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  • File : 1326305656.jpg-(145 KB, 500x364, 2395601434_4ac530b124.jpg)
    145 KB Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:14:16 No.1062696  
    Stop being such pussies about your sexism and misogyny. Every thread implies it, incites it, but you're never actually honest about it

    go on. post.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:17:13 No.1062710
    So your thesis is that r9k isn't explicit enough about its misogyny?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:19:04 No.1062719


    I'm mad that for how obvious it is, nobody actually talks about it directly
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:20:08 No.1062727
    I don't understand. How do they indirectly talk about their misogyny?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:20:52 No.1062729
    You are kidding right? I mean, I'm genuinely confused as to how you could think /r9k/ doesn't talk about misogyny.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:22:22 No.1062738
    Of course they talk about misogyny. They do it all the time. What more are you asking from them?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:23:55 No.1062751
    I think it's disgusting to go out and have sex with a bunch of random people, especially one's you just met that night. Girls who do this (75% of them in college where i am) will never be desireable to me. Where the shit can I find a nice non-slutty girl who isn't a fucking christian? Nowhere? Oh right, that's why I hate women.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:26:15 No.1062771
    We basically control men with our bodies. A guy is usually motivated by two things, money and sexual desire. Both feed off each other.
    It's not sexism, it's slavery, and you guys love it.
    Now get on your knees.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:26:30 No.1062775
    are you asking for people to say something like "I H8 TEH WOMEN CUZ I NEVA GOT ANY" or "I H8 MENS CUZ MAH DADDY TOUCHD ME"

    Because if so, you're going to be waiting a long time. As while those typically are the seed causes of misogyny and sexism, their final structure bears practically zero resemblance to the original form.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:28:21 No.1062786
    In the UK, women have average 7 partners in whole life, men 13. who sleeps around more?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:28:32 No.1062787
    "Control" isn't exactly the word I would use. You have some sway, but not as much as you think.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:29:09 No.1062791
    > Where the shit can I find a nice non-slutty girl who isn't a fucking christian?
    Grad school.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:29:18 No.1062792
    what's the average and the SD?
    srs question
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:30:03 No.1062798
    You mean women REPORT that they have had 7 sexual partners on average.

    There's no practical way to know if that's true.

    If anything, it seems that women have motivation to deflate their numbers while men would do the opposite.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:32:30 No.1062815
    It's a lot of sway. Some nuts are harder to crack than others. A divorced man of 45 is more cautious than a 20 year old. But flash either money or sex his way, and he'll listen.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:33:19 No.1062824
    >Now get on your knees.
    >and reduce me to a quivering mass of disjointed limbs, body, and brain, as I can achieve true sexual gratification no other way


    >I want you to objectify and demean me, that means I am in control

    AKA, self-reinforcing delusion.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:33:30 No.1062827
    If women have so much sway then why aren't they running things?

    >inb4 they secretly are.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:34:01 No.1062831
    >it's slavery

    Actually I think of men and women as mutual parasites. They both leech off of eachother, just for different things (money, sex, etc.).
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:35:02 No.1062839
    Not the guy you're replying to, but I do agree that women would under-exaggerate and men over.

    But even if you do take this into account, bump women up a bit and men down a bit then you find that they are the same.
    BUT THEN you have to take into account that r9k is bringing the men's worldwide average down at least 4.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:37:18 No.1062849
    So if men, on average, have fewer sexual partners than women...
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:38:37 No.1062860
    >I only let him do anal so that doesn't count
    >i only blew that other guys 2 friends while he fucked me so that's only one
    >I was drunk for that one so it doesn't count
    >I didn't have an orgasm so that doesn't count
    >I didn't like it so that doesn't count
    >I only did it so he would pay for dinner so that doesn't count(actually had a woman say this to me once)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:39:32 No.1062867
    I hate men because they are the vast majority of rapists, pedos, serial killers, thieves, murderers, and corrupt businessmen and politicians. This is always ignored on /r9k/.

    You guys are the shit tier gender.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:39:46 No.1062869
    Where was that implied in post?

    In the "The average for men and women would be the same" part?
    Or the "r9k is bringing the men's average down" part?

