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  • 4chan turns 7 years old today—October 1, 2003-2010.

    To celebrate this occasion, I'm chatting on AIM as "MOOTCHAT".
    OR I guess!
    And The Social Network comes out today. Concidence? I THINK NOT.

    File : 1286033471.png-(106 KB, 285x225, Screen shot 2010-10-02 at 10.30.00 AM.png)
    106 KB Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:31:11 No.11361842  
    What do you think of allowing concealed guns on college campuses, /r9k/?

    This is becoming a huge debate at my school, since we just had a shooter last week. I think it's an absolutely horrible idea. Some dumb fuck would've tried to play hero, and it would have just made the situation even more chaotic than it already was.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:43:14 No.11361951
    College campuses are for big boys and girls that are old enough to make their own decisions. If one of them decides that they'd like to carry for their own protection, the college has no right to deny them that.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:44:55 No.11361965
    >it would have just made the situation even more chaotic than it already was.

    The shooter would have died immediately and no one would have been killed, how is that chaotic?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:45:28 No.11361969
    There should be security with guns on the campus.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:46:44 No.11361984

    At first I was like "shit that's a terrible idea I don't want everyone around be fucking armed"

    Then I realized that I could also carry one of my guns.

    I don't think it would make school shootings any more common, I think it would deter them if anything, even if it didn't I would feel better knowing that if someone started busting caps I had some recourse other than run away or hide under a desk and wait to die.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:46:59 No.11361987
    or, along with the shooter killing a few people, sometime tries to take him down and takes down a couple of bystanders by mistake
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:48:06 No.11361997
    I go to college to fucking learn. You do too. Don't bring weapons into my fucking learning space. If people didn't bring guns nobody would feel the need to carry them in self defense.

    This guy's got a good thing going.

    This guy's twelve.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 10/02/10(Sat)11:49:11 No.11362005
    Guns reduce the crime rate. Fact.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:49:35 No.11362011
    >Hear gunshots, shoot person shooting
    >other person hears gunshots, shoots person shooting
    >repeat until everyone with a gun is dead, plus anyone in the crossfire
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:50:44 No.11362020
    > Fuck running, a man should stand and fight!
    This sounds like you.

    A school is a school, not a counterstrike map you fucking tard.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:51:36 No.11362028
    American logic: "You know what would solve gun crime? More guns!"
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:52:42 No.11362040
    I hope to got none of you dipshits go to George Brown.

    Though given it's 70% niggers, that's probably irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:53:15 No.11362049
    European logic: "How can we protect our citizens from criminals with guns? We'll make guns illegal!"
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:53:23 No.11362052
    Strange, since America has a fuckload more guncrime than glorious Europe, despite Europe having vastly more people than America. You're country has more guncrime than that of every country in a continent combined. We all have police forces who can carry guns over here, and so do you. The difference is, in America it's legal for citizens to carry guns which opens up the possibilty of gun crime. Guns do not deter crime in any way, go cut yourself another slice of denial cake.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:53:47 No.11362055
    >Some dumb fuck would've tried to play hero, and it would have just made the situation even more chaotic than it already was.

    What's worse? Someone actively running around, trying to kill innocent students?

    Or an armed student killing the active shooter, and getting accidentally shot by police, himself?

    I'd rather somebody take the guy out, and STILL get nailed by the cops when they arrive, than just letting the guy run free.

    You also factor that most people who carry know how to handle firearms, and a good number of the ones who would actually bother in a college environment would be active/reserve/former police or military.

    I, personally, think that schools should *require* some members of their faculty (Building administrators, professors, whatever level it was decided for) to engage in firearms training, and tailored active-shooter-response training, and have a school-issued handgun in their office in a safe, for emergency situations.

    In ADDITION to allowing (Or rather, not DISallowing) students to carry firearms if they are licensed by the state to do so.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:54:19 No.11362061
    Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:54:41 No.11362070
    If people don't carry guns, nobody can get shot by guns. I don't see why this is so hard for you to understand.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:55:22 No.11362082
    No, and I'm not telling you psychotic fucks my name. Stay the hell off my campus.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 10/02/10(Sat)11:56:33 No.11362091
    Despite the fact that the safest towns in America all require their citizens to carry guns, I agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:57:07 No.11362096
    >in America it's legal for citizens to carry guns which opens up the possibilty of gun crime
    Just exactly how much gun crimes have you personally witnessed where the perpetrator owned his gun legally?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:57:29 No.11362100
    I like the idea of firearms being allowed to the staff, but I think it would be more sensible if the building only had one firearm locked under safekeeping and only being accessible to a security guard in the event of an emergency.

