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    File : 1326718648.jpg-(1.49 MB, 1410x2000, 209507fcf60daadb270ed035cd119d58.jpg)
    1.49 MB Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)07:57:28 No.1110821  
    Have you ever done something illegal/immoral? What was it?

    >When I was 17, I had sex with a 10 year old girl on more than one occasion.

    She was developed for her age...and a little skank. I'm glad she never told anybody.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)07:59:35 No.1110828
    I think that's actually legal in several states.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:00:44 No.1110838
    I pushed a retarded girl down the stairs. Got away with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:02:06 No.1110849
    Eh, probably. But it's immoral to most people. Plus I doubt I could get away with it in court anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:02:16 No.1110850
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    Nope, I did tell. They are coming for you, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:02:25 No.1110852
    too much to list here
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:03:56 No.1110861
    Do tell. Was she crying? Squirming?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:05:24 No.1110872
    Possession of CP (Not anymore though, long gone).

    Do you have a few hours?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:07:25 No.1110891
    Tell us moar please!
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:07:40 No.1110894
    You're a fucking hooligan.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:13:14 No.1110920
    Illegal? Just off the top of my head

    Possession of illegal firearms
    Use/sales of drugs
    Whatever you'd put fucking up people's property/cars under
    Possession of CP (Albeit nothing too bad, just nudes from past girls that I keep on my hard drive)

    As far as "immoral" goes, I don't want to even get started on that.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:14:07 No.1110927
    Eh, illegal would just be drug possession and sex with minors.

    Don't know about immoral though.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:16:55 No.1110944
    Touched a little girl while sleeping
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:19:45 No.1110961
    Eh, not much to tell. She was the daughter of a friend of my mom's. I met her at a party my parents had. She liked me a shit ton. She was cute, had a pretty decent body for a 10 year old. Was one of those girls that wanted to act older than they are. We hit it off right away, ended up making out in my bathroom.

    She lived close so we'd get together at night and fuck pretty often. Went on for about 5 months before she just drifted away naturally. It was pretty pedo, she was really short and had a young looking face despite having tits and a decent ass. She was like 4'7" and I was 6'2". The sex was great though.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:21:37 No.1110969
    Fireworks and pirating
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:23:01 No.1110972
    Many many counts of Theft.
    even more of Assault.
    to many to count of Drug possession and sale.
    Damage/destruction of property
    Assault of a police officer

    Anything immoral, try my whole life, if you cant stop me i do what i want
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:23:24 No.1110975
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    > She was like 4'7" and I was 6'2".
    Oh god, that's hot as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:27:59 No.1110994
    Did you ever stick it in her shitter?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:29:57 No.1111003
    and just after i finished High school i had a "gf" that was underage from both my and my brothers school for a while b4 they found out about each other and it was no longer fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:31:58 No.1111014
    Downloading shit
    Pissed on a government building (don't really know if it's illegal though)
    Can't think of anything else
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:32:43 No.1111020
    Who even counts piracy as illegal any more every redneck and his dog can do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:33:21 No.1111023
    Theft, incest, animal abuse (I was a kid though), CP, domestic violence, indecent exposure, more immoral things that I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:34:31 No.1111028
    I tried once, I got some of the tip in before she stopped me. Party pooper in that regard.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:34:55 No.1111031
    And yet that's still, like, illegal.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:35:46 No.1111035
    >indecent exposure thats like streaking right?

    i keep finding things that i didnt put on my list in other peoples posts, i love my life
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:39:43 No.1111059
    From what I understand it's just showing your goodies where other people can see them. I was going home on the train from a party with my girlfriend, it was like 11PM. We were both horny as fuck. Suddenly she was feeling me up and it led to her sucking me off right there on the train. It was like half full and we were in the corner but people saw us. Nobody said shit though, just funny looks and resisting the urge to not look where we were.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:41:59 No.1111075
    I think that counts as public indency.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:51:46 No.1111111
    Illegal: Buy, have, sell drugs, give them to minors. Possession of underage porn, not CP though.