    Remember when you were 7 and your teacher was talking about reading comprehension, but there was a squirrel outside?[/spoile]
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:40:58 No.1062875
    Only white men

    Just sayin
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:41:05 No.1062877
    >Someone with a penis is a pedo
    >I have a penis
    >I am responsible for his actions

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:42:31 No.1062892

    In my experience, the divorced ones are pretty desperate, but then guys who are legal but younger than 25 always want relationships the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:43:19 No.1062896
    But one girl being a bitch to a robot means the entire gender are sluts?

    Both of you, shut up with the sweeping generalizations.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:44:47 No.1062900

    >implying /r9k/ never says the same thing about women


    There are pedos of a different color. White ones just get more attention because their victims are white too, thus more important than the non-white kids.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:46:15 No.1062907
    Well if I was in a position of authority...I wouldn't want to. I'm not as agressive as a man. I tend to be swayed by emotions too. I just don't want the front-facing responsability. (me personally). Do I influence the men in my life? Oh for sure. Do they influence me?
    There truly is no sexism or misogyny. There is envy and fear, two very normal, very basic instincts. I'm not picking on the men either. I know some women who are man-hating she-bears too.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:46:17 No.1062908
    >Implying I take part in the misogyny of r9k
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:46:20 No.1062910
    no the entire gender being sluts means the entire gender is sluts

    come on now, at least try to use some logic
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:46:32 No.1062912
    You are if I'm responsible for the actions of the bitch who friendzoned you in favor of some "alpha" douchebag who treated her like crap, or for the gold-digger who married a guy and then divorced him and took half his shit, etc.

    >/r9k/ logic
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:46:44 No.1062913

    >sweeping generalizations.

    I didn't say all men are rapists, pedos, serial killers, thieves, murderers, and corrupt businessmen and politicians. I said that they make up the majority of those groups. And that's not a generalization, that's statistics. Deal with it, princess.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:47:34 No.1062920
    >Implying all that
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:48:17 No.1062925

    >implying I said you were responsible

    Males can't read shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:49:17 No.1062929
    Then why do you hate me if you don't think I'm somehow responsible? Just for the hell of it?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:50:11 No.1062936
    I hate all people because they get mad when I don't shower for a month.

    it's none of your business
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:52:31 No.1062950
    >Men have shorter life expectancy
    >Men have higher insurance premiums
    >Men work harder and more dangerous jobs
    >Women don't work those jobs, not because they can't but because they don't want to
    >Being a woman scores higher on job interveiws
    >Women are usually saved first in dangerous situations

    Yup and women are the supressed ones
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:52:57 No.1062953
    Actually there's growing evidence that woman are pretty huge pedos these days as people are becomeing increasingly aware of the way they abuse children (disguising it as 'motherly love') and the probability of having a pedo woman taking care of your child in a child care center is atronomically higher than a pedo man. But its okay because she's a woman so its not that bad.

    Of course, this 'evidence' may be scewed by single mothers who statistically abuse their children more than any other group, many of which treat their children like they would the male in the relationship. (So sexual abuse as opposed to female's preferred method of mental and emotional abuse.)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:53:30 No.1062960
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    I'm so intrested in this.
    From my experience, I find that sexism/blaming usually stems from some deep emotional scar.
    Somewhere down the line, someone's puppy was run over (just an example) and..ta-da!
    So I would like to hear, if anyone wants to share, what happened in the past that made you hate the other sex? (Wha Happen?)
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:54:27 No.1062972

    So why should I like you?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:54:43 No.1062974
    Well, there is kind of a difference between "All men are rapists/pedos because of 1% of men" and "all women are horrible people because of 33% of women" but your point is still valid.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:55:40 No.1062981
    Well you shouldn't hate me because you aren't justified in hating me. Seems pretty obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:56:25 No.1062988
    Y-yes mistress
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)13:58:25 No.1063003

    I was clearly talking about a generalized group. But now I hate you because you're obtuse and whiny. So congratulations.

    >implying I should trust you at your word
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:00:31 No.1063017

    Except no one ever said "all men."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:01:33 No.1063023
    You say you hate ALL men
    I am a man
    Therefore you hate me

    Yet your reasons for hating me certainly aren't justifiable seeing as I'm not a pedo or any of the other things you mentioned.

