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  • File : 1281839653.png-(109 KB, 638x473, 532459645.png)
    109 KB Relationship help time Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:34:13 No.10660819  
    Well guys, it's that time again... i'm here for my weekly relationship advice for my fellow arcanines.

    if you are going through hard times in general, whether it be financially, socially, or relationship wise.. i'm here to help you out the best way I can.

    go ahead... what's wrong?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:35:35 No.10660837
    I feel nothing. Would this impede my ability to lay more women?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:37:35 No.10660870
    Just as long as you know how to be socially acceptable and say the right things, you should be fine in that department. Bar girls are easiest, and once one is inebriated, standards go down as well.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:38:26 No.10660882
    I am chatting up a girl on OKCupid and we're really hitting it off, but the conversation has turned a little stale. We've gone through shared interests, unshared interest, career status, and most other pleasantries. Any tips?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:38:52 No.10660887
    I don't go to bars though. Should I just get into buying drinks for easily inebriated women?

    Aside from bars, where else would you advise?
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 08/14/10(Sat)22:40:22 No.10660901
    My brother's old PC playing TF2: Smooth as a toddler's cunt, but refuses to accept any settings above the bare minimu,.

    My brother's new PC playing TF2: Everything can be set to MAX POWER, but it disregards whatever settings you choose and plays at 5 FPS with occasional freezing anyway.

    My laptop (what I use): HAHAHAHA!!!

    I'm trying to save up money for a decent PC. However, what little money I can save from my part-time job is being squandered into saving up for textbooks, since it looks like I'm going to be raped to death with them. Wat do?
    >> redcom !!+Kgteyi5ULQ 08/14/10(Sat)22:40:34 No.10660905
    I'm afraid that if I try talking to random people hanging around in Union Square to try to make new friends, they'll get scared and run off, call the cops, or punch me in the face.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:40:54 No.10660909
    Financial problem, have been unemployed for 8 months and just can't find any sort of work no matter how hard i try. By the end of the year i will probably have to sell my computer, my motorbike and the rest of my valuables because i can't afford anything anymore.
    Shit sucks, but i do have a really loving girlfriend who tried her hardest to be supportive.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:41:50 No.10660921
    start getting into more serious discussion, talk about high school experiences, ambitions, where she was born, ask her opinion on certain topics that might be making the news, previous relationships is always a topic that can carry on for hours..
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:42:10 No.10660924
    Every time I'm alone, I want to be with people.
    Every time I'm with people, I want to be alone.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:42:14 No.10660926
    I met a girl in my summer class, I offered to study together and we've been going before class a lot to study. I offered to take her out to lunch one day, she agreed. Next day we went for coffee, then a few days later we went to see inception and afterwards she held my hand and kissed me. We played mini golf and got ice cream a few days after that... And now we're coming to the last day of class. And she's moving 6 hours away. How can I ask her if she wants to be my girlfriend in a long distance relationship? I know chances of it working are pretty small but god damnit I'm going to try... She really seems like a perfect match for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:42:15 No.10660928
    I'm perfectly fine in talking / dealing with people. Some even say that I'm very charming.

    But I always want to be alone. I usually avoid social activities altogether. It's not like I have an insecurity or anything, but I just want to stay alone.

    Is there something wrong with me, or are some people just like this?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:43:17 No.10660943
    I feel really bad whenever I think about the future, like just short of full blown anxiety attack.

    I'm just at a point in my life where I feel like if I do ANYthing at all wrong I'm going to fuck up and be screwed for life and it basically equates to besides the few moments in my life I can force positive I can't really ever feel good.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:43:44 No.10660950
    Yes. APPEAR confident even if you are not. Women can spot a guy who is intimidated, pretend to be the shit as if you own her.. that makes her know your not fucking around and arent her bitch. Be careful to not come off as really rude tho, be a gentleman while being a predator, if you know what i mean. If all you want is a good lay, i'd reccomend hitting on the drunk girls, or invite a girl to a couple drinks.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:45:18 No.10660972

    I'm the same way. Keep doing what you're doing as long as you are content with your situation. Who gives a fuck if it's "socially unacceptable" or not?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:45:59 No.10660979
    Splendid. Danke, herr doktor.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:46:04 No.10660982
    Looks like you are a student...(obviously).. if you have the time for more hours, or an extra job, I'd recommend that if you want more money. If you don't have extra time for that, i'd recommend selling things you don't really need anymore, that should bring in some extra money.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:46:50 No.10660997
    There's a girl who's basically in love with me, I really like her too....

    But I like her friend who I don't really have a chance with more.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:47:01 No.10660998
    i need to get this girl to dump her boyfriend for me.

    wat do?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:47:22 No.10661004
    It's all about the approach. practice what you'll do and decide if it sounds creepy or not. Start with something simple as asking for time or for something small, then start small talk, then take it from there if you sense a good vibe.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:49:01 No.10661020
    I've just turned 18 and I have yet to have a relationship. That's not too big of a problem for me but the real problem is is that I have a terribly hard time opening up to my closest friends. Sometimes they really hound me to, they want to help but I just can't do it. What could I do?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:49:49 No.10661029
    I want a relationship.

    How do I get one without coming off as a desperate fucktard?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:50:06 No.10661033
    If you live in the US, tried getting unemployment meanwhile? If you live elsewhere, try getting a more simple in lower your standards slightly until you find the job you've been looking for. Alot of people refuse to work less paying jobs... in times like these.. alot of people are thankful to even have a job. Thankfully you have a gf to be there for you, lucky man. But like i said, expand your options and settle for a lesser job for now until things get better or a better offer opens up.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:51:50 No.10661055

    I have the same problem, except I do manage to get close enough to talk freely about my problems, but some really weird shit comes out.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:52:18 No.10661065
    I'm bored with my marriage. My husband is wonderful and has done nothing wrong, but I just don't feel the way I used to. The only reason I'm still around is because of the security and stability that the marriage brings to our lives. We'd both be truly and utterly fucked if we weren't around to take care of each other. I'm not going to cheat because I care about him too much to inflict something so painful and disrespectful on him.

