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  • File : 1281889683.jpg-(80 KB, 533x800, dalek.jpg)
    80 KB Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:28:03 No.10669019  
    Why do people try to justify piracy?

    Anyone that doesn't think "I pirate games/music/tv shows/movies because I like free shit and if I can get out of paying for something then I will" is in denial and bullshitting.

    Why do you, personally, commit acts of piracy?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:29:29 No.10669035
    I don't want to pay.

    I can't justify it really.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:29:35 No.10669038
    So I don't have to pay for it.
    >> Eeyore of Gilead !!wTIZ+EkUnw9 08/15/10(Sun)12:30:39 No.10669045
    >dalek cosplay
    I would have consensual sex with the middle and the right female.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:30:47 No.10669046
    Exactly as you said. I just like free shit.

    I know it's wrong, I don't have any delusions of being a perfectly upstanding citizen.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:31:27 No.10669051
    I pirate because I like free shit and get a warm feeling that other fags are giving away they hard earned cash for shit I got for free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:31:27 No.10669052
    Free shit rules, Its amazing how dumbasses still use iTunes to buy music.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:32:39 No.10669068
    I can get rare or foreign things without having to wait ages or pay huge amounts for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:32:54 No.10669070
    Well, there's a saying...

    Would you pirate a bear if you could?

    Fuck yes, I would.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:33:00 No.10669071
    the best things in life are free
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:33:35 No.10669078
    Coz anon doesnt give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:33:52 No.10669081
    music should be free, the rest I buy unless I cant find it in stores
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:33:58 No.10669084
    Me too, I know piracy is not right, although aren't quite stealing from a shop you aren't paying for what you got and you should but I'm poor, have little hobbies, even if I was rich I would probably still pirate to save money.

    Honestly I don't care that much, downloading movies/music is the most illegal thing I do.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:34:34 No.10669087
    Yes basically it is free so why pay for it?

    I have a few things which make me not want to pay for it as well. Why should I have to pay when others get it for free? They aren't paying so I am not gonna look like a chump and pay

    Also these studios and movie stars earn way too much mney already. I am not going to spend my money to help them earn more. Do I have a right to view their work if I don't pay? Certainly not. But I don't give a shit really since everyone else does it

    And a few smaller reasons like it would cost too much to pay for all the movies and music etc. And why pay for something that you might not like.

    But the main reasons are why pay when you can save your money. And also a hatred of how much those hollywood types earn

    I remember paying 30 bucks for a CD. Fuck that shit. Internet was the best thing to happen to entertainment since forever
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:34:39 No.10669088
    Because I can.

    It's as simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:35:21 No.10669099
    Because I like to listen to music but paying $4000 for my collection would be obscene.

    Of course I like free shit.

    If I could download a boat, swimming pool, a BMW and some fancy ass food of course I would.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:35:43 No.10669102
    I do it because I want my movies fucking free. I don't have any bullshit propaganda theories on why I deserve movies free or games for free. I just want my shit so I get it
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:36:04 No.10669104
    I pirate because I have crippling social anxiety and a simple venture to a store is enough to make me piss my pants. Also, it's free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:37:05 No.10669113
    I have to say it's pretty cool having a lot of savings and not feeling entitled to things. Smug moral superiority.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:37:20 No.10669117
    Among countless reasons, it's because I don't have much of a choice. When I have a little money I might buy a book. That's all I can do.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:38:25 No.10669132
    are you seriously expecting some sort of self-righteous answer?
    "Oh, i pirate to help save the environment and cut the loss of whales"
    "i pirate because i can't afford music/games because all my money goes to maintaining an orphanage"

    get real.
    >> Captain Trips !!Ql0aQ9LG6Q6 08/15/10(Sun)12:38:29 No.10669136

    Pretty much this. I don't have to justify it, and I don't really care to. I don't want to pay for my music, movies, or games, so I don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:38:33 No.10669137
    because media is produced by industry and industry does everything it can to fuck me over

    real musicians make money at shows not selling thousands of disks

    games are now so complicated that only corporate sponsored ones are considered main steam
    game made by little people are usually free
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:39:20 No.10669142
    because I have no fucking money.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:39:37 No.10669145
    I don't think I'd ever download a book. Kindles and all that shit just aren't right to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:39:46 No.10669147
    No money, nuff' said
    I wish I had physical copies of everything I've pirated
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:40:01 No.10669151
    I pirate simply because I am a PIRATE
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:40:19 No.10669155
    people who try to justify "BUT IT ONLY MAKES A COPY, IT DOESNT REMOVE THE ORIGINAL" are braindead retards who have deluded themselves into believe what the owners of the pirate bay try to cram down their throats

    the only difference is you're stealing directly from the source, not from a third party

    i do because it's free. i know its wrong and i know it's steal i just dont give a fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:41:03 No.10669159
    Oh no I shouldn't record that tv show onto my VHS tape because it's piracy. I should go out and pay money for the same shit that I just saw on tv to kiss up to sheltered moralfags.