    Just admit that your wording was misleading and I'll forgive you, femanon. You don't even have to directly apologize. Just admit that the fault lies on your side.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:03:38 No.1063039


    Hell, 7 partners? You Eurofaggots are such cuckolds. If she isn't a virgin on your wedding night, you should be able to kill her.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:05:52 No.1063052
    My dad beat my mom, me, and my two sisters, for quite some time until they finally divorced.

    Treated like shit by just about every guy I came into contact with, harassed for sub-par looks, etc.

    You have to realize that I'm actually trying quite hard not to hate the other gender. /r9k/ is sort of convincing me that men aren't all like the soulless beasts I've grown up with, though it's not really giving me a reason to give them a second chance.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:06:42 No.1063057
    After not reading this thread at all and just the OP, how the fuck do you think /r9k/ isn't overtly misogynistic?

    Is it because we aren't straight out stabbing women in the streets?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:07:04 No.1063060
    >I'm not a pedo
    Except you are, because you're a man, and its a well known fact that men are pedos.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:08:18 No.1063066
    I'll be your friend, femanon.

    and since you're ugly, I won't even try to sleep with you
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:08:28 No.1063070
    You get harassed for being ugly? if that sounds horrible. Not a troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:09:12 No.1063076

    >40% of little boys are raped by women
    >Women are too physically and mentally weak to do anything else you just listed

    LOL! The most authoritarian role women can play is raping little boys. That's pretty fucking pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:09:25 No.1063079
    Women allow emotion to effect their decisions more then men do. If the world was run by women nothing would get done. This leaves men to become the majority in the statistics area. Its not a concept that is ignored, Its simply statistics. See you just insulted my gender and very being. I am insulted yet I remain my cool. My emotions are exactly that emotion and not my embodiment. Generally speaking a female would have let their emotions take over and rage over a comment about their gender. Women are more dependant on hormones then men are, which causes hormones in balances to cause drastic mood swings. Its not a bad thing, its just nature and how things work. No reason to get worked up about it. Feminism, segregated race movements, religious movements, all of these are counter productive to the human rights movement as they segregate human rights for specific people instead of offering these rights to all people. Segregated movements were necessary in the past, but in the 21st century they are just counter productive.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:09:42 No.1063081

    Actually, I said I hate men. Not all men. Just men. As a group. You need to unclench and learn to read.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:12:23 No.1063099
    >I hate men
    >But not all men!
    That's called hypocrisy you stupid skank
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:13:19 No.1063108
    Good to know.

    Actually happened to some of my friends, too. Sucked, but just about every guy who treated me like shit is some broke druggie, so eh.

    Sage because this isn't my blog.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:13:44 No.1063112
    And I hate blacks as a group. Not individual black people, just blacks when they're all together because statistically they make up the vast majority of murders, rapes, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:14:12 No.1063114

    > I am insulted yet I remain my cool

    I stopped reading right there. Thank you, malanon, you guys always bring the lolz.


    >still not majority

    >associates authoritarian roles with criminal activity

    The male sex, everyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:15:31 No.1063126
    As long as their is sex, there will be sexism. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:16:29 No.1063135
    >40% of little boys are raped by women
    Child molesters are ~90% male.
    >>Women are too physically and mentally weak to do anything else you just listed
    You are an idiot; female murderers, serial killers, paedophiles, rapists, etc do exist. Politicians? Not so much. And that's a good thing, if anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:17:19 No.1063141
    "A group of black people" isn't an object. You hate particular individuals within the group or nothing at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:18:42 No.1063148

    I've seen it happen. There was this one girl I knew in highschool who was harassed all the time and as far as I could tell, it was because she was ugly. And she was, but it was still pretty fucked up. She never bothered them unless they bothered her - and I'm saying she said back some catty remarks, but nothing like they did.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:18:46 No.1063149
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    How do you feel about this picture?
    I don't think you "Hate" blacks when they're together but are scared of the stupid stereotype
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:18:51 No.1063150
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    >Being the rapist
    >Not a dominant role

    Women logic.

    Also, females are more likely than males get away with child molestation. So, the number is actually much higher than 40%. I guess it's unsurprising as women are more likely to abuse children and raise sociopaths, degenerates, and rapists.