    With that aside the rest of your comment makes you sound like a child who's read too many batman comics.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:58:23 No.11362105
    who is going to shoot up a school full of armed students and teachers?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:58:42 No.11362109
    >I go to college to fucking learn. You do too. Don't bring weapons into my fucking learning space. If people didn't bring guns nobody would feel the need to carry them in self defense.

    Dude, I've got a great idea. Let's make this rule, a law even, that you can't bring guns onto a college campus.

    Then we can all learn in peace and safety, because nobody will bring guns to school!

    What else would we have to fear? A serial paper-cutter?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:58:57 No.11362113
    Guns don't kill people.
    People kill people .... with guns.
    They can also kill people with other implements.
    Criminals can get guns on the black market, anyways.
    What's so hard to understand?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)11:59:56 No.11362120
    >Guns reduce the crime rate. Fact.
    What the fuck are you talking about? Guns don't lower the crime rate, it's their legalisation that does.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:00:13 No.11362123
    If guns are illegal, only law-abiding people don't carry guns.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:00:42 No.11362127
    The safest towns in AMERICA.

    The safest town in the most CRIME RIDDEN COUNTRY IN THE WESTERN WORLD.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:01:29 No.11362135
    please tell me which system works better, objectively. euro or usa. don't worry, I'll wait.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:01:36 No.11362137
    So you want to become a vigilante?

    Name one instance in which that has gone well.

    Or stop being a paranoid fuck and move to a safer country if you're so scared someone busting a cap in your ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:02:37 No.11362143
    Except it's easier to kill people with guns. That's why bad people like guns so much.

    If people were limited to pussy shit like knives it would be easier for them to get fucked over by the cops.

    If it's harder to hurt people, crime rate goes down. Don't be stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:02:40 No.11362144
    I don't think people realize that usually people with gun permits aren't the counter strike loving, never handled a gun in their life, omega males that usually start college shootings. Most people with gun permits I would assume know how to use them, they have to be in order to even get a permit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:03:36 No.11362157
    Prolly one of the students or teachers, considering THERE WILL BE LIKE A THOUSAND GUNS ON THE CAMPUS.

    If you love your explosions so much just go to the fucking army. Everyone will have guns there and you can stick your dick in them while we learn in peace.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:03:38 No.11362158

    >read too many batman comics


    >School decides to purchase a few handguns for its administrators to keep in a safe
    >School buys and installs safes in offices
    >School mandates that these administrators have a certain level of proficiency (Read: accuracy) with these handguns
    >School coughs up the money for an hour long range trip every other month or so to maintain that proficiency
    >School hires some guy from the local big-city PD to come visit and give the administrators a three-day class with classroom instruction and practical exercise on responding to an active shooter
    >Training mostly includes getting bystanders the fuck out of the way, and standing by waiting for police to arrive and handle the situation
    >Goal of the training is not to hunt down and kill the shooter, but to be able defend the students and faculty if necessary

    Because that really sounds like something Batman'd do.

    Christ, you anti-gun nutters are such raging faggots.

    What is so incredibly terrible about ALLOWING PEOPLE THE MEANS TO FUCKING DEFEND THEMSELVES?


    Every single fucking one of you has got some major trust issues.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:05:01 No.11362169
    And there will always be outlaws, regardless of whether or not guns are allowed.

    If you come across a criminal, you're supposed to call the cops and get the fuck out of dodge. Get with the times.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:05:44 No.11362176
    Given your mentality, I find that extremely doubtful.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:05:57 No.11362178
    Suicidal shooters want to take out as many people as possible along with themselves. The shooters from the past several years have had nothing in particular against the place they chose as their target. Their motivation was more general, like "waa humanity sucks". They just chose a place that would be packed with people and not protected, like gun-free schools.

    You can't stop a single person from going crazy among millions of others. You can't find that one deranged enough individual among the throngs of other seemingly troubled people. What you can do is to deny them targets for their rampages. If a place is likely to have lots of armed people, a murderous lunatic will choose another place. Ideally, there should be no place that would be an easy target for a killing spree. If enough law-abiding peace-loving people would carry weapons then all places would be more protected all the time.

    You have to remember that decent people outnumber the psychopaths to a ridiculous degree. Putting the power to kill in the hands of the people is in our favor.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:07:13 No.11362187
    Don't call me stupid, if you're the one being a fool.
    Most criminals can obtain guns illegally, and if they cant, it doesn't truly affect crime rate -- rather it affects the gun crime rate.

