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    40 KB Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:36:58 No.11070102  
    And then proceed to tell me of these problems, to the effect that since pretty much my only problem is being lonely as fuck, I'll realize my life isn't so bad.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:39:15 No.11070125
    my dad is a bipolar schizophrenic and i am constantly dealing with his paranoia and manic episodes where he doesn't (and therefore i don't) sleep for days on end. when i do manage to fall asleep i wake up to giant messes or him spazzing the fuck out. i'm twenty years old trying to finish college and working too. feel better faggot
    >> Anonyomus 09/10/10(Fri)16:44:41 No.11070189
    I have a friend who is responsible for the death of her own sister, totally by accident. Now her sisters kids have no mom because of their aunt. I normally wouldn't talk about it here, but...yeah, loneliness is smalltime :/
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:44:45 No.11070192

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:46:55 No.11070218
    I don't, but I know a girl who's ex boyfriend killed himself. That shit fucks you up.
    >> Roland of Gilead !!wTIZ+EkUnw9 09/10/10(Fri)16:47:55 No.11070229
    I'm twenty. My father was also bipolar, schizophrenic, and addicted to drugs and alcohol. He went to prison last year. Good luck in your situation.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:50:28 No.11070263
    I also once knew a dude who got kicked out of his house in tenth grade.

    I'll tell ya, if I went through something like that I'd be able to cope with the feeling that I'm walking a tightrope today much easier.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 09/10/10(Fri)16:51:14 No.11070270
    My mom has MS.

    What does this mean?
    >She cannot walk, can hardly move at all
    >Has suffered horrible muscle atrophy to the point she only weighs about 80 pounds
    >Memory loss
    And that's just the beginning of it. I could give a million things wrong with my life.

    But really, even all this considered it isn't so bad. Other people tell me my life sucks. I just think "Wow, really? This is bad? You're a pussy."
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:52:26 No.11070280
    Pussy here.

    Please go on.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:53:40 No.11070295
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    My dad is a manic depressive. Sometimes he gets ridiculous with my mom, and I tell him to shut the fuck up and he gets in my face. I tell him to back the fuck up.

    >his face when

    Later he apologizes.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:54:27 No.11070301
    not enough fembots are posting their pictures, especially nude ones.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:54:35 No.11070305
    I get no job trainings although I fucking need them asap.

    yeah, minor problem for the most of you. but for me it is a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:56:20 No.11070317
    Also, my mom's dad is dying. She's in another country right now to see him, possibly be there at his deathbed. It's been driving her insane for months.
    Also, she opened up a store 3 years ago and business never picked up. It's pretty much all she has so closing would be a tough decision.
    On top of that she has to put up with me going through my crisis.
    When she's not here taking shit out at me it's so much easier to forgive her for her bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:58:00 No.11070330
    the substance abuse comes with the disorder my dad gets high on anything he can. hang in there man, respect.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:58:22 No.11070333
    Fucked up hormones. I look like I'm twelve. :\
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)16:58:42 No.11070337
    IIIIIIIIIII'm a heroin addict who still has lots of friends and 3 little brothers who look up to me despite the fact that ive been using and dealing the past 4 years. it doesnt feel so much like ive developed an addiction as it feels like my body has developed a deficiency of opiates. every day i take in at least 200mg of straight vicodin, morphine, oxycontin or heroin. i can do opiates in amounts that would kill most people. i'm invincible but whish i could just die.
    >> OP 09/10/10(Fri)17:00:27 No.11070356
    I have no friends and I'll probably die a virgin.

    yeah, minor problem for the most of you. but for me it is a big deal.

    Kindof why I made this thread.

    I'm 18, genetics make me look like I'm 15. Try harder.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:05:29 No.11070422
    Same position but 22. I get ID'd for M rated games; the only thing that brings me happiness.

