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  • File : 1285874753.jpg-(22 KB, 450x338, zuckerberg.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:25:53 No.11336148  
    I am worried by the likes of Google and Facebook

    They have grown so fucking huge in such a short space of time and have access to so much personal information it is frightening. The money they are making is unbelievable, Mark Zuckerberg will probably end up a trillionaire. Seriously.

    The world revolves around the internet now and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and more and more business is moving into a complete virtual realm each day. Facebook will have a billion members soon. When is it going to end? Men like Zuckerberg will have the power to control the planet one day. Oh and guess what? He's a Jew. Surprise surprise

    Something needs to be done to curb the aggressive expansion of the internet and the huge amounts of personal data that are mined from it by greedy scum like Zuckerberg.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:27:28 No.11336166
    Meh. You worry too much
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:29:18 No.11336186
    The information people put on FB is voluntary. If they don't want their privacy invaded they shouldn't join it in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:29:23 No.11336188
    oh yeah because you can really do so much with information like birthday, schools and relationships...if anything google is more worrisome when it comes to tracking what you're searching in certain instances (if you're accused of a crime for example).
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:29:26 No.11336190
    He's a fucking socially inept aspie who stole someone elses idea and got mega rich off it. He'll get his comeuppance one day thats for sure

    He may be clever but how is a retard like him gonna rule the world? And he only owns a small percent of Facebook now anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:31:00 No.11336214
    Oh and guess what? OP is a troll. Surprise surprise
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:31:47 No.11336220
    trillionaire? What the fuck are you smoking? Facebook ain't worth more than a few billion at most, and it at it's peak right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:32:00 No.11336222
    I feel the same way op. Stop using google. Use
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:33:00 No.11336237

    He deserves it, he worked hard and created something brilliant, and don't say he hasn't because otherwise you, your parents, your friends and every exgirlfriend you've ever had wouldnt be a member, so shut the fuck up and if you don't agree with the internet so much, get the fuck off 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:33:07 No.11336240

    It's not really so much about what can be done with it. On some level, isn't it disturbing to you that most Americans now have publicly available concrete records of their personal lives?

    I've wanted to delete my Facebook for a while now, but I just can't do it. You really can't avoid having one these days. Frankly, I'll be very glad when it goes the way of MySpace.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:33:35 No.11336245
    >Mark Zuckerberg will probably end up a trillionaire. Seriously.

    That would take some doing. If he had full control of Facebook I might say it was possible one day but he only owns about 20% now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:34:08 No.11336252
    Protip: Use a "pen" name for facebook and don't put your real birthday. Don't put any personal information and use a throwaday email (

    Congrats, you have reduce your digital footprint to nil.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:35:15 No.11336266
    There will always be social networks like it in some form. If you don't like it, don't use it. "I can't get myself to delete it" is not an excuse. That's you being too retarded to have any conviction on anything in your life. That's like the bare minimum of decision making.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:36:11 No.11336277
    You can't delete it, you can de-activate it. Which is pretty scary.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:37:10 No.11336287
    How many companies (even ones that make REAL things) do you think are worth a trillion dollars. Go ahead, I'll wait for your answer.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:37:42 No.11336292
    >When is it going to end?

    peak oil
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:37:55 No.11336297
    You can delete it, it just takes some time. There are two seperate methods, one for deletion and one for deactivation (the easier of the two to do)
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:38:13 No.11336302
    I find social networking a fascinating concept. The amount of people I know, myself included, who threaten to delete their Facebook accounts regularly but just can't bring themselves to do it proves to me that Zuckerberg and his men are geniuses because they have designed that site specifically to be addictive. Facebook is the phenomenon of our time.

    The digital age will be the final age before mankinds destruction
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:38:59 No.11336309
    Facebook uses datamining and has been funded by the CIA.

    But for the most part, it isn't powerful as you think - because everything is volunteer information, you can engage in DIS-INFORMATION.

    If you name is Joe Blow, use a pen name on facebook and named it to "John Tiolet". Use a fake birthday and don't add your phone number or ANY personal info.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:39:29 No.11336319
    These days are the final days of mankinds destruction are words that have been spoken about every single fucking generation. Don't be an idiot. We aren't going anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:40:00 No.11336326

    Yes you can delete it. It does take two weeks, which I suspect is to archive everything you've done, but it is "deleted" de-activating is something different.

