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    File : 1280082498.jpg-(64 KB, 720x482, 38307_1448504265366_1615987066_1046593_2(...).jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:28:18 No.10306251  
    At 18 years old it seems like I'm the only person in my age demographic that thinks tattoos are trashy. I've rarely met respectable people with these prole stamps (yes, I call them prole stamps) because it's mostly poor stupid people who do this shit to themselves. They think it makes them "unique individuals". My father, who got a prole stamp a couple weeks ago at 47, it makes me sad because he's intelligent and has a 6 figure income. But I guess its some sort of midlife crisis thing hopefully. Hell, I've seen threads on r9k of people praising prole stamps, so am I the only one who thinks these are a disgrace?

    Pic related, someone uploaded their horrible Michael Jackson prole stamp on Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:37:36 No.10306425
    Oh I guess r9k does like Tattoos, never mind then
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:41:33 No.10306504
         File1280083293.jpg-(27 KB, 500x333, quotes.jpg)
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    those are ridiculous

    I do like tattoos, as long as they aren't like "Hey, look at me, I have a tattoo, am I interesting yet?" I like clever tattoos too, as long as they aren't too crazy.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:42:52 No.10306523
    Tats can be interesting, it depends. Also if you've killed a man while in the military I have no problem with related tattoos.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:44:35 No.10306544
    Tattoos are fucking trashy. Nothing screams, "Look at me!" like a tattoo. If they really were sentimental, they wouldn't be right square between the bitches tits.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:44:39 No.10306546
    I'm with you, OP, I hate tattoos as well. It's fucking ridiculous how they went from underclass trash to a mainstream fad. Hell even our new first lady has a tattoo (Germanfag here).
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:00 No.10306554
    Most people think they're stupid. That's why most people don't have them. Do you think you're the only person in the world who isn't a potfag, too?

    If you're unable to look back on yourself 5 years ago and think "God, I was a real fucking idiot", then you've ceased to be a human being.
    >> ▓▒░CARPE DIEM QUAM MINIME CREDULA POSTERO░▒▓ !!/prfNWfyfXl 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:22 No.10306558
    I'm not a fan of tattoos myself, don't have a need to put ink in my skin, I look good enough without them. Then usually when I see a hot chick with tattoos its like spray painting the Taj Mahal.

    Sometimes they look good, but most people getting them nowadays are doing it for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:49 No.10306568
    I'm in your age demographic and totally with you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:45:53 No.10306569
    You're eighteen years old and you don't know shit, is the gist of things here.

    Your father is an intelligent, successful, individual. So how is it logical that some eighteen year old shit has more dignity than him?

    Granted, I think most tattoos are pretty stupid, but they're a respectable and interesting way to express oneself. I can't imagine getting one unless it was for something extremely meaningful, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:46:24 No.10306577
    Idk, I would never get a tattoo, but I find tattoos on a girl to be pretty hot. Also piercings.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:47:48 No.10306600
    Some guy I know has a Black Label Society tattoo. It says BLS, but the L is a gun and it looks ridiculous.

    It's like B Gun S.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:47:52 No.10306602
    >I hate when people live their lives differently from me!

    Sure is /rWHINEk/ in here.
    >> ▓▒░CARPE DIEM QUAM MINIME CREDULA POSTERO░▒▓ !!/prfNWfyfXl 07/25/10(Sun)14:49:28 No.10306626

    >You're eighteen years old and you don't know shit

    Nice ad hominem there bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:49:35 No.10306627
    What the hell is "prole?" Do you mean parole?

    Also, I see a tattoo as no different from one's style of fashion. Yes, it's more permanent, but very often people rarely change how they dress after a certain age. So tattoos may not be the smartest idea when you're a teenager.

    And what's wrong with recognizing that people do things to display who they are to other people? Isn't that why we don't have everyone walking around in hoodies, sweatpants, and sandals all day everyday?

    Do you cut your hair for any reason other than practicality? Attention whore.

    Do you buy shirts that don't come in $10 packs of 5? Attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:50:06 No.10306633
    I apreciate art
    i want to have art on my body
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:50:11 No.10306635
    Although funny, "prole stamps" really just screams angsty, shut-in teenager.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:51:50 No.10306673
    Proles were basically peasants in the book 1984. You should give it a read.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:51:58 No.10306676

    >prole stamps
    >my daddy has a 6 figure income

    haha, oh wow

    Also I think 95% of tattoos are just about as retarded as you are OP, bee tee dubbs.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:52:08 No.10306678
    Actually, I'd consider that a clever tattoo, but I don't like them in general.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:52:21 No.10306685
    It depends on the tattoo really. I've actually seen some really respectable ones, although I only really think that about the small ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:53:26 No.10306700
    I hate the way tattoos look on people. I can't help it, but it just devalues my image of them. Also it annoys the hell out of me when people use abbreviations like 'tats'. I'm looking at you, >>10306523
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:54:07 No.10306716
    OP is calling them prole stamps and not one soul calls him out as a troll. You people disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:54:54 No.10306732
    you are a fucking moron if you think that the term prole comes from 1984
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)14:56:26 No.10306756
    i've only ever seen two tattoos that I really liked.

    One is Elliott Smith's, which is an illustration of Ferdinand the Bull, from the children's story about a bull who would rather pick flowers than go to the bullfight.

    The other was a woman I met in a bookstore once, Who had an outline of France between her shoulderblades which read within it, translated from French, "I have walked the road less traveled and it has made a world of difference"

    If there's no significant meaning behind it, tattoos just look like shit. Girls getting stars and diamonds and butterflies and shit are completely tasteless.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:00:39 No.10306821
    True, Marx talked of the proleteriat.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:01:37 No.10306832
    I don't have any tattoos right now, but I plan on getting one sometime soon: Billy Mays' face.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)15:02:01 No.10306837
    i'm considering getting a red 64 controller on the left side of my chest

    i grew up on 64, constantly playing the same red's still plugged in today. I guess i want it to remind me of my childhood.

    what do you guys think?

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