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  • File : 1286244599.jpg-(131 KB, 700x467, 7_train_queens_subway.jpg)
    131 KB Mass Transit Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:09:59 No.11401591  
    ITT: We discuss the mass transit systems of the places we live. Eurofags better get in this thread, your subways are so much nicer.

    Pic related. The MTA somehow manages to go bankrupt every five minutes, but whatever, they get me to work/school on time.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:11:31 No.11401608
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:12:31 No.11401625
    Truer words have never been spoken. Septa is horrid.

    Public transit in the US is laughable.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:12:31 No.11401626
    Edmonton transit is so sketchy anywhere near downtown/Mill Woods Town Centre/the North side, and everywhere past 9pm

    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:12:33 No.11401627
    God. I spend $4.50 a day, to get from one location and back. Home to college, college to home.

    Shit sucks, especially when you're not rich and have to deal with the guilt of being 19 and still living with your mom, taking money from her. Having recently lost my job, I am not pulling in any cash. After the rest of my money is gone then I'll have to start asking her for cash again for another semester of traveling from college and back. Fuck. fuck. fuck!
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:15:15 No.11401656
    We don't have mass transit here. My state's run by conservatives and they hate it.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:16:12 No.11401673
         File1286244972.jpg-(85 KB, 500x336, student-MetroCard1.jpg)
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    I'm still in high school and I still have a student Metrocard. It saves me $4.50 every day. That's like, enough money to buy an entire sandwich!

    This is the one thing that I am going to miss about school the most ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:17:13 No.11401691
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:17:38 No.11401699
    i hate the weekend schedule bullshit.
    with the money we spend on the MTA, their budget and schedule issues should be minimal
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:19:38 No.11401723
    I'm in Ottawa, under the regime of OC Transpo. We have one rather silly train that only has 5 stops. But the buses are pretty rockin, they made a whole bunch of special transitways only for buses, so its always pretty speedy getting around. Plus there's a couple 24 hour routes so I never really have to take a taxi if its late and I'm drunk.
    But yeah, overall, a great system
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:20:38 No.11401743
    Edmonton's train used to be like that. 20 years later we are getting a second line. Maybe. In the next decade.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:21:27 No.11401755
    The MTA must be one of the most corrupt organizations in the country. 5 million people ride it every single fucking day and they still manage to go bankrupt and have to beg Albany for more money. With that kind of money any other city in the world could have built 20 2nd avenue subways and Airtrains in 1 year.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:22:25 No.11401771
    Vancouver: one of the few rapid transit systems in the world where there's no turnstile to get into the station/get on to the trains.

    Shit's fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:23:12 No.11401784
    Atlanta has some of the lolliest rapid transport in the world. I dont really know how to describe how much sense it doesn't make.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:23:29 No.11401793
    Edmonton is like that too. We occasionally get transit officers on board that give out like 100$ tickets for not having a transfer, but like that ever happens.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:23:55 No.11401799
    St Louis is like that
    people are always stealing rides
    basically they just have guys that check tickets every now and then, sort of like the honor system
    I interned at the STL Metro for a summer and asked someone; they said it's actually cheaper without turnstiles, even with the stolen rides.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:24:04 No.11401803
    National Rail can fuck right off.
    Always late, always fucking expensive.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:24:21 No.11401807
    Depends where you live. Public transportation in Boston, NYC, and DC is pretty good. I can't speak for anywhere else though.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:25:10 No.11401819
         File1286245510.jpg-(30 KB, 520x359, cle-rrt-trn-ar-Public-Sq-stn-1(...).jpg)
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    Cleveland Ohio

    I take an RTA bus and The Rapid errday.
    Costs only $25 per semester for a university pass, but shit still sucks...
    Any other faggots do the Ride To Africa?
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:26:14 No.11401840
    >Eurofags better get in this thread, your subways are so much nicer.
    >Posts thread when all the Eurofags are asleep on a weekday.

