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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
    update: first upgrade complete. next ones come ~tues/wed next week.

    File : 1279500522.jpg-(18 KB, 312x361, Antifreeze3.jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:48:42 No.10157847  
    I've just ingested a litre of antifreeze. I have another 1.5L left in the bottle. How long to I have to expect various symptoms?
    Pic somewhat related
    >> The Orgasmic Fireplug !!Salygm/L2aa 07/18/10(Sun)20:49:22 No.10157855
    Prepare to die soon.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:49:42 No.10157865
    LOL you're gonna die!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:50:10 No.10157878
    go for a jog and sweat that shit out
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:50:23 No.10157883
    This, and no, it will not be instant. It will be slowly and painful.
    >my face when you chose the worst way to kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:51:16 No.10157897
    doesnt sound like much fun dude, why u eated antifreeze?
    >> The Orgasmic Fireplug !!Salygm/L2aa 07/18/10(Sun)20:51:36 No.10157900

    You can't sweat out antifreeze. I really hope you're just trying to troll him into exercise.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:51:57 No.10157910

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:52:03 No.10157912
    you've probably got a while yet
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:52:20 No.10157918
    Get on stickam or troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:52:24 No.10157920
    God it tastes terrible.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:52:38 No.10157924
    Get on cam, let us watch.
    >> chillin in the mud like a !HIPPOsxdKk 07/18/10(Sun)20:53:00 No.10157933
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    you mustve been hella thirsty

    what would happen if you tried to freeze yourself right now???
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:53:19 No.10157936

    this. gogogogogo
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:53:31 No.10157938
    If you want to live, find a high proof alcohol, vodka etc...
    Puke out the antifreeze then drink like you've never drank before.
    Phone a amberlamps give them address etc...
    Say you drank antifreeze you cunt.

    If you don't it is going to be very painful and take a while.

    Also, if not troll, how did it taste?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:54:42 No.10157954
    gtfo attention seeker
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:54:58 No.10157959
    Well, it is winter where I am.
    From what I understand it's going to be me sitting around and throwing up/violent diarrhea after about 12 hours. Not much to watch.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:55:34 No.10157970

    "Moon Pie?" What a time to be alive...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:56:28 No.10157984
    i have all night to watch you throw up and shit yourself.
    Also drink the rest.
    Also, what does it taste of?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:56:28 No.10157985
    And trying to scream as your organs shut down.

    Try to die on a train, the amount of pain you'll be in will put kids off suicide forever.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:56:36 No.10157991
    Bitter and plastic. I think it's the Denatonium benzoate (it says it contains 10mg/kg of it on the bottle).
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:57:05 No.10157998
    Bullshit, that sounds like an awesome watch to me.
    cam it up mother fucker.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:57:39 No.10158006
    Could I be the new fatter, neckbeardier boxxy?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:57:57 No.10158011

    this. im in camrooms all day so i obviously have nothing better to do. i'll take great pleasure from watching you puke and shit for 12 hours straight. i might even fap.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:58:16 No.10158021
    I heard it tasted sweet.
    anyway, can you drink the rest, do it on cam too.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)20:59:06 No.10158029
    I dunno. People might talk about it for a day or two, but nothing like being a queen of some sort.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:00:01 No.10158040
    That's not the way to get someone to cam for you
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:00:08 No.10158042
    trust us bro, there'll be .gifs of you and everything.
    hell, I may even make an ED page for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:00:25 No.10158045
    They put an embittering agent in it now. I wish I could find some third world stuff. Apparently it's like a sweet liquor.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:00:47 No.10158051
    which city do you live in? I'll watch out for news in that city
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:01:50 No.10158067
    no one cares about OP enough to make a news segment.

    This is why he should take the offer of becoming an internet celebrity instead.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:02:16 No.10158073
    come on, you've kept me up longer than I wanted to be, you getting on cam or no?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:02:52 No.10158079
    I live in a largish town in the central west (NSW, Aus).
    I'm 18, about 90kg, 5'10". I should be found in my flat about Wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:03:30 No.10158090
    No cam : ( sorry. *everyone leaves*
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:04:15 No.10158101
    Why no cam?
    may as well be immortalised on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:04:23 No.10158106
    why are you killing yourself again?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:05:00 No.10158116
    Why would you want to die that way? Do you have any idea how much pain you're about to be in? Harmful chemicals like that do not fuck around.

    I can understand wanting to die, but wanting to die in one of the most painful ways imaginable?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:05:51 No.10158132
    It's not like he's gonna remember the pain he was in after he dies anyway.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:06:36 No.10158152
    I'm lonely. I fuck up everything I try. I have no real desire to live anymore.
    BTW, if it makes it any better for you guys. I'm drinking another 500mL through a crazy straw. Once you realise that you're going to die it becomes quite comical, light-hearted. The "OH FUCK" feeling really hasn't hit me.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:07:12 No.10158168
    Simply, if it contains glycol you aren't going to vomit for a bit, your liver will shut down and you WILL die painfully unless you do

    Otherwise I can't remember as the majority of anti-freeze use glycol.
    Oh yeah, and it should taste really sweet (but they probably made it bitter to prevent small kids drinking) on the other hand the sweet stuff is great for killing "vermin."
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:07:49 No.10158176
    It's one of the most surefire ways. I don't want to fuck around with trains (a lot of people become quads).
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:08:11 No.10158186

    Yeah, but he's gonna go through hell. The moment that shit enters his intestines he's going to wish he chose another way.
    >> stumpneagroe !8fRontJXLw 07/18/10(Sun)21:09:33 No.10158218
    im prettty sure thats just the drugs slowly affecting your brain chemistry, but hey who can argue with those kind of feelings towards death.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:10:34 No.10158235
    OP is lying. He just wants attention.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:10:39 No.10158238
    What about the other lonely nerds in your area? Now they are truly never going to meet you. :(
    This thread makes me sad. Call ambulance. It's not fair to off yourself unless you've tried other methods of finding happiness. I mean, I'm lying in bed feeling like shit(seasonal depression/in sydney) and could so easily go off self but I wont because of people who already love me and people who I will love in the future and I haven't met yet. Don't do it, please.Mental health services are not amazing, but they are a fucktonne better than they ever have been before. ps. headspace is a fantastic resource.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:10:41 No.10158239
    You should do something really elaborate before you die.. set up dominoes saying "bye" or something.. have you written a suicide note?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:11:18 No.10158254
    Someone has been watching Persons Unknown.

    Weird fucking show tbh
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:11:26 No.10158257
    What kind of crazy straw?
    Can we have some pics of you? i bet you arn't that bad looking.
    just a shame to see someone go to waste like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:12:54 No.10158286
    You faggot. You should have done something less damaging and became an organ donor!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:14:07 No.10158312
    Dad works in mental health. So I know what they're like. I really never want to go into one of those places... I think he's had suspicions that I'm not mentally well for a while. I've barely slept in days and haven't been out of the house more than twice in the last 3 weeks. I only really got out of bed today to end it.
    I'm working on it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:15:40 No.10158343
    Something that'll get you on the news..
    Damn, why didn't you kill someone famous?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:15:43 No.10158346
    I know. That's been my intention for a while. It's probably my major regret... I thought about giving as much blood as humanly possible over the last couple of days but I really haven't got the motivation to do anything these days.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:16:05 No.10158357
    OP wtf is wrong with you? go to the fucking store blow all your money on a nice ass camera, squeeze the cashiers tits on the way out, and when you are driving back fap like theres no tomorrow (well for you i guess there wont be) then set up the cam and post a fuckin tinychat link
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:16:32 No.10158367
    have you got msn bro?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:17:36 No.10158387
    sorry r9k but I'm sad because of this faggot probably killing himself actually...

