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  • File : 1284152173.jpg-(73 KB, 600x800, wtc.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:56:13 No.11070315  
    So, /r9k/, Sep.11 is approaching.

    What were you doing on that day, nine years ago?

    As for me, I had a light fever and was at home from school. My aunt called me just after the second plane hit, and told me to switch on EuroNews. And the rest of the afternoon (it was afternoon in my timezone), I watched the events unfolding, the towers collapsing, etc.

    I remember my parents saying "This'll be an important lesson to the USA, they'll learn that they aren't immortal and can't do whatever they want in the world without taking the consequences".

    Here in Sweden, there was a national "three minute silence" (in my eyes a ritual of loyalty towards the USA) some days afterwards. It was nation-wide, trains stopped, school classes were interrupted, everything.

    I wanted to interrupt the "ritual" by asking "Are american lives worth more grief than those lost in other disasters?", but I wasn't well enough to go to school that day. To this day, I'm curious about how my teacher would've reacted, but I'll never be able to see it... =(
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:59:19 No.11070344
    You should kill your parents and yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:59:56 No.11070350
    I was 10 and it made no sense to me why it was such a big deal. also my parents woke me up at 6am to watch it, fucking assholes couldn't have attacked at 11am PST....?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:01:28 No.11070371
    Jag skulle skriva:
    >Implying us swedes actually gives a fuck about USA

    Men sen laste jag faktiskt vad du skrev

    On topic: Can't remember, nothing in particular I guess. I didn't know about it until the next day or something
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:01:30 No.11070373
    I was 13 and had the day off school for some reason.

    Unsurprisingly, I was on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:03:31 No.11070396
    I was at electrolux head quarters lining up some sales, saw it on the tv!
    >> Anonymiss 09/10/10(Fri)17:03:57 No.11070399
    I was sleeping and my mom burst into my room screaming "AMERICA IS BEING ATTACKED, NEW YORK HAS BEEN ATTACKED!!!"

    I still feel like I can hardly comprehend it's magnitude. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a new yorker, I feel like they all share something so horrible, they have this sense of solidarity to each other, much like I think people from New Orleans do.
    I'm greatful every day that L.A.s high rises remain un smashed, and our ocean remains oil free... for now.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:05:24 No.11070420
    >came home from school. 3rd grade.
    >played CS when mum called. told what happend. didn't give a shit.
    >back to cs
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:07:41 No.11070450
    Played runescape.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:08:18 No.11070464
    Watched the attacks on tv.

    Started making jokes about it on a forum I visited.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:08:24 No.11070465
    Some days later, I remember that our teacher asked what the consequences of this might be, and I jokingly said that some pretty cool 9/11 movies would be made in the future. I was 10 btw.
    >> Groceries !!l3ndoH/Seho 09/10/10(Fri)17:08:58 No.11070473
    I was 10 at the time.

    My dad picked me up from school (which was really unusual, since he worked from 3 to 11) so I knew something was up (I originally thought he took the day off to take me fishing). He explained the situation while we went to Giant Eagle and got some milk. He told me that our government had a knack for making other countries mad by not minding our own business, and that some people get so full of hate that they'll do anything to hurt others.

    So my dad and I hung out for the day and he ended up teaching me quite a bit about life that day.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:09:22 No.11070481

    Did RS have the forums back in '01? I can't imagine the stupidity
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:10:15 No.11070496
    I was sleeping after a shift of my shitty nightcrew stockboy job. My sister called and told me to put on the news. I don't remember much about that day except a guy on CNN who was convinced the death toll would be around 50,000.

    I also remember Fred Durst doing Wish You Were Here on some telethon-style thing not long after, thinking how much of a self-serving faggot he is and how happy I'll be when he disappears from pop culture. And I am quite happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:10:28 No.11070499
    Flying a 747 into the WTC towers. Shit was SO crash.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:10:33 No.11070501
         File1284153033.jpg-(69 KB, 600x400, team america fuck yeah.jpg)
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    dear butthurt swedefaggots,

    no one could ever care enough about your frozen shit country to even bother to attack it. besides attacking swedes would be like attacking a country of little children and frail old women as there are no men there. from what I hear the muslimes are already taking over your big (hurr durr) cities anyway.
    don't worry even though we were attacked we will still be here to do any heavy lifting around the world and to open pickle jars for you also.
    go fix me a pancake bitch.

    love always, America
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:11:49 No.11070527
    I was 11 and doing homework with two of my friends (so naturally we were playing videogames etc) when at some point my mother came in and told me about the world trade center being hit by a plane. One of my friend said something like "That's in England, isn't it?"