    I don't know what to do. I don't expect anything more than BITCHES AND WHORES in response to this, but I needed to vent.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:52:19 No.10661066
    Well, OP how much fucking time do you have to listen to my relationship problem? I'll type it out if you want.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:52:25 No.10661067
    Looks like you might have a slight depression. I'd honestly recommend a good eating habit, and some exercise. You'd be amazed as to what something as simple as that can do to your brain/body.
    >> Snorlax 3309 8611 0485 !!RvRKBwfGqfU 08/14/10(Sat)22:52:30 No.10661068
         File1281840750.png-(435 KB, 1400x2500, 1279252149364.png)
    435 KB
    resident /g/entlemen here. It looks like your brother has really bad network issues. Have you tried playing with a cable direct to your modem? (Black box with flashing dots given to you by your ISP/Cable Company)

    As for a new computer, you should try to build your own desktop. As simple as it is to build one, the profit overhead the companies get for building the computer themselves is nothing short of astounding.

    Go on Newegg and use this guide. Even the "Modest" build for yourself will give you a solid machine that will run the games you play on high with a very decent FPS. You just have to add a couple hundred dollars for a Windows license and a Monitor.

    Send me a mail if you have any questions.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:53:18 No.10661080
    I really like a girl, but we don't know each other irl.
    How would I go about asking her into an e-relationship?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:53:37 No.10661087
    To all people - I do them as they come, be patient. i WILL get to all of your problems.

    Thank You.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:56:37 No.10661126
    Go for it my man. You seem to hit it off really well...shame she's moving 6 hours away..long distance relationships are EXTREMELY difficult...just make sure you know what you are getting into before you ask her. It's up to you to decide if that's what you truly want, and risk getting more hurt down the road, or to remain friends and leave the possibility for later on down the road of life. Think this through very carefully... my suggestion to you is go for it if you truly feel you can make it work, even though odds are against that.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:58:38 No.10661149
    It's perfectly normal that some people enjoy being alone rather than having company as long that you do have some close friends. Being alone all the time could be i'd suggest you do what you're doing if your happy with it...just engage in social activities every once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)22:58:38 No.10661150
    I broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years about three months ago. We have never had much in common especially since he left 2 years ago for graduate school out of state, we both have changed a lot since we got together (I was still in high school), and we were both a different places in our lives. I didn't know what I wanted, and when I told him about it we grew apart to the point of just dissolving our relationship. The first month and half he would still come around, we would say I love you, and he would spend the night occasionally (no sex). A month ago he said we shouldn't say 'I love you', he stopped coming around as much, and when I went to see him 2 weeks ago I had a bit of a breakdown. I missed him in my life, realized I made a mistake, and I want him back. He doesn't even want to speak to me anymore; like we didn't just spend 4 years of our lives together. Why the sudden change in demeanor, OP? Why did he hang around me at first then all of the sudden want nothing to do with me?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)22:59:36 No.10661165
    How old are you and what are your life ambitions? also, what are you doing to make that happen?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:03:52 No.10661213
    Ahh, love triangle. If you acknowledge you have no chance with her.. thats a start. You say you like the other girl also... so take the dive and ask her out... once you get to know her better it could very well turn out you end up liking her more, even falling in love with her, and love is an amazing thing. Asking the other girl out will surely get your mind off of the other friend im sure in due time.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:04:24 No.10661218
    Describe situation.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:06:18 No.10661241
    you need to trust them with your feelings. If they are close/true friends, they shouldn't judge you. You might possibly have some previous traumas that made you how you are, or just don't like talking about your personal life.. but keeping it all to yourself isn't healthy.. it feels GOOD when you bare all and have someone listen to you and truly want to help you.
    >> fineshoes !ctlPTrw/Lw 08/14/10(Sat)23:08:15 No.10661270
    i'm not ugly
    i'm not unpleasant
    i'm not particularly shy
    i want a girlfriend
    problem is that the things that i enjoy are not very social, or at least not with women (sports,video games, reading, etc)
    i hate bars, parties and clubs
    i have a hard time finding people similar in personality humor or mentality to me

    wat do OP?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:09:11 No.10661282

    I need ways to make a lot of money. I'm a dude.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:09:58 No.10661291
    Oh fuck I forgot that I was watching Daria!
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:13:51 No.10661339
    My girlfriend and I have been dating for nearly three years now. We love each other very much but every once in a while we both regret not fooling around more before we met each other. She wishes she would have experimented with girls and I wished I could have fooled around with 400 to 500 pound girls. But we are really scared of fucking things up with each other, so we never do anything about it. So what should we do to get out of this rut while not ruining our relationship?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:17:09 No.10661375

    She should gain weight, and you should get a sex-change.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:19:01 No.10661395

    >Claim love for each other
    >Want to have sex with other people

    >Fucking summerfags and their pointless claims of love
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:19:05 No.10661398
    go out and be more social. that will fine tune your social skills slowly so if you do it enough you'll become a good social friend. once your social skills are down, it won't be too hard to initiate conversation with females, and then take it from there. CONFIDENCE!!
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:20:45 No.10661410
    Go back to the things that you did that made you fall in love. your relationship definitely seems to hit the plateau of routine. mix things up and go out and do more things with him, who knows it might spice things back up :] ... If that fails.. then do what you truly feel you have to do..
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:21:27 No.10661419
    Go for it, i have time.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:23:19 No.10661439
    I wish. I could never pass because my face is very masculine.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:24:08 No.10661450
    Thats a hard one sir. most girls who get approached online by someone they don't know get creeped out. if you wanna follow through on this though then... see if you can find out where she works and see her so she sees your face, then keep going sporadically then finally when your sure she knows who you are, muster up the courage and talk to her. Odds are 50-50 depending on what you say, but if you feel strongly about her, go for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:24:57 No.10661458
    So I like this guy. I may have been sending him the wrong signals initially, but I have told him that I like(d) him. But he thought I was being sarcastic.

