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    654 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:53:25 No.10307534  
    So guys, how did your friends/family handle it when you turned 21? I mean, were they just like 'alright time for a beer. get over here' or were they like 'whatever.'
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:54:58 No.10307556
    Well, where I live we can drink from 18 (lol sux 2 b amurkan). And my parents knew I had been drinking every weekend since I was 14.

    Also, I'm not 21 yet so I can't answer your question.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:56:44 No.10307581
    No one cared, not even myself. ;_;

    But I've been drinking casually since I was 12, and I think the drinking age here is 18.

    I drink around 1 beer/month on average.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:57:14 No.10307591
    OP here:

    I'm turning 21 in February, and I have no drive to drink alcohol. I mean, I hear it's a great beverage and it's no big deal, but...I don't know. Eh, admittedly this sounds pathetic, but I'll just stick with good ol' root beer, mtn dew, and other sodas and what have you. I have nothing against alcohol and the drinks are probably more rewarding than what I'm drinking now, but...I dont know..I just couldn't see myself drinking it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:57:38 No.10307603
    The latter.
    I'm not a fan of alcohol anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:57:53 No.10307604
    This is pretty much exactly what I was going to post in this thread. Like that dude, I've been drinking since around 14. My family didn't give a fuck. I'd give my mother money and she'd get my beer for me.

    On my 18 birthday I went to the store, bought alcohol myself, came home, sat in my room and got drunk alone. Felt like every other day before that, man.

    I turn 19 in less than a week. I'll probably just go to the pub and have a couple of quite ones.
    >> Zeus !!nBxxPLFCyS4 07/25/10(Sun)15:58:33 No.10307622
    I had no friends or family at the time, except my brother, who is 8, so couldn't really throw me a party and get me drunk.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:59:00 No.10307627
    exactly this, except i am 21.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:59:33 No.10307637
    20fag here. My parents want to take me to Vegas and give me some money to gamble. They know I drink occasionally and I've gambled a bit at Indian casinos, so it's not a huge thing. I've gotten pretty good at poker though, and a friend is teaching me how to count for his Blackjack team, so I'm pretty excited.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:59:40 No.10307638
    God, everytime I read stuff like this from Americans it seems so weird to me. It just blows my mind that you could be 21 and never have had a drink in your life. It's just part of growing up here.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:00:54 No.10307663
    You're not missing much tbh. I've smoked a lot of weed and had my fair share of drunken nights, but in all honesty I find being sober just as fun if not moreso than being intoxicated. Don't give a fuck about when anyone else says, if you have no desire to drink just don't bother.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:00:57 No.10307665
    no one cared. spent my 21st birthday alone in my room crying.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:02:52 No.10307699
    I think having the drinking age at 21 makes it seem a lot more serious than it actually is. In my opinion you should try alcohol at least once (trying different types different times to find what you enjoy). But don't rush through it, if you power through booze you end up making a dick out of yourself, regretting things and hating alcohol. If you chill and drink some beer whilst relaxing it should be awesome. Though it isn't everyone's cup of tea.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:02:57 No.10307701
    >It's just part of growing up here

    Incorrect. If it was accepted as part of growing up here, we would approach intoxicants as party subtsances that are only meant to be used in specific situations and for specific purposes. In places where people are genuinely raised around alcohol and it isn't demonized like it is over here in the states, they treat it much differently and often have lower addiction rates.

    Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:03:52 No.10307718
    would not approach*

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:07:10 No.10307777
    You can drink from 16 where I live. But I never felt the urge. Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:07:20 No.10307782
    I know what you mean. I'm coming 20 in October and I can't begin to imagine having to wait over a year before being able to buy alcohol.

    Where I'm from though there is a pretty relaxed attitude about alcohol and my parents didn't mind me drinking until I got arrested when I was 16 for suspicion of criminal damage. Even then I was only grounded for 2 days.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:08:18 No.10307803
    Hmm yeah. I know one thing's for sure though, if I drink I'll have good taste about it. You know, i'll drink Ale rather than some shitty ass piss water bud light or Corona or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:11:35 No.10307860
    Canadafag here. When I turned 19 my parents were happy. My dad took me out for a beer with some friends. Good times.

    My parents trusted me a lot. I could just tell them "I'm going out for a bit, see you later" and they wouldn't interogate me about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:16:30 No.10307939
    >be from UK
    >Never drank outside of house until I was legal drinking age
    >am 18

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:16:48 No.10307948
    No change, I had no interest in alcohol. Turning 21 was not a big deal to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:22:29 No.10308053
    canadafag. my parents had been giving me the odd beer or two with dinner since i was 15, by the time i was 17-18 it wasn't a big deal at all, i'd usually have 4-8 beer at home on any given weekend without asking. also, i'd been going out and getting drunk since 17 and they didn't mind. when i turned 19 i was away at school so i did my own thing, but when i got back home they had me going on liquor runs all the time (which i was more than happy to do) and i'd order beers in restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:25:50 No.10308120
    UK drinking age is 18. Jealous?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:28:33 No.10308172
    >God, everytime I read stuff like this from Americans it seems so weird to me
    Most Americans, and generally most people, start drinking before the legal age.

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:30:05 No.10308198
    Turning 21 in November. I'm actually pretty stoked on it, not much of a drinker, but looking forward to be able to go places I couldn't before, such as certain comedy clubs, etc.

    Not to mention SO MANY PLACES do this thing where they advertise really cheap food, but then you show up and they're like "hur durp sry you have to be 21", I guess it's just a way to get alcoholics in there to booze it up while eating cheap hot dogs. But I'll be going purely for the cheap hot dogs (mostly).
    >> Mirrored !EhE8ram93U 07/25/10(Sun)16:31:15 No.10308224
    We made a facebook event and about 24 or so people took me to 5 different bars and got me entirely wasted.

    It was pretty fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)16:32:53 No.10308257

    During birthdays I always would get an glass of wine starting with age of 13. With 16 I started drinking everything around them. It wasn't special at all.

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