    Nice going OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:26:45 No.11401847
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    San Francisco Muni reporting in.
    The AI voice has been forever burned into my mind, as well as the sound of the train coming out the tunnel.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:28:06 No.11401866

    The LIRR is going down the shitter too


    I went to school in Philly, SEPTA does indeed suck a big one


    the cost of your ticket/toll/whatever on these public transportation systems pay the city back 1/2.5 the cost

    so when you pay $2.50 for a metro, the cost the city incurs to move your ass is actually $6.25

    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:29:44 No.11401895
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    Clevelandfag who's still mad they fucked up all the routes in March. Took away my precious 50.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:30:00 No.11401897

    correction, it would cost the city $3.75 after your money comes in

    you get the idea
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:30:15 No.11401900


    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:30:19 No.11401902
    >The MTA must be one of the most corrupt organizations in the country

    >Hour long trip
    >Goverment pays for 60% of ticket
    >somehow it cost these jackasses $30+ to send me one fucking hour.

    I dont fucking understand it.

    Worst thing is my station is undercontruction

    Workers, 20 works standing around doing nothing.
    Every. Fucking. Day.
    Christ the only thing ive seen them do it wave to the passing by trains.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:31:43 No.11401921
    Used to. Rode it after school from University Circle to Tower City. Was mostly white or pueto rican schoolkids. Want a ride to Africa? Blue/Green route, nigger.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:32:11 No.11401934
    Want to know why these services suck?

    A) unions, have to pay some high school drop out 80K a year
    B) run trains in the middle of the day for 10 people
    C)shitty slow workers, no motivation
    D) everything is 100+ years old, constant repairs
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:33:14 No.11401949
    Check this out
    MTA - Kingston Trio
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:35:17 No.11401978
    i take the path from hoboken NJ to the world trade center site everyday
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:35:46 No.11401988
    Healthline can suck my chode.
    They took away my precious 75X-basically direct service from my house downtown. I miss it so bad
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:39:22 No.11402038
    A. Fucking correct Man. As I was saying in the other thread. My uncle works as a bus driver for the MTA. He makes 72k a year.

    B. Truth. But it really depends where. I've seen 6 people at noon in the 1 train at wall street. Other days the whole train car is full.

    C. Yep. I work as an "Independent Contractor" at a union shop. I get paid weekly not hourly and once I reach my quota for the day I'm out of there. The union assholes just lounge around milking the hours.

    D. No it's younger than that, it's just made with shitty unionized labor.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:42:34 No.11402079
    They ruined my 79A/B route too, cause lol cutbacks or something. Raped the timetables and shit. I mad. On the plus side, I get free bus passes, and the rides tend to be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:43:13 No.11402085
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:44:22 No.11402095
    Fuck the MTA. I have to pay $16.00 for a peak/off peak LIRR train, the fuck is this bullshit? The LIRR is supposed to be attractive because it's affordable, not because the tracks keeps setting on fire and stations need to be built. They were rebuilding my station for four years (and it didn't really need it) and they didn't change much at all but the exterior surfaces.

    And fuck the subway. It's cheaper but I'd rather walk my ass than pay $2.25 to go 30 blocks.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:47:41 No.11402139
    Toronto here.
    It's 100 bucks a month. I can't complain. I like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:47:49 No.11402141
    Because I live with my gf of seven years and we're getting married in 2012.

    Oh, wait...
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:48:31 No.11402154
    the funny thing is the LIRR guys who just punch tickets make like twice that of a city cop starting out
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)22:51:36 No.11402191
    This is true. My cousin's a "conductor", she's not faring too bad for a 27 year old.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:02:24 No.11402331
    >The MTA somehow manages to go bankrupt every five minutes, but whatever, they get me to work/school on time.

    Usually yes, but then.