    I have to cope with suicide thoughts everyday and now some guy do this... why????
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:17:56 No.10158391
    OP, you still have the choice to live. Drink shitloads of ethanol (about any kind of alcoholic beverage) and/or induce vomiting and call 911.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:18:00 No.10158392
    No money. I spent my only money on the antifreeze.
    I know people who browse this website. I'm afraid they'll work out who I am and stop me. I can't risk it. IRC maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:18:43 No.10158408
    Leave a really odd phrase or sentence that's gonna confuse the fuck out of the people that find you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:19:18 No.10158420
    Can't you set up a new msn?
    IRC and me don't really get along.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:19:21 No.10158421
    I'm sorry if this is making it hard for you. I know it's the coward's way out and I know I'm going to ruin so many lives... In a way, this thread is my suicide note; my final way of getting everything out without fail.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:20:18 No.10158441
    You could have found meaning, anon..
    You haven't even tried. You haven't even seen what you can do with motivation.. Please, call 911. If you make it out of this I'll give you my email. We can talk. I want to help.. I used to think I was hopeless too, then I started helping others selflessly.. It gave me the most sincere satisfaction I've ever felt, without anyone needing to really address me. Just knowing they felt better was enough..
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:20:40 No.10158450
    Sell some of your shit to a pawn broker. Surely you must have something lying around. Just get yourself a cheap cam.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:22:32 No.10158483
    I'm not going to talk you out of it OP, because this is what you want to do.
    i just want to see exactly why you're doing this, and to learn a little about you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:22:57 No.10158495
    OP I only hope that one day a truck carrying antifreeze runs over your mother and you die of irony

    r9k is damn easy to troll its embarrasing
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:23:35 No.10158508

    well if you are doing it actually, I have to admit you have balls. So, please let me do whatever you want if you have any desire before you leave this fucking life. I swear I'll do it, man. Just tell me what do you want.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:23:35 No.10158510
    this is pretty pathetic, if you can't prove it visually nobody is going to believe you. go back to /b/ or stop seeking attention
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:23:39 No.10158512
    we all love you so does your family and I don't want you to die. call 911 and tell them what you did.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:24:21 No.10158527
    OP died. Anyway, I believe this was just for attention. Still worth a laugh if the guy really did do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:24:43 No.10158539
    Anon, GET HELP
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:25:52 No.10158552
    Hey guys, we should archive this thread as a tribute to this man
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:25:59 No.10158555
    Dude, ethylene glycol poisoning takes hours for the full effects to kick in
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:28:20 No.10158584
    Not dead. I'm trying to sign up the hotmail account. It's not letting me sign up : /
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:28:53 No.10158594
    >"In his dying moments, he downloaded MSN messenger and made a hotmail account"
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:30:04 No.10158611
    Go to ER, it'll be fun. The standard approach is to admister IV alcohol to keep your liver busy enough to keep the ethylene glycol from harming it.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:30:46 No.10158624
    Someone wanted to talk to me. I'm actually going out watching StarGate... lame I know but it's enjoyable enough. I want my dad to find me lying on the lounge, peaceful. I want it to look like I fell asleep watching DVD's, at first.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:30:51 No.10158626
    Please go to the ER? I want to know more about you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:31:44 No.10158643
    Oh god.. Please don't do that to your father... He watched you grow up.. Please don't do that to him.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:31:46 No.10158645
    in other words you are a huge pussy and seeking attention, fuck off op.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:32:15 No.10158655
    Why wont it let you sign up?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:32:23 No.10158657
    lurk moar fucking newfags.

    attention whoring by proxy
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:32:43 No.10158662
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    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:32:45 No.10158663
    He should get help rather than killing himself. Life can always get better. If your at suicide stages, it can't get worse.

    Like people said Vodka and lots of it. (Persons Unknown).
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:33:47 No.10158690

    please, if you are serious, tell us why are you doing this, and we will know your motivation for killing yourself... you may think not, but your death and your motives are going to help many people, believe me

    and good travel to the unknown...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:34:05 No.10158698
    You want your dad to find your corpse? Wow you need serious mental help.

    Call for some medical assistance now.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:34:06 No.10158699
    you're not going to look peaceful after what you've ingested
    seriously, call 911 or something, save yourself
    there's not even one reason to kill yourself, you can be a miserable fuck, but THINGS CAN FUCKING CHANGE ANY DAY. you might meet a new person, i have no fucking idea, but there's always a chance. KILLING YOURSELF just makes no sense.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:34:18 No.10158702
    Got a tripcode. (It's the brand and the mileage it supposedly gets)
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:34:55 No.10158708
         File1279503295.jpg-(21 KB, 450x302, kittens-cups.jpg)
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    Please! Live! If for nothing else, THAN FOR KITTENS..
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:35:31 No.10158720
    and if you don't listen to all the people here, you're either fucking retarded or a troll.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:35:33 No.10158721
    My cat died : ( way to make me feel worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:35:50 No.10158727
    StarGate? Wtf, if you're going to go, go out to 2001.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:35:50 No.10158728
    I suggest you just let yourself die when the pain starts. You've already caused irreparable damage to your body, and your life will be horrible if you manage to survive.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:36:05 No.10158733

    Tell God that I want my fucking money back.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:36:28 No.10158739
    If you wont get help... at least put this in your note:

    > Game Over
    > Insert Coin to Continue.


    > Respawn in 3... 2.... 1

    Something funny like that.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:36:38 No.10158744
    Just watched the episode "2001", funnily enough...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:36:58 No.10158747
    Adopt a new cat. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:37:02 No.10158750
    what episode but? maybe the one where Daniel gets radiation and dies horribly then ascends. that was a pretty badass episode
    or the one where he's reborn as a human coz he's naked (you should die naked too) and you get to see his butt
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:37:16 No.10158758
    "Sorry 'bout the mess"?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:37:31 No.10158761
    best still be making that MSn
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:37:50 No.10158767
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    Dude, you could've at least have gotten a good brand.
    >In Other News: Dude, don't commit suicide
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:38:07 No.10158777
    What ep/season? I remember that was a good one.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:38:10 No.10158778
    fell asleep watching DVDs in a pool of your own shit and vomit
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:38:41 No.10158792
    If there is a God... ask him to make my dreams come true so I can change the world for the better.

    "Epsilon Delta" would change humanity so much heh. I just need the financing and technology to do it. Neither of which I have atm.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:39:00 No.10158796
    I'm tripfagging because is fucking up. This way you can't be trolled by impostors.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:39:11 No.10158802
    the naked butt one is called Fallen- part one (not sure on season, 7 maybe?) forget the radiation ep but its where jonas first makes an appearance so maybe google that?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:40:06 No.10158819
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:40:44 No.10158831
    I'd make you an account but There is no way of getting a password to you privatley.
    Just give us your msn, and block everyone who tries talking you out.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:41:06 No.10158839
    I've been fasting and I plan on getting out as much as possible.
    The weird thing about all this is. I've sort of been having "flash back" dreams over the last couple of days. Not necessarily things that have happened exactly, more like collages of people and events. Like life is flashing before my eyes before I've even started dying...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:41:07 No.10158841
    DrCool6000 if you are some fake guy seeking attention I hope you die of getting administered 2 tons of antifreeze shit right into your anus, bitch

    I swear I hope it
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:41:14 No.10158843
    There is no saving oneself from attention-whoring. Once one has gone there one may never go back.

    You don't simply delete something from the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:43:40 No.10158892
    OP, can give us at least one piece of physical proof.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:44:13 No.10158904
    More like life trying to remind you why you shouldn't fucking kill yourself by drinking MOTHERFUCKING ANTIFREEZE.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:44:41 No.10158914
    I don't want to risk identification and I don't have a camera. I'm sorry. If you want you can just let this 404. I don't really care.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:45:02 No.10158922

    DrCool, do this because the Epsilon Delta short story posted a few days back was epic.

    I want this to become reality! Shit would be so cash.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:45:14 No.10158926
    I wish this was real.
    It would have made all that melodramatic tone in OPs writing worthwhile.
    "now that the light fades away, I wish to live no more... may my dad find me peaceful in death..since you know..Im dying and I have a new respect about everything in life which I express by talking like some faggot teen who writes poetry,"
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:46:24 No.10158962

    nobody gives a shit about you , let the op do whatever he wants to himself
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:46:35 No.10158968
    'Fallen' is series 7, Daniel only appeared as a guest in series 6, so his ascension is in the last few episodes of series 5. Specifically 'Meridian'
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:46:41 No.10158970
    stupid attention whore
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:46:48 No.10158972
    yeah but if there is a god out there OP is definitely going to hell, no religion on the planet glorifies suicide unless it's suicide to take out a believer of another faith (in islam) however a large number of them severely punish those who commit suicide, so the epsilon delta thing totally would never work that way XD
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:47:20 No.10158984
         File1279504040.jpg-(66 KB, 550x421, work.564425.7.flat,550x550(...).jpg)
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    This thread makes me very sad. Please call 911 OP. Also you can try making an AIM and using AIM express or something.
    >> stumpneagroe !4EysGzKkpg 07/18/10(Sun)21:47:39 No.10158989
    >i swallowed a shitload of antifreeze to kill myself
    >i dont want to be identified.
    >> alexace 07/18/10(Sun)21:48:09 No.10159003
    wait, you dont want to post ID? lol, you're about to die. I'm calling BS. What are we gonna do, order you a pizza?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:48:09 No.10159004
    I'm not aware of the Epsilon story. Post it?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:48:27 No.10159016

    Satan also could make Epsilon Delta happen. I would put it to use for evil if he is the financier and provider of technologies.

