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    48 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:32:28 No.10306323  
    To those of you who do not partake in the racism on r9k:

    How do you respond to racist threads and posts on r9k, and 4chan in general?

    Do you sage them?
    Do you facetiously respond?
    Do you seriously respond?
    Do you ignore them?
    Do you report them?
    Do you troll along?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:34:17 No.10306355
    I ignore them. One may as well be bothered by the tide coming in.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:34:51 No.10306360
    Reporting threads? Do people actually report threads they don't like? Oh God, faggots. All of them.
    No, why troll a thread I don't like... wait a minute.... brb
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:34:57 No.10306364
    i lurk most of the time anyway, so i just ignore them
    but i still read them
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:35:29 No.10306372
    It is just part of the culture here, I think most people do it to fit in.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:36:06 No.10306385
    No one is seriously racist on 4chan NO ONE its purely satirical, and even if someone was genuine about it, they are harmless.
    >> Zeus !!nBxxPLFCyS4 07/25/10(Sun)14:36:15 No.10306388
    Ignoring them is the only thing you can do, surely?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:36:42 No.10306396
    i just hide them
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:36:43 No.10306397
    I ignore them and look for a thread that interests me. No point in wasting my energy facepalming or raging.

    Same with the bitches and whores threads; If I spent my time explaining myself in every thread, I'd be a full time job.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:38:17 No.10306437
    Yes, when I remember
    yes, to the op when he is samefagging
    yes, sometimes when I feel like curbstomping retard
    A lot of the time
    No, op will post another in 5 mins and I have yet to see a mod shut one down
    You mean say a load of racist shit? not really sometimes I say nigger but that's part of being on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:38:50 No.10306444
    How exactly does a society prosper by being racially diverse? Differences only cause problems in when it comes to race. Yes, diversity is a strength when the diversity applies to things like war (it is better to have an army, a navy, and an air force as opposed to just an army, for example), but with humans, diversity just leads to crime, accusations, and general destitution. Nazi Germany was intent on being uniform, and fuck if it didn't achieve amazing things.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:39:09 No.10306445
    I bump the shit out of them, because what you call racism I simply call taking logic way too far, and sometimes it's fun to take logic way too far and leave empathy in the dust.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:39:35 No.10306457
    Mexican here (born in the states but mexican nonetheless)

    >Do you sage them?
    >Do you facetiously respond?
    not really
    >Do you seriously respond?
    once in a while
    >Do you ignore them?
    sometimes depends i most likely will
    >Do you report them?
    i dont really take it that far
    >Do you troll along?
    sometime depends on my level of boredom

    after a few years you just stop giving a fuck
    sometimes i'll even respond with "spic here, bla bla bla"

    just the internet, guey
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:40:02 No.10306467
    I ignore them or hide them.


    > fake racism is harmless

    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 07/25/10(Sun)14:40:37 No.10306484
    I ignore about 90% of all threads.

    I respond when I feel like it, and usually throw in a sage. My response is usually some non-serious "Haha silly rednecks, thinking they're superior to anyone". The less thought I put into it, the better.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:43:28 No.10306530
    my understanding was most of the racism on /b/ used to be people making fun of racists then the newfags came along and made it actually racist and now most people on 4chan are racist to some degree
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:44:18 No.10306540
    Most that post those are 15 year olds waiting for their mother to bring them their chicken nuggets, so I ignore.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:42 No.10306567
    Sage of course. I haven't even considered reporting, I didn't know stormfags were against the rules.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:54 No.10306570
    >my understanding was most of the racism on /b/ used to be people making fun of racists

