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  • File : 1326121872.jpg-(266 KB, 1531x1154, boxcar-children-picture.jpg)
    266 KB Another "ask me anything" thread d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:11:12 No.1039418  
    I left my parent's home at 15 years old, drove, train hopped, hitchhiked and squatted my way across the US until I was 21, and for the past 5 years have had a digestive disease, been bed-ridden most of the time, and ended up getting a non-reversible ostomy bag, and now I'm going to be dead within the week.

    I'm not a writer, but I believe everyone deserves to have their story told, so ask me whatever you want, I'll do my best to tell you all I can.

    I, however, won't answer any question about why/how I'm going to die. I don't really own anything, and for some reason the idea of keeping my death as my own seems all sexy and romantic to me.

    Temporarily tripping to try to circumvent the princes, spaghetti and dinosaur walks.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:13:13 No.1039429
    What would you tell us people that have life left to live? What advice could you give us? Do you have some kind of devine wisdom, mental state or epiphany to share?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:16:08 No.1039443

    No more than anyone would already know or could get from any other source. Live, have fun, do what you want, but not at the expense of your body/health.

    Getting fucked up is all well and good (and fun,) but don't be that guy who's always shitfaced. Not being in control of your own body isn't worth even a decade of doing whatever the fuck you want.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:19:41 No.1039459
    Was your disease caused by your loner lifestyle cause if so I guess the name of your disease is irony
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:19:44 No.1039460
    Have you ever fallen in love or met someone who changed your life along the way?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:22:58 No.1039482

    My disease was caused by getting food poisoning (I ate a lot of garbage, didn't like panhandling,) having it mis-diagnosed as intestinal parasites, and my body ended up producing too many white blood cells for too long, causing my colon to end up covered in thousands of ulcers.


    A lot of people have changed/bettered my life in a lot of ways.

    And yes, I've been in love, and it was reciprocated. But I fucked it up (I AM on r9k right?)
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/09/12(Mon)10:26:00 No.1039501
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    so, you going to heaven or hell when you die?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:26:54 No.1039502

    I'd prefer and expect hell.

    Heaven seems boring anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:28:37 No.1039511
    How hard is train hopping?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:29:07 No.1039513
    What would you tell your 15 year old self?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:31:22 No.1039528

    It got harder near the end of my travels (2007-08ish?) Before that, I never met anyone else while I was doing it, although I heard plenty of fucking stories, most of which were probably stories their friends had told them, since the way of things in that "scene" seems to be to pretend that everything that's ever happened happened to you. Near the end, more often than not some oi oi punk fuck would inevitably want to share my car, and (i assume) because of these obnoxious spraypainting, 40 drinking, cracksmoking fucks, the bulls were far more prominent in the yards, and when they caught you, far more violent.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:32:05 No.1039531

    Fuck Texas, go back to Pittsburgh when she asks.
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 01/09/12(Mon)10:32:31 No.1039532
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    ah, well - it's your choice

    it's a retarded one

    but it's yours to make
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:33:20 No.1039534
    What are you doing/where are you living now?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:36:22 No.1039550

    I'm in central North Carolina living in a shitbox that some old religious people have paid $250 for me to stay in for 3 months because of the medical shit, stealing wi-fi from one of the people downstairs on a peice of shit I got at a pawn shop for $35 and eating pizza crust the junkie prostitute across the hall from me gives me when she's high and in a good mood. More often than not, sitting in my own filth due to my inability to earn the money I need for my ostomy supplies.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:37:20 No.1039554
    Ever wish you lived in canada?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:39:21 No.1039570

    Yes, I love the snow, even when I'm living outside.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:40:10 No.1039576
    How do you know enough about 4chan to name off derailing memes and make a trip for this sort of thread if you've been living as a homeless vagabond?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:41:12 No.1039585
    What's your phenotype (skin color etc), ethnic and social origin?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:41:36 No.1039586

    Homeless doesn't always mean living outside. Very often, it means going to shitty concerts and meeting people who think they're awesome that let you sleep in their basement until they get tired of you.

    More often than not, they're also obnoxious internet nerds.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:42:44 No.1039593

    I'm a white guy from a lower class family that came into a good amount of money shortly before I left and lost it shortly after.

    Not really sure what else you want to know.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:44:36 No.1039598
    Is there one story you always tell people? That one thing you just wish you could film? That one time you wish you could relive?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:47:25 No.1039609

    I"ve never told my stories, except to the only girl alluded to earlier from Pittsburgh. When asked about my past, I always just ignored it, or if there was something I thought I could get out of it that I needed badly (a meal after not eating for 3 days or so, for instance,) I would be incredibly vague and let them come to their own conclusions. Ex-hippies would assume I was doing what I was doing for freedom and love, corporate rich-guilt fucks would assume I had made bad choices and regretted them, things like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:48:50 No.1039615
    What made you leave your house when you were 15?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:49:40 No.1039619

    Angst and a bad relationship with my father.

    Nothing interesting, unique or unusual.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:49:40 No.1039620
    If you could, would you change anything?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:50:59 No.1039629

    I assume you mean aside from the health shit, seeing as how that's very fucking obvious?

