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    File : 1280275550.jpg-(351 KB, 1024x768, arrdf213.jpg)
    351 KB Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:05:50 No.10357211  
    Supposed gentlemen of /r9k/, who would like to have an Inception debate? I realize you're probably my only hope for a real intelligent debate on 4chan. I'll let you duke it out for a while before I post my long winded take on the movie.


    So, in your eyes, what was the significance of the ending of the movie? Do you feel there was a clearly determinable ending and why? Discuss.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:07:24 No.10357242
    It was a dream because when Cob got home his children havent aged at all and were in the exact same outfit/pose.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:09:00 No.10357279

    Are you retarded? They're noticeably older when he returns in the end. The credits even show that they're both played by two different actors..."Kid age 3"/"kid age 5", etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:09:08 No.10357282
    Probably the most likely interpretation that I've gotten from /b/ so far. Thank god r9k is pretty much a high IQ version of /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:10:25 No.10357320
    Care to site sources? They looked the same age to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:10:31 No.10357321
    They probably meant random background people, or else they'd put the characters name
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:10:38 No.10357323
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    Just leave this here I shall
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:11:36 No.10357338
    From my memory, they had exactly the same clothes on and hadn't aged a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:12:33 No.10357352
    YES, Cobb never leaves the final dream
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:12:51 No.10357360
    He's right about the ages, the credits list them as two different actors. That said, I had a hard time telling the difference between that scene, but probably because we have seen the children so many times by that point.

    Furthermore, I was torn...I clearly saw the top wobble, but people across from me claimed they didn't see it wobble. Mal's whole argument about him being chased by faceless corporations, things just happening to work out for Cobb's character...

    Both arguments can be supported. Which is, of course, why its ambiguous, he knows people will want to see it again/pay for the DVD release.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:14:03 No.10357377
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    Is it possible, using some kind of browser extension or script, to filter out _all_ posts except those with a certain tripcdoe?

    If so, we could all start posting as Anonymous#anonymous (as I am currently) and then filter out the bot.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:14:41 No.10357386
    I just didn't like it. Yeah the effects and stuff were pretty mindboggling, but it annoyed the shit out of me how in literally every scene the fucking dream mechanics were explained in ever more detail.

    That's not how the subconscious works.
    That's not how dreams work.
    If you have to explain your idea in every scene, it's dumb.

    It just really failed to AT ALL captivate me, or make me believe, for more than 1 second.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:16:49 No.10357424
    I saw it wobble
    but its still fun to discuss the ending
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:17:22 No.10357433
    When Cobb wasn't in the dreams his wedding ring was off.

    When he WAS in the dreams his wedding ring was on.

    At the end of the movie, it was off.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:20:19 No.10357497
    Or maybe in the final sequence he was still dreaming, but finally got over his wife and took the ring off.

    Personally I agree with you, but just a thought
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:20:50 No.10357517
    Another win, also posted in my lets say, 8th attempt in /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:24:09 No.10357593
    inb4 the entire movie was a dream.

    That last scene, man... where the top is just starting to lose spin integrity and then the screen goes black. I was thinking, "Inception confirmed for ultimate troll."

    But the biggest question for me was that if asian guy and Cobb are in limbo, and they can just kill themselves to get out, why didn't they just skip the kicks and go straight to limbo and then suicide?
    The only reason I can think for it is the loss of memory when you enter limbo, although Cobb was able to hold it together.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:24:36 No.10357607
    Yeah, I thought of that too. I am still unsure, myself. What can I say? It really was a completely ambiguous ending.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:25:49 No.10357629
    It's because if you kill yourself with the sedative, you go into limbo, and in limbo it's extremely hard to determine if you're in reality or not. However, Cobb, because of experience being in it, managed to find Saito. Even though it was hard to remember, he managed, and so they both returned.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:26:00 No.10357636
    If you die in limbo you die for real maybe.
    I mean you'll die form limbo anyway by gettin your brain fried.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:26:53 No.10357654
    On the different child actors: one set of children was used for the beach scene they see from the elevator and the older children were used for all the other sequences.