    Satan or God, both can make it happen and use it to further their goals. Either way it will change humanity.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:49:00 No.10159027
    consider this a final fuck you OP.
    For not giving any identification, even after telling all of r9k you were gonna kill yourself, and still not making an msn or aim
    >> Deadpool !ib2v7z2Wuw 07/18/10(Sun)21:50:26 No.10159058

    yeah but satan doesn't give you what you want, he gives you what he wants, same thing with gods, anything above street level average joe in power and influence is pretty much evil, unconditionally. and will only use you for their own purposes
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:50:40 No.10159065
    So what city do you live in OP, the description you gave last time didn't give me anything specific, i seriously would like to watch the local news in that are to make sure you aren't trolling
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:51:00 No.10159075
    meridian, thats right, i remember it well now
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:52:43 No.10159101
    suicides arent reported on the news. it's considered too depressing. and frankly im glad it's not published, otherwise we'd get too many camwhores filling my newspaper up with their myspace pictures
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:52:49 No.10159102
    yeah what a puss. lol
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:53:30 No.10159116

    I don't have it saved unfortunately. The poster was told to write it into a novel. The movie would be awesome too. It is a total scifi story.

    > Imagine a 3.5km long super spaceship.
    > Think the Asgard ships in SG1 (since you like Stargate)
    > Ship can cloak, warp, jump anywhere instantly
    > Super advanced technology/shielding
    > Used to changed the world (fix many wrongs)
    > First seen sinking the Japanese on Whale Wars.

    It sounded an epic story when posted. I want to read it again.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:54:09 No.10159126
    can you at least explain why you want to do this op?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:54:27 No.10159137
    anubis had better ships than the faggot asguard
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:54:56 No.10159143
    his explanation for his "death"
    "i h8 lyfe, i wanted a iphone and my dad said no lol im dyin goodbye" basically.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:55:49 No.10159160
    >Drink antireeze
    >Won't get on cam
    >Won't post any proof
    >One hour later none of the above has happened

    I'm calling troll, you heard it here.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:56:01 No.10159165
    That and the fear of copycats/normalising it.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:56:57 No.10159185
    Yep, someone stole my iPhone, troll
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:58:05 No.10159210
    orange like the nsw country down? or like orange county like on TV with all the hot young people?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:58:18 No.10159216
    yup, i'm the troll with no proof, no cam, and nothing to prove that i'm actually doing this. pot calling kettle?
    >> Deadpool !ib2v7z2Wuw 07/18/10(Sun)21:58:43 No.10159224

    oh okay, so the official story is out, OP is just killing himself over an iPhone, silly hipsters
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)21:58:58 No.10159228
    >> Deadpool !ib2v7z2Wuw 07/18/10(Sun)21:59:13 No.10159236
    oh and OP, have you called your grandmother and said goodbye yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)21:59:26 No.10159243
    Hey OP, Watch TopGear (UK) Season 14 Episode 6 before you die. Also watch the other specials.

    They are good shit to see before you clock out.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:00:22 No.10159261
    hey op, u have to read war and peace be4 u die.
    >> alexace 07/18/10(Sun)22:02:21 No.10159304
    >>sinking the Japanese on whale wars

    Author confirmed for faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:04:19 No.10159349

    That was only one of them because the thread was about Whale Wars. There were some others involving nukes and terrorists. They all need to be made into movies.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:04:41 No.10159356
    hey op, you dead yet LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:05:01 No.10159363
    My maternal Nana died when I was 9 and my paternal one didn't give a shit about me or my sisters. She only visited me once when I was 11 or so and that was to get money off my dad because "SHE had prostate cancer". I even called bullshit. She was really trying to finance her gambling addiction and her nephew's heroine addiction. Lovely person.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:06:11 No.10159383
    Hey OP, why did you pick antifreeze?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:06:15 No.10159384
    grandson's addiction
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:07:16 No.10159401
    It's harder to fix. I could just die anyway even if I'm found (I want that to happen obviously, but none the less).
    >> DrCool60000 07/18/10(Sun)22:08:33 No.10159424
    OP here

    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 07/18/10(Sun)22:10:01 No.10159450
    he doesn't want to give out identity because he doesn't want anyone to call 911 for him, but most likely he's trollan

    has the pain set in yet?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:11:09 No.10159471
    As far as I know it won't set in for a few hours
    >> DrCool6000 07/18/10(Sun)22:12:07 No.10159488
    op here, i'm a gigantic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:12:21 No.10159493
    Bye OP. You seem like a chill, albeit mentally unstable, bro. I maybe we'll hang in another life, if there is a god and they permit that to happen to the likes of us.

    Take it easy.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:12:40 No.10159499
    Symptoms of ethylene glycol poisoning start by the OP feeling drowsy, but death could not be for days if he slips into a coma and isn't discovered.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:12:48 No.10159502
    this is stupid r9k = b
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:12:55 No.10159505
    this is why guns should be legal throughout the world and not just the best country in the world (U.S.A.)
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:13:14 No.10159513

    While I suggest you get help...

    You could have done something far more weird, equally destructive and deadly. Like manhandle some poisonous snake. Then you can keep it in your apartment for anyone who tries to rescue you.

    You take yourself out in Steve Irwin style and try to take others out with you to add to your highscore.

    Get help though. Antifreeze will be a painful death.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:13:48 No.10159522
    OP OP before you go I gotta know.

    What's your favourite Pokemon?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:14:43 No.10159540
    OP, are you watching TopGear specials yet?

    They're awesome.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:16:43 No.10159571
    Always had a soft spot of Electabuzz. How about everyone else?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:16:49 No.10159572
    lol so someone would hypothetically come home and he'd be all "oh lol antifreeze" and get help?

    what a gigantic faggot lol
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:16:51 No.10159573
    I hope you've at least liquidated all your assets and given it to a loved one.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:16:59 No.10159575
    OP is trolling , everyone go the hell home. Nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:17:08 No.10159580
    sage sage. Sage, because sage sage sage blocks blox mute.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:17:41 No.10159595
    You're leaving behind sisters?
    >> Deadpool !ib2v7z2Wuw 07/18/10(Sun)22:17:42 No.10159596

    always been more of a Cubone fan myself
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:18:21 No.10159612
    I had a lot planned. Mainly symbolic things that only the people I was going to give them to would appreciate as a sorry.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:19:44 No.10159643
    What do you think about the Kangaskhan-Cubone theory?
    My younger sister really looks up to me. I'm really hoping there is a hell now so I can make up for the heart ache I'm going to cause her.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:20:03 No.10159649
    sage sage sage sage blox sage
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:21:26 No.10159674
    in principle, yes. It's possible that OP could slip into a coma and be discovered.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:21:56 No.10159681
    >younger sister really looks up to me.

    I hate you.

    Your poor sisters : /
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:22:36 No.10159694
    so then op what exactly is the point? you know if you get discovered before death they are going to rush you to the hospital, and then you'll end up going through help. what a fucking moron.

    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:23:31 No.10159707
    what the fuck is wrong with you...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:24:26 No.10159724
    * Stage 1 (0.5 to 12 hours) consists of neurological and gastrointestinal symptoms; people may appear to be intoxicated, exhibiting symptoms such as dizziness, incoordination of muscle movements, nystagmus, headaches, slurred speech, and confusion. Irritation to the stomach may cause nausea and vomiting. Over time, the body metabolizes ethylene glycol into other toxins.
    * Stage 2 (12 to 36 hours) is a result of accumulation of organic acids formed by the metabolism of ethylene glycol and consists of increased heart rate, high blood pressure, hyperventilation, and metabolic acidosis. Additionally low calcium levels in the blood, overactive muscle reflexes, muscle spasms, QT interval prolongation, and congestive heart failure may occur. If untreated, death most commonly occurs during this period.
    * Stage 3 (24 to 72 hours) of ethylene glycol poisoning is the result of kidney injury. Symptoms include acute tubular necrosis, red blood cells in the urine, excess proteins in the urine, lower back pain, decreased production of urine, absent production of urine, elevated blood level of potassium, and acute kidney failure. If kidney failure occurs it is typically reversible, although weeks or months of supportive care including hemodialysis may be required before kidney function returns.

    Please OP if you aren't trolling there is still time to get to a damn hospital before the truly awful stage kicks in.

    But if you're trolling go to hell.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:25:53 No.10159750
    Fact: if you don't use a firearm or potassium cyanide to off yourself, you're doing it for attention.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:26:59 No.10159773

    I think death by poisonous snake sounds way better than those symptoms.

    Jesus that will be painful.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:27:29 No.10159783
    or for the lulz, zlul eht rof ro
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:29:16 No.10159826
    Oh god this is so selfish. What the fuck am I doing?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:30:19 No.10159847
    >12 hours
    >36 hours
    >24 hours
    >72 hours
    Fuck that's a long time. You really picked a bad way to die. I hope you change your mind...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:31:56 No.10159885
    Being an idiot. Call 911.
    >> Deadpool !ib2v7z2Wuw 07/18/10(Sun)22:32:09 No.10159889

    well then stop and call a hospital, you know damn well your sisters need you and that regardless of that this is going to be a three day scenic route to hell oblivion or whatever you believe in, so don't throw away your life unless you're absolutely sure it's the correct course of action
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:32:49 No.10159897
    What about sleeping pills so you just fall asleep and don't wake up?
    Granted, you have to be somewhere that nobody will find you and pump your stomach in time, it still sounds really good to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:33:52 No.10159921
    anyone else remember the ep of supernatural where the black guy is forced to drink a bottle of antifreeze and dies?

    that show sure did go downhill post season 3 when it became all about angels/demons instead of monster huntan'
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:33:54 No.10159923
    If you are regretting this decision here is exactly what you need to do. While you are still coherent enough and not confused and slurring, you need to call an ambulance. You need to tell them you drank engine coolant, the brand and exactly how much you drank. They will probably be able to pick you up before you get very bad. You will be in a lot of pain for the next 72 hours and will be hospitalized if you make it out alive, but since you are only in stage one your chances are better.