    Seriously, fuck off with your whining. You're worser than the PETA faggots that wanna save the whales.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:42:50 No.10669182
    Aha, this thread is such a fail. OP was trying to get people to justify piracy, when really we just do it cause we like free shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:43:05 No.10669188
    Um, nobody in this thread has said piracy is wrong. Try properly reading the OP before posting in future.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:43:44 No.10669194
    Justify? Why? I pirate because I can.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:44:07 No.10669201
    hopefully rampant piracy will destroy the vidya industry or at least drive the major publishers away from PC development, or drive them to do stupid shit like ludicrous amounts of DLC and game verification (that gets cracked anyway)

    then when the PC vidya market is a wasteland, all the good small-scale and indie developers will come back, and develop for old, tried and tested engines like infinity, unreal and source instead of spending millions making a new engine (that no one will use) for one mediocre FPS. a few of them will take loans or pool their meagre resources to reacquire licenses that no one has an interest in anymore (ie. fallout, baldur's gate) because the major publishers, who were previously shelling out godawful sequels to cash in on nostalgia, cannot find a market for them on the consoles, which are only played by 16 year olds.

    around the time Fallout 3 (the real one) comes out in 2019, PC games will be reasonably priced and available via steam or some other content delivery system. also, freespace 3.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:44:09 No.10669202
    because i have no money, and because I don't feel that me pirating a CD or movie that is making people millions is a big deal. if i support or know an artist, I pay. If it's a metallica CD or the billionth copy of some pixar movie, I don't fuking care. We pay waayy too much for many things. If the profits were shared out better, or not so egregiously vast, I would think twice before stealing.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:44:55 No.10669217
    >games are now so complicated that only corporate sponsored ones are considered main steam
    Illegal downloading killed the games industry, it is why you're only left with shit by EA these days.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:45:12 No.10669220
    Because it makes me feel that i can beat corporatism... on my computer.
    >> Myface !GllZaqowhQ 08/15/10(Sun)12:46:04 No.10669229
    >Um, nobody in this thread has said piracy is wrong. Try properly reading the OP before posting in future.

    um, almost everybody in this thread has said that piracy is in essence wrong, but no one cares because its free. Try properly reading the thread before posting in the future.

    also, On-topic: it's free. I know its wrong and shit, but fuck that, its free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:46:31 No.10669232
    Those are KICK-ASS costumes, holy shit i'm going to make one of these and wear them to every costume party!
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:46:58 No.10669240
    Because I don't have a lot of money to chuck away, so if I can pirate something, I will. And sometimes what I want isn't available in my country yet.

    I don't know what the hell you're talking about, "because it's free" is pretty much the only excuse.

    The ones in denial are the ones who say "because I don't want to support blah and they don't deserve my money etc."
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:47:02 No.10669242
    If you really think piracy will end the entertaiment industry, you are mistaken. It will heal it by purging out the crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:47:19 No.10669250
    the reason we're left with EA garbage is because game development was corporatized. the large media conglomerates saw the potential in the industry and turned it into hollywood
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:48:00 No.10669259
    Except people love to buy mediocre crap in droves while letting stuff too complicated for their brains fade into obscurity.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:50:03 No.10669281
    to stand against the man
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:50:39 No.10669292
    I can't justify it.

    $50 does not entitle me to download the entire internets.

    But it's so easy. I can get whatever I want for free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:52:34 No.10669308
    What's to justify? Piracy is fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:53:04 No.10669316
    PC gaming was never really that big so IMHO you don't know wtf you are talking about
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:53:30 No.10669320
    I buy what I really like, or to support smalltime developers/musicians.

    60 euro's for games, 20 for cd's and 25 for dvd's is fucking madness. If they were half their price I'd buy them regularly, like I do with 5 - 10 euro used games etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:53:33 No.10669322
    I only pirate music, the only game I've pirated was about 8 years old when I got it, not much of a monetary hit there.

    I actually still buy CDs even though I am perfectly capable of pirating all of my music. I pirate music so I can tell if I like an artist enough to invest actual money into listening to them. If I was unable to pirate, my music collection would be much smaller and I probably would have bought fewer albums overall.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:56:15 No.10669347
    once I pirated a game because I lost my install CD.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:57:09 No.10669354
    because I don't like spending money. Although the price for pretty much all entertainment is through the roof, as seen by the lucrative lifestyle entertainers lead.

    I won't justify not paying, because even if they cost me a cent I wouldn't pay for a thing. I will say however, that the prices charged are a bigger crime than piracy. I hope the "artists" enjoy their million dollar incomes, but untill these guys earn blue-collar wages, I won't give them a penny.

    And unless Lady gaga or Brad pitt start coming down to 100k a year wages, I suggest you do the same.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:57:12 No.10669355
    A few reasons:

    1. I use a *wide* range of media for very short periods of time. I listen to cd's once. I watch a tv series once. I watch a movie once. If I were to have paid for all of it, it would have put me back tens of thousands of dollars *per year*. The sole exception is games, which generally have much greater "length-of-enjoyment", and hey: I often pay for those. The prices on music is absurd, and the prices on TV-DVD box-sets even more so.

    2. I will never give my money to company that pumps out shit, and most companies do. Your average "music" or "movie" or "game" company is nothing more than a marketing machine, pumping out an endless stream of shit that only looks good in previews. I always try before I buy.

    3. A lot of what I pirate is anime, and the American anime-industry, such as it is, is cancerous. They put out worse products than free fansubbers do, and then charge for it. Then they turn around and sue bittorrent sites. Like so many other entities in the entertainment-industry, they are a pointless middleman that only serves to leech off of another person's work. Sure, there are a few exceptions of superior subs/dubs coming from official sources, but they are few and far between.

    4. And yeah, the middleman argument applies heavily to music as well.

    Oh and finally:

    fuck yeah free shit
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:57:39 No.10669359
    I pirate because I can't afford to drop $60 on videogames when I have no guarantee I'll get my money's worth.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)12:59:21 No.10669376
    I want shit for free.

    Oh but I do worse.
    If I can't pirate it I steal a card and buy it.