    So, he talks about, wanting to fuck 'hot chicks', not wanting a gf etc. Then what does he do? He gets a gf! A fucking ~UGLY~ one at that! 'Hot', haha. So, I had to find this out myself, that he got a gf. We were close, but now he ignores me. Well, he'd talk to me on msn a lot, but now he doesn't, unless I talk to him first. And even if I do its short replies.

    Whats up with that yo? His gf doesn't know I exist, so she's not the one telling him to not talk to me (I assume).
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:26:24 No.10661470
    I broke up with my girlfriend last November. She was amazingly beautiful and could be very sweet, we had tons in common, and she was and is one of the only people who always seemed to get my humor AND find it funny.

    She also had some emotional problems and could be very sensitive. We started fighting a lot after a year of going out, and eventually I broke it off with her.

    Now, looking back, I think I've learned a lot about myself and relationships. I know I should be over her by now, but I haven't met any girls that are anywhere near as cool as she was. The whole world seems dull by comparison.

    We haven't kept in touch- our last phone call was not cordial at all, though I saw her a couple times later (by coincidence) and we were able to get along just fine. The phone numbers I have for her are disconnected, and I deleted her as a friend on Facebook when we broke up. I've just sent a new friend request because I want to talk to her again and it's my only connection left. Should I try and meet back up with her? Can it work again?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:26:48 No.10661477
    How do I get the attention of my old family friend? I'm worried that our relationship will forever be platonic.

    We practically grew up together from the ages of 6-15. However when we got a little older he only wanted to hang out with his school friends. There was even time I think he was embarrassed of me when his friends asked about me and he just said I was his "cousin" and left it at that (we're definitely not cousins btw). Despite this one incident he's always been really nice.

    Well now I'm 21 and he's 22 having returned from college and we've reconnected again somewhat. My little crush I had on him has also come back but I'm worried he'll see me as a "little sister" type thing. I don't know. We've both changed a lot since we last saw each other about 6 years ago.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:27:33 No.10661482
    he saw the changes you made in your behavior. He was rejected then saw that you regretted it and started acting differently. It looks like a game to me. That calls for a good long talk about what is really going on. you deserve that talk that determines what will happen between you both.

    ps - most relationships are about games/tests. sadly enough..
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:27:44 No.10661483
    Hello doktar robat, my nede of advice is as following: I am the male and of 24 year old one. trhere are not a gir in my life no but when I speak to try and get her to me like , I look good but her is think Im funny but there doesn't meet me at there where.

    Too muchfunny? Can I be less funny boring s serious gurl like? Gurls so boring they want funny or very bornig what?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:28:25 No.10661494
    What is the best way to get a girl who the language barrier interferes with? I am in like with this adorable asian girl from hong kong china, and I want her to suck my dick. This also goes for british girls, and french girls.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:30:43 No.10661526
    Looks like you're being too pushy tbh. your a guy, let her come to you.. just keep being a good friend to her and listen to what she has to say, and don't get ahead of yourself and in no time she'll change her mind and will strongly be attracted to you.. just be patient and don't get too excited to rush things, cuz if you do, you might completely mess things up beyond repair.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:32:24 No.10661543
    Thanks Dr.
    >overall poidness
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:34:18 No.10661565
    you're going to have to get out of your comfort zone my fair sir. a GF isn't gonna show up at your doorstep. right now.. think of the ideal girl... .pause... now think of where a girl like that might hang out... look, by going out you dramatically increase social time, which in turn will provide you with more chances with women. who knows, maybe the girl you've wanted is out there one day when you go out. alot of people who go out, don't like going out oddly enough...but their friends convince them to go out that one night just to go out. Give it a try.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:34:50 No.10661572
    I'm soul-crushingly lonely and clingy, but I am not nor will I ever be a person who is capable of handling a relationship pf any kind. Do I just an hero or what?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:34:56 No.10661573
    I'm homeless as of Saturday with absolutely no source of income whatsoever.

    What do, sexypants?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:36:11 No.10661590
    i want to be the boyfriend of a girl who never talks, is not that she is shy but she doesn't like to talk that much like she's apathetic
    how to?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:36:20 No.10661593
    Depends on how fast.. I'd recommend a good career via college if you want to go that route, or if you don't want that... then get a job and work your ass off while getting promoted due to your work ethic. Sadly you can't make alot of money that easy. also if you have talents/skills, find a way to profit off those as your mind.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:42:25 No.10661678
    As long as you both can agree to being fine with this, go for it.. i know how it feels to have fetishes or cravings while in a relationship.. It seems you both want to stay you have to both be completely honest with each other and sit down and talk this through. Discuss it and set limits/boundaries that you both can agree to..
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:44:08 No.10661695

    The day I met her, she told me she was 'on her way to' break up with her boyfriend. She also said that she was going to do it the weekend before, but he talked her out of it.

