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  • File : 1285810317.jpg-(34 KB, 307x261, 29664-hi-logo.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:31:57 No.11326288  
    Most For-profit degrees will look absolutely useless tomorrow (even more).

    <----Especially any that have THIS logo on it.

    10:00Am tomorrow, America starts taking itself back from wall-street corporate rip off "artists".

    Tomorrow the world hears the truth on how fucked up these corporate giants really are.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:33:30 No.11326304
    Please elaborate and post links.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:34:23 No.11326314
    Some sort of law that's going to bitchsmack them right?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:35:23 No.11326328
    My dad worked at a for-profit college this year. The amount of pressure they give teachers to pass students is insane. Teachers literally just pass students on everything. The students just have to show up and pay their fees.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:35:37 No.11326330
    I bet the OP was just waiting for you to say that. If you're not the OP, that is. Either way, it sounds like clever advertising.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:37:50 No.11326356

    Advertising for what? US Congress? You're a retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:40:53 No.11326396
    No. Announcing it at 10:00 am sounds like it will be on a radio or TV show or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:41:48 No.11326407
    >>have THIS logo on it

    Oh god, my ex-girlfriend went to one of these in Charlotte right before I got rid of her.

    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:44:10 No.11326433
    seriously dude, FUCK AI.

    went to Tampa and after 6 months have 6k in debt. most of the students were shitty at everything they made, teachers said I was one of the few with real promise. But i couldnt afford it anymore and eventually realized how shitty everything about it was.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:45:24 No.11326446

    Well yeah it's probably going to be on C-SPAN?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:45:34 No.11326449
    im sure thats what they told every other student....
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:46:07 No.11326461
    What did you study, and may I see some of your work?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:46:31 No.11326465

    Seriously. It's like when a stripper tells you you have a giant dick when giving you a lapdance to get you to give them more money.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:47:08 No.11326473
    nah dude, literally everyone but 3 people in my classes were terrible at Graphic Design. Had no idea what they were doing. I had taken courses through HS with a friend who was also going there and passed with a 5 on AP test for graphic design.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:48:14 No.11326494
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:49:08 No.11326510
    Way to see America move even further towards socialism. Can't have anyone profiting from anything now, can we?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:49:40 No.11326524
    Long story short: An AI Employee is testifying in front of Senate how they lie about their success rate and count DRAWING ON THE SPECIALS BOARD AT STAR BUCKS WHILE WORKING THERE as Employed in the art field.

    This will not end well.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:50:07 No.11326529

    oh wait you're serious

    let me laugh harder

    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:50:51 No.11326540
    Socialism = the government cracking down on corporate companies scamming them out of government money?

    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:51:23 No.11326549

    >doesn't even address my comment

    Good comeback.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:52:48 No.11326566

    Perhaps people shouldn't be such tards and actually research what they're getting themselves into.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:53:36 No.11326577

    Would YOU seriously address a 5 year old who tries to argue about politics or just have a good laugh at their naivety?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:53:48 No.11326580
    Shhhh let him bang his oxygen tank and ride his hover-round power chair into the sunset of his anti-obama fox driven victory.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:54:11 No.11326586
    My friend was scammed out of thousands of dollars by one of these schools. Actually I am quite certain she started this thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:56:17 No.11326616

    You're a clueless cunt.


    What are you even talking about? Stop stereotyping and jumping to conclusions, I'm not a Republican, very far from it, and I certainly don't pay attention to Fox News.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:56:27 No.11326621
    Obviously there should not be a government. Just private corporations that are allowed to do anything they want. They want slaves? Sure! Give em slaves! They want to murder people? Awesome! FUCK YEAH UNTETHERED CORPORATE POWER!
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:58:27 No.11326634

    If you knew what corporatism was you'd know that corporations don't exist if government doesn't exist.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)21:59:11 No.11326650
    omg another "lol why u hatin on profits man"
    profits are good, in fact great,though they cant go on forever.
    but, to address what you are saying, there is such a thing as bad profit. bad profit can easily be summed up as making money that conversely detriments society, especially the society where the money is being gotten from.
    use your brain please instead of sticking to talking points.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:00:04 No.11326658

    I'd hedge my bets that I understand far more about economics than you. Don't patronise me.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:03:25 No.11326697
    >I watch Fox Business so know better than you.

