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  • File : 1283331283.jpg-(3 KB, 84x101, fence cut..jpg)
    3 KB Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)04:54:43 No.10928914  
    I'm disgusted.
    And not just at the hygiene of the board users.
    In Darwin, Australia, today, asylum seekers cut the electric fence at a detention centre, escaped and staged a peaceful protest on the side of the highway next to the base.
    Police surrounded them, with firearms, Tasers and Capsicum Spray, from early in the day. They closed the highway so people couldn't witness the protest.
    Despite it being a peaceful protest against the racist immigration policies of the government, many were arrested. No water, food or shelter was provided in the negotiations, which began at 7:30am.

    Anonymous, here we have an issue we can potentially do something about.
    Any anons living near detention centers, how do you feel about cutting the fences?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)04:58:53 No.10928940
    Cut the part of the fence that is on the Mexican border, so they can go back to where they belong.

    Oh, wait. You aren't American. Your immigration problems are irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)04:59:40 No.10928949

    cuated occasion
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:03:31 No.10928975

    We are recieving refugees who are trying to take refuge from the Taliban, which still rules vast areas of afghanistan. The refugees put all their money into coming here, often in leaking boats. Then we put them in detention for years, seperating them from their families, in cramped, dirty conditions.
    Mexicans are escaping their failing economy. Afghanis are escaping your soldiers and the taliban, Indonesians escaping a totalitarian government.

    >My nephill
    WTF is that? A mountainous nipple?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:03:42 No.10928977
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    Your not an australian are you?

    They're kept there for an average of 3 months while we sort out that they are who they say they are.

    >You are now aware the detention centres are more like a boarding school than a prison

    >You now realise that Australia isnt the first nation next to the origin of the refugees and has no legal responsibility to accept these people

    >You now realise several of the people found on these boats have been found to be part of islamic terror organisations
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:03:52 No.10928980
    fuckin monkeys should be sent back where they came from
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:05:06 No.10928992
    They should get in the official way. Australian's lose much money because of illegal immigrants.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:06:09 No.10928998
    So just like with lebanon we take in a ton of people who have no intention of participating in our society and just want to hang out until their own one is better.

    With lebanon it hasnt happened and now we got race riots and all sorts of social problems because they DONT WANT TO JOIN IN.

    Ask a 3rd generation where they're from and you'll get "Lebanon" every time.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:06:14 No.10928999
    several out of how fucking many?
    There are people who have been in there for much longer than 3 months.
    I am an Ausfailian.
    So, wait, it was okay that we came here against the will of the people in the country in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:06:24 No.10929000
    You are the worst kind of brainwashed liberal idiot. I'm really struggling to find anything wrong with what they did. Honestly I can't.

    >immigrants illegally break out of detention
    >armed police detain them without violence or force
    >police don't treat them like royalty

    What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously? Also

    >he still thinks immigration policies are racist
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:07:57 No.10929010
    My point is that I consider the detention centres and the way they are run against the rules of the UN, an organisation which our country willingly joined.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:09:39 No.10929033
    Not to mention the ones fleeing are the ones who ammassed this wealth during the rule of the taliban.

    We pour millions of dollars and our own countrymens blood into their shitfest and they dont even stick around for the fight or to help rebuild.

    Fuck are rebuilding it for then.

    Fuck them all.

    Ive been blessed by the accident of my birth and im not going to dilute my standard of living for some fucker who says he wants it to.

    Get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:12:26 No.10929058
    Fuckin-A. 9000 get confirms the truth.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:12:36 No.10929060

    Plenty of them are deemed not legitimate refugees and a couple have shown up as being bad guys.


    Do you want these conficts here?
    Because they will bring them.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:14:13 No.10929069

    What the fuck man.
    Un treaties are not law, we dont legislate them for a reason - because they're bullshit hippy fantasies and the majority of the people DONT WANT IT.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:16:41 No.10929088
    So they've wasted the time and money of the Navy, put our servicemen and women at risk by rescuing them, then they waste further taxpayer money in being housed and processed, then they break out, destroying government property (paid for by taxpayers) and go on to waste the time and money of police sent after them to apprehend them, and THEN have the gall to tell us that they are going on a hunger strike until they get fast tracked into the country?