    Again, I'm going to have to be a pretty typical frequenter of /r9k/, and answer that my only real regrets are with Ms. Pittsburgh.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:51:52 No.1039634
    Any experience in prison or other issues with law enforcement?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:53:16 No.1039641


    There are a few people who seemed to genuinely care about me, as friends or because they liked to protect people, who's lives I disappeared from and never found a way to contact them again.

    I very much wish I could change that, or at least explain to them my state of mind at that time and apologize, explain that their place in my life at the time helped me greatly.

    Earlier questions just got me in the mood to mentally punch myself in the throat over that girl, I guess that's just where my mind wants to go right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:53:33 No.1039644
    No need to get nasty, seeing as it's your own fault you're dying.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:55:30 No.1039650

    I was in a city jail for about two months once for felony posession. I was in a girl's car who was under 18, I was over 18, and they found a half eaten bag of mushrooms she lost under her seat. Since I was the only one over age and no one owned up to it, I was the one arrested. I was also "wanted" for about 3 years after because I never went to the drug addiction program thing I was assigned to as a part of my release.

    There were more times than I can count of being fucked with by cops for sleeping in the open. I actually got "kicked out" of Sherman, TX by the police once (actually got to hear "we don't take kindly to your type 'round here")

    No actual prison, though.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)10:57:49 No.1039657

    Didn't really think I was being nasty, just thought it was a pretty obvious question to ask someone who's body is failing them.

    Apologies if you felt I was being agressive.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)10:59:25 No.1039662
    So what happened with the girl?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:01:56 No.1039677

    I met her when I was in Pittsburgh, we ended up talking a lot when I was able to get online at libraries and peoples' houses and stuff. At one point I was leaving somewhere, I can't remember where but I want to say it was Jersey City, and she asked me to come back to Pittsburgh. I chose to go to Texas instead, because it was the middle of winter and I had my jacket and a lot of clothes stolen recently.

    We stayed in touch for a very long time, she was always my best friend, and it was always very clear that if I made my way back up there we would be together. Eventually, I had too many opportunities to go back and never took them for various reasons, and she was forced to give up on me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:02:56 No.1039685
    Did you ever find/see anything awesome on the train? Also, what was the best thing you had to eat while dumpster diving?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:04:30 No.1039690
    Do you not think she may want to hear from you now? You're obviously hung up on her and you shouldn't die with this on your mind.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:05:12 No.1039694

    A dead hobo once, partially eaten by something.

    I ended up dragging him out and burying him with leaves (I had no shovel,) just because he was the old white bearded bard-looking hobo I always romanticized about one day becoming, and the idea of him rotting there made me sad.

    Best thing specifically from a dumpster was a ton of VERY fresh cantaloupes, more than I could fit in all my bags. Ate like a fucking king for about a week.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:08:15 No.1039713

    I've contacted her recently. Her response was basically "I don't really get online anymore(obviously the internet was our main way of communication, couldn't really afford to find a way to call long distance very often) because there's nothing for me to do and no one for me to talk to there."

    I felt it was pretty obvious that she felt that if we started talking like we used to, old feelings would come up and hopes would be raised and crash again.

    The last time I ever heard her voice, it was her telling me she loved me and would talk to me soon.

    I'd rather not that memory turning into her being sad, or even indifferent, in learning that I wasn't going to be around much longer.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:09:58 No.1039722
    Can't you get yourself fixed ?
    Don't you want to go kill someone you hate before you die
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:18:56 No.1039767
    I'm pretty sure that was a pretty sick way of foreshadowing.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:19:03 No.1039769
    why dont you go to a homeless shelter?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:24:04 No.1039809
    How did you entertain yourself on the train? Seeing as there probably weren't many people to talk to and no reading material conveniently laying around..
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:25:38 No.1039826

    I can't, even with money the only thing they could do for me at this point is keep me pumped full of pain medicine, which I spent the past year finally getting off of after developing a pretty nasty IV habit.

    And I have no desire to cause anyone harm at all.


    I don't know if you mean for my life or as a part of a story I'm spinning you. In either case, it's not. I don't have a white beard, I'm not going to be old when I die and this isn't a novel.


    Because I hate homeless shelters, I have a place to stay for the rest of my life (haha?,) and there's really no need to at all.

    They're not the kind of place you go willingly, at least not the ones I've been to.

    Sorry for it taking a minute for these, I had to go to the window to smoke.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:27:00 No.1039839
    Do you have any religious affiliation? Do you think God is real?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:27:10 No.1039840

    I've always had books. Most major cities have "anarchist collectives," living space co-ops and things like that where they'll gladly trade you a book they have for one you've already read too many times. When I couldn't find one, I stole a couple from places like Barnes & Noble. I have never lacked for things to read.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:28:03 No.1039851

    I like science.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:28:05 No.1039852
    The real question I should be asking is why you left your parent's home at 15 years old in the first place?
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 01/09/12(Mon)11:29:48 No.1039868
    How much and how did you run into the money earlier?