    Just look at Britain, comparing the time in which they were legalized, and then the time in which they were banned.

    Comparing all of Europe to America is not really valid, since there are way too many compounding variables. Do any countries in Europe have as large of a wealth disparity?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:07:30 No.11362189

    Because two sentences saying, "I think you people are simply ignorant. Here is the summarized truth of the situation." totally gives you a huge insight into his character and attitude.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:07:34 No.11362192
    Do you go to University of Texas, OP? That was some bizarre shit last week wasn't it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:07:56 No.11362193
    Ya know why school shootings AREN'T extremely common?

    Because guns aren't on the premises.

    I pay to go to college. I don't want to feel like I'm learning inside a security bunker every day.
    >> PA LAWS SUCK 10/02/10(Sat)12:08:23 No.11362199
    I love the fucking idea, I WATCHED A GIRL GET ROBBED of her cell phone when I was on campus. If I had my gun I could have shot these guys or at least stopped the situation. But nothing would have happened because they'd have seen it on me if they were smart and just avoided the situation altogether. Gun law only make it easier for criminals to have guns because people that follow LAWS DON"T NEED TO BE RESTRICTED ON WHERE THEY CAN KEEP THEIR DAMN GUNS!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:09:51 No.11362216
    Fuck it, I'm leaving this thread. It's not my problem unless my college starts doing this shit.

    You all are stupid and seem to think that north america's being invaded or something.

    Keep your fucking guns out of my face you trigger happy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:10:19 No.11362222
         File1286035819.jpg-(23 KB, 800x600, shooter.jpg)
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    Which classroom is likely to be more safer and have less casualties?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:10:30 No.11362226
    No one fucking cares if you pay to go to college, so stop saying it.

    No one also cares if you're a cookie-cutter liberal that fellates Obama.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:10:45 No.11362229
    > Oh yeah I can just scare people off with my gun or shoot them, no biggie

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:11:39 No.11362236
    You should, because if I go to college and you don't it's my fucking business. Some underaged high scholar has no say in my learning envrionment.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:11:48 No.11362238

    When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

    You know the recent Fort Bliss shooting a few weeks ago?

    Guy had THREE MINUTES before an MP arrived and shot him.

    The police density on military installations is *insane*. Look up Fort Campbell on Google Earth. Disregard the part that's all woods and fields and ranges and shit, and look at the teensy tiny area that's houses and buildings.

    In that incredibly small area, during the day shift, there are, easily 15-20 MP vehicle patrols, plus special units on call like MPI, CID, K9, Traffic, DST....

    I'd imagine Fort Bliss is very, very similar.

    And it took *THREE MINUTES* for them to arrive and take his ass out. Do you have *any* idea how much damage you can do in three minutes, given a target-rich environment and sufficient ammunition?

    Three minutes is a whole lotta lifetimes.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:12:14 No.11362242
    How will the police be able to identify the shooter and civilians when students return fire the next time there is a school shooting?
    The cops go in loaded for bear and shoot anyone armed.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:12:39 No.11362248
    Yes, because school shootings are so fucking common.

    Try going outside for once and getting a dose of reality in your skull.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:12:43 No.11362249
    Australian here... holy shit... what the fuck... guns at university? What the fuck...

    I'm just posting to let you know how extremely creeped out I am by this thread. I'm not gonna actually post in it though.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 10/02/10(Sat)12:13:58 No.11362260
    "safe" being a relative, I can see where you are confused. These towns have a crime rate of near zero, as in, no crime.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:14:47 No.11362272
    What the fuck?

    Isn't the entire point of this thread about gun laws and SCHOOL SHOOTINGS?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:14:48 No.11362273





    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:14:54 No.11362275
    All the people pro-guns ITT don't even go to college.


    Ya know what I'm gonna do if a shooter comes? I'm not pulling out my glock, I'm jumping out the fucking window and booking it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:15:38 No.11362283

    Yeah, but down under, guns are hard as all fuck to get, anyway.

    When was the last time your country had a school shooting, of any kind?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:15:55 No.11362288
    How often do school shootings happen?

    I mean, I've been going to various schools for 14 years, and not once has any psychotic fucker shot up any of those four institutions.

    Y so paranoid bro?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:15:58 No.11362290
    Just saying Hi from Quebec, where there have been two school shootings in the past 21 years, totalling 15 dead, bringing the school shooting rate at 0,009 dead/year/100k citizen. In both of the shootings, the gun had been acquired legally.

