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  • File : 1279055516.jpg-(235 KB, 1920x1080, 1277718236867.jpg)
    235 KB Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:11:56 No.10059162  
    Why do people like the suburbs so much? I can't understand it.

    It feels like a place that pretends like it's there for you, that it's safe, that it's all of the good of society with none of the bad. It feels unreal and inhuman. like how an anime show can be good or bad on its own merits, those cheap faux-anime cartoons are just automatically bad. It's Shit, but because it's Fake Good...

    Can someone tell me why people love to live in the suburbs so much, or at all for that matter? They feel like cold, alien places to me that don't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:19:54 No.10059317
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    Bumping with more Mirror's Edge stuff.

    The city in that game makes me feel the same way I do about suburbia for some reason. It's pretty and it seems to work at a glance but... Just looking at advertisements and artwork shows that something is terribly wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:23:17 No.10059362
    Because poor people, those of color, and the other scum cannot afford to live there.

    It is safer, it is cleaner, and there is much less crime.

    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:26:39 No.10059433
    rich kid is rich, try living with $ 300 a month and live in the city...
    >> !kP4khNMo0M!!oRLMCBvsirF 07/13/10(Tue)17:28:06 No.10059468
    It's cheaper and safer. You trade the "city feel" for an improvement in almost every other way.

    That being said, I'd probably live in the city if I could afford it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:29:07 No.10059491
    Nobody likes the suburbs, they just go there because they're scared of brown people.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:31:49 No.10059544
    I think this is mostly an American phenomenon. In Europe people who are well off like to live in the city, driving prices up so poor people have to live on the outskirts.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:32:21 No.10059553
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    But at what cost? You have to travel into the city to do anything, so why not just live in the city?

    Where I live, the city is substantially cheaper to live in. than, you know, the outlying suburbs full of $250k+ homes
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:32:45 No.10059559
    Trufax:Asians have the highest average income in America, of those asians South Asians have the highest.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:33:25 No.10059575

    Owning a home is important to a lot of people
    A nice place for kids
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)17:33:48 No.10059579
    OP, a lot of people who grow up in cities get the fuck out when they want to have a family.

    Most of the people I know have lived in NY at some point, I probably will too considering it's only an hour away.
    They all say the same thing, it gets draining after awhile. All the tiny inconveniences begin to wear you down and eventually you just say "fuck it" the moment you hit thirty. It's fun for awhile, great even. But eventually it loses it's charm and you just want peace.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:34:42 No.10059594
    Because the city is expensive, noisy, crime-stricken, and annoyingly filled with traffic.

    If I had to drive into the city to go to work, I'd live in the city--I'd never get in to work if I didn't. But I don't have to, so I'd rather live in a somewhat cheaper area with a yard and live a less shit-tastic experience, and go into the city whenever I feel like.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:35:09 No.10059605
    The reason people spends thousands of dollars they don't have to live in the suburbs is because it's out of the price range of niggers.

    Of course no one will ever admit, but this is one of the fundamental reasons to live in a suburb.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:36:30 No.10059628
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    >All the tiny inconveniences
    ... Like?

    But you'd think the suburbs would be worse for children since you're totally bound to the house since everything's too far away or there's a highway between you and your destination. Wouldn't it be better to live in the city where you can be a little more independent as a child?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:38:17 No.10059658
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    But what about rich black people
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:38:57 No.10059665
    Why would I want to live in a cramped area like a sardine?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:39:38 No.10059674
    1. No niggers
    2. Don't have a ton of hipsters walking around
    3. Don't have to deal with shitty public transportation
    4. Usually it's cheaper
    5. Owning a house is better than renting an apartment if you don't live alone
    6. You can own a yard
    7. You can go trick-or-treating
    8. Schools are way better
    9. Stores and shit are likely way closer
    10. It's quieter

    That being said, I wouldn't hate living in a city it's just more chill to live in a suburb.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:39:51 No.10059677
    suburbs are meh, small towns are where its at
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:39:52 No.10059678
    You probably don't really know what suburbs means
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:40:31 No.10059688
    Blacks are either completely destitute, or filthy rich due to sports and selling their nigger rap. There is virtually no black middle class.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:41:58 No.10059713
    There's no niggers, spics, and towelies.

    That's reason enough.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:42:35 No.10059728
    White flight to the suburbs is worse in America than anywhere else, but it happens in other countries.

    I live in Vancouver, and I personally can't stand the suburbs. They are exactly how OP describes. Designed specifically to alienate people from each other.

    A great video on this from TED, really worth watching:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:42:43 No.10059731

    Last thing most parents want.

    Besides, all the good schools are out in the suburbs (in America), which is priority number 1 for parents: getting in a district that gets their kids in a decent school.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:42:57 No.10059736
    They're close enough to the city to catch a bus or w/e, and it's cheaper than the city.

    Also more room for excercise.
    >implying you don't do excercise.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)17:43:10 No.10059738
    >A little more independent as a child
    Like the freedom to get kidnapped? If you're five where the fuck are you going to go? Every place cities have for kids the suburbs have.

