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    File : 1280294664.jpg-(11 KB, 200x154, unemployed2.jpg)
    11 KB unemploeyed Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:24:24 No.10364291  
    I graduated April 2009 in the Math, finance field. Degree means absolutely NOTHING to employers. I thought of getting a masters degree but that also means NOTHING. I could have went into an apprenticeship program and been an electrician or something.

    We ALL got lied to in highschool and throughout university --- its hard to accept that now, it really is.

    I am going back to school and milking OSAP a bit more - I am already 27,000 in debt. Good thing for repayment assistance (you can go on it for 140 months or something, it was like 15 years). I am probably going to do online courses as in-class instruction is pretty bogus. Get some certifications and that sorta garbage and build up some resume that means nothing in the end.

    The whole job market is bad because the economy is bad is a total bogus lie and sham. The job market sucks because there are NO jobs to be had. No govt program, or stimulus or whatever will do that. We need REAL places for people to work. That is the reality. Because the govt (and world) is in debt does not mean there are no jobs. People are hoarding money yes, but there is so much money out there that its no excuse for horrible unemployment.

    Right now I'm at a grocery store making minimum wage because I could not find ANYTHING.

    I plan on getting involved in volunteer at some point, but even that is completely taken as everyone is going this route as well.

    Remember: It is going to get a whole lot worse in the next 5 years. We are already in double-dip recession 10x worse than anything in the 30s. The trick now is to find ways to fool the system and get as comfortable and off-the-grid as you can.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:26:49 No.10364356
    sad future is sad ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:26:49 No.10364357
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    just wait until engineering and accoutning gets outsourced to india
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:28:46 No.10364405
    >I graduated April 2009 in the Math, finance field.
    >I am going back to school and milking OSAP a bit more - I am already 27,000 in debt

    Sorry to hear that. I've already decided not to go to college, mainly because of ethical reasons (I don't want to go into debt).

    I hope you can pay it off eventually. Are you living independently on government aid/foodstamps, or are you living with family?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:30:45 No.10364439
    been 1.5 yr unemployed..canada sucks and i guess us is no better unless u qualify for affirmative action
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:31:23 No.10364458
    Well, you're better off than me OP, who got a degree in digital arts. And yeah, work experience trumps a worthless piece of paper any day. I have a friend who is making close to 100k a year in the IT field and still has no degree after six years or so of taking classes here and there. However, what he does have are solid contacts and great work experience.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:32:00 No.10364469
    I've been pissed at this from the beginning. Cease outsourcing, bring the jobs, even if they're just shitty factory jobs, back to the U.S.
    Somebody will be happy to work, but goddamnit man, at least they'll be there. I'll stand in an assembly line and build your cars, your toys, your shoes, I don't give a fuck I'm 18 and I want a job.

    In the mean time I've been doing extra community service so I can have more references.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:32:58 No.10364493

    I'd only advise going to college in a field that's practical and lucrative. Anything else is just a waste of your time and money, and you're better off gaining real work experience or taking up a trade of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:33:13 No.10364498
    >>mainly because of ethical reasons (I don't want to go into debt).

    Wow, seriously? you think it is unethical to take money from a bank and default on it? Fuck those guys

    I got news for you, there is going to be widespread loan forgiveness in the next ten years. So when they are all wiped off the books you are going to feel like a real mook.

    But we all know you aren't going because you are too scared.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:33:15 No.10364500
    But while you were getting your degree you didn't do any work in mod teams, assemble a portfolio, none of that?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:33:49 No.10364516
    yeah.... degrees aren't magic, unfortunately. Wish someone had told you. The contacts you make as an undergrad are what are truly powerful. Hope your second trip back to school proves helpful, otherwise you might be fucked.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:34:29 No.10364532
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    waiting for OP's reply
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:34:41 No.10364537
    Accounting is practical and lucrative, right? I didn't want to settle on anything like pharmacist or something similar and I thought accounting would be good.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:35:44 No.10364558
    As a fresh HS graduate, the concept of no jobs to be had scares me. I can't even get a fast food job right now, shitsux
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:36:36 No.10364575
    Your friends are your best chance at getting jobs. My friend got her first job, no previous experience, this year as a waitress. Her boss didn't even like her that much.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:37:11 No.10364584
    >But we all know you aren't going because you are too scared.
    No, I don't want to be in debt to the state.

    >there is going to be widespread loan forgiveness in the next ten years. So when they are all wiped off the books you are going to feel like a real mook.

