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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1280009681.png-(1.74 MB, 514x2934, hijab.png)
    1.74 MB Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:14:41 No.10288705  
    Somebody posted this in a rage thread on /v/ earlier.

    Despite the chibi art style and predispositions I had to the subject, I still found myself, if not convinced, not angered or completely opposed to what she is saying in the comic.

    She does have at least a couple valid points, doesn't she? I dunno, I just thought I would post this for my fellow robots to consider.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:16:16 No.10288724
    (used to live in a muslim country)

    Hijab is alright cause the women choose to wear it but the burka is pretty stupid IMO
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:17:33 No.10288748
    OP again, and obviously its wrong to say if you dont wear hijab men will be all Raep mode on you
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:20:30 No.10288786
    If it was simply a piece of clothing with no meaning behind it then I wouldn't give a shit about people wearing it. But due to the religious beliefs behind the clothing I think it is a cancerous load of shit and should not be encouraged.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:20:39 No.10288790

    But at the same time, you have to admit that women walking around looking all slutty is probably not having a positive effect on the men around them, especially if they're frustrated virgins like most of /r9k/. Not saying it's going to drive us to rape, but it makes you wonder about the effect it has on our brains.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:20:52 No.10288798
    No. Because until the islamic nutbars came to power in Iran it didn't fucking exist.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:22:02 No.10288814
    Women still get raped if they wear Hijab.

    In fact, you're more likely to be discriminated against if you wear something like that. Better to wear modest clothes that are more western than wearing Hijab.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:23:20 No.10288835
    I must admit, I would be more likely to respect a woman who wears modest clothing than one who walks around looking like a slut.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:25:38 No.10288870
    LOL being respected for your inner beauty.
    Good luck getting a Job.

    Also, I know this is a long shot, but how do Muslims date? I feel its like playing Russian Roulette when you ask out a girl with Hijab.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:26:30 No.10288888
    It's her right to wear whatever the hell she pleases.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:27:15 No.10288906
    "Who is more likely to be molested?"
    That part pissed me off.
    I'm not going to a rape a girl because she wears a fucking tank top, Jesus Christ. And I think if someone is going to assault a woman, it doesn't matter what the fuck she wears, they're going to do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:27:59 No.10288914
    I think it was pretty well written, and made sense on quite a few points. People will think I'm trolling, but that was pretty informative.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:28:01 No.10288917

    Here's the problem the artist is polarizing the options. Either super modest hijab or slutty revealing clothing.

    Not to mention it's insulting to both genders. Men are lust ridden monsters who will rape women. Women are dirty whores who invite rape if they don't subscribe to wearing burka or hijab.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:28:08 No.10288921
    And that comic is rage inducing.
    Fuck her for trying to devalue and make a symbol of opression harmless.
    She is a total bitch and she should just go get ehr clit cut out in somalia or some other shithole muslim nation.
    God damn religious fucking faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:28:57 No.10288933
    >lol guys we only cut ppls heads off 4 being witches
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:29:22 No.10288943

    Not to mention there's a horrible and incorrect assumption. "women don't oogle as much as men.". That is a baseless lie.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:29:29 No.10288946

    So what happens if a woman doesn't want that "right" to wear Hijab?

    do they stone her for being a whore for Satan?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:30:38 No.10288960
    Actually, that's made by a guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:30:51 No.10288964
    There's a difference between modest and wearing a burqa or hijab.

    Modest is wearing a fucking wool cardigan and some slightly baggy pants. Burqas are covering everything up.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:31:00 No.10288967

    How many rapes are women on man?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:31:16 No.10288972
    I check out dudes packages all the time, but no one ever suspects because women aren't sexual or visual, we never do shit like that, right?
    Keep telling yourselves that.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:31:30 No.10288976

    It's drawn by a guy, you stupid fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:31:34 No.10288977
    Any porn of that character?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:32:17 No.10288984

    >Also, I know this is a long shot, but how do Muslims date

    They don't lol
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:32:27 No.10288989
    And the fact that it is forced upon many women
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:33:16 No.10289001
    >Bitches don't know the difference between burqa and hijab
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:34:28 No.10289028
    >> cuntnugget !ZNZhn8HthY 07/24/10(Sat)18:35:21 No.10289047
    raises some ok points, but given that i go to a college with a fuck load of girls wearing these i don't know what kind of "beauty" they're stopping others seeing because they're all ugly as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:36:56 No.10289073
    >an idiot on DevArt spells Asalaam aleikum wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:37:58 No.10289085
    /r/ rule 34 of the hijab girl
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:38:10 No.10289089
    >Burqa=DERKADERKA full body, eyes only, which is only mandated in Saudi Arabia and Taliban regions