    What did you blow it on? Are you addicted to anything?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:29:59 No.1039870



    That is not an interesting story at all.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:31:46 No.1039885

    I've never really had money. If you mean the money I said my family came into before I left, none of that was ever at my disposal.

    I have been addicted to opiates since shortly after I got sick, ended up being really fucking stupid with them (shooting up enough dilaudid, morphine and oxycodone to kill a horse every day,) then about a year and a half ago I got myself on methadone at a clinic, and finally finished tapering down shortly before Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:33:36 No.1039901
    Could you recommend a book, please?
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 01/09/12(Mon)11:33:55 No.1039903

    Are you happy where you are and what you did the past years?

    If you died, will you leave this earth happy?

    I always wanted to get a ticket to Europe or the States, and vagabond around

    Be as free as the rent I don't pay
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:36:39 No.1039929

    What are you into? Recently I've been reading a lot of fantasy. If that's your cup of tea, I'd suggest the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I've become a bit of a fanboy of his work, all of his stories have incredibly unique systems of magic and it's absolutely stunning to me. For instance, the main magic system in Mistborn is that some people are able to ingest certain metals, and use them to control other metals in the outside world or influence people's emotions.

    Also, as a note to everyone, if my responses suddenly cut of I apologize, and will eventually come back. I've always lurked here, never posted more than once in a very interesting topic or so. I've already been muted a couple of times in this thread because of not really understanding what to do (not enough content, etc,) so if I get a long mute, it'll take me a while to respond again.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:38:47 No.1039942

    No, the past few years have been absolutely awful. Sickness, depression because I can't do what I love anymore because of the sickness, etc.

    Also, isn't that the name of a Johnny Hobo song? That guy is fucking obnoxious, but I listen to it sometimes just because his cynicism is a breath of fresh air after the rest of the folk-punk scene and their goddamn optimism and "just do it everything will be okay we'll change the world" outlook.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:40:01 No.1039949
    I generally read history, but that series sounds interesting. I'll check it out, thanks.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 01/09/12(Mon)11:41:21 No.1039956

    Yes, Johnny Hobo song,

    So I guess your journey wasnt as pleasant as I guessed

    Do you regret running away?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:42:08 No.1039961

    Sorry, I thought I read "past few years," not "past years."

    I am happy with how I spent my life up until I got sick, I like the person that it made me into, also, before I got sick.

    I honestly can't say if I would sacrifice all of my experiences for a chance to be healthy again though. It'd be a really tough call.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:44:11 No.1039973
    Are you scared? I know I would be.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:45:22 No.1039986

    I was. If this was 5 years ago, I would be. The past few days I've calmed down a lot though. I'm forcing myself to focus more of the fact that the physical pain will end than that everything else will.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:45:39 No.1039988
    Didn't you find that lifestyle very stressful and scary?

    I would've quickly settled all affairs with my dad If I had done it.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:47:09 No.1039999

    Not usually, no. There were times when things were rough, but I was lucky to have a very good experience right when it all started, and I guess it got me in the frame of mind to really enjoy the good parts of what I was doing.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:51:20 No.1040031

    Expanding about the "good experience," since the whole point of this was to tell my story.

    When I first left home, I had been working at Pizza Hut in NC for about a year. I had a very small amount of money saved up, and I took a greyhound to Pasadena, CA because someone I knew from online lived there, and I knew the weather there would allow me to stay alive regardless of how bad things got for my situation.

    I ended up at a coffee bar type place called Equator over there, and the owner, a middle-aged Armenian guy, taking pity on a tiny teenager down on his luck, ended up giving me a key to the bathroom in the alleyway beside it and letting me sleep/live/keep my shit there after seeing me asleep on the bench across from it when he opened one day.. Every day when he opened, he'd bring me a big box of scrambled eggs with feta cheese. Throughout the day, when I was there reading/listening to music/watching people/writing, he would bring me new sandwich creations he made to "test them for the menu." Everyone there was very wonderful to me.
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 01/09/12(Mon)11:53:27 No.1040047

    Dying man gets quads, solid

    So, are you just going to die where ever you are? You should go see your family or atleast be around some friends

    This shit is depressing, but your journey is rather interesting

    I wish you well sir, I think the only type of people that should start a thread like this should be sorta of like this,
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:55:23 No.1040071
    Wow, I really wish everything good for that man.

    I really don't know what to ask, but please keep telling more stories about your life, they're very interesting.

    Also I wish you good last days and painless death.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)11:56:03 No.1040074

    I'm going to die in a park beside the greyhound station I first left from, because I am an obnoxious faux-poetic faggot. But again, I'd really rather not discuss any more details of the death part of all of this in this thread, as I feel I'm as peace with it as I'm going to get and I'd rather not 4chan fuck that all up for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)11:58:51 No.1040088
    OP, I hope there's an afterlife so we can meet and share stories and shit, you sound like a total bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:00:13 No.1040101
    Whats your name? I want to remember you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:00:55 No.1040108
    Now that you can look back on basically the entirety of your life, what would you say has been your most valuable experience, either homeless or before that?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:02:39 No.1040117
    Do you believe in the afterlife, OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:04:03 No.1040125
    To see the world or were you referring to another post?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:04:04 No.1040126
    write a letter to whoever finds you. Even if it's a 4 page essay, write it, so people can hear your story. Write how ironic it is that oyu died where you started etc. Youre a romantic, so i doubt youd turn this down, eh?
    >> Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam☭Naomi☭ !iciodwoC8c 01/09/12(Mon)12:05:01 No.1040132
    When traveling, what are your best tips?
    Is there one drug you'd actually recommend?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:08:10 No.1040156
    Any stories of memorable fights you've had over the years?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:16:42 No.1040215
    I think the bastard's died on us, fellas.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)12:25:12 No.1040261



