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  • File : 1284415467.jpg-(1.24 MB, 2285x1714, EDC 010.jpg)
    1.24 MB Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:04:27 No.11114498  
    EDC thread. /r9k/ style.

    For those of you who don't know, EDC=Every day carry (the shit that's in your pockets/on your person everyday)

    Comments: Can't go anywhere without a swiss army knife! Most useful tool there.

    iPod is for class days only.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:07:36 No.11114538
    -zippo lighter
    -asthma inhaler
    -house keys
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:07:59 No.11114543
    Exactly the same, OP, except I don't carry that pill-canister thing on top.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:08:04 No.11114545
    I've been looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi(small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:09:14 No.11114565
    -school ID
    -house keys
    -bus pass
    >> Empireo !!+x5pyKGtRoo 09/13/10(Mon)18:09:23 No.11114569

    ... I'm not one to judge but:

    >zippo lighter
    >asthma inhaler
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:10:00 No.11114581
    Wallet, phone, keys. fucking crazy i know

    I used to carry a pen knife but it got confiscated by security at a train station when i was going camping :(
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:10:31 No.11114589
         File1284415831.jpg-(122 KB, 700x525, EDC.jpg)
    122 KB
    reporting in
    >> effeminate sex and alcohol addicted nigger faggot 09/13/10(Mon)18:10:39 No.11114592
    swissssss army knive
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:11:33 No.11114605
    swedish snus
    cell phone
    sony e-reader
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 09/13/10(Mon)18:12:58 No.11114628
    You carry a zippo but no cigarettes? Also,
    I hope you're not one of those ex-military guys that LOOOOOOOVE to passively show off.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:13:32 No.11114638
    Phone & wallet.
    What else do I need? I have fists, I don't need to kill someone with a knife to defend myself. Jesus..
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:13:57 No.11114642
    sansa clip+
    book to write stuff in so i don't forget
    invisalign container
    pocket knife
    usb interface storage utility
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:15:10 No.11114657
    Nono, that's a corsair survivor

    Comes with 'corsair dog tags' with their seal and corsair on them.

    Just came with it and put it on there.

    Also don't smoke, but i've had a lighter come in handy more than once.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:15:18 No.11114660
    No one carries knives for self-defense. You have no idea how much shit I do with my Swiss, but if I got jumped it would take thirty seconds to get the little-ass knife out.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:15:20 No.11114661
    -3m of nylon rope
    -Assorted lengths of string
    -Small note pad
    -Firesteel flint
    -Permanent marker
    -Elastic bandages
    -Surgical spirits
    -Car and house keys
    -Tape measure
    -Small wind up torch
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:16:35 No.11114678
    -make up (compact, a few lipsticks, eyeshadow)
    -dental floss
    -travel-sized umbrella
    -extra hair clips/elastics
    -nail file
    -tide pen or shout wipes
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:16:51 No.11114681
    no picture4u

    cell phone
    house keys
    truck key
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:17:14 No.11114684
    Ipod + headphones
    Smokes + lighter
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:17:53 No.11114694

    Anything else is just unnecessary
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:18:08 No.11114699
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:18:16 No.11114703
    >People carry knives
    >Shit is disturbing

    Anyway, I carry: My wallet and a plectrum
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:19:14 No.11114716
    -ps2 + all assorted cables + 2 controllers + 1 mem card + gt4 (big jacket with deep pockets
    >> Green !4ekoYRtbmg 09/13/10(Mon)18:19:24 No.11114718
    Why are people so scared of knives? They're just tools.
    >> EDC Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:19:51 No.11114728
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:20:00 No.11114734
    Phone, Wallet, Keys, Pokewalker.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:20:15 No.11114738
    -CS Recon, might switch it up and buy an SOG Trident.
    -Lighter, orange
    -One black pen, one black sharpie

    Not really too much, I mostly carry everything in by BOB, which are carry with me almost everywhere but school.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:20:48 No.11114745
    LG EnV Touch
    Drum RYO cigarettes