    These statistics fuck you up.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:15:59 No.11362291
    My school has a police department of 100+ officers. They spend more time catching kids for underage drinking than stopping robberies, rapes, muggings, ect.

    And all you people wetting your panties over how Europe has lower gun crime than the US, the Switzerland has the lowest rate of gun crime, and it also has the highest level of gun ownership. They even allow citizens to keep fully automatic assault rifles in their homes.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:16:11 No.11362293
         File1286036171.jpg-(58 KB, 459x389, Cho-GunDM_468x396.jpg)
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    If you want to beat Cho's high score you're probably sane enough to go where there is little to no chance of people having firearms with which they can fight back.
    A couple of sane people with firearms would deter most shooters. They'd go somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:16:55 No.11362298
    You don't know how gun combat works.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:17:16 No.11362305

    There's a word for people like you. It's called 'coward'.

    I swore to defend this country and her people once, and willingly put myself in situations that were a great threat to my life. I have absolutely no qualms, whatsoever, with being killed because I had to step up and defend my fellow Americans again, because a threatening situation came to me.

    You disgust me. Get the fuck out of my face.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:17:33 No.11362307
    Nice argumentum ad hominem, bro.
    I bet all you anti-guns guys are fucking morons who go to shit-tier liberal arts schools, and only get their BA.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:18:03 No.11362312
    No, the point is whether or not they should be around.

    I say no, because I go to college and this is relevant to me. Everyone who says yes doesn't even go to college. It is extremely insulting that you think you have the right to more heavily populate my environment with weapons.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:18:39 No.11362318
    Do you go to college?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:19:40 No.11362326
    So wait, because you're a patriotic americunt I should be one too? What?

    Fuck you we're trying to argue guns as a safety issue right? Now you've openly stated that you don't give a shit about people keeping themselves safe.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:19:42 No.11362328
    Around 7-8 per year in america

    And few of them get more than 1-3 kills. School shooters apparently have VERY bad aim going into a heavily dense building area and only getting off 1-3 kills
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:18 No.11362335
    Switzerland is not america, as this thread so thoroughly illustrates.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:27 No.11362338
    >You don't know how gun combat works.

    True, but what does that have to do with anything? I am pretty damn sure almost no shootings happen in places where the gunman is likely to get killed before he has had a chance to take a significant amount of people with him.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:35 No.11362339

    "Man...I REALLY wanna go out in a blaze of glory, kill all those motherfuckers that gave me bad grades and made fun of me, and those cunts that laugh at me behind my back.....But...Dammit. The ROTC guys are all gun nuts, and they're probably carrying...That military history teacher and the criminal justice prof...Fuck, man. I'm gonna get wasted before I even make it down the hall...I think I'm just going to go throw up and cut myself instead..."
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:36 No.11362340
    >Name one instance in which that has gone well.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:39 No.11362341
    Yes, I go to a "public Ivy."
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:20:45 No.11362342
    I've graduated from college. Eat shit and die youngfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:21:09 No.11362347
    If someone pulls a gun on you regardless of what you are doing, odds are you are going to crap your pants.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:21:20 No.11362353
    And for the record, it's not ad homenim it's highly relevant. If you don't go to college you have no right to say what college students should be doing, because on this subject we're the ones you think are at risk.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:21:25 No.11362354
    School shootings would be a lot more common, but less people would be killed, for sure.

    I think it'll happen in the future when the population has increased to an absurd level and every human life seems obnoxious, like in Futurama, with all the obscenely dangerous everyday equipment.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:22:47 No.11362369
    Right, and that's when schools aren't gun infested.

    If schools have guns up the wazoo I seriously have no idea how people think those numbers will go any lower.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:23:46 No.11362378
    Then go carry your gun over there, and come back to us when you kill a crazed shooter and become a local hero for you bravery and shit.
    Really? How many shootings did you survive?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:23:49 No.11362381

    >I don't want to feel like I'm learning inside a security bunker every day.


    Cool story, untrusting, paranoid ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:24:47 No.11362397
    > Blaze of glory
    > Scared of dying
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:25:02 No.11362400
    pretty sure the people who shoot up schools don't care about it being a "gun free zone"

    it isn't like someone changes their mind because of that fact, like they adhere to the rule.

    >sometimes capplu

    that's right captcha. sometimes they do.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:25:17 No.11362402
    >If you don't go to college you have no right to say what college students should be doing
    Damn, if only there was a set of rules that would give me a specific right to say dumb shit...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:25:34 No.11362403

    Often enough that it matters to the families of the victims, apparently.