    Noise, crime, traffic, overcrowding, ect.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:43:57 No.10059752
    Niggers =/= All black people

    Black people can be fine.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:44:12 No.10059756
    Wrong. You obviously haven't been to San Francisco. In college I had to do a research project on this topic. Read any academic journal.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:44:51 No.10059763
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    >1. No niggers
    Well that's just racism so who cares
    >2. Don't have a ton of hipsters walking around
    >3. Don't have to deal with shitty public transportation
    Public Transit is better within the city in my experience
    >4. Usually it's cheaper
    >5. Owning a house is better than renting an apartment if you don't live alone
    Elaborate Plz
    >6. You can own a yard
    You can do that in the city too
    >7. You can go trick-or-treating
    You can do that in the city too
    >8. Schools are way better
    >9. Stores and shit are likely way closer
    Cities by definition are denser, and will have stores and the like closer to homes. Suburbs also don't use mixed-use zoning wheras Cities do, so Lie
    >10. It's quieter
    Valid point... I guess?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:45:51 No.10059779
    It feels like a place that pretends like it's there for you, that it's safe, that it's all of the good of society with none of the bad. It feels unreal and inhuman. like how an anime show can be good or bad on its own merits, those cheap faux-anime cartoons are just automatically bad. It's Shit, but because it's Fake Good...
    You really didn't say anything fucking coherent at all. Suberbs are filled with people who generally make enough money for there not to be a bunch of criminals and retards everywhere, are near big cities so they aren't in the middle of no where, and are composed of generally decent houses.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:46:35 No.10059793

    Wait what are you talking about man :|

    I'm talking about in aggregate not small isolated cases.

    This is shit taken out straight from the census.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:47:20 No.10059815

    academic journal on what?

    What are you trying to say?

    That asians are poor scum and the only people who have money in america are white people?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:47:41 No.10059819
    >But you'd think the suburbs would be worse for children since you're totally bound to the house since everything's too far away or there's a highway between you and your destination. Wouldn't it be better to live in the city where you can be a little more independent as a child?
    Have you ever even been to a fucking suburban community?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:48:18 No.10059826
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    keeping your children on a proverbial leash just seems unhealthy to me

    yeah, but they're not closer to the city than the city itself. and you can ride a bike or go jogging or w/e if you want in the city just the same as you can in a suburb

    I grew up in the city and never got picked up by strangers and shit., nor were anyone I knew. Maybe you should teach your kids how to identify predators? (who can live in the suburbs all the same, anyway)
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:49:07 No.10059838
    I live in the Suburbs. Shit is pretty cash. I have good friendly neighbors and a ton of stores/restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:49:10 No.10059841
    In NYC a shitty apartment is unbelievably expensive. And it keeps getting more so, what with all the hispters moving there.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:51:03 No.10059870
    I was born and raised in one of the shittiest cities in this country, I love Rural places. Suburbs just are wannabe-parts of cities, but without the urban decay or niggers, and we all know the only good part about a city is crackheads.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:51:19 No.10059876

    It seems strange to live somewhere where there's no stores and every other street is a cul-de-sac
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:51:25 No.10059879

    Canadian here.

    When I visited California and Arizona people told me not to go to LA. That I would get shot if I went the wrong way.

    When I visited Dallas I was laid over on a flight for a while, so I told people I wanted to just find a bar or something and chill until it was time to go. I was told that if I left the airport and went too far I would die.

    I incredulously and awkwardly laughed at what I thought were weird jokes, but no, they were serious.

    I don't know what happened in your cities, but it ain't good, my friends. If you grow up with this idea in your head that other people in your city will kill you I think it distorts your perception.

    No wonder people flee to the suburbs. Probably don't want to do that in Detroit though:
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:51:40 No.10059885
    Suburbia sucks if you're under 30. Everyone stays bound to the borders of their yards. Nowhere to go to meet girls.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:51:54 No.10059893
    I'd love to buy a house in Vancouver, but the average price is one million. Fuck man.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:53:45 No.10059919

    Yeah, you can't live in a house here. You pretty much have to rent, which I'm fine with. There just isn't room here for everyone to have a house. A lot of people think they have to own property, but I don't see why.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:53:52 No.10059921
    Rent a small apartment then, faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:54:20 No.10059931
    Why do people hate the suburbs so much? I can't understand it.

    It feels like they are trying to be edgy and non conformist, making them different, but they know deep down they are jsut like everyone else. Its so unreal and inhuman. Like how an anime show can be good or bad on its own merits, those cheap faux-anime cartoons are just automatically bad. It's Shit, but because it's Fake Good...

    Can someone tell me why people love to hate the suburbs so much, or at all for that matter? They feel like stupid, ignorant teenagers to me that don't make any sense.

    Did I do good anons?
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)17:54:34 No.10059934
    >I was never picked on by strangers and shit

    Maybe not you, but plenty of others. More people=Higher chance of getting your ass raped

    I'm going to repeat this, anything a child could possibly want to do is in the suburbs. These place are created with families in mind. I sure as hell wasn't bored..
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:54:56 No.10059942
    >>keeping your children on a proverbial leash just seems unhealthy to me

    Oh boy. Trust me you gotta keep your children out of stupid shit. There are so many corrupting forces out there it's ridiculous.

    I'm asian and parents are hardcore on keeping there kids out of drugs, crazy partying and sex. You could say it works well as these people I've grown up with are all happy, married to not-whores, all have excellent jobs, etc.