    Apparently, he talked her out of it again. She still has the boyfriend, and I met her two weeks ago. I have been texting her, and we relate well to each other.

    I haven't been able to get a date or anything yet, although she did spontaneously say that she wants to hang out. We couldn't at the time, because I was at work.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:45:45 No.10661712
    Sometimes when somebody is dedicated to their current relationship, they forget others. It sucks. Be happy for him, and you know it won't last, so he'll come running back to you once it ends. Theres not much to do when he's really into his gf sadly enough..
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:46:27 No.10661719
    bump for answer
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:46:30 No.10661721

    My friend was in a similar situation with his wife. She had never had sex with anyone else, so she wanted to do a threesome, and he was going to get one after that.

    I happened to visit back home and was at their house getting drunk. He asked me to fuck his wife, so I did. But then during the act he got his gun out and he was either going to kill himself or kill us and then kill himself.

    After more than a year of harassment from the guy, I think I've finally nullified the situation.

    tl;dr fucking around in a relationship brings drama
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:46:43 No.10661723
    Been chatting with a girl I met online for 8 months now. She's basically everything I'm looking for in a woman, and I think we've covered every topic under the sun by this point. Problem: She's also total jailbait. We've never come right out and said anything about meeting and/or dating for that reason.

    Still, feels bad knowing that I can't get near her, so I've been trying to break it off for 3 months. Tried ignoring her, tried seeing other women. Tried being a jerk. Nothing works. She'll disappear for a few days at worst then come back and we'll end up in a 6 hour conversation and I'm totally back into her again.

    She hits me with this earlier this week:

    "So I was talking to my mom, and she mentioned how when she was my age, she was dating this much older guy. I asked what she would say if I wanted to do that? She said she'd have to meet him, but that it would be wrong based on her experience to say no right off the bat, as the guy she dated was really nice"

    That's about as open an invitation I've ever seen, now seriously confused and conflicted. What do?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:50:10 No.10661753
    Oddly enough i have been in a similar situation. Don't try to rush things, it's corny but true- if it's meant to be , it'll be. Be there for her, be a friend first even though you have different intentions, sometimes when a man moves too fast, it throws the girl off. Just be careful and you should be fine, you feel strongly about her so don't jeopardize it by doing something silly. You are in a good position as long as you have some patience.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:50:46 No.10661764
    I have major trust issues, and I feel I can't contact anyone at all because I can't trust them. Doesn't help that I'm a bifag and an asspie, both of which are points people could use against me. I've become a semi-recluse because of this and pretty much discounted relationships altogether, but I think I'm becoming way too cynical for my own good. Wat do?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/14/10(Sat)23:51:35 No.10661771
    Go out and have some drinks, you know true feelings come out when inebriated. You'll get your answer then.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:52:49 No.10661791
    I want to cry after reading this.
    >> The Traveler !!cmSL6S5p/Kv 08/14/10(Sat)23:53:02 No.10661794
    I really like this girl and i think that she likes me as well. Problem is taht she is my exs best friend. Im afraid that if i ask her out she my be hesitant to go out with me because of my ex. I really like this girl and dont want to ruin anything for her in relation to her friendships. And im afraid my ex might like influence her somehow if i was to start dating her. I dont know what to do. Like asking a girl out isnt hard for me becasue the girls around my fraternity are sluts but this is different i actually care about her and dont want to hurt her. What do i do?
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:53:08 No.10661796
    become a man and not a social retard
    >> Anonymous 08/14/10(Sat)23:54:11 No.10661808
    I met a girl last Monday on here. I went out to a coffee place with her that night, chatted with her for a good, long while, then drove her home. As she was getting out of my car, I asked, "Could I get a hug before you go?" She quickly got back in and hugged me. I then asked, "How about a kiss?" She then quickly kissed me a couple of times on the lips, before getting out of the car for real.

    So, naturally, I think this is awesome. She's attractive, easygoing, shy, and so on. We made loose plans to hang out the next day, but she woke up that morning incredibly ill, so we called it off. She woke up the next day feeling worse.

    All of these conversations outside of the actual meet-up at the coffee place were sent through texts, which she then decided to stop replying to. It's not like I'm spamming her with texts, just once or twice a day, and not a hint of a response. She's given me no hint of being angry or frustrated with me. I just send her a text asking how she's feeling, if she's any better, and I get no response.

    I called her in the mid-afternoon today, got to her voice mail, and left her a message asking how she was, if she's been getting my texts or if I (in a non-serious tone) fucked up so badly that she'd been avoiding me, and whether or not she'd, if she was well enough, like to come out to see a show I'm performing in at a local theatre.

    Said performance has come and gone, and I still don't have any response. I've decided to just completely stop trying to reach her unless I hear back from her from the various messages I've left.

    What the fuck is going on? Am I playing this correctly?
    >> The Traveler !!cmSL6S5p/Kv 08/14/10(Sat)23:54:34 No.10661812