    Your move faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:07:40 No.11070449
    My Dad has cancer, I'm drowning in debt and stuck in a dead end job. My wife has a broken back and is so depressed she's suicidal because her painkillers arn't working anymore. I'm the only thing keeping her together, and I don't think I love her anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:08:05 No.11070460
    I'm aiming to be convinced that my life isn't that bad.

    Just grow a beard and get in shape. That's what I'm doing once I escape custy-teen-stubblemode.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:09:57 No.11070488

    you win

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:11:26 No.11070520
    I have leukemia and will probably be dead before summer of next year. I also can't do much of anything these days because I've succumb to a variety of illnesses that are much worse now that I have leukemia. Stop being such a whiny bitch, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:11:31 No.11070523
    >be 3 years old
    >dad jerks off into the water you're sitting in in the bath
    >be 5 years old
    >he rapes you until you're 15
    >be 15 years old
    >in juvy for stabbing your father in the neck with a knife during thanksgiving dinner.
    >fast forward to 23 years old.
    >can't trust men, will never have sex or first kiss kiss.
    >not at all interested in women.
    >I'm going to die alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:12:19 No.11070532
    My mum is currently dying a slow painful death of cancer. It's everywhere, lungs, liver, breast... Most of it in her spine though.
    I wouldn't wish something like this on my worst enemy... Watching the person closest to you go through an illness like this is mental torture, and I can't even imagine what it's like for her.

    She's only 41 too, so young to have an illness like this
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:13:00 No.11070540
    Alright stand back niggers, let me show you how it's done.

    I'm 28, have roughly 50k in debt and am unemployed. I would happily become a basement dweller at this point except my parents are dead. I would gladly move in with other relatives except my meth head sister is living with me and I'm supposed to be the responsible one. Despite having a shitload of debt, I work at Macy's and make 16/hr. On Monday I'm starting a 2nd job doing political survey taking for 4 hours a night and I'm psyched as fuck to get it because I fucking need the work. So to review, I'll be working 12 hours a day for 5 days a week, 4-6 hours on the weekends and I might try to get a weekend day job at the mall or something. I don't have a girlfriend, my last girlfriend was living here until last year, when she broke up with me by stealing about 2k worth of electronic equipment and disappearing into the night. I have maybe like 3-4 real friends in the world, and I don't even feel that close to them anymore simply because I never get to see them.

    I hate my life.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:13:01 No.11070541
    I have epilepsy, clinical depression, OCD, panic and anxiety disorder. My grandpa's health is getting worse everyday, and my mom is out of a job.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:14:02 No.11070556
    unemployed should read "UNDER"employed here.
    In addition to all my problems, we can add "can't type for shit".
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:14:25 No.11070563
    My mom died unexpectedly one night due to an undiagnosed heart defect when I was eight. Unfortunately I was the one who found her the next morning. When I found her and realised she was dead kind of flipped out and didn't speak again until I was 15. I ended up in a home because she was a single parent and was given a lot of therapy.

    The memory haunts me to this day and I dream about it a lot. Sometimes the dreams are a cruel alternative to the actual event where she's badly decomposed or she gets up and attacks me or some other fucked up shit. I wish I could put it in the past, but for some reason my brain lies to fuck with me and force me to relive that moment on a regular basis and I'm getting really tired of it.

    Still, I'm sure there are poeple far worse off than me so I don't like to complain about it. In fact, this is the first time in a long time I've actually told anyone. Even so, I still miss my Mom and I'd love it if my only problem was loneliness.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:15:26 No.11070581
    poor student, wracking up debt, mental illness, alcoholic father, insane family.

    I guess my life isn't that bad?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:15:52 No.11070588
    I once accidentally the whole thing
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:21:14 No.11070659
    My work is forcing me to have a psychiatric evaluation. My mental health is deteriorating so badly even I can't hide it, and if I can't lie to everyone around me for the next four years I'm going to lose my family, my job, any respect anyone would have ever held for me, everything.

    I can't love anyone, I don't care about anything. I'm in my head constantly and the only treatment for it is drugging me up until I'm a catatonic vegetable.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:21:14 No.11070660
    I sorta know how you feel except I found my found whilst she was having a massive stroke and brain haemmorhage.