    >Man, I've been driving for YEARS without a seatbelt, and I've never died in a wreck! What's the big deal??
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:26:01 No.11362409
    That's not what I mean.

    You want my school to seem like we're being targeted by the taliban or some shit. I can honestly not see how people wouldn't be on edge if everyone had a gun. Even if I had one on me I have the common sense to know it probably won't do shit if something bad occurs.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:27:20 No.11362421

    >Blaze of glory
    >Scared of dying prematurely and not on their terms
    >Girls will remember me and be sad, regretful, and wet if I shoot up the school
    >They'll just make more jokes and laugh if I get shot as soon as I walk in the door

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:27:43 No.11362425
    If you're so convinced that college is a death zone because of a few incidents (which in the grand scheme of things are still extremely rare), then don't go to college.

    Besides, wearing a seatbelt is not the same as carrying a gun and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:28:18 No.11362435
    >Hurpa de durpa hurrrrrr

    This is all I'm seeing.

    College: Learning Place.
    Outside: Everything Else Place.

    School shootings will still happen even if guns are or not allowed on campus because guess what?

    -CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAW- . That's why they are called Criminals.

    If I ever wanted to kill somebody, i'm going to look for the most easy and efficient method of doing this (read: guns, most likely) and nothing but physical force is going to stop me (read: not some piece of paper some government clerk wrote).

    As for guns on campus? I'm neutral. I wouldn't like knowing most of the people around me have a loaded firearm on their person however them being illegal doesn't stop them from having them if they wanted to, so all it does is give people a false sense of security (read: that's all laws do)
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:28:28 No.11362438
    So you think people carrying guns on campus will help because shooters wouldn't want to damage their rep? Are you serious?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:29:13 No.11362447
    Most statistics show that the sooner an active shooter is confrotned--by any armed personnnel--the sooner the situtation ends.

    Better trained police have lessened the potetnial for violence in school shootings/public sprees, but there are recorded cases of active shooters being confronted/disarmed/shot by aggressor civilians, ending the situation much sooner with fewer loss of life/injuries.

    Also, let's face it, SOMEONE almost always "tries to be a hero" in these situations. You always hear about some teacher or customer or coworker confronting the shooter, or tackling them, or whatever. Some of them are lucky enough to win in situation like that, but some just get shot.

    There is absolutely nothing you can legislate that will prevent some bystander or victim from turning into a hero--you might as well let them be armed as well.

    In a school setting, the political ramifications are quite serious, and the populations are compact and crowded. So extended concealed carry/apprehension training should be a req to carry on campuses.

    But it should not be expensive or exorbitant.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:35:15 No.11362491
    Oh, and that "enhanced carry/apprehension" training would be in addition to getting a CCP with your state or local gov't. The first time some fucktard accidentally shoots one of his buddies or himself cleaning his Glock while drunk in the dorm, the entire thing goes kaboom. No more guns anywhere near that school ever again.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:36:10 No.11362499

    You're real big on it being an institution for learning...Why not fight fucking ignorance there?

    Gun owners are not all, not even the majority are, trigger-happy rednecks, rambo wannabees, or government-hating whackjobs.

    The vast majority (Just like the vast majority of people who carry) are normal fucking people, who own a few guns, or go about their day with a small pistol shoved in their purse or pocket.

    They're not going to go on a shooting spree.

    They're not going to kill you for pissing them off.

    Calm. The. Fuck. Down, yo.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:37:25 No.11362510
    I disagree with you there...
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:38:56 No.11362523
    There is a reason why killing sprees rarely happen in police stations, in spite of the fact cops are the targets of much hatred, anger and violence.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:39:24 No.11362530
    >the people with the least amount of experience with something always have the most to say about it.

    Now might be the time for a poll of anons that have ever actually fired a gun on more than one occasion.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:39:35 No.11362533
    > You're real big on it being an institution for learning.
    I'm not 'big' on anything. It IS an institution for learning.

    And if nobody's gonna go on a shooting spree, then what's the point of carrying guns?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:40:16 No.11362542
    Because police stations and college campuses are not the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:40:24 No.11362544
    I don't care?

    What's my response to this supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:40:52 No.11362549
    What does the act of firing a gun have anything to do with the intention of who to use it on?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:43:12 No.11362566
    Okay, there's one negative.