    Regardless, this shit is irrelevant in the suburbs vs city argument. Your child can just as easily get involved in drugs and a bunch of other stupid shit in a suburb as they can in a city. It's all up to the parents
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:55:31 No.10059946
    >Have you ever even been to a fucking suburban community?

    i grew up in one. i find the greentext of your post to be true.
    have you ever lived in a fucking suburban community?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:55:43 No.10059949
    My wife is pregnant, we both grew up in Vancouver. I think we're settling for Surrey.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:56:08 No.10059954
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    I hate them because they make no sense as human settlements

    Watch the video ITP (In This Post)
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)17:56:39 No.10059963
    You have obviously never been to where I live then..
    >> !kP4khNMo0M!!oRLMCBvsirF 07/13/10(Tue)17:56:50 No.10059966
    I would hardly call that a good video. He's a little too rant-y, and uses a lot of vague, meaningless terms without really defining what it is exactly that's so terrible about city life. All he keeps saying is that the spaces suck. I can't disagree with that, but he doesn't really send a message to people who aren't already pissed off.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:57:09 No.10059976

    >Regardless, this shit is irrelevant in the suburbs vs city argument. Your child can just as easily get involved in drugs and a bunch of other stupid shit in a suburb as they can in a city. It's all up to the parents
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:57:22 No.10059979
    Learn about american history and you'll understand why they are/were nesessary.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:57:44 No.10059983
    it's probably a Town and not a Suburb, then
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:58:36 No.10059996

    >I'm asian and parents are hardcore on keeping there kids out of drugs, crazy partying and sex.

    From my observation, Asian parents are unbelievably strict. My landlord's daughter goes to the richest school in my city, which has a 95% Asian student body. None of them can really do anything. They just work and do club activities at school. They seem to have no sense of adventure or exploration.

    Now, I'm assuming that they'll all grow up to be rich, but I think I'd rather have imagination than money. It's a pretty big cultural difference in terms of how parents treat their kids.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:58:44 No.10060000
    Because of the trauma that was the city during and shortly after the Industrial Revolution as well as requiring middle-class homes for returning soldiers after WWII?

    Both things being facts that are totally moot now in the context of urban design and city planning?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)17:58:50 No.10060002

    The problem I have with the suburbs is that alot of people move to them because they're planning on having a family, and suburbs are 'safer' and might have better schools, but beyond that they don't take anything else into account. What happens is you have your family of 3.5 kids in an environment that requires you to have a vehicle to do anything. The children are surrounded by a sea of houses and nothing else. So their choices are limited which are
    1) Bug mom or dad to bring them somewhere
    2) Play video games
    3) Have sex and do drugs.

    None of those choices are constructive. (inb4 sex isn't)
    With bug mom and dad choice, what happens is that you create a rift between parents and their kids to the point where the parents begin to hate their children.
    With the Play video games choice, if done to excess, can lead to lazyness, obesity and isolation.
    With doing drugs, well that would just cause crime to increase which, ironically, is the very thing that parents were hoping to get away from by moving to the suburbs.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)18:01:07 No.10060028
    >Implying there is a difference.

    I live on Long Island. It's basically a huge tumor of housing developments growing out of queens.
    And yet, it is absolutely nothing like you describe.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:01:24 No.10060032

    Nice get, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:02:08 No.10060045

    They were never "necessary," people just wanted them because they thought living in the country was romantic, and the car eventually made it possible for everyone to actually do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:02:11 No.10060046
    I don't know about you guys but when the suburbs here are cool. They all have a fucking golf course. Fuck this neighborhood I'm going to the suburbs.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:02:22 No.10060051
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    Last bump before I leave to go to dinner w/ the FAMIRY

    I once heard that suburbs are designed the way they are to prevent loss of life during a bombing run/nuclear strike, since they're so spaced out that a single bomb won't do as much as it would in an equivalent town in Europe or whatever, and that they'd be hard to occupy because of the bizarre street layouts making them hard to traverse with tanks and trucks and the like. Is this true?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:03:10 No.10060069
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    >my face when I get a Get for new urbanism
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:03:15 No.10060071
    Why the fuck do people act like suburbs are these closed off bubbles where you have to make an hour's journey in any direction get somewhere? Fuck I'm five to ten minutes from a grocery store, the mall, two or three shopping centers, a hospital, a movie theatre. I mean what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:04:03 No.10060096

    Sounds Iike Cold War-era paranoia.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:04:27 No.10060103

    OK, tell me. What is there to do in the city if you are underage and have no money? Answer, stay at home, bug your parents for money to get food or some video game shit, wander around aimlessly.
    Same shit kids in the suburbs do but with more people.

    The reality is pretty fucking different then edward scissorhands.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:05:09 No.10060116
    I'm like, 0 minutes away from everything.

    Grocery and Pharmacy are within a block each. The Metro is accessable from the bus with an about 15 min ride. There are around 3-4 bars within walking distance, and shitboats more downtown. Mixed-use zoning at work!

    You have to drive for 10+ minutes just to get a bag of milk. wtf man thats nothing to be proud of
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:05:33 No.10060123
    The problem is that everyone wants to live in a peaceful rural setting. We saw this around the turn of the century - a lot of the newly made industrialist millionaires but grew up in a rural environment wanted an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city - so they move 30 or 40 km out and started their own exclusive communities.

    What suburbia is today is a watered down version of the palatial urban paradise the industrialists had and have. A small slice of that pie.

    I live in what you would call a sub-suburban neighbourhood, where there is wildlife and things to do, but with the peace of suburbia. My family is upper middle class, but I typically try to resist the baroque of the millionaire palatial community, and resist the monolith of sprawling ranch suburbs.

    Suburbia seems to sprawl on for hundreds of miles in major city - which is scary. Because once you see the monotony and monolithic patterns - you realise finally - you're slaves.