    She was writhing round making these god awful snorting noises and her eyes were rolled back.
    Then she just went still and her face slumped on the left side and her eyes closed. I shone a light in her eyes and they seemed so alive but wouldn't move. And then i managed to make out some of her garbled words she'd say every few seconds "I'm awake"

    Bearing in mind at this point, she was completely naked in bed, she'd pissed everywhere and was falling off the bed. So I had to dress my naked piss wet through weather as best I could while pushing her back on the bed because i know she'd have freaked out if she knew the paramedics saw her in that state.

    You guys are the only ones to ever get this amount of detail, i just told my family i found her and she wouldn't wake up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:21:22 No.11070661
    >have shitty skin that has hampered my social activity since I was 13
    >about to get evicted from my apartment and live in a shitty basement with mom
    >difficult classes and I don't have the time to do the HW
    >read this thread
    >my life isn't bad at all
    I'm sorry for being such a whiny shit, I can't believe I thought I had it bad. Good luck to all of you except the leukemia guy, ask for a chemical coma before death so you don't be in pain. Rest in peace brother.

    inb4 hippy shit, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:22:44 No.11070676
    just realised I didn't actually put mother anywhere in there...just got a bit distracted
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:22:53 No.11070678
    I'm poor as fuck, and live with my mom in a 1 bed room shitty apartment. All my neighbors are junkies and crackwhores. I'm a 23 year old virgin with no friends since highschool. I work under 30 hours a week and don't go to college.

    Also I have a small penis. BAWWW, my life.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:27:34 No.11070743
    Wall of text incoming.
    Only for you OP.

    Lived in Chicago. Two sisters, one older and one younger. They were my only friends untill the age of 5 or so. I met a guy who I spent alot of time with. He was awesome. His dad was not. His dad started playing nude games with us and eventually started molesting/raping us.
    It was horrible in retrospect.
    My parents find out. His dad pays my parents to be quiet. He keeps molesting us.
    Two years pass, molesting aswell.
    The guy gets caught and goes to jail.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:30:06 No.11070778

    A month later me and my whole family is driving home from a aunts birthday.
    A guy who has been drinking crosses over to our lane and hits us pretty much right on.
    My parents and older sister got killed almost immediately.
    Me and my younger sister watch them die right infront of us.

    We are taken care of, cant remember by who or anything.
    We get sent to Sweden to our uncle.
    He and his wife are like 70 years old. The husband hits us daily, mostly because he just dont want us there.
    A year pass and the wife dies. The husband ODs on some pills days after.

    We get taken cared of by child services. Me and my sister live there for a while before getting split up.
    I can still remember that day. I have never seen her since. I dont even know if she's alive.

    For a couple of years I live with 5 families I think. Three of them were abusive as fuck. One of them had a molesting man and the other one was just plain disgusting. I lived a shitty life. Went to school but missed alot due to my living conditions or whatever you call it.

    I started going anorexic which was horrible. Cant remember how much I weighed but it wasnt that damn much I tell you. Child services didn't notice/care. The families made me feel like shit and I tried killing myself.
    I woke up in a hospital. Apparently some poor 1st grader saw me ODing in the park I lived next to.
    After that I got put in a place where they treat people with eating disorders. I spent some time there and got better. They tell me I am manic depressive and send me to another place.

    That place was pure hell. The staff beat us, spit on us and mistreated us. I saw a guy chew off his own fingers there, and another punching a wall untill he was just punching it with a bag of skin with broken bones in it. Horrible.

    A year passes and I get put in a GOOD family. They take good care of me and life is starting to look good.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:31:12 No.11070799
    I manage to find a friend. Like Bros4lyfe. Did so much stuff with her I cant even tell you. It was so much fun. I really liked her. As a friend of course. No friendzonedrama here. She taught me about life and love. I taught her how to play the piano (learned how to play with my new family.)
    I really love my life at this point.