    As someone who has frequented 4chan for five years: this was never the case. /b/, 4chan, the Internet in general, is the medium through which people feel comfortable to express how they truly feel, to release the controversial and politically incorrect things. That's the beauty of anonymity; a man will be honest provided you give him a mask.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:46:34 No.10306582
    Seriously respond to troll
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:46:43 No.10306586
    I'm not a racist but I totally understand why some people are. I make racial jokes all the fucking time. If it's someone online being racist I just go along with it. If it's someone IRL I usually tell them the usual "not everyone is like that" speech. It's there decision to be like that I'm not gonna hate them for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:47:30 No.10306594
    yeah, it was also to get a rise out of people. Now mostly people say it seriously. not enough chlorine in the gene pool i guess
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:48:14 No.10306610
    ignore, and laugh if it has funny pictures
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:48:24 No.10306615
    >but with humans, diversity just leads to crime, accusations, and general destitution

    Then blame Whites for not staying in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:50:06 No.10306632
    Well occasionally I add in some posting of that flavor, racists can be funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:50:10 No.10306634
    No, I'll just blame whites for allowing non-whites into their countries.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:51:03 No.10306653
    I sage, like this here just now.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:51:47 No.10306671
    OP confirmed for cancerous nigger-lover

    if you like them so much, then go to africa and love them there.


    Here' a thought for you "diverse" people - if we let racial and cultural mixing (that is what you want right ? ) continue unchecked then at some point all the races and cultures will have mixed together into 1 "master" race/culture. WHERE IS YOUR DIVERSITY NOW ?

    I firmly believe that whites should stay with withes and blacks with blacks. That is true diversity.
    >> The Brotip 07/25/10(Sun)14:53:23 No.10306699
    I tend to ignore them, because its probably some asspained nerd who was picked on by black kids in middle and high school. Gotta say, I picked on them to and it was funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:54:44 No.10306730

    stop whining about your land, people who kill other people get their stuff, this is the entire basis for every mmorpg ever, is it that hard to understand?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:55:10 No.10306734
    that's kind of silly because you have blacks white, spics and whatever mixing in london, new york and austin and they are wildly different to each other. You get variation by locality. That's less so due to globalization and what not but that isn't a race thing its a capitalism thing. Whatever though.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:55:11 No.10306735
    I like to troll along and see how batshit insane I can go before the stormfags start telling me to not go so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:55:19 No.10306737
    I ignore them, along with misogyny threads. It's just the same stupid shit over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:00:55 No.10306823
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:03:19 No.10306858

    I think we get way more misogyny thread on r9k and its probably like 3 people in different timezones that post all of them and provide most of the replies. I would really like if they all got cancer
    >> OP 07/25/10(Sun)15:03:31 No.10306862

    This is simply not true and is a fairytale that PC hipster newcomers invented. 4chan, like any place on the internet where you are free to speak your mind without consequences, has always been very racist. Because unlike popular belief, "racists" aren't a secluded group of evil people out on the fringes somewhere for us all to hate, they are everywhere.

    When new people (hipsters) started flooding in they figured "Oh they must all be playing around, nobody actually believes in these things right?? Ha Ha nigger nigger!!!" and thus, the myth that people were only ACTING racist to get a rise out of people, was born.
    >> Jerks !!USHZtxsn4gh 07/25/10(Sun)15:04:20 No.10306870
    >Hide thread
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:04:59 No.10306876
    Not OP

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:12:19 No.10306969
    >Do you sage them?
    I don't sage them at all.

    >Do you facetiously respond?
    No, that would be feeding the trolls

    >Do you seriously respond?
    Occasionally in serious debates in /new/

    >Do you ignore them?
    Most of the time yes.

    >Do you report them?
    Once in a while, and I'm glad I reported the racist posts that were in /co/ when there was a thread about a fight between three blacks at comic-con. The trolls were really crapping up a thread with racist remarks.

    Then a mod came, and everything else was history.

    >Do you troll along?
    No, I don't want to get into trouble with them.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:14:08 No.10306989
    ITT: glutepained niggers

    welcome to 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:18:40 No.10307045

    Do you sage them?
    >Not unless the topic is especially like a blog
    Do you facetiously respond?
    Do you seriously respond?
    >No, it's pointless
    Do you ignore them?
    Do you report them?
    Do you troll along?
    >if the topic is especially good

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