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  • File : 1326321463.jpg-(141 KB, 600x449, Scaredgirldog.jpg)
    141 KB Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:37:43 No.1064927  
    Psychology PhD student here, willing to give advice.

    So go ahead and ask!

    Little bit about me:
    Due to finish my PhD this year (I will then be a Doctor of Psychology)

    I'll just remind you to take everything I say as advice and not strict guidelines on what to do with your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:39:31 No.1064946
    What do you think of psychology as a 'science'? Is it truly a science and how do you perceive people who believe it's not?

    Also, why don't you tell us something interesting about yourself. You choose what.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:39:49 No.1064950
    Nobody want any free advice from someone who has interviewed a lot of situations? :(
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:39:55 No.1064952
    An acquaintance of mine thinks that Freud is right about everything. How should I go about verbally bitchslapping him?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:39:57 No.1064955
    Psychology is not actually science.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:40:54 No.1064965
    OP, you must first read Carco Cult Science by Richard Feynman. The latter part concerns psychology.

    Do that and re-evaluate your choices in life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:40:57 No.1064966
    Advice for someone thinking of studying psych?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:42:34 No.1064983
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:42:43 No.1064984
    I procrastinate a lot and only do shit last minute. I usually dont do bad, but if I'd take more time I'd do a lot better. I also cant learn for shit, unless exam is a day away, and this doesnt work in university anymore.

    My explanation for this is that I still live with my mum, in the same room that I lived in for 5 years, through school and everything. I got through school without doing shit but playing videogames, and this atmosphere has somehow stock to this room and therefore to me whenever I am here.

    I've initiated steps to get my own flat and am currently searching, tho I am a little scared of taking care of my own shit, even if I feel like this is exactly what I should do.

    Do you think if I have to take care of everyday shit like laundry / groceries and get out of this house it will help with my procrastination problem and boost my confidence?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:42:53 No.1064987
    It's a science because it uses the scientific method. All theories are based on data which has been researched empirically.
    We have to research and our data has to have a less than 0.05% probability of the results being due to chance. This is almost on tier with Medical Science which is 0.01%.
    Theories which cannot be falsified i.e "God is real" where you can't prove 'God' is or isn't real are usually rejected and abandoned.
    I feel a lot of people think it isn't a science due to old research which is still cited often like Freudian theories.

    Interesting fact about me: I was diagnosed with Asperger's at ages 8 and 16.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:43:00 No.1064990
    Give us a brief psychological analysis of Dr. Hannibal Lecter of the Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon and other novels/movies. What would his diagnosis be as he obviously doesn't fit into a diagnosis of a psychopath.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:44:05 No.1065002
    I don't remember the last time I was happy and I have daily thoughts of suicide. I'm not a shut-in, not a virgin either, though I've had only one girlfriend, I seem like a normalfag to everybody.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:44:39 No.1065008
    do you regret doing a PhD in a science which is mostly bullshit, and not using your intelligence to try to further knowledge a different one?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:44:52 No.1065011
    psychoanalyze me based on this post. go.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:45:11 No.1065016
    Reveal your breasts or kindly leave this place.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:45:47 No.1065023
    why do people become homosexuals?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:46:01 No.1065029

    I wasn't familiar with the 0.05% information. Interesting.
    Do you think that you being an asspie has anything to do with your current academical status, that is, would you be here if you weren't one?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:46:13 No.1065030
    high functioning sociopath, duh.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:46:34 No.1065032
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:46:37 No.1065035
    what can I do about my anxiety? I get a massive nausea whenever I'm in a situation where I need to fight something (ie: big tests, meeting with people I don't like, meeting with people that don't like me, speeches, etc). I don't consciously feel scared of these situations, but my body just keeps fucking me up.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:46:43 No.1065038
    I met an American woman who told me she studied Psychology and that she thinks Freud is wonderful. I just laughed at her and moved on from it.
    It's too hard, once you explain that his theories aren't falsifiable..if they still carry on blindly believing..there's nothing else we can do.

    Maybe make yourself a schedule?
    For example, you set yourself some sort of time limit on when you will get the introduction of an essay finished for university, and then you will set another time limit to do the middle of the essay and another for the conclusion.

    You should also try to cut down on the vidya. I always try to make it only 5 hours a week on my PS3 maximum.

    Try and confront the fear of looking after yourself by doing your own laundry and maybe go with your mum or ask her for a shopping lift and go do the groceries for her. This way, you'll see how it is no big deal and how it is kind of exciting doing your own thing (atleast I found).
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:47:02 No.1065042
    Feynman writes on parapsychology, you really ought to read the whole article:

    "Another example is the ESP experiments of Mr. Rhine, and other
    people. As various people have made criticisms--and they themselves
    have made criticisms of their own experiments--they improve the
    techniques so that the effects are smaller, and smaller, and
    smaller until they gradually disappear. All the parapsychologists
    are looking for some experiment that can be repeated--that you can
    do again and get the same effect--statistically, even. They run a
    million rats no, it's people this time they do a lot of things and
    get a certain statistical effect. Next time they try it they don't
    get it any more. And now you find a man saying that it is an
    irrelevant demand to expect a repeatable experiment. This is

    This man also speaks about a new institution, in a talk in which
    he was resigning as Director of the Institute of Parapsychology.
    And, in telling people what to do next, he says that one of the
    things they have to do is be sure they only train students who have
    shown their ability to get PSI results to an acceptable extent--
    not to waste their time on those ambitious and interested students
    who get only chance results. It is very dangerous to have such a
    policy in teaching--to teach students only how to get certain
    results, rather than how to do an experiment with scientific
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:47:09 No.1065044
    Could be depression or some shit like that. A real one, unlike the neckbeard faggots around here. Seek drugs and do shit you love.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:47:41 No.1065051
    What are your thoughts on schizoid personality disorder and do you think it is a flawed diagnosis?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:48:33 No.1065059
    How do become more efficient in my daily tasks and routine?

    What's the best way to make a better impression on other guys? (no homo, I want some chill male friends)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:48:48 No.1065064

    Sub-human with no skills detected.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:49:21 No.1065068
    Best easily obtainable drugs to OD on. You better answer this OP.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:51:37 No.1065081

    If I'd make myself a shedule I'd just ignore it because I'd knew it wasnt real.. done that alot actually.

    Barely playing vidya now anyway, because studys take up my whole free time. Of course I'd have more free time if I didnt prorcastinate a lot..

    Dont need a ride, since I have my own car, but I feel like its pointless to do these things now because my mum is doing them anyway. Going to learn laundry tho.

    Guess I am on the right way!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:51:45 No.1065083
    is love selfish
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:52:24 No.1065090
    He's a sociopath.
    Murders he saw scarred him for life.
    He is not guilty of any evil doing.
    Really can't be bothered to say anything else.

    Get out. Start exercising. Get up at 8am and go to bed at 10-11pm.
    Without knowing more about you I can't exactly help, but those are steps you can take to increase the neurotransmitter in your brain which makes you 'happy'.


    I think having Asperger's definitely motivated me to do well, but I've never had a particular thing I'm good at.

    Generally, you should stop feeling anxious after you have faced a scary situation head on. For example, go out into a group of friends and the anxious feeling WILL pass and then you will realise it's not as bad as you thought it was. This sounds pretty crap as advice, but your body's response (fight or flight/the anxiousness) will pass and will go back to normal, which should relieve the anxiousness and also help condition your brain to not be so anxious.
    Also, seek out confidence help.
    >> the large hadron collider 01/11/12(Wed)17:54:31 No.1065109
    What, if ANYTHING, can I do to increase my intelligence and/or memory? I'm sure there's at least some fact like dieting or something that will at least optimize my current brain performance.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:54:51 No.1065115
    What do you think about this?

    The effects of emasculation
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:55:02 No.1065117
    why do you guys always blame the father for everyones problems? I'm not trying to make fun of or disrespect your profession, just something I noticed.

    Also, what do you think about beating kids?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:56:00 No.1065122
    Make a file with a schedule that you *actually* keep to. The hardest part is starting but if you can force yourself to start the schedule you're on the right way.
    I don't know about making an impression on guys but be laid back, no one likes a friend who is always het-up about something.

    Paracetamol is probably cheapest and easily obtainable in large quantities? Not a medfag.

    It wouldn't hurt to offer to do them for her a few times to see what it's like!
    Good luck anon.

    Personally I'd say no. There isn't a selfish diagnosis.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:57:13 No.1065128
    When I was 7 years old I got gang raped by a bunch of black people while I out riding my bike. They pulled up in a yellow minivan, grabbed me, then about half a dozen people raped me. I was then kidnapped for a year and half while getting raped everyday, by dozens of people in a ghetto.

    Ever since that whole experience, I have been obsessed of with shoving large balloons in ass, and then clenching my colon and popping them.

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:58:04 No.1065141
    How do talents work? Why can one person, for example, draw much more naturally and easy than another?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:58:07 No.1065142
    Alright doc, analyze me.

    Also, how do I genuinely stop giving a fuck and be as relaxed I am when I'm drunk while sober?
    I don't think I can afford to keep drinking with every breakfast for long.
    >> 2-bits !pGt6/pVDLk 01/11/12(Wed)17:58:17 No.1065147
    >Psychology PhD

    I lol'd look bitch you know nothing of the human, please spout your "emotional intelligence" BS else where...

    Go learn something decent like neurology.