    I spent the rest of the day in front of the TV eating chips. Next day at school the teachers talked about it a little, but most people didn't really give a fuck.

    Still don't give a fuck.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)17:13:45 No.11070554
    >"This'll be an important lesson to the USA, they'll learn that they aren't immortal and can't do whatever they want in the world without taking the consequences".
    I actually want to kill your parents right now. 3000 innocent people die and they think "Yeah, they deserved it!". Fuck you eurotrash assholes.

    Anyway, I got out of school early, didn't know what was going on. That was basically it. Then I heard the word "terrorism" non-stop for 9 years.
    It's hard to appreciate the significance of that when you are 9.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:15:54 No.11070589
    I was 11, I remember I was playing HoMM II on PC when the news came on tv
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:16:09 No.11070591
    But I bet the Iraqi deserved it.
    >> Let's Tap !!frMFiTBX9Ti 09/10/10(Fri)17:16:14 No.11070592
    I was in 6th or 7th grade, I had started watching the news in the mornings while getting ready recently. I turned on the news while brushing my teeth to see one of the towers had already been hit, and I saw the second plane hit the tower live. Shit was heavy for a 6/7th grader to watch. When I got to school, other kids and teachers were in the student hall watching the TVs there and listening to the news. We didn't do any work that day, all the teachers were glued to the news, like a majority of the students.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:16:50 No.11070601
    >Implying swedes cares about others not caring about Sweden

    love, Norway
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:17:17 No.11070606
    yeah my teachers were all like "SILENT MOMENT OMG GICE SERIUS!" then we watched a movie about australia

    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)17:18:25 No.11070620
    I'm about an hour away.
    My friends dad was a firefighter there. My teacher lost his his brother, my uncle's friend got killed, and he himself narrowly missed being on one of the planes.

    It's hard to get away from, is what I'm getting at. Like an invisible specter that hangs all over the place every September and shouts in your ear that no matter how much you try to run away from the outside world it is going to rape you up the ass sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:18:54 No.11070626
    >Get picked up from school
    >Go to mums friends house so she can pick something up
    >Waiting in the car for fucking ages for mum to come back
    >Mum eventually comes back
    >Tells us what happened
    >Never even heard of the twin towers
    >Don't give a shit

    Still don't really give a shit
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:20:00 No.11070638
    i love how we took global sympathy and changed it into scorn.

    oh, to answer OP's question, i bugged the fuck out.

    Went to the fallback location and awaited an a-ok.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)17:20:37 No.11070649

    World ain't black and white buddy.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:21:08 No.11070656
    School camp. Was on the bus. Didn't care, it was all blown over by time I came back a week later.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:21:46 No.11070667
    We can gladly take back the electricity we invented for your ungrateful ass. Perhaps you frigid tundra seal-hunting nomads haven't gotten around to using it much anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:22:17 No.11070672
    Went home for the day, 6th grade kinda sucked anyway. I ended up playing Red Alert 2 as America and fucking over Iraq in a skirmish game (that was the closest they had to Afghanistan). Looking back, I pretty much predicted the future.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:22:45 No.11070677

    Survivalist, I presume? Did you think that it was the beginning of a world war, or were you just afraid of looters who would exploit the chaotic situation?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:23:41 No.11070689
    >We can gladly take back the electricity we invented for your ungrateful ass
    >the electricity we invented for your ungrateful ass
    >electricity we invented

    Please be a troll
    Please be a troll
    Please be a troll
    There can't actually be people this stupid in the world can there?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:24:53 No.11070703
    Nationalism is great, isn't it? You haven't done anything to improve your country.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:24:55 No.11070704
         File1284153895.jpg-(72 KB, 400x511, Tesla-02.jpg)
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    >the electricity we invented

    Serbia here, we want our AC high-voltage system back.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:25:44 No.11070718
    >sitting in class
    >teachers walk us into a room with a few other classes
    >we all watch CNN or something
    >i make a joke that offends everyone
    >after like 1 hour of watching it the teachers talk to us and act all serious in trying to helps us through it emotionally or something

    my thoughts at the time literally were: "wow thank goodness. the news will finally be interesting!" after hearing that the US is going to invade afghanistan.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:26:20 No.11070726
    >Implying Tesla didn't get the fuck out of Serbia and come to America.