    To anyone wanting to delete your facebook...DO IT. I did a few months ago and have never felt so free.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:40:00 No.11336327
    lol at dramatic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:40:11 No.11336329
    You'd think with 6 billion in the bank ol' Jewboy Zuckerberg would find himself a better Asian girlfriend than that
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:40:37 No.11336337
    I use facebook to hook up with women in my area :D
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:42:01 No.11336359
    Protip: nobody cares about your personal information.

    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:42:21 No.11336363
    He's a gay jew - notice the asian has a man face. nasty.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:42:32 No.11336369
    6 billion in estimated valuation based on the supposed worth of his company, which is going to crash with the company in a few years if he doesn't get out now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:43:28 No.11336383
    but people I know can upload photos of me on facebook

    these photos will then be kept on there, easily accessible.

    I don't have any important info on my account. But there are pics of me in public groups and shit on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:44:31 No.11336399
    lol. no one wants to buy shitty facebook. look what happened when faggot pedophile rupert murdick bought myspace at it's height.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:44:48 No.11336404
    if you're that paranoid, just don't let people take photos of you.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:45:32 No.11336410
    How weird, I had my account de-activated for two years and was able to re-activate it. :/
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:45:39 No.11336414
    Facebook is just another bi-product of a vain and fame desperate society

    Any average joe or whore can create an account and exaggerate their lives, post enhanced pictures of themselves and spout utter drivel to their hundreds of "friends" and kid themselves that it equates to actual popularity or notoriety of some kind

    I do not have a Facebook account. Never have and never will. That makes me more unique than the 500+ million users that are dependent on Facebook to satisfy their egotistical needs and who are in fact mindless sheep, conned by a very clever but very shady and manipulative Harvard boy
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:46:06 No.11336420
    that's because you de-activated it, not deleted it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:46:38 No.11336435

    For you, maybe. Most of the bigger parties I go to are scheduled on Facebook. It's also how my friends from college and high school keep in touch with me and with each other. Very few people use email socially anymore.

    I have some clients that do business through Facebook, and I get referred to others sometimes through people on Facebook. I make money because of Facebook. If I got rid of it, I'd be putting myself at a serious disadvantage.

    It's a useful tool for communication. But I hate everything else about it. I hate having a profile, I hate the whole Facebook culture. I don't like the fact that people feel the need to take pictures at every social event now so that everyone on Facebook will know that they have a social life. I don't like broadcasting my own social life, but people tag pictures of me anyway, and I come off looking like an asshole for some reason if I detag myself. And even if I do, the pictures are still there. It's not even that I have anything to hide or have any genuinely embarrassing photos. There's just something that seems wrong about it to me. There's a real "Big Brother" feeling to it, except there isn't any higher authority. We're all just watching each other now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:46:53 No.11336438
    rebellion has always been trendy.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:48:57 No.11336461
    Friends Reunited will make a comeback someday
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:49:35 No.11336470
    the people who you actually keep in contact with, you will keep in contact with regardless of facebook or not.
    The business aspect is the only legitimate reason why you should keep your facebook.

    There is no "facebook culture". You're worried about looking bad for detagging photos? You're a bigger wimp than i thought. People often think better of you when you assert yourself. You CAN ask those people to TAKE DOWN photos with you in them, and I have never heard of somebody rejecting another's request of that.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:49:56 No.11336474
    Link to that website?

    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:50:17 No.11336476
    Why hasn't Bill Gates bought Facebook yet?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:51:15 No.11336493
    1: he's not an idiot
    2: he spends his money on shit that actually matters
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:51:17 No.11336494
    I have a bunch of photos of me. The thing is, I'm a loser with bad posture and an ugly face.

    I have them detagged, but they are still up there. A few are in a public group.

    what do?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:52:40 No.11336519
    "In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes"

    Sites like Facebook and Youtube and blogs give people a platform. A tiny corner of the immeasurable internet where they can be superstars in their own little minds.

    Let people enjoy it. The human race is beyond help
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:52:54 No.11336523
    But good lord, how would I lol when all the Apple hipsters realized their shitty profile is owned by the Big Evil Man.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:54:19 No.11336551
    You sound like the faggot who recently jumped off the bridge because they found he sucked dicks.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:54:20 No.11336552
    that is a good point and would make for some very expensive but great lols
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:54:49 No.11336558
    What amazes me is how do people like Zuckerberg grow a business to be so fucking huge when they are not prepared for such insane growth in the first place and when they don't have the personality or social skills to handle it? Do they just let big businessmen come in and take over everything?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:55:09 No.11336564
    Remember epsilon?
    Yeah its the same technology they put behind google.
    remember how epsilon could recognise keywords in your telephone calls?
    Remember google voice ads?
    Remember how the government uses spy satalites to zoom in and see your house from space?
    Remember how the government used to used to track your mobile signal to find your position?
    Remember how the government has vans driving past your house monitoring your signals?

