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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1280012550.jpg-(50 KB, 450x314, hot_chick_firefox.jpg)
    50 KB Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:02:30 No.10289578  
    >Had always been using Firefox.

    >Tried Google Chrome,it's fast.Im impressed, switched to it.

    >Installed Extensions for Chrome to make it as useful as FF.

    >Chrome is now SLOWER than Firefox after installing a bunch of extensions.Also, extensions for Chrome suck compared to FF's.

    >Begged for forgiveness then switched back to FF.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:04:09 No.10289615
    there is no way to know if that chick is hot
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:06:11 No.10289666

    its probably somekind of pourious rubber drapped over a metal frame.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:06:41 No.10289679
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:08:49 No.10289713
    I like both, not many of the add-ons for fire fox I find that useful.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:10:54 No.10289762
    Firefox has become hella slow, but Chrome has problems.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:11:31 No.10289772
    > Use Opera
    > Switch to classic Windows skin
    > No extensions
    > Get made fun of for using Opera
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:12:17 No.10289788
    Why do you Firefox fags get so obsessed with your addons? They're just obnoxious and useless bullshit. They make your shit so cluttered and slow.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:13:06 No.10289811
    Every browser has their weak points.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:01 No.10289823
    >Had always been using Firefox
    >Tried Google Chrome
    >No noticeable difference in speed
    >Shit extensions.
    >Weird interface
    >Got back onto firefox and never looked back.
    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:01 No.10289824
    the firefox beta puts chrome to shame as far as speed goes
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:29 No.10289835
    >They make your shit so cluttered and slow.

    What are you using?

    I've regularly use Chrome and Firefox; both are fine for different things.

    Currently using Firefox because of NoScript, and the 4chan addons.

    If it's thatslow, upgrade your RAM.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:16:20 No.10289879
         File1280013380.jpg-(87 KB, 700x501, 2ptz8kl.jpg)
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    >went to my friends new apartment
    >plasma TV on the wall, pc/dvd player/cable/stereo hooked up to it
    >use her computer
    >internet explorer
    >mon visage
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:18:57 No.10289929

    Opera, for the most part. I have NO extensions/addons, because I have no use for them. It's faster and more consistent than Firefox has EVER been.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:19:46 No.10289945
    Use chrome
    fast, nice interface
    fuck extensions, and greentext.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:19:56 No.10289948
    Why the fuck do people need all these extensions? Seriously. All I have is the 4chan image expander. That's IT. And I can browse the internet just fine. A lot of the apps that people made for chrome just do things that chrome ALREADY DOES because the makers were too dumb to figure it out. Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:20:10 No.10289954
    >I have NO extensions/addons, because I have no use for them

    If you use 4chan a lot, i'd reccomend getting yourself the extension.

    It's easier to respond to posts, you can hide threads, auto report etc.
    >> Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish !!J7NgiEbIw0C 07/24/10(Sat)19:20:30 No.10289961
    You're going to like Firefox 4.0. Using the betas now, and it's fast.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:21:16 No.10289980

    I don't have any trouble doing that stuff now. It's not like this shit is rocket science, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:21:48 No.10289990
    Opera users can get fychan which is a lot like the Firefox extension
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:22:27 No.10290002
    >It's not like this shit is rocket science, bro.

    I'm just saying, it's more convienant not having to scroll to the top, or even bother opening a thread to reply.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:23:08 No.10290016
         File1280013788.png-(220 KB, 1600x900, Untitled-1.png)
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    Opera here
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:25:22 No.10290057
         File1280013922.jpg-(568 KB, 1280x800, ff.jpg)
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    Firefox here.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:26:02 No.10290064
    >mfw when your shit is ugly as fuck. at least change your windows theme or something
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:26:55 No.10290081

    >mfw I don't care whether you like it or not, because you're not the one using it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:32:42 No.10290181
    >>10290016 here.

    I love it when people use my computer for the first time because they think it's Windows 98 or some shit even though the computer is modern superdeluxe looking.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:33:22 No.10290192
         File1280014402.jpg-(122 KB, 1360x768, xx.jpg)
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    My sexily configured FF.

    >Bracing for Firefox 4.

    (also, playin' Fallout3)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:35:14 No.10290225

    Why is your start bar so xbox hueg?
    >> UltimateNewfag !!rmO+B03xjex 07/24/10(Sat)19:35:16 No.10290226


    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:39:46 No.10290328
         File1280014786.jpg-(401 KB, 1920x1080, urf.jpg)
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    Utopia FFSE White.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:41:23 No.10290352
    It's easier to click.I liek it.
    It's actually a win7 theme for xp.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:41:53 No.10290362

    Again with the humongous start bar. Do you people actually like it like that or do you just not know how to make it smaller?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:42:41 No.10290376
    >how can nobody agree with my opinions what is going on????
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:44:31 No.10290403

    Well it just doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you want it to take up twice as many pixels as it has to? It's wasted space!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:45:43 No.10290428
    >Again with the humongous start bar

    The new Windows 7, how does it work?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:46:22 No.10290440
    That shit looks like internet explorer.