    Become a psychiatrist then talk to us.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:59:13 No.1065153
    >Paracetamol is probably cheapest and easily obtainable in large quantities? Not a medfag.
    Don't listen to this cunt

    Paracetamol/acetaminophen destroys you liver. It takes days to die and you'll be in agony.

    Make an exit bag. Helium tank, face mask and some tubing to attach the two together
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:59:22 No.1065154
    How comes i get so easily attached to a girl i've been txting for a short period of time.. the only thing in my life i can't seem to work out
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)17:59:31 No.1065155
    This is OLD psychology research.

    I think beating kids is wrong, it's also illegal where I live, even a smack on the bum can get you arrested.

    Intelligence is a really broad term. What do you want to be intelligent in? There's all kinds of subtypes of intelligence, such as common sense.
    A start would be reading the daily newspaper. Be aware of what's going on in the world, it can make you seem intelligent atleast.

    As for memory improvement, you will remember things best if you have processed them semantically. This means that you understand what you have read/heard and that it actually has some kind of meaningful significance to you. Depending on what you want to remember, that's the best advice I can give!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)17:59:37 No.1065159
    hey Psychfag,

    So there's this girl who has a crush on me and I like her, but I have trouble flirting with her due to shame that kicks in whenever I try to do something intimate, how do I get rid of my inhibition ??
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:00:17 No.1065167
    Why are you ignoring my question?
    It's alright if you haven't got an opinion, I don't expect you to.
    >> 2-bits !pGt6/pVDLk 01/11/12(Wed)18:00:21 No.1065168
    >Psychology PhD

    This is a joke/troll right?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:00:28 No.1065170
    Did drugs for a while, weed made me depressed as fuck and paranoid and speed made me aggressive, so I quit both.
    I actually both exercise and get enough sleep, as I said, my habits are pretty normal. Don't really know what could I say more to give you the right image, I just feel like bursting my head open would feel insanely good and cleansing.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:00:55 No.1065176
    >There's all kinds of subtypes of intelligence, such as common sense.
    Wow talk about getting all pseudo-scientific and making shit up
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:01:25 No.1065182
    where are you at uni?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:01:55 No.1065185
    Is it depression if you still find enjoyment in activities, yet do not care about doing school/regular work to the point of willfully avoiding it on a deep, visceral level even though rationality tells you that this is self-destructive behavior?
    I regularly get struck with bouts of sadness for my current position in life, especially when lying down, but i don't have the "numbness" associated with depression.

    I don't get it.
    And also
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:02:43 No.1065192
    disregard the "and also"...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:02:59 No.1065196
    Have you ever cheated?
    >> 2-bits !pGt6/pVDLk 01/11/12(Wed)18:03:01 No.1065197
    Why do I like little girls?

    I wasn't ever touched as a child. So don't spout that shit.

    I played a lot of childhood sex games but everyone has done it before.

    I first found CP at 10 years old on limewire.

    Also like dog on girl...

    >> the large hadron collider 01/11/12(Wed)18:03:25 No.1065201

    Well, I was hoping for a more proximate answer, such as things that are scientifically proven to like increase brain cell function or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:03:38 No.1065205
    By drugs I meant antidepresives. Or if you don't want them, at least start getting some neurotransmitter supplements. Having a fucked up brain chemistry sucks so freaking bad and you sound like you have exactly that problem.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:08 No.1065208

    You know your PHD is a total load of old cobblers right lass?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:20 No.1065209
    >Be with GF of 1 year and 3 months
    >We talk about our sex lives during the first month
    >She says I'm her second person she has had sex with (was in a 2 and a 1/2 year relationship before, was 23 when we met)
    >She's my first, had a few relationships in past, did everything except sex
    >fast forward to this month
    >found out she was fuck buddies with her supervisor when she broke up with her ex (cause of cheating, she lost her virginity to the ex)
    >found out she cheated on her ex with another ex
    >she was probably fucking all three
    >feel like shit and can't keep the thought out my mind of her fucking her supervisor which she still works with
    >hate her for lying to me, and keeping it from me when i specifically asked her about her past
    >what do
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:26 No.1065210
    Do people like to befriend those that resemble them slightly?

    A lot of the "best friends" I've met were of a similar height/body shape to one another.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:35 No.1065212
    A 24 year old psychologist won't help you with that.
    Try a neurobiologist/chemist.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:42 No.1065214
    So I developed some social anxiety around 6th grade. Found myself without many friends so I got a bit scared in social situations, same old stuff you hear constantly on this very website.

    But this isn't really the problem. Around developing social anxiety, I also developed a slur. Y'know, you say something but it comes out like someone punched you in the jaw. At first I thought I was talking too fast, but even thinking about what I was going to say and talking slower didn't help, saying "Yea, I like seafood." still came out as "Ye, I like shefoo."

    Being around 12 I went to my parents and they both agreed that I was just being nervous.

    But I'm 20 now, have long outgrown my social anxiety, and I'm still slurring like a motherfucker.

    Is anxiety my problem and I should just see a therapist, or should I just go for speech therapy?

    I'm hoping I won't get "LOLL TUMAH" as a response.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:04:43 No.1065216
    I was just saying what was most easily obtainable.
    Also, you can die instantly from paracetamol overdose, you do not just have to damage your liver, especially mixed with alcohol. A lot of people die with no pain whatsoever.

    Mostly, it's about your genetic makeup. Genes predispose you to certain talents. Maybe artists have the genes which allow them to appreciate shapes from different perspectives.
    However, it doesn't have to be genes. You can attend art classes until you are a good artist. It's not a natural talent but it'll still be a talent.

    Why are you so un-relaxed when sober? Try to let go of the things you can't control. That's a relaxing thought.

    She's rewarding you somehow which makes you attracted to her. Attention, maybe.
    Try to take a step back and think about if you really like her.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:05:31 No.1065221
    In real life situations do you analyse people like your friends, strangers etc.?
    In a psychological way not just like a normal person would.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:06:11 No.1065227
    Dump her. Have some self respect.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:06:11 No.1065228
    I really have nobody to talk to about stupid stuff like this so maybe you can give me your advice/thoughs

    I've been talking to this girl for about 2 months, we went out a few times but nothing happened then NYE came around and i wanted to arrange this special moment and maybe kiss her at 12 and all that jazz but my plan failed because the party we went to sucked and all her cockblocking girlfriends were there so my hands were tied. I confronted her about this and we got into a semi-fight about it and haven't spoken in a week which is wierd seeing as how up to that point we spent hours upon hours on MSN, sent hundreds of texts to eachoter ETC.

    Do i cave and contact her or do i continue to play this silly waiting game, on the one hand i feel like i should just man up and give in but then i fear i'll look weak as things do have a swort of competition feel between us if you know what i mean, we're just playing around not showing our intentions

    WAT DO
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:06:32 No.1065233
    I wan this question answered OP. I spend hundreds of dollars every month on balloons.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:11 No.1065243
    What shrinks think about people who are into kinks, especially recreative sadists and masochists?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:14 No.1065244
    Thanks, i don't know if i like her but i know i'm attracted to her. she's just a mindfuck
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:20 No.1065245
    Well how do you 'let go'?
    I've been faking it ever since I can remember, but it's not the same.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:34 No.1065247
    >Also, you can die instantly from paracetamol overdose, you do not just have to damage your liver, especially mixed with alcohol. A lot of people die with no pain whatsoever.
    Not that I have any proof to the contrary, this goes completely against everything I've heard and I wouldn't do this.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:49 No.1065251

    Your attempts for attention are pretty pathetic bro
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:55 No.1065252
    Fucking cunt tried to destroy my liver. Worst medical professional I've ever met.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:07:59 No.1065254
    Shame of what?

    I'm so sorry! Completely missed it.
    Diagnosis surrounding mood disorders is so difficult to explain, it's really controversial. I find diagnosing somebody with schizophrenia hard (during fake tests) but as long as they get help (the drugs for alot mood disorders are the same, so it's not that awful if you had a misdiagnosis as bipolar and schizophrenia overlap in many ways)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:08:58 No.1065260
    Hey buddy, the cunt may be right. But over 9000 druggies say otherwise
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:09:51 No.1065265
    >Shame of what?

    I feel ashamed to admit that I need a girl in a man-woman way, I feel a deep shame whenever I try to flirt and it inhibits me, I've had it since as long as I can remember
    >> the large hadron collider 01/11/12(Wed)18:10:05 No.1065267

    Neurobiology and psychology overlap.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:10:51 No.1065273
    My mum has her Ma. Psychology, and you know what she said?! "I noticed you have a lot of tshirts with specific styled women on them; you don't happen to watch a lot of porn, and believe women are just for fucking & cooking do you?" I fucking do. Mind reading shit. BE GONE!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:11:05 No.1065275
    First time I hear about the supplements, I could give that a shot. I'm sort of wary of all the side-effects antidepressants bring. Thanks for responding.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:11:35 No.1065278
    I've thought about it but maybe my judgement is impaired because of the emotions.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:12:18 No.1065284
    Fuck me this has alot of posts. Anyway. U might be my dads cousin. Are you working in Aberdeen or Dundee currently?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:12:52 No.1065290
    Let's be more literal. You're more likely to get your answer from someone who specializes in neuroscience or a more resourceful psychologist.
    >> fruitboot !rc8StDQKtE 01/11/12(Wed)18:13:31 No.1065297
    I got my B.S. in psychology, im currently working on my master's in counseling. I'm pretty set on money and bullshit because of, well, short story, life i guess. I'm thinking about getting a Ph.D in clinical psyc to do some testing and maybe take on an academia profession. I'm really interested in therapy, which I'll be able to do when I graduate and get my LPC. Do you think a job in academia is worth it, I feel like its a job that never you never really get to go home from, whereas therapy offers a nice 9-5, off on weekends kind of schedule. Opinions? Also, any reason a Ph.D. would would be preferred over an LPC, other than potential job opportunities, in the mental health field. Thanks man.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:14:11 No.1065302
    >Here, have some lithium. That stuff fixes everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:14:38 No.1065306
    Do you believe at all that the way psychology is often carried out is actually damaging to a patient? I was forced through various psychiatric services when I was a teenager and it just ended up fucking me up even more. Also, are you doing clinical or academic psych?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:15:41 No.1065319
    Honestly don't know how I can give you some quick advice via Internet.
    If you feel this badly, you should seek help from a doctor, as they would be able to pinpoint where this depression is coming from.