    Hijab= refers to the headscarf itself, and dressing modetly. Girl wearing fairly loose sweater, jeans= oh look a geeky girl who might fuck be better try to gt in her pants via being nice.
    Girl wearing loose sweater,jeans,headscarf =HURR DURR HOLDIG SOCIETY BACK FUCKING SANDNIGGERS
    >> ᴾᵃⁿᶜᵃᵏᵉ !!hkGHvV+n2ze 07/24/10(Sat)18:38:33 No.10289092
    Religious people are stupid and the rules imposed on them due to their religion are even dumber. Sorry, but them's the breaks.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:38:35 No.10289094
    I was with him until "which one is more likely to be raped?"
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:40:22 No.10289131
    I remember having a friend who was really muslim in middle school

    let's just say his male hormones made him question his faith

    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:40:22 No.10289132
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    Behold the true face of Islam.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:40:24 No.10289133
    Niqab be the shit.
    The tarded hat and mesh just fucks up the look of the burka. It's just hotter to actually get to see eyes (which reveal the necessary symmetry of face).
    If you must cover up your women-folk completely, go with an Omani facemask. That shit be hawt. I'd feel like my harem were my personal honor guard (which they'd obviously be trained for) and so I'd post them all around different parts of my house and have them kill intruders, while wearing their facemasks.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:40:25 No.10289135
    The last part about the comic makes perfect sense. Saying someone is oppressed because they choose to not be half-naked is outright fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:41:25 No.10289151
    Also, unless you're in saudi Arabia or [foo]istan, the argument of being stoned for not wearig hijab is irrelevant. And seeig as r9k=spoiled white kids, you don't.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:41:51 No.10289162
    Well that's obvious. The one who's got everything hidden, it would be like a delicious package all nicely wrapped up and waiting to be untied.

    >Implying that chicks looking like that wouldn't be raped.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:42:21 No.10289174
    >peace be upon you

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:42:56 No.10289184
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    hijab girls are easy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:43:19 No.10289190
    If it didn't mean worshipping teh lawd, 90% of arcanines would be Muslims or Jews strictly for the tasty tasty hoarding of women.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:43:54 No.10289204

    There, better?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:44:17 No.10289211
    This is all fine, but as anon has already said, she's making judgements on people for what they choose to wear ("which one is more likely to be molested") while begging for others to not do exactly the same thing.

    Even that wouldn't be so bad if it were true. There is no evidence at all to suggest that dressing like a slut makes it more likely that you'll be raped.

    Even if THAT were true, it's certainly not true to suggest that dressing like a slut SHOULD make it more likely that you should be raped.
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:44:37 No.10289216

    well she's wrong and you're an idiot, I did not create mankind so you could all run around dressed, do you realize just how badly you people wearing clothing pissed me off?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:44:45 No.10289218
    The point here:
    Wearing a hijab doesn't make you hijabi. It means you're a slut with a scarf on her head.

    Being modest, virginal, and not a raging whore (see virginal), makes you fully hijabi.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:44:56 No.10289220
    Saudi Arabia, most of northern aftica, and other places. Pre-war afghanistan, in the various "palestinian areas" same deal, Iran can lead you to being raped and killed in jail for not wearing one or wearing it "improperly" for the religious police. Syria well we're back to stoning. Jordan is hit or miss, but generally unsafe. Egypt mostly safe.

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:45:25 No.10289227

    Non-hijab women are easy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:46:44 No.10289243
    I can't quote any stats as I haven't done any research into this, but the feminist hysteria that comes whenever provocative clothing is mentioned in a court case about rape, does lead some credibility to the theory that if you dress slutty you are indeed more likely to get raped.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:47:13 No.10289252

    I've only ever managed to sleep with hijab girls though :-(
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:47:14 No.10289253
    Implying Persia even counts here, since they're all religious fuckbags. I say westernize Arabia, nuke Persia.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:47:52 No.10289264
    >Saudi Arabia

    You fail reading comprehension. And all the places you mentioned fall under Taliban/fundamentalist governments.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:48:04 No.10289267
    This is really just another question of two different extremes... on one side you have women wearing revealing and objectifying clothing, and on the other you have women covering almost every inch of visible skin. In my opinion, neither of these are really the best option, seeing as both offer many opportunities for discrimination and debate. Why not just tread the middle ground here and wear something that isn't too revealing or too hiding? Seems pretty simple to me... I just don't see why it's necessary to be at such extremes.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:48:07 No.10289269
    How and where? What is it that you do that makes scarf-sluts flock to you?

    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:48:17 No.10289274

    that's because the stupid bastards that follow islam teach their women to be obedient to men and then don't consider that they need to specify which man.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:48:36 No.10289282
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    You've all got it backwards, its them men who are subservient to the women!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:48:57 No.10289287
    The feminist "hysteria" about provocative clothing is precisely because there's no link...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:49:49 No.10289312
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:49:56 No.10289318

    sure they are chief, and the universe isn't a patriarchy, if I weren't done wiping you people's asses I'd smite you right here and now.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:50:28 No.10289326
    Not to sound like a fag or anything, but can you guys stop arguing and needlessly insulting each other and actually take the time to read this.
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:50:53 No.10289332

    I never said all islam is fundamentalist, I did however imply that all islam is stupid, so is christianity, and judaism, and every other faith on the planet, I tried to explain it to you people time and time again, but once I got sick and tired of it I trolled you, you mad?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:51:40 No.10289352
    Holy shit, that's a reference I never thought I'd see.
    Good shit broseph.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:52:09 No.10289360


    >Pretend to find Islam fascinating.