    He did. Because Serbia sucks. Then he did science and died in a hotel room poor and lonely.
    And he helped kill an Elephant, the prick.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:26:49 No.11070732

    how exactly did you invent electricity?

    are you 14 or what?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:27:24 No.11070740
    I was in sixth grade. The teachers and administrators at the school tried to keep us from knowing what happened for a while. Then they decided to have the teachers tell us in very general terms, and I THINK they closed the schools early. I don't really remember.

    I live near the Pentagon so quite a few of my classmates had relatives working there.

    Honestly I didn't really care at the time because I was getting beat up and made fun of every single day and that was my only real concern at the time. I was pretty depressed already at that age and having empathy for others when you are borderline suicidal just doesn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:27:37 No.11070744
    I was 19. I had recently moved out of my parents, and was in my flat smoking weed, watching MTV. Then the words "USA UNDER ATTACK, SWITCH OVER TO SKY NEWS FOR LIVE PICTURES" flashed up on the screen. So I switched over to the news, but was far to stoned to really take in what was happening, so I turned back over, smoked another spliff and had an amazing wank followed by a nice afternoon nap.
    >> CapitalistBastard !!l4dbpZTi+Kq 09/10/10(Fri)17:28:15 No.11070751
    I was a senior in high school.

    For the most part we thought a draft was about to start.

    Everyone wanted war. I mean everyone.

    Those of you who were 10 or 11 where mostly shielded from the reality of what was going on.

    Basically no one gives a fuck what childhood activity was momentarily interrupted by the events that you didn't and still don't understand.

    Hell, 75% of your generation is infantilized beyond all hope, who gives a fuck what you think?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:29:05 No.11070760
    Really he should have said the internet.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 09/10/10(Fri)17:29:15 No.11070761
    i was at school eating jello because it was the birthday of some kid, after class mom picked me up and said the twin towers had fallen, i don't remember much, except that it really upset me when i saw people in muslim countries were celebrating the attacks, even though i didn't care that much for the actual attacks(after all for a non-american hearing that 3000 people died in the USA is like hearing 3000 people died in an earthquake in indonesia or something, it just doesn't affect you much)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:29:16 No.11070762

    LOL you're just mad cause your country is shit and we've invented probally 80% of the current products you use on a daily basis.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:29:30 No.11070768
    >Who cares if three thousand people are dead and my country is about to be involved in a major conflict. I haven't even KISSED a girl!

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:30:02 No.11070775
         File1284154202.gif-(109 KB, 587x700, franklin_4_lg.gif)
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    fuck you Serbia, without DC there would be no cell phones or laptops.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:31:13 No.11070800

    And Serbia can have their high voltage AC back when they are actually able to TAKE it. You know, with nuclear weapons, that kind of stuff. You DO have some of those lying around somewhere, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:31:22 No.11070802
    OP, you're so internet tough. I'm sure the e-damsels are all over your e-peen.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:31:29 No.11070805
    >I remember my parents saying "This'll be an important lesson to the USA, they'll learn that they aren't immortal and can't do whatever they want in the world without taking the consequences".

    I bet they feel like a couple of retards now, huh?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:31:56 No.11070811
    To be fair, I remember it well enough to know everybody was telling me to be afraid all the time and that the world was about to end.

    That year there was bombs in my school, anthrax in my Halloween candy, and that kid with the turban was plotting to kill me.
    They didn't shield shit. They just encouraged mindless jingoism and paranoia with the effectiveness ten times that of the Nazis.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:32:33 No.11070824
    I was in grade school at the time. They hauled the entire school into the cafteria, but no one would tell us what was going on or turn on the TVs.
    Some kids got to go home early if their parents wanted to pick them up. I remember being pissed off that I had to stay all day and ended up bickering with my brother on the way home (To my grandmothers). She ended up yelling at us, and she never did that.
    Didn't really an idea of the magnitutude until that. Felt like an asshole, still do.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:32:46 No.11070828

    more in anticipation of trickle down attacks than fear of looting or riots.

    initially I didn't believe it was the work of a group of coordinated foreign nationals.

    I still don't believe that it was.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:33:58 No.11070840
    >Those of you who were 10 or 11 where mostly shielded from the reality of what was going on.
    Not really, no. But I agree: none of us knows wtf is going on.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:34:08 No.11070842
    I have a bleeding heart liberal for a civics teacher. She is always saying insensitve stuff about the troops and conservatives.
    >Too much of a bitch to do anything about it
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:36:13 No.11070870
    Probably a lot of parents did the whole 'Watch this, this is important' thing rather than sheild thier children.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:39:16 No.11070919
    Honestly? Ten times that many people die because they can't get health care.

