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    File : 1280358729.jpg-(3 KB, 108x88, somethingthatisawful.jpg)
    3 KB Forum Intelligence Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:12:09 No.10377581  
    You guys do realize r9k is a pretty averagely intelligent forum which just seems to be smart when
    compared to the rest of the cesspool that is 4chan?

    Have you guys ever gone to LLC forums? Check out FYAD or PHIZ, that shit has so many layers of irony and sophistication it will make you shit your pants and cry for your mommy upon reading it. But it's best to start simple.

    Try to post in General Bullshit and you will simply feel inadequate. You can only have maybe the first page of a thread go by before all the relevant obscure movie references are taken, and if it's not an obscure movie reference then you can bet your ass that you're gonna get fucking banned. It's actually virtually impossible for 95% of humans to acquire a repertoire of obscure movie references large enough to have a regular posting career in SomethingAwful without having to constantly repay the forum fee.

    These 'goons' are so damn fucking creative they just shit all over r9k. I mean check out the folks at the Musicians Lounge, these guys have collectively released well over twenty thousand free electro-mashup-comedy-rap albums made in the demo version of Fruity Loops, and they will take days out of their free time to prove to you how an E-sharp can simultaneously exist and not exist.

    Even the anime forum dudes will be stylin' on you with their infinite layers of irony, sarcasm and obscure references.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:13:05 No.10377604
    fucktard idiot do u know any good places other than anti cruelty to adopt dougs in the city?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:13:34 No.10377614
    wasn't this posted the other day?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:14:39 No.10377640
    Nope, you need to pay attention. Also put more content in your posts please.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:14:47 No.10377642

    Yep, exact same shit, filled with abysmal attempts at trolling too

    I actually went to something awful after it and oh boy, it fucking sucks

    not to mention thoose greedy assholes want a signup fee
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:15:01 No.10377647
    It's Tuesday afternoon all over again, and for some reason or another, I am not surprised.

    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:15:02 No.10377648
    and pay ten dollars so Lowtax can buy himself a Korean wife and a Golden Retriever.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:15:47 No.10377659
    Will agree with you on PHIZ but FYAD really is just a shitposting circlejerk that's only occasionally funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:15:52 No.10377662
    Let's have a thread on this every day because SA's community is dropping like a limp dick!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:16:01 No.10377667
    >implying his gookwife didn't leave him and take the dog
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:16:30 No.10377682
    You can check out pretty much every forum for free if you don't have an account. But by all means, don't register - the $10 is the only thing keeping losers like you out ;)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:17:25 No.10377697
    SomethingAwful is pretty shit it has no content whatsoever just ppl that are easily amused by unfunny "original" photoshops and shtuf
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:17:43 No.10377702
    Because obscure movie references and shitty music mashups make a forum intelligent.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:18:56 No.10377723
    Viral shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:18:57 No.10377726
    fuck your ten dollars, you dirty greedy jew assholes
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:19:20 No.10377732
    SA? Really?


    >if it's not an obscure movie reference then you can bet your ass that you're gonna get fucking banned

    sounds autistic enough

    >electro-mashup-comedy-rap albums made in the demo version of Fruity Loops


    >Even the anime forum dudes will be stylin' on you with their infinite layers of irony, sarcasm and obscure references

    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:20:17 No.10377748
    you forgot the sage
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:21:12 No.10377758
    Posting content so I can sage this shit, I like co ntent it is great blah bluh blah
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:22:02 No.10377771
    i love sucking mod cock. XD
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:24:05 No.10377794
    What's good about SA is that it's still a humor forum, except for 4chan, which is a.. misery forum. Big difference.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:24:32 No.10377799
    fuck, got distracted by the captcha. good lookin out
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:24:36 No.10377802

    ozma is real damn fat, how'd you find it
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:25:22 No.10377814
    Stop reading GBS
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:25:54 No.10377824
    so-called burica burica so called bruicia bricka bracka brocker
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:26:09 No.10377831
    ITT: People that didn't spend a lot of time in /b/ six years ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:27:08 No.10377852

    SA is for spoiled boring white people who can and will repeatedly spend money to use a forum

    it is a thing for the rest of the internet to laugh at
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:27:42 No.10377859
    Yeah, but even before that, back in '01 around the time of 9/11, /b/ was pretty fucking highbrow and shit. Everything was original content and trolls were classy. Ahh those were the days...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:29:34 No.10377889