    And you want to let this degenerate mass of fucking criminals in, free of charge, to where they will most likely cluster in their own little enclaves, not learn English, not participate in the wider Aussie community, shun our culture, and leech still more tax money off of the common man.

    You know what? Fuck that noise. Get them on the next flight back to their country and tell them to get their asses to fucking work improving it. OR, if they want to be a part of Australia, get in fucking line like everyone else.

    Refugees? No such thing. Tamil Tigers? Fucking terrorist organization. Afghans? Get the fuck back over there, enlist in your national army and get to righting your own fucking country, so our boys don't have to, instead of fleeing like fucking cowards and expecting a fucking handout for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:23:02 No.10929137
    They get food/entertainment/education/bed/board etc while they are processed. You know how many of these fuckers we get a week over here in the west.

    You idiots complain about them being put in the camps. Yes our polocies suck on imigration as does all the world. But if you fucking fuckwits just complain about them being in bad conditions rather than how to get them out of them it is not helping anyone.

    We do not have the jobs or housing for these people. WE HAVE the land and the ability to build more industry mines and buisness to provide jobs houses and a better life for these people and ourselves.

    But the fucking greens and the polotics at the moment just want to give all our money to the banks and all our resources to china to have more money to give the banks that run this country. Think before you complain about them being detained.

    Also you are naive faggot if you think we can just open the doors and NOTHING bad will happen. 99% of these people want to get away from a shit country. We need to go through them properly to find the 1% who are here to or will cause problems.

    Cry me a fucking river. We need more jobs and more affordable housing before we try and put all these people into our society thats why we fucking have problems now.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:24:01 No.10929149
    Fucking Ay bro.

    I disagree with only one thing.

    Dont be handing out flights, they got a perfectly adequate boat.

    In thailand when they get burmese bitches trying to get in a mooch shit they just tow them back out to sea.

    Seriously we only need to torch one or two boats in a row and THEY ARE STOPPED FOR A LOOOONG TIME.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:25:24 No.10929159

    >implying Aboriginals are people

    served cunt
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:26:05 No.10929165
    lolololol darwin pride
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:26:20 No.10929167
    Fuck em' kill em all.

    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:28:58 No.10929183
    Oh right i didnt even notice the aborigional thing.

    Well this is how wonderful democracy is, once the country is flooded with the new immigrants who are all having 8-10 children each they all get the same say as each other!

    So aborigionals should of tried harder to make the british fuck off, plenty of islands managed it for mad years and new zealand managed to get treaties protecting their land and so on.

    Abo's dun goofed
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:29:13 No.10929184

    They are economic migrants.

    I don't believe any of this "oh if I go back I will be killed" bullshit for a second.

    If they want to migrate they can do it the proper way.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:29:48 No.10929186
    Fuck that, Vae Victis. The Abos lost their rights to land when they couldn't fight hard enough to keep it. As such, our land, our rules, they don't like waiting for the amount of time we say is necessary? Boats there, fuck off back where you came from. God Save the Queen.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:29:59 No.10929188
    I made sure i didnt vote for the shooting and fishing party because fishing means boats and i hate boat people.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:31:03 No.10929192
    I feel good reading about the prevailing attitudes in this thread.

    The islamic world hates us so i aint taking none of their shit, they can kiss my big black ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:32:44 No.10929196
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    My face when people start blaming sydney ferries for boat people
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:36:22 No.10929224
    Why the fuck should we aquestice to a group of people who think putting bombs on women and children and using them to blow up people they don't agree with? Why would we make exceptions and try to curry favor for a group of people that put out death threats to people who drew a fucking cartoon? Or firebomb a church when they get their knickers in a knot? Fuck Muslims, they are a culturally stunted people that never managed to surpass their peak - during the dark ages. A religion that considers our women to be nothing more than uncovered meat because they don't cover themselves from head to toe in a black woollen body bag? Yeah, thats the sort I want living down the road from me. Fuck that. Australia for Australians. You don't consider yourself Australian, you fuck off back to your sand pit.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:36:54 No.10929225
    While muslims plot and scheme about how to kill us next, why should we take immigrants? Perhaps Afghanistan shouldn't have said 'WE ARE HIDING BIN LADEN GUISE OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL'.