    Put it in perspective. Bigger catastrophes than 9-11 occur every single year. They just aren't scary enough to use as a justification for two fucking retarded wars.

    In my opinion, most adults responded to 9-11 like a bunch of fucking emotional children.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:41:28 No.11070943
    i lol'd when it happened.
    america is too stupid to notice it was all set up, the planes were fucking black for crying out loud
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:45:31 No.11070993

    It was the funniest shit ever at the time. 9/11 joke's everywhere and I mean fucking everywhere. We got to go home early I remember for whatever reason, but jesus what a fucking day
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)17:46:53 No.11071012
    You are such an idiot.

    This was the all the problems of the modern world slapping America in the face. This was the sum total of everything that happened in the cold war and was happening now.
    Globalization, conflict, religion, politics.
    Every single fucking thing in the world was represented in that attack and it changed all of them drastically.
    If you think this wasn't significant I have to laugh at you AND hope to god you don't vote because you are obviously uninformed about the state of the world.
    >> Captain Trips !!Ql0aQ9LG6Q6 09/10/10(Fri)17:48:03 No.11071024
    The first plane hit between second and third period, while I was walking to spanish class. Got into the room a little late, most of the class was already in their seats, eyes glued to the TV. The principal told all the teachers not to turn the TVs on, but most of them said "fuck that, the kids need to see this"

    So i sat down and watched it liked everyone else. One guy came in late, saw the TV, and said "Oh cool, we're watching a movie today. What's it called?" That got a few dirty looks.

    When the second plane hit, one of the girls in the back of the class started crying, and half-yelled "Why is God letting this happen?" One of the "edgy" guys on the other side of the class said "Maybe there isn't a god."

    It's a cliche, but that's pretty much what started me on the path of atheism. It really got me thinking about the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:48:12 No.11071028
    Who the fuck cares. This thread has been done a hundred times.

    >"oh I was eating my breakfast and the news came on and I didn't care because I was a child"

    fucking sage
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:49:43 No.11071042
    I was on a plane going home from NYC. The flight got grounded. Shitty day.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:50:46 No.11071055
    field trip to the la county fair, canceled due to world trade center bombings. fuck, i didn't even know what the wtc were or what they looked like.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:51:24 No.11071064
    >Every single fucking thing in the world was represented in that attack
    Assuming the official story is accurate:
    You're wrong. The primary motivation for the attack was America's support for Israel and our military bases in Saudi Arabia. If that's what you consider "every single fucking thing in the world" you have a very small view of the world I guess. There's other shit occurring all the time outside of the Middle East.

    >and it changed all of them drastically.
    Only because most Americans responded like fucking emotional children and gave a horrible President the freedom to do whatever the fuck he wants. And look how that turned out. Two wars that won't end and a financial crisis.

    People acted like fucking children and the result is a clusterfuck. What about this surprises you?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:51:47 No.11071066

    Not the guy you were responding to but...

    Come on now. Sure, it was significant. It was a large scale, pretty horrendous terrorist attack on US soil by foreigners. Having said that, our reaction to the attack was wholly inappropriate, and the "lessons" we learned from it were the wrong ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:53:45 No.11071082
    I was 9. I had already heard about the Oklahoma City bombing and the Columbine shooting, and so I didn't really see what was the big deal with this one. I was pissed, though, at the fact that for over a week there was nothing on but stuff about the 9/11 attacks.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:54:56 No.11071094
    and when i made teh connection, i was like, oh, you mean those towers in ny when homer had to pee but it was closed so he had to run back down and back up to the other tower to piss but then his car got a parking ticket and had that weird tire clamp suck to it and how the whole trip was shitty.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:55:34 No.11071099
    I was at home, not giving a shit about what someone thinks about 9/11.
    Who cares if another person thinks it was an inside job?
    Who cares if another person thinks it was or was not important?

    I sure didn't. Still don't.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:55:56 No.11071102
    I was playing ping-pong before school started and my friend told me, "hey the world trade center got hit by a plane and fell" and I was like "lol, what's the world trade center?" Then she shrugs and says "I dunno. Some building in new york."