    OP, have you hacked your phone at all? You can do some cool stuff with BitPim.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:21:27 No.11114753
    Cigarettes (RYO), always stocked with papers and filter tips
    Tiny pocket-sized diary for work roster, appointments etc. because I have the memory of a goldfish
    Would carry a utility knife/tool except mine is a Leatherman Surge and it's WAAAY heavy
    It's always in my backpack when I walk/cycle somewhere, which is a majority of the time I leave the house
    In which case, if we're including my backpack, also include a paclite goretex jacket and a spare innertube, and usually cheap old mp3 player
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:21:39 No.11114755
    fucking ocd
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:22:14 No.11114764
    Poor fag here, I don't own a cell phone I just communicate via home phone and internet.

    My pocket contents are usually

    >My wallet (which has ID Club card mis cards and at least 20 bucks in it, however right now it's just 5 bucks)
    >My mp3 player (poor fag and I don't have an iPod)
    >My house key
    >A pen
    >Lose change (quarters for soda, pennies and what not)

    That's fucking it, not a smoker so no lighter, not a fag so no knife.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:23:16 No.11114774
    Wallet (Debit, Credit, Liscense)
    Car/House Keys
    Student ID (On school days)
    Store Keys (On work days)

    Travel light.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:23:17 No.11114776
    >Everyone has a phone

    Are they REALLY that important?

    That being said, does anyone at all have the droid incredible?

    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:24:07 No.11114785
    Kevlar jacket. Kevlar jeans. Kevlar vest. Retractable steel baton. Knuckle dusters. Heavy duty phone. Wallet. Steel-toe boots.
    Nobody messes with me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:24:09 No.11114788
    >Everyone has a phone
    >Your list has an ipod

    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:24:40 No.11114794
    >coupla euros change
    >whatever else I need for wherever im going
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:24:40 No.11114795
    i like not having to find loose change for a phonebox if i need to make a call
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:25:27 No.11114804
    They are Britfags, so reading about people carrying knives evokes memories of some chav mugging them.

    tl;dr Pussies.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:25:29 No.11114805

    HAHAHAHAHAHA oh god. I hope you're trolling.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:25:59 No.11114814
    Desert eagle 50. AP

    i mess with you
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:26:25 No.11114821
    britfags are hillarious.

    >obviously necessary blox
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:26:29 No.11114823
    Fucking this.
    I've carried one for 5 or so years, never even crossed my mind to use it against another person.
    Knives come in handy for a lot of things, it's like people think their only function is to stab people.

    I blame the media, at least here in Australia.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:27:16 No.11114836
    >Desert eagle 50. AP
    Desert Eagles aren't chambered in that..
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:28:26 No.11114846
    I blame the media here in Britain as well. i carry a swiss army knofe for practical reasons and its on my keys. when i go to unlock my car everyone screams "KNIFE MURDERER!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:28:42 No.11114847
    >desert eagle
    Even browsing /k/ you can learn how shitty that "gun" is.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:28:42 No.11114849
    ->It's an Android phone, so has loads of shit on it.

    ->Keychain Swiss army tool
    ->Keychain bottle opener
    ->Keychain Sharpie
    ->USB stick

    ->Train pass
    ->Student card
    ->Woodshop pass
    ->Elastic bands for hair ties

    Pen and/or Pencil

    2 sheets of folded paper

    Chewing gum



    Geek-themed tennis wristband

    If room, I'l take my buff cap too.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:28:47 No.11114850
    this. half the time i'm letting someone else borrow it for something.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:29:00 No.11114854
    I check the police feeds and the local gun-store to check if anybody may have weapons in the area. If they do, expect me to have my revolver, my helmet and a stun grenade on me. You WILL NOT mess with me.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:29:01 No.11114856
    Ipod/headphones (like OP, on class days only)

    Pretty boring.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:29:26 No.11114863
    custom made. blued finish. is nice
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:29:31 No.11114864

    Northern Irishfag here. The cunts round here wouldn't think twice before knifing you over some trivial matter.
    >> Douchebag !!FRFz8jVwR37 09/13/10(Mon)18:29:33 No.11114865
    I don't go anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:30:38 No.11114879
         File1284417038.jpg-(177 KB, 640x480, 3723467009_6f29553278_z.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:30:42 No.11114881
    its more for intimidation than anything else. also its a scaled down die cast toy.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:30:51 No.11114885
    Uh an ipod isn't a phone?