    Also we were flirting alot but then i think my ex talked to her or something cause she kind of seemed distant. Im talking to her some right now, not as much as we did. Im overall afraid of hurting her as you prob read. But i do love her.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:00:33 No.10661880
    How are you going to get them to do that if you don't live in their country?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:00:43 No.10661886
    I have three men I like trying to get my interest I like... Not bragging. 22 year old college student who is upwardly mobile, 27 year old accountant, and 47 year old personal trainer. Really like these guys. Am 25 year old soon to be nurse in a year. Slept with none of them. Two definitely in love, would say three, but not absolutely sure. Can't take more guys in the mix. Wat do?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:01:49 No.10661901
    suicide isn't the solution. Id suggest you get a therapist so they can help you further..i can't solve that problem from here, but a therapist will really help you with this.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:03:54 No.10661927
    If you have friends, go to them... if you don't have friends, depending on what part of the world you live in..adapt. By adapt i mean, if you live in a warm place, find somewhere for a couple days until you can get yourself situated. look for a job even if its fast food so you can get money asap and live somewhere even if it's not a nice place at all, until you get situated. Worst case, try homeless shelters. Like i said, i'd try a friend first, or someone you know, then ponder your options.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:06:04 No.10661955
    Thats a hard one. try online sites like OK cupid.. it's hard to find out if a girl is like that just by glancing at them, so you'll have to socialize with multiple girls to find what you are looking for.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:07:36 No.10661979
    Convince her why your so much better than him and why you are for her, and why he isn't for her. be convincing. Be persuasive, but not pushy.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:08:39 No.10661989
    How old are you and the gir?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:08:53 No.10661993
    i'm going on a study abroad tour of japan and china, and my former mate is going to be there too. except she's annoying as fuck and i don't want her to hang around me because then noone else will either.

    but ... i have to live with her once we get back. so how do i get rid of her without getting her so pissed off that it creates problems next semester?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:10:17 No.10662006
    Dr. sexypants, I have a problem. My girlfriend is a wonderful, morally upstanding person. And I love and respect her for this.

    My problem is is that I smoke weed and I like to drink. I'd prefer smoking over drinking though. She doesn't partake for religious reasons and doesn't me to do it for the same.

    And so...I have to do this behind her back. And I really do feel bad about it, because there isn't any way I can convince her otherwise. She tolerates me drinking. But with smoking...well, she gave me an ultimatum. It was either weed or her.

    So I don't know what to do. I love this girl. But I enjoy smoking pot too and feel that she isn't being reasonable about this. We've been together for 3 years and have discussed marriage. But this is becoming a problem for me...I don't want to lose my relationship over fucking marijuana! What do I do?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:11:37 No.10662018
    I don't know why but it's like there's a block and I can't do it. Thanks for the advice though, Dr. sexypants.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:12:51 No.10662036

    fuck.... She's 16, I'm 29
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:12:56 No.10662041
    look within yourself and see what you TRULY want, and also what your willing to do to get what you want. You are going to have to make some changes in your personality to be happier in general and to change for the better. Always self analyze and find ways to better yourself, feels good.

    funny captcha - life revisel
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:14:23 No.10662053

    I'm not married but I think the reason why a marriage goes flat is that one or both members in the marriage stop trying to make the other person continually fall for them as much. Also, if you find yourself living a perpetually routine lifestyle with each other that will definitely cause boredom. The both of you need to continually create variety both inside and outside of the bedroom.

    Using the forbidden nlp patterns on each other can help too.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:15:00 No.10662062
    As long as you have no feelings for your ex, go for it. This happens all the time, and if you guys are truly over each other it shouldn't be a big deal that alot of people make it out to be. Also be sure that the girl you are interested in, truly likes you in that way.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:17:12 No.10662092
    well, i actually know her she's on my architecture theory class
    i talk to here every now and then, the problem is that she's to quiet, how can i talk more with her and invite her on a date
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:18:08 No.10662104
    Doesn't seem like you did anything wrong, you're just an Interested guy. She might be going through some things that you don't know about, if she doesn't get back to you within 2 days it's time to let it go.. don't attempt to contact her now, you've done your part, if she's not interested it's her loss sir. Keep your head up, you have balls for asking her for a kiss the first time you met. You'll be fine, i'm sure of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:21:56 No.10662146

    What faith does she follow?

    If shes christian the bible actually has a few good words on weed. Just google bible marijuana and look at the first search result. Have a bible in hand when arguing with her.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:22:17 No.10662151
    Normally when there is such a major gap in age, it provides problems, not ALWAYS the case, but it does it more than not. You have to completely analyze the situation, starting with how they are as persons...what their future outcome looks like, how similar you 2 are, interests, etc... or even option 4, neither. Sometimes people are enamored with the idea of love, they will settle for less than they deserve. Make sure these guys are on your level, and if they pass your checklist, carefully decide which one best fits your needs/wants
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:23:58 No.10662178

    Thanks, at least I'm not blatantly fucking up or anything. That whole "You'll be fine" bit is grating as hell, though. If I'm going to be fine, if I have plenty of time, if it's not really that important, blah blah blah, then why hasn't is happened yet?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:24:15 No.10662183
    Try very hard to meet/make new friends over there, while slowly drifting away from her. It looks like you'll have to be with her sometimes, cuz you won't completely be away from her..who knows, she might end up making some friends also and spending less time with YOU... life works like that sometimes. 8-D
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:25:57 No.10662204
    I like Blade.

    I want to be Blade.

    But I'm a white woman.