    It sounds like you have no real goal in life which could be making you feel quite sad. Honestly, just try to find a goal. It'll make you have a whole new outlook on life.

    Yup I have, when I was around 17.

    It's a lot of work and people hate you for it. But if you have a passion for it and are genuinely interested by it you will go far.

    I don't know the research off the top of my head but I remember reading a paper where partners usually resemble each other i.e people with glasses are more likely to end up with someone else who wears glasses, people of similar height...

    Finding CP at age 10? Jesus
    Again, there is no definitive answer for this.
    I get the feeling you understand that it is wrong, which is a huge step. I take the side of psychology which assumes fetishes are learned. Somewhere in your life you have learned this and you can learn to become unattracted to it as easily as you can become attracted to it.

    All the time. Sometimes I tell friends to shut up when they tell me weird shit because it gets my mind going.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:16:56 No.1065333
    Read this dude, it's helpful but take it with a pinch of salt.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:17:03 No.1065335
    Dump her. End of.

    Just send her a text, casually say you'd like to see her again and that you enjoy her company
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:17:06 No.1065336
    >easily ontainable
    Haha that reminds me about something
    I went with my dad shopping at tescos a while back... He got 3 packets of paracetamol. But they limit it so you can only buy 1 packet at a time. Im just laughing my ass off since he is a gp and a fellow who prescribe all sorts of shit but can't even buy 2 packets of paracetamol.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:17:20 No.1065340
    I'm thinking of getting a degree in psychology. Are there a lot of job opportunities?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:17:29 No.1065341
    >not a ES:Skyrim ingredient
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:18:05 No.1065346
    Cure the slur, OP.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:18:32 No.1065350
    Slurring? I'd say go to the doctors, ask advice on what to do. If you have agreed it's not anxiety and if the slurring occurs in non-anxious situations then it is probably a speed impediment.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:18:59 No.1065355
    Not OP, but I think you shoud ask yourself what you find more fulfilling, consistent therapy work or intellectual/scientific pursuits. I think people usually lean to one way more than the other.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:19:36 No.1065357
    I first found cp when i was around 12. When i still had dialup, lol.
    Kazaa had some crazy shit.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:20:57 No.1065365
    There's no definitive thing where we are like "Oh yeah he's got daddy issues".
    If it's not messing up your life or causing distress, then it's okay to have some kinks.

    Sit down and write down everything you worry about.
    Highlight the things you CAN control.
    Realise that these are things you should work on rather than worrying about things that are out of your control and are effectively stopping you living your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:21:28 No.1065369
    John C. Reilly has a noticeable slur even when he's not Steve Brule. The man's in movies.

    For your health.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:22:15 No.1065377
    This goes for all Psych?! My mum gets terrorised when people find out she has it. To which I think a few bricks may be going through a few car windows.

    She is currently clocking up her "field experience" to be accepted onto her Ma., so she's working with people suffering with autism/bipolar/etc but the people she works with (the supposed mentally abled ones) absolutely despise her because of her degree, when they only have GCSEs or something. What did you do for your field experience, and did you come into any similar shit?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:23:21 No.1065387
    Like most degrees, you can leave and go into a load of fields.
    From being a teacher to being a journalist.

    It sounds deep. Did your parents or maybe a male figure do something which made you feel emasculated and you never wanted to feel like this again?
    If it is stopping you from finding a mate, then I'd go to the doctors and have a few counselling sessions. They can help you get back the confidence you deserve.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:23:41 No.1065388
    Seeking counseling isn't really common practice where I live in, and I can't imagine myself keeping it a secret from my family, I also can't imagine how they would react after coming out with the thoughts I've been having for so many years, while acting normally.
    Thanks you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:24:12 No.1065393
    >I take the side of psychology which assumes fetishes are learned. Somewhere in your life you have learned this and you can learn to become unattracted to it as easily as you can become attracted to it.
    Do you hate gays too
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:24:28 No.1065398
    I have a friend who suffers from anorexia and depression. She's prescribed prozac for the depression (20 mg) and is being treated for anorexia. She still seems depressed and lies about eating, doesn't eat much, rake thin, etc etc.

    But here's where it gets weird.

    She claims she hears a voice. Its a voice that sometimes belittles her, sometimes treats her well, and is often there. The voice has a personality and name. She shows no other symptoms of anything psychotic, no delusions, behavior not abnormal (at least, no more abnormal than an anorexic depressive) and claims no-one else but me knows of the voice, not even her psychologist. Lately she also claims to have visual hallucinations, such as a huge hole in the ground which sometimes appears. I was there at one such instance she claims she saw it, and her action was to say 'oh it's weird, lets get out of here', seeming no more panic than if she witnessed a large dog. On other occasions she claims she sees 'freaky colors moving'.

    I'm no expert, but it seems really fishy, and to be honest, i don't believe a word of the so called hallucinations. But I'm wondering, is there any merit at all to what she is saying? could it potentially be true?
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 01/11/12(Wed)18:24:31 No.1065399
    Awesome. I happen to be writing a book about a bunch of kids who have to live in a psychiatry ward (either voluntarily or under court order).

    I wanted to know, what are some interesting group therapy exercises I can include? Also, do you have any medical survey forms you can include for working with patients demonstrating self-harming behaviors?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:24:35 No.1065400
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    I'm always really self conscious of my appearance, no matter what I do. I think everyone is secretly judging me, and this includes constantly playing out scenarios in my head of what would happen if I were to do anything, and I can't help but convince myself these complete day-dreams would turn out more or less true.

    On top of this I'm either ugly enough or something's just fundamentally wrong with me. It's like everyone assumes I have other friends or some shit. I don't talk to many people because I am just really apathetic to most of their thoughts and opinions, but it's like some secret rumor spread about me, "That guy's an asshole, NEVER talk to him." I'm a sophomore in college now and have a non-existent social life. Being introverted I can stand two or three weeks just by myself, but loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted really starts to set in after a while. This will put me in a shitty depression rut usually until I can get euphoric on some drug/alcohol(WHICH ARE HARD TO FUCKING GET BECAUSE I HAVE NO FRIENDS GODDAMNITFUCKTHISGAYEARTH).
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:24:51 No.1065405
    Why do gay partners wear the same clothes
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:25:17 No.1065415
    Why do I feel like the most active guy in my group, but then when thoughts set in, I'm the most morbid?

    It's like screwing around in general keeps me happy and then it comes creeping back again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:25:54 No.1065422

    I need help OP, have you ever had a balloon pop in your rectum? It hurts, but I am obsessed with it. I often vomit afterwards, especially if I look at a clock right after I finished.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:26:41 No.1065428
    I interviewed mother's and their feeding habits, to see if mother's were more likely to eat less and feed the baby more and so on.
    Anyway, some of them felt that I was patronising them or like I was acting like I was better than them. I put it down to insecurities of their own and feeling like they should have done more in life. I can't help it if I have to remain professional.

    I wouldn't listen to stuff kids from GCSE say. Ha.
    >> 2-bits !pGt6/pVDLk 01/11/12(Wed)18:26:44 No.1065429
    >Implying I don't want to be attracted to little girls
    >Implying I think its wrong
    >Implying I don't get joy from lolis they so cute!

    Yeah nope.jpg btw we use to trade CP at school when we where 12...

    We never say it as wrong.
    >> noko Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:26:59 No.1065432
    >ITT: Crazies trying to council crazies.

    How does this work anyways?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:27:30 No.1065435
    It could very well be legit, I've heard of similar; I believe there's a woman who hears Eamon Holmes just talking about random shit, and I think the same person has her dad screaming at and ridiculing her.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:27:45 No.1065439
    >There's no definitive thing where we are like "Oh yeah he's got daddy issues".
    >If it's not messing up your life or causing distress, then it's okay to have some kinks.

    The thing I can't figure out is that I had this kind of inclinations even before hitting puberty. At first I thought everyone was like this, when I discovered it was not the case I was severely concern that I'm some sort of monster, to the point of anxiety attack. The I guess I discovered porn and the whole safe-sane-concentual bdsm concept and it did relaxed me somewhat. However after meeting up with some people from "scene" my impression is that there is something wrong with them, if and if there is then there is something wrong with me to right? Oh and if I wanted to label myself i'd say i'm a submissive sadist who is attracted to dominant masochists (although i never met a dominant masochist so far).
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:29:00 No.1065448
    There seems to be a growing notion among Americans that homosexuality is very much a mental disorder and that it was removed from the DSM due to political pressure, and political correctness. What are your thoughts about homosexuality, what has your background in psychology taught you about its status relative to the DSM, and do you have any sort of research related to homosexuality and its classification?