    Everyone else has them, i can just borrow a friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:31:04 No.11114887
    sure is materialism in here
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:31:35 No.11114896
         File1284417095.jpg-(38 KB, 600x800, 50 BMG 690 AP BVAC.jpg)
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    You know a lot about guns.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:31:40 No.11114901
    >thinks he isn't a britfag
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:32:17 No.11114911
    shitty free cell phone that came with the plan

    ive got a tiny little blade keychain, its good for cutting tape, and thats about it
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:32:24 No.11114912
    .50 Action Express niggertits not BMG
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:32:31 No.11114913
         File1284417151.jpg-(89 KB, 420x260, MessengerBags.jpg)
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    Messenger Bagfag, here.
    -Bike Lock (If Biking, which is 95% of the time)
    -Cell Phone
    -Work Gloves (If Working, and I work 7 days a week over 2 jobs)
    -Spare Shirt
    -Jacket/Heavy Shirt
    -Permanent Marker
    -Pencils (Mechanical and Wooden)
    -Bic Lighter
    -Rolling Papers

    And that usually leaves me plenty of room to pick up some groceries, or whatever else I'll have to carry throughout the day.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:32:53 No.11114919
    You're on a computer, shut up.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:33:58 No.11114932
    .50 BMG AP is what you just posted up there. They Don't produce Action Express in armor piercing.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:34:47 No.11114943
    not much really

    house keys
    car keys
    ipod (optional)
    sig p226 + spare mag
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:35:20 No.11114953
    did i not say already its not a real gun but a scaled down die cast replica? i do however carry a single 50. AE bullet for no real reason
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:36:14 No.11114963

    lol fucking failed at lying and trying to cover it up
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:38:12 No.11114988
    pretty much but do yu not remeber?
    >90% of what is posted on 4chan is a repost of a repost of a repost and the rest is lies
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:38:56 No.11114996
    >airshit USP
    >airshit spare mag

    lol u troll no one

    >50. AE bullet
    I'm unaware of a 50 caliber firearm, but damn that bullet must weigh more than 100lbs. How do you even carry it around?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:39:33 No.11115007
         File1284417573.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, edcjkhlkj.jpg)
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    dont need no weapon to feel hard when i got my burt's bees
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 09/13/10(Mon)18:40:00 No.11115012

    Is that a set of goddamn lockpicks?


    > wallet
    > phone
    > lighter
    > knife
    > car key
    > chapstick
    > cigarettes (don't smoke often, nice to have to kickstart conversation)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:41:37 No.11115033
    it is
    broutign as
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:43:19 No.11115053
    how can you tell if its airshit? I never picked up on that.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:43:58 No.11115064
    yes it is

    its not airsoft. no point in arguing with you tho i guess
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:45:21 No.11115081
    Three Shirts, just in case
    Three pairs of boots
    Some bombs
    Some sticks
    Some nuts
    A hammer

    You know, day to day stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:47:11 No.11115108
    That's cause it's not.

    Dumbass didn't seem to notice that it was next to a BENCHMADE balisong

    Also, look at the top of the mag. That's not airshit.

    But there' no ammo in it, which is odd.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:48:53 No.11115132
    The front of the slide and frame aren't right. Its a pretty close replica though.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:49:22 No.11115140
    Fucking media.
    >News: "Police confiscated a knife from a man on the weekend! It was found in a random search."
    >Don't mention it was a 1" keychain swiss army knife, or that he wasn't doing anything wrong with it.
    >Retarded public: "OMFG! We're all going to die! Knives are only for stabbing!"