    I've been told I'm everything wrong with gaming.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:00:36 No.10669388
    I wouldn't ever buy any of the shit I pirate except for music anyway, so who fucking cares, they aren't losing out on any of my money.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:01:17 No.10669399
    I do it because I want to fuck the recording industry in the ass as hard as it fucked me for years. I still see the bands I like live, but for real, if I buy a CD of something recorded in 1947 by people who are all now dead, where's the money going? and it isn't going to advertising or anything like that, if anything, they make money off of older songs too by pimping them out to ads. at least they did until every company wanted to sound like an indie apple commercial.
    don't get me wrong, i understand this is "theft" but it isn't a zero sum game, and the people I'm "hurting" aren't the artists, it is the outdated leeches thieves that are the record companies themselves. they just ride other people's coattails to riches.
    also, downloading fansubbed anime is totally legal until some faggots like funimation buy it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:02:12 No.10669411
    Because I genuinely do buy things later if they're good. I've spent thousands of dollars on CDs of album's I've previously pirated.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:02:15 No.10669412
    I pirate games/music/tv shows/movies because I like free shit and if I can get out of paying for something then I will.

    >alopay Ejxenbaum
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:04:28 No.10669439
    I hate when people say "If you think X you're stupid/wrong/gay/etc". Even if your reasoning is logically sound, you can't hope to speak for everyone and to think that everyone thinks like you (or if they don't it's due to a lack of morality, inteliigence or common sense) is just arrogant, stupid and ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:05:46 No.10669443
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 08/15/10(Sun)13:06:46 No.10669457
    i pirate the kind of stuff i wouldn't get if buying them was the only option, e.g. if there wasn't a pirate option of photoshop i wouldn't buy the original
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:09:49 No.10669491
    This is basically where I'm at as well.

    Like this movie I watched last night, I thought the soundtrack was rather good, but it didn't move me. If the only option were to buy it for ten bucks or whatever, I wouldn't bother, but since I can get it for free on the Internet, that's what I did.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:09:53 No.10669492

    Grow the fuck up. The money is going to bringing out newer bands.

    Most bands lose money. The label has to promote baby bands, and that costs money
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:10:44 No.10669504

    Agreed. But it does make for half the non-porn content of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:12:14 No.10669515
    I've only pirated things that I am incapable of getting legally.

    And I mean incapable. I've payed $70 for an out of print CD on ebay so I can sit on my high horse and say you greedy pirates are ruining it for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:15:27 No.10669557
    I pirate music like there's tomorrow. If it's one of my favorites I'll buy it on vinyl though. However, with older releases this usually means buying a used LP for 8 bucks instead of 25.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:17:41 No.10669575
    >The money is going to bringing out newer bands.

    Bringing out newer bands? You mean like, advertising? The internet does that for free for small-as-shit-bands. When was the last time you heard an up-and-coming band on the radio? Never. The radio is there to pump out the shit the record companies know will be most palatable to the most listeners, not anything "unsafe" that isn't guaranteed to get results. Record labels do a shit job at promoting newer bands. I've never learned about *any* band I liked via official channels. Ever. It has all been word-of-mouth and piracy.

    And then I go to those bands concerts, without any intervention from the record label. So what exactly is the purpose of the record label?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:20:42 No.10669609
    Free shit you dipshit
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:21:18 No.10669622
    are you fucking serious? you really don't know the overheads the music industry has compared to what they charge do you? Also, the prohibitive costs of recording have come down drastically in the past 15 years or so, and same with distribution thanks to the internet. I am not saying that the recording industry was never valid, but they currently charge rape prices which are wholly unnecessary. Also, note that I am talking about the major corps and their subsidiaries, not small local labels, which are often just collections of bands pooling their money.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:23:13 No.10669644
    not because I want to make some statement against capitalism, but because I'm a cheap asshole who thinks that I don't have to pay for any digital media.

    and so is every other pirate in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:23:19 No.10669646
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:27:18 No.10669690
         File1281893238.png-(60 KB, 727x409, again.png)
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    Because I'm a criminal.
    It's in my genes.
    I'm probably a psychopathic killer too.
    Time will show.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:28:44 No.10669700
    Buying shit second-hand doesn't give you a reason to gloat. It just makes you a complete fucking idiot. You aren't supporting the industry, you're just refuding someone else's money for something you could have gotten free.

    You really are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:28:49 No.10669703
         File1281893329.jpg-(67 KB, 640x632, compressionapple.jpg)
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    Imagine in the future you have to ability to torrent food. Say you download a low quality apple and it comes out compressed.jpg

    >picture related.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:30:35 No.10669717

    I save time and money by downloading, why would I NOT do it?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:31:51 No.10669727

    Because information and viewpoints which are set forth in movies and music might have a positive effect on the intellect.
    If a few people use their gains to get rich instead of empowering the whole human race, I hereby condemn them.

    Such people do not deserve to be taken seriously.
    However, their products might contain information and perspectives that are highly enriching.

    Thus, I am Pirate.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:32:44 No.10669745
    because i'm 15 years old, can't get a job and my parents refuse to give me a penny.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:33:08 No.10669749

    I'm holding the moral high ground. If I was going for practicality I would've pirated everything knowing it isn't going to make a difference.

    But of course being a filthy pirate, you wouldn't know anything about morals.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:35:06 No.10669770
         File1281893706.jpg-(158 KB, 647x1000, EIT_Magic_Crystal_Poster.jpg)
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    I commit copyright infringement for three reasons:
    1) I don't care to pay for something I haven't tested first, or don't have the money to pay an exorbitant price for. ($15 for a CD with 9 tracks? Seriously?)
    2) I don't believe in intellectual property, really - I believe in credit where credit is due, but I don't believe you can say "I made this recording so you don't have the right to share it with anyone under any circumstances." Music is intangible, you can't own it. Plus, digital files are above the means of production. You can't control their reproduction.
    3) Bittorrent is more convenient than A. ordering a CD and waiting for it (I do this for pre-orders for albums though!) B. going to the store and buying it (I never do this anymore) C. downloading from an online store (I always rip my music in FLAC so online stores are useless because they sells AAC or MP3).
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:35:12 No.10669771
    because you can get shit for free and because fuck em, thats why! because I can't preview a movie or full album until after I buy it. because its way easier to get shit off the internet and its easier to browse torrent sites than heavily branded over categorized bullshit like iTunes.

    media needs to change their business model, to accomodate me, the customer. I shouldn't be obligated to stick to media's outdated business model just out of some retarded sense of ethics.

    OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:35:28 No.10669778

    Only christians would use a term like "moral".
    Whatever, you say you hold a higher ground.
    That implies you setting urself higher than another person.
    You are one bad christian.

    Jesus weeps now.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:36:54 No.10669787

    BEcause THE VOICES in my HEAD TELL ME to dl shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:37:23 No.10669790
    >>Yes basically it is free so why pay for it?
    the difference between one and zero is infinite it is not basically free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:37:55 No.10669797
    Because I'm a Jew. lol

    Now seriously, I like free shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:38:18 No.10669801
    I shoplift and I pirate.

    I like free shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:38:38 No.10669803
    Besides, if you bought the CD, the artist would see like 4 out of those 70 dollars. You do realize that, right?

    If you want to support an artist, buy their t-shirts, or go see their shows.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:38:58 No.10669807
    That's exactly what I think OP.
    There's no way to justify piracy and there's no need to anyway.
    >> ‮ ‪ ‪‬ 08/15/10(Sun)13:39:03 No.10669810
    Because its easy and I can.
    So I do it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:39:35 No.10669817
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    >On /r9k/

    >My argument was flawed as fuck, and this is all you can find wrong with it.

    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:40:24 No.10669827
    I pirate because I can't afford anything, being a poor student. I'm really starting to be annoyed with how commonplace it has become, however. I think less of people when I hear them talking about it like it's OK to do. I refuse to pirate anything for another person. When I graduate and get a job, I would like to support the artists that I enjoy, and the companies who create the software that I use.

    Hollywood sucks ass, however, and I would never actually pay money to see their shitty movies.
    >> sage sage 08/15/10(Sun)13:40:30 No.10669828
    OP could be some fucked up research group trying to get raw data from here, so sage.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:40:34 No.10669829
    I pirate all my music, because the downfall of the music 'industry' as we know it will benefit us all. I pirate anything else if I don't think whoever made whatever it is deserves my money, such as software companies with absurd levels of DRM.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:40:39 No.10669831
    It's not like I'm taking anything from anyone. I'll greentext this.
    >Download film
    >Downloading illegal, made impossible. IT'S STEALING
    >I simply won't see the movie. NO MONEY GAINED BY NOT GIVING ME ACCESS TO DOWNLOAD
    >Download not illegal, I see film.
    >Good film, I go watch it or buy the thing itself for supporting of good shit.
    >You got the money and probably quite a few people in the cinema because of my recommendation (I study film, people seem to trust my taste.)

    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:41:22 No.10669844
    They get very little from merch as well
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:42:09 No.10669857

    I win. You lose.

    Same rhetorics.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:42:13 No.10669858
    Wanna support the musicians?
    Trent Reznor said it himself, don't buy the CDs, buy the merch and tickets. The artists see a much higher % of those sales than CDs, because of the record labels who take too big of a cut.
    Exceptions: artists who don't use a label.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:44:20 No.10669870

    Band doesn't exist anymore, doesn't make t-shirt or any merchandise I'm aware of.

    I had the means, I had the opportunity. Getting out with it free of charge just seems wrong to me, especially considering that if everyone thought the same and did it - it could cause a huge shitstorm and ruin the internet's ability as a harbor for things that are lost, out of date, unsupported and generally fall under the radar.

    If and when that does happen, I'd like to know I wasn't a part of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:45:25 No.10669878
    I do cause I'm broke as shit and can't pay for anything. Once I finally get a job I'll slowly start paying back all the people I ripped off by actually buying their shit, but right now I can't even afford a song on iTunes....
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:46:37 No.10669891
    I kinda think that people that pirate just because they can are the reason governments want to police the internet. I pirate because I'm a poor college student and I would never buy the things I pirate and don't buy (thus it is not lost revenue), unless I really wanted to or it was worth the money. If you would buy the things you pirate, have the money to do so and just choose not to, that's bad karma imho.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:47:07 No.10669895
    Who cares if they dont have money. I dont have much money and i'm still alive.

    They're making millions of dollars just by taking good-looking teens and spending 19.99 on autotune.
    Fuck you im not giving you my money.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:47:16 No.10669896
    No this isn't true. Say they're selling a $20 t-shirt, they paid a company several thousand dollars for an order of thousands of these t-shirts. So say they spend $5000 for 1000 shirts. They're making $15 a shirt. Even if the label fronts them the money, and asks for a cut, the label never takes as big of a cut from merch. NEVER.

    People from the industry came out and said this, I don't think Reznor gave the details but if you ask any of the bands in my local area they'll tell you EXACTLY this. Even if the label fronts them the cash to order shirts (not always the case, only the case for the super popular artists usually), they make much more money per dollar you spend.

    Tickets are also pretty good. Usually the venue takes a cut, and the band's promoter (if they don't do their own promotion) takes a cut, and the crew, if they're from the label and not volunteers or venue employees already getting a cut from the venue, take a cut. After that your $45 is still going strong and they get quite a bit of that.

    CDs? $15 CD, they see $2 of that on most record deals. They have to sell thousands of CDs just to earn enough money to eat.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮suomynonA‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 08/15/10(Sun)13:47:23 No.10669898
    I pirate games/music/tv shows/movies because I like free shit and if I can get out of paying for something then I will
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:48:29 No.10669913
    Ahahaha, you're fucking hilarious.

    1) You assume I pirate everything. I don't. I buy a lot of shit from indie developers (whether music or games).

