
    4. i'm fuck as sick
    5. i'm still not done with my homework
    6. I'm SICK. as FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:54:41 No.11525010
    Because he'd rather play World of Warcraft.
    Not that it matters though. He turns down all the affection I throw at him anyway. Feels really bad man.

    >Forever alone
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:56:53 No.11525034
    asexual superiority complex here. Constant effortless Zen. Sex is a waste of time and money. I've fucked plenty btw, just don't need it or want it any more.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:57:37 No.11525044
    i'm lame as shit
    is that reason enough you mother fucker?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:58:06 No.11525054
    I'm working on it!
    jesus fucking christ give me a minute!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)01:58:47 No.11525064
    The only women I know who I find attractive are already taken, or have already dumped me.

    I don't go out of my way to meet new people, because I find it difficult to interact with random people without a reason.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:00:19 No.11525086
    Because I'm in love with my roommate, who is just my best friend. We do cuddle with every night but that's as far as we go unless we're drunk.

    I want a real boyfriend though.
    >> Damphair !E5g5GmbE/U 10/13/10(Wed)02:01:14 No.11525098
    Because I don't want it to.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:02:59 No.11525122
    because a girl i had a crush on, that i ended up doing what is in OP's pic with after an awesome night out with, has now been revealed to be a lying deceitful whore by another r9k thread
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:03:42 No.11525135
    Because I don't know Kim Possible.

    How the fuck did no one mention this yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:08:13 No.11525190
         File1286950093.png-(22 KB, 120x102, Screen shot 2010-10-13 at 1.07(...).png)
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    Because the girls I'm always ever interested in (and are well within my league) don't want me.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:51:07 No.11525600
    because i'm finishing my physics project. but then tmorrow... hehe
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:52:18 No.11525613
    I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow and I'm starting on it right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:52:36 No.11525616
    Because she's sleeping and I have a graveyard shift in half an hour.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:53:45 No.11525630
    I'm a trap and i don't want to have sex as a male. Nothing about it appeals to me.

    The only reason I feel bad about being a virgin is because I know it's a sign of status and your worth as a person. I don't want it because of the physical pleasure of it, but because I know that others will look down on me until I do it.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 10/13/10(Wed)02:55:45 No.11525649
    >Because I am a recluse who doesn't know how to pick up the phone and call somebody

    I can't force myself to have a social life.
    It's right there, I have friends. The phone is saying, "Smilecat, call X, leave house, acquire an actual life. It will be easy"

    But yet I just can't do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:57:14 No.11525666
    idk she dumped me and now i'm spending most of my time tidying up my life, getting a job, improving my skillsets and socializing with people/making new friends.
    sleeping with girls is nice but there are too many things i need to fix before i start putting it forward as my main focus.
    all i really want is to love someone again, but i know i'm too young for it and that really what i need is to just live my life for a few years before i let myself settle down with a girl and fall for her again. even if i met the perfect girl tomorrow, i probably wouldn't let myself get too attached.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:58:38 No.11525679
    I remember there being a thread on here where someone posted their phone number and invited r9k people to call/text them. I don't remember who it was, but if you see that thread again, maybe you can give that a try?
    >> DR.DEATH !/ASWGvWAe. 10/13/10(Wed)02:58:58 No.11525682
    >>Give me just one reason this isn't happening to you right now.
    There's a possibility she's dead.
    >> Croft 10/13/10(Wed)02:59:33 No.11525689
         File1286953173.jpg-(46 KB, 330x419, 1286744004051.jpg)
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    Because the girl I love doesn't know I love her and I'm too afraid to tell her.

