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  • File : 1326130146.jpg-(1.05 MB, 2304x3456, germanic_warrior_by_ashhaas-d399g6k.jpg)
    1.05 MB Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:29:06 No.1040288  
    Married poorfag here.
    Is is wrong to want to have a child just to reek the
    benefits of welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing?

    We are both attractive and intelligent and
    understand parenting techniques, so it's not like we'd just be popping out entitled thuggin criminal welfare babies.

    What do you guys think of children raised on welfare?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:34:34 No.1040329
    >attractive and intelligent

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:34:36 No.1040330
    If you can't afford them, don't have them.
    Show that you're better off then animals, anon. The rest of us don't want to pay for your unambitious lazy asses.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:38:35 No.1040357
    The average cost for a two-parent family to raise a child from birth to age 18 is around $225,000, or around $12,000 an average year, with much of the cost occurring during the first few years of development, on top of the amount of potential work lost from raising a child. Welfare doesn't really scratch the surface of this at all and you'd still have to provide for yourselves on top of this.

    Children born into poverty, regardless of parenting method, are much more likely to become repeat offenders, or commit suicide.

    You'd be making a gigantic mistake.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:39:44 No.1040364
    This world needs more educated children raised by caring parents. Children aren't expensive.
    Don't listen to the overpopulation faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:43:00 No.1040385


    The children that are expensive are the rich and Upper-middle class kids that have parents that waste way too much money on them on shit they don't need. WASTE is why those kids are expensive.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:44:05 No.1040393
    Kids are raised by their parents.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:45:06 No.1040401
    Yes, let's just tell all the poor people to breed. Love dosen't matter if you can't PROPERLY PROVIDE a comfortable life for them. "Sorry I can't take you to the Dr./buy clothes/feed you Timmy...but I love you!" It's not all candy-apples and sparkles.
    It's like watching Idiocracy IRL.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:45:59 No.1040408
    In anticipation of a bunch of mundane posts about sponging and overpopulation and perpetuating poorness through your children, I'm gonna go with, no, not it's not wrong.

    More often than I like, I catch this notion floating around that people somehow conceive their children in this bizarre pre-emptive love, where they want 'the best' for their children.

    But I don't think that how processes of reproduction, love, care, affection, rearing etc. work. It's definitely possibly to have children with the motivation of economic gain, and still to love them and bring them up in a caring and responsible way.

    And it's not exactly your responsibilty if they choose not to make anything more of their life. Who knows, they could become a success and important contributor in the future. A lot of doomsaying about this topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:48:15 No.1040424
    >parent techniques
    No, stop right there. You are probably the worst sort of people out there and you would be a fuck up of a parent to anyone.
    Just live your life and try to get by with what you got. You say you are intelligent, so figure it out without compromising some kid that has nothing to do with your bullshit and crappy life decisions.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:48:56 No.1040436
    That's why those programs are there. Not to subsidize degenerate, drug dealing niggers.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:53:58 No.1040469
    They specifically said " IS IT WRONG to want to have a child JUST to reek the benefits"
    How about you take the steps needed in finding a better job first? You say you're intelligent, then it should be easy for you, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:56:24 No.1040484
    I was raised by a pack of feral housecats.

    Dad was a deadbeat and mom was a bear.
    DSS took me from her paws because she kept trying to get me to put my head in her mouth.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:56:29 No.1040485

    With the inclusion of welfare, food stamps, reduced rent, and programs like SNAP, we'd have more than enough to move into a relatively nice sized apartment, possibly house.

    We'd have enough to provide its basic needs, clothes, toys etc, (food aside since that'd be free). We are trying to save a good bit of money, and hopefully the economy will turn around enough that once it would reach adolescence we could support a hobby for it (ie warhammer, whatever)

    I live in a city where I see food stamps cards that support 3 kids being spent on beer (bad arabs), SSI going to prostitutes who only spend it on crack, and just generally stupid, low bred people having 5 kids by the time they hit 20.

    I almost feel socially obligated to have a kid and raise it well. At least that'd be one kid out of the other 300,000 here that the welfare money would be used properly for.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:58:31 No.1040506
    Oh white bread? That's cool.. I was hoping for steak because IM A FUCKING BEAR! PUT YOUR HEAD IN MY MOUTH!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:00:09 No.1040514
    You make me puke, OP.