    But hell, it's an improvement from a hundred years ago wear most people lived in shanties.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:06:06 No.10060138
    >implying the kid in either example doesn't have an allowance or something
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:06:36 No.10060150

    Because they are. I don't know what part of a suburb you live in, but the ones I lived in from ages 2-18 stranded me from anything but a gas station if I didn't have a motor vehicle, and that was a long fucking walk.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)18:06:52 No.10060155
    I'm within 10 minutes(walking distance) of everything I could possibly want and don't need to pay for transportation.

    I'm okay with that time span. I mean, what the fuck else would I be doing with those ten minutes? Nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:08:39 No.10060189
    10/10 super cool trolling bros
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:08:47 No.10060195
    The problem with suburbia is that there is NOTHING TO DO. There is no culture; kids just parasite on to past cultures and try to recycle them. Those of us in a cultured environment live isolated and never really feel like we're given the chance to explore or create. To moss off of other people. You see this with all major cultural movements; the renaissance, the modern art movement, the hippy movement, punks and it's variety of subcultures. We're in a dark age right now.

    It's basically a society of clerks.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:09:15 No.10060203
    Congratulations, I'm not proud of being within a reasonable distance of services and business I need, why the fuck are you? I was just pointing out, suburbs aren't these Stepford communes stranded in the middle of the wilderness like people in this thread seem to think.
    >> Belmont !kf1ki.h5Qo 07/13/10(Tue)18:10:24 No.10060229
    For the exact reasons you listed.

    We're in the same boat OP. I'm a city boy and can't stand burbs/small towns.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:12:08 No.10060260
    Well I grew up in the suburbs and I can't understand why you city faggots make such a big fucking deal of it, it's where you live who gives a flying shit? You notice the only people that bring this shit up are the fuckers who think they're better for living in the middle of the city.
    >> !kP4khNMo0M!!oRLMCBvsirF 07/13/10(Tue)18:12:14 No.10060264
    >The problem with suburbia is that there is NOTHING TO DO.
    Call me crazy, but I don't think there's really all that much to do in the cities, either.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:12:48 No.10060278
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    Oh yeah? Most suburbs are that way and for most of them the only way in and out is by car.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)18:13:24 No.10060292
    >Hipster detected
    What do you want? A fucking art gallery on every block?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:13:41 No.10060299
    They live in suburbs b/c they work in nearby cities, THAT'S WHY SUBURBS EXIST.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:14:20 No.10060312

    Wow, that sounds so exciting. What a great place to live. Malls? Giant movie theatres that sell over-priced shit that will give you diabetes? Sign me up!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:14:23 No.10060313
    Suburbans is way for white people to feel safe from the niggers cuckold their wives.
    >> Smilecat !TJ9qoWuqvA 07/13/10(Tue)18:14:44 No.10060318
    Just an honest question, why the fuck are you people so opposed to driving?

    I mean, god forbid you spend five minutes in a car.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:16:13 No.10060346
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    This is exactly the kind of urban planning disaster we've been talking about. This is why suburbs are depressing.

    My annotations are in red.

    pic is Richmond, BC. A boring and alienating suburb of the lower mainland.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:16:25 No.10060354
    And what the fuck do you have? Art galleries where you can pretend to be deep and understand the tortured soul of some shithead who put a dot of paint on canvas? Coffe houses where you can sit around and circlejerk with other pseudointellectual fuckheads about how rich and cultured your lives are?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:17:01 No.10060361
    It doesn't pretend, it is there for you. The suburbs are clean.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:17:17 No.10060368

    Come to think of it, there's really nothing to do in life.

    Makes me feel less bad about spending my time on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:17:17 No.10060369

    Oh, and how could I forget the giant highway that lacerates its way through the "community."
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:17:41 No.10060374
    Well then, may I ask you sir, what the hell is so goddamn exciting about the city? What amazing things are there so close to you that your life is so much more rich and fulfilled than mine simply because of where you fucking live?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:19:03 No.10060398
    ITT: We prove that people will find a way to be elitist about anything and everything
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:19:33 No.10060403
    Maybe not that; just more opportunities for recreation and community besides cell-phone texting and the internet. Skate parks, jungle gyms, swimming pools, universities, street vendors, city beautification programs, public art displays, public transportation, grafitti, etc, etc. all are examples of community recreation and breeding grounds of a community culture
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:19:40 No.10060407

    You are crazy. There's always shit to do in the city: events, festivals, and endless new places to go.


    As an escapee of the suburbs, I feel the moral compulsion to try and rescue as many of my compatriots as possible. I'm like Moses and shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:20:54 No.10060432
    Having spent much of my young life in Minneapolis, moving to the nicest suburb in Minnesota for my teen years, and now living in Minneapolis again for college, I can say that the suburbs are the shit. They may be slightly more boring than the city, but at the end there's nothing more "human" or "authentic" in the endless city blocks than there is in the suburbs, it's all in your head.