    "classy" is dogshit. fuck you and fuck "classy" in the butt. also fuck precious mewling shit like ironic emoticons and misspellings. fuck your dumb gay crap.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:29:46 No.10377893

    >>back in '01

    >> Iron Knight !n4WrasLMIk 07/28/10(Wed)19:29:54 No.10377896
    SA are tremendous faggots. I currently have OP in an IRC channel they want. Shit is ugly as hell, bans everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:31:22 No.10377914
    The chans and anonymous forums in general are more intelligent, wittier, and pretty much everything in higher amounts than other forums. When we're classy there's no beating us. When we're stupid, there's no beating us. When we're smart there's no beating us. Whatever we do we're the best at. Whether it's being full of win, or failing hardcore, we're the best of the best.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:31:24 No.10377916

    aahaha banning goons

    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:31:46 No.10377925
    Wowzas. You are very mad and very dumb. Maybe you should turn of the computer and re-think your priorities for a few years.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:33:03 No.10377943
    Please explain that to me in a different, clearer way, I don't understand what you mean about the IRC channel sorry.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:33:37 No.10377948
    I guess it's a good thing that I am at least pretty averagely intelligent. Otherwise, I might be susceptible to falling for and/or caring about this. Too transparent, op, far too transparent.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:33:44 No.10377952
    post screencap
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:35:18 No.10377975
    Do you mean to say, you posted the OP in an SA IRC channel and the reactions caused people to get banned? What?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:35:53 No.10377980

    not as dumb as you with your absurd powdered-wig internet ideas you fucking dud

    ps sa is for pompous old queers who are so full of shit they need a CDL to ride a bike
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:36:20 No.10377988
    >keeping losers like you out ;)
    >losers like you
    He's a loser? GB2: SA or whatever shithole you paid to reside in
    >> sage sage 07/28/10(Wed)19:37:35 No.10378007
    >pretty averagely intelligent forum
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:37:37 No.10378009
    are you sure? because I'm pretty sure the entire of SA has now reduced to calling people "u butt", intentionally misspelling a post and funny emoticons.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:37:42 No.10378010
    Professional Tip: Money can buy you quality forums + content.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:38:03 No.10378017
    I am in fact a lurker on SA because I don't feel like paying tenbux and because I don't feel like I'd have anything to add to most threads.
    Doesn't stop me from loving it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:38:14 No.10378019

    im retarded jokes on them i was only pretending.png.avi

    This. We are an untinted window into the human condition and if you can't handle how real that gets then perhaps you're a stupid pussy and should stick to dragon books.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:40:10 No.10378053
    Don't forget black bart simpson and never shutting up about Space Jam
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:40:48 No.10378058
    Still waiting for answer to this bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:42:48 No.10378092
    sounds like my kind of forum
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:45:00 No.10378117

    haha can you imagine like, this awful dude (probably a weaboo or something too) all coopting black culture and talking black

    haha space jam 420 my 40s god what an awful way to be
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:47:25 No.10378143
    yeah people should just really leave the space jam loving to all those african americans
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:47:54 No.10378152
    SA is recruiting.

    Why make another shit thread like you did yesterday stupid chuckle-fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:48:15 No.10378163
    I loving hate these poo poo threads
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:49:42 No.10378184

    seriously i want you to visualize this guy. greasy curly hair, big wide downsbody forehead, kind of fat. and a goon. he is talking about a movie he watched. maybe space jam maybe not. just this awful pigman.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:50:05 No.10378190
    It means that he joined some channel that a couple goons use when they were in, got channel operators status (op) and now they're trying to rejoin it but he just keeps banning them.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:53:41 No.10378237

    4chan- 1

    SA- 0
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:57:50 No.10378290
    There's really nothing much to say -- It's just a bunch of losers who like blowing their horns. They made it into a very convoluted science of meta-meta-post-meta-post-internet-humor post-humor, but it's still the same uninspiring drivel that thrives on sucking the life out of everything, only to the nth degree and beyond.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)19:59:31 No.10378313
    Each has its own advantages.

    SA= unless you're registered and paid, you can't post. Makes it impossible for people to raid unless they pay to join the forum. So, all the shit takes place on enemy territory and never hits them. Downsides= Still falls to LOIC, full of faggotry.