    2) You're an idiot
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:49:44 No.10669926
    Okay, that's understandable that there isn't any other way to support the artist.
    But you still bought it second-hand and didn't support the artist anyways. You paid some collector for it. You weren't supporting any industry except record re-selling.
    You wanna know something? The only reason I buy obscure shit like that is so I can rip it and put it on Then others can enjoy it without having to track it down and pay way too much. More people get access to it. :)
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:51:07 No.10669932
    The rich top 40 artists don't need your sales, yes.
    But if the band isn't on the radio, chances are they're living in poverty. Music isn't profitable if you don't sell out and let the label execs hire someone to engineer your songs.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:51:41 No.10669936
    >They're making millions of dollars just by taking good-looking teens and spending 19.99 on autotune.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:53:20 No.10669954
    Stealing is fun

    >all tormlly
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:54:01 No.10669959
    There's hundreds and thousands of bands who aren't on the radio. There's a reason they're not on the radio, it's cause they have shitty music. And if their music is shitty then i'm not going to listen to it (/not going to pay money for it).
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:55:20 No.10669966
    I agree with this, but sometimes it's not really possible. For example, one of my favorite bands is T-Square. They are a Japanese jazz fusion band. I'm certain they don't tour the US, so seeing a show would be out of the question.
    >> Attention Whore !!AqJP4Q+miEh 08/15/10(Sun)13:55:56 No.10669972
    Games I always buy.

    TV shows I don't care enough to watch them. If there were free good streaming that came with ads of the shows I watch I wouldn't mind. I just don't like watching TV on TV.

    Movies I see them at the cinema. If I really like it I buy the DVD. If I don't care about it I just download it.

    Music, that's the only controversial one for me. I don't like buying music because I always rip the CD and then misplace it. I don't buy digital downloads on iTunes because I hate the DRM shit. I don't buy them from other places because it's not like on Steam that you get to make a collection. If you lose those digital files you are fucked. So I never buy music. But I try to support the bands that I listen to by going to their shows and buying their shirts and stuff. Also thanks to music piracy I got to know maaaaaaany other bands I would've never found out about any other way.

    So tl;dr, I try to follow the golden rule of piracy: If you think it's worth your money and you can afford it; buy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:57:04 No.10669984
    I don't pay because I don't want to. I know it's stealing. Anyone who tries to rationalize it otherwise (getting back at the "rich corporations", not adhering to the "capitalist pig dogs") is bullshitting and retarded. It's stealing, plain and simple. I buy when I can, otherwise I am stealing. If I had a million dollars I'd go back and buy everything I listen to or use.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:57:55 No.10669994
    This is hilariously false. You think Justin Bieber and Ke$ha are better than, oh, say, delicious indie rock like Mae? That popularity is directly proportional to objective quality? I'm actually chuckling at the thought.

    No, the reason good bands aren't on the market is that teenie boppers haven't been exposed to good music yet, and they're under the impression that what they are hearing is good. It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome, but with niggers on the radio.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)13:59:29 No.10670016
    Again, understandable. So buy their merch over the internet, and don't feel bad about that pirated CD. Seriously. Say you have $15 to spend on that band. You can either buy a shirt or a CD. If you buy the shirt, they get, say, in a deal where other people take cuts, $7. If you buy the CD, they get $2. WHY WOULD YOU NOT BUY THE SHIRT AND THEN PIRATE THE CD?
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)14:01:58 No.10670053
    i don't respect copyright law because i find the concept of copyright to be morally ridiculous.

    also i am a fierce moralist. This has nothing to do with selfish or stupid gain, because i wouldn't steal from someone unless my life literally depended on it.

    > gringuid $200
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:02:57 No.10670069
    I pirate music because nobody uses CD's anymore and I can't find my music in most record stores.

    I pirate movies because I can't afford 20 dollar dvd's and movie theaters are bogus about their prices.

    I pirate software cuz I can't afford paying for that shit
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 08/15/10(Sun)14:03:47 No.10670079
    you're so self righteous and narcissistic it hurts
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:05:12 No.10670095
    And you listen to trash music.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:05:21 No.10670101
    There's a huge potential when it comes to music/movies/books/other creative stuff that I'm really going to hate it. Imagine me having to go back to paying $20 a CD just to hate it. A huge waste of money for shit. Music might be a bad example because you really do get to sample it for free first in multiple ways, but it's not like a movie trailer is a sample of a movie.
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)14:06:30 No.10670115
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:06:46 No.10670120
    I have a catholic friend who tries to act morally superior to everyone. He pirates like a motherfucker, I asked him how that was different than stealing and if God would approve. (Just trolling him because I hate hypocritical christfags. I pirate everything myself, because I don't give a fuck.)

    "I can't afford this software so torrenting it isn't wrong."
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:06:51 No.10670121
    The only CDs I have ever bought are the entire discography of the delgados, partly because they own their own record label and partly because they're awesome.

    the RIAA can go shove itself, I hope it shrivels up and dies and takes the pop music industry with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:09:01 No.10670145
    See, I'm a Christfag, but my explanation is mostly based on intellectual property etc etc, I'm very into Stallman's ideas on the whole thing.
    So when people ask me to justify myself, I give a legitimate moral argument; you might disagree and you can if you want, but at least it's not a stupid logical fallacy lol

    your friend is an idiot though, good laffs
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)14:10:52 No.10670162
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    > There's a reason they're not on the radio, it's cause they have shitty music
    it's hard to imagine that someone is really both this stupid and loyal to the mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:11:46 No.10670173
    I pirate games/music/tv shows/movies because I like free shit and if I can get out of paying for something then I will

    Also that girl in the middle is fine as hell my nigga!
    >> jim profit 08/15/10(Sun)14:12:56 No.10670187
    i steal music, and not a fuck is giveb
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:12:56 No.10670188
    Because I'm poor as fuck and I want to be able to enjoy the same movies,music, and books as everyone else.