    I am not sure how mental health stuff works in aus but in U.S. you will be sent to a mental facility for a suicide attempt.

    So prepare your butt.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:34:48 No.10159938
    lol tripfagfail
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:35:02 No.10159942

    Good. Go to the doctor. GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:35:56 No.10159960
    If you're gonna kill yourself, why not instead make yourself at least SOMEWHAT useful and join the army/police. At least if you die there you won't be regarded as a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:37:51 No.10159992

    > Induce puking
    > Vodka, lots of it.
    > Dial 000 since you're Aussie.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:39:44 No.10160028
    On one level I still want to. I know I"m goingt o fuck up everything anyway. Something is very wrong with me beyond the suicidal impulses. I can barely think lately. I don't sleep so much as pass out. I can't relate to any
    >> raito !!qtT/ZWJZ7Oe 07/18/10(Sun)22:40:30 No.10160044
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    you need to go through with this! don't give up now!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:41:10 No.10160055
    Hey, if you have an AIM and make it out of this alive, add me:


    I've dealt with some serious mental problems lately. I'd like to help you.. Just please reconsider.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:41:19 No.10160057

    Just get the help now. You've said you "know" what the mental health guys will say but you haven't taken their help.

    Do it now. Get the help.

    Things will improve if you try. You're already at rock bottom so things can only get better.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:41:43 No.10160065
    On one level I still want to. I know I"m goingt o fuck up everything anyway. Something is very wrong with me beyond the suicidal impulses. I can barely think lately. I don't sleep so much as pass out. I can't relate to anyone. I'm getting so fucking angry. I feel like complete shit. I sort of blank out for large stretches of time where I feel dead, like I'm not even in my own body and I can barely remember what's happened. It's really not natural. I'm worried it might be something longterm. I don't want that.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:43:12 No.10160095
    You can get help.. Medical or psychological. Please.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:43:36 No.10160105
    I'm quite serious about helping you and honestly therapy and family time plus an altruistic turn on life is needed. Sometimes a failed suicide attempt is genuinely what cures you because your brain realizes it doesn't want to die.

    But in any case, you need to go right now. If you go right now while you are in stage one your chance of survival without severe injury is very good.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:46:05 No.10160149
    i wouldnt poison myself. i think i'd jump off a building
    everybody likes rollercoasters, why not feel like you're on one before you die hmm
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:47:49 No.10160189
    I've tried that. I go out of my way to help other people. But it doesn't seem to get me anywhere. People still treat me like shit. They always have starting in kindergarten. There's never a reason. It doesn't matter. All my life I can expect the same. There are a few people that care but it doesn't make it all worth it. I have shit people skills and likely always will.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:48:36 No.10160203

    Dude, get help now.

    Fuck other people. Fuck what they want. Fuck what they think of you. Do what makes you happy.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:49:00 No.10160207
    I would but nothing does anymore.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:49:58 No.10160221

    What used to make you happy? Why did it stop?

    Surely there is something which would?
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:50:40 No.10160237
    Anti freeze is a slow killer; ingesting it will not kill you, as it is just methanol and one CH3 short of ethanol (drinking alcohol). It will probably make you blind temporarily and you may pass out - but other than that it will pass through your body leaving very very mild brain damage.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:50:54 No.10160241
    If you expect something in return it is a bribe and not an act of kindness, see it's just your outlook that needs changing.

    C'mon, your sisters are worth it. It is not worth traumatizing and hurting your youngest sister for life. She loves you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:52:52 No.10160278
    We'll be your friends. ;_; Please! We can talk through this! It's not even pity. I just hate to see a well assembled jumble of grey matter go to waste.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:53:19 No.10160286
    if your real OP, what did it taste like?
    You should drink vodka lots and lots of it. Or your kidneys will freeze up with tiny crystals (feels like a thousand kidney stones) killing you in 2 days or so.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)22:57:02 No.10160367
    I started going to a school about 100 km from my old school about a year and a half ago. I went there because I knew it would give me the opportunities I need to do something with my life. I don't even know why now. I don't see a point. I feel completely disconnected from who I used to be. Like it's not even me anymore. I swear I don't even know what I used to do differently I don't know what's changed. I've never had many friends but the one person that really felt at home around I can't even relate to anymore. I've changed for the worse so much while I"ve been here. Even a lot of the people who I call friends here have no real qualms about mistreating me. I think I've scared off the only person I can connect to here. I got insanely drunk a few weeks ago while I was with him and had a mental breakdown. I sounded insane I was crying my eyes out for about hour in his car. I don't think he wants anything to do with me anymore. I don't think he should have to put up with my mental instability. He's a good guy. I don't think anyone should have to. I know this isn't exactly harm free but it's the best think everything considered.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)22:58:47 No.10160396

    Yeh but that was you trying to make a change. Change doesnt always work out but at least you tried.

    However, it doesn't tell us what makes you happy or what used to make you happy. Friends aren't the only way to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:01:37 No.10160430
    OP, please get some help. Even if you feel bad now, it will pass and things will get better for you.

    Everyone goes through depressive stages in their life. But there's no reason why it would always have to be that way. Try and look forward to what you could do if you could stay alive a bit longer.

    Get some help.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:01:52 No.10160433

    theres still time man. You KNOW people love you, and you havent even started feeling the symptoms yet.
    Call an ambulance, then start drinking like no fucking tomorrow, because hey, there might not be.
    Things can turn around man, you just have to get the help you need.
    best of luck to you man, we're rooting for you :(
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:02:40 No.10160441
    Have you called 000 yet?

    Don't give up now. You have had the willpower to make changes before. They didn't work out but you just need to try something else.

    Accept the challenge of life!
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:02:49 No.10160446
    Hey, OP, go call for an ambulance.

    Once they fix you up, go to a shrink and ask for some lexapro, or anything that'll keep your mood up 24/7.
    You clearly don't have enough serotonin.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)23:06:01 No.10160493
    I knew someone who tried to kill herself. She's never left a second by herself. I don't want a life of being in a maximum security section of a mental hospital. I know the sort of people in those places.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:08:01 No.10160514
    OP has managed to survive for 3 hours after ingesting antifreeze.

    Troll ass bitch.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:08:18 No.10160519
    If you pass psychological evaluation after a week or so in a help clinic, they'll just assign you a care taker to drop in on you every now and then and some extra precautions.. the faster you improve, the less they'll havr to watch you.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:10:34 No.10160553
    You won't be. If you make progress and some meds, you'll be fine and they wont keep you anywhere. I know people who have attempted suicide. They got the help and are normal people now. No 24/7 monitoring.

    It can take days. Under 12 hours is just the beginning of symptoms.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:11:54 No.10160569
    i told u i was hardcore

    >> DrCool6000 !!wdz4Ri7No0Q 07/18/10(Sun)23:12:26 No.10160582
    just a gigantic faggot poasting his pathetic life on /r9k/ here. i'm itching for sympathy! some one notice me! blox
    >> DrCool6000 !!dOqU7pksYU+ 07/18/10(Sun)23:14:36 No.10160620
    Good sirs, I am a lousy nigger and I am now calling 000
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:15:23 No.10160636
    Just call the ambulance and drink lots of vodka.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)23:16:45 No.10160661
    You're probably right...
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:19:09 No.10160704
    Call the ambulance and be a better person in the morning, please.
    >> DrCool6000 !!wdz4Ri7No0Q 07/18/10(Sun)23:20:11 No.10160724
    silly faggots acting like they actually care whether or not op is really doing this. lol blox
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)23:21:35 No.10160742
    i'm going to be watching some stargate. I'll work out what to do after that. Sorry if the replies slow down.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:22:59 No.10160768
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    you're just gonna be born again
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:23:55 No.10160779
    Oh poor OP, if only there was someone who could help you with your mental problems. Like, say, a close family member that worked in mental health or something...

    You fucking idiot. There's a chemical imbalance in your brain, that's what's making life seem so shit right now. If you found a shrink and talked for like an hour he'd be able to figure out the right combination of pills to get you back to baseline and HOLY FUCK LIFE IS GOOD AGAIN.