    4chan= LOIC doesn't really do shit. You need a botnet. Admins who quickly solve spam with captcha. Immune to trolling or raids. Far more numerous. Downsides= anyone can post, so they can raid us here with shit threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:03:48 No.10378358

    Recruiting for what? Aren't they one of the world's largest forums?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:04:37 No.10378367
    >Immune to trolling

    I have a picture that, when posted on /b/, gets a hundred or more people banned for a day and a few of them banned for trying to evade their ban.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:06:27 No.10378403

    Those are the newfags. Also, it's like pissing in an ocean of piss. If they raid, their trolling will be no different than the other trolling there. It won't cause a big shitstorm and we won't skip a beat.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:06:37 No.10378404
    Just... wow.

    If you guys honestly believe that /r9k/ has better content and discussions than SA... wow.

    >ask x anything

    Yep, what a bunch of losers over at SA. They could never beat the quality of the chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:07:14 No.10378416
    >You are now aware that SomethingAwful bans with impunity to keep the subscription fee quota up
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:08:18 No.10378436
    What are you talking about? It's not as if r9k would be biased or anything...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:09:10 No.10378443
    honestly, i just checked out the SA forums now, and i have to say, theyre fucking good. i love 4chan, and everything about it, but sometimes it's hard to deal with all of the bullshit that gets posted here. i've tried to fight against that and posted some successful "intelligent" threads on /r9k/, but the threads don't last forever. I'm happy with 4chan, but SA is making me jealous, because there is some really good content there, that i wish was here instead. i'll just have to bring it over.... or everyone can just start posting good threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:10:15 No.10378454
    Yeah, but they are really good at making it seem like the bans are for a good reason by creating a strict atmosphere. This = more money and well thought-out posts.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:11:39 No.10378475

    Recruiters from SA, or as you might also call them, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:12:18 No.10378482
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    seems too me that all the nerdy fags who think they're proper come here this board sucks dick BUT OH NOES I made fun of you guys...what shall you do? nothing but make up stories about how you guys are totally awesome when your just /b/ tards at heart who think they're too cool too go there so stfu and agree this board sucks /b/ is WAY better
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:12:44 No.10378491

    We have more than just that here. We have tons of threads across the chans even on /r9k/ alone. You're just a faggot who swarms to those threads and misses the good ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:12:48 No.10378492
    The OP is trying to either piss off stupid people or make non-stupid people laugh. He isn't recruiting.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:13:10 No.10378500
    >reposting the same exact thread on /r9k/

    I guess business is doing so bad at SA that you're trying to recruit from 4chan. lol
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:15:50 No.10378531
    Confirmed for OP or a some goon.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:17:59 No.10378552
    ehh ycs and LF were funny a few years ago, but they suck now.

    GBS is full of manchildren making mspaints talking about prison rape and how women deserve getting raped for dressing in skirts

    I never got FYAD, occasionally some funny shit there
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:18:59 No.10378569

    >so many layers of irony and sophistication

    FYAD is literally gayer and has less intelligence than /b/. At least our morons over there are just dicking around and can be smart when they have to, FYAD is just a steaming cesspool of AIDS and mental retardation.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:20:36 No.10378586
    When you don't understand it, it seems that way. They're just posting "in character".
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:21:34 No.10378595
    been lurking SA (never actually registered though, :effort:), for about half a decade now.

    I miss the golden age of YCS. SA has gone pretty far downhill (then again, so has 4chan).
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:23:00 No.10378610
    SA was relevant, what, like 10 years ago?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:23:11 No.10378614
    No, I admit that there are good threads that are churned out every once in a while (mostly on the DECENT boards), but the fact that I actually have to dig through the crap to find them speaks about the quality of this more than anything.