    Also, how come women are statically have lower IQs, mental health, and lack the ability to do maths?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:19:04 No.1063152
    >trying to reason with a collectivist
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:20:00 No.1063160

    >Politicians? Not so much. And that's a good thing, if anything.

    Where do you live that there are no female politicians?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:21:42 No.1063176
    Unfortunately, because you were born into an abusive family, and that's what you were raised around, you are naturally going to be attracted to the people that treat you like shit.

    Its an unfortunate cycle that effects all people who had shitty parents, many men also suffer from this because their mother was particularly abusive (Although its rarely spoken of, often excused, and the negative effects of it are diminished) so now when they are looking for women to spend their time with, they are going to gravitate towards women who basically will abuse them and take them for everything they can get, basically treating them like objects.

    You need to just be aware that if, when you meet a guy and you have an immediate connection with him (Hint; its easier to have a connection with someone if they are like someone you already know well such as your father) there is a high probability that you are attacted to him because he's a shitty human being.

    It may do you well to instead look for people that you grow an attraction for over a long period of time knowing them, though even that's still really iffy.

    If you're ugly, I would suggest trying to improve your appearance. Even if you just lose a couple of pounds it can work wonders to increase the number of people that will be attacted to you, as well as increasing your general health level which has other benefits that while they will not have obvious effects on your appearance, just being happier and more pleasant to be around (healthier people are) will make you more attractive in other people's eyes.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:22:29 No.1063179
    >no female politicians
    No, I meant corr--
    >not corrupt
    My mistake; thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:22:33 No.1063180

    Thats sucks that you went through all of that. Most "men" today I don't view as actual men, but as little boys who can't control themselves in a grown body. There are good men out there, those who actually take care of there shit and respect women. Then again, this also requires the women in there life to respect them back. I'll only be with someone who respects me as a man, so that I can respect her as a woman. If that doesn't happen, then she's just a troll and deserves to be a foreveralone.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:23:04 No.1063185

    Criminally, but women get away with rapes and child molestation all the time. It's not even funny.


    I guess the only way women can assume any authority over men is through raping little boys.


    Women are also less intelligent than men:

    There's also a correlation between low intelligence and pedophila.

    Source: Cantor, J. M., Blanchard, R., Christensen, B. K., Dickey, R., Klassen, P. E., Beckstead, A. L., et al. (2004). Intelligence, memory, and handedness in pedophilia. Neuropsychology, 18, 3-14.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:23:15 No.1063186

    >still confusing "authoritarian" with criminal activity
    >the statistics are wrong but I don't have proof
    >have I mentioned lately women are stupid?

    This is /r9k/, of course you have.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:23:23 No.1063187
    Oh fair enough, do they hurl abusive on the street or something? Or is it people you know that say things like that?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:23:52 No.1063191
    >truth = misogyny

    /r9k/ trolls / anally injured semen toilets in a nutshell
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:26:12 No.1063203

    Aren't Arabs technically white?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:26:50 No.1063206

    The statistics are true. See: >>1063185

    >Continue to deny that rape has nothing to do with dominance

    Sure is female logic again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:28:03 No.1063211
    >Child molesters are ~90% male.
    No, CONVICTED child molesters are primarily male. Female child molesters are ignored, excused, and have their effects on children diminished. Just like all criminal activity is done for women where women are given lighter sentences and acquited several times more than men for the exact same crimes.

    Women abuse children at very similar rates though account for next to zero of those who are punished for it.

    Also, female politicians and people in places of political power are often similarly corrupt, though they stick more rigidly to their dangerous ideologies than men do which is hard to say if is a good or bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:28:10 No.1063214

    Yup, for statistic purposes whites and Arabs are combined as a super-group. That's why Europeans are "more" violent and "less" intelligent than Asians.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:28:51 No.1063217

    You're right, saying the truth about men on /r9k/ usually leads the malanons to say "oh, we're not all like that!" or "but women are wooooorse."