    Google is doing all that shit.
    same shit rebranded.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:56:08 No.11336578

    If I had a real reason to detag the photos or ask for them to be taken down, I would. I don't have any problem doing that. But they're the same photos everybody has on Facebook. I know it's harmless.

    If this was something that really, really, bothered me, I'd get rid of my facebook. It's just that I get more and more annoyed with the whole thing as time goes by.

    And you're either delusional, over 30, or from somewhere other than America if you think there's no such thing as a "Facebook culture." It's had a huge impact on the ways people behave, communicate, and live. I'm starting to see it basically as a huge amplifier for all the social anxieties and petty disputes everyone already had. It just gives everyone more access to everything about everyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:56:14 No.11336580
    Usually, yes, you hire a professional CEO. Not always, but usually. It's a good move because they tend to know how to manage and the original founders can focus on what they're good at, the details of the business.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:56:40 No.11336583
    he hires programmers and shit

    once it grew so big, he started making money from ads. these ads pay for everything basically.

    if everyone just installed adblock we wouldn't have facebook.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:57:15 No.11336594
    perhaps you are in too many cliques or something. There is no facebook culture, and i live in a very hipster city.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)15:59:18 No.11336619
    I agree, wtf is a "facebook" culture? Are you some kind of 16 years old?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:08:13 No.11336770

    I'm not 16, and although I'm just calling it "facebook culture" for the purpose of this thread, you have to be pretty ignorant if you can't see the ways facebook has affected society. When I was in high school, people never really took pictures at parties. I haven't been to a gathering of over 20 people without seeing a chick with a digital camera since my sophomore year of college.

    All I mean by "facebook culture" is that people now feel the need to share everything they do with everyone they know. I don't know where you people are from that you honestly have no idea what I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:08:34 No.11336773
    It was massively strong when you could only get a facebook by being in a university. now that its open access its weaker but still somewhat there.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:14:28 No.11336866
         File1285877668.jpg-(7 KB, 194x259, images..jpg)
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    I am worried by the likes of the telephone and telegraph

    They have grown so fucking huge in such a short space of time and have access to so many personal communications it is frightening. The money they are making is unbelievable, Alexander Graham Bell will probably end up a millionaire. Seriously.

    The world revolves around the phone lines now and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and more and more business is moving into a complete virtual realm each day. AT&T will have a million members soon. When is it going to end? Men like Bell will have the power to control the planet one day. Oh and guess what? He's a Scot. Surprise surprise

    Something needs to be done to curb the aggressive expansion of the telephone network and the huge amounts of personal data that are mined from it by greedy scum like Bell.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:15:29 No.11336880
         File1285877729.png-(13 KB, 438x388, facebook cute.png)
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    I acutally agree with the guy who said stuff about Facebook culture. I don't know if I would say that it extends beyond online behaviour except for a few circumstances.

    1. Cameras. Mostly girls use their digital cameras to take... thousands of pictures of themselves, holding the camera up, facing it towards themselves while making ducklips, and uploading the pics to facebook, no matter how many there are or what the event was. (pic related)

    2. Parties, or any event with drinking: it seems that a lot of parties I go to (and I'm 20) have a lot of these girls taking said pictures. There are pictures of me put up by other people I was not even aware were taken. And I don't even HAVE facebook anymore, I just them when other people tell me about them. Kind of a blatant disregard for my privacy, but it's only girls who have done this.

    3. As mentioned above, disregard for privacy. People have no problem spreading pictures and information about other people. Guy who I'm responding to, you called the other guy "16". I think you must be at least 30 to not notice the effects I have mentioned, because I notice it in anyone from age 10-29 or so.