    Outside of Atlanta, GA traveling with another guy at one point in a stolen van, we went to see his half-brother and wife. They had a small house in a lower-middle class type of suburb, right by some big mall that apparently everyone in Atlanta knows about. The brother was about 35, and the wife about 60. They were the coolest people I'd ever met. He worked as a professor at an online university teaching some type of higher, theoretical math, and she was, for lack of a better phrase, some kind of pagan witchlady. They had about 15 kids at their house, all either people like me who were traveling around, or dumbasses who got pregnant or addicted to drugs as teenagers and had nowhere else to go. They took care of them all, and called them their children. It was an amazing experience for me, because it looked like just a normal suburban family house, but once you got in and met everyone, it was clear that they were just a bunch of people who loved/accepted each other exactly how they were, and all took care of each other in every way possible. It opened my eyes at a very crucial time in my life, showed me that life wasn't all black and white, good people and bad, "my people" vs "those assholes." They lived the way I'd always known people to, but were the most open minded, accepting, wonderful people I have ever met.

    Now that I've typed that, I see I really can't explain why it was such a life changing experience for me, so I guess just take it at face value.


    No. I kinda wish I did, but it would be a lie if I tried to convince myself, and I'd always know it.


    I've kinda thought about it, but I really don't want my life to turn into some bullshit Oprah story, which is a big reason why I'm doing this on an anonymous forum.

    continued because "field too long"
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)12:26:19 No.1040269

    Always keep as much water as you can carry, if you're going outside of a regular city. It can be more scarce than you'd believe. Also, sing your favorite songs to yourself when you're lonely.

    I'd always recommend acid and mushrooms but again, I'm a romantic faggot. If you're not in the right frame of mind, it's just another way to make the world a little more weird.


    I've never had a memorable fight. I've had my ass kicked by assholes who wanted my shit, once over a half eaten hotdog from a trash can, but I've never fought anyone for what you could consider a "good" reason, if there's even such a thing.
    >> Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam☭Naomi☭ !iciodwoC8c 01/09/12(Mon)12:28:39 No.1040284
    Why don't you write a book, it could be short (20 pages), and use our help to get it published?

    I think you'd be a great writer.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)12:30:18 No.1040297

    I tried it once, shortly after I got sick. When I try to write my whole story, it turns into some bi-polar shitfest, sometimes pitying myself, sometimes romanticizing starvation and hardship, and sometimes angry at the world. It wouldn't be a good read, and it would be quite a bit longer than 20 pages.
    >> Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam☭Naomi☭ !iciodwoC8c 01/09/12(Mon)12:32:22 No.1040314
    It's probably not as bad as you think.

    Anyway, just keep in mind that no matter how bad, we can't judge you when you're dead,and it will still be a great experience for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:41:34 No.1040373
    But that sounds brilliant
    >> Japanese Lettuce Hardcore !!hGVNqbTL1ZV 01/09/12(Mon)12:44:02 No.1040392

    >that feel when you are on the verge of crying over some hobo faggot about to die

    Shit is sad, I feel like I'm preggers
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)12:48:45 No.1040433

    My intent was not to make people sad, I'd never want that.

    If you want to smile, ask me happier questions.
    >> Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiam☭Naomi☭ !iciodwoC8c 01/09/12(Mon)12:51:03 No.1040448
    What is the best (genuine) compliment you ever got?
    What is the best joke you ever heard?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:51:43 No.1040454
    British person here.

    I am actually jealous of you. I know you are about to die, and I am sorry for that, but I envy the country you live in.

    My country is too small and cramped to travel in. As soon as you step outside your garden, you are trespassing. If you try and travel by yourself the police will pick you up and ask what you're doing. There is no wilderness, only farmland and cities. You can't train hop, the only places you can walk/hike are the tiny national parks, there are no places like that house you mentioned that takes in anyone, everything is painfully normal and boring. The whole country is one big boring suburb. I feel desperately cramped.

    This is why I am doing a Masters degree in Canada when I graduate here, and hopefully staying there.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:53:08 No.1040463
    I hope you don't take this the wrong way btw, I'm just saying, in some respects you have been lucky, though obviously in others you have not. I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)12:55:41 No.1040476
    yo, d, post some pics, bro
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:00:55 No.1040523
    Now that you're close to death, do you wish you could see your dad one last time? If you could, would you reconcile things with him?