    The dreams are created artificially.
    How the subconscious would manifest itself in an artificial environment has not been explored.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:28:14 No.10357677
    Looks like my explanation is too long? Gives me a weird error about "non ascii text not allowed"
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:28:26 No.10357684
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    I think it was a dream at the end.

    The wobble is just meant to throw you off.

    The kids haven't aged at all in the last scene, still wearing the same shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:32:27 No.10357754

    I'd like it to be more open, but I think that proves it wasn't a dream.

    The important thing is that Cobb didn't bother waiting to see if his totem kept spinning. He saw his kids' faces and that's that. He doesn't give a fuck if it's real, only if it's "real enough."

    BUUUUUUUUUTTT... Could you argue that Inception has been performed on Cobb himself if he now believes the dream (can see their faces, ring no longer manifests on his finger)?

    Inception isn't always about accepting the truth, it can be about accepting a lie that enhances your life (i.e. Fischer's father wanted him to be his own man, treasured the windmill memory as much as his son).
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:33:48 No.10357774

    Cobb's wedding ring being on or off doesn't tell you anything concrete. Neither does the totem falling or not. Mal knows the weight of it, and is she's still awake it means nothing. Especially if she's trying to wake Cobb up.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:36:10 No.10357816
    >inb4 the entire movie was a dream.

    Expanding on this. What if Mal is correct? What if the waking world that they were in was also a dream and she got it right?
    The entire movie could be a dream of Cobb thinking that he's accepted his wife moving on while in reality, she's trying to get him to wake up while he lies on one of those cots in the sedative sleep.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:36:16 No.10357818
    What if this was all part of Saiko's dream? What was in the documents Cobb saw in the beginning that caused him to stop in his tracks and stuff? I still think Saiko had a bigger part than everyone else thinks. When Cobb wakes up from the sedative test he sees Mal's face, and then turns around and sees Saiko, could he be trained to have the abilities of the thief dude as well? Also, what are the chances he'd show up out of nowhere in that one country to save Cobb? And he was also, conveniently "shot" early and managed to survive for a looooong time.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:36:40 No.10357824

    The wobble indicates that it IS a dream. People miss the point of the top. Cobb talks about how it was Mol's, and that it would never stop spinning, that's how she knew she was in her dream. Cobb changed it so that it would stop spinning, as you see multiple times in multiple scenes. It always wobbles and comes to a stop. That's how Cobb knows that he is in his dream, because, in the real world, IT NEVER STOPS SPINNING. The fact that it is wobbling at the end indicates that Cobb is still within a level of the dream, and that Mol was right all along, that he needs to die to escape into the actual real world.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:39:24 No.10357879
    He only survives because they go deeper, and the pain becomes less. So he can survive longer
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:39:36 No.10357885
    do you have that minus the wrong scratches you painted over?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:40:02 No.10357894

    He didn't survive all that long to be honest. It just seemed like along time because of the time distortion. He only lasted for a few minutes in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:41:43 No.10357925

    What if *Saito was hired by Miles and Mal?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:43:04 No.10357945
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    I'm confident in all areas except intimacy and touching makes me uncomforatble, like i just dont do intamacy, i can banter with the best of them but hwen it comes to girls and feelings i keep it in the vault with all my other emotions except hapiness, neutrality and anger
    how do i open up then? im starting to see lots of problems with mysefl, this is good
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:44:57 No.10357978
    wow you are a gigantic retard, did we watch the same movie here?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:45:02 No.10357979
    Sorry, I don't
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:45:02 No.10357981
    i like it son, i like it...and it would ultimately be to get Cobb to wake up?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:45:33 No.10357988
    >Expanding on this.

    Expanding again.

    Evidence that suggests that Cobb is dreaming the entire movie.
    Mal was right. Killing herself in the "real" world saved her.
    Cobb split Mal into two essences. The evil side, Mal's body, who messed up missions. And the good side, Ariadne (Ellen Page), who wanted to help free Cobb.
    Fischer and Eemes are Cobb's representation of himself.
    Eemes, because he says several times in the movie "I just want to go home" (hint: Cobb's only wish is to go home).
    Fischer, because Cobb has guilt about his father.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:46:30 No.10357999
    How can a top spin continuously in the real world?