    >what do you think of my culture?

    >Scarf slut wants to rebel against parents.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:53:45 No.10289409


    Sorry Alison rejected you for prom, you'll grow out of this phase by October.
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:54:42 No.10289433

    no you idiot, I'm not an atheist, of course I believe in myself, I'm just saying you all missed the key message of what I had to say and all of your idiot profits were too busy expanding on it to codify what was important.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:54:53 No.10289438
    Indeed. I have seen this happen. Now I just need to not be a raging sociotard and learn to carry a conversation with anyone and I'm in.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:55:36 No.10289452

    >calling God an atheist
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:56:04 No.10289462

    what do you mean culture, Zoroastrianism was the best thing that ever happened to those brain dead camel jockeys and they all know it, they all just wanted a more rational way of looking at a totally irrational system.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:56:11 No.10289470
    lol at the manga.

    "If a woman has a right to go half naked in public, why doesn't another woman have the right to go half naked in public?"

    Yeah, in which Islamic state do women go out half naked? They get arrested and worse in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia... the list goes on.

    Comic is bullshit. Islam isn't about giving women the choice. It's demanding that they cover themselves up because they are sinful and they would tempt men with their lustful bodies.

    Actually, in that respect, Islam is a lot like /r9k/: misogynistic and neckbearded.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:56:48 No.10289478
    The thing which makes me go "whoah" there is the whole "no men's clothing on women" (and by extension I suppose, no women's clothing on men). Because that's not justified or supported at all, and doesn't really make sense in context with the other arguments.

    Also: the "well it's human nature, what can you do" defense for something always seems slightly off. It's surely better to try and change things rather than go 'welp all men are shit'.
    >> Jay Ce !dPaWTqtd3Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:57:32 No.10289483
    Its made by a men.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:57:35 No.10289484
    > Most national anthems talked about god. The soviets didn't beleive In god, so they instead sung about themselves.

    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)18:58:15 No.10289499

    all men are shit, and all women are shitribs, get used to it, you can change but you don't want to, you could be better people but you make a concious decision not to be, you know why? because it's easy, and taking the easy way out is in your nature.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)18:59:43 No.10289527
    Hey dumbass, not all islan is the Saudi undamentalost flavor. For every fundie,there are 3 well adjusted, productie Muslims.
    >> God !bqzZCqvd7Q 07/24/10(Sat)19:00:10 No.10289538

    blah blah blah communism this, socialism that, marx fucked my mother with a baseball bat.get over yourself pansy, you want to know what I think of you? I think your a presumptuous turd that comprises part of a massive island of shit that calls itself humanity.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:01:26 No.10289560

    that's a terrible, terrible ratio
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:02:42 No.10289584
    You are absolutely full of shit.

    Wahabi might be the smallest school of Islam, but that doesn't make the rest "well-adjusted." Hanbali school is just as jackoff nuts - do you think girls wear mini skirts in Palestine? Egypt? Qitar? Abu Dhabi?

    The only Islamic countries where people could dress normally were Lebanon before the Shiites started their civil war, and Iraq during Sadam's reign pre-First Gulf War, since both were secular countries. Shit, even "secular" Turkey has people getting fucked over by the extreme religious population that hate the secular elite.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:02:46 No.10289587
    >Islamic state
    That's the difference, though. This comic applies to the true, fundamental laws of Islam. You could argue that a seemingly Christian nation ("One nation under God, yadda yadda") is being hypocritical in its allowance of the death penalty ("cast the first stone", "turn the other cheek yadda yadda").

    The Koran simply contains the laws. It's the people that, unfortunately, decide how to enforce them. Though I don't know why I'm typing a response in defense of religion on this board.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:03:31 No.10289598
    This is pretty much true.

    Just wear some normal looking clothes that don't make you look like a whore. :S
    >> Azeru !fHn/gV8r3A 07/24/10(Sat)19:03:39 No.10289602
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:04:09 No.10289614
    Fucking ninja looking cunts that they are
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:04:43 No.10289629
    >Implying communism was the point of that post

    The point is people who convert to atheism fill the god gap with themselves. like you posting with god as your name.

    P.S. If you're all powerful, why don't you just smite the "undesirables"? Oh wait, It's becAuse you're a fat stormfagz who goes on and on about how nuggets are trash, but when Deshaun breaks into their house ,cowers and begs for life, as they are cowards who need the Internet to vet their fascist views, as venting it to normal people would result in them becoming pariahs.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:05:42 No.10289650
    I think it's a good way of giving people a basic understanding of hijab (which is a different from burqa which some dummies here have already confused).

    The "who is more like to be molested derp" got me too, but I think 'propisitioned' would make the statement a bit more accurate.