    She finds a guy she likes. Alot of bullshit happens. He breaks her heart and soul.
    One night I get a call from her in the middle of the night.
    She is crying.
    "Thank you for teaching me how to play (piano). I'll say hi to your family."
    She starts crying alot and then I just hear a train horn and the call is broken.
    I go into such a schock I cant actually remember what happened that night or the next.

    I feel sad all the time and my life is now shit again emotionally.

    A year later I am here.

    And that was just to sum it all up for you OP.
    If I seem cold or distant to the story it's because I have thought about it so fucking much it doesnt get to me in that way anymore unless there's a special occasion.

    >inb4 nobody reads my wall of text.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:32:06 No.11070813
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:32:42 No.11070827
    >mfw when this thread becomes a pissing match

    I take seizures, won't be able to see a neurologist until end of January and have been ignored by my doctor for over a year about them because I also have tourettes and she figured "hey seizures, tics, same deal." I got a new doctor and the seizures are now full out 5 minute convulsing fits so I actually got an appointment to see somebody. Although 6 months from the time of scheduling.
    Took a seizure at work yesterday around 5 which isn't normal, also it was under a week since the last one which isn't normal either. I haven't been able to eat or drink much since, have the jitters, muscle spasms, weakness, can't think straight, can't see straight. I feel like I'm going to take another one.
    Short term that's my only real problem, everything else I can live with. :V
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:32:53 No.11070831
    Nearly same situation, replace apartment with the basement of a house, and replace dick with a 7"+ one I have since I'm black.

    Senior fag here, highschool is ending soon, my grades are top notch and I have a scholarship to pretty much any school I want. I may go to an ivy league but I am a lazy fuck and don't want to study. My mom will be moving to ethiopia to live with her relatives since she likes it there, so I won't have to worry about her.

    It's been a shit 7 years(middle school - highschool were hell), but hopefully things will get better. Being black and nerdy gets me a shit ton of friends for no reason at all, I can date women of all races too. Even white mothers like me.

    Feels good man, until I remember there is still a shitty year left until I can go bang rich white and asian women(ones with asshole/no fathers because I'd feel guilty fucking some nice guys daughter).
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:36:15 No.11070871
    1 week after being discharged from an asylum for psychosis, I was violently raped by 4 men who I thought were my friends.
    I broke my clavicle trying to escape
    the trauma and injury made it so that I was incapable of attending my freshman year of college.
    my parents finally noticed that I have an eating disorder and are threatening to hospitalize me again, unless I stay on what they call "lock down"
    I can't leave my house. they do weigh ins every friday.
    Bright side: I move out in November
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:37:30 No.11070890
    Except for leukemiabro, you may have won this pissing contest. Holy shit man.

    Are you really feminine? I know a lot of guys(me, myself, and I) who would fuck any guy if he was feminine enough.
    inb4 you're a woman and I have shit reading comprehension
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:41:22 No.11070939
    I live in Sweden and we are quite metrosexual as a people but some people think I am gay. I dont look feminine though, just very skinny.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:42:45 No.11070961
    Jesus christ this is awful.

    Just as a reminder that these miserable souls are the exceptions rather than the rule.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:45:40 No.11070996

    You fucking idiots. I had something to contribute to this thread so I posted, and I'm sure the same goes for everyone else.

    This is not a pissing contest you ignorant fucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:47:49 No.11071022
    I have ass cancer and one testicle.
    I'm so glad it's not as bad as so many other types of cancer. Most of my time in the hospital is spent playing beatles covers for the children's ward.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:48:11 No.11071027
    This thread made me realise I have no problem at all.

    > 21
    > Virgin
    > No friends
    > Had acne for 8 years
    > Parents den
    > Compulsive masturbator
    > Internet addict
    > Peter Pan syndrome
    > Socially retarded
    > Barely any college credit
    > Back in school via online classes
    > Work far away by bus
    > Can't transfer closer because no one else wants socially retarded employee who customers are scared of.