    Turns out my uncle worked in the second tower. He made it out, but none of his friends did because they were told not to evacuate.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:57:12 No.11071118
    I was 11/12 and I didn't give a fuck, I was just pissed that my cartoons were being interrupted because some americans were dead. I still don't give a fuck and the USA needs to man the fuck up, you got dicked on now get over it already
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:57:21 No.11071120
    I slept late and was standing in my kitchen generally not giving a fuck. My mom called and was like HOLY SHIT TURN ON THE NEWS. I don't even remember what happened after that. Watched a lot of TV and none of it felt real. Years later, I'd read a Marine describing real combat in Generation Kill as being like GTA Vice City. I think our entertainment is so violent, pervasive, and realistic enough that actual violent disasters seem extra surreal. I find myself looking hard at the footage trying to spot the FX goofs.

    Also, I remember my mom being worried that LA (where I lived) was next. I had to convince her that a small apartment building in The Valley probably wasn't a target on par with the WTC.

    >postliberal stargens
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:58:11 No.11071132
    Shit... one of my friends was born on 9/11.

    I'm debating whether or not I should tell her happy birthday or not.

    I mean, I don't want to offend her if I do, but I don't want her to think I'm an asshole for not wishing her a happy birthday.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:59:13 No.11071143
    American here.

    I was in school when it happened.

    The teachers refused to let us know what was happening. My English teacher was watching it on television and turned it off when students came into the room. Parents were panicking that terrorists would attack our school out in the middle of fucking nowhere (dumbasses). I had no clue what was going on until 4:00 pm, when I got home.

    I still don't get what the big fucking deal about 9/11 is.
    >> Captain Trips !!Ql0aQ9LG6Q6 09/10/10(Fri)17:59:40 No.11071148

    My sister's birthday is the 12th, my grandma's is the 13th, and my mom's is the 26th.

    They all got birthday parties in 2001, they're gonna get them in 2010.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:00:59 No.11071162
    Our history teacher had a special showing of Red Dawn in his classroom after school. That dude was my favorite teacher, by miles.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:01:19 No.11071167
    Fuck..I hate these threads.

    >10 years old
    >Living in upscale new york, but my dad worked in the city
    >Stayed home sick that day so I didn't have him drive me to school
    >Woken up by my grandma crying hysterically
    >Dad never came home
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)18:02:06 No.11071176
    I'm not talking about the worlds reaction to it though, I'm talking about the event itself. Why it happened, what it signifies about the state of the world, ect.

    >Assuming the official story is accurate
    If you think it isn't kill yourself.

    >You're wrong. The primary motivation for the attack was America's support for Israel and our military bases in Saudi Arabia. If that's what you consider "every single fucking thing in the world" you have a very small view of the world I guess. There's other shit occurring all the time outside of the Middle East.

    The middle east is an important geopolitical region. As such, many of the problems in other places can be represented there. Mainly, western support for corrupt dictatorships and exploitation of locals for the benefit of large corporations and securing oil reserves.
    Israel is just the tip of the political iceberg.
    Mix that with a hyper religious culture where the majority of people live in poverty and what do you get?

    >People acted like fucking children
    Welcome to the world. We aren't vulcans.
    Downplaying 9/11 is just stupid. It was one of those turning points in human history and it's plainly obvious. You can agree or disagree with the government all you want, but that fact is certain.
    You can't hope to understand the world unless you know about this event, why it happened, who did it, where it lead us, and the lasting effects, which are many.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:03:49 No.11071194
    I would'be been 12. I remember someone coming in during class and whispering something to my teacher but thinking nothing of it. Then as I walked home, I thought it was strange that all the local shops were closed. I turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane live.

    Repeat for Queen Mother's death and Diana's death, and yes, Britfag here. Is it bad that I was more pissed cause my usual cartoons weren't showing?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:04:12 No.11071199

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:05:33 No.11071221
    So today I got in a popcorn eating contest with my friend and I won I've been shitting kernels for 3 hours straight kill me
    >> Captain Trips !!Ql0aQ9LG6Q6 09/10/10(Fri)18:09:01 No.11071255
    My mom put it the best way I can think of:

    For the "Nintendo generation", this is our JFK Assassination. My mom was five when JFK was shot, and she still remembers exactly what she was doing when she heard about it. I doubt anyone that was a kid or a teenager when 9/11 happened will ever forget exactly how they felt, what they were doing, where they were. Every generation has one of those moments, and 9/11 is ours.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:09:17 No.11071259
    >twenty-one years old
    >Italian working construction
    >no, really? Go on!
    >saw it happened, didn't care until I realized my cousin died there
    >felt bad man
    >but tomorrow I'm burning this Q'uran that I stole
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:10:19 No.11071267
    Does anyone else hate how people from Sweden always have to find a way to state the fact that they're from Sweden when they're talking about something international?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:10:57 No.11071278
    Was in 3rd grade, and I don't remember.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:12:12 No.11071297
    I'm not the guy you're arguing with, but it's always pissed me off that we value American lives so much more than, say, the thousands that die daily from starvation and preventable diseases. 9/11 was only such a big deal because we (Americans) are so pissy, and thought we were such an untouchable superpower.