    >comollia adaptacion
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:14:13 No.10670203

    >I can't afford this so I download it
    >I will not buy it anyway no one loses by my downloading it
    >This is because it's intellectual property

    They sound like the same argument to me.
    Enlighten me.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:15:06 No.10670216
    I pirate because I like free shit and if I can get out of paying for something than I will.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:15:32 No.10670227
    I'm Somali it's in my genes
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:15:34 No.10670228
    Because I'm criminal scum.

    I have a list of shit I've pirated I'm working on buying though
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:16:52 No.10670248
    I pirate for three reasons:

    1) The game doesn't have a demo and I wanna try it. If good, I buy it. If sucky, I usually don't even finish it.

    2) I disagree with the publisher's/dev's way of doing things and wanna fuck 'em over on purpose.

    3) I'm pulled into my forum's flavor of the month and would rather pirate the damn game since I know they'll just be playing one week and then I'll be stuck with pubfags for the remainder of the ownership.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 08/15/10(Sun)14:16:55 No.10670249
    I wish textbooks were easier to pirate. Gigapedia has a nice selection, but I still couldn't find any of the 5 books I need for this quarter. I'm going to be raped.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:19:53 No.10670283
    I pirate everything from music to movies to games. So does every single friend i have.
    It's not so much that i can't afford them (i still buy Xbox games so i can play them on Live) it's just that they're so easily accessible.
    For example, i just downloaded the entire series of Cowboy Bebop in 11 hours, and it was ready for me to watch this morning. If i had payed for it, not only would it have cost a huge amount of money (although for the sake of this argument, lets say i would have been willing to pay that much) but it would have taken a couple of weeks to get to me.
    Piracy is just so conveniant for impatient people, and for people who hate going through the pains of ordering online and filling out 50,000 forms.
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)14:20:13 No.10670287
    he didn't say either of the reasons you presumptuously ascribed to him.

    just saying
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:20:32 No.10670290
    mehh ive only just started downloading torrents for music, but thats only 'cos my computer doesnt read disks anymore and i cba to fix it

    as for films etc. i buy dvds just because i prefer to watch them on a bigger screen
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:20:44 No.10670292
    No, no. The poor argument is thus:
    >can't afford this
    >me pirating it isn't a lost sale
    >no one is hurt by my actions
    >greatest happiness principle fulfilled because no lost sales and I get to enjoy new music
    >piracy is morally correct (if you can't afford the music)

    My "IP doesn't exist argument"
    >you can't claim copyright to music
    >music is intangible and based on basically mathematical principles, it's just an idea that anyone else can understand and have
    >therefore you can't say you own the rights to the production of such music, no one owes you royalties for playing your song, you're just greedy and asspained
    >digital recordings can be reproduced ad infinitum, and also being intangible can't be considered copyrightable or goods, and only property in an abstract sense.
    >ergo it is not morally incorrect to infringe on a musician's "copyright" nor is it incorrect to reproduce any file on your hard drive and to share them with anyone you please.
    >tl;dr piracy is morally correct in all cases.
    >this holds true for movies, books, games, and software too.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:21:24 No.10670301
    I've discovered the vast majority of music I like through piracy. I've bought t-shirts, vinyl records, concert tickets and physical cds from bands I like that I never would have even known about if I hadn't gotten some of their albums to listen to on bittorrent.

    When it comes to movies, I buy it if I like it. Then I have it in the highest quality possible w/ surround sound. Most of the movies I download are really hard to find, too.
    >> Canadienposter !!3gxkvJF+kEA 08/15/10(Sun)14:22:01 No.10670310
    You robots got trolled.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:24:20 No.10670338
    We all knew the OP was trolling, but there are replies in here that agree with his "position" and are now arguing against the majority.

    Plus, there are a lot of people here who have interesting reasons lol
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:24:25 No.10670341
    I purchase something if I think it deserves it/I want a physical copy/it's worth the money I'm wasting on it.

    As far as buying CDs, fuck that straight to hell. A CD-Rom disc is probably about 15 cents to make, the packaging about a dollar. The artist is most likely making half that. The studio and the RIAA (aka: the death of everything that is good in music) are making the majority of this money and you can't download a concert.

    It basically comes down to: One guy is selling cupcakes laced with arsenic, one guy across the street is giving away clean cupcakes. Which one are you going to go for?
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 08/15/10(Sun)14:25:29 No.10670355

    Camwhore threads have plenty of participants. Are you saying camwhore threads are worth having?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:26:24 No.10670366
    That's just a logical fallacy man, we're having a completely different kind of thread here.
    You're so bad at 4channing :(
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:27:20 No.10670370
    I pirate everything, sans a few games off Steam during the winter/summer.

    I'm poor.

    But it's because I don't care.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:31:08 No.10670405
    I don't think pirates are pirates. Real pirates steal things that belong to other people, meaning someone else had something that they owned actually taken away from them.

    Internet 'pirates' originally buy something, then copy and distribute *that which they have purchased from someone else* at will.

    Intellectual property law is inherently unjustified.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:31:53 No.10670414
    artists are always going to make enough money to survive. people will keep them alive, because they make us happy.

    piracy takes money away from corporations, who have already paid the artists. if we keep it up, the corporations will die, and art just might live.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:32:03 No.10670418
    How do you ddl the stuff nowadays?

    Torrent is outdated now i think because too dangerous.
    Oneclick hosters? And else?

    Also, i don't think pirating is a big issue nowadays for game companies, because most games have an multiplayer mode, which you can only play having an original key anyways.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:35:01 No.10670452
    I still bittorrent, and I'm probably the most serious pirate in this thread.
    But I pay for a seedbox, use private trackers (no PB or demonoid bullshit), and generally encrypt my shit.
    Smart torrenting > any other option. I do use DC++ at my uni, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:35:08 No.10670454
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:35:18 No.10670455
    Sorry, I meant the same tired argument. i.e the argument everyone always uses.