    I was at a girl's house once, she had just got a small mini fridge and couldn't get the packing tape off the box.
    I got my 2" pocket knife out and cut it open, put the knife back in my pocket and opened the box.
    She was staring at me like I had just grown horns from my forehead.
    "What?" I ask her,
    "Oh my god, you carry a knife!" she replied, in the same tone of voice you would expect from somebody saying "Oh my god, you eat children!"

    Bitch seemed to think I was some sort of thug because I had a small knife, which she said is "Only good for stabbing people", right after I had just used it to help her do something completely unrelated to stabbing people.
    She has been cold towards me ever since then. What the fuck.

    I've seen people freeze up and almost start shaking when somebody has a knife, using it in a non-threatening manner. It's like people think the knife will leap out of somebody's hand, chase them down and stab them.
    I cannot believe how ignorant people are.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:49:54 No.11115153


    I posted these 2.

    Try guessing my job robots.

    Tip: I carry 2 more items I didnt put @pic on purpose.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:51:12 No.11115173
    The mag could be real, the weapon is fake as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:51:50 No.11115179

    how is it not right?

    dont forget its compact
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:54:02 No.11115207
    Please tell me that isn't England.

    I'm starting Uni soon, I was gonna keep a pocket knife in my pocket when I get there. It will help unpacking and when everyones bottle openers are packed away god knows where, I can see the bottle opener coming in very handy.

    Is this the wrong thing to do?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:54:53 No.11115218
    Are you British? Because that sure doesn't sound like N. America.
    >> mudman !!rTVzk6+aKUb 09/13/10(Mon)18:55:22 No.11115226
         File1284418522.png-(123 KB, 320x240, EDC.png)
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    i carry a dark jolteon with me at all times
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:56:37 No.11115245
    oh my fucking god, I had something similar happen.
    I was teaching in Korea, and there were a bunch of balloons that needed popping. one of the Koreans grabbed a box cutter and was popping them in succession, and everyone laughed.

    I got my pocket knife out to do the same, and everyone freaked, the Canadians most of all. shit pissed me off. that box cutter was probably sharper than my shitty knife, and could extend farther than my lockblade could, my knife just looks scary. (it's a 3" lockblade with a firestarter in the handle)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:57:19 No.11115250
    Wallet w/cash and various cards, Samsung Tocco Lite, iPod Nano Gen 5 with my name laser etched in the back (was a christmas present, I would never do it for myself), 3.0mm Jim Dunlop Stubby pick, keys and my school timetable.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:57:38 No.11115255

    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:58:35 No.11115265
         File1284418715.jpg-(13 KB, 300x297, HK-USP-Compact.jpg)
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    Look at the area in the red circle in my picture. Note how the frame does not go in front of the slide. Now look at the airshit picture, note how the frame does go in front of the slide.
    >> livefreeordie !!cNv0QTWS63n 09/13/10(Mon)18:59:20 No.11115273
    These days:

    -Kershaw folder
    -Old folder/multitool
    -Buck 105
    -VZ. 82 9x18
    -Colt Police Positive in .32

    ...yes I carry three knives and two pistols. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)18:59:49 No.11115278
    Saw a R9KCHAN VA license plate today in VA - red vehicle turning onto 460. made my day.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:01:58 No.11115309
    original beat up iPhone
    keys with blunt splitter
    garage door opener(i ride my bike)
    cigarettes and rolling papers
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:02:01 No.11115310
         File1284418921.jpg-(548 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_1042_2.jpg)
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    Obvious Brit should be obvious.