    Immoral: I try to avoid that. Probably lies.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:55:02 No.1111122
    Cyber bullying, indecent exposure (mooned a lot of cars on the freeway with my hairy arse, pulled my cheeks outward too), public intoxication, shoplifting (years ago, when I was way younger), vandalism, public urination, graffiti, piracy. Breaking and entering, although we didn't really break anything. Almost fucked a minor but I think she still wants my dick anyway. Been at protests and ignored move on notices.

    Immoral? I'm generally never cruel to anyone irl and people say I'm a decent guy etc a lot, but I'm a bit of an asshole imo. Not to mention all the shit I've fapped to. This is 4chan after all.

    I regret nothing and will continue to be a cunt. Also, nice OP, fucking a 10 year old is pretty fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:56:27 No.1111129




    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:57:12 No.1111132
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    nigg, this is what i call an unique number
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)08:57:54 No.1111134
    Drugs and underaged porn (not CP, of course) are now legal.

    The septs have spoken.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:00:15 No.1111147
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    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:00:16 No.1111148
    I met a 14 year old girl at a party (I'm 25) and have fucked her several times. I took her virginity and she is a total slut for me and will do anything I ask. I moved away but we still keep in touch and she sends pictures and videos whenever I want her to.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:00:25 No.1111149
    You reserve the right to name my firstborn.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:00:41 No.1111151
    Who wouldve thought a bunch of anonymous posters on an image board would be such badasses?

    Oh wait
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:00:50 No.1111153
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    that's 127 in binary
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:01:08 No.1111155

    Unoriginalandunapologetic bl0x
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:04:15 No.1111170

    Impressive. Very impressive.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:10:18 No.1111198
    I once stole a psyduck plushie from a mall.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:11:25 No.1111206
    I once made a fake facebook account and called somebody a 'fuckhead' XD
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:14:55 No.1111226
    Holy hell normally gets stay to /b/ but
    Posting in an epic thread
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:14:58 No.1111227
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    Those fucking numbers
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:16:29 No.1111236

    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:17:01 No.1111238
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    Those numbers
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:17:47 No.1111246
    Woah shit dude

    We got a badass on our hands here
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:23:58 No.1111284
    Never did anything illegal.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:30:14 No.1111323
    Stop unrerailing are fucking thread
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:44:44 No.1111410
    I jerked off on my sister's face when she was 6.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:47:02 No.1111424
    Nice. Did she get pregnant?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:50:05 No.1111442
    Nice....more detail?
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:51:16 No.1111455
    Oh lawdy.

    I say, well done, young chap.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)09:51:38 No.1111456
    stole a lot of alcohol from a football stadium (about $350 worth)
    urban exploring into abandoned/non-abandoned places and have taken a few things from there
    it's mainly just stealing...
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:02:24 No.1111519
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:17:05 No.1111575

    >Alone with sister.
    >Sister is taking a nap on the couch in her kiddie underwear.
    >Massive erection.
    >Start jerking off over her.
    >Cum buckets on her face.
    >Sister wakes up, I quickly put away my shit.
    >Sister has no idea what has happened.
    >I go clean her up, buy her ice cream and we play together.
    >None the wiser.
    >> sage 01/16/12(Mon)10:24:52 No.1111606
    incest, cp, theft, sexual abuse (not rape), drug dealing, drug possesion, driving without licence, speeding, hacking, public vandalism

    immoral? - mainly lying i guess.

    im 16.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:32:25 No.1111642
    Sick bastard. She's going to remember one day.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:32:39 No.1111649
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    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:32:47 No.1111651
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    thread derailed. This is more impressive than OP raping a 10 years old
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:41:35 No.1111703
    She does remember.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)10:48:58 No.1111754

    i vow to get >>2222222
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:07:24 No.1112340
    To the peeps with incest. Who was it with?
    >> infected !!gO+qcJzdG3a 01/16/12(Mon)12:09:06 No.1112349
    illegal: drugs
    immoral: when I was 8 I tricked my cousin into giving me his batteries so I could play my game boy and he couldn't. I feel so bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:10:12 No.1112357