    Someone else in the thread said quoted someone saying "in the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame". I agree with that, everyone is just trying to stand out. Oscar Wilde said that the progression of society was moving towards a celebration of individuality, which is EXACTLY what facebook is, but a more fucked up version where everyone, as stated previously in this thread, is just trying to be a superstar in their own little worlds; this implies not really giving a fuck about what anyone else has to say, just yelling the loudest.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:15:35 No.11336884
    >my face when he was right all along godamnit bell
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:16:04 No.11336891
    so what you are saying is that technology has shifted people's habits and calling it a culture. Got it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:16:48 No.11336903
         File1285877808.jpg-(91 KB, 978x686, facebook nerds.jpg)
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    I too hope that it goes the way of MySpace. Surely this shit can't last forever. I hope our generation realizes how fucked up it is before we pass it on to the next one. I don't want to be 60 years old and my wife is taking ducklipped pictures and naked pictures of my grandchildren in the tub and of her daughter breastfeeding and spreading them all over the internet like the fucking attention whores that these sites are turning everyone into.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:17:13 No.11336912
    I have never used facebook, other than to click maybe a half dozen links over the years that ended up there.

    We exist. Fear us.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:17:15 No.11336915
    teenagers like taking pictures of themselves! Shocking! That does not a culture make.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:17:32 No.11336917
    suprised these havent been posted yet

    you are not safe anywhere, do not ever put anything you would not be willing to scream in a prison, feds have posed as girls request friend invites and browse for pictures of you drinking alcohol or doing drugs, countless circumstances of people being robbed because they posted they were on vacation or posted pics, they log everything you say and do, under the cover of "providing you with accurate advertisements based on your interests"...when you post pictures to these sites like myspace and facebook, if you read in the TOA, it says you are licensing these pictures to them as THEIR property the system can only continue operating as long as you continue to use it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:18:34 No.11336933
    If you were in uni circa 2003 you would know what I am talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:18:36 No.11336934
    fucking hivemind about the cameras
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:19:06 No.11336941
    This is probably more true than OP's statement.

    Think about the impact the phone had on the world (in the context of the time period it was invented)
    vs. the impact of the internet.

    Like fuck, when the electronic telegraph came out people's minds must have been blown.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:19:56 No.11336954
    shut the fuck up you do not know what hivemind means moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:20:26 No.11336960

    Call it whatever you want! Who cares if I call it a culture or a shift in habits? I'm just discussing the reasons I don't like Facebook. Are you people really so dense that you can't put things in context and understand what other people are talking about? If you want to argue, argue based on the actual points I'm trying to make, not the phrasing.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:20:44 No.11336966
    Things like Diaspora* might help lessen the effects of Facebook a bit...It looks extremely promising right now even though they're still doing a trunkbuild version.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:21:07 No.11336973

    lol. more of these kind of pics please.

    there is a social networking culture as you have described. I am so thankful my high school class was one of the last free of this bullshit.

    Think about how stupid these people putting every detail of their life public. If you went up to the same girl whose facebook wall is open and started asking her a survey of all these details, where she was going and such she would probably have you arrested.. EWWWW Creeper! ew ew ew. I won't date a girl who has a shitbook.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:21:20 No.11336978
    get the fuck outta here, you newfag. Yes it was a hivemind as we said exactly the same shit, and we seem to be the only ones in this thread to agree on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:21:26 No.11336980
    google and facebook sell information to the government
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:23:23 No.11337006

    I'm glad somebody agrees. inb4 somebody says we're samefagging.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:24:27 No.11337023
    >1. Cameras. Mostly girls use their digital cameras to take... thousands of pictures of themselves, holding the camera up, facing it towards themselves while making ducklips, and uploading the pics to facebook, no matter how many there are or what the event was. (pic related)

    >2. Parties, or any event with drinking: it seems that a lot of parties I go to (and I'm 20) have a lot of these girls taking said pictures.

    That's a passing phase. It's just a matter of time until distaste for this takes over. It already does, people are bothered by and speak out against it.
    It's beginning to become a social fauxpas just like leaving your cellphone on at the movies.
    Similar things can be said about a lot of other things mentioned in this thread.
    People have to adapt to these changes, and they most likely will. They aren't inevitable and irreversible.

    >Someone else in the thread said quoted someone saying "in the future everyone will have their 15 minutes of fame".