    Thanks, this is a great thread.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:30:04 No.1065454
    I think you're a liar and if you're not lying then immediately seek medical and professional help.

    Nope. My best friend is gay.

    Just to start, your friend may be in a bad place but her own perception on what is happening to her may be worse than it actually is. So she may be telling you it's all terrible but maybe it's just a little bad. Prozac isn't the GodTier anti depressant at the end of the day.

    Hallucinations are reported in Anorexia, I've had girls say that they imagine a skinnier version of themselves who has dyed their hair blonde (why is it always blonde?!) But yeah, there is some credit to what she is describing. She also may be starving herself into craziness.

    If she has any delusions or paranoia then I'd get a doctor involved (if there isn't one involved already which seems unlikely if she still isn't eating much)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:30:29 No.1065459

    This should clear things up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:31:04 No.1065466
    >if and if there is then there is something wrong with me to right?

    = if there is something wrong with them then there is something wrong with me, right? To clarify most submissive people I met were incredibly insecure, I don't see myself insecure to that point, but i can't help wonder.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)18:31:45 No.1065471
    holy fuck i love psychology

    if you're busy being a psycho then why are you on this shitty fucking board son?
    >> Noko 01/11/12(Wed)18:33:10 No.1065485
    How do I make myself seem less weird. Sometimes I do things that just make people stare at each other awkwardly. Also, how can I learn to have a proper conversation with people?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:33:14 No.1065486
    Looked over again.
    I guess I'll go back to laying in bed for another hour and a half or so.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:33:52 No.1065493
    How can I remove myself from possible psychodynamic issues like chronic masturbation, and possible inherited traits such as slight narcissism (I love the idea of power over others), and my inability to manage anger. My dad always responded with anger and incredible frustration when dealing with a problem he couldn't solve.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:35:04 No.1065506
    Way to remain professional. Do you think I am the only one like this? I have a friend that was able to fit a junior basketball in his ass.

    I can't afford professional help. You don't have any strategies I can do to help stop the urges? Or are you here to stroke your own ego?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:36:18 No.1065522
    I'm going to Humboldt for my psych degree next year actually, just went to the orientation in Sacramento last night. How much am I fucking myself over, only thing I've ever been passionate about, ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:37:06 No.1065530
    You could take noko out of the name field. You only need it in the email field and people in this thread would stop thinking you're retarded.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:37:13 No.1065532
    Haha, group therapy exercises are usually made on the ward. Sounds interesting though. You could try the pass the ball thing where patients pass the ball and talk about positive things in their life.

    And, I have no medical forms, sorry.

    Perhaps it is in your genetic makeup to enjoy these kinds of things. When we are rewarded, certain neurotransmitters are released. Maybe this is happening to you. Don't let it bother you know, kinks are widely accepted.

    I think it was rightfully removed from the DSM. I don't see homosexuality as a disorder, and if it was a disorder, it's very hard to classify it - it's not a mood disorder so what is it?
    A lot of research shows that it is near impossible to teach someone to be gay and also near impossible to teach someone not to be gay. It's widely accepted in Psychology that being homosexual is a genetic 'condition'.

    Research shows that being homosexual also have evolutionary advantages. Research into how the 'gay gene' has survived so long shows that it could be advantageous to be gay as you can get away with having sex with men and women, so you can plant your seed whilst keeping men on your side and not seeing you as competition.
    Sorry if I went off course on your question
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:37:21 No.1065534
    >we use to trade CP at school when we where 12...
    How the fuck did you get away with this

    Was it just you and your mentally ill best friend
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:38:06 No.1065542
    My universitary degree is slipping through my fingers, and I'm not doing anything about it.

    I suspect i might have ADD, or a mild depression, or a mixture of both.

    I literally procrastinate until it's too late to even start to have project finished, then I reason: its too late anyway, I already failed, and game some more. And then I hate myself some.

    Sometimes I can snap out of the loop, other times I cant.

    While I know that a lot of people my age procrastinate, Its not as bad as me and its really affecting my results.

    On the other hand I know you shouldnt self-diagnose too harshly without evidence, and I dont want to just use "oh I have ADD" as scapegoat.

    Before feb 1 I have the chance to unsubscribe from my course, the first possible chance I can get to talk to the student psycologist is feb 14.

    Wat do.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:38:25 No.1065546

    I honestly think I may be undiagnosed bipolar, I read some shit online about symptoms, but could you giver me some greater insight into how to tell if someone is truly bipolar or not?

    Male here, btw, just in case it makes a difference.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:39:28 No.1065557
    I don't think fetishes are learned.
    They have a subconscious source that manifests into a fetish.
    Like the sadomasochism stuff from having too much or too little control of X situation outside the bedroom.

    Some can arise from literally nowhere.
    I have had a longstanding fetish for full-enclosure, sensory deprivation type bondage on women. Even before i was sexually aware. In the 4th grade i imagined a girl in class wrapped head to toe in a one-piece latex or spandex suit. In the 6th grade when i started playing a game called WWF Raw on the old Playstation, if i ever made a custom female wrestler she'd be in the same getup with like a lucha libre style thing except fullbody.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:39:35 No.1065558
    unsubscribe from my course without consecuences, i.e. you can get into a different study without giving up the year
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:40:00 No.1065564
    You're probably not bipolar, but if you just want the diagnosis, tell your doctor you have mood swings, should do the trick.
    >> 4chan: a place for friends !l3mSW9uIPI 01/11/12(Wed)18:40:05 No.1065566
    Why do you come to r9k for 'attention'?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:40:32 No.1065573
    >a real science

    its cute that you actually believe that
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:41:23 No.1065580
    I've been feeling better about myself lately, but yet I still have a problem I really need to deal with.

    >A cool girl who likes me, but I don't like too much in that way, because of our loneliness, and her knowing I didn't want to exactly date anyone, created a kind of cuddle buddy deal. Slowly I've eased in further and further, kind of with my eyes closed almost. I really feel like I've gone a bit too far relationship wise. We've only cuddled so far, but we talk to each other like we're a relationship and hang out pretty much every god damn day.

    But I don't want to friendzone her like that. She's an easily depressed girl, and I'd just feel fucking bad for doing something like that to her.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:41:34 No.1065582
    What do you do that's so weird?
    You could practice on family, over the phone, via websites like chatroulette, you could go outside and speak to cashiers when you buy something...

    Not actually that busy tonight as I finished my scheduled work for today at 9pm (I schedule how much work I am going to do each day) but I am going to go to bed at midnight which is when this thread will be ended by me.

    Limit yourself to masturbating only once or twice a day. If your libido is genuinely that high that you need to masturbate loads, then I see nothing wrong with it.
    Try the counting to 10 method (it really really works)
    >Something bad happens
    >COUNT TO 10
    >Still mad? count to 10 again
    >Re evaluate the situation and think of appropriate ways to respond.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:42:32 No.1065590
    So maybe lie about your counseling. Go to a place where they do anger management and say you flipped out on someone.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:42:54 No.1065596
    It's 5%, not 0.05%. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:43:42 No.1065607
    Full retard, you just went there.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:44:13 No.1065611

    I don't understand why people don't believe psychology is a science.

    They use scientific method. Observe real phenomena, and patterns. Use instruments, reasoning, and collect data.

    The only reason they can't exactly measure things to pinpoint and have many theories but not many answers is because its the fucking human brain man. Not until recently have humans been able to even record brain waves, let alone accurately and precise.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:44:50 No.1065618
    why the fuck did i watch this

    I'm gay, this was clearly biased though and thus meaningless
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:45:12 No.1065620
    I actually see this as practice for when I genuinely have to give people advice. But I LURRRRVE THE ATTENTION. Problem? There's nothing you can do about it.

    Generally I'd say googling your symptoms is always a bad idea, it always gets your brain het-up about what you might have. But...
    Do you experience mania? Are you sometimes extremely high up, so happy and ecstatic that it scares others around you? Are you more depressed or more manic, or would you say you're both equally?

    Just go to the doctor and they'll know. How old are you? If you have gone past 20 without relatives noticing something then it might not be as bad as you imagine.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:45:43 No.1065626
    How do I beat procrastination?

    Today from 10am to about 4pm, I wrote one opening paragraph. Thats it. I tried to cut out procrastination. In that time not once did I come on 4chan or Facebook. I listened to music only while making and sandwich and while shaving, that was all. I did almost nothing else. But somehow the hours went and I did almost nothing.

    I know why. It's because this isn't urgent. It's in end of next week, and my schedule next week when I'm back at university is almost completely empty (one minor Jan exam its nothing its an 8 question multiple choice). It's not urgent so I didn't focus.

    How do you beat procrastination once and for all. I know psychologically why we do it, I just want to know how we beat it. Presumably you've run into it at least somepoint being a PhD student. I don't suffer from it too bad I get things done comfortably the day before at latest. But it's almost like I can't dedicate myself to it fully before time is starting to run low. I know mentally how nice it would be next week if I got this and the other assignment done because of all the guilt free leisure time. But I can't bring myself to put the effort in I do when its the evening before.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:46:34 No.1065630
    >>1065439 here
    >from having too much or too little control of X situation outside the bedroom.