    Liberally minded idiots like you are the ones contributing to a decline in western values and a rise of Islam in the developed world.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:37:51 No.10929232
    Well there are a shitload of Asians on those ferries...
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:57:45 No.10929343
    Conflating immigrations policy with OMGZ RACISM!!! makes you a retard, and I will not take anything anyone has to say about immigration seriously until they can stop talking about the color of the skin of the people immigrating as though that means jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:58:00 No.10929347

    cutting to enter and kill them? Sure.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)05:58:16 No.10929349
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    >My face when of all the issues Australians have to worry about, they work themselves into a frenzy over ASYLUM SEEKERS. PEOPLE FLEEING PERSECUTION OH NOES.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:00:43 No.10929368
    Worry? No, they just don't take shit from them.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:01:27 No.10929372 are aware, that the asylum seeker 'issue' is merely a scapegoat, to distract you from the things that politicians should be doing and addressing, but are failing to do so?

    You do realize that concerns about immigrants stems from government's failure to keep up with infrastructure and education and jobs and, well governing...right?

    Right? You realize this don't you? I mean, you would have to be one of the ignorant, impressionable masses not to, right?
    >> StormTroll !GnYU8vo7lA 09/01/10(Wed)06:01:49 No.10929377
    I wish OP was there so he could get his shit ruined too.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:01:52 No.10929378
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    >Join USA in invading Afghanistan

    >Complain when Afghan refugees show up

    >My face
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:02:40 No.10929387
    I knew some people in Australia had a fascist streak but Goddamn, son, put away the jackboots.
    You realize that by being aggressively xenophobic you're justifying their beliefs about you? That's what leads to wars. That's 1800s mentality. It was because people moved away from realism as an international relations theory to liberalism that they began progressing from having wars every 5 years.
    Get your mind out of aggression.
    >> David D. Anderson 09/01/10(Wed)06:06:51 No.10929423
    >You are the worst kind of brainwashed liberal idiot

    Wrong. OP is the worst kind of brainwashed LABOR idiot.
    In Australia, Liberal are the conservative right-wingers.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:08:00 No.10929434
    Fuck off. I'm not australian but people here are right - throw all the illegals back to where they came from. 99% of them DO NOT intend to work like everyone else, nor they want to learn the language. Living like animals with the rest of their tribe and not giving a shit about anything, while collecting welfare and breeding like crazy. Fuck you, your liberal shit AND your multiculturalism which will never work and will lead to wars.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:08:17 No.10929436
    First world nations are not the world's babysitters, and they aren't obligated to take anyone who thinks they're entitled to live in them instead of fixing whats wrong with their countries and building them up into first world nations themselves. Also, when was the last time a predominantly non-white nation was ever taken to task for "xenophobia"? Japan has some of the strictest immigration laws in the books and a pretty great quality of life, nobody ever says jack shit about them.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:08:41 No.10929439

    The Liberal party does not even deserve it's name based on economic liberalism anymore. Abbott knows jack shit about economics and Hockey not much more, all their policies favour government run, command and control, protectionist directions.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:11:09 No.10929455
    It's Australia, that place has become hopeless. By next year it'll be the new America
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:12:45 No.10929473
    This isn't true in leftwing Australian newspapers. Journos demand that japan starts mass immigration. Denoucing them as racist xenophobes.
    Basically the left hates any white country or country that is modeled after European success.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:14:25 No.10929485

    >this is what conservatives actually believe

    original commmmmmmmmmmmmmment
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:15:34 No.10929497
    annd getting the article.
    You stupid brainwashed cunt.
    >> !CumWceNAZI 09/01/10(Wed)06:18:01 No.10929510
    Seriously what kind of fucking idiots are you. You want to let illegals into your fucking country?