    Basically, people who grew up in the city all of their life are kind of full of shit. I love the cities, but there's no big reason to spend your entire life living in cities, the suburbs are much nicer, have better properties, have nicer, cleaner parks and lakes, have better schools, and are cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:21:13 No.10060443

    ITP: Getting defensive once you find out you live in a shithole, and falling back on the good ol' American out of crying elitism.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:22:04 No.10060457
    I do believe your butt is in quite a bit of pain sir
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:23:33 No.10060485
    Also, if I want to do anything in Minneapolis while I'm in the burbs, I just take a 20 min drive there and stay there for however long I want or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:24:37 No.10060510


    Instead of malls there are open streets full of small businesses.
    There are around 8 movie theatres within 15 km of me.
    Cafes where local musicians play music. Serve drinks in the evenings.
    Beachfront parks extending all along the coast.
    Local restaurants. More variety of food than I could ever eat.
    Farmers markets.
    Art galleries.
    Concert halls.
    People actually interacting with each other.

    ie. Reasons to get out fo the house.

    But really the biggest difference is having choice. I lived in suburbs. There's no choice. It's wallmart, safeway, cineplex, target. It's all the same shit. Same architecture, same companies, same shit all the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:25:52 No.10060536
    What's wrong with suburbs? It's safe here, there's not a lot of crime, the houses are nice and It's a great place to raise a family.

    We have a swimming pool and a park, lots of trees and stuff. I'm glad I was able to spend most of my teenage years here.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:26:49 No.10060551
    Sorry you're not as fulfilled as the rest of us because of where you lived
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:27:40 No.10060569

    What if you want to party in the city? What if you want to go to a concert and have a few drinks? What if you meet a girl there? You can't get home other than driving, so do you get a hotel room?

    I just think it sucks to have to drive everywhere, and it's expensive.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:28:23 No.10060581
    I think the suburbs are a great place to raise kids, but once they're 18 they should go to a college town with bars, a nightlife etc...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:28:45 No.10060588
    the reason why suburbs are good to live in, is because you're probably a strange fuck who likes to fuck with other... to drink public in suburbs, play the music louder, look at the jailbait... thats awesome, thats why i live in a suburb
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:29:17 No.10060598
    > I lived in suburbs. There's no choice. It's wallmart, safeway, cineplex, target. It's all the same shit. Same architecture, same companies, same shit all the time.

    Don't blame all of suburbia on the fact that you chose a shitty suburb to live in. Honestly, where the fuck did you live, North Dakota?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:30:16 No.10060612
    Just going to throw this out there. American cities are generally not well planned. They are sprawling and designed for cars. It's hard to get around and there's little public transit.

    If American cities had been built better, people wouldn't want to live in the suburbs so much.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:30:54 No.10060629
    OP is a fucking moron.

    None of us leave the house so it doesn't matter where we live.

    Please kill yourself, your ignorance is astounding.
    >> Belmont !kf1ki.h5Qo 07/13/10(Tue)18:31:25 No.10060636
    Raising kids in the city builds character. If a kid grows up in the 'burbs then they're always interacting with the same type of people, middle-class whites. In the city you grow up meeting rich people, poor people, niggers, spics, chinks, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:31:37 No.10060641
    Seriously though, why is this even a discussion? Who cares? It's where you live, who gives a shit really?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:32:06 No.10060652

    Even a poorly-designed city is better than a suburb in that respect.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:32:34 No.10060659

    No dude, not even close. Richmond, as I posted previously.

    There's technically a lot of stuff there, but it's just shitty and boring nonetheless.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:32:59 No.10060666

    how is interacting with niggers a good thing

    have you ever interacted with niggers before
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:33:37 No.10060679
    >What if you want to party in the city? What if you want to go to a concert and have a few drinks? What if you meet a girl there? You can't get home other than driving, so do you get a hotel room?

    Well I suppose I would either drive drunk, stay at someones house in the city, go with a group of friends in which case someone else drives, go to her place, go out with her some other time, there's a bunch of alternatives. Driving isn't even that big of a hassle, and it's fucking awesome when you want to do something you didn't have planned and can just get in a car and go.

    That said I do like it in the city when you don't have to give a fuck about transportation, but it really is a small price to pay.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:36:03 No.10060722

    I've seen this myself. Kids I've met in the city seem more well-adjusted. They know how to use the resources and services their city offers. They act independently and move around on their own.

    Suburban kids are the ones dealing with the soccer mom schedule and having to be driven everywhere in order to do anything.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:39:40 No.10060791
    Well it's been good chatting with you, robots.

    I'm going to go exploring now.

    See ya later.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:41:48 No.10060820
    >I've seen this myself. Kids I've met in the city seem more well-adjusted

    I strongly disagree, kids from wealthier, close to the city suburbs that I meet are way more normal than "city kids." The sketchiest people I meet are from the city, the people from the suburbs are almost always pretty responsible, and most of all they are generally accepting of most people, not to the point where they will be your best friend, but they wont be huge douche bags. A lot of kids who pride themselves on being from the city act like dicks and try to make it seem like the location of their upbringing makes them ten thousand times more culturally knowledgeable (which it doesn't at all.)

    The city breeds a certain circle jerk "I'm the best" attitude, the suburbs really just build more community.

    Of course all of this can vary a lot state to state I'm sure.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:53:30 No.10061049
    Is dat mai incredibly overpowered and broken waifu?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:54:29 No.10061069
    Fuck your city vs suburbs shit.

    Bitches don't know bout medium sized towns.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:56:20 No.10061105
    Living the city is more lively.

    Living in the suburb is more homely.

    Take your pick.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:57:48 No.10061133
    Isnt there any niggers at all in random suburbia? No middleclass-niggers?