    I'm sorry but in my experience while this might be true it is first of all a marketing concept to sell kink to the normal crowd, to make kinks and kinky people more acceptable to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:46:46 No.1065632
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    >tries to make a larger margin of error on data certainty look like a good thing
    >mfw fucking idiot

    95% certainty and 5% error marges are highschool and 1st year university stuff

    real science often requires certainties of 99.95% or higher
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:46:47 No.1065633
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:46:53 No.1065634

    Angerfag here. Do you recommend releasing anger in other ways? I often find myself screaming when alone and have broken my desk several times due to smashing on it. I however have never lashed out physically on a person, and do not believe I will ever, but the anger and narcissism can sometimes cloud my judgement a lot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:47:02 No.1065636
    Because old psychology wasn't much of a science, but people forget that medicine had to start somewhere. Astronomy developed from astrology, and modern psychology, for better or worse, developed from Freud and co. People who are ignorant to the subject don't see the difference. Plus, a lot of people are still really bad at psychology, poorly trained, or still by into psychoanalysis and shit that should be dead. Just going to take time man.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:47:06 No.1065637
    People don't believe psychology is a science because scientists tend to produce results. Should you have a cavity and you go to a dentist there's an EXTREMELY high chance that they can fix things. If you have a problem and go to a psych about it they could fix it, or they could just make it worse or do absolutely nothing. Psychologists/psychiatrists just don't produce reliable results, thus ruining the field's credibility as a science.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:47:37 No.1065641
    It is. That's what emotions do.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:47:54 No.1065645
    I could answer all of these questions just from taking an intro psych class in high school.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:48:02 No.1065649
    Aw shit. I meant 0.05 as a p value
    My bad, I hope my mistake made you feel better about yourself though

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:49:15 No.1065655
    Therapy in my country is so uncommon that stuff like anger management, AA or any other kind of those meetings doesn't exist, at all.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:49:33 No.1065659
    Sadly there isn't a test for mental disorders. And until this is sorted, all we can do is produce theories and test and re-test them until we produce results to show that our therapies and drugs are working to improve a patients condition and if not, fully restore their mental state.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:50:13 No.1065664

    So what you're saying is.

    When a IT guy comes to your house to try and fix your computer, and spends several hours trying to fix it only to find out he cannot. He has no idea what hes talking about and his training in IT was pointless and hes worthless?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:50:29 No.1065667
    That sucks, but a guarantee there must be a counsellor somewhere
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:51:46 No.1065682
    ^ this guy.

    I'm sorry I did not read your entire post. Disregard my response.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:51:51 No.1065685

    Unlike with the body, it's more difficult to assess problems of the mind.

    But, to label psychology and psychiatry is pseudo-scientific makes you sound like a Scientologist. The scientific method is still applied excluding the field of psychoanalysis which is more philosophical in nature.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:51:59 No.1065687
    Exercise. Stress balls. Punch bags.
    All these things work to release anger but you should work on not having the anger in the first place as it does actually pose some health risks.
    Get counselling, even if it's just a few sessions, or take an anger management course. Pin point where the anger is coming from and start teaching yourself to let go.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:52:14 No.1065691
    But that's not true anymore. If someone comes into my office with PTSD, I know the proven methods to treat them with. Same for depression, etc. The problem with psychology is that it depends on the individual you're treating's participation. If they follow simple orders, they'll do great. A lot of people don't. Just like when you go to the doctor and they tell you to stop smoking if you want to breath better and avoid lung cancer. You end up having to treat them for lung cancer.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:52:16 No.1065692
    An IT guy can fix a computer more reliably than a psych can fix a mind.

    Which is why psych shouldn't be considered a hard science. Science, by nature, is testable and able to be calculated.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:52:25 No.1065693
    We might be doppelgangers.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:53:10 No.1065704

    Please answer me =S

    And do you think being sexually active with other partners would lessen my chronic masturbation, in the sense that I would not feel, for the lack of a better word, the cravings?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:53:25 No.1065707
    Probably. Like I said, this is just me trying to give some advice for an hour while I have some spare time. If after my PhD, I had somebody asking the questions they have here, I would spend a lot of time with them going through things and therapies to help them
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:54:33 No.1065719
    >Generally I'd say googling your symptoms is always a bad idea, it always gets your brain het-up about what you might have. But...
    Do you experience mania? Are you sometimes extremely high up, so happy and ecstatic that it scares others around you? Are you more depressed or more manic, or would you say you're both equally?

    Just go to the doctor and they'll know. How old are you? If you have gone past 20 without relatives noticing something then it might not be as bad as you imagine.

    I'm 36 and I'm often more down than up. I've contemplated suicide more times than I care to think about. However, I have gone periods of feeling pretty positive and euphoric as well.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:54:38 No.1065722
    Obviously, releasing sexual tension with a partner would make your need to masturbate go down. But why are you uncomfortable with your need to masturbate?
    It is normal until it starts to cause problems in your day to day life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:55:11 No.1065726

    I'm kind of in the same boat, but I don't have your similar issues (aloneness etc.)

    I ALWAYS daydream and make believe situations in my head, and I coined the term "That's so hollywood" as a way to explain it to people. You know? Something that would happen in a movie. Unrealistic.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:55:41 No.1065734
    Psychfag, have you ever listened to Dream Theater's album, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:55:44 No.1065736
    How often are the periods of euphoria?
    How long does the depression last?

    Don't be scared to go to the doctor, there's so much that can be done to help bipolar sufferers.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:55:52 No.1065738
    why didn't you invest your time and money in a field that actually matters?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:57:49 No.1065756
    You sound really, really paranoid.
    Would you like to be friends with yourself? (nope)
    Nobody wants a friend who is too eager, or too forward and paranoid..

    Relax. It isn't going to be as bad as you are perceiving. Have you tried joining societies to meet more people or social networking sites?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:57:53 No.1065758
    I should add what I tried to fix it with.

    I tried making a schedule, but thought I wouldn't stick to it. So instead I made a list of what I would accomplish each day.

    I broke it instantly. I said I would do a piece of coursework the first day, I actually did half of it. The next day I finished it off but by then I'd broken the schedule completely and it was useless.

    Also how I did that. I cut out everything I considered leisure to finally get something done. It worked, I did that coursework and covered an entire modules notes in a few days. But I burned myself out and spent the next few days (up until today) just doing nothing.

    I know I need to balance the two but I can't do it. I tried today giving myself a reward if I completed the first half of the report today, but I've only done one paragraph so I gave up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:59:07 No.1065774
    How do i stop manipulative behavior in others? I always can tell when someone is trying to manipulate me, but would for instance calling them out on this behavior actually work or i need to do something else?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)18:59:15 No.1065776
    I haven't.

    I'm leaving in 5 minutes guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)18:59:48 No.1065782

    More often than not, after masturbating I feel an incredible sense of "down". Not depression, but almost a mix of sadness, regret, and loneliness. However, it's not a prolonged thing. It's very brief and generally wears off after 10 minutes.

    Also the narcissism from my Dad. Should I just actively be aware of it, and whenever in a position of power (like team leader or some shit like that), try to gather my thoughts and shit like that?
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:00:07 No.1065787
    go fuck yourself with a fucking rorscach inkblot in hopes that it might turn into jizz, psychofaggot
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:00:36 No.1065791

    The euphoria, when it actually does happen, only lasts 2-3 days. The depression is pretty much every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:01:45 No.1065804

    Listen to it. Basically they visited a mental institution, and got all of their inspiration from that. It's all about disorders and mental clicks and stuff. Beside from you appreciating it from a psychological viewpoint, the music is beautifully crafted and a great listen. Check it out.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:01:57 No.1065807
    You've got the answer yourself. You need a schedule that you'll stick to. If it means getting yourself muted on this board, so be it.
    Try breaking the schedule down to "I'll finish the introduction and then have an hour break" and slowly make the breaks smaller.

    Reward yourself with finishing your work.
    Write a list about how you want your future to be and set some goals, it'll make you realise how your procrastination is really going to get in the way.

    Procrastination is really shitty, it took me ages to get over it. I have a strict schedule now.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:01:58 No.1065808
    Any advice on how to deal with an existential crisis? Oh wait, I already know your answer: "I don't know what that is. I've never studied it." Thanks, I'll just go back into my corner and cry again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:02:27 No.1065816

    I refused to come out of my shell until the last few years of high school. I thought nobody liked me and that any attempts to talk to/compliment me were somehow orchestrated beforehand, with everyone laughing at me talking to someone pretending to be friendly to me for a massive joke.

    I also thought any female attention was some elaborate trolling attempt by all the girls to laugh at the guy who had no chance thinking that he does.

    Was this normal?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:03:10 No.1065824

    What was your under grad GPA and major? I just finished my first semester and am looking at majoring in neuroscience.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:03:44 No.1065830

    What's your Thesis title?

    I'm writing mine up at the moment. (HCI here) I'm kinda amused by the fact that 'due to finish' is in your description. Unless you're clinical, 'due to' and 'actually' are two very, very different things.
    >> fruitboot !rc8StDQKtE 01/11/12(Wed)19:04:11 No.1065836
    You have to give yourself purpose. The idea to accepting that there is no God also means accepting that there is no limit to the potential that you have. You give your own life purpose, no one can fucking stop you, and you're only here for 100 years, so get fuckin to it.

    philo minor.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:05:06 No.1065846

    Sounds like you have an avoidant and paranoid personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:06:29 No.1065861
    ...I've never believed there was absolutely no God. I do believe in God. I just don't follow any major religion.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:08:08 No.1065876
    Narcissism might just be a part of you. Try to be aware of it and make sure you aren't taking advantage of others in situations where you are in power.