    Haters gonna hate, I don't give a shit either way about hijab, the comic gives some very positive core ideas about it but in reality I highly doubt those are the only enforced meaning of hijab. Fathers controlling the wimminz in their family etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:06:09 No.10289662

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:06:10 No.10289664

    How about this: Women wear whatever the fuck they want without having a fairy tale tell them what to do?

    How about that?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:06:53 No.10289682

    Who's more likely to be a horny potential rapist?

    A: The man who has been looking a the female figure his entire life and is okay with it, and is allowed to look at porn and pleasure himself? or...

    B: The muslim who isn't allowed to masturbate or look at pornography because it is sinful, but can rape a 9 year old with no consequences and force her to marry him?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:07:01 No.10289684
    I think the argument: who's more likely to get raped, the girl in the hijab or the girl in a mini-skirt? A completely stupid one.

    Its saying, instead of letting women wear what they choose and deal with the issue of rapists. Lets stop that and not deal with the rapists.

    However, if a woman chooses to wear one then its her choice (a rather obvious statement)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:07:26 No.10289692
    Except Christianity defines personal morals, not state morals.

    "Islam" is not a religion analogous to Christianity or Judaism or, really, any other. It's a combination of a religious and political system. Mohammed was a desert warlord, and led troops to conquer the early gains of Islam.

    The Koran doesn't give women the CHOICE of dressing in hijab, it COMMANDS them to. And since Islam is as much a political unity as it is a religious one, that command has invariably been entered into law, since Mohammed himself.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:08:01 No.10289702
    Malaysia is a fundamentalist government? WHO KNEW!
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:08:31 No.10289709
    God, stop talking shit.

    We all know that you're jealous because you're a virgin.

    You can't make a female god because a prerequisite to your existence is being outside of time, so when would you create one?

    Beta as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:09:12 No.10289721
    Am I the only person that sees the irony in preventing a woman's CHOICE to wear a hijab for being "a symbol of opression"?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:10:41 No.10289754
    Are you serious? He gave no "good points" on hijab. It's 1984 double speak.

    That's like saying that going to jail is actually greater freedom because you don't have to worry about finding a place to live, paying for rent, or buying food - it's all provided to you! You can devote your day to bettering yourself, so your situation is actually IMPROVED by prison!

    Lack of freedom is a bullshit that fascists of all flavor try to mask by stupid arguments trying to convince you you're better off without the freedom.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:11:06 No.10289766
    Hm. Interesting. I'm not as up on my knowledge of Islam as you seem to be, so I will concede defeat for now. I'll look into it though, thanks for the info.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:11:57 No.10289783
    The reason Christianity doesn't govern state morals is because all of the states who did so either abolished it as a law or collapsed. Islam is younger, ergo the fundamentalist states need time to liberalize or collapse.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:12:31 No.10289797
    Except you can be a nun, pious, and devoted to your religion without dressing like that. Imagine that.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:12:35 No.10289799
    I dream of a worldwide communist republic, where everyone is an atheist and a nudist.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:12:37 No.10289802
    >The Koran doesn't give women the CHOICE of dressing in hijab, it COMMANDS them to

    Hijab refers to dressing modestly. The only reason why this entails headscarves is because they live in a fucking desert. Veils aren't mentioned with a single word.

    Fun fact, the BIBLE explicitly commands women to cover their hair, or else is has to be cut off.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:13:00 No.10289808

    >convert to atheism

    >god gap

    >What is buddhism?

    >What is LeVayan Satanism?

    >What is discordianism?

    >What are Brights?

    > What is nihilism?

    The dichotomy is atheism/theism, not atheism/religion.

    There are atheistic religions that have their magical bullshit as something other than a god.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:13:11 No.10289814

    Implying an average hijab wearing muslim woman is the same as a nun. That's just retarded. Not to mention the motivations for wearing said garments are different. One is a symbolof their choice to stay pure for god. Another is a religious garb to prevent their dirty and lust causing body from making men go crazy and sin by raping them.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:07 No.10289827
    Except that western law is based on 3 things: Codes of humarabi, 12 tables(tablets) and judeo-christian codex's.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:42 No.10289838

    Did you even read the comic?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:14:46 No.10289840
    Except if you've actually read the bible, you'd know that the black attire is mandated, and everyone except fundamentalits pick-and-choose which parts of the bible to beleive, with large sections being retconned as popular views change.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:15:01 No.10289846

    >implying /r9k/ has a large christian userbase

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:15:14 No.10289854
    In other news, christianity and judaism went through through reformations letting people go. FUCK YOU to religious tradition. Still waiting on muzzies to catch up to 1000 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:15:22 No.10289860
    Bull. Fucking. Shit.

    "Render unto Caesar" is the clearest example of Jesus Christ openly speaking of being a Christian under a government that does not follow Christian beliefs, and what to do and how to live. In fact, Christian fundies ignore it often specifically because Christ implies pretty directly that doing what the government tells you to do politically has no bearing on your religious life and you should have faith PERSONALLY.

