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    449 KB Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:37:53 No.10245469  
    Any of you (clinically) depressed fags ever experience dissociation/depersonalization? I swear it feels like I'm watching a movie of "my" life. Even typing this feels distant.. Like I'm watching a movie I've already seen.

    Even pleasure seems muted somehow, like it's unreal. I'm starting to freak out a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:38:45 No.10245489
    I used to. Where it feels like every day is the same, you don't know anyone, they don't know you. That kind of thing?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:40:52 No.10245531
    if you're freaking out your not depersonalized enough yet, you'll get there dont worry
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:41:13 No.10245538
    Yeah sure. Sometimes I look at my arms and I'm not sure if they are mine.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:42:15 No.10245555
    Oh man, yeah. I feel like the connection between my mind and my body is nonexistant. I don't feel comfortable hearing my name, and have trouble introducing myself because I feel like I'm introducing my "body" me, and not my "mind" me.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:42:34 No.10245560
    Well now you're making me freak out. I've felt like that for years. Apparently it's something to worry about?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:42:43 No.10245564
    I know what you mean. I used to experience it all the time. I remember once describing it to a psychiatrist as feeling "like I'm a background character in my own life."

    I'm not saying drugs will cause miracles to happen and rainbows to pop out of your ass, but I started feeling like myself again almost immediately after I started taking Lexapro.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:43:41 No.10245580
    In a psychotic depression episode, I was fairly convinced that I was purely conceptual.
    Does that count? I wasn't feeling a damn thing, just experiencing the clusterfuck that mental breakdown was in an almost Palahniuk kind of detached way.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:44:13 No.10245592
    It's called "Summer Insanity" I've gone through this every summer after Freshman year of HS and it stems from the lack of social interaction. You will snap out of it when school starts or you get a job.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:44:23 No.10245596
    suck a dick you will feel better dude
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:46:27 No.10245637


    For me it's like being underwater. I'm underwater and everyone & everything is so far away. It's not the feeling of drowning but just kind of floating away. I don't have any fear or sadness. I've had this for a long time now, in highschool it used to freak me out. Now I just have gotten so used to it.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:46:38 No.10245642
    Yeah. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I genuinely don't recognize the person staring back, and a small panic attack.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:47:21 No.10245650
    I get that, but its in really short durations, like 10-15 seconds. I relate it to being high on weed. It feels like I'm in a third person first person perspective, just watching the motions my body is making. Things start to have a lower FPS, but then I pop back out of it. Its extremely uncomfortable, thank god it doesn't really happen much anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:48:30 No.10245674
    OP here, glad to know I'm not the only one. Or at least I think I'm glad.

    I was going to describe it like this, or something similar (for me it's like being very tired.. actions seem delayed, and I feel like I'm in a bubble or something) but I thought it would be too subjective.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:52:18 No.10245742
    Hahaha yeah I zone out like that too.

    I look at my hand and like, "Is this really me?"
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)21:57:32 No.10245833
    It's called ego death brah, and to achieve such a degree of dissociation/depersonalization is to achieve the finest state of being. In my experience the best way to induce this state is to use the following method:
    1. Move to a city/burgh/town where you know as few people as possible. Do not socialize at all until you have completed step two.
    2. Change your appearance by no small bit.
    If you are overweight, go to /fit/ pick a mode you like and work at it with reckless abandon. Conversely if you are light, gain some muscle.
    Change your clothes, doesn't matter the style or color, so long as they are noticeably different from your old norms.
    You could go so far as to adopt a new personality and general disposition, but this step is not all that necessary.
    3. Now begin to socialize with a type of crowd you usually don't run with. Fell more and more foreign to yourself as time goes on. Enjoy your 3rd person life adventure game.
    4. ???
    5. Profit
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:00:37 No.10245896
    i get really high and i think of that.. Am i depressed?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:01:34 No.10245910
    OP girl is kawaiiii
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:03:19 No.10245935
    Ego death sounds brutal.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:03:54 No.10245949
    yeah i got diagnosed a while back
    three and a half years on and im content even regularaly happy
    occasionally shit happens but now i just get over it:)
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:04:45 No.10245967
    It feels like that when I get really high.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:05:15 No.10245983
    >Herp de derp
    Read before you post.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:05:51 No.10245993
    Nope, not at all, keep pushing those lines of thought.
    Ego death is where the fun in life begins.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:06:32 No.10246006
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:07:09 No.10246020
    ego death and being depersonalized are totally different
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:10:56 No.10246090
    You should change your routine a bit. You're probably just bored.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:11:42 No.10246101
    My apologies gentlemen, I got excited.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:15:41 No.10246173
    i know what you mean OP. I felt like that when I first started smoking weed, but now I feel like it all the time. I just had two bowls of bud and a huge chunk of resin and I just feel "level" so to speak, not even high.