    >inb4 o ur so edgy
    I'm not trying to be, and I don't and I'm not planning to go around arguing with people about whether or not 9/11 was significant, or tragic. I understand that it was for people that lost loved ones in the attack, and you have my condolences, but if you take all the emotion out of it, you see how we shouldn't have reacted how we did.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:12:22 No.11071300
    i was in hgih school when it happened bewteen first and second period when i heard about it i remember thinking lol no way your bullshiting set all through second period watching it and then having to piss like a race horse during 3rd period i remembeer when i got home it was all my parents were watching and i was so sick of hearing i turned on the tv to the only station not showing 9/11 it was cartoon networks and i watched courage i remeber being pissed off thhat later that night my mom was in some christian chatroom and i wanted to play some damn starcraft
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:13:11 No.11071311
    Nah, not me. I can't recall where I was or what I was doing when it happened, or how people I knew reacted.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:13:47 No.11071321
    I was 19. Me being a friendless beta, I sat through an entire 80 minute summer math class that morning without anyone telling me what had happened, until the teacher said "now we can all go home and watch world war 3" at the end. So I went back to my apartment and turned on the tv to see the replay of one of the towers collapsing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:14:17 No.11071323
    Atleast you guys don't have to deal with discrimination because of this.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:14:18 No.11071324
    First Get a fucking job and buy it or find one that gives it to you. Theres always the fucking Military.

    Secondly, would you rather parents shielded their children from something like that? Thats why we have so many bitches in America today.

    Third, if your anti-war be anti-war, but do not talk bad about our troops who have no say in where they go or why. They go to prison if they refuse to go, think about that before you bash on soldiers who instead of going poor and beggin for healthcare actually make a difference for themselves.

    OP's parents obviously haven't realized that the lessoned learned it don't fuck with us, we will fight back. Also i've witnessed moments of silence and been part of them for Tsunami victims and Earthquake victims. I believe any disaster is worth at least that.

    Side notes:

    -3rd grade playing CS....great upbringing, read a book fuck nugget.

    -Most Iraqi's like us being in Iraq. Im here now and only the politicians and leadership people want us out. The people want us here, because its the only way things will change. Obviously you sympathize, but have no idea what its really like.

    - And yes every single terrorist that died deserved it. Many died that did not deserve it, but its not like we targeted innocents.

    Back to the original question: I was in school when it popped on TV. For those of you 10 and above, you need to slap yourselves for not knowing what the WTC buildings were. I was 13 and I knew people there, stop being selfish cuntbags and care about someone other than yourself and those connected to your pathetic lives.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)18:14:38 No.11071329
    A terrorist attack that killed 3,000 people is a pretty big deal.
    And that wasn't the first one, either.
    U.S.S Cole, 1993 WTC bombing, embassy bombings in Africa.

    It's like I said, this was the third worlds problems smacking us in the face.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:14:55 No.11071336
    >watch second plane crash with parents on CNN
    >mom's company had branch in WTC
    >dad jokes they'll attack her workplace
    >we lol
    >parents nervous, excuse me from school, send me to aunt's house
    >aunt makes me watch bullshit news reports with cousins
    >play cousins' PS2 with them moment aunt takes nap
    >pretty cool day all around
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:15:30 No.11071343
    I was pretty fucking worried when it happened. My mother was visiting NYC with her friend, and she explained to me earlier that one of her stops was going to be the World Trade Center. I believe she was going to head to an observation deck or something like that. As it turns out, she was going to visit on the 11th, but they decided to put it off for a couple days for some reason I can't recall.

    That being said, I was a freshman in high school at the time, and somewhat rattled. I was in an "introduction to high school" waste of time type class. Another teacher came in, had a huddled conversation with our teacher, then they went and turned on the TVs to let us watch. Nobody freaked out, but I think most of us had a good handle that the world definitely wasn't getting much better anytime soon.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)18:16:42 No.11071356
    >Most Iraqi's like us being in Iraq

    You know they declared the day we pulled out of their cities a national holiday, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:17:12 No.11071365
    I don't remember what I was doing. I think I have a problem because I am almost never able to remember my past.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:17:38 No.11071370
    Sweden will be an Islamic state very soon, then Swedish liberals can enjoy their very own taste of the arab world on their own doorstep!