    Wat do
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:27:32 No.10662220
    Cuz you can't rush things like that. When something is meant to happen it will happen, it's so damn corny but it's true. Just take life as it comes... if you try to force things you can end up hurting yourself. Also have faith, you truly have to BELIEVE that when people say everything will be fine, that it actually will. Most people just brush it off, but seriously, have patience and things WILL work out for you when it's supposed to. Meanwhile have some fucking fun, do shit you won't be able to when your old and wrinkly, live life man!
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:29:50 No.10662242
    it comes down to what's more important to you... weed or a potential soulmate? if you're truly addicted to smoking, idk what to tell you.. but i'd choose the girl. you can LIVE without weed, it's just your mind is tricking you. overcome this weed addiction, and devote your time and energy into the woman who loves you. most people would kill to be in your shoes. eternal love feels so much better than a high.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:30:53 No.10662258
    hee I read OP's post in Daria's voice
    Uh help me
    Should I consider transition to be a man or should I date this lesbian who is interested in me
    GO GO GO! advise me
    Oh and I'm serious
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:31:57 No.10662268
    It's quite an age gap, but go for it. Talk to the mother. Odds are against you 2, but if you 2 mesh well and have alot in common, i don't see why it cant work out if you meet each other halfway. When talking to the mother acknowledge the age difference and give her all the reasons you like/love her and why you think it can work. Be sincere and polite.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:32:12 No.10662272
    She is Christian and yeah I've brought that up. But shes of the mindset that anything which alters your perception is unGodly. When I pointed out how its rumored the prophers of the bible were either smoking weed or using psychedelics in order to induce visions, she acted like a bitch and said "well that isn't what your doing with it now is it?". I honestly hated her for saying that.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:34:55 No.10662303
    approach her in a nice way... be confident and polite.
    Or.. find out what her interests are, and talk to her about that.. people loosen up a little once they talk about something they are interested in... or you can pretend to not know something and ask her for help then bring in small talk, it's all about tactical approach.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:36:23 No.10662320
    I'm not addicted to weed though. Now to be fair to her, there was a time when I was. I was younger and shouldn't of been smoking as much as I was. But I feel now that I'm older, I can handle weed just as much as I can handle liquor.

    And its not like I want to smoke it every day. But there are times I would like to come home from a long day, and smoke a bowl.

    I know I'll have to quit to be with her...but fuck, this sucks and I really do feel like shes being irrational. Thanks for trying to help anyway. I'll stick to hiding it for the time being.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:36:44 No.10662329
    It all comes down to which one you truly want MORE. Only you can decide this.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:37:25 No.10662335
    well, we are friends, i already know a thing or two, she even ask me how to make some draws in the class
    but i just can't approach the way i want, like, to invite her on a date or to eat or something like that
    any tips on this?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:38:02 No.10662342
    It's hard to change a woman's mind when she is decided on what she wants/believes in. Sorry brother.

    theres always a compromise, but from what you said, it looks like her stance is pretty set in stone.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:40:26 No.10662371
    keep the small talk and getting more comfortable with each other, then one day you'll just have to muster up the courage to pull the trigger and ask her what she's doing on the weekend or something. people are so afraid of rejection that it sometimes eliminates the possibility of something happening that had a strong chance of happening. Rejection is not the end of the world, you'll be fine. I'm sure you have a chance to go on a date.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:42:17 No.10662386

    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:44:00 No.10662402

    Thanks for the answer OP, much appreciated. Seriously, this has been messing me up, and its not something I could bring up with my friends.

    Ok... time to come up with a plan!
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:44:13 No.10662405
    ok thanks
    just to let you know, before college i was the typical friendless guy that was to shy to talk to people but after my first week in college i think i'm more confident about myself, but i feel shy when i'm with her
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:46:47 No.10662431

    what did you say when she asked you that?

    Before I smoked weed I was a generally angry troll but one night of weed put me in such a relaxed state that I realized that I should just calm the fuck down and I became waaaaaay more mellow afterwords.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:52:54 No.10662501
    Well since you 2 hang out again, you're definitely friends, in a non serious way ask her how she's doing in the relationship dept... just take it slow man, with girls you cant rush into things without them being creeped away, their weird like that. take things slow and they will work themselves out, guaranteed. relax, it seems it's taking up all your brain right now. Just know that it'll work itself out
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:53:35 No.10662507
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:53:46 No.10662510
    We start dating but she was unclear as to what she wanted out of things. I wanted to be her to be mine from the start. So we were never exclusive and I was unsure about who else she might be messing with. So I was pretty guarded about not getting jealous, but I think I came off the wrong way. Things finally blow up over the phone, we haven't talked in a while except for some texts, because she's having her best friend from Switzerland visiting. I dunno if I should be patient, cut my losses, or be more forward and risk pestering her. Thanks..
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:54:01 No.10662513
    That's what happens when your with someone you have feelings for... yo uhave butterflies and you are nervous, it's GOOD.. so embrace it and handle it well.

    just stay focused.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:56:37 No.10662556
    I have $50 in my bank account and don't get paid until this upcoming Friday. Shit sucks, just wanted to get that off my chest.

    The real problem:
    >Falling for my best friend's girlfriend
    >I've known both of them for the same amount of time, about 6 years
    >He's like a brother to me
    >She and I have always had a comfortably flirty relationship; a bunch of times people who didn't know us hung out with us together in high school, they thought we were dating
    >They've only been dating for a few months
    >He's moving back to the east coast for school and chances are good that they won't try a LDR (we're all living in Texas right now)

    Wat fuckin' do?
    On one hand he's like a brother to me, but on the other, this girl is just amazing. I've been trying to put her out of my mind and just move on, but it's fucking hard, doc.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)00:57:10 No.10662562
    My advice in this situation is to be patient... i know it's really hard.. but considering she has a friend over right now, that will take up alot of her time. If you still talk over texts currently, continue to do so in a nice charmful way, without texting TOO much. don't annoy her, girls get annoyed easily when they know they have a guy in their back pocket. Once the friend leaves then try to talk to her about how you're feeling, just do it in a smart way.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)00:58:38 No.10662583
    ok, i'll focus that i can invite her and she will say yes, thank you
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:01:22 No.10662612
    When your friend moves away, hang out with the girl. Only then will you know what to do. It's hard to know right now while he's still around in the picture. Just do your own thing right now and keep things as they are until he leaves. Only then will you find out what is gonna happen between you 2. Look at if from this point of view, you have time to think about the possibilities between you 2 and what to say/do. it's all about being smart and staying focused and not trying too hard to make something happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:05:15 No.10662648