    I shouldn't have to pay for your offspring.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:04:52 No.1040556
    I'm married with kids, and we do pretty good for money. Still, we made sure to get our own lives on track before starting a family. I waited until she finished university and I was getting good and regular work contracts, and we'd made the deposit for a house. I only worry that we have brought a child, soon to be two, into a shitty country with many problems, and they may not have such opportunities as they might in a wealthier and more stable nation. Therefore I would never rely on the government to fund my family. Not only could it be unreliable, but you would not feel ashamed to subsist on benefits to support your family rather than working hard?

    But raising children is not so expensive. I see Western kids with all these expensive toys, computers and video games, and televisions. We don't have these things (except for my computer), not because we can't afford them, but because we don't need them. So if you are working hard, you may not need welfare at all, if you learn to manage your money wisely.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:05:57 No.1040566
    your money will still go for welfare
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:08:08 No.1040588
    I pay taxes so there is nothing I can say that would have any impact on you. I could go on about how setting that sort of example only facilitates repeated government dependency or muse on the philosophy of having children that you can't support, but it ultimately won't matter. The fact that you are even considering it means you are too far gone to be any concern of mine.

    That said, if you did that and I were to ever meet you and your family on the street I would kill your children and your wife. I'm sure you think of yourselves as lovely people and I'm sure you act that way, but the moment you take that money you are all nothing but parasites and I cease to consider you to be part of the human race.

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:10:37 No.1040607
    OP. Just have a kid. The only thing you really have to worry about is your wife. If she fucks off with the kid your up shit creek. Sans paddle.

    I have to assume that your from America. And if I were you. I'd take every advantage I could over the other citizens of your great country. You live in a capatilist state in which you have no guaranteed access to food, shelter and clothing. If you have a kid. You get this. (So long as the wife doesn't steal it.) But I'm not a misogynistic pig. I have only heard stories about your women folk. I don't trust them. At all. Good luck with your money grabbing though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:10:37 No.1040608
    >implying my wife and I aren't working poor and conservative.
    >implying your tax dollars don't go to much, much worse things.

    A good 55% of my city's population is on welfare.
    I am the only person I know without a food stamp card.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:11:59 No.1040620
    The people in this thread telling you kids aren't expensive are complete idiots. Do not listen to them, kids are a lot of time and money. If you don't have either, you don't need to be having kids. Raising a child is not easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:12:26 No.1040625
    You retard, don't you get kids, if you can't afford them!

    You will not only burden the surroundings, but also the kid itself.
    It will hate you.

    STOP IT!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:14:28 No.1040644
    What a fucking fucktard. Do you not understand how America was built? How the whole western supremacy was created and sustained for such a long time. I'm sure that you don't even know the meaning of the word "wealth". And I don't mean the definition. The meaning. So please. Tell me if you do. If you don't then I'll try to enlighten you on this subject.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:15:02 No.1040649
    Everything wrong with the human race = op
    >Not above using others as a stepping stool
    >Thinks being attractive helps in the world of parenting and welfare somehow

    honestly, I hope your wife keeps loosing fetus after fetus.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:15:36 No.1040651
    don't even acknowledge that idiot dude. It's not worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:16:09 No.1040657
    >reek the benefits
    > reek

    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:16:12 No.1040658
    >people giving advice without saying if they have kids or not.

    yeah, nah, you're all cunts.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:16:18 No.1040659
    There's nothing more miserable than being poor growing up OP, trust me. Wait until it's best for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:17:13 No.1040665
    I wouldn't even consider the moral aspect of it, who cares about some butthurt taxpayer and I mean consider the moral about wars etc. that society stands for. Yeah, no one cared so fuck what everyone else thinks, rob them while you're at it too (if you can get away with it, lie and cheat, swear on your mothers grave and still cross people). What you should consider, however, is if you think that wellfare will be enough to provide everything for your child that YOU want it to have. Generally I believe it is hard to fuck up a childs life. I mean, who decides what is right or not. Even if he/she grows up with higher probability with some roody-poo criminal youth years and psycic problems etc. it's not the end of the world and he/she will know alot of stuff about life that rich kids don't have a clue about. Also a much more interesting person that actually have stories from his/her life to share.

    I went to an upper class school and yeah; some people there lived in a bubble to say the least, not everyone but alot of them. I can't other than laugh at people who thinks that you shouldn't breed unless you have college degree. Yeah, you sure do have superior genes. That is why you married the first best person that showed interest in you from your class. Enjoy your mediocre life...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:19:38 No.1040683

    Pick one.