    Who knows, maybe they'll keep the useful idiot Sahlin alive.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:18:08 No.11071373
    it was my little brother's birthday and we turned on the tv to watch morning cartoons. the next minute we barged in on my mother yelling "it's world war threeeeeeeee" ..and she was right in the middle of riding her boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:18:42 No.11071376
    I saw most of it live...

    >Waiting for cartoons to start (POKEMANS) (I was 11 for godssakes)


    >Tower 1 wreathed in smoke and an obnoxious lady somewhere in Jersey trying to explain a building on fire.

    >See something heading for Tower 2


    >Watch for the entire day

    >learn what terrorism is and vest an interest in history and geopolitics.

    >learn that America deserved it.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:18:50 No.11071379
    I didn't really understand why it was such a big deal and got annoyed by seeing it on the news all the fucking time really fast. And what i really hate about it that they STILL make such a big deal about it. 3000 people and 2 buildings WHO GIVES A SHIT. Millions of people die every fucking day and many of them in WAY more horrible ways. And it was about time america gets off it's high horse. Sadly it didn't really changed anything
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:18:53 No.11071381
    >My face when I'm Swedish too.
    Well, yeah, same thing here, I didn't give a fuck. I think.
    I don't think I really understood anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:19:49 No.11071389
    >the thousands that die daily from starvation and preventable diseases.

    Jesus christ, you people really do worship africans don't you? They're like your gods or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:20:00 No.11071393
    >If you think it isn't kill yourself.
    If you think you know better than anyone else, kill yourself. You're just as informed as the average CNN viewer. You don't have a security clearance. Don't kid yourself.

    >The middle east is an important geopolitical region.
    Doesn't change the fact that it is only one part of a much larger stage.

    9-11 was insignificant in terms of the actual damage. Which was kind of what I was talking about when I said 3,000 people died. "Why it happened and what it signified" is more debatable, but you seem to have missed that point entirely. It happened for the exact same fucking reasons the Cole bombing happened, but you don't hear shit about that because it can't be used as a catalyst for two fucking retarded wars.

    Why? I don't know. Only 20 people died? You tell me.

    A warship being attacked can't be used to scare a nation of adult children into supporting a retard in his campaign to fuck everything up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:20:38 No.11071402
    Syrian here

    Im in Damascus right now, and there are homeless Iraqi hobos everywhere in the streets.

    The entire region is even more fucked up ever since you guys invaded Iraq.

    > OP's parents obviously haven't realized that the lessoned learned it don't fuck with us, we will fight back.

    Iraq had nothing to do with it retard. If you wanted to fight back then why the fuck are you guys allies with Saudi Arabia, were almost all the hijackers fucking came from.

    The Baath party here doesn't like Alqaeda neither do we. We would be glad to help you guys, but how about first you give us a Palestinian state already free of settlers.

    Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:21:50 No.11071418
    I love EU member state culture, but I would also not hesitate to mention that there is always a storm on your horizon without US.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:22:23 No.11071425
    9 years with blood on their hands still. Its been that long already? Damn.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:22:57 No.11071429
    I was celebrating my birthday with my family. Didn't really give a fuck.

    I doubt there would be too many people at Eastern-Europe who would would go hysteric about it. It's not our problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:25:30 No.11071454
    An interesting thing is that the Taliban were "the good guys" when they were killing Russians in the 1980's.

    They recieved thousands of U.S. made Stinger missiles, among with other military equipment back in the days.

    What a twist...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:26:02 No.11071461
    The elephant was edison, an arrogant cunt who couldn't accept defeat.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:26:12 No.11071463
    Sep.11 is not special for me

    Because I'm INDY AS FUCK
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:27:02 No.11071472
    Same here bro, I saw it get hit live as well. My mom didnt believe me at first, but then she looked and was horrified even further.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:27:12 No.11071474
    I still don't think it's so big a deal. Worse atrocities have been committed.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:27:44 No.11071489
    I had broken my ankle playing soccer and was in the A&E waiting room
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:28:31 No.11071499
    This wouldnt have never happened if you guys just mind your own business.

    Whats so great about getting involved in other countries affairs?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:28:33 No.11071500
    I was a freshmen in high school, spent the whole school day watching TV. I honestly couldn't care less. It did get us out of doing any school work though.

    I don't know anyone from New York, I don't wanna know anyone from New York, I just don't give a fuck about anything that happens in New york.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)18:29:22 No.11071514
    Misinformation is misinforming.