    Nice septs
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:12:00 No.1112367

    Please, for the love of God, have my babies. I will even pay for your services if necessary.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:12:30 No.1112371
    Don't know if it counts as incest, but when I was little, like 9, my mom would put me to bed and stroke my dick a bit. Then one day I ejaculated and she was like 'Oh my, you've become a big boy now'. Stopped after that.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:13:44 No.1112381
    Dude you just got doubles lol,
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:24:11 No.1112461
    What. The. Fuck. Your mom molested you.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:30:17 No.1112507
    Hooked up with one guy with a gf twice, blew another once, and slept with a friend who has a fiance twice. All in about a 3 month period.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:33:43 No.1112527
    Illegal: sold drugs, set firecrackers in a hummer, several mail boxes, and the exhaust of furnace, a mail slot of house, then the van of the house and the house caught fire while the people inside had escaped through the basement window, jaywalking, breaking and entering while stealing all the shit inside, set fire to my barn for the insurance money

    I did all that stuff before I was 18, then after 18 the worst thing I have done is jaywalk.

    immoral: nothing I don't have any morals
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:34:52 No.1112536
    really wish this post wouldve lived up to its septs
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:37:45 No.1112547
    I've done most of my illegal things on one day:

    Smoked weed and salvia, did some minor graffiti, lit a fire under a motorway bridge (that, I might add, lasted hours) and I used to shoplift

    Immoral: I minorly regret shoplifting, other than that I have no moral regrets with my life that I can think of right now
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:41:24 No.1112571
    There's way too much shit to list here.

    I once exploited an amputee to get nude videos from a legal but teenaged girl. It's too complicated to explain how, but you get the idea. I've been doing that sort of thing since I was a kid and I've been sued twice in federal courts. My own defense attorney called me a menace and a liar.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:43:59 No.1112592
    Lemme greentext last night for you:

    >Smoke it up with my bros
    >Everything is gone, decide to take the car and head off
    >I start driving when one shouts out we left a joint behind
    >Drive unto grass, car instantly sinks into it and we're stuck
    >Try to get it free.. Nope.jpg.. We're fucked - police regularely patrol
    >Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.. Decide to call a mate
    >See someone walking in the distance. LOLOLOL Its our mate who just came home from a 4 day ski trip fucking WTF??? Random as fuck
    >We try to get it free with his help but nothing works.. Leave the car - head off on an adventure for robe!
    >Cant find shit at any of our homes.. Decide to drive all the way to where he lives
    >Find robe, get back, finally get the car free after several pulls and full throttle
    >Mud.Every.Fucking.Where.. Car is covered, so are we BUT WE'RE FREE WHOO
    >Start driving to a gas station, HOLY SHIT A FUCKING FOX!
    >Do another lap in the roundabout, stop the car, run towards it across the road
    >Y U RUN FOX?? Oh well.. Go back into car, set key into ignition
    >"Holy shit its the police".. *Toker face activated*
    >Police breaks to almost a stop slowly drifting by while looking at us in the car
    >Oh fuck we're doomed.. Car is covered in mud, we smell like weed, still high as shit and they're staring straight into my soul
    >They keep drifting and after a few seconds start speeding up
    >Drive home. Car looks a wreck but epic night out
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:44:52 No.1112604
    When I was 17 I made out with a 13 year old.

    I feel fucking small time now, why the fuck did I always feel so guilty?
    Thanks OP
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:56:23 No.1112673
    >people giving a shit about GETS

    bye /r9k/

    i'll miss you
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)12:59:41 No.1112695
    /r9k/ has gone downhill ever since moot brought it back.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:01:52 No.1112712

    First septs of the new /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:06:40 No.1112741
    When I was 14 I got my 10 year old cousin to grind on me.

    Also when I was 15 I tried fucking and fingering my dog for some reason. Of course it didn't work out since the dog was to small but I did cum a lot when I whacked off afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/12(Mon)13:15:29 No.1112818

    You're such a colossal faggot holy fuck

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