    Any more?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:44:45 No.11362579
    he's saying that people like the fucking guy who says EVERY WOULD BE SKURRED AND IT'D BE LIKE A BUNKER are people that are probably terrirfied of guns because they've never handled one.

    and knowing how to use a gun is a pretty important thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:46:09 No.11362592
    College is all about DIVERSITY.

    DIVERSITY = not having an opinion and doing as you're told.

    Being for gun ownership and civil liberty is dangerously individualistic and this is why it is unwelcome on campus.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:48:24 No.11362613
    ITT: Young Republicans.
    No wonder the Tea Party bullshit is so successful.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:49:18 No.11362623

    Carrying a gun, wearing a seatbelt...

    Both are precautions against life-ending events that require little to no effort from you.

    Yes, they do compare quite nicely, thank you.

    I'm sorry that you reflexively think of firearms as the antichrist, the spawn of satan, and intrinsically, autonomously evil pieces of machinery, but it's simply not the case.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:49:52 No.11362632
    Oh man sick burn.

    sufles loi
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:51:00 No.11362645
    > Both are precautions against life-ending events that require little to no effort from you.
    Criminals don't carry seatbelts.

    And I don't think guns are evil. I think guns are tools that make hurting other people far too easy.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:51:26 No.11362654
    I don't think people understand that you would obviously have to get a proper concealed carry permit first from your state. This would screen out the crazy/unstable people/criminals, so most of the people carrying would be pretty normal.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:52:26 No.11362670
    'Normal' people browse 4chan.

    Jus' sayin.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:52:29 No.11362671
    so's my kung fu motherfucker. don't see you banning that.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:53:42 No.11362687
    If you know Kung Fu you are aware that it is more about mental and physical balance than hurting people.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:53:56 No.11362690
    Some other things at college that make hurting people pretty easy:

    -the internet
    -bad teachers
    -moar rape
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:54:09 No.11362693
         File1286038449.png-(138 KB, 294x221, Homer_Simpson_Gun.png)
    138 KB
    Why are you guys so against guns. Surely YOU yourself could carry a firearm and resist the temptation to open fire on a crowd?

    So why can't someone else be as cautious and intelligent as you are?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:54:38 No.11362699
    I obviously don't know kung fu you aspie cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:55:46 No.11362710
    >what gunfags think will happen
    >Oh no a gunshot, I should shoot the shooter with my own gun to save everyone
    >national hero

    >what would really happen
    >Oh no a gunshot, I should shoot the shooter with my own gun to save everyone
    >everyone thinks that
    >not everyone knows who the shooter is
    >people running around like crazy
    >everyone shoots everyone who shoots
    >10 dead in college tragedy, many critically injured
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:55:57 No.11362711
    College is for adults, adults should be allowed to concealed carry. End of story.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:56:09 No.11362715
    this. legalize carry on every campus in the country and you'll still have more kids dying from drinking and being shitty drivers than from guns.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:57:29 No.11362724
    There should be atomatic laz0r robots who combust anyone drawing a gun. Then the vaccumbot would be all like "omg wtf this again? -_- bbq"
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:57:35 No.11362728

    Ausfag here. I know probably 5 different people who, if they had access to guns, would have used them on other people while shitfaced and highly emotional. These are people who i've tackled on their way to their car when they were blackout drunk and intending to ram raid a bar that had just kicked them out.

    These irrational, violent (but not criminal) people shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anything sharp, let alone a fucking gun.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:57:48 No.11362730
    Even if it were allowed you wouldn't see a huge rise in students carrying to lead to the scenario where everyone has their piece out.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:57:59 No.11362731
    >shooter roaming halls
    >no one has guns but the shooter

    Oh wait, you don't need my greentext for that.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:58:39 No.11362739
    If any of them can eject a piece of hot lead at the speed of sound I'll start worrying.
    If I carried a gun, I would know that it wouldn't do shit if everyone else around me is carrying one.
    Are you gonna start lumping guns together with fun as well?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:58:55 No.11362744
    Not every single college aged kid is going to go out get a CCW and carry all the time if it were made legal to carry on campus. Of the hundreds of people I know I have yet to meet a single one who has a CCW permit and carries all the time.

    If a shooting would happen in a school setting odds are there would be 1-2 people out of hundreds who would be carrying that day.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)12:59:32 No.11362750
    I appreciate your explanation. While there are a lot of retards, who sit in their backyards or in the woods with guns shooting shit, there are just as many sane people who actually appropriately use guns. The idiots are very unlikely to be students carrying legally permitted firearms. I wouldn't be opposed to someone I know having a firearm, as I trust them, but I would be cautious of someone who is carrying and not completely hiding their firearm.