    By the way, I'm not saying that SA is the best forum out there. I'm saying that 4chan for the most part sucks these days, and you guys have are not in a position claim superiority over another forum.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:24:01 No.10378620
    peel away the layers of post-ironic metatrolling and a goon is just another lonely neckbeard not unlike his 4chan comrade.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:24:50 No.10378631
    My opinion is Fragmaster needs to come back, shit was good then. And helldump was open too. God I miss helldump so much. In the year its been closed and with search finally fucking back there are a lot of goons who need to be called out and humiliated.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:25:05 No.10378634

    No, they're just massive faggots and imbeciles. There is no "character" except for their own aspie and downy character.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:25:10 No.10378636
    good threads more like goon threads, because their the exact same thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:28:21 No.10378668
    "You don't 'get' FYAD"

    No, we do, it just isn't particularly funny or clever.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:29:24 No.10378679
    I seem to remember helldump being a place for "callout threads" where people quoted embarassing posts and personal pictures of goons. Am I remembering correctly?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:29:44 No.10378684
    4chan is far better than SA. That's a fact. We may have our share of morons, but the majority of them are just bored and trolling. On SA, you need to feel superior about paying for a shitty site so you overcompensate. Oh, we do such and such. You're basically paying for a site that's shittier than 4chan and you're trying to justify it. Sorry, there isn't one.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:30:38 No.10378694
    Are you guys really being trolled twice?

    And in two consecutive days?

    C'mon pull your fucking act together, /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:33:14 No.10378715

    Simply responding to a post isn't being trolled. We're just debating the merits or lack thereof of SA and 4chan. Calm the fuck down and exaggerating everything into a troll. Shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:33:38 No.10378722

    FYAD IS OKAY I GUESS IF YOU LIKE IRONICALLY typing like this and i just drank all this beer and looooooolz
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:34:09 No.10378725
    Yeah, some of the best stuff is when people got called out goons from helldump did some internet detective shit and found profiles of goons on racist forums, furry forums or pedophile forums, and the admins would permaban the asshole. Shit was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:34:33 No.10378728
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    I was on SA ages ago when AYB and Goatse jokes were still fresh, from early 2001 up until about mid-2003 when my original account was banned. Never bothered shelling out the 10bux for another account when I could just lurk and leech from NMP3s and DPPH.

    SA (the articles and the forums) was great. It was pretty much the primary source of Internet memes and catchphrases prior to 4chan. I think Lowtax was a lot funnier back when he was angry, bitter, and struggling to keep the site running on its various hosts. What attracted me to the forums was the fact that it was full of bitter, funny, and intelligent Internet geeks from the late 90s/early 00s. After a while, though, the humor got stale and predictable (including the articles), and the original posters moved on and were replaced by boring normalfags and flat-out unfunny losers who were only funny in how pathetic their lives were. The forum drama, popularity contests, circlejerking elitism, and overbearing rule-crazy mods and admins got in the way of the fun, random atmosphere in which it originally thrived. The first Gooncon pretty much marked the end for me.

    FYAD was great in its original incarnation (and as FYAG), but when Lowtax started mucking around with it circa 2002, the irony got so dense and obscure that it wasn't funny anymore and became more like a "cool club" for people who were constantly in on the joke.

    I am, however, grateful to the site for introducing me to a lot of awesome music and movies I probably would not have discovered otherwise, as well as a great sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:35:35 No.10378738
    >At least our morons over there are just dicking around and can be smart when they have to

    No. Most people over at /b/ are honestly that stupid.
    The smart posters just happen to stand out.

    Over at FYAD, EVERYONE is stupid. That's the point of the forum. It's all an act, whether you find it to be clever or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:36:19 No.10378749
    You know what's funny? Making a troll thread like this on Something Awful would get you banned.

    lol, I'll pass
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:37:25 No.10378759
    So you're saying this thread is good and not being able to post it on SA is bad?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:38:45 No.10378772

    Wrong. Most people are /b/ are just bored and trolling. A lot of it is an act. Over at FYAD, they really are that fucking dumb.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:38:49 No.10378774
    It's quite funny the scorn 4chan gets on SA, they think were all pedophile assholes who type in nothing but lolcats all day.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:39:48 No.10378788

    No, he's saying that we have all sorts of content over here and free speech. While SA is a fascist, elitist circlejerk you have to pay to be a part of.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:40:47 No.10378799
    fyad depresses me and makes me feel nihilistic. nothing is worth anything, absurd universe, everything's a big (post-)joke. meta meta blah irony. the sum total of human bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:41:05 No.10378802
    >We may have our share of morons, but the majority of them are just bored and trolling

    Shitty trolling is indicative of a shitty user base.