    Compare it to Mohammed's conquest of the Arabian peninsula and genocide of tribes he did not like or who would not convert to Islam. Does that sound like "rendering unto Caesar?"

    Your boner against Christianity notwithstanding, Christianity is about a personal moral system. Islam is about a social unity with faith as its core setting laws that cover everything from which hand to wipe your ass with to how you are to wash yourself before prayer.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:16:36 No.10289883

    And what are they based on, Johnny boy?
    >> Azeru !fHn/gV8r3A 07/24/10(Sat)19:17:09 No.10289891
    Christ guys, I just thought it fit to post the picture since it was about a Hijab.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:17:23 No.10289894
    Failure to read continues...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:18:55 No.10289928

    You the short one I'm referencing? Yes. I also read the op's comic. Both are retarded. Any "good point" is lost with gender role reinforcement and derogatory stereotypes towards men and women.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:19:15 No.10289933

    >implying I'm the same person you replied to originally.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:19:43 No.10289943
    Also bullshit. Since Christ explicitly stated that his coming meant that a new covenant with God existed through him, Christianity doesn't mandate any of Judaism's wackier things.

    By comparison, Islam explicitly states WHAT is allowed to be shown in the Koran and the Hadiths: only face and hands allowed to be shown when in public. Period.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:20:49 No.10289969
    Sad but true I am. Your failure to read continues.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:21:17 No.10289981
    No, god is imaginary.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:22:02 No.10289994

    Looks like someone isn't reading.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:22:06 No.10289995
    Don't mind me, just taking moral guidance from all religions and cultures without devoting my life to a cosmic being that probably doesn't exist and taking their stories literally.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:22:32 No.10290004
    I hate how Islam can't see the difference between hijab and whore.
    I dress modestly - I never wear cleveages or short skirt, most of me is covered from head to toes except on very hot days (but not in public), and I don't have too many clothes revealing my figure. If I wore a hijab, I could pass as a muslim.

    What does that make me, Islam women? HUH? HUUUUH? Whore? Yeah, I thought so.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:23:01 No.10290013
    Yo Christian defenders, have you heard of "why can't I own a Canadian"?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:24:36 No.10290042
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:26:41 No.10290078
    Neutral. Unless yiu're in a fundamentalist Islam country. Then you get stoned. Islam has quite a few black sheep, and with every faction, the crazies get all the attention.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:27:26 No.10290088
    States that christianity doesn't govern state mortals. Believes that all states have collapsed or given up on said morals, etc. Fails to get that the base laws of every western nation are based on 3 primary codex's in western society. Fails to understand that all law is built around these 3 primary sources.

    Still believes that the state doesn't govern morals. Yes junior, that's why murder is bad, theft is wrong, raping is one of the more serious crimes you can be charged with, and why you still have freedom of speech.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:27:33 No.10290090
    >Don't mind me, I just don't have any friends and will live and die miserable doing what I personally thought was logical.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:28:51 No.10290118
    So they should live and die doing what other people think are right?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:29:56 No.10290135
    That makes you a kafir, only worthy of being raped and used for breeding. I guess you missed that part.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:32:21 No.10290174
    >false dichotomies are a cool way to argue on the internet
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:33:26 No.10290195
    The clothing doesn't annoy me. It can look great on people.

    I still regard the belief of an omnipotent being as a form of mental retardation.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:36:05 No.10290245
    I'm curious how people would react to headscarves and veils if they had nothing to do with religion and just happened to be popular fashion in the middle east.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:36:54 No.10290265

    who would wear shit like that in a climate like the middle east?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:39:07 No.10290307
    Well when you keep all your women indoors, and locked away they don't need comforts especially since they're chattel.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:39:26 No.10290321

    It actually helps against the sun, it's more sensible than walking around in beach wear.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:41:35 No.10290355
    Yo Christian hater, have you ever heard of the New Covenant?

    No, that was me saying that Christianity doesn't govern state morality. STATES choosing to set laws is in no way based on a Christian edict.

    Namely, murder, rape, theft being considered crimes in one form or another have been part of law since law existed, unless you think that everyone went around raping and killing freely until Hamurabi said, HEY GUYS, STOP THAT!

    For humans to progress as a civilization, it's clear we had to create communal punishments against antisocial behavior. This was the original creation of "law" and "morality."
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:42:05 No.10290367
    No one would care unless it became a serious danger to the public. Wearing a bed sheet over you and trying to drive kinda falls under the areas of being a danger to the public.

    Remembering that in the west we have freedom from and of religion is the thing. Especially when people(go-go atheists) have been jumping up and down for years that other religions shouldn't, couldn't, or must not do things in various places including places of work. But everyone should bend over backwards for the muzzies, let them have prayer rugs in their own private rooms, and no bacon on your own sandwiches.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:42:52 No.10290380
    Yeah you really have no idea how laws work in the real world or their basis. Just give up now.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:45:48 No.10290429
    Hijabs are also great for concealing explosives.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:46:48 No.10290447
    Good refute. Clearly I don't. Idiot.