    Wow, thanks a lot...You're good at advice and being logical. That seems like the obvious approach but the crazy part of my head just makes all these assumptions and everything gets clouded, I think I'm too understanding in that I can brush off a lot of stuff that gets to me. She deserves part of the blame in messing things up, should I confront her on any of that when we see each other again? I think it would be weird if I ignored how she acted and handled things, but I don't want to fuck things up even more.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:05:31 No.10662649
    ATTENTION - i only have time for 2 more questions before i leave for the night. thank you all
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:08:03 No.10662682
    Same thing just happened to me this week. We were dating for a few weeks, but never really discussed having an exclusive relationship, though we had sex raw a few times, so I sort of assumed it was. But a couple weeks ago she suddenly stopped wanting to hang out with me. I'd text her every couple days and she'd always act disinterested in seeing me. Then last night she wouldn't even respond to my texts or answer my calls. After some pestering she finally texted me that she didn't want to be with me anymore. I accused her of seeing another guy now, she said she wasn't, but I'm pretty sure she's lying because nothing would explain her behavior better. Anyway, I dunno what you should do...sometimes you're just dealing with a crazy bitch and theres nothing you can do.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:08:18 No.10662685
    Thanks, man. Shit's rough.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:09:50 No.10662703
    If you want to win this girl back, confronting her in any of her faults is not recommended. although it's the RIGHT thing to do, girls brains are wired in a way where they will take complete offense and things will proceed to get messy. Girls are alot of work huh?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:11:47 No.10662726
    im trying to take it slow, i really am

    and, it really is all that's on my mind atm, i'm not at home with my usual distractions this weekend....

    as far as asking her how the relationship status is... i already know, she's single, says she doesn't want a relationship (but she said that last time.)
    and yet she is hanging around me nonstop, electing to stay and hang out with me and watch a movie alone rather than going to chill with people and probably party a bit

    idk, she's acting alot like she did before, i just wanted to ask her tonight about how she feels about shit
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:14:33 No.10662768
    Dear Doctor,
    A guy I have been seeing and I have been seeing each other exclusively for about a year now. Every time I bring up why not make what we have official dating he gets upset and distances himself from me. The first time he did this to me I was ready to cut him out of my life but he constantly comes back to me, he doesn't date/have sex with anyone else and he goes out of his way to see me and spend time with me. He does everything a boyfriend would do but he does not want to say we are officially a couple. I hate to play this weird guessing game of what our relationship is, I just want a solid answer. What should I do, should I just give up on him or what? I tried talking to him but he only shuts down when I bring up relationships.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:17:08 No.10662799
    Do what you feel is right. She seems very confused, so maybe i'd give her another day or two.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:17:25 No.10662803
    OK, here's a question.

    Known this girl since high school, always kind of liked her (went to school dances as friends sometimes), but too much of a pussy to ever ask her out.

    Now she goes to the same college as me. We still hang out from time to time. I've asked her out a few times (just to see a movie or something easy like that), but that's about it. A lot of the time she says she's too busy, which is understandable seeing as she's in like 6 or 7 clubs/groups, so I've never pushed the issue.

    So, thoughts? Eternally friendzoned or would seriously asking her out yield any results? Bear in mind that I have next to 0 dating experience, so I really could use any advice. What would be a good way to approach this?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:21:27 No.10662855
    Ask him what his deal is... you said he shuts down the conversation when you bring it up... tell him you want to know why, you DESERVE to know why. if he still refuses, just leave and don't talk to him for a day or two. If he really cares he will try to make contact. after you decide to talk to him again tell him you won't talk to him until he gives you the answer.

    SADLY, most relationships between men and women are about having the upper hand/power, and your case is no different. naturally as the female you should have the upper hand since you have a vagina and men are dogs. learn to use the game to your advantage.
    (even if your not the "game-playing" type, sometimes unfortunately you'll have to as much as it sucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:23:42 No.10662877
    So, I've made some good progress at not being your stereotypical internet nerd. I have a well-paying job, live alone, am working out to get back into decent shape. I worked with the public for years, so I'm also pretty good at conversation and all that, so I never have a huge problem getting along with people.

    Thing is... I'm super-introverted or something. And my friends drag me out to do stuff about three times a week, which overstimulates me to begin with. So any time I get into a relationship, I end up avoiding my girlfriend, just because, well, the last thing I want to do on most days is spend more time with people than necessary.

    I broke up with my last girlfriend over it, and I'm not sure what to do from here on out. Even if I got my friends to accept 'no' a few times a week (very difficult, since they can just show up at my apartment and bang on the door), I can't guarantee I'd feel like hanging out with a girl regularly if I got in another relationship. But, there are a few people I like enough that I can tolerate them indefinitely, and if I can just find meet one of those...
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:26:08 No.10662911
    Bout to start Junior year of high school in a different state. (Inb4 b&.) I'm nervous that I might have trouble making friends since I went to the high school my middle school fed into before this and knew just about everyone. I suppose I'll just be friends with the popular kids.

    Should be easy enough to fit in. (Pink polo one day. Sarcastic T shirt and cargo pants the next. Rinse and repeat.) But I'm still worried that they might be intransigent.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:26:27 No.10662919
    From personal experience, I'll tell you it's an acceptance/coping issue. He's more likely than not been fucked over by some girlfriend in the past, and if he can compartmentalize you as a fuckbuddy/close female friend, it'll be easier for him to deal with it if/when things go sour between you two.