    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:59:16 No.10061168
    Vancouverfag here. Downtown Eastside isn't as bad as people make it out to be. A lot of it is the "unknown" factor of it. If you had actually taken trips there you'll see that, despite the rough edges, it is relatively safe and the people there are pretty chill. Drop by Safe On Meats (Meat shop with a pink piggy sign) for some deliciously awesome cheap burgers while you are in the area.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)18:59:34 No.10061174
    >the suburbs really just build more community

    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:04:10 No.10061250
    I want to live a fair distance from other people if I can.

    Fuck neighbors and footpaths and home associations and manicured lawns and well trimmed bushes etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:06:01 No.10061270
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    Because trees and birds tweeting and the woods, allotment, lake and shit
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:11:04 No.10061343
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    are we all following...?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:15:52 No.10061420
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    Yeah, this right here is creepy to me. Fuckin cubicle residences
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:18:06 No.10061457
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    I hate suburbia with a passion. Its just not the natural way for humans to live, an isolated bubble for a home, car, work, school. Impersonal, shallow and temporary relationships. Businesses plopped down with no regard to the surrounding area or community, with no community stake, sense of worth and defenitely nothing original.

    Its not compatible with the human psyche. The natural human element was in long overrun small towns with the little downtown strip and community centers. It still survives in places like NYC, where you can walk anywhere for whatever you need in your little corner of the city. I could rant for hours about this, trying to sum it all up is pointless.

    Suburbia equals bland, heartless, shallow, cheap, fake, unoriginal, uninspired, ugly, repetitive.

    BUT, as long as it fits the consumer model and people buy shitty suburban homes and shop at shitty suburban box stores and get fat in shitty fast food joints, they will continue to sprawl
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:19:16 No.10061484
    are _American_ suburbs like that? I mean, my one is ... not that
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:21:26 No.10061521
    I love the city. London, UK. It's dirty and expensive, but my job's here, there's beautiful architecture and cityscapes everywhere I look, fantastic shops, theatres, music venues... I like the faster pace of life. Small towns and suburbs are way too boring.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:23:36 No.10061559
    >bland, heartless, shallow, cheap, fake, unoriginal, uninspired, ugly, repetitive.

    Yeah dude my one's nice, leafy, sprawling - and I can be in central london in 20 mins on the train.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:31:56 No.10061717
    Here's an idea faggots:

    Why not live in the suburbs for safety, but live close enough to the city where it's only a 10-15 min drive away so you can enjoy stuff there?

    Oh wait, that's right, you all live in shit cities compared to Austin. Enjoy having to choose between depressing boredom and being raped by a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:35:25 No.10061786
    Because it all I've ever known. The entire concept of living in a city is disgusting to me. Crowded as fuck, everything is more expensive, no fucking trees. Why the hell would you want that?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:40:50 No.10061904
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    anyone take a look at google maps around a city in the US. You see neat, organized blocks, industrial centers, mixed use business/commercial/ see parks, sport complexes so on so forth.

    Now scroll away from the city center or zoom out. Its like a cancerous growth coming out. Sprawling mazes of random streets, thousands of homes in these, with long commercial stretches leading into and out of these subdivisions. Youll see seas of concrete covering the majority of these business parks with the only movement occurring along roads and in these parking lots. You have to drive to get anywhere. To school, to work, to your friends from school or work, to get groceries, to be entertained....all by car. All this sprawl also requires sewage and electrical infrastructure which our tax dollars generally pay. The massive expansion and maintenance costs we pay dearly. Oh and generally a mile of highway costs 10m a year to maintain.

    its unsustainable and unnatural

    also, youll never have something like the picture to the left
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:41:54 No.10061930
    Suburbs > Urban, because you can still go into the city and do shit, without having to constantly be surrounded by people and noise.

    Rural>Suburb though.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:43:58 No.10061965
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    also if white flight had never occured in the 40s-60s all these city neighborhoods which were overrun by scum, all the urban decay, it would have never happened.

    This is perfectly clear by the gentrification and rebirth of large parts of harlem and brooklyn, all because people who gave a shit and werent addicted to crack moved in

    also, youll never see this in your suburb...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:44:23 No.10061976
    Why would I want that? That does not appeal to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)19:44:52 No.10061983


    I wonder what city YOU were looking at? Every major city I've been to either have broken down homes that are smack in the middle of crime infested districts or apartments.

    You have to be a fucking idiot to try and start a family in the city unless you're banking 120-200k (depending on where you live) a year and can afford a nice house in a good neighborhood. Also all elementary, middle and high schools in the city are UTTER. FUCKING. SHIT. Look up the list of the best high schools for example. They're all OUTSIDE the city.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:03:25 No.10062323
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    I've lived freaking everywhere, most of the childhood in suburbia in several states. Since then, germany, NYC, NC, and currently overseas. Fuck you I'm not saying I'm better, I have experience, knowledge gained by that life experience.

    I would bet money the majority of you shitheads are the perfect example of what comes out of suburbia, bland, uninspired, boring, shy, introverted fucks who are comfortable with their video games, internets and cheesburgers but wouldnt know what to do in a world that requires social skills
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:03:36 No.10062326
    I have never lived in a big city.
    I WANT TO LIVE THERE. O GOD. I want to be close to people. it feels like i am living in a cubicle
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:04:50 No.10062347
    >complain about living in "a cubicle"
    >wants to live in a gigantic building full of identically sized small rooms that you live in with over 9000 of your closest friends

    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:07:40 No.10062410
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    I'm talking about New York, I know most of Brooklyn and Manhattan like the back of my hand.