    - Keys, because, um, in and out of my flat works better that way.
    - inhaler, because I'm asthmatic.
    - White bottle is eye drops for hayfever, I can almost stop carrying that now
    - Change
    - Ipod and iphone; separate because I have too much music for an iphone to hold, and I use the ipod too much to use my phone like that - it would drain the battery something stupid.
    - that lighter is awesome. Got it off a guy on a night out, I'm already trying to figure out where to find another once it dies.
    - chewing gum is a vice
    - wallet holds useful things.
    >> mudman !!rTVzk6+aKUb 09/13/10(Mon)19:02:22 No.11115313
    >wallet w/ cash and cards
    >samsung phone
    >ipod nano
    >a pick

    are you me
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:03:28 No.11115326
    It was in Ausfalia actually.
    It's gotten that way because of 16 year old tough guys carrying around kitchen steak knives to impress their buddies.
    The media says that 6/10 people or something like that carry a knife. Yet there are relatively few stabbings, and they don't seem to see a connection there.

    I hear England is actually even more retarded about knives, I'd be careful.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:06:34 No.11115365
         File1284419194.jpg-(70 KB, 656x600, 656px-HKUSPCOMPACT40.jpg)
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    actually it does

    here, compare.

    exactly the same gun

    (also you posted the 9mm version but not like it matters)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:09:16 No.11115397
    what part of 460? I'm out by Petersburg, and I've not seen that one.
    >> sage 09/13/10(Mon)19:10:35 No.11115416
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:11:32 No.11115423
         File1284419492.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, DSC00007.jpg)
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    it clearly doesn't even in your own pic.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:13:05 No.11115447
         File1284419585.jpg-(521 KB, 1812x878, DSCN0003.jpg)
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    real enough for you? also, hats off to the r9kchan VA license plate I saw this afternoon getting onto 460
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:13:39 No.11115450
    I posted a 9x19, you posted a southpaw. Not that either matters, the point is that the gun in >>11114879
    is airshit. It is quite obvious if you know what you are looking at.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:14:14 No.11115455
    Farmville, heading east.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:15:49 No.11115470

    seriously -.-

    posted that pic few times in ecd threads on /k/ cause i always carry the same shit.

    they asked about the locksmith tools too

    never ever been questioned about the gun, and im pretty sure im not going around carrying airsoft one.

    im going to end it here since this would only turn into /b/ flame fest.

    If you dont believe me, print the picture and go ask / compare to your local gun shop.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:17:53 No.11115494
    so why IS your slide lacking the bevels at the front anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:18:56 No.11115505
    I'm an ex-milfag who passively shows off by wearing milfag clothes from other countries' armies.
    Nobody suspects shit, just think I dress artfaggy.
    Then there is a guy in my animation uni who dresses in our-country milfag clothes, gets all his milfag knowledge from MW2 and has a neckbeard.

    I want to kill him every day.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:20:33 No.11115521
    show him what you're made of and kill him with a UMD.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:20:34 No.11115522
    >pen (need it for work, as I'm constantly signing shit)
    >sometimes chapstick
    >sometimes music player
    >cigarettes if I have them (I only buy maybe a pack a week or something, I end up sharing most of them with friends)
    >Matches if I have cigarettes (we give them out for free at my work)
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:20:39 No.11115523
    The gentlemen of r9k salute you politely for your service.

    Don't worry. We all want to kill posers.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:21:04 No.11115526
    -temporary school ID
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:21:21 No.11115529
    Funny. I'm wearing desert DPM's right now. I wear them to bed and to go climbing in. They're so God damn comfy.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:33:08 No.11115666
         File1284420788.jpg-(65 KB, 768x525, ECD.jpg)
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    -Driving permit
    -House keys
    -DS (usually just on days with a long public trans commute)

    Not featured is a big handful of mints, always snacking on them.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)19:49:50 No.11115907
    Bump for more EDC
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)20:03:35 No.11116066
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)20:12:51 No.11116172


    lol faggot
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)20:35:36 No.11116411
    plastic don't rust, retard. wear on the gun from 10K rounds, no FTF, no stovepipe. Sigma is the Timex of handguns.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/10(Mon)20:38:33 No.11116450
         File1284424713.jpg-(1.08 MB, 2562x1530, DSCN0001.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    bad lighting

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