    >You're basically paying for a site that's shittier than 4chan and you're trying to justify it.

    I'm not an SA member, but judging by the content on the regular site (which is mostly provided by forum members), I think it's safe to say that SA is much better than 4chan in regards to quality content.

    Also, I think that the fact that people have to pay for membership serves as a nice incentive to act stupid and get banned.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:42:03 No.10378818
    You have that backwards. Backwards that have you.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:45:52 No.10378871
    part of that is ironic from people who use both, part from the aspies, and part from people who associate 4chan with weaboos (and considering the J-list banner ads can't really blame them)
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:46:07 No.10378876
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    >, I think it's safe to say that SA is much better than 4chan in regards to quality content.
    Then go there, and never come back,
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:46:22 No.10378881
    This is correct.

    While this thread is shit, at least on 4chan we can have shit threads without fear of a ban and losing 10bux.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:47:00 No.10378895
    Long time SA user, only forum worth a damn is the crackhead clubhouse but you have to have an account to even see it. GBS is a shithole and has generally been unfunny for years. 4chan spawned from there and I believe moot used to be a member but they were intolerant of 4chan humor. Funniest thing ever was the lolacaust where they encouraged all furries to post in a forum and then banned everyone who posted there weeding out the cancer. FYAD is shit though, terrible image forum never compared to /b when it was funny and not all cancer posts, but I mean fuck having to pay for accounts over and over again and getting probated for bullshit and banned for no reason. Mods there are fucks and you say anything meme like or don't make them happy you get banned
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:47:43 No.10378900
    Who says the trolling is always shitty? If you stop being an elitist and jealous douche, you can find some very clever trolls here. The problem is that fags like you have demeaned the term troll to mean "someone posted an opinion that i disagree with".

    Just face it, 4chan and pretty much any forum free from necessary registration is better than SA and SA is pretty much worse than any free registration forum. It's a gigantic sack of shit that people with inferiority complexes pay to join so they feel elite. You paid for it, now you have to justify it and you do this by claiming it has better content. It doesn't. Just face it, your inferiority complex caused you to get ripped off.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:48:26 No.10378910
    >Most people are /b/ are just bored and trolling

    That may have been the case 5 years ago. Today though, most of the user base consists of teens trying to be edgy and facebook-raiding manchildren.
    And like I said earlier, that's some pretty shitty trolling if it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:48:48 No.10378917
    I think it's just moot that is the weaboo. That and the many millions who use the japan, anime and mecha boards.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:53:33 No.10378968
    Hey, you're the one who said that the stupidity of /b/ is the result of people being bored and trolling. Being flat-out stupid is not clever trolling in my book, sorry. And I'm actually one of those people that deplores the demeaning of the word trolling to mean "having a different opinion".

    And again, I'm not an SA member, I don't care about the reasons for which the forum members chose to join it. The fact is that the content being churned out there is loads better than that of this dump.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:53:47 No.10378972

    Yeah, life is easy when we use stereotypes and sweeping generalizations with no facts whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)20:58:09 No.10379046
    People who take things at face value think that Something Awful is truly "something awful" but they really need to check it out, the name is just ironic lol it's not really awful at all
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:00:36 No.10379076

    Actually, the name suits it well. It's absolutely fucking awful. The forums and site in general suck more balls than a Thai hooker during the Vietnam war on R&R.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:05:46 No.10379127
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:05:51 No.10379129
    Meta trolling in a meta troll thread, obscure references, and HEH.

    I just summed up something awful.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:07:02 No.10379138
    what an unoriginal joke. you would probably belong on ebaums world better
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:07:17 No.10379148

    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:08:25 No.10379159
    Professional musician here.

    E# only exists in certain key signatures. The rest of the time it's simply called F.

    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:13:28 No.10379222
    >obscure references

    Well don't you reek of hipster? Making an obscure reference requires no intelligence, just a general familiarity with the obscure, which isn't mentally challenging or difficult.

    Not that I'm arguing /r9k/ is smart. A year or two ago they/we were kind of smart as a board, but that has faded away over the course of the last several updates to 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:13:41 No.10379227
    >works at guitar center

    Professional internet user here, you are a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)21:15:15 No.10379246
    Nice how you replace "knowledge" with "general familiarity".

    You are mad because you are too low brow to compete with these postings bitch

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