    As with masturbation, definitely try cutting it down if it is making you feel that way.

    Go to the doctors. Just to be sure. You may just be depressed. But go.

    This is actually very interesting to me.
    Your life is yours to do with what you will and want. Tomorrow is a brand new day and you should wake up knowing you can go into the world and seek fulfilment and happiness.
    It's very sad to think but maybe this is all an accident and we are just here, living. Make a purpose for yourself.

    I will.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:09:36 No.1065889
    It sounds like paranoia. Did you take any drugs during this time?
    You need to gain some confidence. Try taking a class in confidence building or team work. Try joining societies and meeting new people.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:10:13 No.1065899
    >Reward yourself with finishing your work.
    >Write a list about how you want your future to be and set some goals, it'll make you realise how your procrastination is really going to get in the way.

    I did the goal writing thing. I know procrastination will get in the way, but I still do it. I kept thinking of what I want the end result to be which seems to help, but then I sit down and open up the word document and I'm back at square one.

    I'm just getting stressed out by watching time go by and thats stopping me, I think i'll just take that approach and do a set task, try and relax about the time and give myself a set break so at least I get a sense of accomplishment.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:10:32 No.1065905

    lol attentionwhoring on the saddest board to make them less sad? can only be described as sad, fucking idiot.

    [SPOILT]inb4 "but it worked lol"[/SPOILT]
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:10:46 No.1065907
    I don't want to share my thesis, but it is about attraction and arousal.

    And haha, why does that amuse you? I will finish this year. I say due to, incase something awful happens, like all data is lost.
    >> fruitboot !rc8StDQKtE 01/11/12(Wed)19:11:09 No.1065914
    Specific question are always better than 'existential crisis.' Oh, and it is possible to get existential therapy. Not a cbt, but I actually buy into it.
    What is your particular issue at the moment?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:11:53 No.1065921
    Are you just going to stay here saying these things?
    Please do, it makes me feel better about myself that I am not you and it makes you feel better about yourself that you have nothing better to do.

    You mad? Yeaaaaaaaaaah you mad ain't ya!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:12:06 No.1065923
    when I smoke weed, I hear things that aren't there (thumps, creaks, jangles, etc)
    on occasion, I hear things even when I don't smoke
    I have some history of mental illness on both sides of my family
    am I at a high risk of developing schizophrenia?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:12:17 No.1065927

    OP, what are the most used psychological queues that a girl is into you.

    You can be vague as fuck or very specific.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:13:45 No.1065940
    I'm terribly afraid of social situations.
    Especially new situations scare me so much that I often start to shake a little.
    I'm also afraid I break those little social rules, like what greeting you have to say in what situation.

    Also things like smalltalk are very difficult for me.
    But i guess I'm just a pussy.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:13:53 No.1065941
    but it's all true, faggot.
    >implying you can't do two things at once
    >spouting memes
    >being an idiot tripfaggot
    >making words longer like you're actually saying them
    fucking landwhals, lulz
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:14:10 No.1065944
    I got a First in my degree.
    We don't have majors in the UK
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:14:21 No.1065946

    >She's rewarding you somehow which makes you attracted to her. Attention, maybe.
    >Try to take a step back and think about if you really like her.

    Not the guy who asked the question, but this is the best advice I've heard ever on this ever.
    Kudos to you, OP.

    Can I randomly ask you questions over email or IM?
    I have tons of questions regarding psychology that pop into my head at random, but nobody with any legitimate education, experience, or knowledge of the subject to ask.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:15:03 No.1065954
    Hahaha, landwhale

    Get out neckbeard, can spot that you're a faggot a mile off and I'm not even a Dr. yet.
    >> fruitboot !rc8StDQKtE 01/11/12(Wed)19:15:13 No.1065957
    Yea, I had a client who was sent into full blown schizophrenia after smoking synthetic marijuana. I would quit smoking and go ahead and talk to someone so they'll keep an eye on you if you start cracking up.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:15:26 No.1065960

    Drug use has often been found to be correlated to schizophrenia, and it is believed that drug use increases the chances of developing in somebody who has a predisposition for schizophrenia. I would wait until your brain is more developed before smoking more weed. (Like at the age of 26.). If you're past that age, well then it's a chance you are schizophrenic and there is medication for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:16:10 No.1065970
    >tripfag bitching about another tripfag

    Oh christ here we go.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:16:15 No.1065971

    Ha! I believe more that you're actually a PhD student because you can't name your thesis. I'd believe it more if you thought the pain would never end and it was going to kill you.

    Attraction and Arousal? Ha. Sounds entertaining, although I'd love to know where that's going to take you. I'm guessing academia-bound since there's a... limited... application of that for industry.

    Good luck anyway. Thesis writing is fun, believe me.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:17:25 No.1065980
    >like all data is lost.


    As many USB sticks as you have, keep backups on each and one on your computers harddrive.

    If its a big project keep a couple of obsolete old copies by adding the time at the end of the name, and keep the current copy without any time on the end.

    if you saved it now.

    It doesn't have to be a ultra improbable memory corruption, it can come in handy way more often than you expect. Sometimes word just fucks up for example. I was working on something and got a stupid formatting fuckup I couldn't reverse or undo. All I'd done since writing over the backup copy was add one sentence, proofread, and try and move an image (which fucked everything up).

    Crisis averted.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:17:50 No.1065982
    >Due to finish my PhD this year

    I just submitted mine. Add 3 months onto the date when you plan to finish, that will be your real date of submission.

    All I can say about Psycology girls is that they are fucken hot, but damn they play hard to get.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:17:53 No.1065985

    >Due to finish my PhD this year

    She is a PhD student
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:18:00 No.1065986

    What Uni are you at? Curious minds are curious
    >> TSF 01/11/12(Wed)19:18:26 No.1065988
    I'm great at problem solving. When a situation involves me directly, is highly stressful, and requires quick thinking, I shut down and panic.

    >diagnosed with major depression, but I suspect PTSD due to a dangerous home situation, then forced to live on the streets for almost 2 years.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:18:43 No.1065994
    It's not possible to get it where I live. I'm morbidly afraid of death and the possibility that there is in fact, no real purpose in live. I've even convinced myself I can't really exist on a couple of occasions. Other times, I've wondered if I just died 8 months ago and I'm walking around in some kind of alternate universe. My perspective on life is completely different since this has happened. It gives me horrible anxiety and that then turns into depression. I've dropped out of school, moved back into my parent's place, become extremely reclusive and have basically alienated all of my friends. I just don't even want to bother being around people when I've got all this shit on my mind and I know none of them can relate to any of it. Everyone is having fun, not giving a shit about the big picture, and I can't pull my head out of the clouds and just focus on what's right in front of me.

    I'm just thankful I've somehow managed to maintain having a job through all of this.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:18:51 No.1065996
    >hey, you know, if someone founds out that i'm an idiotic idiot then maybe i can call them a neckbear and everything will be alright
    can't help but notice that you only read two words that i'm saying so let's make it fucking quick

    >implying saying things makes anything true
    >implying you're a mile away
    how's your assfries going for you, son??
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:19:13 No.1066002
    I don't have an e-mail that I'm comfortable with sharing on here but I guess if you give me yours I could make a fake one.

    The fact you have a history of mental illness on both sides of your family should've been a big red flag for you not to be smoking weed. There's a lot of cases where people who are predisposed to mental illness have smoked weed and become schizophrenic.

    Lay off the weed for 2 weeks. If your symptoms of auditory hallucinations continue when you are not smoking at all then I would seriously go to the doctors, getting help early on is your best chance.

    A lot of people struggle with small talk, some even hate it and see it as completely pointless. You're not alone. Practice small talk with relatives, phone them up and make a bit of small talk and practice makes perfect.
    Go into a social situation (maybe not a brand new one) and you will see that eventually your anxiety will go or lessen. This is your brain realising that it's not as bad as you had perceived and that you are not in a situation of danger.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:20:28 No.1066018

    >I don't have an e-mail that I'm comfortable with sharing on here but I guess if you give me yours I could make a fake one.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:22:43 No.1066052

    It's called dropbox.

    I have my PhD files synched with Dropbox, which in turn synchs between my Laptop and Desktop (which also backs up separately on a once-a-week automatic schedule). The days of needing to save everything in 15 places are over if you do it smartly.


    > Psych girls are hot

    Y'know, I do think this can be true, but as much as anything it's that you have such a high number of girls on the psychology course that they'll inevitably have hot ones in there.

    > three months after intended

    THIS man is a PhD student. So fucking true.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:23:23 No.1066062
    I laughed. Hard. How does it feel to know you're insignificant and that you will never get the attention I'm getting right now?!?!?!?!?!?!?1111
    It's making you all sorts of crazy, isn't it.

    I already said I was a PhD student, fella.