    Could you link me to a news page or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:39:27 No.10364631
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    200 posts later... still waiting.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:39:27 No.10364632
    No you idiot, there's no risk to creditors in student loans. Its one of the few loans that could only be discharged through death (bankruptcy won't work) and even if you do default, the government covers the loss for the creditor.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:39:33 No.10364638

    The classes were largely worthless, but I did develop some good pieces for my portfolio. I probably should have thought ahead and made the best of my time even if that was the case, but I didn't. However, outside of class, I did work on several commercial video game projects and did some additional work on my portfolio. The thing I regret not getting into sooner was the 3D modeling component, which is a major requirement for artists looking to go into my field.

    Anyways, I'd say in hindsight what I should have done was chosen a more profitable field to get a degree in or joined the military instead while keeping the art thing a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:40:51 No.10364678
    OP is a myth.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:40:59 No.10364681
    Come to Ottawa; government jobs are recession-proof!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:41:20 No.10364688
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    I see your Eric Conveys an Emotion picture and raise you another Eric Conveys an Emotion picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:43:18 No.10364726
    >Math, finance field
    What did you actually major in?
    If you got a BS in math, you should expect to starve.

    >do online courses as in-class instruction is pretty bogus
    Online instruction is even more bogus.

    > We are already in double-dip recession 10x worse than anything in the 30s
    This is patently false.

    Your post contains some grammatical errors. Were you typing quickly or is English not your native language?
    I'm asking because language skills are very important to almost all white-collar jobs.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:43:57 No.10364738

    > I'm really cool for having knowledge about OP's picture
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:44:16 No.10364743
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    Nah, don't abandon it like that. Here's what I'd do.

    Work on 3D Modeling or whatever it is you really want to do on the side, but fucking train rigorously at rigging. Rigging is one of the easier jobs to find in the 3D Art/Videogame production/Movie special effects fields.

    Also get into mod teams, find a mod you think looks good and will be successful (not vaporware), and stick to it. The larger more successful videogame studios only ask for 3 years minimum when they want applications.

    Next, remember this "Jack of all trades, master of none, but often better than a master of one." When you apply to a position at videogame studios you may come across the option to tell them what ever other skills you have to offer. This can be a clincher if you're great at maybe one or two things, and good at like concept art / texturing.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:44:18 No.10364744
    I know how you feel OP.
    The worst part is the stigma that comes with being unemployed, everyone assumes you're lazy, too picky about work and are being a leech on society.

    >We ALL got lied to in highschool and throughout university --- its hard to accept that now, it really is.
    I have made a point of telling everyone I know that is high school age about the lies we were told.
    It's kind of irritating that I was told the kids who dropped out of school and got into a trade and got some work experience were basically going to have shit lives, while the world would bow at the feet of those who have a degree.

    Funny how those that were apparently going to fail at life are now doing much better than me.

    At least count yourself lucky that you could get a jab at a grocery store, shitty as that may be, it could be worse.
    Just hang in there, it will hopefully get better soon.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:45:05 No.10364767
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    I'm afraid so, OP is a myth. Always was.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:46:58 No.10364799
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    still waitng for a reply about OP's housing situation.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:47:24 No.10364809
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    Oh, forgot to add, things other than texturing/concept art you can get involved in, since those are pretty... eh "regular" and you have to REALLY compete for it. You should look into being a lightning artist. I'm not sure how competitive it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:47:25 No.10364810

    op here:
    will be applying for ontario welfare by august

    fuck captcha for r9k
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:47:33 No.10364811
    Yeah... I really wish that I wasn't pushed so heavily into college during high school. For me, everything that I had been taught said "graduate high school and go to college."

    Now I'm just getting some bullshit general studies degree or something (I honestly have no clue) and some really hippy college that doesn't even have grades. I'll be +$30k in debt by the time I graduate, but I'm trying to look on the bright side. I'm focusing on making connections with my peers, and really discovering who I am and what I like to do. I like learning, and so I'm focusing mostly on learning a little of everything while I'm in college rather than getting some bullshit degree I won't do anything with.

    Yeah... I definitely could've done that without going to college, but I figure while I'm here and spending money, I might as well enjoy the experience. Turn a mistake into an adventure, if you will.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:47:43 No.10364817
    >The contacts you make as an undergrad are what are truly powerful
    You sound like an MBA.
    Kill yourself, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:49:14 No.10364843
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    op here living independent. parents dont live in same province.

    also doesnt it suck that for an entry level position you need at least 1yr work expereince..

    i mean if u dont get a job how do u get expeience to get a job
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:50:07 No.10364863

    Thanks for the suggestions. Doing game art has been a huge passion of mine, and pretty much since 2000, I've been active in mod teams and the like. The problem is that I spent a large part of my time doing 2D stuff instead of 3D, and the pipeline has been sort of condensed where just a pure 2D artist isn't necessary anymore. However, I have been producing more 3D items for my portfolio, so we'll see where that ends up.