    Im usually not depressed a lot, but when I am its like three times worse. It can be pretty unnerving sometimes when you can't be sure if you're dead/dying or alive just because everything feels the same.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:21:30 No.10246303
    This sounds horrible. I like who I am, I just don't have anyone to share my life with.

    I keep personal hygiene, I get exercise, I go outside (and I don't just mean for the mail or the paper), I go to parties all the time, but I don't have anyone to share my passions with. Feels like everyone around me is an acquaintance, not someone I can actually call a true friend. There is so much in this world that I love but there are so few people to express it to. I feel like I don't benefit anyone's existence at all.

    Yeah, I know it's not LiveJournal so I'll cut myself off, but ego death sounds like lying to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:25:15 No.10246387
    Did these feelings begin to occur suddenly or gradually over time?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:29:12 No.10246469
    Question for you depersonalized guys: Did this just suddenly start happening one day, or was there some kind of buildup period where you just felt a little distanced from yourself?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:31:34 No.10246514
    Not quite, ego-death is more like becoming so detached from yourself that you finally have the freedom to live life from an objective and well reasoned viewpoint, as opposed to weathering the seas of time at the whim and mercy of such influences as pain, embarassment, inefficient social norms, brain-blinding rages, endorphin surges when you see a woman you like, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:35:12 No.10246593
    OP, your pics is awesome! Best feet of the week. Post more if you have.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:37:13 No.10246629
    I wonder how the fuck I exist, and why I can control everything I do, why do I exist, does it really matter?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:37:33 No.10246637
    holy motherfuck. I got this twice so far in my life.

    both times I fucking shat myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:39:44 No.10246681

    I've never felt real, as if I'm just watching a bad television show about myself. No depression, just I feel no connection to anything around me except what meager information delivered by my senses.

    Fuck, where's the eject button.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:43:24 No.10246748
    My life has for a long time seemed like a fantasy of my own making and of no actual import. Really, if I die, I die, and I can always end myself if I want out. Otherwise, this is weird shit and I might as well enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:43:32 No.10246752
    When I was starting high school my parents got divorced, and I fell into a real deep depression because I looked up to my dad so much, and the thought of him not living with us any more was on par with him dieing, it was some serious shit for me.

    So any way, I ended up being put on Zoloft, and I felt the same exact way as you did OP. It was like I was watching a movie, of this kid who was just happy and normal, and I kept thinking to my self "This isn't really me, this isn't how I should feel".

    When I told that to my therapist I was taken off of it, but that really didn't help much either, as I tried to commit suicide a few weeks later. After that, I was put into a ward with other kids who were in the same boat as me, and that seemed to help out a lot.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:44:38 No.10246775
    I still don't really understand... I guess it's over my head.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:45:13 No.10246790

    Holy SHIT. Just described my latest situation in detail.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:46:32 No.10246825
    When I got that I got ill a few days afterwards. It turned out to be good news really, becuase I was bed stricken for a few days. After a couple of days of huge amounts of sleep, it all cleared itself up. Something to consider?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:49:38 No.10246896
    >There is so much in this world that I love but there are so few people to express it to. I feel like I don't benefit anyone's existence at all.

    This is how I feel. It's frustrating and I don't quite know how to fix it.

    Anyway, for the people who feel depersonalized:

    How do you get the motivation to do anything?
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:49:42 No.10246898
    actually im clinicly schizo and that is a common symptom of people who are in my condition you might want to talk to a theripist or something if your having bizzar thoughs like unsocible moods and other sad feelings
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:50:47 No.10246925
    Sometimes I feel as if were I to concentrate intently enough, and with enough "force," I could separate my consciousness from my body and float away. I can "feel" my awareness being centered in my mind, but at times I get the sense that I'm able to shift it to other locations in my minds eye, my hands, feet, penis, my truck in the driveway, my dog asleep on the bed. My ex girlfriends' anus.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:51:35 No.10246936
    I only feel that way when I dex 5-700 mg. And I'm not clinically depressed. And it only lasts for about 5 hours, then I'm back to normal. Enjoy your budding schizophrenia.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:52:51 No.10246963
    To put what I said simply:
    Ego death allows a person to treat life as if it were just an exercise in thought, a daydream if you will.
    There are no physical or emotional distractions to keep one from living as they wish, accomplishing whatever they sought to, and most importantly, never have to compromise the standards such a person governs themselves by.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:54:09 No.10246989
    >How do you get the motivation to do anything?

    I can't.