    I don't want to say but it's in the Midlands :)

    It's quite normal to shut down when a situation is highly stressful as you said.
    Stay around the situation whilst you are panicking/having a panic attack. I know it's hard to stay in the environment but just do it and after the anxiety has passed, you will feel so much better and see that the situation isn't THAT bad as you had perceived.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:26:16 No.1066102
    if you were a good psycho, you'd know exactly how i'm fucking feeling
    except you perceive things all wrong.
    i'm bashing at you for being an idiot attentionfaggot, i don't need any myself because you are a fatass troll and you need more feeding
    and most importantly of all

    you're trying WAY too hard, 1/10
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:27:40 No.1066118
    Oh, and while we're on the topic of weed and schizophrenia, ironically enough, this whole existential crisis bullshit was triggered from smoking too much weed. I was actually beginning to worry I could develop schizophrenia while I was smoking due to the fact that I would hear and see things that weren't there when I would get really high, and during the times I wasn't high, I would dissociate really bad to the point that I would lose chunks of time, not knowing what happened in between. I managed to stop smoking weed when the existential thoughts became so overwhelming and terrifying, but I still to this day wonder if something else is going on besides just the crisis. I still dissociate all the time, my anxiety is uncontrollable, and I'm incredibly paranoid. Much more so than I've ever been in my life.

    Fuck weed, man.
    >> TSF 01/11/12(Wed)19:27:57 No.1066121

    >>1065988 here,
    The panic attacks are happening with more and more frequency. I'm quickly becoming utterly unhelpful and letting down the people around me when the problem involves me.
    Staying near the stress isn't the problem, it's remaining mentally sound /is/.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:28:10 No.1066124
    How do I convince my therapist that I think little girls are sexy because they're beautiful not because I like to have dominance
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:28:50 No.1066128
    I feel for you OP. The last writing up and editing stage of a PhD is the most painful. I am still recovering from mine. There is always something that can be changed or improved. My advice is just get it to the point where it is good enough, otherwise it will go on forever.

    A thesis is never completed; it is abandoned.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:29:17 No.1066134

    Nottingham then. Well, if you're any good. They're the only decent psychology school in that region. Good uni, I did my undergrad there and now I'm wondering who your supervisor is.

    Oh, and I know you *said* you were a PhD student. I was questioning whether you were, because nothing you've said goes beyond an undergrad level understanding in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:29:22 No.1066136
    I'm not too eager to make friends because like I said, I'm introverted. Even on top of that, quietly sitting by myself can't make me appear too eager, can it?

    On how I feel about myself, it feels bipolar. When I'm in my hometown, I'm back to my apathetic self who couldn't give two fucks about what anyone thinks about me. I have a good circle of close friends and am known by and friendly with everyone they know. College though, idk, I just hate myself most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:29:24 No.1066137

    please answer

    i'm interested in psychiatry, and think i could make it in a program, 3.6 undergrad GPA but I'm worried that my major might not be the best choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:29:36 No.1066140
    Looks like the Butthurt.
    >> Anoneriffic 01/11/12(Wed)19:29:42 No.1066142
    Just out of curiosity, I shall ask about this:

    I have the feeling that I think about sex too much. If I'm daydreaming at all, it's usually about sex. I write stories involving sex in my free time, I usually dream about sex, and I get pissy when my bf and I don't get to have sex.
    Don't get me wrong, my boyfriend and I have a healthy relationship and it doesn't revolve around sex. We've been together for some time now and we love each other, and plan to get engaged at some point after when we finish college and have a home of our own.
    It's just that I can't help but find myself thinking about it a lot.

    I've contributed this to being stressed due to college, my Medical Assisting training coming up, and my shitty home life as of now.....and the fact he's damn good in bed and always pleases me. But, I'd like to hear you opinion out of being curious xD
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:30:04 No.1066144
    Still there OP? Any opinion about EMDR, hypnosis et al? Tried them yourself?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:30:11 No.1066146
    >Implying being a psych PhD students means I must know how you are feeling
    >it's a shame I disregard your feelings as you are a douche

    Ah you got me, I was trying too hard. I'm sorry that you think I am fat and stupid. Would you like to provide proof that you are any better?

    E-mailed you off my new account

    Yep, fuck weed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:31:52 No.1066168
    What uni are you at, OP? Any advice for someone trying to get into uni for psychology this year?

    Don't know if this is any help, but I think I've found that the source of my procrastination is some form of perfectionism. I think, anyway. I have this idea that I've the potential to do really well on pretty much everything, and sometimes won't start until I'm sure I can do it the best possible. It's recently started getting better though, I've found.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:32:40 No.1066172
    f to the acepalm, your jokes are fucking pathetic, fucking newfaggot.
    >implying douchebaggots are bad
    >implying i'm even a douchebaggot but a very nice guy irl
    >needing proof on something that barely even matters
    why are you such a shitty psychology? you can do better than that, just stick those dildoes out of your brain and think for a few secs
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:33:30 No.1066183
    I'm British!

    I got a First (highest) in my degree.
    Psychiatry means you need to go into medicine which is very competitive, you will need the highest grades and your major needs to be something Biology based. You are better off asking somebody at your college about this.

    Maybe you're thinking about thinking about having sex too much. Thoughts are thoughts and unless these thoughts of sex are disrupting your daily activities like you're not getting enough work done, there's nothing to worry about.
    >> fruitboot !rc8StDQKtE 01/11/12(Wed)19:34:27 No.1066191
    EMDR has a lot of good support behind it, I'm going to get certified when I get licensed because it is the least intrusive way to effectively treat trauma related disorders.
    Hypnosis requires a willing participant and is basically fake, in a weird, almost real way. Hypnosis works the same way as religion, if you believe in it, God answers your prayers. If you don't believe in it, he doesn't answer a single one. Or something like that.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:34:32 No.1066194
    >Nice guy irl
    >Comes to imageboard to insult strangers

    It would be, from my experience, that you can only pick one of these. If you pick both, you are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:36:36 No.1066222
    Yeah, you pretty much said stuff I've learned, and I'm an undergrad with one year left.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:36:42 No.1066224
    Redirected from Autistic Feminist thread.

    I find childlike traits very attractive. The innocence/purity, courageousness, optimism, shyness around others, etc.

    I don't find young boys sexually attractive. I like men. I would like it most if I found a man who fit this description.

    I think it is a sexual thing just as much as a bonding thing. I want to essentially "corrupt" him. Make him grow attached to me and act as his catalyst for growth, while still keeping some of his more admirable qualities.

    It's like if I was his mom but not really and I got off to it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:36:50 No.1066225

    Hey, OP, your personality is really similar to mine (as best as I can through text in a thread on 4chan, and I find that to be weird but also kind of fuck yeah.

    Also, thanks for reupping my faith in humanity a little bit.
    >> Anoneriffic 01/11/12(Wed)19:36:55 No.1066226
    Yeah, it doesn't actually interfere with getting work done or anything, so I'm not too worried. I was just curious xD
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:37:27 No.1066230
    Emdr is still under controversial debate. It seems interesting but I doubt I would ever use it myself, especially as it's psychotherapy.
    Hypnosis.. damn. I don't like the idea of it, but it does work for some people. It wouldn't ever be my first choice though

    If you're in the UK, you need AAA or AAB to go to the best universities.
    Study hard in your a-levels, it's only a few weeks of your time for a lifetime of fun!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:37:31 No.1066231
    OP can you please answer this? with cherry on top to trick the robot.

    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:37:41 No.1066233
    underexperienced faggot detected
    >getting in a psycho degrees celsius
    >comes to imageboard to be shitty at psychology
    >comes to imageboard at all

    it would be FUCKING OBVIOUS that picking all of these must mean that you're the most stupid assbearded fucking faggot who tries to hide his own insec-impurities by trying to blame someone else.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:38:16 No.1066239


    Do you generally need a strong background in mathematics for PhD programs?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:38:23 No.1066241
    Nice man

    And no problem, even if there has been a lot of people in here trying to antagonise me.
    (I actually think these people are especially odd and would love to interview them in real life)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:39:18 No.1066250
    If you see know a manipulative person just stop associating with them.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:40:29 No.1066269
    Psychology is 1/3 statistics.
    Pretty much all courses at university have a course in Mathematics.
    Unless you're doing a PhD in will have to math of some sort
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:40:37 No.1066270

    To be fair to her, such is the nature of these questions and specialisation: you by definition cannot know everything.

    I have enjoyed how /r9k/ reacts to this thread though: by alternately raging against psychology, or by propping their feet up on an imaginary couch and spilling every deep insecurity they can.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:41:27 No.1066277
    Calling them out on it will probably embarrass them highly and cause them to get a little angry but then they will reflect and realise they are a manipulative person and probably stop manipulating you specifically. They probably won't stop manipulating altogether though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:41:35 No.1066279

    Well, I dunno about an interview, us being on different continents and all, but if you have any questions that come up, you can just email me and I'd be more than happy to answer.

    I'm the fag who gave you his email, btw.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:42:39 No.1066289
    >Implying a PhD is any higher than Undergrad.

    You do not need a master's to do a PhD
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:42:47 No.1066290
    You don't need to be particularly strong in math. Most of the formulas you use would take you a ridiculously long time by hand. Conceptually you learn how to do lots of this stuff but honestly math isn't that important.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:42:50 No.1066291
    Did you go to the beach lately?
    Because I'm detecting a massive amount of sand in your vagina.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:43:51 No.1066299
    Also, I am not at Nottingham university! How is that the only good university in the Midlands with a good Psychology course? Ha.

    I may have also gone to a different university to do my PhD
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:44:21 No.1066304
    it's fucking amazing that even when OP tries to be less retarded someone goes ahead and acts like a candyassgot for him
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:44:58 No.1066310

    I haven't taken a statistics yet, but I struggle with calculus will this ruin my hopes of a doctorate?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:45:01 No.1066311
    so what do? I usually try to ignore and not be manipulated, but some get their hissy fit when when i don't so I just pretend to avoid the drama
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:45:26 No.1066317
    Thats not really true, at least in the US. If you don't want to do them separate, you do this kind of thing where you get the PhD and the Masters in one go.