    I think that has been changed to "everybody gets to be famous for 1500 people".
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:25:16 No.11337038
         File1285878316.png-(49 KB, 640x480, facebook adventures.png)
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    more pics like that, they said
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:26:29 No.11337049

    1500 people, eh? Well, la-di-da, look at Mr. Popular over here, climbing the social ladder to pluck the sweet fruit of friendship...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:26:30 No.11337050
         File1285878390.png-(29 KB, 659x547, facebook arty.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:27:36 No.11337067
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:28:15 No.11337071
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:28:51 No.11337079
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:29:29 No.11337086
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:30:23 No.11337102
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:31:25 No.11337117
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:32:03 No.11337125
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:32:58 No.11337137
         File1285878778.jpg-(62 KB, 565x726, facebook driving.jpg)
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    this is a personal favourite of my facebook collection because it represents so many douchebags i know
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:33:34 No.11337151
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:34:24 No.11337165
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:35:01 No.11337174
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:35:16 No.11337176

    Questions + thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:35:41 No.11337181
         File1285878941.png-(20 KB, 508x467, facebook moustache.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:36:15 No.11337189

    Fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:36:20 No.11337191
    I hear you OP, people put up a lot of information on FB and not all of it is about themselves, being an irresponsible drunk (hitting on ugly chicks, dancing awkwardly etc) I have been ridiculed so many times on FB that I hardly enjoy myself anymore when going out, the people who put up the photos even comment on me having been "fun" before and now I seem gloomy ...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:37:28 No.11337203
         File1285879048.jpg-(73 KB, 560x515, facebook pictures.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:37:32 No.11337205

    thanks for the pics. they are hilarious and spot on. I wish I had these to put up before I deleted mine
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:38:34 No.11337220
         File1285879114.png-(44 KB, 865x622, facebook talent.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:39:43 No.11337235
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    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:40:20 No.11337247

    It's not really the same as just another tool for communication. The argument of "Well, some people were afraid of the telephone" applied pretty well when people were complaining about email, IMing, text messages, and cell phones, and so on. Those were all just new ways for two people to privately communicate with each other. The effects of social networking sites are different and more complex, because they make everything public.

    It's not just about people taking pictures at parties. It signifies the fact that people no longer care about privacy. It might not be a "Facebook culture," but you live under a rock if you don't think that Facebook has had a massive effect on our culture. If we can the popularization of the Internet was the biggest cultural change of the '90s, I'd suggest that the popularization of social networking sites was the largest cultural change of the last decade.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:40:49 No.11337249
         File1285879249.jpg-(31 KB, 723x517, facebook wasted.jpg)
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    this is the last picture, i hope you guys enjoyed them

    i actually think i have one more, i will try to look for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:42:35 No.11337269
    I would suggest that it was the proliferation of cell phones, not social networking, that is the Big Cultural Change of the past decade. They became ubiquitous in the past 10 years, despite existing before. You are somebody without a social networking account. You are nobody without a cell phone.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:44:45 No.11337291
    lol, if police were given the abillity to search premises based on posting of drug-related material we'd have so many arrests
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:50:19 No.11337354
    Is it bad i see thousands of pictures like these every time i log in
    >anonette has tagged you in 2000 picture of you sitting around and drinking from a can
    >1 night 2000 pictures. i'm not even exagerating. that album is 12000 pictures
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:50:29 No.11337356

    This might not apply to everyone in the world, but for pretty much everyone in my age group, you're nobody without a Facebook. I have friends that don't have them, but not many. And it really does make it more difficult to communicate with them.

    The cell phone is a nice piece of technology, but it's still just an update of the telephone. There are always updates to previous advancements. Social networking is something different that marks a genuinely new way for people to interact, rather than just a more convenient way to communicate in ways that we already were.

    But I don't know. Maybe it all falls under the same umbrella. I don't know anything about sociology, I'm just calling it the way I see it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:52:17 No.11337382
         File1285879937.jpg-(81 KB, 631x554, no speak english.jpg)
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    here is the last picture I have. I used to have a british friend, and this douche always posted on her wall, and one day I just thought it was too ridiculous. I think facebook has encouraged shitty writing all around the world because kids have learned that proper english really doesn't matter. This thing with the x's and the horrible, horrible writing is just british though, ironically.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:52:38 No.11337386

    This is all of you complaining about Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:53:13 No.11337398
    >Social networking is something different that marks a genuinely new way for people to interact, rather than just a more convenient way to communicate in ways that we already were.