    Therefore the quote of the first christfag is not a logical fallacy as he isn't stealing.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:38:36 No.10670499
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    I dunno what piracy means. I'm just borrowing a movie from a friend. What I do with my upload and download bandwidth is none of your concern.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:39:22 No.10670509
    It is easy to justify, I am helping in my small way to expropriate the expropriators.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:40:22 No.10670521
    > I'm just borrowing a movie from a friend
    even if you're being literal, that's still illegal.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:41:47 No.10670543
    Poorfag. When I have money, I buy things. When I don't I pirate.

    And even then, I only pirate music. I own all my games/books/movies.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:46:19 No.10670589
    >use private trackers

    How do you even find good ones? I'd rather pay for RS for example.

    And what about this DC++?

    Is this as dangerous as emule?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:47:36 No.10670605
    >even if you're being literal, that's still illegal.
    No it is not, and should it ever become illegal, piracy has been completely justified and will forever remain justified.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:48:44 No.10670617
    i pirate all my music, movies & tv shows.
    i'll buy the movie or tv show if i like them enough. i won't do that with music, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:50:06 No.10670634
    i don't really consider downloading shows as piracy, especially since it's already free. what's the difference between downloading it from someone else and recording it yourself?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:51:25 No.10670651
    your friend probably agrees with IP laws
    illegal != immoral
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:52:18 No.10670656
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    for me right now it's because I lack money, I'll probably always pirate somewhat just because it sucks buying something to find out it's crappy.

    The way I see it piracy is out there and you can't put the genie back in the lamp. What people really need to understand is if you like something you need to buy it to support seeing more work from that person or group.

    capticha Mr: socaphia
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:53:02 No.10670672
    hate to catch you wrong bro but, it is (circumstantially/depending/sometimes) illegal. It's called unauthorized distribution and viewing.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:54:43 No.10670693
    >Go into thread to post thoughts and sentiment
    >151 posts
    >fuck it nevermind
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:55:30 No.10670708
    actually it's illegal to record TV. Sound crazy? Look it up.

    I know, i know, everyone had a VCR. Well it's still technically illegal and i'm not even kidding. It's just not enforced.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:55:48 No.10670714
    >Hey i could watch that movie
    >Open browser
    >Watch the movie for free!

    Its easier!
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:55:55 No.10670715
    Wrong, only if the friend of his were to charge money !
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:56:31 No.10670725
    because i get free stuff and there's an extremely tiny chance i'll get caught
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:56:42 No.10670729
    wrong - illegal distribution itself is also a crime, not just illegal (re)sale.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:59:10 No.10670757
    it's easier. i've bought also around 20 CDs which i really liked cause i wanted to support the artist.

    although i hate faggots who try to fight piracy.. it's like fighting windmills. you'll never win. and if you do, there will always be alternatives or riots.. good luck government
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)14:59:30 No.10670763
    This is correct. The reasoning goes that the entity that owns the intellectual property should have full rights of distribution, sale and consumption.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:00:20 No.10670772
    This is indeed the case. For a while, the industry campaigned against VCRs, but then they realized people were gonna do it anyways, and there were taping ads too anyways.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:00:51 No.10670775
    And who the fuck cares?
    You can kill someone and it would be the same as nothing ever has happened if only you would know it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:01:41 No.10670786
    hey I was just pointing out the law, not agreeing with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:02:59 No.10670805
    ...which is a crock of shit, imo
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)15:04:34 No.10670824
    this is why the whole concept of copyright is a pandora's box of principally and practically untenable bullshit. Copyright can fuck off.

    The only thing that should be illegal is claiming something else's as your own work, and even that's a possible slippery slide.

    fuck copyright
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:04:48 No.10670827
    The answer is simple. People pirate things for the same reason they steal things; it's free and the fear of consequences are almost non-existent. If people could steal items from stores with the same chances of getting caught as piracy, you can bet there would be just as much normal theft going around.
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)15:07:46 No.10670874
    you are a fucking idiot and should either shut up or think before you speak, because no, it's not that simple.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:09:50 No.10670912
    credit where credit is due
    (for instance, California Girls, lol)
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:11:04 No.10670930
    The only thing I pirate is music. Everything else I'll stream. If I like it enough I'll buy a movie after I watch it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:12:19 No.10670950
    nice non-argument you gave there, yup
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:13:43 No.10670966
    There is no Netflix in Canada, and I don't have a BluRay player. How else am I going to watch HD movies?

    I rip my music from YouTube instead of downloading... it's more work, but makes me more difficult to detect.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:22:40 No.10671092
    I don't recognize copyrights or "intellectual property". You do not own or have rights over the 1s and 0s in my hard drive.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:57:48 No.10671564
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:01:11 No.10671609
    i pirate music beacause : piracy has helped little artist become known, I feel I am supporting the artist by go to a show I wouldn't have went to if piracy didn't give an easy access to their music, that doesn't cost me money if the bands sucks balls

    I pirate games beacause : everything is marketed as GROUNDBREAKING AND DEEP STORYTELLING OMG I JUST WET MY PANTS while it's just the same old shit with different names, I buy games that I know are worth it.

    I pirate movies beacause : who gives a fuck if I go out and rent an 80's/90's movie?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:01:15 No.10671610
    Because, the best things in life are free, and if they suck, well at least I got it for free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:03:58 No.10671652
    Hi OP, I got 2 TB of pirated shit on my harddrives atm, I'm using 100/100 fiber.

    God bless Sweden, the country where pirates roam free.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:04:45 No.10671665
    why? its called having reasonable prices for your fucking property. I will not pay like 20$ for some shitty cd maybe if an album cost 1$ and a song cost 10 cents. I would consider buying them but i am not paying for the fucking masions and yaughts the music industry bosses and the artists get.

    seriously WTF do they deserve money? Yes but the prices are unrealistic
    >> Thumper Kegg (Look, a fucking bear!) !!LyelpkA5suF 08/15/10(Sun)16:05:01 No.10671669
    As a musician, I look at Piracy interestingly.