    Cities now are reserved for the top 10% income bracket and the bottom 40 for the most part. BUT, its changing, and shouldnt have gone so far into the red as it has. The middle class left, that isnt the cities fault, its the propagation and bastardization of the american dream. A dream which is all but dead and somewhat of a lie in the first place. Not to mention completely out of touch of what it means to live healthily and happily as a person
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:14:23 No.10062540


    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:15:09 No.10062550
    I would LOVE to dicuss this if you are OP. I have always been fascinated by urban planning and human settlements etc.

    Cities are the future and cheap public transport is KEY. a lot of cities dont have that. I have been to miniapolis and its a fucking mess. They haven't given the least amount of though to it. The twin cities are sprawled out for miles and miles in every way. suburbs mainly. The only way to get around is by car. they have a shitty bus service that doesnt cover much of the two cities and their suburbs (not to mention it takes years to get anywhere n a bus due to the stops).

    I have never been to newyork but i want to. never rode on a metro but i want to. I really really want to experience these things. Is newyork growing or dying.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:17:48 No.10062597
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    I'm not the OP, I came in a little late

    I'll send you an email
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:18:12 No.10062603
    When I think suburbs I think "Desperate housewives" and creepy neighbors who have nothing to do but spread rumors
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:20:41 No.10062642
    email? just IM me on msn.
    What city do you live in by the way and what are your day to day experiences
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:22:44 No.10062679
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    New York is in an odd place.

    Crime is way down, gentrification is rebuilding and repairing large portions of the city that was overrun by crackheads.

    The worst thing about the city is the slow creep of suburbias influence. Times Square is home to shitty chain restaurants like Applebees and Olive Garden, basically a haven for tourists. They sell them what they know. Recently they blocked off the entire block to put lawn chairs and shit.

    Union Square did the same thing, and their building a TGI Fridays.....New Yorkers hate this.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:23:57 No.10062702
    a wall street journal article on this matter for anyone interested
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:25:30 No.10062720
    OP, fuck you. Suburbs have their problems, but a lot of people can't stand fucking cities. They're noisy, full of assholes and people live fucking stacked on top of each other. Fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:25:57 No.10062731
    Are people in cities generally healther or fatter. I would imagine the later because of having to walk to the subway/bus stops instead of driivng everywhere. I could be wrong though. Tell me moar about the effects city life on public health.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:27:46 No.10062761
    >be white, fat, sheltered from the world.
    > grow up in a cookie cutter housing with nothing to do but spread rumors about the neighbors and sleep with everyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:27:47 No.10062762
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    I dont have MSN, I'm in Iraq at the moment but I call NYC home....

    If you havent been, go. Avoid the tourist traps like the plague, just see the city for what it is.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:28:16 No.10062771
    >tries to use words he doesn't understand

    PROTIP: you should have said "former"
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:28:28 No.10062776

    This. Besides, 4chan is full of introverted loners who like the quiet life. It doesn't matter to us whether or not there's a lot to do outside the house.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:29:38 No.10062794
    Military? Where are you stationed and what the hell are you doing on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:30:13 No.10062799

    Yes, yes, yes and yes. Fucking deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:30:19 No.10062801
    Quit pretending you never made a typo.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:30:41 No.10062807
    They are generally more fit due to walking, biking, and taking public transit instead of driving.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:31:34 No.10062824
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    son.. U MAD cause my superior urban planning is stylin on you?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:31:44 No.10062826
    God Mode: Living in a quiet suburb somewhat close to big city.

    You get all the quiet comfort of the suburbs, and when you feel like it you can go into the city pretty quickly.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:33:19 No.10062850
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    People are healthier by far.

    One, do you know how many assholes die in car accidents every year? Some 40,000. Your day to day commute is a hazard to your health.

    So my morning consisted of me waking up, getting fresh air on the roof, overlooking brownstones in carrol gardens. Walking one block over to get the the F and G subway lines while picking one of 4 delis to pick up a quick breakfast (places to sit down too). I'd buy a big ass hoagie fresh cut right there for five bucks with a water. Then I eat that on the 15 minute train ride and viola, I'm in midtown manhattan.

    Meanwhile in suburbia its mcgriddle from a drivethrough and gridlock while you listen to shit generic radio
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:33:47 No.10062856
    In England living in the city costs fucking loads. Most poorer people live in suburbs or on council estates.
    I live in a suburb. It's fucking awful. Surrounded by council estates and my street is the back entrance to a gypsy camp.
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 07/13/10(Tue)20:34:57 No.10062873
    I'd say suburbs are a better place to live. That false feeling you're getting is probably caused by watching too many desperate housewives-esque shows.
    People are MORE friendly and genuine in the suburbs because it's automatically assumed that scum and petty criminals don't reside there (which is generally true).
    I think people dislike the suburbs because either
    A) they didn't grow up in them and the whole atmosphere is very different so they become uncomfortable

    B) They're being angsty faggots who did grow up in them, who call them fake and plastic and want to experience "the gritty, throbbing city" which means getting robbed twice a month "but at least it's REAL". They mistake genuine niceness for plasticity and cold, unpleasant people and a high crime rate for how life is supposed to be.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:35:01 No.10062874
    Not American, so I can't comment on American suburbia. But I live in a tiny hamlet in the middle of goddamn nowhere and I wouldn't trade that quiet solitude for anything. Of course, I'd probably go insane without the Internet. However, everything I need for supplies and occasional house-leaving entertainment is within a 30 minute drive at most.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:35:41 No.10062885

    Yes in Iraq

    Stationed at Bragg

    That is all
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:39:33 No.10062958
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    Lets discuss public transport Vs. Cars. How much is a ticket where you live. How does it work (does it work for coming back as well as going etc). When was the last time the trains were updated and how often is that done.
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 07/13/10(Tue)20:39:54 No.10062971
    Oh and also, I love how people who are trying to dismiss the suburbs and the people in them always use the prefix "mc" to denote conformity.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:45:46 No.10063072
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    its 25 bucks for a metro card, which lasts a month. So yeah, 35 bucks, unlimited train rides, anywhere, all day.