    I'm not being like, "OH UR A DUMB NIGGA" but rather just confused about your argument. Are you saying it was cut in a way that will make so it never stops spinning? I don't know if that's possible, but for all I know it could be.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:47:00 No.10358010
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    i think its just because, with igrls you get sexual tension and emotions, thats what it like for me. although from the looks of the pos tan dthe repyl's you mightb e bi in which case i got nothing
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:47:19 No.10358017
    oh fuck! A dream inside 6 more dreams?!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:48:04 No.10358029
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    The main search engine often refuses to give me any resutlsi f I make a lot of searches in a relatively short time.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:48:35 No.10358036
    You can't say for sure what the outcome was, but it's more than possible to evaluate which the more likely outcome was.

    And in this case it's clearly more likely that he was not dreaming.
    1. if cobb and mal were dreaming when she threw herself off the building why didn't she give him the kick?
    2.If cob and mal were dreaming when she threw herself off the building then that means he is one layer deep or probably more given the time he's spent in that world (at least a few months which would require 2 or more layers of dreams, and would still presuppose that Mal just left him there when she woke up instead of giving him a kick)
    2.1 as a result of being several layers deep from the start, it would mean that during the course of the film he went at least 6 layers deep which by all accounts should be impossibly unstable without Cobb and Mal going to the trouble of obtaining the most fuck-off strong, super-duper specialised, dreaming sedative known to man before they went under the first time and Cobb happening to forget this detail.
    3. the totem toppled earlier in the film
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:48:53 No.10358048
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    you can play with fire.......sxeually???
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:50:49 No.10358092
    lol I think you're over analyzing this waaay too much.
    having said that, I like that theory.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:53:04 No.10358139
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    rest of post going in picture form since apparently it has non ASCII text and I'm not allowed to post it
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:54:14 No.10358163

    Yeah, it's a bit out there.
    Just something to think about.

    I don't think that Cobb has woken up at the end though. He's gotta be trapped somewhere in the dream.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:54:15 No.10358164
    to your first point. if he was several dreams under, he could have lived several lifetimes before she gives him the kick. time is compounded in dreams of dreams.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:54:18 No.10358165
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    Hurr durr
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:55:26 No.10358183
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    "he's dreaming at the end"-fag status: fucking told.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:55:29 No.10358184
    Didn't he spin the top half way through the movie and it toppled?

    So he was in reality once?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:56:14 No.10358198

    Or Miles has a Mr Saito routine and is a forger just like Eames. He invented the technology didn't he? Who knows what he can do that Cobb can't.
    And consider that when Cobb asks Saito if they can have an extra seat for Ariadne. He agrees and no more is made of it. Bit funny for such a well-oiled job that a last-minute change like that isn't even questioned - as if it was expected.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:56:26 No.10358202
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    That is a damn fnie horse.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)20:56:47 No.10358216
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    Here is my interpretation.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:01:18 No.10358307
    >Nolan troll is successful troll.
    People will keep seeing it to "get" the ending when he left it ambiguous enough for each theory to be plausible...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:02:55 No.10358336
    I am aware this is not /b/, but someone please post that dream within a dream xibit vertical?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:03:26 No.10358344
    cobb has been living in the dream world for at least several months, if not a couple of years.
    If we can assume mal woke him up within a few minutes of herself waking up, that would mean he'd need to be at least 4 levels deep in the level he considers to be reality or otherwise Mal would have given him a kick already.
    If tht's the case then he would have gone at least 9 layers deep during the mission.

    Which should be really REALLY fucking impossibly unstable unless he was given the most fuck-off strong super dudper sedative known to man etc. you can read the rest of it in my post here >>10358139
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:04:38 No.10358370
    I'd rather that than gullible morons seeing Avatar in 3D IMAX/IMAX/3D/2D

    At least this movie had an interesting storyline
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:06:13 No.10358401
    The only intelligent post about Inception copied and pasted for your enjoyment.