    Honestly though, a PhD is purely for the academic sides of Psych. Also if you want to get funding and direct more involved research.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:46:18 No.1066326
    Whoa there dude...
    Let me get you a ladder so you can get off my back...
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:46:19 No.1066327
    Nope. You have assistants who help and also programs which do the statistics for you.
    You just need to know how to data handle and when and why to use certain statistics
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:47:36 No.1066336

    Well, York's the North, Sheffild's a bit dodgy and Birmingham... ok, it might be Birmingham. Just the best psychology schools tend to not be in the Midlands.

    So you DID go to Nottingham undergrad then?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:48:08 No.1066342
    Hey OP, what are your thoughts on women wanting total equality yet they don't take into consideration steriotypical things women themselves do? Equality means TOTAL equality, not just better for the female side of the argument
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:48:25 No.1066343
    Nah, I didn't go to Nottingham undergrad.

    Nottingham is kind of..crap? Don't they want low A-level grades anyway?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:48:32 No.1066347
    No. I got an A in statistics just fine and I'm so so at math. Just as long as you understand Algebra, you're good.

    BUT, you reaaaaally need to make sure your prof is a good one, or else you'll be bored and confused and it'll be hard for no reason.

    [Also, I'm not the person you asked, but yeah]
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:49:03 No.1066351
    Maybe they don't understand what total equality means.
    Maybe you should tell them.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:49:29 No.1066358

    It's true you don't need a masters to do a PhD in the UK though.

    But seriously, her answer rather missed the fucking point, which was more that if she's at a point where she's going to be submitting in the near future she should be answering at a level higher than undergrad. Just through independent research.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:50:12 No.1066367
    fucking stop right there, epsilonfaggot, and blow all of your shitty puns out of your ass
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:50:44 No.1066371
    op why did evolution made us be afraid to talk to the oposite sex?

    why cant i get some pussy for procreation porpuses?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:51:18 No.1066378
    I do enjoy seeing you talk about me in the same thread haha.

    I came on here to answer, quick advice to small-time problems.
    Also, when you're giving somebody quick advice, they don't often appreciate you citing research here and there. I'm sorry you don't appreciate my thread, but I actually just wanted to help people rather than give them a crash course in Psychological theories with evidence.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:52:10 No.1066385

    Thanks Psychfag. You wouldn't by chance have any advice on how to cope with the overwhelming anxiety I experience when I'm working on calculus problems would you? I spend about 2-3 hours a day working on 15 problems but I complete half of them.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:52:18 No.1066388
    Because women are choosy and decide that your seed isn't good enough for their limited number of eggs.

    don't go rape a girl because I said this
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:52:41 No.1066391
         File1326329561.jpg-(95 KB, 650x413, 1325920515532.jpg)
    95 KB
    bump for freud.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:52:49 No.1066392

    Ha! yeah, if you want to count AAA/AAB as low grades. And clearly you need to look into research stuff if you think it's a bad uni or department that's... hilarious.

    And no, I didn't stay there for My PhD, but that's besides the point(!)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:52:51 No.1066393
    Not OP, but you just said you're afraid to talk to the opposite sex. Doesn't that answer your question?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:53:18 No.1066395
    My dad can beat up your dad and there's nothing you can say or do to change that.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:53:42 No.1066400
    Damn. That's really sucky, you should seek help from your college/university on getting some help with your math? Especially as it's causing you anxiety and you're not getting it all done.

    Leave a problem and go back to it. Maybe do a half of it and go back to it. Should help with the anxiety but unless you understand what you are doing, you'll remain anxious, so go get help.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:54:11 No.1066410
    I'm not talking about the ignorant women I personally know, I'm refering to feminist masses that walk the earth. Why don't they see how biased their opinions are?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)19:54:50 No.1066424
    They ask for AAA? I didn't know that. I don't remember even considering them for my PhD.

    Don't get so mad because I said the university wasn't good, damn. SORRY.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:55:02 No.1066426
    Do you know anything about 5ht-7? Risperdal permanently inhibits 5ht-7, I was wondering if the inhibition remains after the drug is discontinued.
    >> Butthurt Scavenger !VEieiX.C1E 01/11/12(Wed)19:55:19 No.1066430
    k 0/10 now you're just laying a fucking egg
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:56:52 No.1066447
    Another way to help is to go to a Math Lab. When I had math classes I'd go to one and the people at my uni were so nice it was kinda nuts. Find out about one and just spend as much time as you can there, having someone else there to possibly support you might be helpful.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:57:12 No.1066452
    I thought about that "Feminism means special treatment for me" picture
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:57:34 No.1066456

    I've been to tutors, and I've been to the university math center. Everyone I've went to for help in the subject has basically told me to fuck off. One told me I didn't even belong in uni.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:57:37 No.1066457

    > you're talking about me

    welcome to 4chan, this sort of conversation mis-mash is very common.

    And again, your answer is kinda ridiculous. At no point was I asking you to cite journals, I was simply pointing out that the level of information you're providing is of the undergrad level. That's all. it's undergrad if it's cited or unicited. And it's undergrad rather than more sophisticated, regardless of presentation. There are ways to convey more complex information at an appropriate level and you're not doing that.

    Note even having to explain that is ridiculous, but your bullshit non-relevent deflection bothered me.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:58:23 No.1066464
    I don't understand your point.
    You looking to buy some fertilizer or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:58:24 No.1066465
    you are really very fucking bored, dont you?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:58:30 No.1066467

    not OP but no, permanently inhibit simply mean completely deactivate the enzyme, as new enzymes are being produced the effect wears off, for obvious reasons
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)19:58:50 No.1066469

    Hey, your loss. If you're in the Midlands and not there, you're somewhere worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:00:21 No.1066487
    I'm sorry to say, you go to a shit uni. Where the hell is this at? You could always try to crash the Physic's lab if your uni has got one, those people were super nice.

    Otherwise, another way you could do it is talk to someone from the class about working on problems together. Or figuring out if there's a club on it.

    [Not person you were asking by the way]
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)20:01:44 No.1066503
    Side effects should remain like tardive dyskinesia from that drug, but I don't know about what it does to the 5-ht7 receptors but I'd expect it should stop after discontinuation.

    >come to imageboard
    >get told off for not being sophisticated

    Seriously - I don't know whether to apologise or laugh. What did you expect this thread to be? I didn't want to say more than what had to be said. This is the kind of thing I'd throw at a friend in a bar.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:03:43 No.1066528
    There's a girl, slightly younger than me, seems to be interested in me, we talk a lot online and really seems to like me. . .online, but when we meet up, we stand next to each other in silence, and I think she might want someone else, what do?
    should I make a move?
    is she nervous?
    I also get real boring around her, or i think so myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:04:27 No.1066537

    its a top 50 school, but it is notoriously corrupt in all aspects regarding its staff and administrators. I'm on scholarship there so there's no point in me transferring unless I can get a scholarship to a marginally better school.
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)20:05:33 No.1066556
    Sounds really awkward.
    Talk to her about it, that's the best thing to do.
    How do you like each other if you never talk very much in real life?

    Just tell her how you feel and hopefully you can both laugh about the awkwardness and move on from it.

    Also, she doesn't want someone else if she's meeting up with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:06:20 No.1066563
    How do you feel about evolutionary psychology?

    Why do you think women tend to get really butthurt over evolutionary psychology?
    >> Psychfag !VfvN05GuTU 01/11/12(Wed)20:07:56 No.1066577
    Butthurt? I'm pretty happy with evolutionary psychology. I love it.
    I also love how women are basically the deciders on whether or not men get to spread their seed.
    But I can see why it would annoy a woman, knowing that we rely on men for resources and protection.

    Going to bed now! Bye guys.

    I hope I atleast helped some of you, even if my advice is probably something you've heard before seeing as I can't sit down with you in real life.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:09:12 No.1066599

    > Stuff I'd toss at a friend in a bar

    Yes. And I'd expect THAT to be better from a PhD student too.

    Seriously, I don't know how many times you want to miss the same basic point but GIVEN the context your information is STILL relatively low-level. THAT is what I'm saying.

    Now chill out. It's just my opinion and you don't have to agree with it or even mind it. I'd just appreciate it if you actually recognized what I was saying, rather than making something up to strawman away.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:10:03 No.1066604
    Fuck, that sucks. Well yeah like I said, what about other students? Getting someone to work with you. And don't you guys have student tutors? We do.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:13:02 No.1066637
    It's always the same thing.

    I fall in love with a girl.
    We kiss and get really close.
    I suddenly start to hate everything on her.

    Why does this happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:16:56 No.1066688

    Other students are usually to busy to work together where I go. I went to a student tutor for a couple weeks for precalc; he was good in the short term but didn't really have a lasting impact.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:21:11 No.1066739
    I don't really know what else to tell you, I guess it's kind of hard not knowing the situation there very well. But I guess you could try another student tutor.

    Otherwise for your anxiety you could go get a little help, but support from others is really the best thing.

    Sorry man.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)20:22:50 No.1066761
    >that feel when i'm 24 and will just be starting my bsc in nursing and you're 24 and almost a doctor

    so jelly

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