    Fuck 40 dollar a tank fill ups twice a week. Oh and car insurance plus car payment.

    There are trains running from the early 80's and a several newer versions which I always hope to get. The new trains have digital everything which makes it impossible for anyone to get lost and makes it easier to sleep-wake up-check how many more stops-go back to sleep

    Also the older trains have orange and yellow chairs, which I hate.

    Only use taxi's when you gotta get somewhere quick or it is genuinely too far to walk, cabs get expensive.

    The trains are generally clean, only packed during rush hours, and have a minimal number of hoboes and drunks in the later hours.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:48:50 No.10063122
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    you obviously have never been anywhere but the suburbs.....

    you see, the world wasnt built in the last 30 years, your shitty mc-homes probably were, but see me in 40 years and we'll see how shitty your homes look.

    A little wear and tear is no biggie, also fuck off
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:51:07 No.10063149
    Also, there's also that romantic allure of taking public transportation that you don't get with cars on a free way. You can actually converse and see other people while being whisked away to your destination upon a heavenly earthship. It's very enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:54:00 No.10063187
    holy shit 35 bucks a month for unlimited metro. Thats glorious. O_O. fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu i spend more than that on frivolous shit in a week. How much does living there cost. I hear that its VERY expensive to live in newyork and that worries me. I just got out of college and am thinking of moving there to work in the IT industry. What are good places to live (love crime and good culture).
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:54:41 No.10063195
    >15 minute train ride into manhattan
    >F and G lines

    you are full of shit
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:55:00 No.10063200
    McMansion isn't a title of conformity, but, of cheap tract production of large houses.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:55:44 No.10063210
    err, a monthly card is like 90 dollars now...
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:57:55 No.10063238
    >heavenly earthship

    what train have you been taking?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)20:58:58 No.10063248
    >romantic allure yadda yadda


    Yes, we get it. You're an extrovert who thrives on human interaction and the fast-paced, centralised dynamic of cities. That doesn't make you superior to people who don't feel that way, no matter how much you think it does.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:00:38 No.10063271
    >90 dollars.
    Well fuck =/
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:00:58 No.10063274
    romantics are generally more introverted
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:00:58 No.10063275

    PAH! At least you don't live in fucking Langley! 99% of businesses are either restaurants, grocery stores, hair salons or spas. It's actually not possible to buy a brand new book here. Used books from the thrift store and discards from the library are the only places where you can purchase them in the whole town.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:02:47 No.10063301
    The D - M - T train?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:02:50 No.10063303
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    >the world wasnt built in the last 30 years, your shitty mc-homes probably were

    Awww, he mad. Homes in the suburbs of my city are usually not only better made but also much better maintained than homes in the city. Enjoy your rotting wood and high heating bills.

    Or your cramped studio apartment that you pay $1000 a month for, since you sound like the typical snob hipster who claims his location is filled with ten times as much culture as a destination twenty minutes away.

    Pic related, what a bank in my shitty, unoriginal suburb looks like. I guess if I wanted to take a break from the lake I could drive 15 minutes to the city though.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:04:03 No.10063315
    nobody likes the suburbs. most people aren't rich arrogant fags who live in places for the atmosphere, but rather the best they can do in their financial bracket. suburbs host the best quality homes for upper middle class folk.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:04:18 No.10063318
    that doesn't really look like a bank, more like a hotel or something
    >> Mr.Happy !!K9UELI2wchB 07/13/10(Tue)21:04:33 No.10063324
    You're sounding pretty enraged there sir, I hope I haven't offended you. I'm sure your "home" is quite pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:05:04 No.10063332
    HAHAHAHAH. Best train ever. full speed ahead
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:05:26 No.10063341
         File1279069526.jpg-(1.48 MB, 3664x2748, 100_0044.jpg)
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    smith and 9th, last stop in brooklyn fucker
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:06:39 No.10063357
    It has a few private financial offices in it but it's mostly just a bank. Only picture I really had of the city.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:10:04 No.10063413
         File1279069804.jpg-(54 KB, 330x450, towelie.jpg)
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    No towlie?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:13:01 No.10063458
         File1279069981.jpg-(39 KB, 600x399, img_l_4102002.jpg)
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    protip: have friends who share the load for a big/really nice place

    OR, just live in a small place, considering that all your entertainment doesnt center around a TV or computer screen, its awwwight.

    Just dont move into a shitty building, problem solved
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:15:02 No.10063490
    That's what I don't get about people who 'hate' suburbs or whatever, you complain about the houses being canned and stuck next to one another or whatever but you're comfortable living in your little cubicle rooms stuffed in a big building with other little cubicle rooms which is stuffed between other buildings stuffed with little cubicle rooms.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:18:07 No.10063552
    >> Anonymous 07/13/10(Tue)21:18:40 No.10063567
    Overpaying for cramped studio apartments is hip as fuck though.

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