    Just because you both did some stupid Liberal arts program does not make you intelligent. In fact, knowing that bull shit degrees are worthless, it proves that you're not very bright.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:20:23 No.1040692
    28 with a 4 year old boy.

    it didn't matter how much I prepared, it was way harder than I ever expected. It takes a toll on everyone. So I don't recommend having kids. Especially for OP's dipshit reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21:04 No.1040697
    Better get your ass to the ghetto bro. There's a whole swathe of niggers for you to mow down.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:21:45 No.1040703
    It's smart,

    more children = more money

    Don't let them get mad when you spend their child allowance on new tvs and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:22:30 No.1040705
    >having a kid for monetary reasons

    The absolute worst reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:23:27 No.1040711
    No way OP.

    If your wife ever gets pregnanct, you need to abort that shit pronto.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:24:04 No.1040714
    Before you say all this you need to know the OP's situation. I imagine all he sees every day is hundreds of fucking leaches who are jobless and contributing nothing. Yet taking everything that can. I sincerely hope that he isn't one of these lazy twisted creatures, and has a job. Tries hard to get by. He feels he deserves more than he has. And in his situation. I would too. He's obviously one of the least leaching and most hard working. Yet still has less than all the other lazy bastards. Don't you think he should he should have a chance to see his hard work pay off?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:24:05 No.1040715
    Nah bro, go for it. If not you then some fucking ghetto welfare queen.

    The story of Australia.
    >fat kiwi landplanet
    >moves to aus
    >gets pregnant
    >gets welfare for child
    >has a ton more
    >pulls in $70kpa
    >with pension benefits
    >and housing commission housing preference
    >with rebate schemes out the ass
    >never gets aus citizenship
    >raises kids up to hate australia anyway
    >will never fucking go back to new NZ anyway

    Fucking hell I hate this country sometimes. Replace the kiwi with whatever and you have >50% of today's 'parents'.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:25:23 No.1040721
         File1326133523.jpg-(65 KB, 339x600, Yessss.jpg)
    65 KB
    >both have good paying jobs
    >No kids
    >MFW I pass OP on the street, with their stained children
    >mfw I ask OP to shine my shoes
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:27:11 No.1040734
    First off, yes, of course it's wrong, you're stealing off other taxpayers and crippling your Nation's growth.

    But secondly,
    The word is reap; as in The Grim Reaper, or it's time to reap some crops. I've low hopes for a child with a parent that misappropriates the word reek.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:28:07 No.1040741
    Just one real question that I'm not sure about OP. Do you and your wife both have jobs? If so, where and what are your hours?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:28:25 No.1040743
    >I almost feel socially obligated to have a kid and raise it well. At least that'd be one kid out of the other 300,000 here that the welfare money would be used properly for.
    Every one of those 'arabs' had the same idea.

    Childhood poverty is the single biggest risk factor for all sorts of terrible conditions. It'd be unfair to your child and to yourselves to depend on charity, and it's rather selfish to want to seek out benefits for yourselves, and it's naive to think that it wouldn't all quickly evaporate to child care anyway, leaving you both in a worse financial situation.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:29:28 No.1040748
    I would have been a child raised on welfare if the Government gave half a shit about its citizens in poverty.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:31:36 No.1040763
    this, then he implys they're both of high intelligence....
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:36:58 No.1040796
    >not milking the system

    What are you guys, gay?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:37:45 No.1040805
    >We are both attractive and intelligent and
    understand parenting techniques, so it's not like we'd just be popping out entitled thuggin criminal welfare babies.

    In other words: "We're white," as in "it's okay if *we* pop out welfare kids because we're white! You a colossal piece of shit, but hilariously enough, you're not the only one I've met who actually thinks this way.

    >Childhood poverty is the single biggest risk factor for all sorts of terrible conditions. It'd be unfair to your child and to yourselves to depend on charity, and it's rather selfish to want to seek out benefits for yourselves, and it's naive to think that it wouldn't all quickly evaporate to child care anyway, leaving you both in a worse financial situation.