    Oh, and if only the men here were semen toilets. I wish every guy on /r9k/ was gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:30:17 No.1063225

    This place was created for weeaboos, intellectuals, and pedophiles. Then all you normalfags and femanons decided to flood this site. You can't change the culture here. If you don't like it. Go fuck off to Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:31:49 No.1063233

    If you can't see that the original comment listed criminal activity, not "dominant" or "authoritarian" (hardly the same in all contexts, btw) activity, you are braindead.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:32:25 No.1063239

    its a bad thing, they act just like that Umbridge cunt in the Harry Potter series where they try to rationalize everything and take all the guilt off themselves. women are not firefighters nor are they anything else that requires a man's STRENGTH, DISCIPLINE, HONOR, in doing.

    And that's a fucking fact
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:32:34 No.1063241

    Sensitive, aren't you? I didn't come here from Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:33:43 No.1063248

    >making excuses

    East-Asians are more intelligent. Deal with already.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:35:20 No.1063267

    >Synonyms: ascendant, assertive, authoritative,

    Surprising you wouldn't know that they were synonyms. Actually not, because you're a woman and women statistically have lower IQs.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:35:29 No.1063269
    >Implying you have the strength, discipline, or honor to be a firefighter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:37:38 No.1063284

    >continue to ignore main point to argue about wording

    I'm not going to say that you do this because you're a male. That would be rude. But I will say you do this because you are a moron.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:37:45 No.1063285
    >Implying that despite that I'm not more qualified than almost all women that get hired as firefighters every year due to having lower standards
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:37:59 No.1063286
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    This would be similar to combining Southeast Asians with Chinese and then go about how inferior their intelligence is.

    Arabs are NOT European or white.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:39:35 No.1063298

    that there is some bright logic. women have set roles, as do men. it is for the Man, the hunters, to keep the relationship grounded so that they don't turn into America's relationships of being whipped. It's the whole point of game.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:39:56 No.1063300

    >Arabs are NOT European or white.

    Well, they're not really black either.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:39:59 No.1063301


    Think about the numbers for a second, what it means is that more women have multiple partners and fewer men have a lot more.

    Basically you can thank feminism and "sexual liberation" for returning society to an almost harem state.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:40:09 No.1063303

    meaning to respond to

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:41:14 No.1063315
    As long as women can join the military without joining the selective service and not have to meet the men's physical standards, I will not be chivalrous.

    As long as women make the same wages as men, but can still choose not to pay or we don't get sex or a continued relationship, I will not be chivalrous.

    As long as we have gyno-centric divorce law that will take the children from hard-working men and give them to a possibly drugged-up abusing mother simply because she lied and it is assumed a father is a bad parent yet the father is forced to pay for kids that he never gets to see, I will not be chivalrous.

    As long as females take advice from Oprah or Ellen or Cosmo/the-like magazines and pass over great men simply because he doesn't give them "15 Signs He's Into a Second Date!" and choose to rely on false stones of salvation because they all have support nets from over-bearing mothers, I will not be chivalrous.

    Until women take pride in their own accomplishments outside of cuddling programs and TV and learn that being a good woman means being a good person which was clearly not taught to them because of the elimination of gender-specific programs in schools, I will not be chivalrous.

    As long as women hide behind double-standards but do not understand why only dumbass douchebags try to hit on them instead of educated men who can at least do simple math without a calculator, I will not be chivalrous.

    Until we eliminate the double-standards that exist between the genders and realize that girls can choose to act like either a boy or a girl depending on what suits them best and be accepted either way but no boy can ever do this because of created societal norms, I will not be chivalrous.

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:41:52 No.1063321
    Irrelevant. You're claiming you're superior based on the accomplishments of others.

    Stop being a leech.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:42:07 No.1063325

    Dude, I made the argument several times, you continue to ignore it. Not my fault. Nice spoiler.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:42:20 No.1063328
    >I will say you do this because you are a moron.

    I have no arguments left, therefore my only defense is to insult you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:42:22 No.1063329
    >Do none of this

    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:42:40 No.1063333

    I will not be chivalrous when women cry discrimination when they can choose between being a career-woman or a mother but a man who "forces" his wife to work and wants to be a full-time father is seen as a deadbeat loser.

    I will not be chivalrous as long women complain that they make less money even though considerably fewer women pursue high-paying positions compared to men, so it should not be surprising that men make more when we are professors and surgeons and women teach K12 and work as nurses or work low-paying specialties like Geriatrics.