    If it doesn't lead to an orgasm or altered mind-state (drugs, alcohol) I do not do it. Though when it comes to sex even I can pass it up in favor of masturbation for a "quick-fix" instead of having to do the monotonous bullshit involved with a relationship.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:54:40 No.10246994
    me the skitzo again yea astral traveling around and thinking you have magic powers might mean your schitzo sounds like your starting to halucinate it could go away though like mine did but keep watch for weird thoughts and whatnot
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:54:57 No.10246998
    I get pretty intense derealization for a day or two after I smoke weed, or if I pay really close attention to my surroundings.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:55:23 No.10247006
    Yeah the disassociation with pleasure is a real bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:57:20 No.10247039
    Motivation is boundless when you have no limitations (physical,emotional) keeping you from making something of the person your mind calls home (save for the limitations one places on themselves, read:morals, those self imposed standards are good to hold on to).
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:58:16 No.10247057

    I've always had "weird" thoughts. I don't believe I have magical powers, but it comes as a...sense, do you understand what I mean? Like a literal 6th sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:58:44 No.10247069
    skitzo guy says thats the same way i feel but im actually very good in bed and good looking my mind is just too paranoid to trust anyone
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)22:58:56 No.10247077
    You are a shit tier human if you alone cannot motivate yourself to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:01:11 No.10247111

    That might just be budding a spirituality/pseudoreligion/whatever, although I'm a terrible judge of such things so you probably shouldn't listen to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:02:30 No.10247132

    I'm very uneducated in such matters, tell me more if you know anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:04:00 No.10247166
    This is a dream. Wake up OP D:
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:05:13 No.10247196
    I am motivated. I wasn't asking for help on that. I was just curious how people who feel so detached from life can gather up the wherewithal to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:05:25 No.10247198
    You are not special, no one is. Get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:05:44 No.10247207

    Why aren't you wearing any pants?

    ...why am I not wearing any pants?

    HEY! Get that out of your mouth! Stop it! You don't know where it's been!
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:12:47 No.10247339

    Well, what you described in your first post sounds a lot like astral projection, the second one, having a vague, undefined "sixth sense", is a little like some of the weired views some of my friends got before they embraced wickenism and started seeing ghosts (I may be misinterpreting this, just going by what little you posted).

    Although there's probably no difference between any of this and delusion anyways. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:15:42 No.10247393

    music for thread
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:17:07 No.10247423
    Well I was going to post my experience and say it's probably a more common feeling than u think until I saw all the comments.

    I have a clinical case of social anxiety btw. If ur feeling like ur going to freak out or something I recommend burning off some energy. Sometimes when I do this I get even more energy but at least I know this new energy is a good kind.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:18:55 No.10247461
    1.) Drink a bottle of 'tussin.
    2.) Electronic/techno.
    3.) Drift contentedly.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:23:13 No.10247555

    I might as well add this is how I started running. There's a few different 12 weeks to 5k programs on the net. Pick one u like, start at the week you think is best (usually they start with just walking) and repeat a week or two when it gets to be real challenging to make up for the couple you skipped. You'll be tired as fuck and you'll just feel good that you've accomplished something and at the same time burned off some nervous energy.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:28:46 No.10247707
    Yes, I'm dissociative and have been for many years. So far, the shrink hasn't done any good. He says I'm fine, even after I've explained my actual, concrete personal history - not my interpretation of my history. I don't really feel like I'm alive in the same way as everyone else. It feels more like I'm some sort of observer. People know instinctively not to get too close to me because I'm not like them. So I spend an increasing amount of my time alone. At this stage, I am largely unable to have any interaction more significant than a casual night out of the house, maybe at a friend's house, drinking and generally lounging about doing nothing. Bars make me very edgy. I strongly dislike the vacant stares of the general public. I don't like being reminded of my fundamental isolation.

    However, I have also found that this dissociation has allowed me to be very creative in a number of ways, often not requiring any plans, schematics or outlines to complete the project, because I can already see it very clearly in my mind. It may take you some time, too - or maybe you can already do it - but this ability to turn inner concepts into real, material things is extremely rewarding. The creations I am proudest of help lend some peace to my life.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:33:37 No.10247812

    Protip: "I think you're doing fine" means "I don't care about your problems, and I am unwilling to put any extra effort or thought towards your case." in shrinktalk

    Fuck him. Get a new one.
    >> Anonymous 07/22/10(Thu)23:39:34 No.10247935
    Well, I was paraphrasing him. But I still think you're right. I see some comments here talking about Lexapro and so on. I didn't know there were drugs out there specifically to combat this kind of thing. Of course, the cure isn't in a pill alone, but surely some kind of medication could help along with some sort of corrective therapy. I'm willing to go through with those things, but so far all I've done is throw money out the window. Finding a good analyst can be tough.

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