    I want to smash your face in with a brick right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:54:05 No.11337413
    >argument capabilities of a 14 year old girl
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:54:53 No.11337422
    >mfw zuckerberg becomes dictator of the world 35 years from now, and computer sites become actually physical places, and /r9k/ is the ghetto of the world with moot being the kingpin

    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:55:02 No.11337425
    I see this with all the people on facebook.
    >Anon Is totly bord and waitn 4 other anon 2 cum out. luv u xxxxxxxx
    >You posted on anons wall - Speak English motherfucker
    >anon as unfriended you
    Actually happened
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)16:55:26 No.11337430
    I would disagree with you there. I never had a cellphone until I was 19 (20 now) but I did have a facebook, until grade 12. In that grade I had neither--I just memorized all my friends phone numbers (I am consequently really good at memorizing numbers, addresses, and email addresses) and used payphones and word of mouth to find out about parties and get togethers, and people actually called my house or came to my door to talk to me. It was the peak of my social life.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:04:25 No.11337515

    Why did you have a chavy wench added as a friend in the the first place?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:08:24 No.11337564
    Well see, I met her on a trip I took to Stratford. She actually seemed really nice and sweet, but I've only ever seen her IRL that one day (canadafag here), and we exchanged email addresses. It's only when I added her on facebook I discovered that she's a chavy wench.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:17:11 No.11337653
    If you're not using facebook to get pussy or money, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:21:36 No.11337700

    And why, pray tell, is that?


    lol y u mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:25:33 No.11337748
    As I grow older, I hate Jews more and more.

    Back when I learned about the holocaust in middle I empathized with them but now I just can't stand what they are doing to the world.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:31:20 No.11337813

    What's wrong with this? When you go on vacation somewhere, you usually take pics. I don't see anything wrong with this at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:32:12 No.11337822
    Why doesn't Mark Zuckerberg get a better looking girlfriend instead of that pig ugly Suzy Wong?

    If I was him, I'd be railing glamour models by the dozen in my $50,000 a night penthouse suite

    Its always the sad geek fucks like him that get mega rich and never make the most of it. Bill gates is the same

    The geek shall inherit the Earth
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:34:22 No.11337839

    I don't hate them, They're indoctrinated from the day they are born to be obedient to their people's collectivistic and nationalist mentality. Very few of them are actually capable of thinking for themselves and it's a very sad prospect.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:35:46 No.11337853
    smart rich geeks know that bitches and whores are useless for them and prefer to stick to more refined females

    dumb celebrities, businessmen and athletes lead a depraved life of bitches and whores
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:37:35 No.11337866

    every rich man marries an asian women
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:41:18 No.11337910
    Hate on him all you want, Zuckerberg is a 26 year old MULTI BILLIONAIRE and one of the most influential men on the planet.

    Like it or loathe it, Facebook defines the entire human race at this moment in time and he was responsible for its creation. You will NEVER achieve anything remotely as special. He has riches and influence you could not imagine. You all see moot as some super influential mogul when in fact he is an inept poorfag that will never be rich because 4chan will never make any money from ads because what self respecting company would want to be associated with it? Apart from amateur porn sites and online anime stores.

    I respect Mark Zuckerberg. Yes there is controversy surrounding the guy but you don't become a billionaire without pissing off a hell of a lot of people and becoming a bit of an asshole in the process too.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:43:16 No.11337936

    >pig ugly Suzy Wong

    I burst out laughing. You have a way with words my friend
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:44:22 No.11337952
    -Data Protection Act.
    -Computer Misuse Act.
    If a HUGE website like FaceBook abused that then they'd be fined in the millions-billions and lose most of their users.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:44:40 No.11337955
    The only reason I even made one in the first place was because some stupid gash talked me into it. Thankfully, I didn't put much personal info on it.

    But it still pisses me off. Even my friends hate it but they won't leave.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:44:41 No.11337956
    >the entire human race
    OH FUCK...wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:46:13 No.11337977

    It just amazes me when I look at that pic of him and realize how rich he is. In that pic he looks like a chantard on prom night with the ugly Asian chick from his chemistry class. The guy is one of the most successful on the planet and one of the richest too. It defies belief
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:46:17 No.11337978

    I'm glad he's dating her, more yid boys like him need to poison their blood with outsiders instead of marrying within their kin.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:46:30 No.11337984
    You need to lurk moar, as pig ugly (or more specifically, pig disgusting) comes from a very old internet meme about fat americans and a koreans dislike for them.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:47:34 No.11338000
    Do I have a face book [no]
    Do I have a myspace [no]
    Do I give away my personal info online [no]
    Do I have a real social life [yes]

    Does not having a Facebook sometimes effect me in some social occasions, somtimes

    Do I care, No

    well look at that, It's 2010 and I'm still not fucking stupid enough to post everything about me on-line.

    why can't we just go back to not giving a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:48:02 No.11338004

    I understand. I kind of hate Indian people. I try not to, but I just do.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:48:11 No.11338006

    He doesn't look like a chantard, he looks decent.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:49:59 No.11338040

    How do you do it?

