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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week
    update: first upgrade complete. next ones come ~tues/wed next week.

    File : 1279417066.jpg-(142 KB, 630x447, Untitled.jpg)
    142 KB Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:37:46 No.10138178  
    What is wrong with today's youth?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:38:56 No.10138191
    They stink! They stink, and I don't like 'em!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:40:19 No.10138214
    adapting to the changing times.
    >> The Steel Lord on Wheels 07/17/10(Sat)21:41:05 No.10138224
    lots of things
    for tarters, they're kids and kids are dumb by default.

    now we have dumb kids with technology
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:41:44 No.10138233
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    They don't love Israel.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:42:09 No.10138237
    they revolve around the approval on their peers
    emulate what's "cool", or whatever is on TV or Youtube

    They're dumb as shit

    weren't we all thought of as "wrong" when we were youths by older generations?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:42:37 No.10138245
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    Posting 20+ images on /r9k/, can I do it?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:43:31 No.10138253
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    EGYPT [spoiler]has no rivals
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:44:30 No.10138262
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    Egypt got turned flipped upside down
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:44:56 No.10138269

    inb4 Moses comes in and rapes Egypt of its resources
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:45:06 No.10138272
    What is wrong with today's adults?

    Children learn more and more through the internet (yes, even if they spend their time dicking around 4chan, they're still learning) while adults are too lazy or stupid to learn how to do anything with their computer but check their email.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:45:36 No.10138279
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    Egypt is still Israel's enemy! After over 2000 years (of no Israel)!
    >> CanadianChick 07/17/10(Sat)21:45:58 No.10138283
    We haven't had a serious war. That's the problem. Without war, poverty and hardship, society collapses.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:46:45 No.10138287
    In my opinion, there are not enough fathers in the world.
    Y'know tge classic pipe-smoking wise father from Leave it to Beaver? Sounds cheesy, right? Well y'know what, IT WORKED. Those kids grew up to be good people who respect people, instead of rebelious idiots.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:46:50 No.10138290
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    Jwes outlasted their Roman conquerers! I guess this means that the Basques are god's chosen people as well?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:49:50 No.10138329
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    holy shit, /r9k/'s mutes got serious while I was away
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:49:52 No.10138331
    That's kind of silly. Many of those empires lasted for centuries.

    If God was going to smite them, he sure took his sweet time doing it.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:50:47 No.10138339
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    Please don't be previously posted...
    >> chillin in the mud like a !HIPPOsxdKk 07/17/10(Sat)21:50:55 No.10138342
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    leave it to a jew to post such low resolution images. trying to save money on bandwith are you? ha ha ha ha ha
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:51:03 No.10138343
    Why did God let the Jews be enslaved in the first place?

    Why did he wait 400 years?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:52:01 No.10138356
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    Desert countries have horrible crops because they hate Jews
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:54:01 No.10138380
    Remember when this thread was about kids today?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:54:05 No.10138382
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    Britain was God's messenger, uplifting places like India and Uganda to perfectly functioning 1st world nations.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:54:37 No.10138384
    >kids are dumb
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:54:56 No.10138388
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    Kids today need to love the Jews
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:56:03 No.10138403
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    I don't know, Mr. Jack Chick, what did happen?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:57:36 No.10138421
    Questionable comic... didn't Britain give Palestine up to the jews... You know how they ruled the whole shebang n everything
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)21:59:23 No.10138442
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    Jews won ww2
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:02:41 No.10138485

    That's silly. The Royal Navy only fought one major engagement during the first world war, and there was never an effective countermeasure to German submarines beyond contracting merchant navy vessels as escorts.

    >running out of gunpowder
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:04:04 No.10138504

    >trying to save money on bandwith are you

    The absurdity of this statement made me lol quite hard.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:04:47 No.10138514
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    The trouble didn't even start until now, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:04:56 No.10138521
    >Hitler was serving the Catholics/Vatican
    Weren't the Catholics also persecuted along with the Jews?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:05:47 No.10138538
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    Britain is in deep trouble!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:06:48 No.10138556
    Nope. They pretty much turned a blind eye to the whole thing for a shabang of nazi gold.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:07:21 No.10138564
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    Russia is in the Bible, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:07:42 No.10138568
    OP, people need to feel a sense of validation and justification for the poor quality lives they are living. Not like our parents did much better, however people my age and younger (25 here) were indoctrinated into a concept of entitlement, that we automatically deserve nice things. Also general proliferation of materialistic, shallow society and debasement of the individual through social stigmas. Furthermore, the sense of entitlement comes from being taught that "everyone is special" and that individual differences and genetic "advantages" (like being better at running than others, being smarter) are a bad thing AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR NOT BEING A PART OF THE MASS. I do not look forward to the next 30+ years of my life.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:09:00 No.10138584
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    America is what it is because we love Jews
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:11:03 No.10138617
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    Something tells me that if anything like what's "phopesized" ever starts happening, it'll make such a big stink that the "propecy" will be interrupted and passed over like a modern-day /b/ get
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:11:05 No.10138618
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    "The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for
    authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer
    rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
    chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their
    legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."
    "The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have
    no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all
    restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes
    for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are
    forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress."
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:11:47 No.10138630
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:13:08 No.10138651
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    Why can't you just say it?! The suspense is killing me!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:14:55 No.10138683
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    Augh, I can't even think of who it's going to be!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:15:44 No.10138690
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    [spoiler]It's Jesus
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:16:25 No.10138696
    You should check out the Torah. He is one strange god. I have to admit, some parts are utterly boring, others just make you go "wat". I should finish reading it some day but who cares.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/10(Sat)22:16:28 No.10138698
    I think it's one of those things that's happened throughout history.

    Which is proven by said point.

    We always think that things are worse than we are, we all really don't want to adjust to a changing time.

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