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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week

    File : 1279242677.png-(34 KB, 1901x327, r9k.png)
    34 KB Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:11:17 No.10101727  
    man /r9k/, /lit/ HATES you guys
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:13:33 No.10101758
    /lit/s full of newfags who don't understand what makes 4chan great.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/15/10(Thu)21:15:43 No.10101798
    I can't argue with that. This really is one of the worst boards on 4chan.
    The only reason I go on this depressing shitstain of a board is because I'm not limited to one subject and because I hate /b/ with a passion.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:16:33 No.10101809
    i can confirm muslim fembot was not trolling
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:18:05 No.10101834
    /lit/ is meh. /r9k/ has some excitement occasionally. So many very insecure people in one place... it makes for entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:19:12 No.10101855
    As one of those trolls he speaks of, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:20:10 No.10101867
    Many insecure losers here I can relate to... I enjoy it for that though...
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:20:43 No.10101875
    Why would newfags go to /lit/? They're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:22:21 No.10101911
    I love how they're making comments like /lit/ itself doesn't suck complete and total balls. For every good thread there's like 10 bad ones, when there aren't that many new threads to begin with. Also, everyone is so pretentious it makes me rage. You're on fucking 4chan, litfags, get some fucking perspective. I read books a lot too and shit, and worked at a library and I hate /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:22:54 No.10101923
    /r9k/ has the lowest self steem of all boards, lol.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:22:58 No.10101925
         File1279243378.png-(210 KB, 1306x679, lol lit.png)
    210 KB
    /lit/ - amazing content

    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:23:22 No.10101934
    Thanks for starting this thread you fucking cunt, now at least two or three a/r9k/anine are headed to /lit/ to further shit it up.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:24:20 No.10101952
    so they're going over there to maintain the status quo, then?
    >> Roland of Gilead !!ljskqCDbtBq 07/15/10(Thu)21:25:53 No.10101973
    I made a thread. It's bad though. It was fucking great the first three days, then shit everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:26:04 No.10101976
    They know realize that /r9k/ came before /adv/, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:27:46 No.10102005
    You see, the true biting irony, and the real crux of the issue, is that people on /lit/, indeed, type like this, and not just ironically, but verisimilitudinously.
    Buncha pricks.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:27:54 No.10102007
    What fucking hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:28:34 No.10102022
    wutz yr point mang?
    /b/ came before /r9k/
    does that make /b/ a good board?
    it is probably actually a little better than /r9k/ actually now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:28:56 No.10102028
    lmao, I'm giggling 'cause it's true.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:29:53 No.10102044
    Those people want war.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:30:28 No.10102051
    /lit/ is for fucking pseuds and hipsters.

    If their image corresponds to reality, then they are the worst board, worse than /b/, because they are well read enough and smart enough to know better and YET THEY ARE STILL TERRIBLE. It's the difference between a bear mauling a kid and Ed Gein.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:31:09 No.10102063
    Who doesn't hate r9k?
    I only come here because i cannot take my eyes off this total trainwreck of butthurt and ineptitude.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:32:38 No.10102085
    Jesus Christ, /Iit/ is MAD.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:32:46 No.10102088

    Same goes for /sci/. They should be intelligent, but they're so easily trolled by Christians and philosophy-fags.

    Also, most of them don't even have B.S. degrees, so the discussion is all pop-sci Discovery Channel crap.

    Also, aspies claiming that Mathematics is the purest human pursuit.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:33:05 No.10102094
    Everyone hates /r9k/ because of hivemind complex, or so it would seem. I unabashedly admit, as much as anon can, that I love /r9k/ and it is my favorite board.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:33:31 No.10102103
    I think somebody should cross post this thread in order to stir up shit and then we can spam each other with macros except we will win because we won't have to change pixels to post and it will be ever so much fun.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:33:50 No.10102109
    That guy is correct, but it's not as if /lit/ is much better, 95% of /lit/ have only read Catcher in the rye, 1984, fight club and other pseudo-intellectual classics, also Twilight to pretend they hate it and have rage threads but secretly they loved it. Basically just a place for hipsters to go and discuss books they haven't read.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:33:57 No.10102114
    No, they're just calling it a watered-down version of the board that it spawned.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:35:00 No.10102126
    To everyone hating on /lit/: it's not just them that hate you, but MOST OF THE FUCKING BOARDS ON 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:36:31 No.10102144
    That's a fucking stupid idea and someone already did.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:36:36 No.10102145

    Most boards on 4chan hate most boards on 4chan.

    There are just some that stand out amongst the shit, as the truly shittest of shit.

    I believe /fa/ may be the most universally ridiculed board. And rightly so.
    >> Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish !!cc2poYO1BYE 07/15/10(Thu)21:36:53 No.10102150
    /r9k/ is the reddit of 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:37:23 No.10102155
    That's cute, as it was the begging on this board that created /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:37:46 No.10102161
    nobody only looks at / posts on one board unless they're a massive faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:37:51 No.10102162
    That poster may be right.

    but I bet they were called ugly when they tried to be a camwhore.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:38:02 No.10102165
    It would be more like: /b/, /fa/, and then /mu/.
    >> Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish !!cc2poYO1BYE 07/15/10(Thu)21:38:42 No.10102175
    >your head
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:39:35 No.10102188
    My head is flat. That tends to happen.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:39:42 No.10102189
    You don't know what you're talking about. /lit/ for the most part hates CITR and Palahniuk. I'd argue that this is in fact what makes them terrible.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:39:49 No.10102191
    /lit/ is full of elitists. fucking pretentious cunts.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:41:12 No.10102206
    Which is stupid because people that post on the other boards also post on /b/ and /r9k/. We're were the other boards come to vent.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:41:58 No.10102216
    Pretentious and elitist cunts that have no qualms about discussing Harry Potter and Twilight. Right.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:42:13 No.10102219
    l have to admit, this was quite funny to read.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:42:44 No.10102231
    Face it robots, your board is a steaming gush of hot bukkake vomit.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:43:02 No.10102235
    They hate Harry Potter with a burning passion.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:43:39 No.10102249
    Oh, c'mon, anyone remember the Dinosaur guy who wanted to work at Pixar?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:43:42 No.10102250
    i dont hate r9k, it's my favourite board. and im not even a virgin basement-dwelling unemployed friendless neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:44:31 No.10102264

    >implying i wouldn't fap to that
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:45:54 No.10102285
    No. Am I supposed to remember this?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:46:33 No.10102294
    I love that man.
    /r9k/ has had some pretty darn funny moments in its time.
    I don't know if /lit/ has a sense of humour, because they are too busy trying to look interleckchool.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:46:59 No.10102301

    Did that thread get archived?
    >> Quentin Tarantino's Foot Fetish !!cc2poYO1BYE 07/15/10(Thu)21:47:30 No.10102309
    >a steaming gush of hot bukkake vomit
    my favorite porn!
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:47:54 No.10102313
    It's true though.

    Surprised, faggots?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:49:20 No.10102348
    maybe go check
    i bet the /r9k/ archive is better than the /lit/ archive
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:50:04 No.10102359

    Yes.Best thread I've seen on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:52:19 No.10102393
    >gangbang of whining.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:56:30 No.10102474
    Lit can suck a fucking dick.

    Derp escapism herp.
    >> The Pyro !!zHtBMkDl3D9 07/15/10(Thu)21:57:00 No.10102491
    So how does it feel to be the WORST BOARD ON 4CHAN?

    This board has to be. Without a doubt. Even worse than /b/.

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