    I don't want to associate with these retards online.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:50:38 No.11338052
    decently socially awkward, if that's what you mean. Get a haircut with your goddamn billions of dollars. Your mom doesn't need to cut your hair forever.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:52:19 No.11338073
    You know, if you guys hate facebook for it's potential evils then you should probably do what I did, flood it with as many fake accounts as possible, and dilute the relevant information there. By doing that you can compromise its integrity as a data-mining system and people will end up disliking it, or jumping to the next social media site when it arrives.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:52:31 No.11338078
    Oh look, a corrupt Jewish billionaire from an Ivy League background

    Shock horror
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:53:25 No.11338087
    If you don't want your info on facebook, don't use facebook.

    I don't.

    It's not hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:53:34 No.11338091

    You young people are so vain and uptight these days. It is no wonder why there is so much animosity towards you.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:54:12 No.11338103
    I am working on a concept that will be even better than Facebook. Should be going online sometime in fall 2011

    Watch this space
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:54:30 No.11338110
    You know, the unwashed masses can do whatever stupid fucking shit they like, they can have their godawfull TV shows, i don't have to watch them, they can have their terrible music, i don't have to listen to it, they can have their awfull fashion, i don't have to wear it, they can have their stupid little social cliques, i don't have to participate.
    Now, job offers often ask for your facebook profile, a person is judged to be a psychopath if they don't have a profile, women have actually turned me down on the sole basis of me not having a facebook profile.
    My philosophy is: "Do what you want, just don't do it around me."
    Basically, any stupid shit you want to do, dye your hair green, paint your face orange, have sex with random strangers in public areas, i don't give a flying fuck, it's your life, your time, just don't involve me.
    Facebook is inconveniencing me IRL, when i want nothing to do with it. This is fucking UNNACEPTABLE.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:55:13 No.11338116
    towards me? Oh so because I think he looks awkward i'm uptight and vain? Earlier in this thread I was accused of being older, now I'm being accused of being young. I think you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:57:17 No.11338152

    What irks me is older people who use it and act like children. Literal children. Or when the news talks about it, they are always talking about facebook faggotry because they are empty, vacant people.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:57:43 No.11338162
    This. The people I want to have contact with I see in real life or I can contact through my phone, I don't need random assholes from high school / uni / i met at some party sending me requests to visit their farm or inviting me to some shitty event. If I had less friends or a bad social life I would probably register though.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)17:58:17 No.11338165
    The novelty will wear off eventually, give it another 2-3 years and people will be getting bored shitless of Facebook. Social networking has only recently gotten global mainstream attention so its still a fad. Not saying it will ever go away now, its a part of our lives but some other concept will come along and take its place soon enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:01:25 No.11338201

    My dad uses Facebook and I blocked his news feed a long time ago. Constantly making pathetic jokes and trying to be funny whilst showing off about his vile new girlfriend all the time. Its truly embarrassing
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:04:14 No.11338235

    zuckerberg is smarter than any of you, that is why he is the emperor of facebook. it is not because he is a greedy evil jew. jews are smart, deal with it faggot.

    If you could do what he did, you would think you were a god, but you can't, because you are dumb and he is infinitely more intelligent than you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:04:19 No.11338237
    Uhm, how about not using facebook you faggot?

    As some others here, apparently, I have never had a facebook account until recently that I made a fake one (no pictures, no nothing, all fake info) to join some group in my school that claimed "they had no way of communicating other than facebook".

    It's not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:06:05 No.11338262
    because these people are forcing facebook on the people who dont use facebook


    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:07:40 No.11338286
    nobody is forcing you to do anything. What you feel as being forced is just your weak will and passive-aggression at work.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:13:39 No.11338356
    What I hate about Facebook more than anything is the fact I'm hearing about the mundane lives of people I haven't seen since I left school over a decade ago and really couldn't care less if they were alive or dead.