    But yeah, that's obviously too much work, so you drank antifreeze instead. Fucking idiot.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/18/10(Sun)23:24:12 No.10160784

    Mate, if you ever get the urge to talk about shit before you go off to parts unknown, punch me up on IRC, or MSN, or AIM. I know how you're feeling. It sounds like a bunch of shit coming from someone you've never met, but I felt like that for two years. It's all in your head, and it's Your choice to fuck with things. Just mess with the way you live. Do drastic things. It works.

    Best of luck, man. My sympathies for the pain you've been caused.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:24:44 No.10160791
    you selfish cunt OP

    think of your parents, and the other people that love you (if any)

    your parents lives will be fucking destroyed. They will most likely divorce and your father will drink himself to death. fucking lowlife scum
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/18/10(Sun)23:26:11 No.10160813
    I just said goodbye to a childhood friend. just made small talk for the sake of saying goodbye. that's one less regret, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:26:35 No.10160820
    Yeah, what a (possible) suicide needs is more guilt. I have no idea why the fuck people think that would do any good at all.
    >> Sparxie !/ShNiyojGk 07/18/10(Sun)23:26:50 No.10160826
    Please call the Ambulance sooner rather than later..
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:28:09 No.10160848
    jahova up in here
    your life shall be spared unlucky one
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:28:33 No.10160855
    If you don't want to call the ambos yourself, just post your address. Some helpful Ausfag will call them for you.
    >> DrCool6000 !!wdz4Ri7No0Q 07/18/10(Sun)23:29:56 No.10160877
    STOP FEEDING THE TROLL bloxbloxblox
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:30:18 No.10160884
    In an hour you might not be able to call the amberlamps.

    Do it now, watch stargate until they arrive. Demand they let you finish the episode.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:33:02 No.10160916
    OP, you're 18. that probably means that you're doing your HSC next term, and your school starts again tomorrow.

    believe me, the HSC means nothing. I used to dream about getting 99.8 go get an undergrad degree for medicine at Sydney Uni. When i was in year 11, i got kicked out of my fancy private school and went to another school. I became a bad boy, bleached my hair, fucked 3 girls a week, my grades dropped. That was, ironically, the best thing that could have happened in my life.

    I got 81 in the HSC, and went overseas to do a ski season in Europe. It was the best time of my life. I spent a year in Europe with my mates living the dream (albeit with hardly any money). From there, i moved to Canada to start another ski season near Whistler. I met the love of my life. I did a science degree at UBC, and then i moved back to AUS and did my medical degree at Sydney Uni (since its only requirement is another uni degree). I'm now a practising surgeon with an amazing Canadian wife and 2 kids.

    Don't do it. Please
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:33:13 No.10160920
    Aww man. Go to a hospital. You can do whatever you want in this life. You have the power to change it. Don't end it like this. : (
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:33:34 No.10160925
    Jews killed OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:34:44 No.10160941

    and i'm on my lunchbreak now, lawl
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:34:55 No.10160944


    fuck off

    i advise OP to die in pain rather than fuck himself up further with pills.

    yes death by antifreeze is preferable, yes it is
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:42:16 No.10161044

    Yeah, after a nightmarish year with terrible OCD and agoraphobia, which crippled me socially and left me unable to leave the house, I went ahead and took some meds for it and, fuck, they just made it worse. Made it so much worse in fact that I finally got out of the house, stopped worrying about stupid shit, and am finally finishing off my undergraduate work and have a full time job.

    Yeah, medication isn't meant to cure people, no sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:44:19 No.10161069

    You and about four other people on the planet.

    Rest of them can enjoy losing their fucking minds, losing their emotions and INCREASED likelihood of suicide.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:51:35 No.10161176
    bumping for OP to make up his mind
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:56:58 No.10161253
    just butting in here. I have had horrible OCD/depression and without the pills I'm a fucking wreck. Violent, stressed, shitty to my loved ones, up and down emotionally, everything. Sertraline has saved my fucking life.
    >> Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)23:58:32 No.10161272

    You're one of the four, then. I did say "you and four other people on the planet".

    My statement stands. And so do all my experiences with people I've known and been close to who've been on those fucking evil pills.

    You are just propaganda to convince more people to trust them.
    >> Skunkworks !e1337Hykks 07/19/10(Mon)00:05:07 No.10161354
    I'd recommend someone in Australia contact their local partyvan and report OP.

    Assuming OP is not using a proxy, he can easily be traced and saved before too much oxalic acid builds up in his bloodstream to save him.

    Also being saved from antifreeze poisoning would be unlikely to produce a life with debilitating effects.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:06:39 No.10161378

    For fuck's sake can't you people just keep out of other people's business for once?

    OP didn't choose to be born, at least let him choose to die, fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:06:49 No.10161381
    >he can easily be traced
    well then tell us how
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:07:24 No.10161394
    I've weighed alot OP,

    here's my final answer, the choice is yours, just make damn sure this is what want, because odds on, there is nothing after this, do you really want your last existence to be on a weeaboo image board?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:07:41 No.10161399
    So two of those five people are in this thread? Gee, what are the odds? Christ, next you'll be ranting about big pharma or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:10:44 No.10161441

    You're basing that off the the small sample size you have seen and your own opinion?

    Nice fallacy.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:11:13 No.10161457
    wait a minute?
    is this really considered a weeaboo imageboard? even if I don't go to the weeaboo parts?
    now I'm depressed.
    also OP stick around you seem like you would be a cool bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:12:13 No.10161467

    The companies who make the pills design them to work only with a very small percentage of the population. This is to make others believe they work for everybody, and therefore try them for themselves. The pills totally wreck the majority, necessitating a different type of medication to solve these 'side effects'. It is a good business practice.

    The pharmaceutical companies are simply an extension of Government, whose purpose is to spread misery and melancholy among the general populace, and to target me specifically for intense demoralization and destruction of free will.
    >> Skunkworks !e1337Hykks 07/19/10(Mon)00:12:28 No.10161472
    Australian partyvan contacts moot or mods, they turn over IP address, ISP turns over dox.

    Someone can ask ALTERNATIVE in #4chan on rizon also, he can turn the IP directly over to the authorities. I have no IRC client atm.

    He's made it our business by posting it here.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:13:34 No.10161486

    You are making a huge straw man argument. You are also using propaganda to fuel your argument. An appeal to fear.

    Please stop using fallacious arguments.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:15:11 No.10161509

    >You are also using propaganda to fuel your argument. An appeal to fear.

    To be told that made me feel good, somehow. If I could inspire fear in Government, perhaps there is still hope.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:15:24 No.10161515
    OP has said he lives in Orange, and also it's been found out he lives in Australia.

    When looking it up the only orange in Australia is Orange, New South Wales:,_New_South_Wales

    The police department is:

    Orange Police Station

    115-117 Byng Street
    ORANGE 2800
    Phone: 02 6363 6399
    Fax: 02 6363 6311
    Open 24 hours

    I would very well call them but I bet an American Citizen calling about a Internet Suicide Thread on 4chan with a person in their community would come off as bullshit.

    If a Aussie is up to it do it, The person has said they don't want to be known and this would reveal that. Also 4chan has compliance to work with police and law enforcement agencies.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:16:22 No.10161531

    I do not know if OP is lying or telling the truth, but killing yourself just because you feel bad is just a way to get out.

    I can not do much myself, mainly just suggest options.

    Post this thread on /g/ or /b/ and maybe they'll be able to trace OP and call the police for him.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:17:46 No.10161550
    OP dun goofed.

    blox I suppose.
    >> k0 !corEAsuXeo 07/19/10(Mon)00:18:02 No.10161556
    Haha no. /g/ nor /b/ would care that much, they'd much rather use this time to convince him to get on cam.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:18:06 No.10161558

    Trying to convince society of your ideas using an appeal to fear (which is fallacious) will be shot down by logicians.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:18:15 No.10161566
    OP is dead or writing a note if not hopefully, possibly while watching stargate or w/e. I hope to hell he writes that note, if his sister is as nice as he made her out to be she deserves that at least, I know that if I felt too weak to write a note (not sure antifreeze would do that) then it would be fucking awful.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:18:45 No.10161572
    Secondly OP is a Tripfag, and registered for a Hotmail account

    The IP of OP should be traceable fairly easily if someone is to contact the authorities.

    If there is someway to get this to a 4chan mod it would be much appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:18:49 No.10161573

    It has happened before on /b/ if I remember correctly. There's no harm in at least trying.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:23:21 No.10161639
    Orange Police Station

    115-117 Byng Street
    ORANGE 2800
    Phone: 02 6363 6399
    Fax: 02 6363 6311
    Open 24 hours

    Some Auss call
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:27:57 No.10161709
    i'm too drunk to remember how
    but you can irc through mibbit
    someone get moot
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:36:40 No.10161891

    OP needs fucking help
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)00:38:10 No.10161918
    I'm on IRC now, trying to talk to mods.