    I will not be chivalrous as long as women get both the legal and social protection of both children and adults, but men are only seen as victimless adults.

    I will not be chivalrous.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:42:42 No.1063334

    you're implying everyone is equal, when they are FAR FAR FAR from it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:43:44 No.1063340

    >implying we give a fuck about your chivalry
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:44:46 No.1063343

    There is no way you read all of that so quick.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:45:25 No.1063345

    It's copypasta, shut up you cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:45:27 No.1063347
    >I've never done any of these things
    >Therefore, I will not need your chivalry

    Oh but I forgot, I have to go get pregnant and steal a man's money soon, don't have time to argue lol xD.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:45:48 No.1063350

    Nice going, but not fast enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:45:52 No.1063351

    don't give up the good fight, its well worth it. an empire that gives women's rights is.. just take a look at America. They're bloated and fat, greedy and hungry for more because, women want equal rights for mexicans that can't do a fucking thing, they want to take anyone and everyone in, even though they don't contribute.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:46:02 No.1063352

    No, I'm claiming that I'm more suited to doing the job than the vast majority of women who are able to get the job because of much lower standards of qualification which I could accomplish easily, but am not strong enough to accomplish the standards that would be applied to me if I actually tried to get the job.

    What I'm trying to say here is;

    As I am, I am not strong enough to be a firefighter.
    If I was as I am, identically, but had a vagina, I would be strong enough to be a female firefighter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:46:08 No.1063353
    In what universe did I imply that?

    You say men are better than women. You cite firefighting as an example. Men just have the abilities that women do not. Yet you, as a man, lack the abilities necessary to be a firefighter.

    You're leeching off the accomplishments of others by claiming superiority when you haven't done anything besides have a penis.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:46:31 No.1063355

    >ignoring that the Middle-east was the bastion of science and mathematics during the Middle ages
    >still making excuses

    Multiple studies show that East-asians (with no distinction for nationality) have a higher IQ than whites (arabs are caucasian). No need to be butthurt about an accepted fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:46:36 No.1063359

    This was your argument:

    >still confusing "authoritarian" with criminal activity
    >the statistics are wrong but I don't have proof
    >have I mentioned lately women are stupid?

    I refuted the first point here, yet you ignored it: >>1063150
    I provided sources for my statics, yet you ignored it: >>1063185

    I lost the debate and now the only way I can win is to accuse the other person of never refuting my points.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:47:10 No.1063361
    Everything you say in this post is probably accurate and true. What you said before was not.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:47:56 No.1063363

    I see it's somebody's naptime.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:48:42 No.1063368

    Arabs are NOT white. I guess I can include Negros under mongoloid then.

    The definition of white:
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:49:05 No.1063372

    >>I've never done any of these things
    >>I've never done:

    -Discrepancy in military fitness standards
    -Gyno-centric Divorce law
    -Wage discrepancy that allows for same pay for less work
    -Accepted social norms
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:49:12 No.1063373

    >My dad beat my mom, me, and my two sisters, for quite some time until they finally divorced.
    >Treated like shit by just about every guy I came into contact with, harassed for sub-par looks, etc.

    This thread makes so much more sense now.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:50:38 No.1063383


    >Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:51:16 No.1063387

    Firefighting was an example. The same applies to military, police, any career that requires a lick of hard work and determination. Men that are not whipped, beta, nor fat, do not lack the abilities to be a firefighter. There's only a set number needed in each city. There needs to be no vaginas in any of those lines of work, nor any men without a set of balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:52:04 No.1063392



    >Negros under mongoloid then.

    You have no idea what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:52:53 No.1063401

    she's the equivalent of anons who have shitty experiences with women and then come here to bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:53:56 No.1063407

    How are you still confusing criminal activity with dominance and authority? Because you can be both of those things without being a criminal. That's my whole point. I didn't say it bluntly because I didn't think it actually needed to be said bluntly. You can be the dominant partner without being a rapist. You can be a leader without being corrupt. I figured that anyone would be able to understand that. Which is why you're a moron.