    >A train
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:07:48 No.11402393
    lol wut mass transit. I'm from the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:08:07 No.11402396
    New York, Metro North
    I've been taking the train everyday now for 3 years, I'm friends with all the conductors. They are the craziest guys...
    >> noko Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:10:19 No.11402422
         File1286248219.jpg-(204 KB, 454x500, metro.jpg)
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    Washington DC metro here.
    Feels clean man.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:10:40 No.11402427
    DC Metro. This sums it up nicely.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:15:36 No.11402487
    Would you happen to know a conductor on the Connecticut line named John?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:18:19 No.11402520
    Texas. No transit, no heavy traffic. Trade off.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:21:18 No.11402553
    No, I'm on the Harlem line, but they do switch up schedules every once in a while. What does he look like?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:24:17 No.11402589
    Fairly tall and lanky, and speaks fabulously if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:25:31 No.11402597
    Hmmm, don't know if I have met him. What color is his hair? Does he have a mustache or anything?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:27:09 No.11402617
    Graying hair, always clean shaven. I guess you don't know him. I'm related to him.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:27:36 No.11402622

    nigg3r u best be joking...

    no heavy traffic my dick..
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:28:09 No.11402625
         File1286249289.jpg-(100 KB, 640x475, 1251483_a3bf56ab.jpg)
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    Doubt that there will be many other Britfags from Nottingham to post at this time of night

    We have trams and buses. NET (Trams) + NCT (Buses) all day ticket cost 3.50, which aint bad imho.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:28:34 No.11402627
    The MAX is aight. yall bitches need to come see our Pac Northwest shit, yo
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:28:40 No.11402629
    Yeah, when you said he spoke well, I figured he sold drugs or something. Those are usually the most colorful conductors.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:30:21 No.11402654
    Yeah, that's about it. There's a lot of black people too. What do they do all day?
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:30:38 No.11402660
    you all smell like crap
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:31:40 No.11402679
    Haha no, when I said speaks "fabulously", I meant he sounds gay; as in, wrist-flicking, lisping FaAaAaAaAbULOUS. Like, really, really gay. I feel kinda bad for saying that since he is married (to a woman) and he's a nice guy and all, but it's still something I've always noticed and it always kind of annoyed me.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:34:47 No.11402720
    Trimet destroys all of you. MAX, Streetcar, Bus System, C-Tran, etc. - Portland has it better than anywhere in the US. "Este es la ultima estacion de esta linea"

    If only the buses downtown could be free again... oh well, enjoy your car insurance, Nowheresville, USA faggots.

    Also, the LIRR can suck ma balls. Last time I was in NY, it was $9.50 from Ronkonkoma to NYC. One way. What kind of gangsta bullshit is this??
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:34:53 No.11402723
    Wow, it's probably good that he does the New Haven line, because there are so many bigoted assholes on the Harlem and Hudson lines. Not as many shitty areas to roll through, either.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:37:59 No.11402771
    >implying Portland has relevance

    you all smell so horrible
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:41:01 No.11402811
    vienna, austria; public transport here fucking rules. there is no need for a car at all. in fact if you dont REALLY need it, you'd be stupid to have one. bus, tram, subway. superb.
    >> kasughskjsfkg 10/04/10(Mon)23:42:32 No.11402829
    BART is the most depressing subway in the world. like a 1970's dentist's office on tracks. and when i do have to take it it's usually for a 45min commute. fml.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:43:36 No.11402851
    Get an unlimited

    My brother lives walking distance from his school but still gets a metrocard. I take it. I am 21.
    >> Anonymous 10/04/10(Mon)23:49:28 No.11402934
    It's gone up from that. $15.00 peak now.
    >> Anonymous 10/05/10(Tue)00:00:22 No.11403041
    MTA needs to clean up, fire every one, rehire needed people
    friends dad is an electrical engineer or something, makes over 100k, sits in dunken donuts all day reading the paper, doesnt even ever have tasks to do
    government loves wasting tax payer money

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