    Part of me wants to continue producing 3D items for my portfolio and work some sort of low end job to make ends meet while also looking for something better. On the other hand, I also feel very pessimistic about the job market in the game industry and want to move on to something else.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:50:08 No.10364865
    I'm not sure if it's the same in Canada, but in the United States you can put Community Service in the references for work experience.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:52:05 No.10364903

    What University you at fellow Ontarian?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:52:19 No.10364911

    op: degree was math and business admin - double degree 5 yr program
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:52:46 No.10364923
    Often there will be a separate section to list your community involvement on job applications. You always put it on your resume. I think that employers nowadays understand that it's hard for young people to find jobs, and as long as they see a decent list of volunteer work, they realize you're a good candidate for the job.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:53:12 No.10364935
    If it's what you really want to do then do it. Work a boring job but keep a hobby close to heart. Just keep at it, if you're good enough you can be really successful at that sort of thing.

    At the moment I've really got too many passions to keep up with digital art, but I definitely plan to revisit it in a month or two.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:53:13 No.10364936

    Most entry level jobs don't need experience, at least not around here(PA). If you want to get more than minimum wage though yeah you'll need some.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 07/28/10(Wed)01:54:36 No.10364959
    What is OP's picture of? I remember it was something stupid like and it kept up after years of no updates.

    Oh god damn captcha got me again.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)01:56:09 No.10364981
    >hippy college that doesn't even have grades. I'll be +$30k in debt by the time I graduate

    Going to liberal arts college? Highschool student here who's been prompted to send applications out and try to enroll in a liberal arts college. I've got a 4+ year portfolio and my family really wants me to go.

    The tuition is 35,000 a year, and Ibarely have enough money for one semester. Both my parents are 40+ thousand in debt.

    so much for that yeah?
    >> The Elmendorf 07/28/10(Wed)01:56:58 No.10364998

    So I take it you were in co-op. Did you have decent co-op jobs?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:02:32 No.10365096
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    bumping this thread for OP;.
    >> OP 07/28/10(Wed)02:02:43 No.10365099
    I thought he was pretty cool for knowing about it...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:03:18 No.10365111
    You can write whatever the fuck you want on applications and resumes and call it work experience.
    In my previous field (software development) it's normal for people to work on personal projects or volunteer on open source projects. In fact, if someone has no experience outside of work, it's likely that their skill set has neither depth nor breadth.
    Also, software written for a previous employer and its source code are typically private, so personal projects are a good asset for a portfolio.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:04:39 No.10365147
    Yeah, seriously don't do it. Don't ever ever EVER go to college unless you're going for a specific reason. Say, you want to be an accountant and you need to get a degree. Something of that nature. If you're not sure what you want to do DON'T GO!

    Seriously. Move out of state or something, do something crazy and amazing. Hitchike across the country, start a new life somewhere. Do the things that I wish I could've done, but now I can't because I'm in so much debt, I will be working to pay it off for a very long time. By the time it's all paid off, I'll most likely have other debts (mortgage etc.) and children and a husband.

    Live your life... don't make the same mistake I did.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:04:44 No.10365149
    Have you tried other countries?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:06:26 No.10365180
    Parents don't get this so they pressure me.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:09:25 No.10365250

    They want to make sure you know what to do with your life, so if you don't want to go to college, have a strong alternative plan.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:09:25 No.10365251
    Just one of many reasons why you're the world's bitch
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:10:06 No.10365272
    I'm glad I know nothing about what the job market is for business administration majors, but expecting to get a job with a four year degree in math is just silly.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:12:44 No.10365328
    gsdgsdfh shshs
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:13:00 No.10365334

    Work experience > degree

    So if you're working on getting a degree, make sure you have good work experience before you leave college. Alternatively if you can network or acquire a job in your field without a degree for the time being, do that, then pursue a degree. Not easy to do the first option considering your limited time, but you have to do it because entry level jobs without experience are tough to find.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:17:21 No.10365422
    I'm sick of your fucking posts.

    I bet you're the same motherfucker who replied to me with this >>10364498

    Seriously now, you're in the same boat as everyone else. Shut up and start facing reality.
    Either that or you're some ignorant highschooler who thinks he's going to get a great fucking job and live a great life because his parents told him he's #1 right up through the years.
    You're not #1. You're nothing. You're on fucking 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/10(Wed)02:20:54 No.10365499
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    >certified in EST and HVAC
    >added on several other certifications, like a 30 hour OSHA class
    >dropped out of college years ago
    >zero debt, making 150k~ a year
    >own two houses
    >collegefags waiting tables and answering phones
    Damn it feels good to be a tradebro
    >> Karla Calculated !GB5lpApDug 07/28/10(Wed)02:22:19 No.10365536
    >Making $150k a year
    Here's the part where I call bullshit, and demand proof. Proof?

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