    >major shitheas
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)02:59:51 No.11525694
    tomorrow night I will be :)
    >> Guido !!3eGnrYehkGI 10/13/10(Wed)03:01:18 No.11525711
    My girlfriend left my house at midnight, that is why.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:02:55 No.11525730
    cause i wouldn't know what to do once i got her :( feels so god damn bad man. i could get her, she wants me, but i feel so akward
    >> Alfalfa Male !!LCLhV63PyMu 10/13/10(Wed)03:04:15 No.11525740
    Because I just now grew a sack and am currently working on it. It basically breaks down to, if it doesn't work out, you'll feel shitty for a week, month tops. If you never try, you'll always wonder and beat yourself up. Better to have a bad week than an regretful wondering memory.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:10:49 No.11525812
    well it isn't happening to me right now because I left her apartment 15 minutes ago.

    15 minutes ago it WAS happening.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:14:47 No.11525860
    I hate this shit, really, I don't need a woman to fulfill the place of the mother figure I never had. Sure, they're nice and lovely, but I'm not hardwired psychologically to NEED that attention and their constant criticism about how men are the inferior race and how we're all pigs who are slobs while they just sit around and expect to get by on their good looks.

    Yeah, I've had girlfriends before, several of them, they just fell by the wayside over the time - I never needed their attention.

    I'll probably spend most of time drifting from relationship to relationship until I find a woman I can respect enough to treat as an equal, and one who will accept that.

    Is that a good enough reason for you?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:18:21 No.11525900
    Because the chick i like, who actually likes me too, is a cunt who doesn't like "making last minute plans"
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:23:49 No.11525954
    Because somehow I've managed to form a circle of friends who are about 4-7 years younger than I am.

    Tried dating one at the younger end of that. Shocking how immature she was. We broke up. Kinda hitting on another one of similar age. I don't see that ending well. But all the older ones are taken or do-not-want.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:38:56 No.11526077
    I got bored of it so I rolled over to my computer to play some vidja.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)03:42:38 No.11526102
    Because I can't sleep. Otherwise, I'd be right there.

    Also, because my boyfriend isn't crazy about being kneed in the balls. Look where that chick's leg is...
    >> Miltank !6T/x1MILKY 10/13/10(Wed)03:43:39 No.11526112
    I only know five girls in this city (just moved here).

    Two have boyfriends. One isn't interested in even meeting me. I met one, she isn't talking to me. The other, she's actually busy, and I doubt she wants to hang out with me.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)12:12:26 No.11529310
    I didn't say I don't have a girl. I said I'm busy. Hanging out on 4chan. She can wait.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:11:27 No.11532732
         File1287004287.jpg-(255 KB, 375x500, rave_cat.jpg)
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    I have no excuse except all the hot ones are taken by more alpha-males than I. Therefore I am beta as fuck and can only get the bitches who roll at raves and not actually want them for a relationship, but just to fuck cuz it feels great when we both are trippin ballz.

    tldr; all the red glowsticks are sold out, i guess green will have to do for tonight..
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:12:37 No.11532746
    I'm lazy. Like you wouldn't believe.
    That being said, some chick who I talk to every other day is probably coming over this weekend.
    Gonna take her virginity.

    >dectire this
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:13:43 No.11532766
    Been ages since I've met a girl I'm genuinely interested in and when I think of having a girlfriend right now it fatigues me, I just want to pound university vag but that's not going to happen either.
    >> derefed translated Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:13:51 No.11532769
    Because i'm on r9k
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:15:20 No.11532792
    lol-ing my ass off..."fucking wichcraft" oh your god...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:15:26 No.11532795
    Severe Crohn's disease. Feels bad man!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:16:02 No.11532804
    Because I don't have a partner
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:17:01 No.11532817
    Because I felt it was more important to respond to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:17:39 No.11532830
    Well, of the three girls I like, one's taken, one's ugly, and I have a hard time making conversation with the last one because we have little in common.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:18:37 No.11532844
    because it's 5 in the afternoon.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:19:01 No.11532853
    I don't deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:20:18 No.11532875
    It was this weekend, then she went back home yesterday ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:21:27 No.11532897
    So I'm a guy that's on the HRT transitioning to girl, but currently I'm still in the "icky" phase.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:22:05 No.11532905
    Women need time and effort. Both is valuable so I use it for myself. I had a gf this year, I dumped her because she sucked in bed and wasted my time (no interests)
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:23:30 No.11532922
    Because my fiancee is real and not a black and white cartoon.And she is 60 miles away.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:24:09 No.11532936
    I don't have a bed.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:30:22 No.11533021
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:31:13 No.11533027
    gf is taking a shower
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:32:05 No.11533037
    because i'm pooping right now
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:32:07 No.11533039
    Because It's 2:31 PM, and I'm pretty much awake, my girl lives on the Eastcoast...