    Let's do this, guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:39:11 No.10161934
    Bump for action
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)00:40:11 No.10161952
    Is this really necessary?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:40:15 No.10161955
    bump for some australian hero to appear
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:40:55 No.10161970
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:42:00 No.10161988
    op post your location so that people can find your body when you die
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:42:12 No.10161991
    I think it is OP, as necessary as you getting to a hospital if you really did ingest antifreeze.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:42:25 No.10161998
    if he's asking for attention (i.e. internet post) then clearly on some level he might not be totally committed
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:42:52 No.10162007
    how the fuck are you not dead yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:43:28 No.10162017
    any news yet?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)00:44:32 No.10162041
    Exactly. This website has been an important part of my life for years back when I was underage b& (I went of occasionally when I was about 12-13 without ever posting).
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:45:38 No.10162053
    on the offchance this isn't a troll thread, OP, call an ambulance, don't do it etc. whatever your issues are, you can work them out.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:46:03 No.10162059
    ffs no wonder I stopped coming to /r9k/
    This is one of the shittiest trolls I've ever seen.
    OP claims he drank antifreeze and yet describes the taste as "bitter" when it in fact tastes sweet.
    OP has no cam to prove any of this bullshit he is posting.
    People are crying and trying to call the police in the area that he lives.

    Goddammit, you're all dumb shits.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:47:03 No.10162070
    lol i've been saying this since 5pm. by now you'd think the asshole would have started to feel something but troll as he might he's got a gaggle of idiots who keep feeding him
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:47:09 No.10162073

    well then leave again faggot

    we're all perfectly happy here
    except OP. he's either in a severe amount of pain or on a trollercoasting high
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)00:48:43 No.10162098
    I almost fell backwards and collapsed collapsed into my bathtub about 10 minutes from the nausea. Pain doesn't usually set in until 12 hours or so.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:50:11 No.10162126
    Stay the course boys:

    Either a true suicide attempt or a ultra troll, either way the outcome of pursuing the mods and police will pay out in the end, with a life saved or a Ban-hammering
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:50:36 No.10162136
         File1279515036.jpg-(43 KB, 363x1082, 1276134150143.jpg)
    43 KB
    jeah... keep banging
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)00:51:16 No.10162144

    How far did you get in Stargate?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 07/19/10(Mon)00:52:32 No.10162172

    Dear Op,
    I don't know how bad it is currently or how deplorable your previous experiences in your life were but I seriously hope you don't choose to end your life prematurely.
    Attached is a number you can call to find people to help you better than this thread can: 02 9331 2000
    Right now it might be shitty but how shitty would it be to leave the people who do care about you alone without you.
    Grim or not, I would implore you to live on and find someway to make things better.
    As long as there is life there is hope.
    Please call someone like a poison control center to help you rid yourself of what you drank and until then drink alot of water and call that number.
    I don't care if this is a troll or not but suicide is a serious matter regardless of what happens.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)00:53:07 No.10162184
    I've only watched a few episodes of it. The constant need to crawl up infront of the heater (I can't tell if it's cold of I'm just shaking) and posting has stopped me from watching too much.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:56:08 No.10162212
    Afaik, vodka is the best thing in the case of antifreeze. Vodka helps neutralize it. I don't think water helps at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:56:19 No.10162215
    >Bitter and plastic. I think it's the Denatonium benzoate (it says it contains 10mg/kg of it on the bottle).

    >In an effort to prevent poisoning, often a bittering agent called denatonium benzoate, known by the trade name Bitrex, is added to ethylene glycol preparations as an adversant to prevent accidental or intentional ingestion. The bittering agent is thought to stop ingestion as part of the human defense against ingestion of harmful substances is rejection of bitter tasting substances.

    Well fuck.

    OP it says if you are 15 minutes away from a hospital you need to induce vomiting right now. When you get to a hospital they should be able to save your ass.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)00:56:45 No.10162224

    Fair enough. Hope this is worth it, man. Catch you on the flipside.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:59:16 No.10162270
    stfu faggot.. he's going to die, and you want him to install fuckin msn messenger, you should kill yourself too.

    OP, get on #/r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)00:59:17 No.10162272
    mods thank you
    you truly are gods
    so often there is no effort to really help these people on here
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:00:06 No.10162288
    Thank you. I know that help has always been there but I don't know if it's enough. If anyone I know ends up reading this, I want you to know that it's not a failing on your fault.

    To everyone, sorry for wasting your time but I just felt like talking to someone indifferent and impartial while I went out.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:00:11 No.10162292
    sydfag here

    not sure if i should call the Orange police ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:00:41 No.10162302
    op, need to go to hospital. seriously just do it, don't be an hero
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:02:00 No.10162330

    If that isnt reason for the mods to take action, I dunno what is.

    Even if it is a troll, call the cops and they'll proceed to send help. Help not required is way better than help not sent.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:02:37 No.10162344

    do it. just do it.
    if you do it and provide proof, post a paypal and i will give you goddamn money
    do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:03:27 No.10162358
    >>10162288 5 hours ago.

    >>10157847 5 minutes ago.


    You are indeed Alpha as Fuck.
    Most everyone else is Dumb as Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:04:09 No.10162367
    Do not leave the decision to get help in the OP's hands. He clearly isnt in any state of mind to want the help. If he has reached this level he wont ask for help regardless.

    Send the help.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)01:04:12 No.10162368

    Indifferent and impartial? Dude, these guys are pouring their hearts out. Hell, i'm an anti-social dick with nothing to prove, but even I feel for you. I'm not going to suggest getting help, going on drugs, getting therapy, because that shit only works if you Want it.

    Your choice, man. Just know we weren't all sitting back and waiting for you to pass.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:04:19 No.10162372
    Sorry if I sound paranoid but doesn't using IRC allow you to see my IP?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 07/19/10(Mon)01:04:54 No.10162384
    It might not be ideal right now but you can always start anew.
    Like learning a skill to get a better job and getting out of whatever fuck hole someone else has dug for you.
    Work at it and deal with it now and only use it as a strength later in life.
    You can better yourself out of this situation and strive for a better future with this shit behind you
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:05:50 No.10162397
    Hey man, it's just the death of another human being on your conscience.

    Every night when you go to sleep, you can think about how you killed a man.

    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:05:56 No.10162402

    No, it doesn't. And, besides, knowing someone's IP doesn't give them your location.

    So, please, could you either get on IRC or give us something more to work with?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:06:07 No.10162408
    Send the help. OP won't help himself and he's beginning to get into the worse stages now.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:06:46 No.10162425
    You really are a hero Anonymous Mod. So many people on here would just ignore or troll the guy, but you step in to help.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:06:52 No.10162426
    OP, I promise you that whatever you're going through now mentally will seem like nothing compared to the physical pain that should be setting in soon. I know that shit is tough, but you have the gift of life. Deep down inside, I know that you know that your life is precious. You have people that love you, you have people that look up to you. If you can't pick up the phone and call the hospital for yourself, at least do it for the people you love. Think of your little sister at your funeral. Think of what your dad is going to do when he finds you. Their lives will NEVER be the same without you. You know this is true.

    I'm sorry that circumstances have made you go this far, but you need some help. Look at the number of people this thread has attracted. Look at all the people giving your their contact information, imploring you to get ahold of them. These people don't even fucking know you, but they care. I don't know you, OP. You could be a troll for all I know, but if you aren't, I'm asking you as someone who genuinely cares whether you live or die to pick up your phone and call SOMEONE. Save yourself. Save your family from the torment you're going to put them through.

    It's all up to you, but I can promise you that if you continue to fight the good fight, things will get better, my friend.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:07:12 No.10162431
    That's really not fair. Don't do that to him.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:07:57 No.10162443
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:08:32 No.10162452
    Op, dont let yourself go out like this. You can find happiness just in being alive. Please, just seek help. If you honestly give yourself a chance you will get to see all the wonderful shit in life, and youll be really happy. I know I am not very convincing, but I swear, as someone who went from essentially miserable in life to just appreciative of everything around him, its worth it!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:08:57 No.10162458
    Dr Cool Anti-Boil/Anti-Freeze Engine Coolant (DRC) is a full strength glycol concentrate (1004 grams of glycol per litre). It is a low silicate proprietary blend designed to meet the performance requirements of passenger cars, 4WD's and light commercial diesel vehicles.

    Dr Cool Concentrated Coolant is a full strength concentrate (1004 grams of glycol per litre). It is a low silicate proprietary blend designed to meet the performance requirements of passenger cars, 4WDs and light commercial diesel vehicles. It is fully aluminium compatible and is suitable for use in lean burn engines where higher than normal temperatures are achieved in the cylinder head and block.

    When used at 33% to 50% by volume in soft or demineralised water Dr Cool protects cooling system components for 2 years or 60,000km, whichever comes first. Dr Cool protects against all forms of corrosion and in addition provides anti-freeze and anti-boil protection.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:09:59 No.10162479

    Look, you've got a lot of people who want you not to go out this way. I'd really hate to see you go, you seem like a likable enough guy.