    Also, what was your most philosophical and most frightening drug-related stories?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:05:45 No.1040562
    I envy you hoboman. I have this overwhelming lust for adventure. But i tie myself down to this small town where i cant go anywhere. Every day i dream of putting all of my money in gas and driving untill i cant drive anymore. I dont care where. I love new people. New places. I feel comftorable there. I dont settle well.

    Ive always wondered what it would be like to do this.. Im a fairly charming person and like a challenge in life..

    Now i want to be hoboman :(
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:06:37 No.1040574
    Best experiences of being a romanticized wanderer? Romanticize them all you want dude, enjoy telling us
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:07:16 No.1040579

    As hippie and silly as it is, one time while busking outside of some beauty supply place (sold like hair dye and shit, was the only place that didn't kick me off,) a middle aged woman gave me $40 and told me that she didn't like my type of music at all but as she walked by me "aura almost knocked her on her ass."

    Never been into that kind of mystical shit, but the way she looked at me made me very happy.

    I can't think of the best joke I've ever heard right now, if I told you one it'd just be the best I could think of at the moment.


    I, honestly, do not have any.


    I've made peace with my dad, we've had a couple beers together a couple of times.

    Most frightening drug story, I tripped on acid once at the beach in Ithaca, NY. Wasn't in a very good place in my mind at the time, and I was alone in the woods. I got lost, and was convinced of all sorts of stupid shit, that my being lost was a metaphor for my entire life, all sorts of stuff. There's really no way of describing how terrifying that night was for me.

    I don't know what you mean by my most philosophical drug story.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:09:36 No.1040598

    I have absolutely no idea why or how I said "at the beach" there, I meant in the woods.


    I'd really like it if you could be (just a little) more specific. I have a lot of stories I consider to be of great value to myself, and picking a general favorite or best will depend entirely on my mood.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:11:56 No.1040619
    Give us a moment of great bromanship, ie someone helping you extraordinarily, your best experience of drugs, and a time you think not many people will ever get to experience.
    THanks though, for sharing
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:17:21 No.1040667
    How often did you move around, between towns, etc?
    And what did you do for money/keeping yourself alive? I can tell you've been dumpster diving; any other ways or experiences?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:18:42 No.1040680

    Well, you've said you are a romantic and I think alluded to putting lots of interpretation into your trips. I was wondering if you ever had a drug experience that radically changed your views on life, people, yourself, or anything really.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:21:44 No.1040702

    This was in Pasadena, CA as well, very soon after first leaving home.

    While hanging out at night at the coffee shop Equator I spoke of earlier, I met a guy who's name I can't remember for the life of me, which has bothered me a lot for a long time.

    I was sitting on a couch drinking some coffee and writing "music"(I was 15, it was terrible,) and some guy in his late 20's started talking to me. He was apparently a writer, working on a screenplay (surprise surprise, guy hanging in a coffee shop in the greater LA area working on a screenplay, but I was 15 at the time and it just seemed cool.) We started talking, I told him what was up, which didn't take long because I had only been doing this a couple of months.

    Earlier that week I spoke to someone in San Diego I know online (Equator had a few computers connected to the internet, they let me use it whenever,) and she told me that her and her mother would let me stay at their house for a while to try to get my shit straight.

    I didn't have any money at that time, I think I had like 29 cents or something.

    This guy ended up taking me to his apartment, where I met his wife. They had met recently and got married the day after they met, and they were absolutely wonderful together. We all hung out for a bit in their living room, and they let me sleep on the couch.

    The next day, they took me to breakfast at some place I don't remember much of, except that I only had a plate of fruit. Then they drove me to the greyhound station, bought me a ticket to San Diego, gave me $50, and they both gave me a hug and cried a little.

    I really wish I could remember their names. They were wonderful people, and if I hadn't met them and a few others early in my travels I think my life would have turned out much different.

    continued, field too long
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:23:07 No.1040708
    Best experience on drugs, I can't really say. I'd just like to believe my entire life has been one big drug experience and it's been wonderful.

    Something I've done that not many people will. I camped in Yosemite once, out in the middle of nowhere, because I thought it would be awesome. A squirrel came into my "tent" (a big piece of fabric I got at Hancock fabric for $7 that I folded into different ways depending on what I needed) and hung out with me for days. I'd feed it and we'd sleep together, and when I was awake reading or just watching nature, it would sit on my lap and stare at me.

    I know that's a bit silly, but it was a great time, and I doubt many people have had random squirrel friends.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:26:30 No.1040727

    It depended on how much I liked where I was. I stayed almost half a year in Beaver Falls, PA (outside of Pittsburgh, took the bus to the city almost every day.) Other places I didn't even stay long enough to sleep.


    I'm not sure if you've tripped before, so I'm going to explain this like it's to someone who hasn't.

    When you do psychedelics, for me, at least, it's a very personal experience. The way my mind works on those drugs is completely different, and the thoughts/revelations/conclusions I come to often can't be expressed, or even thought about, coherently. I'm not refusing to give a detailed account of my most "philosophical" drug experience because I want it to be private, but because I really don't know how to put those kinds of things into words.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:27:22 No.1040737
    Can I take your life story and make it a novel?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:27:42 No.1040740
    I'm a doctor. Exactly what disease do you have?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:28:51 No.1040744

    I'm fairly certain you're having a laugh at my expense, I feel I've been very vague and haven't been a good story teller here so far.