    Most girls use it to make inane comments about something that was on tv or joining groups with stupid names like X X X X WHEN SOMEONE BREAKS YOUR HEART AND YOU COME BACK STRONGER AND REALIZE YOU WERE 2 GOOD FOR THEM X X X X or to brag about their impending marriages 3 fucking years before the actual big day or to post pictures of their ugly newborn kids.

    People are just braggards and it often laughable but quite sad too. One guy I am "friends" with is in a band and he posts a dozen times every day showing off about his latest "recording session" or "video shoot" or "big label interest". The guy works in a fucking office and the band are signed to some miniscule local label. But he announces to the world like he's in fucking U2. Then theres some other douche who is constantly posting about his business and how he's going to be making millions from his website which he posts a link to 50 times a day. Its just a basic affiliate site.

    I have no problem with these people trying to achieve their dreams but don't fucking brag about it until you've actually achieved something. But they always get the attention they crave when dozens of imbeciles reply to their posts telling them how great they are

    But then why the fuck do I still use Facebook? That makes me just as bad as all of them
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:16:50 No.11338391

    >lf you could do what he did, you would think you were a god, but you can't, because you are dumb and he is infinitely more intelligent than you are

    True. Literally only a handful of people have the ability to create something as influential and profitable as Facebook. He is the Bill Gates of his generation.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:17:02 No.11338393
         File1285885022.jpg-(307 KB, 1098x1480, 1285027506838.jpg)
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    cant knock it. cant knock it...
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:18:43 No.11338416
    I wouldn't go that far. He isn't the economic powerhouse that bill gates was in the 90's, nor will he be in the future.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:19:49 No.11338428

    Why do people like you say these things to defend him? He doesn't care about you. You don't benefit from sucking his cock like this, you feel obligated to defend him just because of spite.

    Besides, you don't know any of the people on this board or what they are capable of.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:21:03 No.11338442
    don't like it? don't use it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:24:17 No.11338471

    Nothing he's done is even original, myspace, friendster, livejournal, etc. He just got lucky like many successful people. People like his product, therefore it is popular, it's not something of his merit because it is beyond his control.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:45:03 No.11338741
    Facebook just siphoned the Myspace users after everyone got fed up with spam, horrible page load times, and usability issues.

    People will get tired of this, too. The second Internet bubble will burst once businessmen start to figure out that people just want to get shit for free and ads don't make money.

    I think the next generation of social networking will be a pay service devoid of ads. It will take the failures of Facebook and improve on them.

    The impact of Facebook is unquestionable. There's an anarchist group in my city that fucking uses it. The ignorant whores and Midwestern tards have given /b/ countless opportunities to ruin lives. A lot of people are going to regret their account usage when they go look for jobs in a few years. Some datamining company will seize upon this and sell these accounts to background screening companies. Shit will get very real for a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:49:36 No.11338809
    True on that. Facebook is just another fad that will die in a few years, and be relegated to the dustbin of failed 'money making attempts'. And of course people want stuff for free, why would you want to pay for something on top of already paying for it?

    Unless a site is providing something that you can't get, or with specialized news, or something similar. People won't pay for it. WSJ? Yeah I could see myself paying for it, there's specialized news there. The local news paper? Fuck no. Or even the national paper. Fuck no. I can get my news from other sources.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:55:47 No.11338906
    I still buy national papers the crosswords and sodukus when i forget my ds and i've got a half hour train trip home. Also you gotta love the propaganda in there it's hilarious
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)18:56:33 No.11338914
    You should all check this article out. Zuckerburg is a huge faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)20:28:58 No.11340088

    >Nothing he's done is even original, myspace, friendster, livejournal, etc. He just got lucky . it's not something of his merit because it is beyond his control.

    How did he get lucky? Facebook only became popular because of the media exposure it got.

    This is how it works:
    Jewish journalist working in Jewish owned newspaper/TV company see's that a good little Jewish boy has set up a website. All Jews are trained from a young age to help out their fellow Jews. So they give the website publicity to their massive audience and thus the website becomes popular. People think Zuckerberg must be some kind of genius when actually he isn't. The only luck he had was to be born Jewish and benefit from Jewish ethnic nepotism.

    It's the same with the other Jewish websites, Google, Twitter etc. Jewish journalists giving exposure to Jewish run websites. When you ask the Jews about this they simply respond "You haven't got a clue if you haven't got a Jew".

    If you set up your own website and you are not Jewish, don't expect any Jewish journalists to give you the same kind of publicity that they give to their fellow Jew run websites.

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