    And fucking saging while you're still trying to get the last word in? Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:53:59 No.1063408

    it was just one man that harmed you, brat
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:54:29 No.1063410
    Women are terrible, but I'd rather think about school and video games. Plus, not all women are bad. Don't be so prejudiced.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:55:40 No.1063417

    >thinks that anon is still here
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:58:06 No.1063442

    reality's going to inevitably hit you one day when Father time comes knocking. If you bend over for her though, your children are going to be entitled princesses. If you don't, they'll teach what you taught.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:58:28 No.1063443

    >Treated like shit by just about every guy I came into contact with

    Me too! Though most of the time it was just joking around, as 99.999% of guys do. "Treated like shit" is a term for fat girls and bitches who don't understand men, usually because they are too stupid to do so.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)14:58:42 No.1063446

    Of course, but to be a rapist. You would have to play a dominant role. I never heard of a submissive rapist before. The notion is absurd.

    Also, to think women politicians would not be corrupt is simply utopian psychobabble.

    Also, sage.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:00:14 No.1063459
    >people hating on one sex
    If you're going to hate people, hate on both sexes. Both are capable of doing evil things.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:02:47 No.1063478

    its hating upon one quality of one sex: self entitlement which is a very very big problem
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:03:16 No.1063485
         File1326312196.jpg-(86 KB, 512x376, arabsarenotwhite.jpg)
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    Arabs aren't white. No matter how much you try to justify your statement.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:03:31 No.1063486
    .. and men aren't self entitled?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:04:17 No.1063492

    actually, it is hating upon both sexes, yet the other isn't directly listed here. Beneath these words you read is a disgust for men that let women trample over them, and the direct words you see, is a disgust for self entitled women
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:04:26 No.1063493

    >missing the fact I said "majority" of corrupt politicians not that women can't be corrupt

    You were wrong. About everything. Roll with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:06:16 No.1063509

    So you don't think men can be bullies?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:08:08 No.1063530

    women wish for equal rights for everyone such as illegals that do FUCK ALL but are a drain upon the ecnomy.

    if you put a whale down, you're shallow

    women get into firefighting and military with lower standards, far below the minimum of what is actually required

    it is killing our damn culture, but they are not the only to blame.

    men without their balls allow themselves to be trampled upon and not take up the Dominant role to guide the relationship into a respecting one, rather then a degraded one.

    Men are self entitled and with testosterone, it allows them to drive towards that goal. women do not have testosterone thankfully, and have nothing to back up their self entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:08:43 No.1063536

    >I hate men because they are the vast majority of rapists, pedos, serial killers, thieves, murderers, and corrupt businessmen and politicians. This is always ignored on /r9k/.

    You said that previously. You implied that women would most likely not be as corrupt or not corrupt at all.


    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:10:14 No.1063553
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:16:34 No.1063604

    Asians perform better both than whites both academically and in terms of IQ tests within the U.S. (where Arabs are around .5% of the population). Your excuses are getting pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:18:27 No.1063619
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    But in the real world, things are much different.

    Some of us have jobs and deal with the discrimination.
    Some of us have had kids taken away.
    Some of us have lost half of our shit because of divorce, even though no female deserves half now that they are expected to work.
    Some of us know things have gotten steadily worse if you examine history, and wanting to stop the wave of Feminism is not a hatred of women but rather hatred of power grabs.
    Some of us are tired of the double standards that have saturated our culture.

    Remember: If a Femanon says she does do anything "those girls" do, they say that because it is probably true. They are on 4chan, so they probably don't meld well with normal society and are part of a small sub-group of females who rarely go on dates or have lasting relationships. They are the battered, 'raped' females who think it is normal to post in a misogyny thread on a board like /r9k/. These females are not normal, and are far FAR from the majority of society. Do not take their opinions seriously. Are you much of a man? They are here for the same reasons as you, men. And they are just as pathetic to post in a thread like this.

    It's a long read, but every female needs to see this image.
    We treat females both like children and like adults. That is unacceptable in my society.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:22:01 No.1063660

    Both sexes can be. Did you mean:

    >So you don't think -people- can be bullies?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)15:40:32 No.1063845

    You are a caricature of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/12(Wed)21:04:30 No.1067172
    Women are still horrible beasts

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