    But if you're serious, I really don't care. If writing makes you happy, I'd be honored to in some way be a muse for your are.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:30:27 No.1040755
    Thats really nice. It's the little things I suppose.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:30:48 No.1040756

    Chron's, very badly. I've had to have 6 blood transfusions since October because of all the blood loss.

    I know that it's not deadly if treated right, especially not on a type of scale where I'd know when I was going to die, but like I said before, I'd like to keep the ending of my story to myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:31:33 No.1040762
    Can you recount all the different places you've been to in chronological order?
    If that's too much, just stick to major travels, eg from state to state.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:32:00 No.1040764
    Don't die Dan :(
    Go and see that girl, sell everything you have and tell her you love her.
    Go on.
    Make your life end like a movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:33:25 No.1040774

    me too. Fucking sucks, right? On Humira nao, but that shit ain't working. There's a couple of good forums around you can look into, they've got a lot of good advice towards what to eat, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:34:04 No.1040780
    Cant you get portions of your intestines cut out and slow the process down/ remove the threat entirely? Thats what my father did.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:35:10 No.1040786

    It's going to be a rough list, just the places that stick out in my mind the most right this moment.

    From my home in NC to Pasadena CA to San Diego, from there to Dallas, TX. There to Portland, OR and Eugene. From there to Athens, GA to Gainesville, FL. Lots in FL for about 6 months. There to Dallas, then Sherman, tx. There back to NC for about a month, then back to Sherman. Then Wisconcin (can't remember where, was meeting someone to have a travel buddy for a bit) There to Pittsburgh, PA. Richmond, VA, Jersey City/NYC, Ithaca, Tucson, AZ, San Francisco, back to Eugene. Pittsburgh, Charlotte NC, Columbia, SC, Miami

    A lot more east coast than anything. And again, those are just the places that my mind went straight to right now. There were many more.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:36:03 No.1040790
    No, I'm not. Your story is honestly interesting and I've been stuck in a writing rut right now.
    But I wish you the best, man.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:36:45 No.1040792

    My entire colon was removed, along with I think it was 16 inches of small intestine, and a lot of other parts. My anus no longer exists, I'm a Ken doll from behind, and there is no reversal available after all that's been cut out.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:36:49 No.1040795
    I hear your brain releases DMT when you die. Are you looking forward to seeing what that feels like?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:37:42 No.1040803
    >>1040792 do you shit?

    apparently that comment isn't original blofdivbfdubvfbsdjvd
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:37:44 No.1040804
    So why didn't you settle down at any point? Did you really enjoy travelling?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:38:14 No.1040810
    I think you're full of shit (and so is your ostomy bag).

    If you have PC and internet access, that means you also have camera access. Provide us with a timestamped picture of you and your ostomy bag.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:39:16 No.1040816
    Also, you're not going to die. It's very rare for someone to die from Crohn's. You be trippin. Unless you've got a severe bowel obstruction, and are hiding from the hospitals, or you've got an abscess in your brain, you won't die.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:39:23 No.1040817
    If someone made a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:40:45 No.1040827
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    I've done DMT before. It's neat.


    pic related. It's not me, but a google image search.


    I enjoyed it very much. I tried to settle down a few times at the beginning, but it never worked.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:40:50 No.1040829
    You fucking cunt. Not all laptops have integrated webcams you dumb, bratty, spoilt twat.

    You wank over your macbook.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:41:00 No.1040832

    This is me. Reasonable deduction suggests you're planning on committing suicide. Cool.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:43:15 No.1040850

    >I'm in central North Carolina living in a shitbox that some old religious people have paid $250 for me to stay in for 3 months because of the medical shit, stealing wi-fi from one of the people downstairs on a peice of shit I got at a pawn shop for $35

    I think that was like the third question asked?

    Also, how do you figure anyone with a computer has a camera?


    I believe I said before that the reason I'm going to die has nothing to do with the digestive disease, and that it's not something I want to discuss here.

    It's really okay if you don't believe what I'm saying, I don't know how I would prove it to you or why I would want to.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:47:16 No.1040878

    Also, when I had the initial ileostomy surgery, it was after going to the ER and almost dying from the amount of blood loss that came from shitting waves of blood every 3-7 minutes for over a month. It may be rare, but I'm fairly certain it's not unheard of.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:50:05 No.1040894
    What does your typical day look like?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:51:56 No.1040909

    Lately, wake up(if I've been able to sleep,) wrap more tape around me and on the sides of the waver that connects my ostomy bag to try to prevent as much leaking as possible, sit on the internet and trying to google people I met whose names I can remember while traveling so I can tell them either sorry or thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:52:04 No.1040910

    Well, first off, I didn't read your entire spiel, because chances are, if you're browsing 4khan, you're an asshole and deserve to die. Secondly, WTF are you talking here for if you don't want attention? You're like that dumb chick who posts "omg, hate my life" on their fagbook status, and when asked about it, says "i don't want to talk about it"... STFU attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)13:52:55 No.1040916
    Could you describe your physical appearance?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)13:57:13 No.1040951

    I didn't say I didn't want attention. I'm enjoying answering these questions, some of them have made me remember things I haven't thought of in a long time.