    I'll never understand why people hate Safari. If I absolutely NEED extensions (mainly used for 4chan), I'll open a thread in FF, but fuck if Safari isn't the prettiest.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:47:16 No.10290458
         File1280015236.jpg-(224 KB, 1366x768, chrome_lolfaggots.jpg)
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    I'm using Chrome atm, it's no different than Firefox but I feel no need to reinstall Foxy. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:48:05 No.10290472
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    > The new Windows 7, how does it work?

    Really, really easily.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:48:19 No.10290476
    This thread is now about whatever browser u have.

    Post 'em motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:49:59 No.10290509
         File1280015399.jpg-(229 KB, 1366x768, chromefag_lol.jpg)
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    Seriously though, Chrome is no different than FF. In fact Chrome stole a lot from Firefox. Unoriginal bastards.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:50:12 No.10290515
    where do you go to get good xp themes?
    >> chillin in the mud like a !HIPPOsxdKk 07/24/10(Sat)19:50:58 No.10290527
         File1280015458.png-(199 KB, 1440x900, purp1.png)
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    FF 4EVER
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:51:01 No.10290530

    Go to /wg/ and read the sticky. It's called Rainmeter and you can rice out your theme to look like anything ever.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:51:13 No.10290533
    Well, it's twice the size, which means it's twice as easier to click.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:51:25 No.10290536
    I like it

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:51:54 No.10290546

    Not really to my taste, but it's nice to see someone here who actually knows how to use a computer.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:52:05 No.10290551
    I think that you should open some more tabs
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:52:12 No.10290554
    You're a faggot OP, a faggot that realized he was a faggot and went back to still being a faggot but much less of a faggot.

    tldr: OP is a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:53:29 No.10290573
    not like firefox stole a lot from safari

    i'm not complaining or anything :3
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:53:36 No.10290577

    What are you using as a mouse, an xbox controller? I use a laptop touch pad 99% of the time and I have no problem clicking the small icons.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:54:16 No.10290592
    thanks, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:54:19 No.10290594
         File1280015659.png-(174 KB, 1360x768, huehue.png)
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    I can't believe you people don't know how to block the buzzfeed ad.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:57:28 No.10290656

    That pisses me off when I'm using my iPhone; it blocks the left side of the reply box.

    Fucking buzzfeed.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:59:03 No.10290689

    Says the guy using Ubuntu

    Install a real Linux
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:00:50 No.10290717
    I use Gentoo on my main PC.
    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:10:54 No.10290931

    I fail to see what's the problem with ubuntu, it works just fine.

    Using puppy linux on a USB key. If it's not my computer, i just run my operative system in there.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:12:35 No.10290961

    Ubuntu is just a shitty version of Debian made for people who can't figure out how to install Debian.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:19:04 No.10291075
         File1280017144.jpg-(100 KB, 1024x768, capture2.jpg)
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    So.. we should all be using a hard-to-configure linux distro? Maybe the auto-configure option works fine and that's it, why should i keep touching it?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:22:56 No.10291152

    The only (real) reason for having Linux is because you can configure it to be exactly how you like it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:23:36 No.10291163
         File1280017416.jpg-(188 KB, 1000x1151, 15-03_performance_comparison_o(...).jpg)
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    Hurpa durp FF is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:26:38 No.10291224
    You didn't even READ OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:28:31 No.10291268
    I like the fact that works really good on a 1 gb FREAKING PENDRIVE! It's soo cool, it even saves the changes!

    Also, i can boot it in my work-laptop and let it downloading torrents all night. There is no way the can know, no traces left behind.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:39:14 No.10291471

    They could still know if they monitored the internet at all. Besides, you can make a bootable pen drive with a lot of Linux distros.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:43:26 No.10291573

    This may all be well and good, but what it really comes down to is your internet connection and computer speed. When you need to use milliseconds to compare which browser is the fastest, that should show that ALL BROWSERS ARE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME in terms of speed. Why is everybody so hung up about this?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:51:39 No.10291760
    We are not in the IBM* Intranet, we use the general internet, but our WinXp (Provided by them) is totally full of IBM and call-mothership spyware.

    *Fuck it, i work there, Field Tecnician
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:59:22 No.10291922
    Yes, browser speed and efficiency MATTERS, if you have like 256MB RAM and live in a freakin cave.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:05:32 No.10292040
    I use Tor a lot and Torbutton on Firefox works great on that, so I'm forced to use Chrome for most of my normal browsing. I hate ads, so I have adblock on both, but Chrome with adblock is FUCKING SLOW.

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