    My biggest concern is some retard hothead, due to the new system, flashing his gun or making vague threats because he's butthurt. Though, its a reasonable fear consider how unreasonable many people are. But honestly, the likelihood of a hothead actually getting a gun and not realizing its a huge responsibility that requires him to man up is very small.

    Gl bro, don't become jaded because they're more people with mouths than common sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:00:29 No.11362765
    >one shooter
    >everyone is a shooter
    It's easier to run from one person than everyone. Besides, you're assuming I think everyone should be without a gun. Security should carry a sidearm at all times, that way noone shoots everyone in the chaos inherent to a school shooting.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:05:00 No.11362826
    >If any of them can eject a piece of hot lead at the speed of sound I'll start worrying

    Wow, guns are to liberals what black people are to rednecks. BUGABOOOOO IT GOTS THE HOT LEAD

    Protip. Far more people die in car crashes than gun incidents every year. Usually due to the ignorance and carelessness YOU seem to be attributing only to gun-carriers. An asshole who carries a gun and will carelessly shoot people will do so whether he has a permit or not. It's not that guy we're talking about. We're talking about the responsible adult carrying a handgun (who has to be, by law, 21 in most states, so a college senior or teacher) wanting to utilize his 2nd Amendment rights to defend his life and the lives of others. That does not make a him a gun nut.

    It probably won't happen. But if it does and that responsible adult can't defend himself because of asshats like you voting for bad laws and policies?

    Well, then you're an asshat.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:05:08 No.11362829
    It just saddens me that Americans have this attitude, they will never know what its like to live without the CONSTANT threat of a stranger taking their life, and they refuse to rememdy the situation.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:07:56 No.11362864
    I carry a Florida permit, which has reciprocity in most other sates. They're very clear on the fact that "brandishing" or "unlawful display" of your firearms carries a stiff penalty, worse than most assault charges. If some fuckhead does that (because even legal gun carriers can lose their temper and act like a moron) then he loses his license and goes to jail for a long time and I'd say there's a 99% chance he'll get booted from school forever and lose his gun.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:09:21 No.11362879
    I live under the constant fear of Europeans and Canucks thinking I live under this constant fear of my neighbor killing me.

    Your ignorance scares me.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:09:52 No.11362889

    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:10:36 No.11362902
    You're being a ridiculous person. You don't know that? Do you really think every single person in class would have a gun? Stop talking like a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:12:08 No.11362920
    I think part of the problem is that the anti-gin people in this thread have this stereotype of the people who carry guns that is fairly inaccurate. While I'll admit that some of the people who open-carry are idiots, it's not to the extent that most of you seem to be making out. Particularly for concealed-carry, almost every state requires an extensive background check and testing/licensing process. People who legally carry guns are among the most responsible gun owners you'll ever find. People who carry their guns on a daily basis HAVE to be non-confrontational, all the time. When you're carrying, you have to walk away from any potential confrontations. You cannot be the instigator of any minor event that could lead to an altercation, because you are carrying the means to very easily kill someone.
    I understand that guns are frightening to some people, but it's mostly due to the very small percent of people who use them irresponsibly.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:12:27 No.11362925

    Open carry = criminals? Fucking Europeans are insane
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:13:11 No.11362939
    You only need 2 people with guns in the immediate vicinity to make shit a lot worse. And with the large population density in colleges, I doubt that's unlikely.

    Give guns to trained professionals who are not drunk, stressed and are clearly seperated from the mass of people who could possibly be the shooter.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:13:16 No.11362940
    no guns on campus:
    >drunk fratfags get in fight
    >cuts and bruises
    >they go to jail

    with guns on campus:
    >drunk fratfags get in fight
    >shots fired
    >one goes to jail, one goes to the morgue
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:15:25 No.11362972
    These are some of the policies and restrictions for getting a Florida CCL.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:17:12 No.11363004
    I agree with you, but:
    >it's mostly due to the very small percent of people who use them irresponsibly.
    that "very small percent" is all it takes for some stupid shit to happen
    >> ps3has !w3NOgamESU 10/02/10(Sat)13:17:49 No.11363009

    I'm a Canadian and I agree that our gun laws, and our self defense laws are extremely stupid. The liberals in 1 province ruin it for the rest of the country. If somebody breaks in to my house, what can Canadians do to defend themselves? Call the police and sit quietly and wait, OR, go confront the suspect with your fists, because if you use a knife, firearm, pointy stick, or ANYTHING as a weapon, YOU can be charged.