    Every single moment of Inception is a dream. I think that in a couple of years this will become the accepted reading of the film, and differing interpretations will have to be skillfully argued to be even remotely considered. The film makes this clear, and it never holds back the truth from audiences. Some find this idea to be narratively repugnant, since they think that a movie where everything is a dream is a movie without stakes, a movie where the audience is wasting their time.

    Except that this is exactly what Nolan is arguing against. The film is a metaphor for the way that Nolan as a director works, and what he's ultimately saying is that the catharsis found in a dream is as real as the catharsis found in a movie is as real as the catharsis found in life. Inception is about making movies, and cinema is the shared dream that truly interests the director.

    I believe that Inception is a dream to the point where even the dream-sharing stuff is a dream. Dom Cobb isn't an extractor. He can't go into other people's dreams. He isn't on the run from the Cobol Corporation. At one point he tells himself this, through the voice of Mal, who is a projection of his own subconscious. She asks him how real he thinks his world is, where he's being chased across the globe by faceless corporate goons.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:06:19 No.10358405
    That isn't evidence. That's just a sequence of unjustified suppositions and speculation.

    Try to actually provide evidence for you wild delusions, dream-fags.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:06:49 No.10358413

    She asks him that in a scene that we all know is a dream, but Inception lets us in on this elsewhere. Michael Caine's character implores Cobb to return to reality, to wake up. During the chase in Mombasa, Cobb tries to escape down an alleyway, and the two buildings between which he's running begin closing in on him - a classic anxiety dream moment. When he finally pulls himself free he finds Ken Watanabe's character waiting for him, against all logic. Except dream logic.

    Much is made in the film about totems, items unique to dreamers that can be used to tell when someone is actually awake or asleep. Cobb's totem is a top, which spins endlessly when he's asleep, and the fact that the top stops spinning at many points in the film is claimed by some to be evidence that Cobb is awake during those scenes. The problem here is that the top wasn't always Cobb's totem - he got it from his wife, who killed herself because she believed that they were still living in a dream. There's more than a slim chance that she's right - note that when Cobb remembers her suicide she is, bizarrely, sitting on a ledge opposite the room they rented. You could do the logical gymnastics required to claim that Mal simply rented another room across the alleyway, but the more realistic notion here is that it's a dream, with the gap between the two lovers being a metaphorical one made literal. When Mal jumps she leaves behind the top, and if she was right about the world being a dream, the fact that it spins or doesn't spin is meaningless. It's a dream construct anyway. There's no way to use the top as a proof of reality.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:06:58 No.10358418
    That's why it is successful, instead of gay hyped Avatar... People will buy the dvd in hopes his ass says something in the commentary...

    >Uber troll mode: Nolan in the last scene says "What the spinning top really means is..." and his audio gets cut out with the movie. BBRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMM
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:07:35 No.10358434

    Watching the film with this eye you can see the dream logic unfolding. As is said in the movie, dreams seem real in the moment and it's only when you've woken up that things seem strange. The film's 'reality' sequences are filled with moments that, on retrospect, seem strange or unlikely or unexplained. Even the basics of the dream sharing technology is unbelievably vague, and I don't think that's just because Nolan wants to keep things streamlined. It's because Cobb's unconscious mind is filling it in as he goes along.

    There's more, but I would have to watch the film again with a notebook to get all the evidence (all of it in plain sight). The end seems without a doubt to be a dream - from the dreamy way the film is shot and edited once Cobb wakes up on the plane all the way through to him coming home to find his two kids in the exact position and in the exact same clothes that he kept remembering them, it doesn't matter if the top falls, Cobb is dreaming.

    That Cobb is dreaming and still finds his catharsis (that he can now look at the face of his kids) is the point. It's important to realize that Inception is a not very thinly-veiled autobiographical look at how Nolan works. In a recent red carpet interview, Leonardo DiCaprio - who was important in helping Nolan get the script to the final stages - compares the movie not to The Matrix or some other mindfuck movie but Fellini's 8 1/2. This is probably the second most telling thing DiCaprio said during the publicity tour for the film, with the first being that he based Cobb on Nolan. 8 1/2 is totally autobiographical for Fellini, and it's all about an Italian director trying to overcome his block and make a movie (a science fiction movie, even). It's a film about filmmaking, and so is Inception.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:08:13 No.10358456