    Whatever you disgusting partisan cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:04:19 No.11326713

    HA! What is it with you? I'm not partisan, I'm anti-state.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:04:27 No.11326714
    Maybe you should read the article.>>11326494
    The fact that these schools are for profit means they have an incentive to exaggerate their success rate statistics.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:06:05 No.11326733
    then why did you make such a silly comment like " Can't have anyone profiting from anything now, can we?"
    you do realize that this man is testifying that the for-profit colleges are lying to get more money. so why side with them?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:09:33 No.11326784

    >not partisan

    >flies into a rage because someone posted a link you didn't even read

    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:09:40 No.11326787
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    I'm actually going to start classes there on the 4th. I already have my tuition payed for the semester. I couldn't look a lot during the time and my school pointed me to them saying how 'good' are. Over the summer I started hearing all this crap. I'm just going this semester to see what happens and thing are bad as I hear, I'll transfer.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:09:46 No.11326788
    this >>11326697 was not me, the poster of >>11326650 btw.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:12:47 No.11326832
    oh I should mention I'm going for animation
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:13:46 No.11326841
    You can back out now. As long as you don't sit in the seat for 2 weeks, you don't owe them a dime. They MUST return the funds.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:13:55 No.11326844

    I've read it, I know exactly why they'd want to exaggerate their results. The problem isn't that they have too much freedom to exaggerate their results, the problem is government intervention in education and society at large.


    Maybe I should've expanded on it, it was more of an off-handed comment than anything. I am not siding with them, I'm siding against the attitude of people who expect government to buffer cushion everything in society and mother them through their whole lives. If they lie, so be it, just don't be an idiot, recognise when someone is lying yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:16:24 No.11326879
    From what I heard once paid I can't do shit
    plus my mom helped to pay most of it and she want me to try for that semester. I can't say shit
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:16:56 No.11326887
    >expect government to buffer cushion everything in society

    No you fucker, we want government to stop corporate excess, not promote it. Big fucking difference. It is the job of the government to protect its citizens from abuses both from afar and within which is something republicunts seemed to have forgotten. See how I typed "protect" and not "cuddled." A real American wants independence from both government and corporate profiteering.

    Niggers everywhere, I swear.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:17:57 No.11326905
    Trust me. I backed out right at the 2 week point.

    They tried to charge me 4000, they immediately recanted their sentence when I said, "Add Drop Week."
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:21:28 No.11326947
    ya, that would be nice, but then again its putting a lot of faith into your average joe who these days, lets face it, isnt too bright. this is the result of the mother state that you mention.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:21:45 No.11326950
    >Long story short: An AI Employee is testifying in front of Senate how they lie about their success rate and count DRAWING ON THE SPECIALS BOARD AT STAR BUCKS WHILE WORKING THERE as Employed in the art field.

    Fuck, I thought you were exaggerating.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:22:51 No.11326968

    >No you fucker, we want government to stop corporate excess, not promote it.

    You now realise that government is the root of corporate excess and there is no way that government can exist without corporate excess.

    >It is the job of the government to protect its citizens from abuses both from afar and within which is something republicunts seemed to have forgotten.

    No, the government exists to control the citizens within an arbitrary area we know as 'states'. They don't care about your freedom, your safety and your well-being, they only care about controlling you. It turns out that the best way to control people is to give them the illusion that they are free. You are living on a farm, my friend.

    >See how I typed "protect" and not "cuddled." A real American wants independence from both government and corporate profiteering.

    If you really wanted that then you would want the abolition of the state.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:26:03 No.11327013
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    for what, I'm just curious
    and again I'm in animation but I'll all the way up north in MN but should I consider going to CA.
    My mom also want me to states, but I almost want say fuck it and see if I can get a student loan or get from other family
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:29:19 No.11327058
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    Dammit it worse than I thought
    I going to an AI orientation tomorrow
    Good I'm in shit
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:31:10 No.11327090
    The problem here is that the government is giving financial aid to a large portion of the students going to these shitty schools. They'll allow just about anyone into the school just so they can leech money from the government through financial aid.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:35:36 No.11327157
    also explain how you dropped it
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:37:22 No.11327181
    when you say abolition of state, what do you envision instead?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:38:28 No.11327195
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:40:00 No.11327213
    can anybody tell me?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:42:21 No.11327238

    Emergent society based on voluntary co-operation which would inevitably be a free market in all industries.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:48:36 No.11327314
    and your reason for believing that given a truly blank slate, human society would evolve any differently than it currently has is...?

    i mean to raise the point that society has already evolved once, and that to suggest that it would- if somehow set back again- ever progress differently is delusion.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:51:47 No.11327358
    heres a documentary anon on what was going on with private colleges. it was made this may. Pretty fucked up shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:55:10 No.11327418
    tough question to answer. certainly wouldnt be able to fully do it if i truly believed that seeing as how learning anything would be considered futile.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)22:56:57 No.11327455
    Can you guys give me more AI articles about shit like this
    I need to show this shit to a friend of mine
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:01:35 No.11327515

    >and your reason for believing that given a truly blank slate, human society would evolve any differently than it currently has is...?