    I said that I don't want to talk about how/why I'm going to die, which I don't think is unreasonable, seeing as how this thread is about my life, and the end of it's just a very small piece of the puzzle.

    I really don't understand what I said that made you so angry.


    I'm about 6'1, or was when I was able to stand without hunching over. I was average weight, and am again, but I'm covered in stretch marks that make me look like a zebra from all the weight I continuously gained and lost because of sickness/remission before my surgery.

    Pretty average face. Haven't shaved in a while, though. Been told in the past that I was attractive enough times that I believe I at least am not ugly, but never been attractive enough to have people hanging off of me. Light brown hair. Tattoos, scars from piercings.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:01:26 No.1040988
    damn op, i'm in this bitter-sweet melancholic mood now. I sorta imagine you like this guy
    sitting alone, writing "hymns to the night" etc. Did you ever try to write poetry? You are really a good story teller though, i wish i too was as good at conveying my thoughts and emotions to other people as you are.
    >> sage sage 01/09/12(Mon)14:06:24 No.1041036
    Saging your thread until proof is posted.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:06:28 No.1041037
    Would you suggest this life? (short of disease anyway)
    >> sage sage 01/09/12(Mon)14:08:13 No.1041056
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:08:29 No.1041061

    Not for everyone, no.


    Maybe I'm mistaken, but doesn't sage just not bump if you reply? I'm pretty sure it doesn't actively move the thread farther down that page.

    I guess you could just be trying to convey your displeasure in a very 4chan fashion, though. In which case, feel free.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:12:56 No.1041095
    You said you made your peace with your Dad, what about your Mom? any other people you would like to make your peace with/regret not fixing your relationship if it had problems? That's probably fuckways, but hopefully you understand what I'm trying to ask.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:13:07 No.1041099
    Some day when i have some money.. I will try this. With an SUV. Ive always wanted to travel. But i like to keep a safety net. I want to see the kindness of strangers and the lowest of the lows. Plus i help wherever i can..
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:14:17 No.1041108

    Read the faq faggot, sage doesn't work this way.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:21:05 No.1041159
    Op, what sort of things have kept you sane throughout your travels? I imagine lots of lonely nights.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:24:08 No.1041177
    OP, did you die yet?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:24:08 No.1041178

    I'm on decent terms with all of my family. There are a lot of people, like I think I mentioned before, who I wish I could get in contact with again, but I don't know how.


    Books, music and my imagination.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:24:57 No.1041182

    I don't think so. Could be mistaken, though. These things are pretty confusing, you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:26:16 No.1041192
    One place you always wanted to revisit?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:28:24 No.1041217

    As I'm sure is pretty obvious if you've read the other posts, Pittsburgh.

    Afraid I'm not very interesting on that front.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:32:23 No.1041244
    Did you enjoy your time in SC? I live there and its relativly boring to live in i must say. Columbia was a poor choice to stay though.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:33:21 No.1041250

    Actually, I despised it. Most boring place I've ever been, plus it's where I got sick and stayed sick for a long time.

    Rock Hill, Columbia and Florence are all awful. Heard Charelston is nice though.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:35:27 No.1041268
    I live about 20 minutes from florence actually. Terribly boring if you dont have friends to share it with. Most of our entertainment comes from lakes and beach trips. Charleston is kinda Meh but i have lived here all my life. Myrtle is the place to go but being a bum you would have certainly been arrested.
    >> Russtherussian !Y9iITvsRZg 01/09/12(Mon)14:35:46 No.1041270
    Dan, I've always been fascinated with stories like yours, stories where people actually take it upon themselves to create a new life, to make shitty decisions and face the consequences on their own, and to abandon the family they once relied on. Part of me has always longed for this feeling, this sense of freedom and adventure. Thank you for sharing your story so that, if not for a brief few minutes, that feeling is alive in me again.

    Anyway, from the bottom of my heart, Dan, I hope that you can die with some dignity and happiness, and I hope that you can live the rest of your life in peace. Stay safe, friend.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:36:42 No.1041281

    I went to Myrtle Beach a couple of times with friends. Good acid, about all I can say about it. I'm not into clubs and foam parties and casual sex with idiots, so it wasn't really my scene.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:37:26 No.1041287
    I agree. Part of me wants your story to be recorded. And shared. You have no idea the feeling it gives me to hear about someone who sacrificed EVERYTHING to be free and survived. To the common person we are trapped in our cages and you broke all the rules and enjoyed it to an extent.

    You give me hope.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:38:13 No.1041292

    That's very sweet of you. Thank you very much.

    I am typing this extra sentence so the internet won't keep reminding me of how unoriginal I am.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:41:03 No.1041321
    Oh shit man, you're fucking awesome.
    You did all the things I dreamed of as a child. Living wild and living free.
    I've always had kind of a fantasy to just go somewhere, visit distant places, meet new people, do odd jobs for food and all round have an experience of a life time.
    I doubt that will ever happen, but you give me hope Anon.
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:41:57 No.1041330
    After having experienced everything that you did in your life, would you say that, overall, the path you chose was worth it?