    The Taliban didn't exist during the soviet occupation. They came around in the mid 90's in response to the civil war. While many in the Taliban did fight the soviets, many of their enemies did as well.
    Namely this guy.

    The more you know!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:33:48 No.11071561
    awwwww, maaannnn!!! didja yall hear bout all dem natural resources in Afghanismestan?

    shit is a major cash register!!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:35:35 No.11071584

    They were called "Mujahideen" then, but they're essentially the same organization as today's Talibans.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:38:15 No.11071622
    I lived 3 blocks away with a college roommate. He watched the first plane hit and I turned my head in time to see a fireball. We bailed out of our fucking apartment (we didn't know if a bomb was going to go off or what) and hit Times Square just in time to watch the first tower collapse on the giant screen. At some point we hopped on a ferry to Staten Island where my parents lived. I remember sailing from Manhattan and my buddy said, where's the second tower? At some point in there someone said they had suicide bombed the Pentagon. We were mostly just scared shitless until I got to my parents house, ate a big ass meal, and watched the footage on the news.

    Now it seems like we overreacted, but as soon as that plane hit, my roommate and I remembered when the terrorists tried to bomb the towers and we knew something was up. We never really stopped to look back, but there were a lot of interlopers. And the noise. All those sirens were horrendous. Manhattan was louder than usual, which is a feat.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:41:41 No.11071675
    >heading to class on the top floor
    >listen to a teacher on her cell phone say that a plane hit the world trade center
    >assume the pilot was drunk or something
    >minutes later in class, find out another plane crashed
    >thought 2 drunk pilots on the same day.....coincidence
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:41:50 No.11071677
    I agree with you actually. And I don't particularly like kikes either.

    Never understood what our problem with the Baathists was. I actually like Al-Assad.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)18:41:51 No.11071678
    See, that's the thing. They weren't.
    It even says so right in the article.

    The Afghan Mujaheddin was a very loosely affiliated group of people, and after the war they all turned on each other. The only thing each group of them had in common was that they hated communists.
    The Taliban didn't come along until the mid 90's. So saying the us "funded the Taliban" is just a falsehood because the Taliban didn't exist yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:50:56 No.11071804
    I was nine at the time, in art class when the principal came in to talk to the art teacher. They did it in hushed whispers.


    Eventually, we as a class managed to pester our art teacher into telling us what happened. A lot of kids flipped out, thinking that we were going to be attacked (ok, they were nine, but still, Austin is not a priority for most terrorists. Dumb kids).

    One girl's mother was actually in NYC for business that day, never really did figure out if she was at the WTC or not, I didn't talk to her much.

    My dad came and got me out of school early and we talked a lot for the rest of the day. Watched the news a lot for the first time in my life. Was strange.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:59:17 No.11071920

    The Baath party is awesome, why not support the Baath party and Arab Nationalism if you guys hate Al Qaeda and Islamism so much.

    We Levantine Arabs are the most westernized in the whole fucking region, yet we get shit like Bush calling that scumbag Sharon a "man of peace". What the fuck man.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)19:02:20 No.11071968
    Christ, I remember 9/11 like it was yesterday.

    Like some omen, I mentioned to my mom on the car, that today is 9/11, like 911. Like 911 is the emergency number in the US. She told me because she wanted to concentrate on driving.

    When it happened, I was at middle school at the time, and the principal got on the microphone and said that classes are being dismissed early due to a national emergency. I wanted to call my mom but when I did, she told me to call my dad. I did and I waited.

    For some reason, I waited in the main office for my dad and I started talking about why 9/11 may have happened and talked about future events after 9/11. I just used my imagination and pretended to "draw" on the concrete board illustrating what will happen after today. One of the events that I predicted that would happen is that the US may invade Afghanistan to fight the terrorists.

    I only found about 9/11 when I saw the news. No matter what channel you turned to, it was 9/11 all day every day. For weeks, they just covered the incident without break. Unless you like PBS or have cable, you have no choice but watch the coverage. Luckily I had my Dreamcast system so I played video games while they kept seeming perpetually covering 9/11.

    The sad truth is that my dream of seeing the World Trade Center towers are gone and it was the beginning of America's decent into embracing security as priority instead of focusing on real freedoms.

    As for the drawing thing I mentioned, The US did invade Afghanistan sometime after 9/11.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)19:02:42 No.11071976
    He's sure more of a man of peace then a bunch of sandniggers throwing acid in the face of kids, bombing their schools and lauching rockets at jews.

    >implying that arafat got everything he wanted and still walked away.

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