    The heist team quite neatly maps to major players in a film production. Cobb is the director while Arthur, the guy who does the research and who sets up the places to sleep, is the producer. Ariadne, the dream architect, is the screenwriter - she creates the world that will be entered. Eames is the actor (this is so obvious that the character sits at an old fashioned mirrored vanity, the type which stage actors would use). Yusuf is the technical guy; remember, the Oscar come from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and it requires a good number of technically minded people to get a movie off the ground. Nolan himself more or less explains this in the latest issue of Film Comment, saying 'There are a lot of striking similarities [between what the team does and the putting on of a major Hollywood movie]. When for instance the team is out on the street they've created, surveying it, that's really identical with what we do on tech scouts before we shoot.'

    That leaves two key figures. Saito is the money guy, the big corporate suit who fancies himself a part of the game. And Fischer, the mark, is the audience. Cobb, as a director, takes Fischer through an engaging, stimulating and exciting journey, one that leads him to an understanding about himself. Cobb is the big time movie director (or rather the best version of that - certainly not a Michael Bay) who brings the action, who brings the spectacle, but who also brings the meaning and the humanity and the emotion.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:08:45 No.10358471
    anyone notice that they projections and characters keep using the same phrases when talking to Cobb, as if he's already sleeping and they've entered his dream space to wake him up because he's still on the floor
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:09:11 No.10358480

    Fuck flood detection.

    The movies-as-dreams aspect is part of why Inception keeps the dreams so grounded. In the film it's explained that playing with the dream too much alerts the dreamer to the falseness around him; this is just another version of the suspension of disbelief upon which all films hinge. As soon as the audience is pulled out of the movie by some element - an implausible scene, a ludicrous line, a poor performance - it's possible that the cinematic dream spell is broken completely, and they're lost.

    As a great director, Cobb is also a great artist, which means that even when he's creating a dream about snowmobile chases, he's bringing something of himself into it. That's Mal. It's the auterist impulse, the need to bring your own interests, obsessions and issues into a movie. It's what the best directors do. It's very telling that Nolan sees this as kind of a problem; I suspect another filmmaker might have cast Mal as the special element that makes Cobb so successful.

    Inception is such a big deal because it's what great movies strive to do. You walk out of a great film changed, with new ideas planted in your head, with your neural networks subtly rewired by what you've just seen. On a meta level Inception itself does this, with audiences leaving the theater buzzing about the way it made them feel and perceive. New ideas, new thoughts, new points of view are more lasting a souvenir of a great movie than a ticket stub.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:10:37 No.10358513

    It's possible to view Fischer, the mark, as not the audience but just as the character that is being put through the movie that is the dream. To be honest, I haven't quite solidified my thought on Fischer's place in the allegorical web, but what's important is that the breakthrough that Fischer has in the ski fortress is real. Despite the fact that his father is not there, despite the fact that the pinwheel was never by his father's bedside, the emotions that Fischer experiences are 100 percent genuine. It doesn't matter that the movie you're watching isn't a real story, that it's just highly paid people putting on a show - when a movie moves you, it truly moves you. The tears you cry during Up are totally real, even if absolutely nothing that you see on screen has ever existed in the physical world.

    For Cobb there's a deeper meaning to it all. While Cobb doesn't have daddy issues (that we know of), he, like Fischer, is dealing with a loss. He's trying to come to grips with the death of his wife*; Fischer's journey reflects Cobb's while not being a complete point for point reflection. That's important for Nolan, who is making films that have personal components - that talk about things that obviously interest or concern him - but that aren't actually about him. Other filmmakers (Fellini) may make movies that are thinly veiled autobiography, but that's not what Nolan or Cobb are doing. The movies (or dreams) they're putting together reflect what they're going through but aren't easily mapped on to them. Talking to Film Comment, Nolan says he has never been to psychoanalysis. 'I think I use filmmaking for that purpose. I have a passionate relationship to what I do.'
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:10:39 No.10358514
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    Not me, but I found the original a few days earlier.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:11:37 No.10358540

    In a lot of ways Inception is a bookend to last summer's Inglorious Basterds. In that film Quentin Tarantino celebrated the ways that cinema could change the world, while in Inception Nolan is examining the ways that cinema, the ultimate shared dream, can change an individual. The entire film is a dream, within the confines of the movie itself, but in a more meta sense it's Nolan's dream. He's dreaming Cobb, and finding his own moments of revelation and resolution, just as Cobb is dreaming Fischer and finding his own catharsis and change.