    Can you give us a postal code? Something?

    Please, man.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:10:43 No.10162495
         File1279516243.jpg-(171 KB, 648x1000, desiderata-incorrect-attributi(...).jpg)
    171 KB
    Go here
    I've considered suicide myself, when my depression was worse. It is not a solution, it is a weapon to hurt those who love you most.
    Also, read the pic.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:12:25 No.10162520

    Do it, It will either result in A. Life Saved, or B. An Epic Ban-hammering never before seen,

    either way it will be ALPHA AS FUCK
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:12:44 No.10162523
    Hey brother, you just go gently into that good night, don't you worry about it.

    But this...

    Sick, sick motherfucker.

    There's a special place in hell for people like you.

    What's it like to have blood on your hands?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:12:46 No.10162525
    So DrCool60000, you are still going trough with it? Think of what it will do to your father and your sister.. Consider the results of your actions and understand that after death you are beyond time and space into pitch black nothing. The way you choose to end it doesn't seem to be a delightful way to go either.. I strongly suggest that you abort this mission and do something radical instead, go outside, see nature, relax
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:12:58 No.10162532
    Stage 1: From 30 minutes to 12 hours after exposure, unmetabolized ethylene glycol produces CNS depression, intoxication, and hyperosmolarity similar to that produced by ethanol.

    Stage 2: From 12 to 48 hours, metabolites produce severe acidosis with compensatory hyperventilation. The acidosis is primarily the result of an increase in glycolic acid, although glyoxylic, oxalic, and lactic acids also contribute in small part. Calcium oxalate crystals are deposited in the brain, lungs, kidneys, and heart.

    Stage 3: From 24 to 72 hours, the direct toxic effects of ethylene glycol metabolites in the kidneys can cause acute renal failure.

    Children do not always respond to chemicals in the same way that adults do. Different protocols for managing their care may be needed.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:16:00 No.10162586
    IRC.RIZON.NET #/r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:16:37 No.10162600
    Hey op, if I give you my msn address (and I'm no aussie so I'd never ever know you) would you add me?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:17:24 No.10162618
    OP I don't know you, but don't go through with this. It's important that you are well and see tomorrow. If this is a troll, then I can sleep well knowing that I've been honest
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:18:34 No.10162632
    Orange Police Station

    115-117 Byng Street
    ORANGE 2800
    Phone: 02 6363 6399
    Fax: 02 6363 6311
    Open 24 hours

    Some just call and let them onto this:

    The worst thing that could happen is they might talk to you for 10 minutes or so, just tell them you are on an internet imageboard and a man who claims to be from orange and lives in Australia has ingested antifreeze and is attempting to commit suicide.

    They will take it from there

    I would call but I can't in the US without a huge ass bill
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:18:50 No.10162640
    I really feel for you OP, I hope you get some help. It shouldn't be too late, and the statistics say many people when looking back are glad they got help when they did.

    You can be much happier after getting help, I remember being suicidal once but I got on the meds and things looked up a lot better, and I was able to stop the meds after less than a year. Please for yourself and others think about calling for help.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:18:57 No.10162644
    Thoughts of suicide are comforting because suicide is one thing we have absolute power over. Retaining that power makes us strong. To relinquish it, to actually commit suicide, is weak.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:19:39 No.10162653
    /r9k/, I am so proud of you. So very, very, proud.

    Don't do it, OP. There's not much else I can say.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:20:25 No.10162661
    So you care about some poster's transient guilt more than the lifetime of emotional troubles (which you say you have so much experience with) that will have to be processed by your father and sisters? Either your troll jig is up or you should recognize that your priorities are weighted too strangely to think you're being rational at this point and take the advice of everyone who's betting you're not trolling and get help.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:20:42 No.10162666
    I'm hopping in the shower for a bit to help the nausea. I'll be back in a bit.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:20:46 No.10162670
    At least OP won't freeze.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:21:14 No.10162673
    OP probably fell down or passed out.

    Someone should call now, lol. His life is in your hands, /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:22:37 No.10162698
         File1279516957.jpg-(264 KB, 1365x1024, sunrise.jpg)
    264 KB
    See this?
    It's a sunrise over the ocean.
    If for nothing else, get help so that you may see one of these again.
    >> stumpneagroe !4EysGzKkpg 07/19/10(Mon)01:23:16 No.10162712
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:23:35 No.10162719
    OP call EMS right now. As someone who has attempted suicide before and was found before I could die, trust me, it can get better. I'm not going to bullshit you with guarantees that it will but god damn it at least try. Please, please, call EMS and save yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:25:46 No.10162764
    There's a sticker I saw somewhere. It read: If I don't call the police, my neighbour will.

    That's human nature. Everyone thinks that someone else will act in an emergency, and nobody does.

    Everyone in Sydney should be calling the police. You, mod, should do a GeoIP lookup of his IP and call the local police.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:28:08 No.10162814
    Quit being such a fucking pussy. At least go out in a manly way. Like, go rent a single engine sesna and jump out of it over the ocean or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:28:19 No.10162819

    GeoIP lookup isn't very accurate. GL dealing with the cops on "Hey, this guy on the internet says he's going to an hero"

    Most you can get is the city. And that's even a 50/50
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:30:39 No.10162853
    You can always kill yourself - L a t e r !!

    JUST DON'T DO IT now.
    Put it off - for another hour, another day.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:31:48 No.10162869
    Think about this, Aus people who could call the police in OP's area. If he was trolling, would he want a bunch of cops showing up at his house? Would he want to deal with all that hassle just to continue a joke on the internet? He's done nothing to discourage you from calling.

    He's not trolling.

    Call the cops. Save somebody's life.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:32:48 No.10162879

    I've been on this fucking thread for 4 hours trying to fucking help you, and you know why?

    A fucking kid I knew blew his brains out yesterday, he wasn't that popular, and he wasn't that well known, but I've heard about it from every person I know, I've had to sit all day thinking about this kid I knew from high school blowing his brains out, and how everybody in my community can't deal with it, they just keep asking "why?". It has brought nothing but shit to everyone who has heard of it and it just keeps going.

    Well fuck you OP,

    Killing yourself brings shit to everyone, EVERYONE

    I don't know why the hell you would be so stupid to end it OP, there is nothing beyond this life, and you will never experience any joy ever again if you die, only nothingness
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:33:46 No.10162894
    MSDS for Dr. Cool.

    stay with us OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:34:32 No.10162910
    are mods doing anything?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:35:21 No.10162922
    Anonymous Mod has been an hero and tried to help. I don't think he can do much more than post though.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:37:25 No.10162952
    Is OP a female?
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:37:36 No.10162959

    If you want to try and help, get on IRC.

    #/r9k/ on
    Use mibbit, it's a web client for IRC.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:38:50 No.10162984

    Probably a guy, he was trying to enjoy his slow death watching Stargate, which is usually a male neckbeard thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:39:29 No.10162997
    I'm on irc, the discussion is on Otakon and pot
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:40:38 No.10163019

    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:41:51 No.10163046
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:43:33 No.10163066
    someone call the fucking cops please:

    Orange Police Station

    115-117 Byng Street
    ORANGE 2800
    Phone: 02 6363 6399
    Fax: 02 6363 6311
    Open 24 hours
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:44:00 No.10163079
         File1279518240.gif-(5 KB, 252x345, all_right.gif)
    5 KB
    Well it's good to hear that. I've suffered through depression for years, still struggling with it and it still hampers my social interaction. There are ways of coping.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:44:06 No.10163080

    Okay, dude.

    How are you feeling so far?


    And do you have any school friends you'd like to say a few last words to?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:45:56 No.10163113
    I got on irc and everyone is like, we know, take a video, etc - not helpful
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:46:00 No.10163115
    ITT: People that want to think they're doing the world good when really it's not doing anything.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:46:05 No.10163117
    I was vomiting for a while in the shower. I've emptied most of my stomach contents. It's just bile now. I don't think I've had just as much as I thought I did though.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)01:47:05 No.10163136

    Did the shower help the coldness at all?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:48:39 No.10163158
         File1279518519.gif-(9 KB, 480x480, counselling.gif)
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    That's good to hear.
    Counseling would be a good idea, or at least group therapy where you can IRL talk to people with the same problems.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:49:52 No.10163177
    What are they going to do, go knocking on every door in the city?