    Fucking faggots, every one of you. Enjoy your race mixing.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:18:56 No.10929514
    "Whaa, I illegally arrived in Australia on a boat with the expectation that I would be welcomed with 2 open arms, but instead I'm stuck in a detention centre. You know what will make my chances better? If I set mattresses alight and cut the fence and protest, yeah, that will make them listen! Fuck you Australia, let me in!"
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:23:08 No.10929540
    Immigration is a human right.

    Enjoy your limited gene pool, conservafags. Hell, white Australians could use some admixture, they're ugly as shit; almost as ugly as the English.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:24:18 No.10929549
    To address your concern about them collecting welfare or not finding a job. Consider that they can't find a job because no one will hire them, despite their ability to speak the language. I assure you that no one likes to live in poverty. I bet, given the opportunity and decent work conditions, any person in the world will break their back for their job. Precedent: The success of American immigrants during the 1900s vs. the failure of African-Americans to prosper after being cast aside by American society.
    To address your views on multiculturalism, societies that are multicultural often have the widest progresses. It is difficult to deal with an influx of undereducated people, but if society assists them in getting an education rather than casting them aside, not only will the country benefit but the newly educated immigrants will be in a position to contribute to their new communities. Precedent: American treatment of foreigners who seek education and its successes vs. American treatment of foreigners who seek refuge and its failures.
    Multiculturalism, awareness, and understand more often leads to peaceful relations rather than wars.
    Just because no one says anything about them doesn't mean it isn't worth saying. Developing nations can't be judged in the same standards of development as Developed nations since they're still, by definition, developing.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:25:39 No.10929557

    Cool opinion bro.

    I'll take note.

    Immigration is not a fucking human right.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:27:25 No.10929568

    They aren't citizens, they weren't allowed to be refugees for a reason, they escaped and staged a protest, they were fugitives, too bad they didn't kill the rag head faggots
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:29:04 No.10929575
    >mfw he emigrates due to a local catastrophe and gets kicked the fuck out wherever he goes

    You're a hypocrite. Every single anti-immigration fuckwit, all over the world, is part of a hypocritical sub-person species.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:29:44 No.10929581
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    Your argument suffers from your ignorance.

    Europeans have accepted that lack of multiculturalism has set them back from where they could be, that's why they formed a continent-wide community called the European Union.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:32:22 No.10929599

    * Detainees complain about facilities
    * Want new DVDs, XBox games
    * Centre costs $12.3m a year to run

    SUSPECTED illegal immigrants held in detention in Melbourne enjoy an array of taxpayer-financed perks, including internet access, a DVD library and a gym.

    But detainees at the Maribyrnong Detention Centre yesterday said the food is poor, the DVDs are a decade old, and XBox games are damaged and in short supply.

    "In my section there is only one XBox cricket game. People stopped playing it months ago," one detainee told the Herald Sun.

    "The internet hardly ever works, and is heavily restricted anyway."

    Detainees organise regular volleyball matches, tend the centre's small vegetable patch and hold weekly barbecues.

    Meals are prepared by a staff cook, although many detainees prefer to cook for themselves

    Oh no, their internet is slow, oh no, they want new xbox games, fucking left wing faggots, how about we help the 200,000 homeless AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS before we accept new people
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:34:00 No.10929613
    [citation needed]
    Multiculturalism is to liberals what creationism is to conservatives. It's claimed that it's a good thing, evidence is never put forward as to why, and there is lots of evidence as to its failures (see: the rise of fundamentalist Islam in Europe over the past decade). That someone being from a foreign country makes them more likely to contribute to GDP growth is NOT an axiom.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:34:26 No.10929615

    This is what happens when immigration doesn't have the power to even seperate illegal immigrants from the population... Note that "all are of Muslim immigrant backgrounds except Kent, who is a convert."
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:35:59 No.10929629
    ITT: Ausfags forgetting Immigration and China saved them from the Financial Crisis.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:36:23 No.10929636
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    Yes, because importing thousands of sand niggers is an excellent economic enterprise...

    Wait... here we have the former finance senator and member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank.. He is a member of the social-democratic party so no boo-hoo he is a cuntservative...