    The whole film being a dream isn't a cop out or a waste of time, but an ultimate expression of the film's themes and meaning. It's all fake. But it's all very, very real. And that's something every single movie lover understands implicitly and completely.

    * it's really worth noting that if you accept that the whole movie is a dream that Mal may not be dead. She could have just left Cobb. The mourning that he is experiencing deep inside his mind is no less real if she's alive or dead - he has still lost her.

    And end.

    tl;dr Inception is an allegory of the process of filmmaking.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:11:42 No.10358542
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    >she is, bizarrely, sitting on a ledge opposite the room they rented. You could do the logical gymnastics required to claim that Mal simply rented another room across the alleyway, but the more realistic notion here is that it's a dream, with the gap between the two lovers being a metaphorical one made literal.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:12:57 No.10358578
    This is a good fucking point. They never explain how they got to limbo other than "Hey, lets chase him into limbo"
    >remember that they explain the way to limbo is death
    >remember that they didn't kill themselves to go after them...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:13:26 No.10358589
    Inception hasn't even made back it's budget yet, let alone the money spent advertising it.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:14:09 No.10358608
    this guy also makes a good point... why the fuck is she across the street?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:14:26 No.10358612
    OP HERE! This is mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:16:30 No.10358652
    >hollywood movie


    lol. Hollywood movies are shallow and predictable.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:16:51 No.10358658
    I saw it twice and there can be three outcomes based on your own personal preference.

    1. Cobb never escaped limbo
    2. Cobb escaped limbo with Saito
    3. It was all a dream
    and if you support 3 you are an obvious troll

    Personally, I like number 2 because when everyone else was woken up and the Fake Limbo was gone he was sent into limbo (where Saito resides). He reminds Saito that he is still in a dream and they both kill themselves, which wakes them up. (how Cobb escaped with Mal the first time)

    The only problem I find with that solution is how he ended up in Saito's limbo but that problem itself is ambiguous because of how limbo functions isn't understood/explained.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:17:38 No.10358674
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    Ask somebody who hans't spoken to another human being in over a year anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:18:00 No.10358682
    This is still pretty young...
    My projection: 32 mil next weekend, and people will still shell out to see dinner for schmucks as a palate cleanser.
    Why will people see inception again? Because the ending has replayability unlike the usual suspects
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:18:38 No.10358695
    Uhh yes that is exactly what happened. Did you also miss that she went to get evaluations from 3 seperate psychologists as evidence that she was sane so that Cobb would have a hard time saying she committed suicide?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:18:45 No.10358697
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    >Yeah day off and everyone is at work
    >Time to fap
    >Prepare the internet.
    >Tissues at the ready
    >I shlal edge for 5 hours
    >Before I lower the pants
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:20:41 No.10358729
    When he got off the plane, everyone was staring at him...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:20:56 No.10358733
    Hey I think the ending really meant tha-
    So the top wobbling really meant tha-
    Get it?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:21:34 No.10358746

    She would not rent another room across the building because:

    A) You need a credit card to rent a room (at least in a hotel like that) and police would be able to figure that out.

    B) It would be highly questionable if police knew she rented the room as it was meant to be seen as a murder case.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:23:05 No.10358786
    she got herself declared sane and other shit to blackmail him into killing himself, why not rent a different room too?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:23:43 No.10358799
    I don't know what you guys are fucking talking about. I'm gonna watch Pi and be blown away.

    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:23:50 No.10358802
    you are retarded.
    stop trying to sound smart. anyone can easily follow this movie. it is always clear whose dream they are in. i'm not saying it wasn't a dream at the end, but you didn't even explain your point.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:24:37 No.10358818
    Holy fuck. That makes sense... Except that and if we're supposed to suspend disbelief, we're not supposed to question how she got into the other room.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:24:43 No.10358820
    She could have other means of renting a room. She could have just broken into the room.