    Sorry if you've already answered this, but I didn't see it so I though I'd ask.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:42:19 No.1041335
    That is r9k for you. But hey it keeps the shits (mostly) off this board.

    Anyway Dan, what do you think of the US? you've seen it better than anyone else, do the good people make up for the bad?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:43:45 No.1041348

    I believe I answered something similar to this before, but I don't want to read back through everything to find it.

    Basically, I love the way my life was before the disease. I enjoyed it, and after a lot of thought, I know that I truly did, and I'm not just romanticizing it now that it's in the past.

    I, however, do not know if I would be willing or not to give it all up in exchange for health.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:44:05 No.1041351
    OP, you should be cloned, or something. You seem a valuable human being.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:45:48 No.1041360

    Even the bad people can end up in good stories. I'll assume I know what you mean by asking my opinion of the US, and that it has nothing to do with politics or anything like that. I honestly believe that even if there was only one good person in the world, it would make up for all the rest of the bad ones, and I've met a lot more than one good person.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:47:54 No.1041376
    What is the one place you really wanted to visit?
    It doesn't have to be in your immediate area, it can be anywhere in the world.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:49:15 No.1041389

    Venice. There's something inherently free about traveling in water, the idea of the streets being made of it is beautiful to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:51:20 No.1041400
    This thread is getting really slow.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:54:04 No.1041415
    OP; this song is something I'd imagine going with the images of your memories.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:54:39 No.1041417

    I don't have speakers for the computer :(
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:55:52 No.1041429
    Ah ha. That is sad man.

    Did you mention you used to busk? what was that like?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:57:03 No.1041441
    OP: How did you get the free room again? Some old people just felt bad for you? elaborate please..

    and where are you going after the three months are up?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)14:57:37 No.1041444

    Playing music has always been very good to me, but I prefer it to be alone or with someone I care about. Random people on the street ignoring songs that you pour your heart into is kind of depressing, and I never learned to play Pink Floyd songs or any of that other stuff that gives you guaranteed audiences or money.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)14:59:24 No.1041452
    You still play?
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:00:29 No.1041464

    There was a discussion about same-sex marriage and its portrayal in the media advertised outside of a unitarian universalist where I was. I went to listen to it (wasn't very interesting,) and someone saw me going through the garbage (I saw someone throwing away a big plate of muffins.) They talked to me for a little bit, things happened, they paid for this place for a little while for me.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:01:43 No.1041469

    I had to sell my guitar and my mandolin a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:06:00 No.1041512
    What type of films are you into/whose your favourite director?

    I'm into making short films in various styles, and all the stories you've mentioned here have sort of made me want to make one based around your life. I'd understand if you wouldn't want anyone to, but I find it fascinating.

    And if I did end up making it and not doing a terrible job, would you mind me dedicating it to you?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:06:13 No.1041514
    Aww that is sad man. I suppose when you're looking through the trash for food it doesn't seem so important though.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:07:19 No.1041523

    As I said to someone earlier who wanted to write something, I would be honored to be an inspiration for any kind of creativity.

    Afraid I can't answer your original question though. I haven't seen a movie in a long time.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:10:54 No.1041556

    I would have never sold my instruments for food. If you're somewhere that you can sell an instrument, you're somewhere where you can find something to eat.

    I had to sell them for medicine.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:11:56 No.1041572
    Could you at least give us your name so we know who to dedicate it too?
    Or at least your initials?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:12:20 No.1041576
    Dan if it hasn't been said before. You are a very brave guy. Fuck, I was still a child at 15. I couldn't of just moved out.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:12:43 No.1041578

    Dan S.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:16:44 No.1041614
    Not to sound cliche, but, you will be remembered Dan S.
    >> d !v8LK2qhEtc 01/09/12(Mon)15:19:28 No.1041640
    I am going to be leaving in the next few minutes (going to the hospital to see if I can't bum a new ostomy bag off of the ER)

    I may make another thread sometime, but probably not.

    Apologies to all the die hard anonymous people out there, but I'm including a temporary email address in this post, both in case anyone has a question that they really want answered and on the off chance that someone I have known will recognize some part of my story and contact me. I know it's a long shot, but stranger things have happened.

    I hope you all have happy lives.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:22:00 No.1041671
    You to Dan S. I'll drink to you one day.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:25:55 No.1041705
    You are an inspiration sir. As little as you may think it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:27:39 No.1041727

    Explain, please. This sounds tragic
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:27:44 No.1041730
         File1326140864.jpg-(11 KB, 430x320, 1326133904257.jpg)
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    You're gonna get e-mailed
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:28:17 No.1041733
    how do you archive a post?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/12(Mon)15:30:36 No.1041760
    Even though you're probably gone, thank you Dan. You've made me sad about your death, but happy knowing that you've appreciated your life. I wish I could see the good in everything.

    congrats, this thread has been requested 4 times and will now be archived

    Hopefully this'll get more people to know you, even if it is only a few more...

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