    Name a single civilization - ONE - that permits murder. Hint - the Chinese civilization is around 4-5 thousand years old and for much of it had no idea about Hamurabi, Judeo-Christian values, or the Roman 12 Tablets. And yet they also didn't permit murder, theft, or rape. OH SNAP!

    Can't wait for summer to be over and you jackoffs to go back to school.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:47:44 No.10290464
    I actually tend to quite agree with the comic, if only because she makes the excellent point that the way a woman is treated should be according to her personality/etc/intangibles, rather than her appearance. I think we can all agree that a sexy woman has a huge advantage in the world, which doesn't seem right.

    HOWEVER, I think a woman should be allowed to reveal herself to those that she chooses. Like if she dates a guy and he still likes her at the end of a date, she can reveal herself to him.

    I dunno, I would love to hear a female opinion on this.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:48:42 No.10290483

    Don't you have a Glenn Beck marathon to fap to, faggot?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:50:08 No.10290513
    Well, when other cultures take as readily to blowing themselves up, maybe the suspicion will spread to others. In the meantime, I don't equate what that guy said to Beck's idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:52:58 No.10290563
    >a woman is treated should be according to her personality/etc/intangibles, rather than her appearance

    Well, so should men. I guess everybody should start wearing hijabs.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:53:00 No.10290566
    The problem with Hijab is that, as you point out, it should be her decision as to whether or not to dress that way. Muslims make it an obligation, which is incorrect.

    However, that being said, a little more modesty amongst many women couldn't be a bad thing at all. Ugh.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:55:07 No.10290610

    Men already wear hijab, its just that their hijab zone is much smaller than a womans. Didn't you read the comic?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)19:58:51 No.10290683
    There was a girl at my college who wore a Hijab. All I can remember thinking was that she had a very pretty face. I actually had a bit of a crush on her because in every other aspect, she seemed like a normal girl. Her modesty was an attractive quality.
    >> anonymouse 07/24/10(Sat)20:02:13 No.10290746
    Hijab is not a style of clothing, its modesty.

    "Hijab" clothing is due to arabian/pashtun fashion, hence why it was going out of use years ago.

    Therefore, Hijab = feeling not clothing
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:04:16 No.10290787
         File1280016256.jpg-(1.71 MB, 750x3200, Once_upon_a_time__FF_by_FullWh(...).jpg)
    1.71 MB
    Here's another one of this man's great works.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:05:32 No.10290820

    Unironically agreeing w/ the sentiments behind this comic.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:07:32 No.10290864
    Fail idiot can't read. I'll be happy when you go back to school personally. Because if you did you'd have been able to read what I wrote.

    Oh and permit murder, that's easy. Ancient Egypt, pre-formation china, pre-formation japan.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:09:26 No.10290908
    None of her points are valid.
    >women are less likely to ogle men
    Twilight disproves this; also it's sexist and wrong.
    >women wearing revealing clothing are more likely to be molested / women wearing hijab will be respected
    Nobody respects a woman who willingly degrades herself. Also, less than 10% of rape is committed by strangers. Simply put, hijab degrades women, making their bodies shameful, making them lower than men - this in itself is rape-like, because rape is about control and dominance.
    >hijab isn't about oppression
    In countries where women are forced to clothe themselves like this, women have little to no rights. You might say correlation does not imply causation, but in actuality both practices stem from the same cause - a religion that teaches that women are inferior to men.

    Male-anon here. I may have my theories on why women can be more petty than men, but they're equal in freedom. It is disgusting to treat women like this. When I see girls dressed in hijab they are never very smart, never very assertive, never very attractive, and never of any interest. Simply put, they are mummifying themselves and making themselves into little dolls who don't speak, think, or act on their own.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:09:52 No.10290914
    If somebody is stupid enough to believe the childish view of Islam put forward in these comics, then they're welcome to participate in a religion that at the core of it's ideology suppresses free will because clearly they don't have the intelligence to exercise theirs effectively.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:11:58 No.10290950
    Oh look. Hipsters...
    >> Catholicfag !!oGox1F+8/6s 07/24/10(Sat)20:13:44 No.10290985
    I'm glad I follow a religion where our rules involve freedom of choice to love God, or to love something else, and no one will beat you, stone you, or rape you if you decide you don't want to cover your entire body with cloth.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:14:47 No.10290996
    >Christianity doesn't mandate any of Judaism's wackier things.