    I look at music as art, the same way a painting is art.

    I download a lot of music, and I decide whether I like it or not. And When I feel that I like an artists enough, I buy an album of theirs to support them.

    Kinda like how you experience a painting by looking t it before you actually purchase it. Most people would not just purchase a piece of art without knowing exactly what it is and what it looks like?

    I treat music the same way, and I feel the same way about my music. If you like it, support me, if not, your choice.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:06:33 No.10671691
    So I am free to distribute digital child porn too? It's just 1's and 0's too right?

    Actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe it would stop some desperate pedos from raping children.

    I don't agree with intellectual property either, and I think information should be free, but the "it's just 1's and 0's" logic can't be applied here. Robbing a bank is just pointing a metal object and shouting words? Right? And taking some papers with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:06:46 No.10671697
    I don't want to pay.

    Some things aren't on itunes, and I don't want to buy music through other things because I'm lazy.

    I like to save the money I have on itunes for the days I can't find a download or torrent or something.

    Why wouldn't I pirate stuff?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:07:35 No.10671709
    i pirate music because i cant afford a boat
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)16:08:13 No.10671720
    I can dig that i guess, but there are better ways to show your support than buying something that you could have made yourself.

    Once upon a time the physical ability to record and copy music to physical, replayable medium was difficult. Now the technology exists in probably over half the households in the western world. Why should someone tell me not to do what i want with my own stuff in my own house which i payed for and can use competently? A CD is cents, the electricity is cents, the burning process is quick and easy. Noone should have a market corner on that.

    Tangible, sensible ways to support someone worth supporting are going to their concert and buying their physical merchandise. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:09:02 No.10671731
    i have 4957 songs currently i payed for none. was it free, no i payed a 850 euro fine. that is reasonable 17 cents per song.

    i pay reasonable prices for my songs

    Ok it is probably less cause you have to add in like 30 movies i DLed and the 10 games or something
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:09:10 No.10671733

    This thread is still going? Like I said before, I download because I'm poor and because most of the shit I download isn't worth paying for.

    I'm literally glad that I don't have to watch shitty movies in theaters now that I can just download them.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:09:39 No.10671740
    I don't justify it. I do it cause I don't give a fuck and there is a relatively low chance that I will get caught.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:13:00 No.10671789
    you're doing the wrong thing, not because piracy is inherantly wrong, but because you don't care about principles in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:15:25 No.10671831
    I got 33 GB of music total, 7400 files
    650 GB of movies
    450 GB of TV series

    u jelly OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:20:23 No.10671909
    if that's true then why aren't dvr's illegal?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:21:28 No.10671922
    I bet the reason you have heard of this Japanese band is because of people pirating japanese music/anime/movies over here, getting people used to it and making a market for it to exist here.
    >> Thumper Kegg (Look, a fucking bear!) !!LyelpkA5suF 08/15/10(Sun)16:22:08 No.10671933

    I buy it cause it gives them more money to make more music. That is also why I go to a lot of concerts.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:26:01 No.10671994
    most goods bear some close relationship between the cost of the inputs and the cost of the output. since information can be duplicated at practically zero cost, that price relationship doesn't exist or is much more complicated. piracy is people's reaction to their implicit understanding of that fact and a belief that a faceless corporation is primarily suffering as a result of the piracy.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:26:27 No.10672002
    I would buy more often if more of the money went directly to the band rather then the fucking record label. Especially for less popular bands
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:27:38 No.10672022
    It's called time shifting and it's been held legal in the US under fair use principles.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:31:05 No.10672072
    1. i actually already knew that :3
    2. what you just said hasn't always been the legal truth
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:36:47 No.10672146
    sure, there was a brief period of 3 years between the appeals court and the supreme court, but if i bothered to look, i bet i'd find that the sale of betamax was not enjoined during the period since an appeal was pending
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:37:42 No.10672158
    ok, so why can't the "time-shifting" principle be applied to "piracy" of tv shows?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:43:35 No.10672242
    there's no logical reason that it can't be extended since it's essentially the same act. the law doesn't always operate according to rules of logic and reason. even though there is a good argument for allowing it, courts look at the issue and decide that there is no way that much infringement can be permissible.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:46:31 No.10672276
    I always pirate shit. If I like it, then I'll buy it afterwards. I just don't agree that you should be blindly forced to purchase a product that is of uncertain quality.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:51:29 No.10672358
    > hey, these pants look nice. i think i'll take it home and try it. if i think the quality of the fabric is good, then maybe i'll buy it.
    >> HANNIBAL s+ !!s+5OzRVBRS4 08/15/10(Sun)16:53:06 No.10672385
    you massive fucking idiot. Imagine someone telling you you couldn't look at a painting until you bought it. After all, the viewing of the painting is half the experience.

    Shut the fuck up and go bend over in front of an authority figure or something
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:53:46 No.10672397
    you retard, they let you try on clothes in the store
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)16:53:48 No.10672398

    Music and pants are two completely different things. It's like buying expensive pants without looking at them or knowing their size, and then not being able to take it back to the store when you realize that they're ugly and don't fit.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)17:24:02 No.10672896
    I still would download pants if I could. I'd probably have more clothes, but I'd spend the same amount I do right now encouraging the good brands/clothes artists.

    The thing is, pants have production costs, so if everyone had the option of getting them for free the clothes industry would go OMGWTF and drown.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)17:24:59 No.10672910
    Unless they started putting advertisements on the free pants...
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)17:26:12 No.10672933
    I'd fuck those daleks

    OP is a faggot. I'm on 4chan, I have no moral standings
    I pirate because its free
    not because I could justify it

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