    Lifes good.
    >> OP 09/10/10(Fri)17:50:41 No.11071052
    Okay, so upon the realization that I can end up like any of these without warning I have concluded that making this thread was not a good idea.

    Whatever, carry on if you must.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:50:50 No.11071056
    Calm down bro.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:50:52 No.11071058
    I am exactly you. Even the acne part. Even the fucking age. God damn, get out of my head.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:52:33 No.11071071
    >im falling in love with a girl i met on r9k
    >she lives a little ways away =(
    >talk every day
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:53:40 No.11071081
    >implying you can suddenly end up like the raped carcrash shittylife mental problems suicidefriend guy
    >what is this I dont even

    Btw, that guy. You are strong for still being here.
    Internet brofist for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:54:30 No.11071091

    Titszor git de phuck out.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:54:51 No.11071093
    Fuck this depressing shit, I'm hijacking it into an inspiration thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:56:00 No.11071103
    mine could be worse and some of its my fault but whatever

    >drink in vodka in high school class, get caught, sent to alternative learning center
    >all my friends kind stop talking to me. one day of "holy shit you drank in class, awesome"
    >i will graduate from the alternative learning center
    >wasnt going to go to prom anyway but still bummed
    >never see my friends again
    >they never talk to me ever again
    >alternative learning center is filled with dumb cholos and wannabe thugs
    >im practically smartest there
    >0% effort got me straight A's
    >get bored, start doing stupid shit at alc
    >dad gets mad
    >dad is an authoritarian asshole and i usually back off when he shouts at me and gets in my face
    >not today
    >he screams and yells and tells me to get the fuck out of here and not to look at him like that
    >i get up and start punching the shit out of him
    >my entire family has to restrain me
    >they throw me on the ground, my dad stomps on my head, calls the cops
    >jail sucks

    part 1
    >> OP 09/10/10(Fri)17:56:05 No.11071104
    Well gee, clearly the worst cases here ended up where they are due to circumstances out of their control.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:56:36 No.11071113


    Did your mother also give birth to you in her late 40s?
    >> Roland of Gilead !!wTIZ+EkUnw9 09/10/10(Fri)17:57:49 No.11071126
    On top of this, I've got some fucked up mental issues thanks to my father and my childhood. I have horrible insomnia. Wake up all hours of the night, hard to fall asleep, don't like being asleep at night (used to being kept awake and woke up all throughout the night by my father). I get panic attacks when I get yelled at or if I'm around people yelling. I can't handle "mean people" for lack of a better phrase. I have diagnosed assburgers and depression. Used to have suicidal thoughts daily. I had bipolar tendencies as well but I'm on Abilify now. I'm dirt poor, and have not one close friend, online or real life. I'm basically just a giant sack of shit that should be shot in the fucking head.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:58:15 No.11071136

    >pretty much the worst 2 days of my whole life
    >dirty as fuck, filled with niggers (obviously) and neo nazis
    >im fuckin scared but i dont show it, they all think im some silent badass ready to go off on them and kill them if the piss me off
    >room with a nigger, a nazi and a bitch
    >they take the bitch's stuff and give it to me, scare the shit out of the bitch
    >it goes to my head
    >i threaten the bitch, try to take his stuff, talk shit gonna fight him
    >i cant fight for shit
    >we scuffle for a bit, all of my punches miss, whole thing was like it was in super fast motion, and like in a dream. my punches didnt connect. they all missed or bounced off. his too, but he landed one right on my cheek.
    >not enough adrenaline, it hurts like fuck
    >im about to cry
    >try to not to let other inmates see this
    >they do
    >cops put me in solitary, thank god
    >i go back to room to get my shit, my cellmates looked disappointed
    >trial comes, most of the kids were there for battery towards their parents anyway
    >my dad drops charges
    >i come home, awkward as fuck, never say a word to him
    >i either go to live with my mom to get a greencard or go to germany (where im from)
    >i go to live with my mom
    >high expectations, maybe my moms cool

