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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1280024102.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, 1277375193174.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:15:02 No.10293288  
    How many people do you think browse /r9k/?

    I think it's like 100. Or maybe it's just me and one other person pretending to be other people.

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:16:02 No.10293303
    Why do you think that there are only 100 people?
    This is 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:16:17 No.10293308
    1000 people browse /r9k/ daily
    20 people browse /b/ monthly
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:16:31 No.10293314

    The .4 is a niggerfaggotdwarf called Timothy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:17:02 No.10293319

    /r9k/ isn't the most well known board I guess
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:17:49 No.10293332
    /r9k/ does move surprisingly slow

    And that's a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:17:55 No.10293333
    It's just me and you, I'm making all these other posts ;)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:17:57 No.10293335
    Back before the huge invitation to /r9k/ that was posted for all of 4chan to see, the estimate was 500. They still thought it was too low.
    Now, months later, after that AND those posters from /b/ coming over because of GMA, what do you think the number is?

    This board used to be really fucking slow.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:19:52 No.10293373

    also not a quarter as much as /b/ probs
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:21:01 No.10293393
    /po/ actually could be me and a handful (think 4-5) other people.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:23:00 No.10293422
    around 800 constantly, but if we were to count every single regular user it would be around the 20-30k mark

    /b/ and /v/ on the other hand would be in the millions
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:24:05 No.10293437
    Your mam is in cock.

    ITT: Athiesm v/s GOD in /sci/
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:24:29 No.10293445
    Probably twenty or so.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:24:44 No.10293449
    Id say 500.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:25:19 No.10293460
    no where near even 1k

    probs 300
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:27:45 No.10293493
    No one from GMA would come to /r9k/, they'd just check out /b/ for a bit
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:30:58 No.10293534
    probably more
    http://www.quantcast com/
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:32:21 No.10293551
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:39:00 No.10293652
    Everyone who reads this post just post a 1 and don't be a fag about it. Let's see if we can do this.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:39:52 No.10293664
    I saw a claim in a white box/black text pic once that claimed ~300 regulars. Seems believable.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:40:49 No.10293684
    I would say around 3k regulars across all time zones.
    >> felix the celebrity 07/24/10(Sat)22:40:56 No.10293686
    The best estimate I could give is this:

    /co/ was confirmed in the recent past to have around 60 at peak hours. I figure /r9k/ is 5-6 times more active than /co/. So that's what then, 300-360 at peak?

    I am counting lurkers too.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:41:07 No.10293688
    >> ∞² !fi1ye.yXjE 07/24/10(Sat)22:41:59 No.10293704

    That's /co/ at peak? Damn, must be a whole lotta samefagging in some of those threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:42:18 No.10293713
    I don't know about how many browse but at anytime I'd say there are about 80 or 90 who are likely to post on the board.
    >> camel !!CjuUIy7zp9p 07/24/10(Sat)22:43:07 No.10293725
    i dunno probably like 700 people
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:44:00 No.10293752
    a 1 and don't be a fag about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:46:03 No.10293792
    Lurkers gonna lurk

    no more than 300, including lurkies
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)22:51:51 No.10293883
    I used to think it was tens of thousands of people, AT LEAST.

    But the last few days I've basically done nothing but browse /r9k/ and watching the same camwhores over and over again in the same camwhore thread, I'm ready to believe it is probably only a few hundreds.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)23:01:27 No.10294012

    camwhores just want to make themselves known

    lurkers are more

    BUT there's no where near 10,000+
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)23:01:39 No.10294014

    vast majority are lurkers. ive met people whove been on 4chan (/b/ is still the most mainstream board) all over the damn place, but people who actually post, well...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)23:03:23 No.10294040
    This surprises me. I post all the fuckin' time.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)23:03:27 No.10294043
    No. Actually it's you talking to your multiple personalities

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