    I hate Canada.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:18:27 No.11363023
    Maybe you should be trying to PREVENT school shootings, maybe by finding out WHY people shoot up schools and solving THAT problem, rather than ARMING A BUILDING FULL OF FRATBOYS.
    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:18:38 No.11363029
    Why don't Americans understand that the statistics don't lie? There is far less gun crime in Europe than there is in the states. Even though we have gun control, and thus our crime should "increase" according you conservative wackjobs, ours is still lower than yours.

    Explain, Amerifags. Go on.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:22:07 No.11363079

    >drunk fratfags get in fight
    >both realize they each have guns
    >solve differences through discussion
    >go home best buds and have buttsex
    >> Siouxsie !ohSPEED.js 10/02/10(Sat)13:22:22 No.11363081
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:23:31 No.11363097
    different wealth disparity, conditions , etc

    Statistics dont lie but they dont tell the whole truth either
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:24:18 No.11363113
    Except. They. Are. Drunk.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:25:47 No.11363130

    Sactone accounts
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:26:07 No.11363135
    Why does Switzerland, the country in Europe with the most gun ownership among citizens, have the lowest rate of gun crime?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:26:47 No.11363143
    I cant believe nobody has mentioned this yet:

    Allowing concealed carry on university campuses is not the same as forcing guns onto campuses. Furthermore, many students already can and do carry outside of class. You're not giving students some new right--only removing an obstruction to an existing one.

    I'm a student and I carry a small 9mm every day. I carry to the grocery store, to the movies, to the park, but if I want to swing by campus to ask my advisor a quick question, I'm breaking the law.

    Let's say I live in a shitty area. I have to leave my weapon at home, so on my way to and from campus I'm defenseless. I hear reports about attacks in school parking lots and surrounding neighborhoods almost weekly.

    FFS, I can stand across the street from the school and nobody has a problem with my right to carry. I can go to a house party, with other students, and carry legally. I hear what the anti-gun crowd is saying, and the idea of gun-free campuses sounds nice, but campuses are unfortunately not crime-free areas. Stop denying me and others like me the right we're allowed to exercise everywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:29:48 No.11363180
    >I carry a small 9mm

    You're not going to kill many niggers with that anyway.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 10/02/10(Sat)13:31:01 No.11363196
    Nobody has guns
    >Guy comes in and shoots everybody
    Everybody has guns
    >Guy comes in and tries to shoot everybody, but gets killed in a blaze of gunfire before he can even aim

    The problem of course being that most people won't carry around guns even if they could.

    In Switzerland about half the population has a firearm in their house.
    And yet Switzerland has nowhere near the amount of gun crime the US has.

    The problem isn't that people own guns, it's that they are poor and uneducated and live in inner city shitholes.
    The fact that we are bordered by a narco state whose denizens routinely kidnap people and dump their bodies on the border doesn't help.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:32:34 No.11363224
    Yay! Drunk college kids... with guns!
    >> Siouxsie !ohSPEED.js 10/02/10(Sat)13:34:14 No.11363245
    Better than drunk retards with knives.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:35:16 No.11363262
    People having guns makes no sense.

    You may have a right to bear arms, but you don't have a license to kill.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:35:32 No.11363266
    and nothing of value was lost

    peculiar barrew
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:36:05 No.11363269
    > knives are more dangerous than guns
    You are not serious.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:37:23 No.11363285
    >Better than drunk retards with knives.
    what? I totally don't get your logic here
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:39:07 No.11363316

    College kids don't get drunk ON CAMPUS retard, they get drunk OFF CAMPUS, where's carrying is ALREADY COMPLETELY LEGAL.

    Try harder, dumbass.
    >> Siouxsie !ohSPEED.js 10/02/10(Sat)13:39:29 No.11363325
    No they aren't
    I live in the UK, google it if you've not heard of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:40:04 No.11363334
    lolwut? What college campuses have you been on?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/10(Sat)13:40:40 No.11363342
    I'd rather face a drunk retard with a knife, thanks.
    >> OP 10/02/10(Sat)13:45:48 No.11363422
    >>11361842 What do you think of allowing concealed guns on college campuses?

    How retarded is America? This is the debate? Whether or not to allow college kids go to class strapped? It's never "Can we get rid of guns now as they serve no social purpose in a modern society?" Instead, the debate is on what new and previously held as sacred part of society can we introduce guns to next? Daycares? It'll happen eventually, until everyone in the country is armed to the teeth to protect themselves from each other while the gun companies laugh their asses off.

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