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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next later this week

    File : 1279942449.jpg-(337 KB, 1440x900, 1214225030819q.jpg)
    337 KB Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:34:09 No.10272048  
    >in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by later this week

    Moderators, from where?
    >> The Red Barron 07/23/10(Fri)23:36:01 No.10272086
    moot's email list I'm guessing
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:36:38 No.10272100
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    From God.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:37:20 No.10272110
    The internet I believe good sir
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:37:31 No.10272112
    Yeah people lucky enough to schmooze their way into power connections.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:39:24 No.10272146
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    We need moderators who have lives.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:40:26 No.10272160
    If moot would pay for my AT&T Data Plan with tethering I could moderate all day erry day
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:41:25 No.10272185
    Remember that video of moot meeting people in that NYC park, and this neckbeard was asking to be a moderator?

    That was funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:44:50 No.10272242
    >> Anonymous 07/23/10(Fri)23:47:17 No.10272280
    Probably tripfags or retards who hang out in the IRC. Exactly the kind of people we DON'T need moderating this board, but the only kind of people that have an identity enough that moot can trust. It's kind of a catch 22.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)00:51:44 No.10273592
    I believe it's this video, or one of the other ones from this user

    I'm watching it right now, it's so embarrassing and awkward.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)00:53:41 No.10273627
    LOL, Ok it starts at 4:40, the moderator conversation where Moot is asking where he can find mods.

    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)00:55:38 No.10273664
    Moderators are global. Don't expect to see much change.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)00:57:37 No.10273707

    This better not be the case. This shit is fucking rampant over on 420chan and it pisses me off to no end.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)00:58:28 No.10273725
    Moot doesn't even hang out in the 4chan IRC
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)01:00:01 No.10273765
    Moot is so hot.

    Those guys crowding him are hideous.
    >> Faggot !26D7I/H7YY 07/24/10(Sat)01:03:53 No.10273835
    there is a new mod at /fit/ who sucks balls, he banned one user because he was jealous of him, and he also uploads videos in youtube doing random lulz /b/ stupid shit and thinks he is funny.

    as always, moot doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 07/24/10(Sat)01:05:11 No.10273864
    The mod is that fucking ginger??????????

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