    part 2
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)17:59:41 No.11071149
    Molested as a child for a couple years. Never had a boyfriend, or even my first kiss. I really feel like I'm socially retarded at times. The people in my family that die are always the ones I like best. I don't feel like I have any real friends. They're just their for when they need something, or when I need to talk to someone but they don't really respond much anymore. My aunt tried to kill herself a few days ago, and I can't stop thinking about it or look at her without thinking about it. I saw when they took her away.
    The last part sucks more for my aunt and her kids obviously, but it's been bugging me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:00:20 No.11071155

    >i get there
    >they seem nice enough
    >we go to olive garden, its trashy as fuck
    >are you religious? no but we're spiritual. FFFUUUUU
    >first day is alright, i get along with them, things seem fine
    >next day
    >wake me up at 5 in the morning
    >we think maybe you should go back to florida, you werent very sincere when you met your mom, you havent seen her for 10 years and you didnt even cry
    >your just like your dad, you dont show your emotions
    >your not gonna be introverted in this house. youre not some scientist, youre gonna be a rockstar
    >he turns out to be a crazy vietnam war vet, visibly loses his shit every few hours, screams and yells more than my dad
    >he is about intelligent and smart and educated as a 3rd grader, conspiracy theorist and bible thumping jackoff, everything he says is bullshit
    >my mom is an emotional cocoon
    >i never say anything
    >is extremely fucking stupid. cant figure out how to get greencard for me, hires lawyer
    >herp derp you have to give up german citizenship
    >turns out he hates all germans

    part 3
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:00:36 No.11071157
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    Well, shit. I feel a lot better about my life after reading through some of this thread. If I was in the position of a lot of you, I would just kill myself -- no joke. No point in living if you are just a slave.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:03:10 No.11071187
    I have RSI from playing CS too much, it's got to the extent now where my arm is left arm is in constant pain and I can no longer position the fingers on my left hand in ways most people consider normal. I rock at CS though so it's not all bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:03:47 No.11071193

    >lawyer: he really doesnt have to
    >well hes going to
    >hes also to going to change his name to [stupid as fuck name]
    >step dad scares the shit out of me. he tells me stories of how he used to be a white liaison for the blood gang, hid weapons for them, lied for them in court (had enough stories to tell about this they dont seem made up)
    >tells me how he got into a car accident with a mexican, mexican said he knew where he lived
    >he said he stayed up all night with his gun that night cuz hes a paranoid fucking vet who got discharged for mental disability
    >mfw he has a gun
    >one night he is screaming his lungs out and me and my mom. my mom locks us in my room. hes going crazy
    >i hear a click. think its a gun.
    >fuck this, i smash out the window, run the fuck away
    >get to live with my aunt, her and her family is nice as fuck
    >get a job at restaurant washing dishes, $5/hour, godly food
    >life is good
    >my mom and stepdad burst into my aunts house, try to get me return car i bought, scream at everyone, think ym aunt is taking me away from them
    >have to call cops
    >lawyer: its preferable if you lived with your parents to get your greencard
    >man up, gonna give it another shot
    >moms birthday, get her flowers and a card with a note
    >two days later ask to move back
    >they say now they dont know, you only want your greencard
    >go home. i call my mom a few days later
    >just move in a day before the interview

    fast forward to today.

    >still waiting, no friends cuz im a shut in
    >still underage so if i get sent back to germany ill prolly be sent to a foster home. shits gonna suck if my life turns out like swedish carcrash/rape victim's

    maybe one day it will get better
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:04:44 No.11071206
    Most of these problems are hardly real problems. They're just >bawwwww
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:04:46 No.11071208
    I may or may not be pregnant by my fiance, who I fell out of love with quite some time ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:06:14 No.11071228
    Earlier today, I got a papercut.
    Now THAT was a problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:08:50 No.11071248

    that is what makes you a pussy, and us (first response) men.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:10:13 No.11071266
    i have huntinhtons disease and my mom and uncle are dying from it. my cousin who was like a older sister died from it 2 years ago. its getting harder to talk eat and walk around.