    This. You're seriously underestimating how expensive it is to properly raise and care for a kid. Protip: it's way, way more than welfare will cover.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38:26 No.1040812
    His nations growth has managed to fuck itself in the ass. The only thing we can do about America now is watch it burn. The system they have doesn't work. I meant the benifit system. The rest works well enough. The poor are the workforce in any society. They make money for the rich. This money is supposed to be spent mainly on keeping the poor working. When either the rich decide there are cheaper workers elsewhere, or they let too many of the poor survive without jobs (not giving the rich money, in order to keep the poor working) the system fails. In America both of these things have happened. So the economy starts to fail and the poor suffer. You can blame this on the rich since they had the power to stop it. Either by creating jobs or simply not using cheaper labour. Or the poor for not wanting to work. Then there is the benefit system that has helped the poor to survive without contributing to society.

    This is one wierd train of thought I just rode in on. Does it make sence to anyone?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:40:43 No.1040825
    It started off making some sense, then idkwtf...i guess you're trying to say that trickle down hasn't worked at all and now we're all fucked because of it.

    Plus, you're not American, are you? Please not be an American writing "labour".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:49:09 No.1040887
    >Two wrongs make a right.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:49:59 No.1040893
    It doesn't make sence.
    However it does kinda make sense, I agree.
    >> OP 01/09/12(Mon)13:50:28 No.1040896
    Seeing as most of you are calling me lazy, shiftless and jobless, please read my other posts

    Yes, I have a job. I was promised full time, so I transferred from the suburbs to downtown. ( retarded crack heads, angry black trannies stealing etc) basically the lowest of the low is what I deal with daily.

    They promised me full time, and of course don't give me it (which I would ironically have full time if i had stayed at the other store). I am scheduled for 26 hours a week, but since I take literally everyone's off days I usually end up with anywhere from 32-45 hours a week. I work an extra 6 hours every week under the table for cash. I haven't had a vacation in five years, because every January they downsize my store and I have to put in my vacation hours to make what i would normally make otherwise. I have also worked here for 5 years. . . I guess 6 years now and still make barely above minimum wage.

    I even had a second job under the table telemarketing, but my boss died after 1 month.

    I'm not complaining, you know, just don't call me lazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:53:29 No.1040922
    still no proof of you being "intelligent"
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:56:39 No.1040946
    The problem with getting a kid to get the welfare is that now you have a kid.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:01:21 No.1040987
    Yes, yes it's bad. Your child would have a fucking terrible life. Poor people having children are just selfish.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:07:07 No.1041046
    It really isn't that weird, you're a skip and hop from Marxism.
    One thing you seem to be missing though is that especially with all of the transportation/logistics costs it didn't used to be that overseas labor pools were necessarily more affordable. Jobs only moved overseas when real wages rose here, and that in turn was at least partially the result of both taxes rising(more taken from the workers and given to the bludgers) and the Price of Living rising(a reflection of the fact that bludgers now had purchasing power). So basicly, paradoxically, the more that you try to help the unemployed the your economy will stall and the more unemployed you'll end up with, and the worse off end up.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:11:57 No.1041090
    Oh ho ho, looks like we got a dumbass on our hands.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:14:25 No.1041109
    So you're saying that I shouldn't have ever been born?

    forget the fact that this is 4chan
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:20:15 No.1041150

    In that case, you shouldn't be asking us.
    If you know how expensive and loud babies are, then enjoy being ear-raped.
    >> OP 01/09/12(Mon)14:20:24 No.1041151
    I am a college drop out. I was in college for 5 years, history major. I dropped out because the guidance councilor did everything in his
    power to not tell me exactly what I needed to graduate, and to keep me there just to pay them more. It became exceedingly expensive.

    My favorite authors include:
    Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Brian Craig,
    Neil Gaimon, HP Lovecraft, Norman Spinard, Robert E Howard, Carlton Mellick III.

    How the hell am I supposed to ''prove'' my intelligence?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:23:11 No.1041167
    People saying kids are expensive.

    >hand me down clothes

    So fucking expensive right xD? Guvment gives you like $300, easy peasy.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:31:09 No.1041238
    >How the hell am I supposed to ''prove'' my intelligence?
    Dig your way out of the hole you've gotten into dragging others into it.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:36:06 No.1041272
    >been to college for five years for a worthless degree
    >never actually received it
    >blames the system
    Yeah I'd say this qualifies you for being a moronic failure unable to see things through and quick to blame others for faults, much like the 'arabs' you're whining about.

    Go ahead and have children if you really want, but don't for a second think that you're doing society any favors. But really that's not what this is all about. Your first thoughts should be of your potential child, who would have to grow up in poverty, which statistically isn't a great life no matter his/her parents' education or work ethic.

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