    Oh god so lonely.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:32:56 No.11533046
    because he isn't home from school yet
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:34:02 No.11533066
    What makes you say troll?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:37:50 No.11533128
    Because I dislike and complain about damn near everything all the time. I aint gonna change just because some pieca ass tells me to.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:38:16 No.11533137
    Because he says he's too old for me. Fuck morals.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:40:25 No.11533156
    Because I'm fat....and Mexican...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:40:46 No.11533163
    Because she lives on the other side of the planet.

    And because I've been ignoring other advances because I want the distant girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:41:21 No.11533174
    I'm sitting in class. Computer science. What do you think the reason is?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:42:12 No.11533186
    I'm not 2d and am in colour.

    More seriously I just can't be arsed with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:43:19 No.11533212
    I am a homosex
    >> Anonymous Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:44:06 No.11533230
    We're both Christian.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:46:15 No.11533258
    Why the fuck do you fucking think? Huh, fucking?
    >> Fetus_Face !jyGnrz5r46 10/13/10(Wed)17:46:53 No.11533269
    Fetus Face and high standards.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:47:55 No.11533284
    Because I live in Ontario and she lives in Texas.

    Feels bad man.
    >> Chicken 10/13/10(Wed)17:48:06 No.11533290
    because its 5:48 in the afternoon, you clown
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:49:47 No.11533313
    it's on my list

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:50:17 No.11533320
    the sheer stink of your giant man pussy made my eyes burn a little when i read this.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:50:24 No.11533323
    Because I'm to straightforward. Saying "You're fucking sexy, I'd hit you so fucking hard" won't cut it. Also, I'm a femanon.
    >> Protomorphic !!X7gy2oSIDtJ 10/13/10(Wed)17:52:45 No.11533356
    Because my bed is a single bed.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:52:47 No.11533358
    >time to kill another thread with my presence.

    women don't talk to me, i don't talk to them.
    >> Fetus_Face !jyGnrz5r46 10/13/10(Wed)17:53:31 No.11533367
    This has to be a troll. If femanon said that to pretty much any guy he would agree straight away.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:53:38 No.11533369
    Still not good enough to get a woman.
    >> Pierce Medoulla Disgourd !!rHlE+W44I66 10/13/10(Wed)17:54:29 No.11533382
    There isn't a good reason.

    Feels soul crushing, man.

    >immismi without
    Possibly relevant
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:55:25 No.11533395
    Dude, I'm underage, and they won't take me seriously. Shit sucks.

    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:56:11 No.11533410
    I would take you seriously. Then get thrown in jail.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:56:53 No.11533421
    I'm actually legal to fuck in my country. Also, rejection may be related to personality. Mine, that is.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)17:59:11 No.11533444
    You seem pretty damn straightforward and that is a pretty good quality in my opinino but, I can see how it would turn off guys conditioned to play the subtle game with women.

    >I'm actually legal to fuck in my country
    brb, moving to this femanons country
    >> !/VVQbw2weo 10/13/10(Wed)17:59:20 No.11533445
    I'm not a disney cartoon
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)18:01:43 No.11533484
    Because we just started our relationship one week ago. Today, we lied like this but with clothes on. She also said I smelled really good.

    Life is looking better :)
    >> Anonymous 10/13/10(Wed)18:12:40 No.11533646
    trololol sweden.

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