    She rented a room across so that she could have a conversation with Cobb, wherein she would try to convince him to jump with her, without the risk of him grabbing her and stopping her from jumping.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:26:00 No.10358848
    Either way, I like to think it's a dream because that's the tragedy, you realize that Cobb is just so glad to have the security of his children and no longer has to struggle with the pain of their separation that he dismisses the truth that would be revealed by the top and accepts that life as his reality. Choosing to believe in it regardless, as opposed to finding out for sure whether his reality is artificial or not and risking any more of the torment he's been enduring for years being removed from his children.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:26:18 No.10358854
    Wouldn't the police look at the trajectory and realize she wasn't pushed off by Cobb? It'd still implicate him if he hired someone to do the job for him through...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:28:30 No.10358893
    they cant see the trajectory
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:28:37 No.10358897
    1. The film makers are trying to screw with you.

    2. They're trying to leave it truly open ended. Meaning you weren't given enough information in the film to know what is truly real and what's a dream.

    3. The spinner top was never a reliable means of telling what's real because it wasn't Cob's totem, it was his wife's.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:28:48 No.10358906
    How? There are multiple ways somebody could get pushed out a window from several stories up.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:29:35 No.10358922
    Hollywood Jews have complex models that predict future profitability (rather accurately) based on openings. Inception is going to do very well. Maybe even better than expected for such a complicated movie that doesn't benefit from 3D overcharging.

    It's gonna make a fuck ton in Japan due to Watanabe's local promotion alone.

    Even if it flopped domestically, most Hollywood movies make it all back overseas because even educated foreigners assume USA is the "big leagues" for movies, and see them no matter what. It blew my mind, but all the anti-Americanism after Iraq didn't even put a dent in their hunger for our bad movies (as long as they had big stars).
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:30:13 No.10358934

    The ending is left open as if to tell the audience that it doesn't matter if its a dream to just live life and be happy and in the end what does it matter if it was a dream after all if you were happy?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:33:24 No.10359007
    there's more than enough evidence to say which the more likely ending is, which is clearly him not being in a dream at the end.

    In order for it to have all been a dream one would have to provide multiple contrived, tenuous explanations for the points adressed in >>10358036 >>10358139 and thre's no real evidence for him being in a dream at the end either. There's only wooly shit like "it makes more sense for him to have been in a dream" and "omg the hotel rooms he goes into look similar".

    The closest thing dream-fags had to a reasonable point was claiming that the children looked the same age at the end, and that turned out to be completely wrong >>10358165>>10358183
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:33:43 No.10359018
    The ending is just in reach enough to come to conclusions, but out of reach enough to not get CONCRETE solutions...
    a perfect model, his method is flawless
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:33:48 No.10359022
    Post was intended for /b/tards and I forgot to edit it. Needed to summarize key points for /b/tards. My point is that there is no definite ending and definitely SHOULD be left up to interpretation. Any previous posts such as he is still in a dream because the top wobbled, or it's reality because he has no ring, could apply, for example. As long as the explanation isn't too farfetched, it can stand. And no I'm not retarded or else my posts would be HURR DURR WUT? Why would you even state such a thing, sir? You clearly don't understand the meaning of the word retard, and/or you're trolling. I suspect you're trolling, so take your butthurt with my retardation elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:35:40 No.10359067
    >It's gonna make a fuck ton in Japan due to Watanabe's local promotion alone.

    Hahaha no. Japs are indifferent to films like this. They prefer goofy action-comedies.

    Did you know that The Mummy 3 : Return of the Dragon Emporer far outsold The Dark Knight in Japan?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:35:50 No.10359070
    Here's a question. The movie gave every implication that death by murder was just as effective a means of waking up as death by suicide. So why did Cob have to perform some elaborate mind-fuck on his wife in order to save her from limbo? Why not just drive their car off a cliff or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:35:54 No.10359072

    Well she did plan on killing herself well in advance, actually. She had herself declared sane by 3 psychiatrists so that he couldn't argue his way out of her claim that he killed her.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:38:45 No.10359124
    Assumed names, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:39:00 No.10359129
    They were under three levels, which made murder or suicide impossible, or they would end up in limbo.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:39:40 No.10359156
    Trying to murder your wife without her permission tends to put a strain on the relationship.