    >went to mall last week
    >little girl says to her mom " why is that guy falling over and twitching so much mommy?"
    >mother says he is a drug addict asspie dear.
    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:10:21 No.11071268
    Well, my life doesn't seem so bad. Post a pic of yourself, the guys here will probably shower you in compliments and make you feel a little better about yourself.
    That is... I don't have words.

    My biggest problem is deciding to go back for round 2 of a degree course I hate, or try and transfer into 1st year LLB Law and escape...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:11:09 No.11071280
    exact same situation.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:11:18 No.11071284
    You should have been a dick to them. Huntingtons gives you the right.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:11:47 No.11071292

    This isn't a fucking issue in these modern times. We have theses things called birth control and abortions.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:12:23 No.11071301
    I'm partially deaf which makes communication difficult.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:17:03 No.11071361
    permanent narrowed urethra from internal trauma (bmx accident)
    permanent lower back problems (vertebrae out of alignment putting pressure on two discs)
    lower jaw too big so my teeth don't close properly and my lower teeth are like a roller-coaster.

    oh yes and I'm LONELY, because that's such a major fucking problem.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:17:04 No.11071362
    Stop being lonely. Stop pitying yourself.

    Do you realize how lucky you are to not be, say, autistic? To not be confined to a wheelchair? To have full use of all your senses?

    I don't suffer from any of these things, but seriously, if you want to stop being lonely, go volunteer somewhere that people have real problems. It will make you feel good.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:19:18 No.11071384
    I'm so sorry. If you want to chat, give me your AIM. I can't relate, but I really feel for you, man. I'd love to talk to you if you want to, but I understand if you don't.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:19:41 No.11071388
    well when i told her mother that i had H-D she said i shouldnt have been sleeping with men to catch it since everyone knows a genetic disorder is the same as a std. and i shoulda been praying to jesus since i was obviously a heathen devil worshipper.

    gotta love them hicks.
    >> Enough Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:21:06 No.11071408
    I've got 99 problems and a bitch ain't one.
    Because i don't have any bitches.

    Physically, i am ok, besides those X-legs, flat feet, weak back and very scrawny upper body, skin problems, hair falling out, teeth problems and not being attractive (oh penis problems too of course).

    Mentally i am quite broken.
    Wouldn't even bother me, but to add things up my mental capacities are somewhat limited.
    I am an airhead, have problems with oral communication.

    Blah, bla bla bla.
    Atleast i can still leech with 24, though i see it as disadvantage at the same time, i use this as excuse postponing my suicide.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:25:56 No.11071460
    I lost my job a couple weeks ago and havent managed to find a new one, so we are trying to get by on one income. Also, my husbands truck blew up (like caught on fire) so we are down to one vehicle and no money. We are seriously having problems
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:30:33 No.11071529
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:38:45 No.11071628
    >Went to a party last night
    >Met some girls from another college
    >Strike up conversation with them choose my target
    > win over her friends and her
    >hook-up with her a few times
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:43:25 No.11071699
    If your name begins with M and you live in Scandinavia... :D

    If not, good luck to you anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:49:03 No.11071775
    sleep deprivation/mild insomnia

    feels numb man
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:50:26 No.11071794
    I know 'depression' is thrown around alot these days and nobody seems to give a fuck about it.

    But its there, and I experience it.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)18:53:23 No.11071841
    i have testicular cancer and i don't have health insurance. i found out 2 weeks ago and haven't started treatment yet because i'm not sure if i want it. if i live i'll have to pay god knows how much in medical bills and if i die my grandma might be force to pay them.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/10(Fri)19:03:46 No.11071985
         File1284159826.jpg-(119 KB, 768x1024, officah.jpg)
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    My problem is that I'm not getting arrested by this girl. I'm missing out on something great, I know it.

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