    And to OP: if you aren't trolling, PLEASE call emergency and get help. One of my friends in high school committed suicide, and last year another friend's brother killed himself. Suicide is devastating for the survivors. Please get help.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:49:56 No.10163178
    OP, why did you post this on 4chan?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:50:33 No.10163184
    Yeah it did. It think it was really just temperature not convulsions.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:51:43 No.10163198
    OP, why won't you join us on IRC >:(
    IP's are masked
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:53:09 No.10163213
    IRC is good times. Highly recommended.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:53:13 No.10163215
    Lol I live an hour away from you.
    I should get my awesome ass up there and save you from peril, but cbf. Enjoy your death.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:53:17 No.10163218
         File1279518797.jpg-(84 KB, 800x600, syb.jpg)
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    Nulon also makes an aerosol engine treatment called "Start Ya Bastard."
    Aussies are funny fucks. Stay with us OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:53:38 No.10163221
    Hospitals literally have antidotes for methanol poisoning. It can be fixed, it's not too late.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)01:53:56 No.10163226

    That's good. Convulsions are Never a good sign.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:54:00 No.10163228
    Tell us more about your life, OP. Surely there are some things you'd like to get off your chest before you leave this world.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:54:18 No.10163231

    then why don't you call the cops?
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 07/19/10(Mon)01:56:45 No.10163265
    dear op
    if you perchance happen to do anything else, make a list of things, people, activities, etc.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:57:57 No.10163280

    How's your eyesight doing, DrCool?
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:58:32 No.10163290
    I'm working on it.
    What do I need to enter to join the channel? I forget how to change servers. (In mIRC)
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)01:59:34 No.10163315
    Fine. I'm really queasy though.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)01:59:34 No.10163316

    Once you're on the Rizon network...

    /join *channel name*

    If you haven't made a nickname...

    /msg nickserv help register
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)01:59:38 No.10163318
    don't they has IP's?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:00:03 No.10163331

    get on mirc
    /join #/r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:00:34 No.10163338

    shh don't tell him!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:01:39 No.10163353

    Please, PLEASE. Tells us is Ip and We will search for HIM
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:02:54 No.10163372
    just click here OP..
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)02:03:57 No.10163391
    How do I connect to the server? I haven't used IRC in years.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:04:39 No.10163400
    Go to select server
    then enter the
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)02:10:29 No.10163493
    That's me
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:14:05 No.10163547
         File1279520045.jpg-(73 KB, 370x343, are you not entertained 2.jpg)
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    I've been on for hours OP, and It's time for me to leave.

    I do love you OP, in some way for doing this to me, you will never realize it but you made me pay for laughing at someone else's suicide.

    anyway goodbye OP, troll or suicidal man, I will always think of you with /r9k/, and I just hope you live till we virtually meet again.

    I leave you with one of my favorite pictures I've found on 4chan.

    P.S. If there is some magical afterlife and you see a kid whose name is Nick and he died yesterday, tell him Big Dave says hi.

    that's all
    >> Anonymous ## Mod 07/19/10(Mon)02:17:08 No.10163596
    While you are on IRC i hope you read the list you made and looked at it well
    i hope that everyone and everything you made was worth living for
    and that the ones you liked is worth looking forward to tomorrow
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)02:19:35 No.10163639

    For the guys just tuning in, OP's on IRC.

    #/r9k/ on
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)02:22:36 No.10163695
         File1279520556.jpg-(15 KB, 376x379, crop.jpg)
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    That's me from a year ago
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)02:23:33 No.10163711
    Will do. Sorry if I've brought bad memories back.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:34:53 No.10163873
         File1279521293.jpg-(3 KB, 90x120, guesswho.jpg)
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    I wonder who this is...
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)02:41:44 No.10163980

    Wait -- what?

    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:51:23 No.10164124
    Glad you changed your mind OP, as long as you live, you can still make a difference. Do something radical and refreshing, leave the computer for a while, interact with the world and make the best of it, I wish you good luck and a brighter future, greetings from Sweden.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)02:51:51 No.10164128
    He didn't change his mind...
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)02:55:51 No.10164190
    That's not me
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)03:03:31 No.10164303
    Are you sure?
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)03:08:26 No.10164366

    Hair curliness doesn't match.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)03:11:55 No.10164403
    I'm sure. I've never been that fit in my life.
    >> alex !XkQ2XQZoHw 07/19/10(Mon)03:16:37 No.10164460
    you dont look fat, or unnatractive. dont do it dude.
    >> DrCool60000 !!2FBUnr8XwMg 07/19/10(Mon)03:25:02 No.10164595
    As I've sunk into depression I've put on a bit over the last year.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)03:25:37 No.10164603
    I've been here for several hours now and it's becoming very clear that despite everyone's pleas, OP is not going to seek help. I'll check back in the morning for updates. By that time you should be in quite a bit of pain. You'll regret your choice for the rest of your life OP, all 20-30 hours of it.
    >> alex !XkQ2XQZoHw 07/19/10(Mon)03:27:25 No.10164625
    just think. your little sister? you still got time. you can change your shit. make drastic life changes, find what makes you happy. come on. dont do this.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)03:32:11 No.10164696
    Everyone: Please don't do it etc etc
    OP: *Ignoring everything*

    Hope it's agonizing because /r9k/ is hardly like this for anyone
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)03:39:05 No.10164800
    this is the most activity irc:// has had
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)03:43:48 No.10164874
    maybe we should set up a schedule; once a week one of us pretends to commit suicide and draw in people to the chat
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:02:09 No.10165109

    OP most likely goes to St. Greg's in Orange, NSW, and is in his last term.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:07:53 No.10165186
    I don't believe OP is in Orange

    None of the IP searches show anything near that. Though they are precise elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:08:35 No.10165200

    Lives on Frost Street, in Orange. Walking distance from Orange High School.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:12:23 No.10165251

    How do you know that?

    If he said that, he could be lying.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)04:12:33 No.10165255
    Shameless bump to keep this thread alive.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)04:13:18 No.10165262

    Believe me, this is after a lot of IRC chatting. The info's good.

    We're almost there, guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:13:57 No.10165272

    Then phone the police.

    A street name and an IP address is more than enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:21:18 No.10165388
    Haha fucking white knight faggots just let him die, otherwise, hes just being an attention whore.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:30:01 No.10165517
    woot post pic of yourself drink more anit=freeze plz. An hero FTW
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:33:29 No.10165562
    What's the ISP?

    Maybe I can call them
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)04:35:43 No.10165589

    No, fuck that -- too long.

    Here's what we have so far:

    First name's Shane. He's 18, 5'10", 90 kg. Lives somewhere on Frost Street in Orange, NSW (within walking distance of Orange HS), Australia, and is in his final term at St. Gregory's, a boarding school in Campbelltown, NSW, Australia.

    The police's number is here: >>10161515
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:41:02 No.10165646
    I called the police,
    they directed me to the cyber police for a better tracking of his IP, they are back tracing now.
    OP your consequences will never be the same...
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:41:16 No.10165652

    The IP address has been found:

    Call the police and relay the information. Tell them they can call the ISP and ask for the account information.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:42:11 No.10165668

    Seems my IRC chat was terminated.

    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)04:45:37 No.10165713
    looks like he hasn't responded for a while now on IRC
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)04:57:56 No.10165860
    bumping. Suicide in progress, please call the PD or Poison Control if you can.

    Dox and IP below:


    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:03:18 No.10165922
    looks like shane is dead
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)05:05:53 No.10165956

    Not necessarily dead. Unresponsive on IRC for 30+minutes, though.
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)05:09:28 No.10165990
    shameless bump

    Does the word, "suicide in progress" not provoke an emotional response?
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:11:54 No.10166018
    In fact, it's very unlikely that he's dead.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:18:01 No.10166088
    you got this all wrong bros, ill make you a list of steps:

    1. person says he is going to commit suicide
    2. ask for live stream of the suicide
    3. try to find out who the guy was
    4. wait two hours
    5. call the police

    that way, its a win/win situation for us and a lose/lose for the op
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:25:42 No.10166169
    bumpan for IRL suicide

    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:42:11 No.10166349
    According to info, he's been obtained by the police.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:42:15 No.10166350
    show's over folks the police got shane
    >> Max Stirner !!lYsxnBKswTw 07/19/10(Mon)05:43:45 No.10166366
    Archive this thread, now, guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:46:09 No.10166398
    alright guys, got a hold of the Orange, NSW police. they found him and he's in medical care.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:49:26 No.10166444
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:50:26 No.10166458
    where are you getting this info?
    I'm suspicious
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)05:53:46 No.10166507
    On IRC, we finally got a call going through that confirmed that he's in custody.
    >> Geek-Chan 07/19/10(Mon)05:54:49 No.10166521
    Just phoned, he's in the local hospital being cared for. All seems well.
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)06:34:49 No.10166890
    You're awesome, robots. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)06:35:58 No.10166899
    And on that day, /r9k/'s heart melted and grew 3 times its size! I feel all warm and fuzzy now
    >> Anonymous 07/19/10(Mon)06:56:38 No.10167073
    After reading this last night I'm glad (and hoping it isnt trolling) that the OP got some help. For once 4chan isn't full of hate.

    I actually have some hope for/faith in humanity now.

    Absolutely amazing.

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