    Yeah, are you aware that this only came about after a few hundred years and even then it is only applicable to Christians of non-Jewish decent?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:14:47 No.10290997

    At least not this century, and not in your sect
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:15:01 No.10291000
    Men aren't more likely to ogle women? Jesus, ever been to Earth? I find her arguments more credible and sound than your counter-arguments. Hope this makes you feel bad, because your post was bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:17:42 No.10291044

    Yeah, they just want you to eat the flesh of a 2000 year old jewish zombie, drink his blood, and have lots and lots of babies to then recruit into your silly religion.
    >> Catholicfag !!oGox1F+8/6s 07/24/10(Sat)20:17:53 No.10291052
    Yeah I'm glad Catholics as a whole moved out of that. I would refuse to follow a Church that would do something like that.
    I hate when people think I'm a homophobe because I'm a Christian when us Catholics are so much more forward-thinking about homosexuality compared to fundies. (not in the mood for discussion.)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:19:24 No.10291084
    OP is mad :( :( :(
    poor OP :( :( :(
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:20:01 No.10291092
    >women have little to no rights
    Do not confuse women's legal rights in these countries with their rights in Hadiths and in the Surahs. The three are very different.
    >> Catholicfag !!oGox1F+8/6s 07/24/10(Sat)20:21:04 No.10291111
    stopped reading there, 0/10
    plz troll harder
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:22:45 No.10291146
    That dichotomy is completely useless because the fact remains that women are secondary (lesser) citizens in such countries.

    also ITT OP bumps his own thread; OP is Muslim; OP is a shitty troll
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:22:48 No.10291149
    Do you know what the saddest thing is?

    I'll tell you:

    Not a single fuck was given that day...
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:23:31 No.10291160
    >When I see girls dressed in hijab they are never very smart, never very assertive, never very attractive, and never of any interest

    Do you realize that, from an outside point of view, this really just sounds like you project people's appearance onto their personality?

    Think about all of those threads where anon mentions that the difference between a girl thinking you're a creeper or mysterious is your looks. It really sounds like, to you, the difference between interesting and boring is how much skin you can see.
    >> Catholicfag !!oGox1F+8/6s 07/24/10(Sat)20:26:09 No.10291211
    Just saw this.
    Nuns wear habits as a tradition. Different orders have different rules on this. A lot of nuns will wear regular, non-exposing clothing. Basically, the nun wears modest clothing because she respects her body given to her by God; not out of devotion. The habit she wears is a sign of joining the order.

    this whole thread sucks except for my posts btw
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:26:20 No.10291215
    A woman in skimpy clothing doesn't deserve to get molested. She also deserves as much respect as a woman in loose and less revealing clothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:36:44 No.10291416
    Women get to wear whatever they like. This kind of liberty is as close to sacred to we in the west as anything is.

    If women feel pressured to wear sluttish clothes, and don't, the worst that happens is their friends judge them on it, and they are maybe less likely to get laid. If they do give in to this peer pressure, the worst that can happen is they get cold or get leered at, and they are given out to by their parents for attracting the wrong kind of attention. This goes for any woman in the west.

    If women feel pressured to wear the scarf, these is a whole different set of punishments possible. Aside from the completely made-up ones if they choose not to, burning in hellfire, there are some real life consequences, namely, familial pressure, which is different from peer pressure, as the result can be more like physical violence or cutting off of support, which is fairly bad; and if they go out without the scarf, they risk being judged by others who may take it on themselves to force the matter; and they risk being raped by a man who will get away with it because she, supposedly, provoked him. If she chooses to wear the scarf, that is still her choice, but it is not a fair choice. This is in nations with Islamic law. More westernised nations with Islamic majorities, especially in the cities or tourist areas, are not nearly this bad, but in the countryside they may be.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:39:39 No.10291479

    Not according to Islam, or OP image.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:40:55 No.10291521
    I found myself also agreeing with this.. which is surprising, because I'm female...

    Points i thought were good:
    -More freedom in deciding who gets to see you
    -Less likely to be molested
    -If you succeed in something its not because of how short your mini skirt is
    -Beauty fades and this way people get to know you and love you because of your inner beauty

    Points i thought were fishy:
    -The point about how wearing men's clothing is not humiliating.
    -Saying a miniskirt is as hot as a Hijab

    Story time:
    I have a friend who wears a Hijab. She took it off one day in front of me (no men were around, so she was allowed to do so.) She was beautiful, and I was disappointed that nobody would be able to appreciate her beauty. She would wear this thing until she got married, probably in 5-10 years, and then only take it off in front of him. I feel like her beauty, as it is right now, is wasted.

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:42:25 No.10291551
    >That dichotomy is completely useless because the fact remains that women are secondary (lesser) citizens in such countries.

    >Islam allows a woman to operate a business by herself
    >Saudi law restricts the ability of women to operate businesses
    >Islam makes education a requirement of men and women
    >Various laws in the MidEast restrict this

    You feign intelligence through verbosity, yet you do not fully understand my point. Do you really think it unimportant to distinguish between the activities of a state and the teachings of a religion?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:45:28 No.10291626

    We already have all the good points of this in the west, without any of the bad points.

    Women get to wear whatever they like. They can dress conservatively, or provocatively. In Islam, there is no choice, the choice is made for you, by men. This is sexist.

    The implication that women do not want to be seen as sexual beings, is also sexist. And the implication that men constantly want women for no reason but sex, BUT, only if they see some skin, is not only sexist, but retarded.

    If anyone hires someone just because they have a short skirt, well, too bad for them. They got fooled. If any man gets hired because he is handsome and not very bright, well, he fooled them too and they should know better next time.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:46:27 No.10291650

    Read that when you have the capability to. Unlike you, Muller-Wollermann is an actual authority.