    It might be good for you to keep that in mind going forward.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:40:31 No.10359167
    Could she have climbed the gap between the buildings?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:40:34 No.10359169
    Either that or they were in reality, which would make sense since everyone heard about her death, and she is actually dead, and not in limbo.
    >> TangoDelta !!XB2yfxncJBK 07/27/10(Tue)21:41:38 No.10359199
    You guys remember the scene where they first meet Yusef? He takes them downstairs to see a bunch of Indian guys sharing a dream on his special drugs. He plugs Cobb in who wakes up instantly.

    Cobb goes to the bathroom...

    Splashes some water in his face...

    Spins the top on the counter...

    The top falls to the floor without completing...

    Cobb sees his wife through the window...

    Saito interrupts...

    Cobb doesn't spin the top again...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:41:40 No.10359200

    You try killing your dearly beloved wife that you lived with for 50 years (inside the dream).
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:44:53 No.10359274
    a tought I had;
    cobb should have drowned in the car, right, because they left him there. thus, he is in a dreamworld at the end of the movie, he drowns and is sucked into the limbo.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:53:02 No.10359469
    no, thats what puts him into limbo
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:53:26 No.10359479

    But he was already in limb-

    MY HEAD.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)21:56:42 No.10359552
    Intentionally brainwashing your wife into committing suicide isn't any different morally than simply killing her. She wasn't given a choice either way.

    The straightforward murder option might have pissed her off, but if she was reasonable she'd forgive him and see it was necessary to save her. Plus she wouldn't be damaged suicidal goods afterwards. Which he really should have anticipated given they both knew that dreams within dreams are possible.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:04:28 No.10359731
    Here's another question. Remember the very first scene of the movie involves Cobb washing up on a shore, being picked up by some guards and brought to a Japanese guy in old man makeup who asks if he's there to kill him. . . That exact same scene plays out near the end of the movie, when Cobb Saves Saito from limbo. What was the point of making those two scenes the same? Were we for some reason seeing a bit from the end of the movie, or did that really happen twice?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:07:32 No.10359810
    Hahhahahha 0/10
    nice job
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:09:17 No.10359864

    Valid question.
    Maybe Cobb's dream is looping. Maybe it's foreshadow.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:24:04 No.10360177
    The significance of the ending is that Cobb doesn't care if it's a dream or not. It doesn't matter if the top stops or not, what mattered is that he WALKED AWAY.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:25:21 No.10360208
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    Finally, France as redeeemd themselves i nmy eyes.
    Language still sounds gay as hell but it's progress
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:54:34 No.10360862

    both better options than here
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)22:59:45 No.10360983
    /r9k/ is meant for everything. Maybe the OP wants opinions from people other than the movie snobs over at /tv/. And on top of that, it's a thread on /r9k/ that isn't about relationships, misogyny, or racism. I, for one, welcome this interesting thread on our board that's lately been saturated with alpha/beta misogynystic bullshit conversation.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)23:07:59 No.10361168
    I went to /tv/ and had little success. Almost as much trolling as /b/. /sci/ might've worked, but it is working quite well here actually.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)23:10:02 No.10361222
    Also since this board favors original content, there have probably not been too many threads on this. There have probably been hundreds on those two boards since threads die so quickly on other boards.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)23:11:34 No.10361260
    You are all forgetting all the fucking time that passed since he completed the mission and woke up, and when he saw his kids. Why the fuck would he wait hours and hours to spin the top? He's not dreaming, and if he is, he knows it because he would have spun it right after he "wakes up".

    /fuckingthread you nerds
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)23:16:56 No.10361358
    It was the same scene (almost. The version at the end had a bit missing, and a bit added). Why they showed it at the beginning as well...I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/10(Tue)23:17:04 No.10361359
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    the win total has increased, the loss column remains empty

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