    If this is the case, let him know that he can trust you not to hurt him like he's been hurt before, but be prepared to actually not fuck it up.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:26:39 No.10662922
    If you're of age, next time you hang out, go have a drink. Things always loosen up then. You'll find out what she's about, and what she wants.

    - ps - i don't think you are friendzoned.. she just appears busy.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:28:36 No.10662946
    Thanks for all of the listening and sharing of insight.

    You're pretty cool

    20 points for you
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:30:16 No.10662966

    i'll try....
    i'm just super ronery atm, and would love her company, but she didn't answer my text earlier, so i'm not going to push it
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:31:14 No.10662978

    Thanks for the help. Might have to wait a bit for that drink though, turned 20 over the summer. Or just do it at someone's house or a party or something. I'll see how things go.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:32:12 No.10662991

    First off, don't do things you don't want to do. If your friends were true friends they'd understand no means no. Also, stand up for yourself.. if they show up anyways, you have so let them know you can stand up and say no also. Just live life how YOU want to live it, and things will happen for you. maintain a healthy lifestyle, do things every once in a while, try to maintain somewhat of a social life, and pick up a new hobby or 2. Your situation has a good outcome, you have no major problems. Just enjoy your youth before it's completely gone!
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:34:36 No.10663013

    thanks, i try to help people out, if i can.

    i've been doing this for the past 3 saturdays.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:35:36 No.10663028
    i love you
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:37:25 No.10663058
    Don't think too much about it. Just go to school with a positive outlook and open mind. Make friends with all the "cliques"... thats helpful/useful down the road.

    quick funny story - back when i was in high school, the "popular girls" now days are nothing like they were.. some are hippie ish, some are fat, some even go out with guys who were "losers" in high school, after high school everyone is the same. the popularity and clique things are so high school. You'll be fine man, just be yourself and be confident!
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:38:44 No.10663076
    everyone is lonely to an extent, it's all about how you handle it. If you look at it with hope, that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel, it wont' be so hard for you. People make things harder than they should be sometimes by keeping negative thoughts all the time..
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)01:42:19 No.10663126
    i know this, i know it very well
    i'm typically the advice giver
    its just difficult when its your own situation

    i try not to be hella lonelymode, but i'm not in my normal distractionfilled environment
    and it's been 9 months since we've been together, been single the entire time, haven't even gotten laid or had any other girls that have expressed interest
    (which is odd... a full 9 months of none of that)
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)01:42:30 No.10663130
    OK, i'm out guys.... If you still want help, post your question and keep this thread alive by bumping it, and if it's still up when i wake up, i'll answer all the new questions.

    until then, goodnight everyone!
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)02:25:42 No.10663717
    Sorry for the late reply, thank you for the advice. I'll keep this in mind next time we talk.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)03:22:03 No.10664479
    Bumping for others to make an appointment with the doctor
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)03:23:52 No.10664506
    Do men usually feel uncomfortable putting themselves as "in a relationship" with certain individuals on facebook?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)03:34:32 No.10664681
    Yep. See:
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)04:08:30 No.10665138
    One more bump for Pants.
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)10:30:37 No.10668033
    Alright, i'm back.

    any takers today?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)10:35:07 No.10668075
    Daria!!!! I want to buy the whole seasons DVD set.

    Anyway, ever since 8th grade (now we have graduated) there has been this guy I've had my eyes on. He's.. perfect.
    I think he is going to stay in the same city as I for college or for however long.
    I have never spoken to him before, and he never gets on facebook.
    BUT, I still hope that one day me and him will meet. So bad. I think of him every night.
    What... do I do?
    >> Dr. sexypants !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)10:51:08 No.10668186
    Go up to him and approach him if you want him that bad. Be nice and plan something in advance to say to him. Since you would be saying it to a guy, it's way less creepy than a guy doing it to a girl. Go for it! it's every guys dream that girls would come up to them instead of the other way around.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)10:58:29 No.10668239
    thanks. I might never SEE him again, but if I do what exactly would I say?
    "hey I know you don't know me but I've had a crush on you for like a while. wanna go out??"

    His dad's a judge I think he has some pretty high standards.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)11:08:22 No.10668330
    Quick question. Guy I'm in casual relationship is out with bros, I've been having a shit week, he called briefly this afternoon saying he'd be around to talk tomorrow afternoon.

    Would it be inappropriate to just loltext him if he's out with bros (no indepth conversation, just how's it going sort of thing)? Would that seem too clingy?
    >> Nasri gon' style !!KBxaLX+tKSg 08/15/10(Sun)11:58:46 No.10668762
    just as long as you keep it brief it'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)14:25:03 No.10670350
    is the doctor out?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:15:51 No.10670998
    was dating a guy but i was moving so we decided to keep it to just friends turns out im not moving and now i want be more than friends.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:17:15 No.10671022
    >>10660819 if they say they are not ready for a relationship does it mean theyre not ready for a realationship with you?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:21:18 No.10671071
    I haven't been masturbating as much. At first I didn't mind but now I'm starting to kind of suspect something is up.

    I first noticed my hand coming in at strange times of the night, staying at the office more and more. Do you think my hand is seeing other dicks?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:25:52 No.10671128
    is it wrong to get into a relationship with a girl just to have sex with her? she's looking for a relationship, im looking for fuckin
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:29:55 No.10671183
    My new girlfriend has recently gone of to school 100 km from where i live.
    Should i risk being with another girl or should i wait for my girl? (she comes home every 3 weeks)
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:33:47 No.10671244
    OKay. SOi want to tell her i love her but we barely even know each other. I am never alone with her and i cant tell her in front of everyone else. Asking her out could work, but like i said we barely even know each other, so it has got to be something subtle. WAT DO?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/10(Sun)15:36:28 No.10671279

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