    Let's first consider the reality of the situation. We're not going to magically have a clean slate. What I'm saying is that if we educate people about what government is then they will see that they'd be better off without government. Not only that, but I want to make it clear that if you want government then I have no problem with that. My problem is with the nature of government. It effectively subjugates society without choice, I can't refuse the authority of it. I'm told that I can vote or leave, but this is not real choice. The democracy is tyranny of the majority, and if I leave one locale I will only end up in another with basically the same rules.

    >i mean to raise the point that society has already evolved once, and that to suggest that it would- if somehow set back again- ever progress differently is delusion.

    Emergentism is a concept that it took me a while to come around to. First I was a minarchist libertarian, then I realised the lie of the state and came to anarcho-capitalism with natural property rights and the non-aggression axiom, and then I began to question the reality of moral standards and came to nihilism, but by this point I was struggling to link anarcho-capitalism to nihilism, despite the evident truths I'd seen for both of them. It's lucky at this point that I stumbled across emergentism. The concept of emergentism is much too deep for me to explain in one or even several posts, if you are really interested please try this series:
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:03:00 No.11327531
    hahaha oh wow I fucking remember this place

    my senior year of highschool I was obsessing about how terrible my art was and my dad was like "hey son, come with me and I'll show you some of the people considered 'professional artists'". He produces videos and websites for a living and he goes to portfolio shows looking for talent. I went with him that time.

    Never in my life have I seen such a collection of talentless, unskilled fucks. These people make Deviant Art look like a bastion of talent and professionalism.

    I'm glad that place is getting it's ass handed to it. Thank god.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:04:20 No.11327549
    If you were dumb enough to fall for one of these colleges, you were hopeless in the first place. Enjoy your poverty.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:05:06 No.11327559
    ITT: for-profit colleges lie about success and take advantage of high school graduate for money


    God damn, does this really have to be a political issue? Can't we agree that corporate greed, lying for profit, and potentially ruining future prospects of high school graduates is a BAD thing? This really isn't something that should be a partisan divider.
    >> Saki !HxErqKqOEs 09/29/10(Wed)23:07:35 No.11327607
    They aren't limited to HS students, they also take advantage of graduate students. They have MA programs as well. I know someone who graduated from UCBerkeley and is now attending AI San Francisco... she's so fucking stupid. They tried to recuit me for their culinary arts program while I was in my senior year of HS, and I research them like a mo'fo. I donot know why my friend did not. Her UCB degree is gunna be laughed at when they see she went to AI for graduate school AND did most of her 'art' classes online.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:09:18 No.11327633
    ah ha ha ha ha, where is your god-tier degree now business fags?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:28:04 No.11327896

    Don't know if it's about AI in particular, but here are some shenanigans they caught for-profit college admission officers pulling:

    From 7:14 onwards it gets really crazy.

    >carcha cornelius
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:31:31 No.11327945
         File1285817491.jpg-(641 KB, 800x4759, student-loan-scheme.jpg)
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    Here's how education got fucked up.

    Consumers need bankruptcy protections on student loans back.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:31:44 No.11327949
    thank you
    right now I'm freaking out about this
    I don't know what to do ;_:
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:32:04 No.11327955
    I went to a for-profit college. I'm doing pretty well. School, no matter where you go, is what you make it.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:38:58 No.11328050
    If you toss 1000 pennies off a tall building, at least 1 of them will deck a pigeon on the way down.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:41:23 No.11328074
    Any of the criticisms about For Profit Schools go double or triple for so called "real" colleges.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:42:10 No.11328083
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    EDMC owns AI. They Also own Argosy, one of the colleges caught engaging in Fraud.

    That hearing is what prompted this one.

    EDMC is going to be finished.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:43:14 No.11328089

    Well that will make for a competent workforce....
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:43:28 No.11328093
         File1285818208.jpg-(222 KB, 1600x1200, 005.jpg)
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    Remove the bottom of the bucket (Restore BANKRUPTCY to Student Loans) and the rest will reset itself after the For-profits are removed from 'power'
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:46:01 No.11328123
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    Here's a fun fact.

    AI finds failing colleges and injects them with money and puts an art institutes logo on it.

    They did it in Boston.

    They are still doing it across the USA and Canada.

    They're BUYING accreditation.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:52:02 No.11328171

    Lol then you'll love this fishtank of stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/10(Wed)23:57:22 No.11328226
    I paid as much to go to AI is I would have to go to YALE. FML
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)00:14:02 No.11328411
    Can someone explain to me what the difference is between so-called "for profit" schools, and any other private university in the US? Economically, what is AI doing that's different from Harvard?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)00:15:30 No.11328431
    Putting 25% of their profit back into marketing into creating commercials that blanket our kids with images of their dream school.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)00:36:47 No.11328713
    do you have sauce please?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)00:40:51 No.11328766
    wow, some serious samefagging by AI there
    srs, i think they just made alot of accts to comment on it

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