    He has just released a book where he speaks for his view of immigration from MENA and how it is harmful for society.

    tl;dr even progressives know how little sand niggers contribute to the economy!
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:36:42 No.10929638
    Fact Mass Immigration breaks the human rights of every European person on the planet.
    It goes against the point in the human declaration of human rights that no society should be flooded with members of another society and is considered the same as genocide.
    Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism are the concentration camps for white people.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:36:55 No.10929641
    No. Sell your house and give all the money you get from it to Africa if that's how you feel about it, but I have no such obligation.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:37:05 No.10929642

    Its like NZ prisons and their LCD tvs, Xbox 360s and underfloor heating.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:37:45 No.10929645

    Immigration is hurting our economy in the long run actually, fucking idiot, right now it is cheaper for business to out source jobs to people who are already trained than to train people, this is unsustainable, only recently did they stop "skilled labour" for jobs such as hair dresses and cooks...
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:38:17 No.10929647

    Thilo Sarrazin is my hero!

    Lefties just got told!
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:39:10 No.10929657

    I would like to hear more of your thoughts on this.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:40:05 No.10929663
    Liberal proposition: Multiculturalism increases wealth for everyone.

    >> Malcolm Turnbull !JNm0E7z8Xo 09/01/10(Wed)06:47:46 No.10929707
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    >In Australia, Liberal are the conservative right-wingers.
    >my face
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:50:24 No.10929724

    >ITT asylum seekers posting from detention centres
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:50:39 No.10929726
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    >my face when I visit Port Arthur
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:53:22 No.10929738
    oh, and another reason to not let afghans in
    >Afghanistan is the paedophile capital of Asia

    Also, for extra reading, a response to the bullshit attempt to spin this into a woman's rights issue
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:56:28 No.10929752
    Goddamn hippies everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:57:43 No.10929761
    Holy fuck Canadafag I am
    source on this shit
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:57:52 No.10929763
    Well i think its the single biggest mistake of the leftwing/UN joint offensive on western culture.
    The point that every society should be free from forced demographic change caused by another migrating people i believe was originaly intended to apply to African tribes.
    The fact they don't apply the same laws to every single "white" person on the planet. Shows that not all people on earth are equal in the eyes of the United Nations which has now been subverted by wealthy Arabs and by extension islamists now.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)06:59:25 No.10929776
    I'm interested, where in the declaration of human rights does it say this? I'm not disagreeing, I'm just interested for more specific information.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:00:18 No.10929781
    they should stay inside the fucking fence, we dont want them
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:02:54 No.10929793
    They are put there for processing, they go in, get checked to see if they are a legitmate refugee: If no, send them home, if yes set them up with a temporary residence and social support. This process can take a few months at a time as most doccumentation is sketchy at best.

    The thing is though, that alot of these people are legitimate cases and a fair few are not.

    I think you people should research the conditions more before you go ahead and whine about a bunch of people not getting a free house fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:02:55 No.10929794
    BritFag here who has emigrated to Oz.

    I came here searching for a better life, a life free from pakis and wogs(niggers). I think I've found it. The year before I left there were 3 murders in the park next to my home and countless rapes. All the victums were white women and all the crimes were committed by the enrichers. If you could only see the old industrial cities of Britain... Britain is a third world country because of non-white immigration. Nationalism is on the rise in Europe, within the next decade or two there will be a mass genocide. Forget what you see on TV or read in the newspaper, that's bullshit. If you were reading the paper in 1938, you'd believe the world was entering a new era of peace and Hitler was right up there with Moses as an all round decent guy. I'm going to ride out the shit storm here in Australia.

    It didn't have to be this way.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:06:25 No.10929822
    This is the thing that gets me. Years ago i saw clear as day on the UN site doing some research in law. Years later it disappeared.
    Only i've seen it referred to numerous times by people referring to thirdworld genocides.
    It seems to be an actual line that is ommitted from the UNs website but it does exist.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:07:47 No.10929829
    >> Anonymous 09/01/10(Wed)07:09:35 No.10929838
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    >At university
    >refugee asks to borrow text book
    >fair enough
    >ask him about it
    >"what textbook?"
    >never see text book again

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