    Christ, ahahaha. "Ancient Egypt permitted murder hurrrr durrrrr."

    Head to Chapter 10, "wesen und funktion von Strafe," which is about the nature and function of state punishments. Surprise surprise, murder was not only illegal, but prosecuted by the state (by comparison, theft and rape victims had to bring charges themselves; the state wouldn't pursue it on their behalf).

    For the record, I hate all of you little kids. All of you.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:46:49 No.10291660
    >A woman in skimpy clothing doesn't deserve to get molested. She also deserves as much respect as a woman in loose and less revealing clothing.

    True, but the question is does she deserve to get propositioned?

    A girl in a hijab is sending a clear message that she does not.

    A girl dressed modestly is sending a message that she does not.

    A girl dressed in a way that is designed to accentuate the more attractive aspects of her body may well *want* to be approached.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:54:16 No.10291810
    No she isn't. A woman in hijab is sending the message "if I don't wear this I may be punished or killed by my male relatives or the State."
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:56:55 No.10291856

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:57:03 No.10291860
    Nope. That only happens in like three countries in the world that are backwards as fuck. In most muslim countries wearing the hijab is completely voluntary. You're retarded and what's worse, demonizing the opposition to your view. Never been a good thing historically.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)20:57:54 No.10291889
    What's wrong with wanting to be approached by members of the opposite sex? Both men and women do this; wear clothes that make them look good, flaunt a bit, and hope someone notices. It's just human nature.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:01:52 No.10291975

    Well then you're on our side. Requiring (or prohibiting) it is immoral. Allowing it, or not, is moral.

    The only justification that stands up is the religious one. All the secular reasons are either easily dismissed (rape-bait), or are better served with choice (times when women do not want to be seen as sexual, which is not always).
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:02:23 No.10291983
    I absolutely agree with the comic in the OP. There's nothing wrong with a woman being modest. It's a good thing.


    ^ what everybody else has probably been saying
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:05:50 No.10292050
    >"if I don't wear this I may be punished or killed by my male relatives or the State."

    >punished or killed by my male relatives

    >my male relatives

    I forgot, in most Muslim countries that doesn't happen. Oh, wait!$File/N02467

    According to the UN's "Working towards the elimination of crimes against women
    committed in the name of honour" report,

    "The report of the Special Rapporteur... concerning cultural practices in the family that are violent towards women (E/CN.4/2002/83), indicated that honour killings had been reported in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Yemen, and other Mediterranean and Persian Gulf countries, and that they had also taken place in western countries such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom, within migrant communities"

    Hrm. I wonder WHERE those "migrant communities" are from. PROBABLY NOT MUSLIM RIGHT?
    >> anonymouse 07/24/10(Sat)21:05:57 No.10292055
    Can people actually read the previous points and acknowledge the HIJAB is FASHION
    >> Joseph Gordon-Levitt !dNOQWQ4M9k 07/24/10(Sat)21:06:05 No.10292056
    I've gotten hit on wearing a winter jacket, sweatpants and sneakers. Nothing will stop a sleazy male from being sleazy.

    If the rates of rape differ between America and an Islamic nation, I'd first blame it on women who are too embarrassed to report a rape.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:06:58 No.10292076
    Herp derp, I wrote "my" instead of "by" lol.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:08:20 No.10292097
    Except that reporting rape will give the woman a bigger punishment.

    IE, the Saudi Arabia case where the woman was out with a male friend, got jumped by a gang of guys who beat the man senseless and gang raped her. They all got slaps on the wrist, she got lashes and a lengthy prison term for being out with a man.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:08:37 No.10292105

    I think we can all agree that if a woman freely choses to go Hijabi then that's cool and we should offer her a brofist.

    If she is forced or bullied into doing it, that's bullshit and it's no good.

    One should also note that the "equality" enjoyed by women in the West is not available in many other economically developed countries, let alone in the backwards ones. There are many places were feminists are yet to blossom.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:08:55 No.10292113
    Not to mention that being raped is shameful to the family, who will likely kill the girl to save the family honor.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:09:04 No.10292117

    And you are permitted to say no. As you did.

    The key thing here is choice. The friendly face of Islam lists all these reasons women may want to dress modestly, all of which are valid, assuming women never want to be seen in a sexual light, which is ridiculous, but anyway, all the reasons are valid. Then they ruin it by making it a rule, a law. A religious law.

    So in the west we already have the best of both worlds. Over there a man has decided what all women should wear.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:09:31 No.10292123
    Honor killings do not happen because of not wearing hijab. Much more serious offense is needed. Not saying that it's not inexcusable. Furthermore, there will always be "honor killings" i.e. violently settling in-family differences everywhere, it's just that when it's a Muslim family you make a note and get a feeling of superiority.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)21:10:48 No.10292160

    This is what happens when people value the soul over the life.

    It makes perfect sense when you consider the list of things in the holy books that protect the soul. And yet there is no soul, so all you have done is ruined a life.

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